diff --git a/macro/mcbm/geometry/sts/create_stsgeo_v22b.C b/macro/mcbm/geometry/sts/create_stsgeo_v22b.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98d40f562636628c4a4c12d89b3bc565d529d11c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/mcbm/geometry/sts/create_stsgeo_v22b.C
@@ -0,0 +1,2761 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2012-2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: David Emschermann [committer] */
+ ** Creation of STS geometry in ROOT format (TGeo).
+ **
+ ** @file create_stsgeo_v22b.C
+ ** @author David Emschermann <d.emschermann@gsi.de>
+ ** @author Volker Friese <v.friese@gsi.de>
+ ** @since 15 June 2012
+ ** @date 09.05.2014
+ ** @author Tomas Balog <T.Balog@gsi.de>
+ **
+ ** 2022-02-01 - DE - v22b: add position offset for mSTS 07_2021 as surveyed in the cave
+ ** 2022-01-25 - DE - v22a: add a aluminium box around v20e
+ ** 2020-05-16 - DE - v20e: swap ladders in unit 3 - 3x 6x6 on beam side
+ ** 2020-03-21 - DE - v20d: build mSTS for March 2020 - 1 ladder - shift -3 cm in x
+ ** 2020-03-11 - DE - v20c: build mSTS for March 2021 - 5 ladders
+ ** 2020-03-11 - DE - v20b: build mSTS for May   2020 - 2 ladders
+ ** 2020-03-11 - DE - v20a: build mSTS for March 2020 - 1 ladder
+ **
+ ** 2019-12-04 - DE - v19d: build 2nd mSTS v19d station from one 6x6 and one 6x12 cm x cm sensors
+ ** 2019-12-04 - DE - v19c: build 1st mSTS v19c station at nominal position
+ ** 2019-08-12 - DE - v19a: mSTS as built in March 2019 - the mSTS FEBs are in the bottom
+ ** 2019-03-15 - DE - v18n: mSTS as built in March 2019 - downstream ladder of station 0 at position of station 1
+ ** 2018-01-18 - DE - v18g: set overlaps in X and Y according to mSTS CAD model
+ **
+ ** v18f: flip orientation of carbon ladders for primary beam left of mSTS, change z-positions to 30 and 45 cm
+ ** v18e: 2 stations, derived from v15b, 1st 2x2, 2nd of 3x3 sensor array, sensor size 6x6 cm2 with carbon ladder supports
+ ** v18d: 2 stations of 3x3 sensor array, sensor size 6x6 cm2 with carbon ladder supports
+ ** v18c: (causes segfault due to divide) 2 stations of 3x3 sensor array, sensor size 6x6 cm2 with carbon ladder supports
+ ** v18b: 2 stations of 4x4 sensor array, sensor size 6x6 cm2
+ ** v18a: 2 stations of 3x3 sensor array, sensor size 6x6 cm2
+ **
+ ** v15b: introduce modified carbon ladders from v13z
+ ** v15a: with flipped ladder orientation for stations 0,2,4,6 to match CAD design
+ **
+ ** TODO:
+ **
+ ** DONE:
+ ** v15b - use carbon macaroni as ladder support
+ ** v15b - introduce a small gap between lowest sensor and carbon ladder
+ ** v15b - build small cones for the first 2 stations
+ ** v15b - within a station the ladders of adjacent units should not touch eachother - set gkLadderGapZ to 10 mm
+ ** v15b - for all ladders set an even number of ladder elements 
+ ** v15b - z offset of cones to ladders should not be 0.3 by default, but 0.26
+ ** v15b - within a station the ladders should be aligned in z, defined either by the unit or the ladder with most sensors
+ ** v15b - get rid of cone overlap in stations 7 and 8 - done by adapting rHole size
+ **
+ ** The geometry hierarachy is:
+ **
+ ** 1. Sensors  (see function CreateSensors)
+ **    The sensors are the active volumes and the lowest geometry level.
+ **    They are built as TGeoVolumes, shape box, material silicon.
+ **    x size is determined by strip pitch 58 mu and 1024 strips 
+ **    plus guard ring of 1.3 mm at each border -> 6.1992 cm.
+ **    Sensor type 1 is half of that (3.0792 cm).
+ **    y size is determined by strip length (2.2 / 4.2 / 6.3 cm) plus
+ **    guard ring of 1.3 mm at top and bottom -> 2.46 / 4.46 / 6.46 cm.
+ **    z size is a parameter, to be set by gkSensorThickness.
+ **
+ ** 2. Sectors  (see function CreateSectors)
+ **    Sectors consist of several chained sensors. These are arranged
+ **    vertically on top of each other with a gap to be set by
+ **    gkChainGapY. Sectors are constructed as TGeoVolumeAssembly.
+ **    The sectors are auxiliary volumes used for proper placement
+ **    of the sensor(s) in the module. They do not show up in the
+ **    final geometry.
+ **
+ ** 3. Modules (see function ConstructModule)
+ **    A module is a readout unit, consisting of one sensor or
+ **    a chain of sensors (see sector) and a cable.
+ **    The cable extends from the top of the sector vertically to the
+ **    top of the halfladder the module is placed in. The cable and module
+ **    volume thus depend on the vertical position of the sector in 
+ **    the halfladder. The cables consist of silicon with a thickness to be
+ **    set by gkCableThickness.
+ **    Modules are constructed as TGeoVolume, shape box, medium gStsMedium.
+ **    The module construction can be switched off (gkConstructCables)
+ **    to reproduce older geometries.
+ **
+ ** 4. Halfladders (see function ConstructHalfLadder)
+ **    A halfladder is a vertical assembly of several modules. The modules
+ **    are placed vertically such that their sectors overlap by 
+ **    gkSectorOverlapY. They are displaced in z direction to allow for the 
+ **    overlap in y by gkSectorGapZ.
+ **    The horizontal placement of modules in the halfladder can be choosen
+ **    to left aligned or right aligned, which only matters if sensors of
+ **    different x size are involved.
+ **    Halfladders are constructed as TGeoVolumeAssembly.
+ **
+ ** 5. Ladders (see function CreateLadders and ConstructLadder)
+ **    A ladder is a vertical assembly of two halfladders, and is such the
+ **    vertical building block of a station. The second (bottom) half ladder
+ **    is rotated upside down. The vertical arrangement is such that the
+ **    inner sectors of the two halfladders have the overlap gkSectorOverlapY
+ **    (function CreateLadder) or that there is a vertical gap for the beam
+ **    hole (function CreateLadderWithGap).
+ **    Ladders are constructed as TGeoVolumeAssembly.
+ **   
+ ** 6. Stations (see function ConstructStation)
+ **    A station represents one layer of the STS geometry: one measurement
+ **    at (approximately) a given z position. It consist of several ladders
+ **    arranged horizontally to cover the acceptance.
+ **    The ladders are arranged such that there is a horizontal overlap
+ **    between neighbouring ladders (gkLadderOverLapX) and a vertical gap
+ **    to allow for this overlap (gkLadderGapZ). Each second ladder is
+ **    rotated around its y axis to face away from or into the beam.
+ **    Stations are constructed as TGeoVolumes, shape box minus tube (for
+ **    the beam hole), material gStsMedium.
+ **
+ ** 7. STS
+ **    The STS is a volume hosting the entire detectors system. It consists
+ **    of several stations located at different z positions.
+ **    The STS is constructed as TGeoVolume, shape box minus cone (for the
+ **    beam pipe), material gStsMedium. The size of the box is computed to
+ **    enclose all stations.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// Remark: With the proper steering variables, this should exactly reproduce
+// the geometry version v11b of A. Kotynia's described in the ASCII format.
+// The only exception is a minimal difference in the z position of the
+// sectors/sensors. This is because of ladder types 2 and 4 containing the half
+// sensors around the beam hole (stations 1,2 and 3). In v11b, the two ladders
+// covering the beam hole cannot be transformed into each other by rotations,
+// but only by a reflection. This means they are constructionally different.
+// To avoid introducing another two ladder types, the difference in z position
+// was accepted.
+// Differences to v12:
+// gkChainGap reduced from 1 mm to 0
+// gkCableThickness increased from 100 mum to 200 mum (2 cables per module)
+// gkSectorOverlapY reduced from 3 mm to 2.4 mm
+// New sensor types 05 and 06
+// New sector types 07 and 08
+// Re-definiton of ladders (17 types instead of 8)
+// Re-definiton of station from new ladders
+#include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
+#include "TGeoCone.h"
+#include "TGeoManager.h"
+#include "TGeoPara.h"
+#include "TGeoTube.h"
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+// -------------   Installation offset      -----------------------------------
+// position in x and y agrees within 2 mm to CbmRoot geometry (01.02.2022)
+const Double_t gOffX = 0.0;  // Offset from nominal position
+const Double_t gOffY = 0.0;  // Offset from nominal position
+const Double_t gOffZ = 7.0;  // Offset from nominal position
+const Bool_t IncludeBox = true;  // false;  // true, if STS box is plotted
+// -------------   Steering variables       -----------------------------------
+// ---> Horizontal width of sensors [cm]
+const Double_t gkSensorSizeX = 6.2092;
+// ---> Thickness of sensors [cm]
+const Double_t gkSensorThickness = 0.03;
+// ---> Vertical gap between chained sensors [cm]
+const Double_t gkChainGapY = 0.00;
+// ---> Thickness of cables [cm]
+const Double_t gkCableThickness = 0.02;
+// ---> Horizontal overlap of neighbouring ladders [cm]
+const Double_t gkLadderOverlapX = 0.25;  // delta X - Oleg CAD 14/05/2020
+// ---> Vertical overlap of neighbouring sectors in a ladder [cm]
+const Double_t gkSectorOverlapY = 0.46;  // delta Y - Oleg CAD 14/05/2020
+// ---> Gap in z between neighbouring sectors in a ladder [cm]
+const Double_t gkSectorGapZ = 0.17;  // gap + thickness = pitch // delta Z pitch = 0.20 - Oleg CAD 14/05/2020
+// ---> Gap in z between neighbouring ladders [cm]
+const Double_t gkLadderGapZ = 1.00;  // DEJH -> 0.90 / 0.50
+// ---> Gap in z between lowest sector to carbon support structure [cm]
+const Double_t gkSectorGapZFrame = 0.10;
+// ---> Switch to construct / not to construct readout cables
+const Bool_t gkConstructCables = kTRUE;
+// ---> Switch to construct / not to construct frames
+const Bool_t gkConstructCones       = kFALSE;  // kFALSE;  // switch this false for v15a
+const Bool_t gkConstructFrames      = kTRUE;   // kFALSE;  // switch this false for v15a
+const Bool_t gkConstructSmallFrames = kTRUE;   // kFALSE;
+const Bool_t gkCylindricalFrames    = kTRUE;   // kFALSE;
+// ---> Size of the frame
+const Double_t gkFrameThickness     = 0.2;
+const Double_t gkThinFrameThickness = 0.05;
+const Double_t gkFrameStep          = 4.0;  // size of frame cell along y direction
+const Double_t gkCylinderDiaInner =
+  0.07;  // properties of cylindrical carbon supports, see CBM-STS Integration Meeting (10 Jul 2015)
+const Double_t gkCylinderDiaOuter =
+  0.15;  // properties of cylindrical carbon supports, see CBM-STS Integration Meeting (10 Jul 2015)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------   Parameters of beam pipe in the STS region    --------------
+// ---> Needed to compute stations and STS such as to avoid overlaps
+const Double_t gkPipeZ1 = 22.0;
+const Double_t gkPipeR1 = 1.8;
+const Double_t gkPipeZ2 = 50.0;
+const Double_t gkPipeR2 = 1.8;
+const Double_t gkPipeZ3 = 125.0;
+const Double_t gkPipeR3 = 5.5;
+//DE const Double_t gkPipeZ1 =  27.0;
+//DE const Double_t gkPipeR1 =   1.05;
+//DE const Double_t gkPipeZ2 = 160.0;
+//DE const Double_t gkPipeR2 =   3.25;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -------------   Other global variables   -----------------------------------
+// ---> STS medium (for every volume except silicon)
+TGeoMedium* gStsMedium = NULL;  // will be set later
+// ---> TGeoManager (too lazy to write out 'Manager' all the time
+TGeoManager* gGeoMan = NULL;  // will be set later
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Int_t CreateSubplates();
+Int_t CreatePlates();
+Int_t CreateSensors();
+Int_t CreateSectors();
+Int_t CreateLadders();
+void CheckVolume(TGeoVolume* volume);
+void CheckVolume(TGeoVolume* volume, fstream& file);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructFrameElement(const TString& name, TGeoVolume* frameBoxVol, Double_t x);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructSmallCone(Double_t coneDz);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructBigCone(Double_t coneDz);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructHalfLadder(Int_t ladderid, const TString& name, Int_t nSectors, Int_t* sectorTypes, char align);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructLadder(Int_t LadderIndex, TGeoVolume* halfLadderU, TGeoVolume* halfLadderD, Double_t shiftZ);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructLadderWithGap(Int_t LadderIndex, TGeoVolume* halfLadderU, TGeoVolume* halfLadderD, Double_t gapY);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructStation(Int_t iStation, Int_t nLadders, Int_t* ladderTypes, Double_t rHole);
+// ============================================================================
+// ======                         Main function                           =====
+// ============================================================================
+void create_stsgeo_v22b(const char* geoTag = "v22b_mcbm")
+  // -------   Geometry file name (output)   ----------------------------------
+  TString geoFileName = "sts_";
+  geoFileName         = geoFileName + geoTag + ".geo.root";
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -------   Open info file   -----------------------------------------------
+  TString infoFileName = geoFileName;
+  infoFileName.ReplaceAll("root", "info");
+  fstream infoFile;
+  infoFile.open(infoFileName.Data(), fstream::out);
+  infoFile << "STS geometry created with create_stsgeo_v22b.C" << endl << endl;
+  infoFile << "Global variables: " << endl;
+  infoFile << "Sensor thickness = " << gkSensorThickness << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Vertical gap in sensor chain = " << gkChainGapY << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Vertical overlap of sensors = " << gkSectorOverlapY << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Gap in z between neighbour sensors = " << gkSectorGapZ << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Horizontal overlap of sensors = " << gkLadderOverlapX << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Gap in z between neighbour ladders = " << gkLadderGapZ << " cm" << endl;
+  if (gkConstructCables) infoFile << "Cable thickness = " << gkCableThickness << " cm" << endl;
+  else
+    infoFile << "No cables" << endl;
+  infoFile << endl;
+  infoFile << "Beam pipe: R1 = " << gkPipeR1 << " cm at z = " << gkPipeZ1 << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Beam pipe: R2 = " << gkPipeR2 << " cm at z = " << gkPipeZ2 << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Beam pipe: R3 = " << gkPipeR3 << " cm at z = " << gkPipeZ3 << " cm" << endl;
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -------   Load media from media file   -----------------------------------
+  FairGeoLoader* geoLoad    = new FairGeoLoader("TGeo", "FairGeoLoader");
+  FairGeoInterface* geoFace = geoLoad->getGeoInterface();
+  TString geoPath           = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+  TString medFile           = geoPath + "/geometry/media.geo";
+  geoFace->setMediaFile(medFile);
+  geoFace->readMedia();
+  gGeoMan = gGeoManager;
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----------------   Get and create the required media    -----------------
+  FairGeoMedia* geoMedia   = geoFace->getMedia();
+  FairGeoBuilder* geoBuild = geoLoad->getGeoBuilder();
+  // ---> air
+  FairGeoMedium* mAir = geoMedia->getMedium("air");
+  if (!mAir) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium air not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mAir);
+  TGeoMedium* air = gGeoMan->GetMedium("air");
+  if (!air) Fatal("Main", "Medium air not found");
+  // ---> silicon
+  FairGeoMedium* mSilicon = geoMedia->getMedium("silicon");
+  if (!mSilicon) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium silicon not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mSilicon);
+  TGeoMedium* silicon = gGeoMan->GetMedium("silicon");
+  if (!silicon) Fatal("Main", "Medium silicon not found");
+  // ---> carbon
+  FairGeoMedium* mCarbon = geoMedia->getMedium("carbon");
+  if (!mCarbon) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium carbon not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mCarbon);
+  TGeoMedium* carbon = gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon");
+  if (!carbon) Fatal("Main", "Medium carbon not found");
+  // ---> aluminium
+  FairGeoMedium* mAluminium = geoMedia->getMedium("aluminium");
+  if (!mAluminium) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium aluminium not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mAluminium);
+  TGeoMedium* aluminium = gGeoMan->GetMedium("aluminium");
+  if (!aluminium) Fatal("Main", "Medium aluminium not found");
+  // ---> STScable
+  FairGeoMedium* mSTScable = geoMedia->getMedium("STScable");
+  if (!mSTScable) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium STScable not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mSTScable);
+  TGeoMedium* STScable = gGeoMan->GetMedium("STScable");
+  if (!STScable) Fatal("Main", "Medium STScable not found");
+  // ---
+  gStsMedium = air;
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // --------------   Create geometry and top volume  -------------------------
+  gGeoMan = (TGeoManager*) gROOT->FindObject("FAIRGeom");
+  gGeoMan->SetName("STSgeom");
+  TGeoVolume* top = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("TOP");
+  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // --------------   Create media   ------------------------------------------
+  /*
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating media....";
+  cout << CreateMedia();
+  cout << " media created" << endl;
+  TList* media = gGeoMan->GetListOfMedia();
+  for (Int_t iMedium = 0; iMedium < media->GetSize(); iMedium++ ) {
+    cout << "Medium " << iMedium << ": " 
+	 << ((TGeoMedium*) media->At(iMedium))->GetName() << endl;
+  }
+  gStsMedium = gGeoMan->GetMedium("air");
+  if ( ! gStsMedium ) Fatal("Main", "medium sts_air not found");
+  */
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Create sensors   ---------------------------------------
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating sensors...." << endl << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Sensors: " << endl;
+  Int_t nSensors = CreateSensors();
+  for (Int_t iSensor = 1; iSensor <= nSensors; iSensor++) {
+    TString name       = Form("Sensor%02d", iSensor);
+    TGeoVolume* sensor = gGeoMan->GetVolume(name);
+    // add color to sensors
+    if (iSensor == 1) sensor->SetLineColor(kYellow);
+    if (iSensor == 2) sensor->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    if (iSensor == 3) sensor->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+    if (iSensor == 4) sensor->SetLineColor(kAzure + 7);
+    if (iSensor == 5) sensor->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+    if (iSensor == 6) sensor->SetLineColor(kYellow);
+    CheckVolume(sensor);
+    CheckVolume(sensor, infoFile);
+  }
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ----------------   Create sectors   --------------------------------------
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating sectors...." << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Sectors: " << endl;
+  Int_t nSectors = CreateSectors();
+  for (Int_t iSector = 1; iSector <= nSectors; iSector++) {
+    cout << endl;
+    TString name       = Form("Sector%02d", iSector);
+    TGeoVolume* sector = gGeoMan->GetVolume(name);
+    CheckVolume(sector);
+    CheckVolume(sector, infoFile);
+  }
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ----------------   Create ladders   --------------------------------------
+  TString name = "";
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating ladders...." << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Ladders:" << endl;
+  Int_t nLadders = CreateLadders();
+  for (Int_t iLadder = 1; iLadder <= nLadders; iLadder++) {
+    cout << endl;
+    name               = Form("Ladder%02d", iLadder);
+    TGeoVolume* ladder = gGeoMan->GetVolume(name);
+    CheckVolume(ladder);
+    CheckVolume(ladder, infoFile);
+    CheckVolume(ladder->GetNode(0)->GetVolume(), infoFile);
+  }
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ----------------   Create cone   -----------------------------------------
+  Double_t coneDz            = 1.64;
+  TGeoVolume* coneSmallVolum = ConstructSmallCone(coneDz);
+  if (!coneSmallVolum) Fatal("ConstructSmallCone", "Volume Cone not found");
+  TGeoVolume* coneBigVolum = ConstructBigCone(coneDz);
+  if (!coneBigVolum) Fatal("ConstructBigCone", "Volume Cone not found");
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ----------------   Create stations   -------------------------------------
+  //  Float_t statPos[8] = {30., 40., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100.};
+  Float_t statPos[8] = {28., 42., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100.};
+  //  Float_t statPos[8] = {30., 45., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100.};
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating stations...." << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Stations: ";
+  nLadders = 0;
+  Int_t ladderTypes[20];
+  Double_t statZ             = 0.;
+  Double_t rHole             = 0.;
+  TGeoBBox* statShape        = NULL;
+  TGeoTranslation* statTrans = NULL;
+  // --- Station 01: 8 ladders, type 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
+  cout << endl;
+  statZ                 = 30.;
+  rHole                 = 2.0;
+  nLadders              = 2;
+  ladderTypes[0]        = 9;
+  ladderTypes[1]        = 9;
+  TGeoVolume* station01 = ConstructStation(0, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  if (gkConstructCones) {
+    // upstream
+    TGeoRotation* coneRot11 = new TGeoRotation;
+    coneRot11->RotateZ(90);
+    coneRot11->RotateY(180);
+    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot11 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot11);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot11 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz - 0.305 - gkLadderGapZ / 2., coneRot11);
+    station01->AddNode(coneSmallVolum, 1, conePosRot11);
+    // downstream
+    TGeoRotation* coneRot12 = new TGeoRotation;
+    coneRot12->RotateZ(90);
+    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot12 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot12);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot12 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz + 0.305 + gkLadderGapZ / 2., coneRot12);
+    station01->AddNode(coneSmallVolum, 2, conePosRot12);
+    station01->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  CheckVolume(station01);
+  CheckVolume(station01, infoFile);
+  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[0] << endl;
+  // --- Station 02: 12 ladders, type 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4
+  cout << endl;
+  statZ                 = 40.;
+  rHole                 = 2.0;
+  nLadders              = 3;
+  ladderTypes[0]        = 10;
+  ladderTypes[1]        = 10;
+  ladderTypes[2]        = 11;  // triple ladder
+  TGeoVolume* station02 = ConstructStation(1, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  if (gkConstructCones) {
+    // upstream
+    TGeoRotation* coneRot21 = new TGeoRotation;
+    coneRot21->RotateZ(-90);
+    coneRot21->RotateY(180);
+    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot21 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot21);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot21 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz - 0.305 - gkLadderGapZ / 2., coneRot21);
+    station02->AddNode(coneSmallVolum, 1, conePosRot21);
+    // downstream
+    TGeoRotation* coneRot22 = new TGeoRotation;
+    coneRot22->RotateZ(-90);
+    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot22 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot22);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot22 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz + 0.305 + gkLadderGapZ / 2., coneRot22);
+    station02->AddNode(coneSmallVolum, 2, conePosRot22);
+    station02->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  CheckVolume(station02);
+  CheckVolume(station02, infoFile);
+  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[1] << endl;
+  //  // --- Station 03: 12 ladders, type 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 7 8
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 50.;
+  //  rHole = 2.9;
+  //  nLadders = 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 14;  // 34;  // 8;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 13;  // 33;  // 7;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  =  3;  // 31;  // 22;   // 5;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  =  3;  // 31;  // 22;   // 5;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 13;  // 33;  // 7;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 14;  // 34;  // 8;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station03 = ConstructStation(2, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot31 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot31->RotateZ(90);
+  //    coneRot31->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot31 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot31);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot31 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot31);
+  //    station03->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot31);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot32 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot32->RotateZ(90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot32 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot32);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot32 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot32);
+  //    station03->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot32);
+  //
+  //    station03->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station03);
+  //  CheckVolume(station03, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[2] << endl;
+  //
+  //
+  //  // --- Station 04: 14 ladders, type 9 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 7 8 9
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 60.;
+  //  rHole = 2.9;
+  //  nLadders = 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 15;  // 42;  // 9;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 14;  // 34;  // 8;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 13;  // 33;  // 7;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  =  4;  // 41;  // 5;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  =  4;  // 41;  // 5;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 13;  // 33;  // 7;
+  //  ladderTypes[12] = 14;  // 34;  // 8;
+  //  ladderTypes[13] = 15;  // 42;  // 9;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station04 = ConstructStation(3, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot41 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot41->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    coneRot41->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot41 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot41);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot41 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot41);
+  //    station04->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot41);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot42 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot42->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot42 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot42);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot42 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot42);
+  //    station04->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot42);
+  //
+  //    station04->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station04);
+  //  CheckVolume(station04, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[3] << endl;
+  //
+  //
+  //  // --- Station 05: 14 ladders, type 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 70.;
+  //  rHole = 3.7;
+  //  nLadders = 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 19;  //  55;  // 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 18;  //  54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 17;  //  53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 17;  //  53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 16;  //  52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  = 16;  //  52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  =  5;  //  51;  // 23;   // 10;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  =  5;  //  51;  // 23;   // 10;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  = 16;  //  52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 16;  //  52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 17;  //  53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 17;  //  53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[12] = 18;  //  54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[13] = 19;  //  55;  // 14;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station05 = ConstructStation(4, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot51 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot51->RotateZ(90);
+  //    coneRot51->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot51 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot51);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot51 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot51);
+  //    station05->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot51);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot52 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot52->RotateZ(90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot52 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot52);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot52 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot52);
+  //    station05->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot52);
+  //
+  //    station05->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station05);
+  //  CheckVolume(station05, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[4] << endl;
+  //
+  //
+  //  // --- Station 06: 14 ladders, type 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 80.;
+  //  rHole = 3.7;
+  //  nLadders = 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 18;  // 54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 16;  // 52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  = 16;  // 52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  =  6;  // 61;  // 10;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  =  6;  // 61;  // 10;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  = 16;  // 52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 16;  // 52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[12] = 18;  // 54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[13] = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station06 = ConstructStation(5, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot61 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot61->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    coneRot61->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot61 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot61);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot61 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot61);
+  //    station06->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot61);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot62 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot62->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot62 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot62);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot62 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot62);
+  //    station06->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot62);
+  //
+  //    station06->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station06);
+  //  CheckVolume(station06, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[5] << endl;
+  //
+  //
+  //  // --- Station 07: 16 ladders, type 14 13 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 13 14
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 90.;
+  //  rHole = 4.2;
+  //  nLadders = 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 21;  // 73;  // 17;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 18;  // 54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  =  7;  // 71;  // 15;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  =  7;  // 71;  // 15;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[12] = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[13] = 18;  // 54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[14] = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[15] = 21;  // 73;  // 17;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station07 = ConstructStation(6, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot71 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot71->RotateZ(90);
+  //    coneRot71->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot71 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot71);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot71 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot71);
+  //    station07->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot71);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot72 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot72->RotateZ(90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot72 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot72);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot72 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot72);
+  //    station07->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot72);
+  //
+  //    station07->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station07);
+  //  CheckVolume(station07, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[6] << endl;
+  //
+  //
+  //  // --- Station 08: 16 ladders, type 14 13 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 13 14
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 100.;
+  //  rHole = 4.2;
+  //  nLadders = 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 23;  // 83;  // 20;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  =  8;  // 81;  // 18;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  =  8;  // 81;  // 18;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[12] = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[13] = 23;  // 83;  // 20;
+  //  ladderTypes[14] = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[15] = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station08 = ConstructStation(7, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot81 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot81->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    coneRot81->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot81 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot81);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot81 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot81);
+  //    station08->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot81);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot82 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot82->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot82 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot82);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot82 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot82);
+  //    station08->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot82);
+  //
+  //    station08->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station08);
+  //  CheckVolume(station08, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[7] << endl;
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Create subplates   ---------------------------------------
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating subplates...." << endl << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Subplates: " << endl;
+  Int_t nSubplates = CreateSubplates();
+  for (Int_t iSubplate = 1; iSubplate <= nSubplates; iSubplate++) {
+    TString name         = Form("Subplate%02d", iSubplate);
+    TGeoVolume* subplate = gGeoMan->GetVolume(name);
+    // add color to plates
+    subplate->SetTransparency(60);
+    if (iSubplate == 1) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kOrange);
+    if (iSubplate == 2) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kRed);
+    if (iSubplate == 3) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kGreen);
+    if (iSubplate == 4) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kRed);
+    if (iSubplate == 5) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kOrange);
+    if (iSubplate == 6) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kCyan);
+    if (iSubplate == 7) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kRed);
+    if (iSubplate == 8) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);   // kGreen);
+    if (iSubplate == 9) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);   // kGreen);
+    if (iSubplate == 10) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kGreen);
+    //    CheckVolume(plate);
+    //    CheckVolume(plate, infoFile);
+  }
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Create plates   ---------------------------------------
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating plates...." << endl << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Plates: " << endl;
+  Int_t nPlates = CreatePlates();
+  for (Int_t iPlate = 1; iPlate <= nPlates; iPlate++) {
+    TString name      = Form("Plate%02d", iPlate);
+    TGeoVolume* plate = gGeoMan->GetVolume(name);
+    //    CheckVolume(plate);
+    //    CheckVolume(plate, infoFile);
+  }
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Create STS volume   ------------------------------------
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating STS...." << endl;
+  TString stsName = "sts_";
+  stsName += geoTag;
+  // --- Determine size of STS box
+  Double_t stsX      = 0.;
+  Double_t stsY      = 0.;
+  Double_t stsZ      = 0.;
+  Double_t stsBorder = 2 * 5.;  // 5 cm space for carbon ladders on each side
+  Int_t nStation     = 2;       // set number of stations
+  for (Int_t iStation = 1; iStation <= nStation; iStation++) {
+    TString statName    = Form("Station%02d", iStation);
+    TGeoVolume* station = gGeoMan->GetVolume(statName);
+    TGeoBBox* shape     = (TGeoBBox*) station->GetShape();
+    stsX                = TMath::Max(stsX, 2. * shape->GetDX());
+    stsY                = TMath::Max(stsY, 2. * shape->GetDY());
+    cout << "Station " << iStation << ":  Y " << stsY << endl;
+  }
+  // --- Some border around the stations
+  stsX += stsBorder;
+  stsY += stsBorder;
+  stsZ             = (statPos[1] - statPos[0]) + stsBorder;
+  Double_t stsPosZ = 0.5 * (statPos[1] + statPos[0]);
+  // --- Create box  around the stations
+  TGeoBBox* stsBox = new TGeoBBox("stsBox", stsX / 2., stsY / 2., stsZ / 2.);
+  cout << "size of STS box: x " << stsX << " - y " << stsY << " - z " << stsZ << endl;
+  //  // --- Create cone hosting the beam pipe
+  //  // --- One straight section with constant radius followed by a cone
+  //  Double_t z1 = statPos[0] - 0.5 * stsBorder;  // start of STS box
+  //  Double_t z2 = gkPipeZ2;
+  //  Double_t z3 = statPos[1] + 0.5 * stsBorder;  // end of STS box
+  //  Double_t r1 = BeamPipeRadius(z1);
+  //  Double_t r2 = BeamPipeRadius(z2);
+  //  Double_t r3 = BeamPipeRadius(z3);
+  //  r1 += 0.01;    // safety margin
+  //  r2 += 0.01;    // safety margin
+  //  r3 += 0.01;    // safety margin
+  //
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  cout << z1 << "  " << r1 << endl;
+  //  cout << z2 << "  " << r2 << endl;
+  //  cout << z3 << "  " << r3 << endl;
+  //
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  cout << "station1 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[0]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station2 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[1]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station3 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[2]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station4 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[3]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station5 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[4]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station6 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[5]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station7 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[6]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station8 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[7]) << endl;
+  //
+  //  //  TGeoPcon* cutout = new TGeoPcon("stsCone", 0., 360., 3); // 2.*TMath::Pi(), 3);
+  //  //  cutout->DefineSection(0, z1, 0., r1);
+  //  //  cutout->DefineSection(1, z2, 0., r2);
+  //  //  cutout->DefineSection(2, z3, 0., r3);
+  //  new TGeoTrd2("stsCone1", r1, r2, r1, r2, (z2-z1)/2.+.1);  // add .1 in z length for a clean cutout
+  //  TGeoTranslation *trans1 = new TGeoTranslation("trans1", 0., 0., -(z3-z1)/2.+(z2-z1)/2.);
+  //  trans1->RegisterYourself();
+  //  new TGeoTrd2("stsCone2", r2, r3, r2, r3, (z3-z2)/2.+.1);  // add .1 in z length for a clean cutout
+  //  TGeoTranslation *trans2 = new TGeoTranslation("trans2", 0., 0., +(z3-z1)/2.-(z3-z2)/2.);
+  //  trans2->RegisterYourself();
+  //DE   Double_t z1 = statPos[0] - 0.5 * stsBorder;  // start of STS box
+  //DE   Double_t z2 = statPos[7] + 0.5 * stsBorder;  // end of STS box
+  //DE   Double_t slope = (gkPipeR2 - gkPipeR1) / (gkPipeZ2 - gkPipeZ1);
+  //DE   Double_t r1 = gkPipeR1 + slope * (z1 - gkPipeZ1); // at start of STS
+  //DE   Double_t r2 = gkPipeR1 + slope * (z2 - gkPipeZ1); // at end of STS
+  //DE   r1 += 0.1;    // safety margin
+  //DE   r2 += 0.1;    // safety margin
+  //DE   //  new TGeoCone("stsCone", stsZ/2., 0., r1, 0., r2);
+  //DE   new TGeoTrd2("stsCone", r1, r2, r1, r2, stsZ/2.);
+  // --- Create STS volume
+  //  TGeoShape* stsShape = new TGeoCompositeShape("stsShape",
+  //                                               "stsBox-stsCone1:trans1-stsCone2:trans2");
+  //  TGeoVolume* sts = new TGeoVolume(stsName.Data(), stsShape, gStsMedium);
+  //  TGeoVolume* sts = new TGeoVolume(stsName.Data(), stsBox, gStsMedium);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sts = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(stsName.Data());  // do not produce keeping volumes
+  // --- Place stations in the STS
+  for (Int_t iStation = 1; iStation <= nStation; iStation++) {
+    TString statName       = Form("Station%02d", iStation);
+    TGeoVolume* station    = gGeoMan->GetVolume(statName);
+    Double_t posZ          = statPos[iStation - 1] - stsPosZ;
+    TGeoTranslation* trans = new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., posZ);  // standard
+    sts->AddNode(station, iStation, trans);
+    sts->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  // plates
+  if (IncludeBox)
+    for (Int_t iPlate = 1; iPlate <= nPlates; iPlate++) {
+      TString platName  = Form("Plate%02d", iPlate);
+      TGeoVolume* plate = gGeoMan->GetVolume(platName);
+      sts->AddNode(plate, iPlate);
+      sts->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+    }
+  cout << endl;
+  CheckVolume(sts);
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Finish   -----------------------------------------------
+  TGeoTranslation* stsTrans = new TGeoTranslation(gOffX, gOffY, stsPosZ + gOffZ);
+  top->AddNode(sts, 1, stsTrans);
+  top->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  CheckVolume(top);
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  gGeoMan->CloseGeometry();
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.0001);
+  gGeoMan->PrintOverlaps();
+  gGeoMan->Test();
+  TFile* geoFile = new TFile(geoFileName, "RECREATE");
+  top->Write();
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "Geometry " << top->GetName() << " written to " << geoFileName << endl;
+  geoFile->Close();
+  TString geoFileName_ = "sts_";
+  geoFileName_         = geoFileName_ + geoTag + "_geo.root";
+  geoFile = new TFile(geoFileName_, "RECREATE");
+  gGeoMan->Write();  // use this is you want GeoManager format in the output
+  geoFile->Close();
+  TString geoFileName__ = "sts_";
+  geoFileName_          = geoFileName__ + geoTag + "-geo.root";
+  sts->Export(geoFileName_);
+  geoFile = new TFile(geoFileName_, "UPDATE");
+  stsTrans->Write();
+  geoFile->Close();
+  top->Draw("ogl");
+  gGeoManager->SetVisLevel(6);
+  infoFile.close();
+// ============================================================================
+// ======                   End of main function                          =====
+// ============================================================================
+// ****************************************************************************
+// *****      Definition of media, sensors, sectors and ladders           *****
+// *****                                                                  *****
+// *****     Decoupled from main function for better readability          *****
+// ****************************************************************************
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Create media
+ **
+ ** Currently created: air, active silicon, passive silion
+ **
+ ** Not used for the time being
+ **/
+Int_t CreateMedia()
+  Int_t nMedia     = 0;
+  Double_t density = 0.;
+  // --- Material air
+  density             = 1.205e-3;  // [g/cm^3]
+  TGeoMixture* matAir = new TGeoMixture("sts_air", 3, density);
+  matAir->AddElement(14.0067, 7, 0.755);  // Nitrogen
+  matAir->AddElement(15.999, 8, 0.231);   // Oxygen
+  matAir->AddElement(39.948, 18, 0.014);  // Argon
+  // --- Material silicon
+  density             = 2.33;  // [g/cm^3]
+  TGeoElement* elSi   = gGeoMan->GetElementTable()->GetElement(14);
+  TGeoMaterial* matSi = new TGeoMaterial("matSi", elSi, density);
+  // --- Air (passive)
+  TGeoMedium* medAir = new TGeoMedium("air", nMedia++, matAir);
+  medAir->SetParam(0, 0.);     // is passive
+  medAir->SetParam(1, 1.);     // is in magnetic field
+  medAir->SetParam(2, 20.);    // max. field [kG]
+  medAir->SetParam(6, 0.001);  // boundary crossing precision [cm]
+  // --- Active silicon for sensors
+  TGeoMedium* medSiAct = new TGeoMedium("silicon", nMedia++, matSi);
+  medSiAct->SetParam(0, 1.);     // is active
+  medSiAct->SetParam(1, 1.);     // is in magnetic field
+  medSiAct->SetParam(2, 20.);    // max. field [kG]
+  medSiAct->SetParam(6, 0.001);  // boundary crossing precisison [cm]
+  // --- Passive silicon for cables
+  TGeoMedium* medSiPas = new TGeoMedium("carbon", nMedia++, matSi);
+  medSiPas->SetParam(0, 0.);     // is passive
+  medSiPas->SetParam(1, 1.);     // is in magnetic field
+  medSiPas->SetParam(2, 20.);    // max. field [kG]
+  medSiPas->SetParam(6, 0.001);  // boundary crossing precisison [cm]
+  return nMedia;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+Int_t CreateSubplates()
+  Int_t nSubplates = 0;
+  Double_t xSize        = 0.;
+  Double_t ySize        = 0.;
+  Double_t zSize        = 0.5;  // cm  // gkSubplateThickness;
+  TGeoMedium* aluminium = gGeoMan->GetMedium("aluminium");
+  // xsize 830 / (830 - 115+137-12) = 590
+  // ysize 518 / 222 / 125 = 865
+  // ysize 530 / 198 / 137   // corrected for 12 mm rim
+  // center z-axis in front cutout
+  // ysize 518 + 222/2. = 629
+  // ysize 530 + 198/2. = 629
+  // center z-axis in front cutout
+  // xsize 830/2. - (115 + 137)/2. = 415 - 126 = 289
+  // ---  Subplate type 01: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 83.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 53.0;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate01 = new TGeoBBox("subplate01", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate01", shape_subplate01, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // ---  Subplate type 02: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 59.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 19.8;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate02 = new TGeoBBox("subplate02", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate02", shape_subplate02, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // ---  Subplate type 03: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 83.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 13.7;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate03 = new TGeoBBox("subplate03", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate03", shape_subplate03, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // xsize 830 / (830 - 340 - 25) = 465
+  // ysize 483 / 293 / 89 = 865
+  // center z-axis in back cutout
+  // ysize 483 + 293/2. = 629.5
+  // center z-axis in backside cutout
+  // xsize 830/2. - ( 340/2. + 25 ) = 415 - 220 = 195
+  // ---  Subplate type 04: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 83.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 48.3;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate04 = new TGeoBBox("subplate04", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate04", shape_subplate04, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // ---  Subplate type 05: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 46.5;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 29.3;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate05 = new TGeoBBox("subplate05", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate05", shape_subplate05, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // ---  Subplate type 06: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 83.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 8.9;   // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate06 = new TGeoBBox("subplate06", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate06", shape_subplate06, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // bottom / top
+  // ---  Subplate type 07: bottom/top plate (83.0 cm x 34.0 cm)
+  xSize                      = 83.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 34.0;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate07 = new TGeoBBox("subplate07", xSize / 2., zSize / 2., ySize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate07", shape_subplate07, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // right
+  // ---  Subplate type 08: right plate
+  xSize                      = 85.5;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 34.0;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate08 = new TGeoBBox("subplate08", zSize / 2., xSize / 2., ySize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate08", shape_subplate08, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // left bottom
+  // ---  Subplate type 09: left plate
+  xSize                      = 52.5;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 34.0;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate09 = new TGeoBBox("subplate09", zSize / 2., xSize / 2., ySize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate09", shape_subplate09, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // left top
+  // ---  Subplate type 10: left plate
+  xSize                      = 13.2;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 34.0;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate10 = new TGeoBBox("subplate10", zSize / 2., xSize / 2., ySize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate10", shape_subplate10, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  return nSubplates;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+Int_t CreatePlates()
+  Int_t nPlates = 0;
+  Double_t box_dx = 83.0;  // cm
+  Double_t box_dy = 86.5;  // cm
+  //  Double_t dx = 0;  // cm
+  //  Double_t dx = -(box_dx/2 - 19.5);  // cm - backside center
+  //  Double_t dx = -(box_dx/2 - 12.6);  // cm - frontside center
+  Double_t dx = -box_dx / 2 + 15.7;  // cm - from CAD drawing
+  Double_t dy = box_dy / 2 - 62.9;  // cm - from CAD drawing 23,6 cm
+  //  Double_t box_dz_inner = 0;  // cm
+  Double_t box_dz_inner = 34.0;  // cm
+  TGeoVolume* subplate01 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate01");
+  TGeoVolume* subplate02 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate02");
+  TGeoVolume* subplate03 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate03");
+  TGeoBBox* box01        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate01->GetShape();
+  TGeoBBox* box02        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate02->GetShape();
+  TGeoBBox* box03        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate03->GetShape();
+  TGeoVolume* subplate04 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate04");
+  TGeoVolume* subplate05 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate05");
+  TGeoVolume* subplate06 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate06");
+  TGeoBBox* box04        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate04->GetShape();
+  TGeoBBox* box05        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate05->GetShape();
+  TGeoBBox* box06        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate06->GetShape();
+  TGeoVolume* subplate07 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate07");
+  TGeoBBox* box07        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate07->GetShape();
+  TGeoVolume* subplate08 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate08");
+  TGeoBBox* box08        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate08->GetShape();
+  TGeoVolume* subplate09 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate09");
+  TGeoBBox* box09        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate09->GetShape();
+  TGeoVolume* subplate10 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate10");
+  TGeoBBox* box10        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate10->GetShape();
+  // --- Plate type 1: front plate made of 3 subplates
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate01 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate01");
+  Double_t sy01               = -box_dy / 2. + box01->GetDY();
+  Double_t sz01               = -(box01->GetDZ() + box_dz_inner / 2.);
+  TGeoTranslation* ty01       = new TGeoTranslation("ty01", dx, sy01 + dy, sz01);
+  plate01->AddNode(subplate01, 1, ty01);
+  Double_t sx02         = -box_dx / 2. + box02->GetDX();
+  Double_t sy02         = -box_dy / 2. + box01->GetDY() * 2 + box02->GetDY();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty02 = new TGeoTranslation("ty02", sx02 + dx, sy02 + dy, sz01);
+  plate01->AddNode(subplate02, 2, ty02);
+  Double_t sy03         = -box_dy / 2. + box01->GetDY() * 2 + box02->GetDY() * 2 + box03->GetDY();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty03 = new TGeoTranslation("ty03", dx, sy03 + dy, sz01);
+  plate01->AddNode(subplate03, 3, ty03);
+  plate01->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 2: back plate made of 3 subplates
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate02 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate02");
+  Double_t sy04               = -box_dy / 2. + box04->GetDY();
+  Double_t sz04               = box04->GetDZ() + box_dz_inner / 2.;
+  TGeoTranslation* ty04       = new TGeoTranslation("ty04", dx, sy04 + dy, sz04);
+  plate02->AddNode(subplate04, 1, ty04);
+  Double_t sx05         = -box_dx / 2. + box05->GetDX();
+  Double_t sy05         = -box_dy / 2. + box04->GetDY() * 2 + box05->GetDY();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty05 = new TGeoTranslation("ty05", sx05 + dx, sy05 + dy, sz04);
+  plate02->AddNode(subplate05, 2, ty05);
+  Double_t sy06         = -box_dy / 2. + box04->GetDY() * 2 + box05->GetDY() * 2 + box06->GetDY();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty06 = new TGeoTranslation("ty06", dx, sy06 + dy, sz04);
+  plate02->AddNode(subplate06, 3, ty06);
+  plate02->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 3: bottom plate
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate03 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate03");
+  Double_t sy07               = box_dy / 2. - box07->GetDY();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty07       = new TGeoTranslation("ty07", dx, -sy07 + dy, 0.);
+  plate03->AddNode(subplate07, 1, ty07);
+  plate03->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 4: top plate
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate04 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate04");
+  TGeoTranslation* ty17       = new TGeoTranslation("ty17", dx, sy07 + dy, 0.);
+  plate04->AddNode(subplate07, 1, ty17);
+  plate04->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 5: -x plate
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate05 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate05");
+  Double_t sx08               = box_dx / 2. - box08->GetDX();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty08       = new TGeoTranslation("ty08", -sx08 + dx, dy, 0.);
+  plate05->AddNode(subplate08, 1, ty08);
+  plate05->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 6: +x plate (shorted due to beampipe)
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate06 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate06");
+  Double_t sy09               = -box_dy / 2. + box09->GetDY() + 2 * box09->GetDX();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty09       = new TGeoTranslation("ty09", sx08 + dx, sy09 + dy, 0.);
+  plate06->AddNode(subplate09, 1, ty09);
+  plate06->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 7: +x plate (shorted due to beampipe)
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate07 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate07");
+  Double_t sy10               = -box_dy / 2. + box10->GetDY() + 2 * box10->GetDX();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty10       = new TGeoTranslation("ty10", sx08 + dx, -sy10 + dy, 0.);
+  plate07->AddNode(subplate10, 1, ty10);
+  plate07->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  return nPlates;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Create sensors
+ **
+ ** Sensors are created as volumes with box shape and active silicon as medium.
+ ** Four kinds of sensors: 3.2x2.2, 6.2x2.2, 6.2x4.2, 6.2x6.2
+ **/
+Int_t CreateSensors()
+  Int_t nSensors = 0;
+  Double_t xSize      = 0.;
+  Double_t ySize      = 0.;
+  Double_t zSize      = gkSensorThickness;
+  TGeoMedium* silicon = gGeoMan->GetMedium("silicon");
+  // --- Sensor type 01: Small sensor (6.2 cm x 2.2 cm)
+  xSize                    = gkSensorSizeX;
+  ySize                    = 2.2;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor01 = new TGeoBBox("sensor01", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor01", shape_sensor01, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // --- Sensor type 02: Medium sensor (6.2 cm x 4.2 cm)
+  xSize                    = gkSensorSizeX;
+  ySize                    = 4.2;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor02 = new TGeoBBox("sensor02", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor02", shape_sensor02, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // ---  Sensor type 03: Big sensor (6.2 cm x 6.2 cm)
+  xSize                    = gkSensorSizeX;
+  ySize                    = 6.2;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor03 = new TGeoBBox("sensor03", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor03", shape_sensor03, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // ---  Sensor type 04: Big sensor (6.2 cm x 12.4 cm)
+  xSize                    = gkSensorSizeX;
+  ySize                    = 12.4;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor04 = new TGeoBBox("sensor04", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor04", shape_sensor04, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // below are extra small sensors, those are not available in the CAD model
+  // --- Sensor Type 05: Half small sensor (4 cm x 2.5 cm)
+  xSize                    = 4.0;
+  ySize                    = 2.5;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor05 = new TGeoBBox("sensor05", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor05", shape_sensor05, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // ---  Sensor type 06: Additional "in hole" sensor (3.1 cm x 4.2 cm)
+  xSize                    = 3.1;
+  ySize                    = 4.2;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor06 = new TGeoBBox("sensor06", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor06", shape_sensor06, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // ---  Sensor type 07: Mini Medium sensor (1.5 cm x 4.2 cm)
+  xSize                    = 1.5;
+  ySize                    = 4.2;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor07 = new TGeoBBox("sensor07", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor07", shape_sensor07, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  return nSensors;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Create sectors
+ **
+ ** A sector is either a single sensor or several chained sensors.
+ ** It is implemented as TGeoVolumeAssembly.
+ ** Currently available:
+ ** - single sensors of type 1 - 4
+ ** - two chained sensors of type 4
+ ** - three chained sensors of type 4
+ **/
+Int_t CreateSectors()
+  Int_t nSectors = 0;
+  TGeoVolume* sensor01 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor01");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor02 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor02");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor03 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor03");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor04 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor04");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor05 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor05");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor06 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor06");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor07 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor07");
+  //  TGeoBBox*   box4     = (TGeoBBox*) sensor04->GetShape();
+  // --- Sector type 1: single sensor of type 1
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector01 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector01");
+  sector01->AddNode(sensor01, 1);
+  sector01->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 2: single sensor of type 2
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector02 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector02");
+  sector02->AddNode(sensor02, 1);
+  sector02->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 3: single sensor of type 3
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector03 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector03");
+  sector03->AddNode(sensor03, 1);
+  sector03->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 4: single sensor of type 4
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector04 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector04");
+  sector04->AddNode(sensor04, 1);
+  sector04->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 5: single sensor of type 5
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector05 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector05");
+  sector05->AddNode(sensor05, 1);
+  sector05->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 6: single sensor of type 6
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector06 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector06");
+  sector06->AddNode(sensor06, 1);
+  sector06->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 7: single sensor of type 7
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector07 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector07");
+  sector07->AddNode(sensor07, 1);
+  sector07->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  //  // --- Sector type 5: two sensors of type 4
+  //  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector05 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector05");
+  //  Double_t shift5 = 0.5 * gkChainGapY + box4->GetDY();
+  //  TGeoTranslation* transD5 =
+  //    new TGeoTranslation("td", 0., -1. * shift5, 0.);
+  //  TGeoTranslation* transU5 =
+  //    new TGeoTranslation("tu", 0., shift5, 0.);
+  //  sector05->AddNode(sensor04, 1, transD5);
+  //  sector05->AddNode(sensor04, 2, transU5);
+  //  sector05->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  nSectors++;
+  return nSectors;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Create ladders
+ **
+ ** Ladders are the building blocks of the stations. They contain 
+ ** several modules placed one after the other along the z axis
+ ** such that the sectors are arranged vertically (with overlap).
+ ** 
+ ** A ladder is constructed out of two half ladders, the second of which
+ ** is rotated in the x-y plane by 180 degrees and displaced
+ ** in z direction.
+ **/
+Int_t CreateLadders()
+  Int_t nLadders = 0;
+  // --- Some variables
+  Int_t nSectors = 0;
+  Int_t sectorTypes[10];
+  TGeoBBox* shape = NULL;
+  TString s0name;
+  TGeoVolume* s0vol       = NULL;
+  TGeoVolume* halfLadderU = NULL;
+  TGeoVolume* halfLadderD = NULL;
+  Double_t shiftZ         = 0.;
+  Double_t ladderY        = 0.;
+  Double_t gapY           = 0.;
+  // --- Ladder 01 x-mirror of 02: 10 sectors, type 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 4
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 1;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 2;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 4;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(1, "HalfLadder01u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');  // mirrored
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(1, "HalfLadder01d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');  // mirrored
+  ConstructLadder(1, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 02: 10 sectors, type 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 4
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 1;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 2;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 4;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(2, "HalfLadder02u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(2, "HalfLadder02d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  ConstructLadder(2, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  //=====================================================================================
+  // --- Ladder 09: 2 sectors, type 3 3 - mSTS
+  nSectors       = 2;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  //
+  // bottom half ladder only
+  //
+  //  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(9, "HalfLadder09u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(9, "HalfLadder09u", 0, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD = ConstructHalfLadder(9, "HalfLadder09d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  //
+  ConstructLadder(9, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 10: 2 sectors, type 3 4 - mSTS
+  nSectors       = 2;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  //
+  // bottom half ladder only
+  //
+  //  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(10, "HalfLadder10u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(10, "HalfLadder10u", 0, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD = ConstructHalfLadder(10, "HalfLadder10d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  //
+  ConstructLadder(10, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 11: 3 sectors, type 3 3 3 - mSTS
+  nSectors       = 3;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  //
+  // bottom half ladder only
+  //
+  //  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(11, "HalfLadder11u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(11, "HalfLadder11u", 0, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD = ConstructHalfLadder(11, "HalfLadder11d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  //
+  ConstructLadder(11, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  //=====================================================================================
+  // --- Ladder 03 x-mirror of 04: 10 sectors, type 5 4 3 3 6 6 3 3 4 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 6;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(3, "HalfLadder03u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');  // mirrored
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(3, "HalfLadder03d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');  // mirrored
+  ConstructLadder(3, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 04: 10 sectors, type 5 4 3 3 6 6 3 3 4 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 6;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(4, "HalfLadder04u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(4, "HalfLadder04d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  ConstructLadder(4, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 12: 10 sectors, type 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(12, "HalfLadder12u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(12, "HalfLadder12d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(12, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 13: 8 sectors, type 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 5
+  nSectors       = 4;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(13, "HalfLadder13u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(13, "HalfLadder13d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  ConstructLadder(13, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 14: 6 sensors, type 5 4 3 3 4 5
+  nSectors       = 3;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(14, "HalfLadder14u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(14, "HalfLadder14d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(14, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 15: 4 sectors, type 4 4 4 4
+  nSectors       = 2;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(15, "HalfLadder15u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(15, "HalfLadder15d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(15, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 05 x-mirror of 06: 10 sectors, type 5 5 4 3 7 7 3 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 7;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(5, "HalfLadder05u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');  // mirrored
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(5, "HalfLadder05d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');  // mirrored
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(5, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 06: 10 sectors, type 5 5 4 3 7 7 3 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 7;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(6, "HalfLadder06u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(6, "HalfLadder06d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(6, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 16: 10 sectors, type 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(16, "HalfLadder16u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(16, "HalfLadder16d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(16, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 17: 8 sectors, type 5 5 4 3 3 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 4;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(17, "HalfLadder17u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(17, "HalfLadder17d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(17, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 18: 6 sectors, type 5 5 4 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 3;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(18, "HalfLadder18u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(18, "HalfLadder18d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(18, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 19: 4 sectors, type 5 5 5 5
+  nSectors       = 2;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(19, "HalfLadder19u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(19, "HalfLadder19d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(19, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 07: 10 sectors, type 5 5 4 3 3 gap 3 3 4 5 5, with gap
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(7, "HalfLadder07u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(7, "HalfLadder07d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  gapY           = 4.4;
+  ConstructLadderWithGap(7, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, 2 * gapY);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 20: 10 sectors, type 5 5 5 3 2 2 3 5 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 2;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(20, "HalfLadder20u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(20, "HalfLadder20d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(20, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 21: 2 sectors, type 5 5
+  nSectors       = 1;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(21, "HalfLadder21u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(21, "HalfLadder21d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(21, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 08: 8 sectors, type 5 5 5 4 gap 4 5 5 5, with gap
+  nSectors       = 4;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(8, "HalfLadder08u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(8, "HalfLadder08d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  gapY           = 4.57;
+  ConstructLadderWithGap(8, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, 2 * gapY);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 22: 10 sectors, type 5 5 5 4 3 3 4 5 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(22, "HalfLadder22u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(22, "HalfLadder22d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(22, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 23: 10 sectors, type 5 5 4 4 3 3 4 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(23, "HalfLadder23u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(23, "HalfLadder23d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(23, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  return nLadders;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+// ****************************************************************************
+// *****                                                                  *****
+// *****    Generic functions  for the construction of STS elements       *****
+// *****                                                                  *****
+// *****  module:     volume (made of a sector and a cable)               *****
+// *****  haf ladder: assembly (made of modules)                          *****
+// *****  ladder:     assembly (made of two half ladders)                 *****
+// *****  station:    volume (made of ladders)                            *****
+// *****                                                                  *****
+// ****************************************************************************
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Construct a module
+ **
+ ** A module is a sector plus the readout cable extending from the
+ ** top of the sector. The cable is made from passive silicon.
+ ** The cable has the same x size as the sector.
+ ** Its thickness is given by the global variable gkCableThickness.
+ ** The cable length is a parameter.
+ ** The sensor(s) of the sector is/are placed directly in the module;
+ ** the sector is just auxiliary for the proper placement.
+ **
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            name             volume name
+ **            sector           pointer to sector volume
+ **            cableLength      length of cable
+ **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructModule(const char* name, TGeoVolume* sector, Double_t cableLength)
+  // --- Check sector volume
+  if (!sector) Fatal("CreateModule", "Sector volume not found!");
+  // --- Get size of sector
+  TGeoBBox* box    = (TGeoBBox*) sector->GetShape();
+  Double_t sectorX = 2. * box->GetDX();
+  Double_t sectorY = 2. * box->GetDY();
+  Double_t sectorZ = 2. * box->GetDZ();
+  // --- Get size of cable
+  Double_t cableX = sectorX;
+  Double_t cableY = cableLength;
+  Double_t cableZ = gkCableThickness;
+  // --- Create module volume
+  Double_t moduleX   = TMath::Max(sectorX, cableX);
+  Double_t moduleY   = sectorY + cableLength;
+  Double_t moduleZ   = TMath::Max(sectorZ, cableZ);
+  TGeoVolume* module = gGeoManager->MakeBox(name, gStsMedium, moduleX / 2., moduleY / 2., moduleZ / 2.);
+  // --- Position of sector in module
+  // --- Sector is centred in x and z and aligned to the bottom
+  Double_t sectorXpos = 0.;
+  Double_t sectorYpos = 0.5 * (sectorY - moduleY);
+  Double_t sectorZpos = 0.;
+  // --- Get sensor(s) from sector
+  Int_t nSensors = sector->GetNdaughters();
+  for (Int_t iSensor = 0; iSensor < nSensors; iSensor++) {
+    TGeoNode* sensor = sector->GetNode(iSensor);
+    // --- Calculate position of sensor in module
+    const Double_t* xSensTrans = sensor->GetMatrix()->GetTranslation();
+    Double_t sensorXpos        = 0.;
+    Double_t sensorYpos        = sectorYpos + xSensTrans[1];
+    Double_t sensorZpos        = 0.;
+    TGeoTranslation* sensTrans = new TGeoTranslation("sensTrans", sensorXpos, sensorYpos, sensorZpos);
+    // --- Add sensor volume to module
+    TGeoVolume* sensVol = sensor->GetVolume();
+    module->AddNode(sensor->GetVolume(), iSensor + 1, sensTrans);
+    module->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  // --- Create cable volume, if necessary, and place it in module
+  // --- Cable is centred in x and z and aligned to the top
+  if (gkConstructCables && cableLength > 0.0001) {
+    TString cableName       = TString(name) + "_cable";
+    TGeoMedium* cableMedium = gGeoMan->GetMedium("STScable");
+    if (!cableMedium) Fatal("CreateModule", "Medium STScable not found!");
+    TGeoVolume* cable = gGeoManager->MakeBox(cableName.Data(), cableMedium, cableX / 2., cableY / 2., cableZ / 2.);
+    // add color to cables
+    cable->SetLineColor(kOrange);
+    cable->SetTransparency(60);
+    Double_t cableXpos          = 0.;
+    Double_t cableYpos          = sectorY + 0.5 * cableY - 0.5 * moduleY;
+    Double_t cableZpos          = 0.;
+    TGeoTranslation* cableTrans = new TGeoTranslation("cableTrans", cableXpos, cableYpos, cableZpos);
+    module->AddNode(cable, 1, cableTrans);
+    module->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  return module;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Construct a half ladder
+ **
+ ** A half ladder is a virtual volume (TGeoVolumeAssembly) consisting
+ ** of several modules arranged on top of each other. The modules
+ ** have a given overlap in y and a displacement in z to allow for the
+ ** overlap.
+ **
+ ** The typ of sectors / modules to be placed must be specified:
+ **    1 = sensor01
+ **    2 = sensor02
+ **    3 = sensor03
+ **    4 = sensor04
+ **    5 = 2 x sensor04 (chained)
+ **    6 = 3 x sensor04 (chained)
+ ** The cable is added automatically from the top of each sensor to
+ ** the top of the half ladder.
+ ** The alignment can be left (l) or right (r), which matters in the
+ ** case of different x sizes of sensors (e.g. SensorType01).
+ **
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            name             volume name
+ **            nSectors         number of sectors
+ **            sectorTypes      array with sector types
+ **            align            horizontal alignment of sectors
+ **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructHalfLadder(Int_t ladderid, const TString& name, Int_t nSectors, Int_t* sectorTypes, char align)
+  // --- Create half ladder volume assembly
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* halfLadder = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
+  // --- Determine size of ladder
+  Double_t ladderX = 0.;
+  Double_t ladderY = 0.;
+  Double_t ladderZ = 0.;
+  for (Int_t iSector = 0; iSector < nSectors; iSector++) {
+    TString sectorName = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[iSector]);
+    TGeoVolume* sector = gGeoMan->GetVolume(sectorName);
+    if (!sector) Fatal("ConstructHalfLadder", (char*) Form("Volume %s not found", sectorName.Data()));
+    TGeoBBox* box = (TGeoBBox*) sector->GetShape();
+    // --- Ladder x size equals largest sector x size
+    ladderX = TMath::Max(ladderX, 2. * box->GetDX());
+    // --- Ladder y size is sum of sector ysizes
+    ladderY += 2. * box->GetDY();
+    // --- Ladder z size is sum of sector z sizes
+    ladderZ += 2. * box->GetDZ();
+  }
+  // --- Subtract overlaps in y
+  ladderY -= Double_t(nSectors - 1) * gkSectorOverlapY;
+  // --- Add gaps in z direction
+  ladderZ += Double_t(nSectors - 1) * gkSectorGapZ;
+  // --- Create and place modules
+  Double_t yPosSect = -0.5 * ladderY;
+  Double_t zPosMod  = -0.5 * ladderZ;
+  for (Int_t iSector = 0; iSector < nSectors; iSector++) {
+    TString sectorName = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[iSector]);
+    TGeoVolume* sector = gGeoMan->GetVolume(sectorName);
+    TGeoBBox* box      = (TGeoBBox*) sector->GetShape();
+    Double_t sectorX   = 2. * box->GetDX();
+    Double_t sectorY   = 2. * box->GetDY();
+    Double_t sectorZ   = 2. * box->GetDZ();
+    yPosSect += 0.5 * sectorY;  // Position of sector in ladder
+    Double_t cableLength = 0.5 * ladderY - yPosSect - 0.5 * sectorY;
+    TString moduleName   = name + "_" + Form("Module%02d", sectorTypes[iSector]);
+    TGeoVolume* module   = ConstructModule(moduleName.Data(), sector, cableLength);
+    TGeoBBox* shapeMod = (TGeoBBox*) module->GetShape();
+    Double_t moduleX   = 2. * shapeMod->GetDX();
+    Double_t moduleY   = 2. * shapeMod->GetDY();
+    Double_t moduleZ   = 2. * shapeMod->GetDZ();
+    Double_t xPosMod   = 0.;
+    if (align == 'l') xPosMod = 0.5 * (moduleX - ladderX);  // left aligned
+    else if (align == 'r')
+      xPosMod = 0.5 * (ladderX - moduleX);  // right aligned
+    else
+      xPosMod = 0.;                                // centred in x
+    Double_t yPosMod = 0.5 * (ladderY - moduleY);  // top aligned
+    zPosMod += 0.5 * moduleZ;
+    TGeoTranslation* trans = new TGeoTranslation("t", xPosMod, yPosMod, zPosMod);
+    //    // DEDE
+    //    // drop 2nd module on this halfladder for mSTS Nov 2019
+    //    //    halfLadder->AddNode(module, iSector+1, trans);
+    //    if (ladderid == 9) cout << "DE333 " << iSector << endl;
+    //    if (ladderid == 9)
+    //      if (iSector == 0)
+    //        halfLadder->AddNode(module, iSector+1, trans);
+    halfLadder->AddNode(module, iSector + 1, trans);
+    halfLadder->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+    yPosSect += 0.5 * sectorY - gkSectorOverlapY;
+    zPosMod += 0.5 * moduleZ + gkSectorGapZ;
+  }
+  CheckVolume(halfLadder);
+  cout << endl;
+  return halfLadder;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Add a carbon support to a ladder
+ ** 
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            LadderIndex      ladder number
+ **            ladder           pointer to ladder
+ **            xu               size of halfladder
+ **            ladderY          height of ladder along y
+ **            ladderZ          thickness of ladder along z
+ **/
+void AddCarbonLadder(Int_t LadderIndex, TGeoVolume* ladder, Double_t xu, Double_t ladderY, Double_t ladderZ)
+  // --- Some variables
+  TString name = Form("Ladder%02d", LadderIndex);
+  Int_t i;
+  Double_t j;
+  Int_t YnumOfFrameBoxes = (Int_t)(ladderY / gkFrameStep) + 1;  // calculate number of elements
+  if (LadderIndex == 1 || LadderIndex == 2)  // set even number of ladder elements for these ladders in station 1 and 2
+    YnumOfFrameBoxes--;
+  //  if (LadderIndex == 3 || LadderIndex == 4)  // set even number of ladder elements for these ladders in station 3 and 4
+  //	YnumOfFrameBoxes++;
+  YnumOfFrameBoxes += YnumOfFrameBoxes % 2;  // use even number of frame elements for all ladders
+  //      cout << "DE: lad " << LadderIndex << " inum " << YnumOfFrameBoxes << endl;
+  // DEDE
+  TGeoBBox* fullFrameShp = new TGeoBBox(name + "_FullFrameBox_shp", xu / 2., gkFrameStep / 2.,
+                                        (xu / 2. + sqrt(2.) * gkFrameThickness / 2.) / 2.);
+  //  TGeoBBox* fullFrameShp = new TGeoBBox (name+"_FullFrameBox_shp", xu/2., gkFrameStep/2., (gkSectorGapZFrame+xu/2.+sqrt(2.)*gkFrameThickness/2.)/2.);
+  TGeoVolume* fullFrameBoxVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_FullFrameBox", fullFrameShp, gStsMedium);
+  //  cout << "DE: frame Z size " << (xu/2.+sqrt(2.)*gkFrameThickness/2.) << " cm" << endl;
+  ConstructFrameElement("FrameBox", fullFrameBoxVol, xu / 2.);
+  TGeoRotation* fullFrameRot = new TGeoRotation;
+  fullFrameRot->RotateY(180);
+  Int_t inum = YnumOfFrameBoxes;  // 6; // 9;
+  for (i = 1; i <= inum; i++) {
+    j = -(inum - 1) / 2. + (i - 1);
+    //        cout << "DE: i " << i << " j " << j << endl;
+    if (LadderIndex <= 2)  // central ladders in stations 1 to 8
+    {
+      if ((j >= -1) && (j <= 1))  // keep the inner 4 elements free for the cone
+        continue;
+    }
+    else if (LadderIndex <= 8)  // central ladders in stations 1 to 8
+    {
+      if ((j >= -2) && (j <= 2))  // keep the inner 4 elements free for the cone
+        continue;
+    }
+    // DEDE
+    ladder->AddNode(fullFrameBoxVol, i,
+                    new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_FullFrameBox_posrot", 0., j * gkFrameStep,
+                                       -ladderZ / 2. - (xu / 2. + sqrt(2.) * gkFrameThickness / 2.) / 2.,
+                                       fullFrameRot));
+    //    ladder->AddNode(fullFrameBoxVol, i, new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"_FullFrameBox_posrot", 0., j*gkFrameStep, -ladderZ/2.-(gkSectorGapZFrame+xu/2.+sqrt(2.)*gkFrameThickness/2.)/2., fullFrameRot));
+  }
+  //      cout << endl;
+  ladder->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Construct a ladder out of two half ladders
+ ** 
+ ** The second half ladder will be rotated by 180 degrees 
+ ** in the x-y plane. The two half ladders will be put on top of each
+ ** other with a vertical overlap and displaced in z bz shiftZ.
+ **
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            name             volume name
+ **            halfLadderU      pointer to upper half ladder
+ **            halfLadderD      pointer to lower half ladder
+ **            shiftZ           relative displacement along the z axis
+ **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructLadder(Int_t LadderIndex, TGeoVolume* halfLadderU, TGeoVolume* halfLadderD, Double_t shiftZ)
+  // --- Some variables
+  TGeoBBox* shape = NULL;
+  // --- Dimensions of half ladders
+  shape       = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  Double_t xu = 2. * shape->GetDX();
+  Double_t yu = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  Double_t zu = 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  shape       = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderD->GetShape();
+  Double_t xd = 2. * shape->GetDX();
+  Double_t yd = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  Double_t zd = 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  // --- Create ladder volume assembly
+  TString name               = Form("Ladder%02d", LadderIndex);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* ladder = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
+  Double_t ladderX           = TMath::Max(xu, xd);
+  //  Double_t ladderY = yu + yd - gkSectorOverlapY;
+  Double_t ladderY = TMath::Max(yu, yd);
+  Double_t ladderZ = TMath::Max(zu, zd + shiftZ);
+  // --- Place half ladders
+  Double_t xPosU      = 0.;                    // centred in x
+  Double_t yPosU      = 0.5 * (ladderY - yu);  // top aligned
+  Double_t zPosU      = 0.5 * (ladderZ - zu);  // front aligned
+  TGeoTranslation* tu = new TGeoTranslation("tu", xPosU, yPosU, zPosU);
+  ladder->AddNode(halfLadderU, 1, tu);
+  Double_t xPosD = 0.;                    // centred in x
+  Double_t yPosD = 0.5 * (yd - ladderY);  // bottom aligned
+  Double_t zPosD = 0.5 * (zd - ladderZ);  // back aligned
+  //  cout << "DEEEE: li " <<  LadderIndex
+  //       <<    " || xu " << xu << " yu " << yu << " zu " << zu
+  //       <<    " || xd " << xd << " yd " << yd << " zd " << zd
+  //       <<    " || ypu " << yPosU << " ypd " << yPosD
+  //       << endl;
+  if (yu == 0)  // if no top (= only bottom) half ladder
+  {
+    yPosD = 0.5 * (ladderY - yd);  // top aligned
+    zPosD = 0.5 * (ladderZ - zd);  // back aligned
+  }
+  TGeoRotation* rd = new TGeoRotation();
+  rd->RotateZ(180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* cd = new TGeoCombiTrans(xPosD, yPosD, zPosD, rd);
+  ladder->AddNode(halfLadderD, 2, cd);
+  ladder->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  // ----------------   Create and place frame boxes   ------------------------
+  if (gkConstructFrames)
+    //      AddCarbonLadder(LadderIndex, ladder, xu, ladderY, ladderZ);  // take width of top HL
+    AddCarbonLadder(LadderIndex, ladder, ladderX, ladderY, ladderZ);  // take width of any HL
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  return ladder;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Construct a ladder out of two half ladders with vertical gap
+ ** 
+ ** The second half ladder will be rotated by 180 degrees 
+ ** in the x-y plane. The two half ladders will be put on top of each
+ ** other with a vertical gap.
+ **
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            name             volume name
+ **            halfLadderU      pointer to upper half ladder
+ **            halfLadderD      pointer to lower half ladder
+ **            gapY             vertical gap
+ **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructLadderWithGap(Int_t LadderIndex, TGeoVolume* halfLadderU, TGeoVolume* halfLadderD, Double_t gapY)
+  // --- Some variables
+  TGeoBBox* shape = NULL;
+  Int_t i;
+  Double_t j;
+  // --- Dimensions of half ladders
+  shape       = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  Double_t xu = 2. * shape->GetDX();
+  Double_t yu = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  Double_t zu = 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  shape       = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderD->GetShape();
+  Double_t xd = 2. * shape->GetDX();
+  Double_t yd = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  Double_t zd = 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  // --- Create ladder volume assembly
+  TString name               = Form("Ladder%02d", LadderIndex);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* ladder = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
+  Double_t ladderX           = TMath::Max(xu, xd);
+  Double_t ladderY           = yu + yd + gapY;
+  Double_t ladderZ           = TMath::Max(zu, zd);
+  // --- Place half ladders
+  Double_t xPosU      = 0.;                    // centred in x
+  Double_t yPosU      = 0.5 * (ladderY - yu);  // top aligned
+  Double_t zPosU      = 0.5 * (ladderZ - zu);  // front aligned
+  TGeoTranslation* tu = new TGeoTranslation("tu", xPosU, yPosU, zPosU);
+  ladder->AddNode(halfLadderU, 1, tu);
+  Double_t xPosD   = 0.;                    // centred in x
+  Double_t yPosD   = 0.5 * (yd - ladderY);  // bottom aligned
+  Double_t zPosD   = 0.5 * (zd - ladderZ);  // back aligned
+  TGeoRotation* rd = new TGeoRotation();
+  rd->RotateZ(180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* cd = new TGeoCombiTrans(xPosD, yPosD, zPosD, rd);
+  ladder->AddNode(halfLadderD, 2, cd);
+  ladder->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  // ----------------   Create and place frame boxes   ------------------------
+  if (gkConstructFrames) AddCarbonLadder(LadderIndex, ladder, xu, ladderY, ladderZ);
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  return ladder;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Construct a station
+ **
+ ** The station volume is the minimal  box comprising all ladders
+ ** minus a tube accomodating the beam pipe.
+ **
+ ** The ladders are arranged horizontally from left to right with
+ ** a given overlap in x.
+ ** Every second ladder is slightly displaced upstream from the centre
+ ** z plane and facing downstream, the others are slightly displaced
+ ** downstream and facing upstream (rotated around the y axis).
+ **
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            name             volume name
+ **            nLadders         number of ladders
+ **            ladderTypes      array of ladder types
+ **            rHole            radius of inner hole
+ **/
+// TGeoVolume* ConstructStation(const char* name,
+//                              Int_t iStation,
+TGeoVolume* ConstructStation(Int_t iStation, Int_t nLadders, Int_t* ladderTypes, Double_t rHole)
+  TString name;
+  name = Form("Station%02d", iStation + 1);  // 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
+  //  name = Form("Station%02d", iStation);  // 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - Station00 missing in output
+  // --- Some local variables
+  TGeoShape* statShape  = NULL;
+  TGeoBBox* ladderShape = NULL;
+  TGeoBBox* shape       = NULL;
+  TGeoVolume* ladder    = NULL;
+  TString ladderName;
+  // --- Determine size of station from ladders
+  Double_t statX     = 0.;
+  Double_t statY     = 0.;
+  Double_t statZeven = 0.;
+  Double_t statZodd  = 0.;
+  Double_t statZ     = 0.;
+  for (Int_t iLadder = 0; iLadder < nLadders; iLadder++) {
+    Int_t ladderType = ladderTypes[iLadder];
+    ladderName       = Form("Ladder%02d", ladderType);
+    ladder           = gGeoManager->GetVolume(ladderName);
+    if (!ladder) Fatal("ConstructStation", Form("Volume %s not found", ladderName.Data()));
+    shape = (TGeoBBox*) ladder->GetShape();
+    statX += 2. * shape->GetDX();
+    statY = TMath::Max(statY, 2. * shape->GetDY());
+    if (iLadder % 2) statZeven = TMath::Max(statZeven, 2. * shape->GetDZ());
+    else
+      statZodd = TMath::Max(statZodd, 2. * shape->GetDZ());
+  }
+  statX -= Double_t(nLadders - 1) * gkLadderOverlapX;
+  statZ = statZeven + gkLadderGapZ + statZodd;
+  // --- Create station volume
+  TString boxName(name);
+  boxName += "_box";
+  cout << "before   statZ/2.: " << statZ / 2. << endl;
+  statZ = 2 * 4.5;  // changed Z size of the station for cone and gkLadderGapZ
+  cout << "fixed to statZ/2.: " << statZ / 2. << endl;
+  TGeoBBox* statBox = new TGeoBBox(boxName, statX / 2., statY / 2., statZ / 2.);
+  //  TString tubName(name);
+  //  tubName += "_tub";
+  //  TString expression = boxName + "-" + tubName;
+  //  //  TGeoTube* statTub = new TGeoTube(tubName, 0., rHole, statZ/2.);
+  //  //  TGeoBBox* statTub = new TGeoBBox(tubName, rHole, rHole, statZ/2.);
+  //  TGeoBBox* statTub = new TGeoBBox(tubName, rHole, rHole, statZ/2.+.1);  // .1 opens the hole in z direction
+  //
+  //  statShape = new TGeoCompositeShape(name, expression.Data());
+  //  TGeoVolume* station = new TGeoVolume(name, statShape, gStsMedium);
+  //  TGeoVolume* station = new TGeoVolume(name, statBox, gStsMedium);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* station = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);  // do not produce keeping volumes
+  Double_t subtractedVal;
+  // --- Place ladders in station
+  cout << "xPos0: " << statX << endl;
+  Double_t xPos = -0.5 * statX;
+  cout << "xPos1: " << xPos << endl;
+  Double_t yPos = 0.;
+  Double_t zPos = 0.;
+  Double_t maxdz = 0.;
+  for (Int_t iLadder = 0; iLadder < nLadders; iLadder++) {
+    Int_t ladderType = ladderTypes[iLadder];
+    ladderName       = Form("Ladder%02d", ladderType);
+    ladder           = gGeoManager->GetVolume(ladderName);
+    shape            = (TGeoBBox*) ladder->GetShape();
+    if (maxdz < shape->GetDZ()) maxdz = shape->GetDZ();
+  }
+  for (Int_t iLadder = 0; iLadder < nLadders; iLadder++) {
+    Int_t ladderType = ladderTypes[iLadder];
+    ladderName       = Form("Ladder%02d", ladderType);
+    ladder           = gGeoManager->GetVolume(ladderName);
+    shape            = (TGeoBBox*) ladder->GetShape();
+    xPos += shape->GetDX();
+    cout << "xPos2: " << xPos << endl;
+    yPos              = 0.;  // vertically centred
+    TGeoRotation* rot = new TGeoRotation();
+    if (gkConstructFrames)
+      // DEDE
+      subtractedVal = sqrt(2.) * gkFrameThickness / 2. + shape->GetDX();
+    //      subtractedVal = 2*gkSectorGapZFrame + sqrt(2.)*gkFrameThickness/2. + shape->GetDX();
+    else
+      subtractedVal = 0.;
+    //    zPos = 0.5 * gkLadderGapZ + (shape->GetDZ()-subtractedVal/2.);  // non z-aligned ladders
+    zPos = 0.5 * gkLadderGapZ + (2 * maxdz - shape->GetDZ() - subtractedVal / 2.);  // z-aligned ladders
+    cout << "DE ladder" << ladderTypes[iLadder] << "  dx: " << shape->GetDX() << "  dy: " << shape->GetDY()
+         << "  dz: " << shape->GetDZ() << "  max dz: " << maxdz << endl;
+    cout << "DE ladder" << ladderTypes[iLadder] << "  fra: " << gkFrameThickness / 2. << "  sub: " << subtractedVal
+         << "  zpo: " << zPos << endl
+         << endl;
+    //    if (iStation % 2 == 0) // flip ladders for even stations to reproduce CAD layout
+    //    // even station 0,2,4,6
+    if (iStation % 2 == 1)  // flip ladders for odd stations to reproduce CAD layout
+    // odd station 1,3,5,7
+    {
+      // --- Unrotated ladders --- downstream
+      if ((nLadders / 2 + iLadder) % 2) {
+        //        zPos = 0.5 * gkLadderGapZ + (shape->GetDZ()-subtractedVal/2.);
+        rot->RotateY(180.);
+      }
+      // --- Rotated ladders --- upstream
+      else {
+        //        zPos = -0.5 * gkLadderGapZ - (shape->GetDZ()-subtractedVal/2.);
+        zPos = -zPos;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    // odd station 1,3,5,7
+    {
+      // --- Unrotated ladders --- upstream
+      if ((nLadders / 2 + iLadder) % 2) {
+        //        zPos = -0.5 * gkLadderGapZ - (shape->GetDZ()-subtractedVal/2.);
+        zPos = -zPos;
+      }
+      // --- Rotated ladders --- downstream
+      else {
+        //        zPos = 0.5 * gkLadderGapZ + (shape->GetDZ()-subtractedVal/2.);
+        rot->RotateY(180.);
+        //        zPos += 14.;  // move STS ladder from position of C-frame #1 to C-frame #3 - March 2019 version
+      }
+    }
+    TGeoCombiTrans* trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(xPos, yPos, zPos, rot);
+    // enable or disable units
+    // Unit 0
+    if ((ladderType == 9) && (iLadder + 1 == 1)) {
+      cout << "including " << ladderName << " " << ladderType << " " << iLadder + 1 << endl;
+      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder + 1, trans);
+    }
+    // Unit 1
+    if ((ladderType == 9) && (iLadder + 1 == 2)) {
+      cout << "including " << ladderName << " " << ladderType << " " << iLadder + 1 << endl;
+      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder + 1, trans);
+    }
+    // Unit 2
+    if ((ladderType == 10) && (iLadder + 1 == 2)) {
+      cout << "including " << ladderName << " " << ladderType << " " << iLadder + 1 << endl;
+      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder + 1, trans);
+    }
+    // Unit 3 right (far from beam)
+    if ((ladderType == 10) && (iLadder + 1 == 1)) {
+      cout << "including " << ladderName << " " << ladderType << " " << iLadder + 1 << endl;
+      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder + 1, trans);
+    }
+    // Unit 3 left (close to beam)
+    if ((ladderType == 11) && (iLadder + 1 == 3)) {
+      cout << "including " << ladderName << " " << ladderType << " " << iLadder + 1 << endl;
+      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder + 1, trans);
+    }
+    // include all ladders
+    //      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder+1, trans);
+    //    // drop upstream ladder for mSTS Nov 2019
+    //    //    station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder+1, trans);
+    //    cout << "DE222 " << iLadder << endl;
+    //      if (iLadder == 1) station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder+1, trans);
+    station->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+    xPos += shape->GetDX() - gkLadderOverlapX;
+    cout << "xPos3: " << xPos << endl;
+  }
+  return station;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Volume information for debugging
+ **/
+void CheckVolume(TGeoVolume* volume)
+  TGeoBBox* shape = (TGeoBBox*) volume->GetShape();
+  cout << volume->GetName() << ": size " << fixed << setprecision(4) << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDX() << " x "
+       << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDY() << " x " << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  if (volume->IsAssembly()) cout << ", assembly";
+  else {
+    if (volume->GetMedium()) cout << ", medium " << volume->GetMedium()->GetName();
+    else
+      cout << ", "
+           << "\033[31m"
+           << " no medium"
+           << "\033[0m";
+  }
+  cout << endl;
+  if (volume->GetNdaughters()) {
+    cout << "Daughters: " << endl;
+    for (Int_t iNode = 0; iNode < volume->GetNdaughters(); iNode++) {
+      TGeoNode* node  = volume->GetNode(iNode);
+      TGeoBBox* shape = (TGeoBBox*) node->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+      cout << setw(15) << node->GetName() << ", size " << fixed << setprecision(3) << setw(6) << 2. * shape->GetDX()
+           << " x " << setw(6) << 2. * shape->GetDY() << " x " << setw(6) << 2. * shape->GetDZ() << ", position ( ";
+      TGeoMatrix* matrix  = node->GetMatrix();
+      const Double_t* pos = matrix->GetTranslation();
+      cout << setfill(' ');
+      cout << fixed << setw(8) << pos[0] << ", " << setw(8) << pos[1] << ", " << setw(8) << pos[2] << " )" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Volume information for output to file
+ **/
+void CheckVolume(TGeoVolume* volume, fstream& file)
+  if (!file) return;
+  TGeoBBox* shape = (TGeoBBox*) volume->GetShape();
+  file << volume->GetName() << ": size " << fixed << setprecision(4) << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDX() << " x "
+       << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDY() << " x " << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  if (volume->IsAssembly()) file << ", assembly";
+  else {
+    if (volume->GetMedium()) file << ", medium " << volume->GetMedium()->GetName();
+    else
+      file << ", "
+           << "\033[31m"
+           << " no medium"
+           << "\033[0m";
+  }
+  file << endl;
+  if (volume->GetNdaughters()) {
+    file << "Contains: ";
+    for (Int_t iNode = 0; iNode < volume->GetNdaughters(); iNode++)
+      file << volume->GetNode(iNode)->GetVolume()->GetName() << " ";
+    file << endl;
+  }
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Calculate beam pipe outer radius for a given z
+ **/
+Double_t BeamPipeRadius(Double_t z)
+  if (z < gkPipeZ2) return gkPipeR1;
+  Double_t slope = (gkPipeR3 - gkPipeR2) / (gkPipeZ3 - gkPipeZ2);
+  return gkPipeR2 + slope * (z - gkPipeZ2);
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructFrameElement(const TString& name, TGeoVolume* frameBoxVol, Double_t x)
+  // --- Material of the frames
+  TGeoMedium* framesMaterial = gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon");
+  Double_t t = gkFrameThickness / 2.;
+  // --- Main vertical pillars
+  //    	TGeoBBox* frameVertPillarShp = new TGeoBBox(name + "_vertpillar_shape", t, gkFrameStep/2., t);  // square crossection, along y
+  //	TGeoVolume* frameVertPillarVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_vertpillar", frameVertPillarShp, framesMaterial);
+  //	frameVertPillarVol->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  //	frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameVertPillarVol, 1, new TGeoTranslation(name + "_vertpillar_pos_1", x-t, 0., -(x+sqrt(2.)*t-2.*t)/2.));
+  //	frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameVertPillarVol, 2, new TGeoTranslation(name + "_vertpillar_pos_2", -(x-t), 0., -(x+sqrt(2.)*t-2.*t)/2.));
+  TGeoBBox* frameVertPillarShp;
+  if (gkCylindricalFrames)
+    //          TGeoBBox* frameVertPillarShp = new TGeoTube(name + "_vertpillar_shape", 0, t, gkFrameStep/2.);  // circle crossection, along z
+    frameVertPillarShp = new TGeoTube(name + "_vertpillar_shape", gkCylinderDiaInner / 2., gkCylinderDiaOuter / 2.,
+                                      gkFrameStep / 2.);  // circle crossection, along z
+  else
+    frameVertPillarShp = new TGeoBBox(name + "_vertpillar_shape", t, t,
+                                      gkFrameStep / 2.);  // square crossection, along z
+  TGeoVolume* frameVertPillarVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_vertpillar", frameVertPillarShp, framesMaterial);
+  frameVertPillarVol->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  TGeoRotation* xRot90 = new TGeoRotation;
+  xRot90->RotateX(90.);
+  frameBoxVol->AddNode(
+    frameVertPillarVol, 1,
+    new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_vertpillar_pos_1", x - t, 0., -(x + sqrt(2.) * t - 2. * t) / 2., xRot90));
+  frameBoxVol->AddNode(
+    frameVertPillarVol, 2,
+    new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_vertpillar_pos_2", -(x - t), 0., -(x + sqrt(2.) * t - 2. * t) / 2., xRot90));
+  //	TGeoRotation* vertRot = new TGeoRotation(name + "_vertpillar_rot_1", 90., 45., -90.);
+  TGeoRotation* vertRot = new TGeoRotation;
+  vertRot->RotateX(90.);
+  vertRot->RotateY(45.);
+  frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameVertPillarVol, 3,
+                       new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_vertpillar_pos_3", 0., 0., (x - sqrt(2.) * t) / 2., vertRot));
+  // --- Small horizontal pillar
+  TGeoBBox* frameHorPillarShp =
+    new TGeoBBox(name + "_horpillar_shape", x - 2. * t, gkThinFrameThickness / 2., gkThinFrameThickness / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* frameHorPillarVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_horpillar", frameHorPillarShp, framesMaterial);
+  frameHorPillarVol->SetLineColor(kCyan);
+  frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameHorPillarVol, 1,
+                       new TGeoTranslation(name + "_horpillar_pos_1", 0., -gkFrameStep / 2. + gkThinFrameThickness / 2.,
+                                           -(x + sqrt(2.) * t - 2. * t) / 2.));
+  if (gkConstructSmallFrames) {
+    // --- Small sloping pillar
+    TGeoPara* frameSlopePillarShp =
+      new TGeoPara(name + "_slopepillar_shape", (x - 2. * t) / TMath::Cos(31.4 / 180. * TMath::Pi()),
+                   gkThinFrameThickness / 2., gkThinFrameThickness / 2., 31.4, 0., 90.);
+    TGeoVolume* frameSlopePillarVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_slopepillar", frameSlopePillarShp, framesMaterial);
+    frameSlopePillarVol->SetLineColor(kCyan);
+    TGeoRotation* slopeRot = new TGeoRotation(name + "_slopepillar_rot_1", 0., 0., 31.4);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* slopeTrRot =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_slopepillar_posrot_1", 0., 0., -(x + sqrt(2.) * t - 2. * t) / 2., slopeRot);
+    frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameSlopePillarVol, 1, slopeTrRot);
+    Double_t angl = 23.;
+    // --- Small sub pillar
+    TGeoPara* frameSubPillarShp =
+      new TGeoPara(name + "_subpillar_shape", (sqrt(2) * (x / 2. - t) - t / 2.) / TMath::Cos(angl / 180. * TMath::Pi()),
+                   gkThinFrameThickness / 2., gkThinFrameThickness / 2., angl, 0., 90.);
+    TGeoVolume* frameSubPillarVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_subpillar", frameSubPillarShp, framesMaterial);
+    frameSubPillarVol->SetLineColor(kMagenta);
+    Double_t posZ = t * (1. - 3. / (2. * sqrt(2.)));
+    // one side of X direction
+    TGeoRotation* subRot1 = new TGeoRotation(name + "_subpillar_rot_1", 90., 45., -90. + angl);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* subTrRot1 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_subpillar_posrot_1", -(-x / 2. + t - t / (2. * sqrt(2.))), 1., posZ, subRot1);
+    TGeoRotation* subRot2 = new TGeoRotation(name + "_subpillar_rot_2", 90., -90. - 45., -90. + angl);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* subTrRot2 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_subpillar_posrot_2", -(-x / 2. + t - t / (2. * sqrt(2.))), -1., posZ, subRot2);
+    // other side of X direction
+    TGeoRotation* subRot3 = new TGeoRotation(name + "_subpillar_rot_3", 90., 90. + 45., -90. + angl);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* subTrRot3 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_subpillar_posrot_3", -x / 2. + t - t / (2. * sqrt(2.)), 1., posZ, subRot3);
+    TGeoRotation* subRot4 = new TGeoRotation(name + "_subpillar_rot_4", 90., -45., -90. + angl);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* subTrRot4 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_subpillar_posrot_4", -x / 2. + t - t / (2. * sqrt(2.)), -1., posZ, subRot4);
+    frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameSubPillarVol, 1, subTrRot1);
+    frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameSubPillarVol, 2, subTrRot2);
+    frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameSubPillarVol, 3, subTrRot3);
+    frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameSubPillarVol, 4, subTrRot4);
+    //                frameBoxVol->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  return frameBoxVol;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructSmallCone(Double_t coneDz)
+  // --- Material of the frames
+  TGeoMedium* framesMaterial = gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon");
+  // --- Outer cone
+  //	TGeoConeSeg* A = new TGeoConeSeg ("A", coneDz, 6., 7.6, 6., 6.04, 0., 180.);
+  //	TGeoBBox* B = new TGeoBBox ("B", 8., 6., 10.);
+  Double_t radius    = 3.0;
+  Double_t thickness = 0.04;  // 0.4 mm
+  //	TGeoConeSeg* A = new TGeoConeSeg ("A", coneDz, 3., 3.2, 3., 3.2, 0., 180.);
+  TGeoConeSeg* A = new TGeoConeSeg("A", coneDz, radius, radius + thickness, radius, radius + thickness, 0., 180.);
+  TGeoBBox* B    = new TGeoBBox("B", 8., 6., 10.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* M = new TGeoCombiTrans("M");
+  M->RotateX(45.);
+  M->SetDy(-5.575);
+  M->SetDz(6.935);
+  M->RegisterYourself();
+  TGeoShape* coneShp  = new TGeoCompositeShape("Cone_shp", "A-B:M");
+  TGeoVolume* coneVol = new TGeoVolume("Cone", coneShp, framesMaterial);
+  coneVol->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  //	coneVol->RegisterYourself();
+  //	// --- Inner cone
+  //	Double_t thickness = 0.02;
+  //	Double_t thickness2 = 0.022;
+  //	//	TGeoConeSeg* A2 = new TGeoConeSeg ("A2", coneDz-thickness, 6.+thickness, 7.6-thickness2, 5.99+thickness, 6.05-thickness2, 0., 180.);
+  //	TGeoConeSeg* A2 = new TGeoConeSeg ("A2", coneDz-thickness, 3.+thickness, 4.6-thickness2, 2.99+thickness, 3.05-thickness2, 0., 180.);
+  //
+  //	TGeoCombiTrans* M2 = new TGeoCombiTrans ("M2");
+  //	M2->RotateX (45.);
+  //	M2->SetDy (-5.575+thickness*sqrt(2.));
+  //	M2->SetDz (6.935);
+  //	M2->RegisterYourself();
+  //
+  //	TGeoShape* coneShp2 = new TGeoCompositeShape ("Cone2_shp", "A2-B:M2");
+  //	TGeoVolume* coneVol2 = new TGeoVolume ("Cone2", coneShp2, gStsMedium);
+  //	coneVol2->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  ////	coneVol2->RegisterYourself();
+  //
+  //	coneVol->AddNode(coneVol2, 1);
+  return coneVol;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructBigCone(Double_t coneDz)
+  // --- Material of the frames
+  TGeoMedium* framesMaterial = gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon");
+  // --- Outer cone
+  TGeoConeSeg* bA = new TGeoConeSeg("bA", coneDz, 6., 7.6, 6., 6.04, 0., 180.);
+  TGeoBBox* bB    = new TGeoBBox("bB", 8., 6., 10.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* bM = new TGeoCombiTrans("bM");
+  bM->RotateX(45.);
+  bM->SetDy(-5.575);
+  bM->SetDz(6.935);
+  bM->RegisterYourself();
+  TGeoShape* coneBigShp  = new TGeoCompositeShape("ConeBig_shp", "bA-bB:bM");
+  TGeoVolume* coneBigVol = new TGeoVolume("ConeBig", coneBigShp, framesMaterial);
+  coneBigVol->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  //	coneBigVol->RegisterYourself();
+  // --- Inner cone
+  Double_t thickness  = 0.02;
+  Double_t thickness2 = 0.022;
+  TGeoConeSeg* bA2    = new TGeoConeSeg("bA2", coneDz - thickness, 6. + thickness, 7.6 - thickness2, 5.99 + thickness,
+                                     6.05 - thickness2, 0., 180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* bM2 = new TGeoCombiTrans("bM2");
+  bM2->RotateX(45.);
+  bM2->SetDy(-5.575 + thickness * sqrt(2.));
+  bM2->SetDz(6.935);
+  bM2->RegisterYourself();
+  TGeoShape* coneBigShp2  = new TGeoCompositeShape("ConeBig2_shp", "bA2-bB:bM2");
+  TGeoVolume* coneBigVol2 = new TGeoVolume("ConeBig2", coneBigShp2, gStsMedium);
+  coneBigVol2->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  //	coneBigVol2->RegisterYourself();
+  coneBigVol->AddNode(coneBigVol2, 1);
+  return coneBigVol;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
diff --git a/macro/mcbm/geometry/sts/create_stsgeo_v22c.C b/macro/mcbm/geometry/sts/create_stsgeo_v22c.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17d5dda7bf4280a2ce9e1204073ff7c7ce8897b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/mcbm/geometry/sts/create_stsgeo_v22c.C
@@ -0,0 +1,2762 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2012-2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: David Emschermann [committer] */
+ ** Creation of STS geometry in ROOT format (TGeo).
+ **
+ ** @file create_stsgeo_v22b.C
+ ** @author David Emschermann <d.emschermann@gsi.de>
+ ** @author Volker Friese <v.friese@gsi.de>
+ ** @since 15 June 2012
+ ** @date 09.05.2014
+ ** @author Tomas Balog <T.Balog@gsi.de>
+ **
+ ** 2022-02-01 - DE - v22c: v22b without box for mSTS 07_2021 as surveyed in the cave
+ ** 2022-02-01 - DE - v22b: add position offset for mSTS 07_2021 as surveyed in the cave
+ ** 2022-01-25 - DE - v22a: add a aluminium box around v20e
+ ** 2020-05-16 - DE - v20e: swap ladders in unit 3 - 3x 6x6 on beam side
+ ** 2020-03-21 - DE - v20d: build mSTS for March 2020 - 1 ladder - shift -3 cm in x
+ ** 2020-03-11 - DE - v20c: build mSTS for March 2021 - 5 ladders
+ ** 2020-03-11 - DE - v20b: build mSTS for May   2020 - 2 ladders
+ ** 2020-03-11 - DE - v20a: build mSTS for March 2020 - 1 ladder
+ **
+ ** 2019-12-04 - DE - v19d: build 2nd mSTS v19d station from one 6x6 and one 6x12 cm x cm sensors
+ ** 2019-12-04 - DE - v19c: build 1st mSTS v19c station at nominal position
+ ** 2019-08-12 - DE - v19a: mSTS as built in March 2019 - the mSTS FEBs are in the bottom
+ ** 2019-03-15 - DE - v18n: mSTS as built in March 2019 - downstream ladder of station 0 at position of station 1
+ ** 2018-01-18 - DE - v18g: set overlaps in X and Y according to mSTS CAD model
+ **
+ ** v18f: flip orientation of carbon ladders for primary beam left of mSTS, change z-positions to 30 and 45 cm
+ ** v18e: 2 stations, derived from v15b, 1st 2x2, 2nd of 3x3 sensor array, sensor size 6x6 cm2 with carbon ladder supports
+ ** v18d: 2 stations of 3x3 sensor array, sensor size 6x6 cm2 with carbon ladder supports
+ ** v18c: (causes segfault due to divide) 2 stations of 3x3 sensor array, sensor size 6x6 cm2 with carbon ladder supports
+ ** v18b: 2 stations of 4x4 sensor array, sensor size 6x6 cm2
+ ** v18a: 2 stations of 3x3 sensor array, sensor size 6x6 cm2
+ **
+ ** v15b: introduce modified carbon ladders from v13z
+ ** v15a: with flipped ladder orientation for stations 0,2,4,6 to match CAD design
+ **
+ ** TODO:
+ **
+ ** DONE:
+ ** v15b - use carbon macaroni as ladder support
+ ** v15b - introduce a small gap between lowest sensor and carbon ladder
+ ** v15b - build small cones for the first 2 stations
+ ** v15b - within a station the ladders of adjacent units should not touch eachother - set gkLadderGapZ to 10 mm
+ ** v15b - for all ladders set an even number of ladder elements 
+ ** v15b - z offset of cones to ladders should not be 0.3 by default, but 0.26
+ ** v15b - within a station the ladders should be aligned in z, defined either by the unit or the ladder with most sensors
+ ** v15b - get rid of cone overlap in stations 7 and 8 - done by adapting rHole size
+ **
+ ** The geometry hierarachy is:
+ **
+ ** 1. Sensors  (see function CreateSensors)
+ **    The sensors are the active volumes and the lowest geometry level.
+ **    They are built as TGeoVolumes, shape box, material silicon.
+ **    x size is determined by strip pitch 58 mu and 1024 strips 
+ **    plus guard ring of 1.3 mm at each border -> 6.1992 cm.
+ **    Sensor type 1 is half of that (3.0792 cm).
+ **    y size is determined by strip length (2.2 / 4.2 / 6.3 cm) plus
+ **    guard ring of 1.3 mm at top and bottom -> 2.46 / 4.46 / 6.46 cm.
+ **    z size is a parameter, to be set by gkSensorThickness.
+ **
+ ** 2. Sectors  (see function CreateSectors)
+ **    Sectors consist of several chained sensors. These are arranged
+ **    vertically on top of each other with a gap to be set by
+ **    gkChainGapY. Sectors are constructed as TGeoVolumeAssembly.
+ **    The sectors are auxiliary volumes used for proper placement
+ **    of the sensor(s) in the module. They do not show up in the
+ **    final geometry.
+ **
+ ** 3. Modules (see function ConstructModule)
+ **    A module is a readout unit, consisting of one sensor or
+ **    a chain of sensors (see sector) and a cable.
+ **    The cable extends from the top of the sector vertically to the
+ **    top of the halfladder the module is placed in. The cable and module
+ **    volume thus depend on the vertical position of the sector in 
+ **    the halfladder. The cables consist of silicon with a thickness to be
+ **    set by gkCableThickness.
+ **    Modules are constructed as TGeoVolume, shape box, medium gStsMedium.
+ **    The module construction can be switched off (gkConstructCables)
+ **    to reproduce older geometries.
+ **
+ ** 4. Halfladders (see function ConstructHalfLadder)
+ **    A halfladder is a vertical assembly of several modules. The modules
+ **    are placed vertically such that their sectors overlap by 
+ **    gkSectorOverlapY. They are displaced in z direction to allow for the 
+ **    overlap in y by gkSectorGapZ.
+ **    The horizontal placement of modules in the halfladder can be choosen
+ **    to left aligned or right aligned, which only matters if sensors of
+ **    different x size are involved.
+ **    Halfladders are constructed as TGeoVolumeAssembly.
+ **
+ ** 5. Ladders (see function CreateLadders and ConstructLadder)
+ **    A ladder is a vertical assembly of two halfladders, and is such the
+ **    vertical building block of a station. The second (bottom) half ladder
+ **    is rotated upside down. The vertical arrangement is such that the
+ **    inner sectors of the two halfladders have the overlap gkSectorOverlapY
+ **    (function CreateLadder) or that there is a vertical gap for the beam
+ **    hole (function CreateLadderWithGap).
+ **    Ladders are constructed as TGeoVolumeAssembly.
+ **   
+ ** 6. Stations (see function ConstructStation)
+ **    A station represents one layer of the STS geometry: one measurement
+ **    at (approximately) a given z position. It consist of several ladders
+ **    arranged horizontally to cover the acceptance.
+ **    The ladders are arranged such that there is a horizontal overlap
+ **    between neighbouring ladders (gkLadderOverLapX) and a vertical gap
+ **    to allow for this overlap (gkLadderGapZ). Each second ladder is
+ **    rotated around its y axis to face away from or into the beam.
+ **    Stations are constructed as TGeoVolumes, shape box minus tube (for
+ **    the beam hole), material gStsMedium.
+ **
+ ** 7. STS
+ **    The STS is a volume hosting the entire detectors system. It consists
+ **    of several stations located at different z positions.
+ **    The STS is constructed as TGeoVolume, shape box minus cone (for the
+ **    beam pipe), material gStsMedium. The size of the box is computed to
+ **    enclose all stations.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// Remark: With the proper steering variables, this should exactly reproduce
+// the geometry version v11b of A. Kotynia's described in the ASCII format.
+// The only exception is a minimal difference in the z position of the
+// sectors/sensors. This is because of ladder types 2 and 4 containing the half
+// sensors around the beam hole (stations 1,2 and 3). In v11b, the two ladders
+// covering the beam hole cannot be transformed into each other by rotations,
+// but only by a reflection. This means they are constructionally different.
+// To avoid introducing another two ladder types, the difference in z position
+// was accepted.
+// Differences to v12:
+// gkChainGap reduced from 1 mm to 0
+// gkCableThickness increased from 100 mum to 200 mum (2 cables per module)
+// gkSectorOverlapY reduced from 3 mm to 2.4 mm
+// New sensor types 05 and 06
+// New sector types 07 and 08
+// Re-definiton of ladders (17 types instead of 8)
+// Re-definiton of station from new ladders
+#include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
+#include "TGeoCone.h"
+#include "TGeoManager.h"
+#include "TGeoPara.h"
+#include "TGeoTube.h"
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+// -------------   Installation offset      -----------------------------------
+// position in x and y agrees within 2 mm to CbmRoot geometry (01.02.2022)
+const Double_t gOffX = 0.0;  // Offset from nominal position
+const Double_t gOffY = 0.0;  // Offset from nominal position
+const Double_t gOffZ = 7.0;  // Offset from nominal position
+const Bool_t IncludeBox = false;  // true, if STS box is plotted
+// -------------   Steering variables       -----------------------------------
+// ---> Horizontal width of sensors [cm]
+const Double_t gkSensorSizeX = 6.2092;
+// ---> Thickness of sensors [cm]
+const Double_t gkSensorThickness = 0.03;
+// ---> Vertical gap between chained sensors [cm]
+const Double_t gkChainGapY = 0.00;
+// ---> Thickness of cables [cm]
+const Double_t gkCableThickness = 0.02;
+// ---> Horizontal overlap of neighbouring ladders [cm]
+const Double_t gkLadderOverlapX = 0.25;  // delta X - Oleg CAD 14/05/2020
+// ---> Vertical overlap of neighbouring sectors in a ladder [cm]
+const Double_t gkSectorOverlapY = 0.46;  // delta Y - Oleg CAD 14/05/2020
+// ---> Gap in z between neighbouring sectors in a ladder [cm]
+const Double_t gkSectorGapZ = 0.17;  // gap + thickness = pitch // delta Z pitch = 0.20 - Oleg CAD 14/05/2020
+// ---> Gap in z between neighbouring ladders [cm]
+const Double_t gkLadderGapZ = 1.00;  // DEJH -> 0.90 / 0.50
+// ---> Gap in z between lowest sector to carbon support structure [cm]
+const Double_t gkSectorGapZFrame = 0.10;
+// ---> Switch to construct / not to construct readout cables
+const Bool_t gkConstructCables = kTRUE;
+// ---> Switch to construct / not to construct frames
+const Bool_t gkConstructCones       = kFALSE;  // kFALSE;  // switch this false for v15a
+const Bool_t gkConstructFrames      = kTRUE;   // kFALSE;  // switch this false for v15a
+const Bool_t gkConstructSmallFrames = kTRUE;   // kFALSE;
+const Bool_t gkCylindricalFrames    = kTRUE;   // kFALSE;
+// ---> Size of the frame
+const Double_t gkFrameThickness     = 0.2;
+const Double_t gkThinFrameThickness = 0.05;
+const Double_t gkFrameStep          = 4.0;  // size of frame cell along y direction
+const Double_t gkCylinderDiaInner =
+  0.07;  // properties of cylindrical carbon supports, see CBM-STS Integration Meeting (10 Jul 2015)
+const Double_t gkCylinderDiaOuter =
+  0.15;  // properties of cylindrical carbon supports, see CBM-STS Integration Meeting (10 Jul 2015)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------   Parameters of beam pipe in the STS region    --------------
+// ---> Needed to compute stations and STS such as to avoid overlaps
+const Double_t gkPipeZ1 = 22.0;
+const Double_t gkPipeR1 = 1.8;
+const Double_t gkPipeZ2 = 50.0;
+const Double_t gkPipeR2 = 1.8;
+const Double_t gkPipeZ3 = 125.0;
+const Double_t gkPipeR3 = 5.5;
+//DE const Double_t gkPipeZ1 =  27.0;
+//DE const Double_t gkPipeR1 =   1.05;
+//DE const Double_t gkPipeZ2 = 160.0;
+//DE const Double_t gkPipeR2 =   3.25;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -------------   Other global variables   -----------------------------------
+// ---> STS medium (for every volume except silicon)
+TGeoMedium* gStsMedium = NULL;  // will be set later
+// ---> TGeoManager (too lazy to write out 'Manager' all the time
+TGeoManager* gGeoMan = NULL;  // will be set later
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Int_t CreateSubplates();
+Int_t CreatePlates();
+Int_t CreateSensors();
+Int_t CreateSectors();
+Int_t CreateLadders();
+void CheckVolume(TGeoVolume* volume);
+void CheckVolume(TGeoVolume* volume, fstream& file);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructFrameElement(const TString& name, TGeoVolume* frameBoxVol, Double_t x);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructSmallCone(Double_t coneDz);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructBigCone(Double_t coneDz);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructHalfLadder(Int_t ladderid, const TString& name, Int_t nSectors, Int_t* sectorTypes, char align);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructLadder(Int_t LadderIndex, TGeoVolume* halfLadderU, TGeoVolume* halfLadderD, Double_t shiftZ);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructLadderWithGap(Int_t LadderIndex, TGeoVolume* halfLadderU, TGeoVolume* halfLadderD, Double_t gapY);
+TGeoVolume* ConstructStation(Int_t iStation, Int_t nLadders, Int_t* ladderTypes, Double_t rHole);
+// ============================================================================
+// ======                         Main function                           =====
+// ============================================================================
+void create_stsgeo_v22b(const char* geoTag = "v22b_mcbm")
+  // -------   Geometry file name (output)   ----------------------------------
+  TString geoFileName = "sts_";
+  geoFileName         = geoFileName + geoTag + ".geo.root";
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -------   Open info file   -----------------------------------------------
+  TString infoFileName = geoFileName;
+  infoFileName.ReplaceAll("root", "info");
+  fstream infoFile;
+  infoFile.open(infoFileName.Data(), fstream::out);
+  infoFile << "STS geometry created with create_stsgeo_v22b.C" << endl << endl;
+  infoFile << "Global variables: " << endl;
+  infoFile << "Sensor thickness = " << gkSensorThickness << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Vertical gap in sensor chain = " << gkChainGapY << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Vertical overlap of sensors = " << gkSectorOverlapY << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Gap in z between neighbour sensors = " << gkSectorGapZ << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Horizontal overlap of sensors = " << gkLadderOverlapX << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Gap in z between neighbour ladders = " << gkLadderGapZ << " cm" << endl;
+  if (gkConstructCables) infoFile << "Cable thickness = " << gkCableThickness << " cm" << endl;
+  else
+    infoFile << "No cables" << endl;
+  infoFile << endl;
+  infoFile << "Beam pipe: R1 = " << gkPipeR1 << " cm at z = " << gkPipeZ1 << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Beam pipe: R2 = " << gkPipeR2 << " cm at z = " << gkPipeZ2 << " cm" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Beam pipe: R3 = " << gkPipeR3 << " cm at z = " << gkPipeZ3 << " cm" << endl;
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -------   Load media from media file   -----------------------------------
+  FairGeoLoader* geoLoad    = new FairGeoLoader("TGeo", "FairGeoLoader");
+  FairGeoInterface* geoFace = geoLoad->getGeoInterface();
+  TString geoPath           = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+  TString medFile           = geoPath + "/geometry/media.geo";
+  geoFace->setMediaFile(medFile);
+  geoFace->readMedia();
+  gGeoMan = gGeoManager;
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----------------   Get and create the required media    -----------------
+  FairGeoMedia* geoMedia   = geoFace->getMedia();
+  FairGeoBuilder* geoBuild = geoLoad->getGeoBuilder();
+  // ---> air
+  FairGeoMedium* mAir = geoMedia->getMedium("air");
+  if (!mAir) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium air not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mAir);
+  TGeoMedium* air = gGeoMan->GetMedium("air");
+  if (!air) Fatal("Main", "Medium air not found");
+  // ---> silicon
+  FairGeoMedium* mSilicon = geoMedia->getMedium("silicon");
+  if (!mSilicon) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium silicon not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mSilicon);
+  TGeoMedium* silicon = gGeoMan->GetMedium("silicon");
+  if (!silicon) Fatal("Main", "Medium silicon not found");
+  // ---> carbon
+  FairGeoMedium* mCarbon = geoMedia->getMedium("carbon");
+  if (!mCarbon) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium carbon not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mCarbon);
+  TGeoMedium* carbon = gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon");
+  if (!carbon) Fatal("Main", "Medium carbon not found");
+  // ---> aluminium
+  FairGeoMedium* mAluminium = geoMedia->getMedium("aluminium");
+  if (!mAluminium) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium aluminium not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mAluminium);
+  TGeoMedium* aluminium = gGeoMan->GetMedium("aluminium");
+  if (!aluminium) Fatal("Main", "Medium aluminium not found");
+  // ---> STScable
+  FairGeoMedium* mSTScable = geoMedia->getMedium("STScable");
+  if (!mSTScable) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium STScable not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mSTScable);
+  TGeoMedium* STScable = gGeoMan->GetMedium("STScable");
+  if (!STScable) Fatal("Main", "Medium STScable not found");
+  // ---
+  gStsMedium = air;
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // --------------   Create geometry and top volume  -------------------------
+  gGeoMan = (TGeoManager*) gROOT->FindObject("FAIRGeom");
+  gGeoMan->SetName("STSgeom");
+  TGeoVolume* top = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("TOP");
+  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // --------------   Create media   ------------------------------------------
+  /*
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating media....";
+  cout << CreateMedia();
+  cout << " media created" << endl;
+  TList* media = gGeoMan->GetListOfMedia();
+  for (Int_t iMedium = 0; iMedium < media->GetSize(); iMedium++ ) {
+    cout << "Medium " << iMedium << ": " 
+	 << ((TGeoMedium*) media->At(iMedium))->GetName() << endl;
+  }
+  gStsMedium = gGeoMan->GetMedium("air");
+  if ( ! gStsMedium ) Fatal("Main", "medium sts_air not found");
+  */
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Create sensors   ---------------------------------------
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating sensors...." << endl << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Sensors: " << endl;
+  Int_t nSensors = CreateSensors();
+  for (Int_t iSensor = 1; iSensor <= nSensors; iSensor++) {
+    TString name       = Form("Sensor%02d", iSensor);
+    TGeoVolume* sensor = gGeoMan->GetVolume(name);
+    // add color to sensors
+    if (iSensor == 1) sensor->SetLineColor(kYellow);
+    if (iSensor == 2) sensor->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    if (iSensor == 3) sensor->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+    if (iSensor == 4) sensor->SetLineColor(kAzure + 7);
+    if (iSensor == 5) sensor->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+    if (iSensor == 6) sensor->SetLineColor(kYellow);
+    CheckVolume(sensor);
+    CheckVolume(sensor, infoFile);
+  }
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ----------------   Create sectors   --------------------------------------
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating sectors...." << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Sectors: " << endl;
+  Int_t nSectors = CreateSectors();
+  for (Int_t iSector = 1; iSector <= nSectors; iSector++) {
+    cout << endl;
+    TString name       = Form("Sector%02d", iSector);
+    TGeoVolume* sector = gGeoMan->GetVolume(name);
+    CheckVolume(sector);
+    CheckVolume(sector, infoFile);
+  }
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ----------------   Create ladders   --------------------------------------
+  TString name = "";
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating ladders...." << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Ladders:" << endl;
+  Int_t nLadders = CreateLadders();
+  for (Int_t iLadder = 1; iLadder <= nLadders; iLadder++) {
+    cout << endl;
+    name               = Form("Ladder%02d", iLadder);
+    TGeoVolume* ladder = gGeoMan->GetVolume(name);
+    CheckVolume(ladder);
+    CheckVolume(ladder, infoFile);
+    CheckVolume(ladder->GetNode(0)->GetVolume(), infoFile);
+  }
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ----------------   Create cone   -----------------------------------------
+  Double_t coneDz            = 1.64;
+  TGeoVolume* coneSmallVolum = ConstructSmallCone(coneDz);
+  if (!coneSmallVolum) Fatal("ConstructSmallCone", "Volume Cone not found");
+  TGeoVolume* coneBigVolum = ConstructBigCone(coneDz);
+  if (!coneBigVolum) Fatal("ConstructBigCone", "Volume Cone not found");
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ----------------   Create stations   -------------------------------------
+  //  Float_t statPos[8] = {30., 40., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100.};
+  Float_t statPos[8] = {28., 42., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100.};
+  //  Float_t statPos[8] = {30., 45., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100.};
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating stations...." << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Stations: ";
+  nLadders = 0;
+  Int_t ladderTypes[20];
+  Double_t statZ             = 0.;
+  Double_t rHole             = 0.;
+  TGeoBBox* statShape        = NULL;
+  TGeoTranslation* statTrans = NULL;
+  // --- Station 01: 8 ladders, type 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
+  cout << endl;
+  statZ                 = 30.;
+  rHole                 = 2.0;
+  nLadders              = 2;
+  ladderTypes[0]        = 9;
+  ladderTypes[1]        = 9;
+  TGeoVolume* station01 = ConstructStation(0, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  if (gkConstructCones) {
+    // upstream
+    TGeoRotation* coneRot11 = new TGeoRotation;
+    coneRot11->RotateZ(90);
+    coneRot11->RotateY(180);
+    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot11 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot11);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot11 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz - 0.305 - gkLadderGapZ / 2., coneRot11);
+    station01->AddNode(coneSmallVolum, 1, conePosRot11);
+    // downstream
+    TGeoRotation* coneRot12 = new TGeoRotation;
+    coneRot12->RotateZ(90);
+    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot12 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot12);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot12 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz + 0.305 + gkLadderGapZ / 2., coneRot12);
+    station01->AddNode(coneSmallVolum, 2, conePosRot12);
+    station01->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  CheckVolume(station01);
+  CheckVolume(station01, infoFile);
+  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[0] << endl;
+  // --- Station 02: 12 ladders, type 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4
+  cout << endl;
+  statZ                 = 40.;
+  rHole                 = 2.0;
+  nLadders              = 3;
+  ladderTypes[0]        = 10;
+  ladderTypes[1]        = 10;
+  ladderTypes[2]        = 11;  // triple ladder
+  TGeoVolume* station02 = ConstructStation(1, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  if (gkConstructCones) {
+    // upstream
+    TGeoRotation* coneRot21 = new TGeoRotation;
+    coneRot21->RotateZ(-90);
+    coneRot21->RotateY(180);
+    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot21 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot21);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot21 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz - 0.305 - gkLadderGapZ / 2., coneRot21);
+    station02->AddNode(coneSmallVolum, 1, conePosRot21);
+    // downstream
+    TGeoRotation* coneRot22 = new TGeoRotation;
+    coneRot22->RotateZ(-90);
+    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot22 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot22);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot22 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz + 0.305 + gkLadderGapZ / 2., coneRot22);
+    station02->AddNode(coneSmallVolum, 2, conePosRot22);
+    station02->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  CheckVolume(station02);
+  CheckVolume(station02, infoFile);
+  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[1] << endl;
+  //  // --- Station 03: 12 ladders, type 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 7 8
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 50.;
+  //  rHole = 2.9;
+  //  nLadders = 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 14;  // 34;  // 8;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 13;  // 33;  // 7;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  =  3;  // 31;  // 22;   // 5;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  =  3;  // 31;  // 22;   // 5;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 13;  // 33;  // 7;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 14;  // 34;  // 8;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station03 = ConstructStation(2, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot31 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot31->RotateZ(90);
+  //    coneRot31->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot31 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot31);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot31 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot31);
+  //    station03->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot31);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot32 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot32->RotateZ(90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot32 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot32);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot32 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot32);
+  //    station03->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot32);
+  //
+  //    station03->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station03);
+  //  CheckVolume(station03, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[2] << endl;
+  //
+  //
+  //  // --- Station 04: 14 ladders, type 9 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 7 8 9
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 60.;
+  //  rHole = 2.9;
+  //  nLadders = 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 15;  // 42;  // 9;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 14;  // 34;  // 8;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 13;  // 33;  // 7;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  =  4;  // 41;  // 5;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  =  4;  // 41;  // 5;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 12;  // 32;  // 6;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 13;  // 33;  // 7;
+  //  ladderTypes[12] = 14;  // 34;  // 8;
+  //  ladderTypes[13] = 15;  // 42;  // 9;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station04 = ConstructStation(3, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot41 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot41->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    coneRot41->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot41 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot41);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot41 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot41);
+  //    station04->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot41);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot42 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot42->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot42 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot42);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot42 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot42);
+  //    station04->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot42);
+  //
+  //    station04->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station04);
+  //  CheckVolume(station04, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[3] << endl;
+  //
+  //
+  //  // --- Station 05: 14 ladders, type 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 70.;
+  //  rHole = 3.7;
+  //  nLadders = 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 19;  //  55;  // 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 18;  //  54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 17;  //  53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 17;  //  53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 16;  //  52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  = 16;  //  52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  =  5;  //  51;  // 23;   // 10;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  =  5;  //  51;  // 23;   // 10;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  = 16;  //  52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 16;  //  52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 17;  //  53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 17;  //  53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[12] = 18;  //  54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[13] = 19;  //  55;  // 14;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station05 = ConstructStation(4, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot51 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot51->RotateZ(90);
+  //    coneRot51->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot51 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot51);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot51 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot51);
+  //    station05->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot51);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot52 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot52->RotateZ(90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot52 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot52);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot52 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot52);
+  //    station05->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot52);
+  //
+  //    station05->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station05);
+  //  CheckVolume(station05, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[4] << endl;
+  //
+  //
+  //  // --- Station 06: 14 ladders, type 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 80.;
+  //  rHole = 3.7;
+  //  nLadders = 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 18;  // 54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 16;  // 52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  = 16;  // 52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  =  6;  // 61;  // 10;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  =  6;  // 61;  // 10;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  = 16;  // 52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 16;  // 52;  // 11;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[12] = 18;  // 54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[13] = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station06 = ConstructStation(5, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot61 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot61->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    coneRot61->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot61 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot61);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot61 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot61);
+  //    station06->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot61);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot62 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot62->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot62 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot62);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot62 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot62);
+  //    station06->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot62);
+  //
+  //    station06->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station06);
+  //  CheckVolume(station06, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[5] << endl;
+  //
+  //
+  //  // --- Station 07: 16 ladders, type 14 13 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 13 14
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 90.;
+  //  rHole = 4.2;
+  //  nLadders = 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 21;  // 73;  // 17;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 18;  // 54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  =  7;  // 71;  // 15;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  =  7;  // 71;  // 15;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[12] = 20;  // 72;  // 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[13] = 18;  // 54;  // 13;
+  //  ladderTypes[14] = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[15] = 21;  // 73;  // 17;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station07 = ConstructStation(6, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot71 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot71->RotateZ(90);
+  //    coneRot71->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot71 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot71);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot71 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot71);
+  //    station07->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot71);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot72 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot72->RotateZ(90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot72 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot72);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot72 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot72);
+  //    station07->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot72);
+  //
+  //    station07->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station07);
+  //  CheckVolume(station07, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[6] << endl;
+  //
+  //
+  //  // --- Station 08: 16 ladders, type 14 13 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 13 14
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  statZ = 100.;
+  //  rHole = 4.2;
+  //  nLadders = 16;
+  //  ladderTypes[0]  = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  ladderTypes[1]  = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[2]  = 23;  // 83;  // 20;
+  //  ladderTypes[3]  = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[4]  = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[5]  = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[6]  = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[7]  =  8;  // 81;  // 18;
+  //  ladderTypes[8]  =  8;  // 81;  // 18;
+  //  ladderTypes[9]  = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[10] = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[11] = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[12] = 22;  // 82;  // 19;
+  //  ladderTypes[13] = 23;  // 83;  // 20;
+  //  ladderTypes[14] = 17;  // 53;  // 12;
+  //  ladderTypes[15] = 19;  // 55;  // 14;
+  //  TGeoVolume* station08 = ConstructStation(7, nLadders, ladderTypes, rHole);
+  //
+  //  if (gkConstructCones) {
+  //    // upstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot81 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot81->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    coneRot81->RotateY(180);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot81 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.3-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot81);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot81 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot2", 0., 0., -coneDz-0.285-gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot81);
+  //    station08->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 1, conePosRot81);
+  //
+  //    // downstream
+  //    TGeoRotation* coneRot82 = new TGeoRotation;
+  //    coneRot82->RotateZ(-90);
+  //    //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot82 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.3+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot82);
+  //    TGeoCombiTrans* conePosRot82 = new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"conePosRot1", 0., 0., coneDz+0.285+gkLadderGapZ/2., coneRot82);
+  //    station08->AddNode(coneBigVolum, 2, conePosRot82);
+  //
+  //    station08->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  CheckVolume(station08);
+  //  CheckVolume(station08, infoFile);
+  //  infoFile << "Position z = " << statPos[7] << endl;
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Create subplates   ---------------------------------------
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating subplates...." << endl << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Subplates: " << endl;
+  Int_t nSubplates = CreateSubplates();
+  for (Int_t iSubplate = 1; iSubplate <= nSubplates; iSubplate++) {
+    TString name         = Form("Subplate%02d", iSubplate);
+    TGeoVolume* subplate = gGeoMan->GetVolume(name);
+    // add color to plates
+    subplate->SetTransparency(60);
+    if (iSubplate == 1) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kOrange);
+    if (iSubplate == 2) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kRed);
+    if (iSubplate == 3) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kGreen);
+    if (iSubplate == 4) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kRed);
+    if (iSubplate == 5) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kOrange);
+    if (iSubplate == 6) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kCyan);
+    if (iSubplate == 7) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kRed);
+    if (iSubplate == 8) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);   // kGreen);
+    if (iSubplate == 9) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);   // kGreen);
+    if (iSubplate == 10) subplate->SetLineColor(kOrange);  // kGreen);
+    //    CheckVolume(plate);
+    //    CheckVolume(plate, infoFile);
+  }
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Create plates   ---------------------------------------
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating plates...." << endl << endl;
+  infoFile << endl << "Plates: " << endl;
+  Int_t nPlates = CreatePlates();
+  for (Int_t iPlate = 1; iPlate <= nPlates; iPlate++) {
+    TString name      = Form("Plate%02d", iPlate);
+    TGeoVolume* plate = gGeoMan->GetVolume(name);
+    //    CheckVolume(plate);
+    //    CheckVolume(plate, infoFile);
+  }
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Create STS volume   ------------------------------------
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  cout << "===> Creating STS...." << endl;
+  TString stsName = "sts_";
+  stsName += geoTag;
+  // --- Determine size of STS box
+  Double_t stsX      = 0.;
+  Double_t stsY      = 0.;
+  Double_t stsZ      = 0.;
+  Double_t stsBorder = 2 * 5.;  // 5 cm space for carbon ladders on each side
+  Int_t nStation     = 2;       // set number of stations
+  for (Int_t iStation = 1; iStation <= nStation; iStation++) {
+    TString statName    = Form("Station%02d", iStation);
+    TGeoVolume* station = gGeoMan->GetVolume(statName);
+    TGeoBBox* shape     = (TGeoBBox*) station->GetShape();
+    stsX                = TMath::Max(stsX, 2. * shape->GetDX());
+    stsY                = TMath::Max(stsY, 2. * shape->GetDY());
+    cout << "Station " << iStation << ":  Y " << stsY << endl;
+  }
+  // --- Some border around the stations
+  stsX += stsBorder;
+  stsY += stsBorder;
+  stsZ             = (statPos[1] - statPos[0]) + stsBorder;
+  Double_t stsPosZ = 0.5 * (statPos[1] + statPos[0]);
+  // --- Create box  around the stations
+  TGeoBBox* stsBox = new TGeoBBox("stsBox", stsX / 2., stsY / 2., stsZ / 2.);
+  cout << "size of STS box: x " << stsX << " - y " << stsY << " - z " << stsZ << endl;
+  //  // --- Create cone hosting the beam pipe
+  //  // --- One straight section with constant radius followed by a cone
+  //  Double_t z1 = statPos[0] - 0.5 * stsBorder;  // start of STS box
+  //  Double_t z2 = gkPipeZ2;
+  //  Double_t z3 = statPos[1] + 0.5 * stsBorder;  // end of STS box
+  //  Double_t r1 = BeamPipeRadius(z1);
+  //  Double_t r2 = BeamPipeRadius(z2);
+  //  Double_t r3 = BeamPipeRadius(z3);
+  //  r1 += 0.01;    // safety margin
+  //  r2 += 0.01;    // safety margin
+  //  r3 += 0.01;    // safety margin
+  //
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  cout << z1 << "  " << r1 << endl;
+  //  cout << z2 << "  " << r2 << endl;
+  //  cout << z3 << "  " << r3 << endl;
+  //
+  //  cout << endl;
+  //  cout << "station1 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[0]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station2 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[1]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station3 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[2]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station4 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[3]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station5 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[4]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station6 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[5]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station7 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[6]) << endl;
+  //  cout << "station8 :  " << BeamPipeRadius(statPos[7]) << endl;
+  //
+  //  //  TGeoPcon* cutout = new TGeoPcon("stsCone", 0., 360., 3); // 2.*TMath::Pi(), 3);
+  //  //  cutout->DefineSection(0, z1, 0., r1);
+  //  //  cutout->DefineSection(1, z2, 0., r2);
+  //  //  cutout->DefineSection(2, z3, 0., r3);
+  //  new TGeoTrd2("stsCone1", r1, r2, r1, r2, (z2-z1)/2.+.1);  // add .1 in z length for a clean cutout
+  //  TGeoTranslation *trans1 = new TGeoTranslation("trans1", 0., 0., -(z3-z1)/2.+(z2-z1)/2.);
+  //  trans1->RegisterYourself();
+  //  new TGeoTrd2("stsCone2", r2, r3, r2, r3, (z3-z2)/2.+.1);  // add .1 in z length for a clean cutout
+  //  TGeoTranslation *trans2 = new TGeoTranslation("trans2", 0., 0., +(z3-z1)/2.-(z3-z2)/2.);
+  //  trans2->RegisterYourself();
+  //DE   Double_t z1 = statPos[0] - 0.5 * stsBorder;  // start of STS box
+  //DE   Double_t z2 = statPos[7] + 0.5 * stsBorder;  // end of STS box
+  //DE   Double_t slope = (gkPipeR2 - gkPipeR1) / (gkPipeZ2 - gkPipeZ1);
+  //DE   Double_t r1 = gkPipeR1 + slope * (z1 - gkPipeZ1); // at start of STS
+  //DE   Double_t r2 = gkPipeR1 + slope * (z2 - gkPipeZ1); // at end of STS
+  //DE   r1 += 0.1;    // safety margin
+  //DE   r2 += 0.1;    // safety margin
+  //DE   //  new TGeoCone("stsCone", stsZ/2., 0., r1, 0., r2);
+  //DE   new TGeoTrd2("stsCone", r1, r2, r1, r2, stsZ/2.);
+  // --- Create STS volume
+  //  TGeoShape* stsShape = new TGeoCompositeShape("stsShape",
+  //                                               "stsBox-stsCone1:trans1-stsCone2:trans2");
+  //  TGeoVolume* sts = new TGeoVolume(stsName.Data(), stsShape, gStsMedium);
+  //  TGeoVolume* sts = new TGeoVolume(stsName.Data(), stsBox, gStsMedium);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sts = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(stsName.Data());  // do not produce keeping volumes
+  // --- Place stations in the STS
+  for (Int_t iStation = 1; iStation <= nStation; iStation++) {
+    TString statName       = Form("Station%02d", iStation);
+    TGeoVolume* station    = gGeoMan->GetVolume(statName);
+    Double_t posZ          = statPos[iStation - 1] - stsPosZ;
+    TGeoTranslation* trans = new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., posZ);  // standard
+    sts->AddNode(station, iStation, trans);
+    sts->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  // plates
+  if (IncludeBox)
+    for (Int_t iPlate = 1; iPlate <= nPlates; iPlate++) {
+      TString platName  = Form("Plate%02d", iPlate);
+      TGeoVolume* plate = gGeoMan->GetVolume(platName);
+      sts->AddNode(plate, iPlate);
+      sts->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+    }
+  cout << endl;
+  CheckVolume(sts);
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Finish   -----------------------------------------------
+  TGeoTranslation* stsTrans = new TGeoTranslation(gOffX, gOffY, stsPosZ + gOffZ);
+  top->AddNode(sts, 1, stsTrans);
+  top->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  CheckVolume(top);
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  gGeoMan->CloseGeometry();
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.0001);
+  gGeoMan->PrintOverlaps();
+  gGeoMan->Test();
+  TFile* geoFile = new TFile(geoFileName, "RECREATE");
+  top->Write();
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "Geometry " << top->GetName() << " written to " << geoFileName << endl;
+  geoFile->Close();
+  TString geoFileName_ = "sts_";
+  geoFileName_         = geoFileName_ + geoTag + "_geo.root";
+  geoFile = new TFile(geoFileName_, "RECREATE");
+  gGeoMan->Write();  // use this is you want GeoManager format in the output
+  geoFile->Close();
+  TString geoFileName__ = "sts_";
+  geoFileName_          = geoFileName__ + geoTag + "-geo.root";
+  sts->Export(geoFileName_);
+  geoFile = new TFile(geoFileName_, "UPDATE");
+  stsTrans->Write();
+  geoFile->Close();
+  top->Draw("ogl");
+  gGeoManager->SetVisLevel(6);
+  infoFile.close();
+// ============================================================================
+// ======                   End of main function                          =====
+// ============================================================================
+// ****************************************************************************
+// *****      Definition of media, sensors, sectors and ladders           *****
+// *****                                                                  *****
+// *****     Decoupled from main function for better readability          *****
+// ****************************************************************************
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Create media
+ **
+ ** Currently created: air, active silicon, passive silion
+ **
+ ** Not used for the time being
+ **/
+Int_t CreateMedia()
+  Int_t nMedia     = 0;
+  Double_t density = 0.;
+  // --- Material air
+  density             = 1.205e-3;  // [g/cm^3]
+  TGeoMixture* matAir = new TGeoMixture("sts_air", 3, density);
+  matAir->AddElement(14.0067, 7, 0.755);  // Nitrogen
+  matAir->AddElement(15.999, 8, 0.231);   // Oxygen
+  matAir->AddElement(39.948, 18, 0.014);  // Argon
+  // --- Material silicon
+  density             = 2.33;  // [g/cm^3]
+  TGeoElement* elSi   = gGeoMan->GetElementTable()->GetElement(14);
+  TGeoMaterial* matSi = new TGeoMaterial("matSi", elSi, density);
+  // --- Air (passive)
+  TGeoMedium* medAir = new TGeoMedium("air", nMedia++, matAir);
+  medAir->SetParam(0, 0.);     // is passive
+  medAir->SetParam(1, 1.);     // is in magnetic field
+  medAir->SetParam(2, 20.);    // max. field [kG]
+  medAir->SetParam(6, 0.001);  // boundary crossing precision [cm]
+  // --- Active silicon for sensors
+  TGeoMedium* medSiAct = new TGeoMedium("silicon", nMedia++, matSi);
+  medSiAct->SetParam(0, 1.);     // is active
+  medSiAct->SetParam(1, 1.);     // is in magnetic field
+  medSiAct->SetParam(2, 20.);    // max. field [kG]
+  medSiAct->SetParam(6, 0.001);  // boundary crossing precisison [cm]
+  // --- Passive silicon for cables
+  TGeoMedium* medSiPas = new TGeoMedium("carbon", nMedia++, matSi);
+  medSiPas->SetParam(0, 0.);     // is passive
+  medSiPas->SetParam(1, 1.);     // is in magnetic field
+  medSiPas->SetParam(2, 20.);    // max. field [kG]
+  medSiPas->SetParam(6, 0.001);  // boundary crossing precisison [cm]
+  return nMedia;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+Int_t CreateSubplates()
+  Int_t nSubplates = 0;
+  Double_t xSize        = 0.;
+  Double_t ySize        = 0.;
+  Double_t zSize        = 0.5;  // cm  // gkSubplateThickness;
+  TGeoMedium* aluminium = gGeoMan->GetMedium("aluminium");
+  // xsize 830 / (830 - 115+137-12) = 590
+  // ysize 518 / 222 / 125 = 865
+  // ysize 530 / 198 / 137   // corrected for 12 mm rim
+  // center z-axis in front cutout
+  // ysize 518 + 222/2. = 629
+  // ysize 530 + 198/2. = 629
+  // center z-axis in front cutout
+  // xsize 830/2. - (115 + 137)/2. = 415 - 126 = 289
+  // ---  Subplate type 01: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 83.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 53.0;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate01 = new TGeoBBox("subplate01", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate01", shape_subplate01, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // ---  Subplate type 02: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 59.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 19.8;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate02 = new TGeoBBox("subplate02", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate02", shape_subplate02, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // ---  Subplate type 03: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 83.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 13.7;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate03 = new TGeoBBox("subplate03", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate03", shape_subplate03, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // xsize 830 / (830 - 340 - 25) = 465
+  // ysize 483 / 293 / 89 = 865
+  // center z-axis in back cutout
+  // ysize 483 + 293/2. = 629.5
+  // center z-axis in backside cutout
+  // xsize 830/2. - ( 340/2. + 25 ) = 415 - 220 = 195
+  // ---  Subplate type 04: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 83.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 48.3;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate04 = new TGeoBBox("subplate04", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate04", shape_subplate04, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // ---  Subplate type 05: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 46.5;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 29.3;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate05 = new TGeoBBox("subplate05", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate05", shape_subplate05, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // ---  Subplate type 06: front plate (83.0 cm x 86.5 cm)
+  xSize                      = 83.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 8.9;   // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate06 = new TGeoBBox("subplate06", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate06", shape_subplate06, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // bottom / top
+  // ---  Subplate type 07: bottom/top plate (83.0 cm x 34.0 cm)
+  xSize                      = 83.0;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 34.0;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate07 = new TGeoBBox("subplate07", xSize / 2., zSize / 2., ySize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate07", shape_subplate07, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // right
+  // ---  Subplate type 08: right plate
+  xSize                      = 85.5;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 34.0;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate08 = new TGeoBBox("subplate08", zSize / 2., xSize / 2., ySize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate08", shape_subplate08, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // left bottom
+  // ---  Subplate type 09: left plate
+  xSize                      = 52.5;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 34.0;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate09 = new TGeoBBox("subplate09", zSize / 2., xSize / 2., ySize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate09", shape_subplate09, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  // left top
+  // ---  Subplate type 10: left plate
+  xSize                      = 13.2;  // cm
+  ySize                      = 34.0;  // cm
+  TGeoBBox* shape_subplate10 = new TGeoBBox("subplate10", zSize / 2., xSize / 2., ySize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Subplate10", shape_subplate10, aluminium);
+  nSubplates++;
+  return nSubplates;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+Int_t CreatePlates()
+  Int_t nPlates = 0;
+  Double_t box_dx = 83.0;  // cm
+  Double_t box_dy = 86.5;  // cm
+  //  Double_t dx = 0;  // cm
+  //  Double_t dx = -(box_dx/2 - 19.5);  // cm - backside center
+  //  Double_t dx = -(box_dx/2 - 12.6);  // cm - frontside center
+  Double_t dx = -box_dx / 2 + 15.7;  // cm - from CAD drawing
+  Double_t dy = box_dy / 2 - 62.9;  // cm - from CAD drawing 23,6 cm
+  //  Double_t box_dz_inner = 0;  // cm
+  Double_t box_dz_inner = 34.0;  // cm
+  TGeoVolume* subplate01 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate01");
+  TGeoVolume* subplate02 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate02");
+  TGeoVolume* subplate03 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate03");
+  TGeoBBox* box01        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate01->GetShape();
+  TGeoBBox* box02        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate02->GetShape();
+  TGeoBBox* box03        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate03->GetShape();
+  TGeoVolume* subplate04 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate04");
+  TGeoVolume* subplate05 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate05");
+  TGeoVolume* subplate06 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate06");
+  TGeoBBox* box04        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate04->GetShape();
+  TGeoBBox* box05        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate05->GetShape();
+  TGeoBBox* box06        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate06->GetShape();
+  TGeoVolume* subplate07 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate07");
+  TGeoBBox* box07        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate07->GetShape();
+  TGeoVolume* subplate08 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate08");
+  TGeoBBox* box08        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate08->GetShape();
+  TGeoVolume* subplate09 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate09");
+  TGeoBBox* box09        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate09->GetShape();
+  TGeoVolume* subplate10 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Subplate10");
+  TGeoBBox* box10        = (TGeoBBox*) subplate10->GetShape();
+  // --- Plate type 1: front plate made of 3 subplates
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate01 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate01");
+  Double_t sy01               = -box_dy / 2. + box01->GetDY();
+  Double_t sz01               = -(box01->GetDZ() + box_dz_inner / 2.);
+  TGeoTranslation* ty01       = new TGeoTranslation("ty01", dx, sy01 + dy, sz01);
+  plate01->AddNode(subplate01, 1, ty01);
+  Double_t sx02         = -box_dx / 2. + box02->GetDX();
+  Double_t sy02         = -box_dy / 2. + box01->GetDY() * 2 + box02->GetDY();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty02 = new TGeoTranslation("ty02", sx02 + dx, sy02 + dy, sz01);
+  plate01->AddNode(subplate02, 2, ty02);
+  Double_t sy03         = -box_dy / 2. + box01->GetDY() * 2 + box02->GetDY() * 2 + box03->GetDY();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty03 = new TGeoTranslation("ty03", dx, sy03 + dy, sz01);
+  plate01->AddNode(subplate03, 3, ty03);
+  plate01->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 2: back plate made of 3 subplates
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate02 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate02");
+  Double_t sy04               = -box_dy / 2. + box04->GetDY();
+  Double_t sz04               = box04->GetDZ() + box_dz_inner / 2.;
+  TGeoTranslation* ty04       = new TGeoTranslation("ty04", dx, sy04 + dy, sz04);
+  plate02->AddNode(subplate04, 1, ty04);
+  Double_t sx05         = -box_dx / 2. + box05->GetDX();
+  Double_t sy05         = -box_dy / 2. + box04->GetDY() * 2 + box05->GetDY();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty05 = new TGeoTranslation("ty05", sx05 + dx, sy05 + dy, sz04);
+  plate02->AddNode(subplate05, 2, ty05);
+  Double_t sy06         = -box_dy / 2. + box04->GetDY() * 2 + box05->GetDY() * 2 + box06->GetDY();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty06 = new TGeoTranslation("ty06", dx, sy06 + dy, sz04);
+  plate02->AddNode(subplate06, 3, ty06);
+  plate02->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 3: bottom plate
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate03 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate03");
+  Double_t sy07               = box_dy / 2. - box07->GetDY();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty07       = new TGeoTranslation("ty07", dx, -sy07 + dy, 0.);
+  plate03->AddNode(subplate07, 1, ty07);
+  plate03->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 4: top plate
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate04 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate04");
+  TGeoTranslation* ty17       = new TGeoTranslation("ty17", dx, sy07 + dy, 0.);
+  plate04->AddNode(subplate07, 1, ty17);
+  plate04->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 5: -x plate
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate05 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate05");
+  Double_t sx08               = box_dx / 2. - box08->GetDX();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty08       = new TGeoTranslation("ty08", -sx08 + dx, dy, 0.);
+  plate05->AddNode(subplate08, 1, ty08);
+  plate05->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 6: +x plate (shorted due to beampipe)
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate06 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate06");
+  Double_t sy09               = -box_dy / 2. + box09->GetDY() + 2 * box09->GetDX();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty09       = new TGeoTranslation("ty09", sx08 + dx, sy09 + dy, 0.);
+  plate06->AddNode(subplate09, 1, ty09);
+  plate06->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  // --- Plate type 7: +x plate (shorted due to beampipe)
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* plate07 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Plate07");
+  Double_t sy10               = -box_dy / 2. + box10->GetDY() + 2 * box10->GetDX();
+  TGeoTranslation* ty10       = new TGeoTranslation("ty10", sx08 + dx, -sy10 + dy, 0.);
+  plate07->AddNode(subplate10, 1, ty10);
+  plate07->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nPlates++;
+  return nPlates;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Create sensors
+ **
+ ** Sensors are created as volumes with box shape and active silicon as medium.
+ ** Four kinds of sensors: 3.2x2.2, 6.2x2.2, 6.2x4.2, 6.2x6.2
+ **/
+Int_t CreateSensors()
+  Int_t nSensors = 0;
+  Double_t xSize      = 0.;
+  Double_t ySize      = 0.;
+  Double_t zSize      = gkSensorThickness;
+  TGeoMedium* silicon = gGeoMan->GetMedium("silicon");
+  // --- Sensor type 01: Small sensor (6.2 cm x 2.2 cm)
+  xSize                    = gkSensorSizeX;
+  ySize                    = 2.2;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor01 = new TGeoBBox("sensor01", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor01", shape_sensor01, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // --- Sensor type 02: Medium sensor (6.2 cm x 4.2 cm)
+  xSize                    = gkSensorSizeX;
+  ySize                    = 4.2;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor02 = new TGeoBBox("sensor02", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor02", shape_sensor02, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // ---  Sensor type 03: Big sensor (6.2 cm x 6.2 cm)
+  xSize                    = gkSensorSizeX;
+  ySize                    = 6.2;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor03 = new TGeoBBox("sensor03", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor03", shape_sensor03, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // ---  Sensor type 04: Big sensor (6.2 cm x 12.4 cm)
+  xSize                    = gkSensorSizeX;
+  ySize                    = 12.4;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor04 = new TGeoBBox("sensor04", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor04", shape_sensor04, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // below are extra small sensors, those are not available in the CAD model
+  // --- Sensor Type 05: Half small sensor (4 cm x 2.5 cm)
+  xSize                    = 4.0;
+  ySize                    = 2.5;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor05 = new TGeoBBox("sensor05", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor05", shape_sensor05, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // ---  Sensor type 06: Additional "in hole" sensor (3.1 cm x 4.2 cm)
+  xSize                    = 3.1;
+  ySize                    = 4.2;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor06 = new TGeoBBox("sensor06", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor06", shape_sensor06, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  // ---  Sensor type 07: Mini Medium sensor (1.5 cm x 4.2 cm)
+  xSize                    = 1.5;
+  ySize                    = 4.2;
+  TGeoBBox* shape_sensor07 = new TGeoBBox("sensor07", xSize / 2., ySize / 2., zSize / 2.);
+  new TGeoVolume("Sensor07", shape_sensor07, silicon);
+  nSensors++;
+  return nSensors;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Create sectors
+ **
+ ** A sector is either a single sensor or several chained sensors.
+ ** It is implemented as TGeoVolumeAssembly.
+ ** Currently available:
+ ** - single sensors of type 1 - 4
+ ** - two chained sensors of type 4
+ ** - three chained sensors of type 4
+ **/
+Int_t CreateSectors()
+  Int_t nSectors = 0;
+  TGeoVolume* sensor01 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor01");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor02 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor02");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor03 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor03");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor04 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor04");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor05 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor05");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor06 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor06");
+  TGeoVolume* sensor07 = gGeoMan->GetVolume("Sensor07");
+  //  TGeoBBox*   box4     = (TGeoBBox*) sensor04->GetShape();
+  // --- Sector type 1: single sensor of type 1
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector01 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector01");
+  sector01->AddNode(sensor01, 1);
+  sector01->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 2: single sensor of type 2
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector02 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector02");
+  sector02->AddNode(sensor02, 1);
+  sector02->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 3: single sensor of type 3
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector03 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector03");
+  sector03->AddNode(sensor03, 1);
+  sector03->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 4: single sensor of type 4
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector04 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector04");
+  sector04->AddNode(sensor04, 1);
+  sector04->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 5: single sensor of type 5
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector05 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector05");
+  sector05->AddNode(sensor05, 1);
+  sector05->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 6: single sensor of type 6
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector06 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector06");
+  sector06->AddNode(sensor06, 1);
+  sector06->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  // --- Sector type 7: single sensor of type 7
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector07 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector07");
+  sector07->AddNode(sensor07, 1);
+  sector07->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  nSectors++;
+  //  // --- Sector type 5: two sensors of type 4
+  //  TGeoVolumeAssembly* sector05 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Sector05");
+  //  Double_t shift5 = 0.5 * gkChainGapY + box4->GetDY();
+  //  TGeoTranslation* transD5 =
+  //    new TGeoTranslation("td", 0., -1. * shift5, 0.);
+  //  TGeoTranslation* transU5 =
+  //    new TGeoTranslation("tu", 0., shift5, 0.);
+  //  sector05->AddNode(sensor04, 1, transD5);
+  //  sector05->AddNode(sensor04, 2, transU5);
+  //  sector05->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  //  nSectors++;
+  return nSectors;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Create ladders
+ **
+ ** Ladders are the building blocks of the stations. They contain 
+ ** several modules placed one after the other along the z axis
+ ** such that the sectors are arranged vertically (with overlap).
+ ** 
+ ** A ladder is constructed out of two half ladders, the second of which
+ ** is rotated in the x-y plane by 180 degrees and displaced
+ ** in z direction.
+ **/
+Int_t CreateLadders()
+  Int_t nLadders = 0;
+  // --- Some variables
+  Int_t nSectors = 0;
+  Int_t sectorTypes[10];
+  TGeoBBox* shape = NULL;
+  TString s0name;
+  TGeoVolume* s0vol       = NULL;
+  TGeoVolume* halfLadderU = NULL;
+  TGeoVolume* halfLadderD = NULL;
+  Double_t shiftZ         = 0.;
+  Double_t ladderY        = 0.;
+  Double_t gapY           = 0.;
+  // --- Ladder 01 x-mirror of 02: 10 sectors, type 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 4
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 1;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 2;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 4;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(1, "HalfLadder01u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');  // mirrored
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(1, "HalfLadder01d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');  // mirrored
+  ConstructLadder(1, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 02: 10 sectors, type 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 4
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 1;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 2;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 4;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(2, "HalfLadder02u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(2, "HalfLadder02d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  ConstructLadder(2, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  //=====================================================================================
+  // --- Ladder 09: 2 sectors, type 3 3 - mSTS
+  nSectors       = 2;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  //
+  // bottom half ladder only
+  //
+  //  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(9, "HalfLadder09u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(9, "HalfLadder09u", 0, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD = ConstructHalfLadder(9, "HalfLadder09d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  //
+  ConstructLadder(9, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 10: 2 sectors, type 3 4 - mSTS
+  nSectors       = 2;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  //
+  // bottom half ladder only
+  //
+  //  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(10, "HalfLadder10u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(10, "HalfLadder10u", 0, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD = ConstructHalfLadder(10, "HalfLadder10d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  //
+  ConstructLadder(10, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 11: 3 sectors, type 3 3 3 - mSTS
+  nSectors       = 3;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  //
+  // bottom half ladder only
+  //
+  //  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(11, "HalfLadder11u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderU = ConstructHalfLadder(11, "HalfLadder11u", 0, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD = ConstructHalfLadder(11, "HalfLadder11d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  //
+  ConstructLadder(11, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  //=====================================================================================
+  // --- Ladder 03 x-mirror of 04: 10 sectors, type 5 4 3 3 6 6 3 3 4 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 6;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(3, "HalfLadder03u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');  // mirrored
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(3, "HalfLadder03d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');  // mirrored
+  ConstructLadder(3, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 04: 10 sectors, type 5 4 3 3 6 6 3 3 4 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 6;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(4, "HalfLadder04u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(4, "HalfLadder04d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  ConstructLadder(4, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 12: 10 sectors, type 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(12, "HalfLadder12u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(12, "HalfLadder12d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(12, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 13: 8 sectors, type 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 5
+  nSectors       = 4;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  s0name         = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[0]);
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  shiftZ         = 2. * shape->GetDZ() + gkSectorGapZ;
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(13, "HalfLadder13u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(13, "HalfLadder13d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  ConstructLadder(13, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 14: 6 sensors, type 5 4 3 3 4 5
+  nSectors       = 3;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(14, "HalfLadder14u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(14, "HalfLadder14d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(14, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 15: 4 sectors, type 4 4 4 4
+  nSectors       = 2;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(15, "HalfLadder15u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(15, "HalfLadder15d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(15, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 05 x-mirror of 06: 10 sectors, type 5 5 4 3 7 7 3 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 7;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(5, "HalfLadder05u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');  // mirrored
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(5, "HalfLadder05d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');  // mirrored
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(5, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 06: 10 sectors, type 5 5 4 3 7 7 3 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 7;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(6, "HalfLadder06u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(6, "HalfLadder06d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(6, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 16: 10 sectors, type 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(16, "HalfLadder16u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(16, "HalfLadder16d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(16, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 17: 8 sectors, type 5 5 4 3 3 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 4;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(17, "HalfLadder17u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(17, "HalfLadder17d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(17, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 18: 6 sectors, type 5 5 4 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 3;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(18, "HalfLadder18u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(18, "HalfLadder18d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(18, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 19: 4 sectors, type 5 5 5 5
+  nSectors       = 2;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(19, "HalfLadder19u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(19, "HalfLadder19d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(19, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 07: 10 sectors, type 5 5 4 3 3 gap 3 3 4 5 5, with gap
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(7, "HalfLadder07u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(7, "HalfLadder07d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  gapY           = 4.4;
+  ConstructLadderWithGap(7, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, 2 * gapY);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 20: 10 sectors, type 5 5 5 3 2 2 3 5 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 2;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(20, "HalfLadder20u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(20, "HalfLadder20d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(20, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 21: 2 sectors, type 5 5
+  nSectors       = 1;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(21, "HalfLadder21u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(21, "HalfLadder21d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(21, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 08: 8 sectors, type 5 5 5 4 gap 4 5 5 5, with gap
+  nSectors       = 4;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(8, "HalfLadder08u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(8, "HalfLadder08d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  gapY           = 4.57;
+  ConstructLadderWithGap(8, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, 2 * gapY);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 22: 10 sectors, type 5 5 5 4 3 3 4 5 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(22, "HalfLadder22u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(22, "HalfLadder22d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(22, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  // --- Ladder 23: 10 sectors, type 5 5 4 4 3 3 4 4 5 5
+  nSectors       = 5;
+  sectorTypes[0] = 3;
+  sectorTypes[1] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[2] = 4;
+  sectorTypes[3] = 5;
+  sectorTypes[4] = 5;
+  s0vol          = gGeoMan->GetVolume(s0name);
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) s0vol->GetShape();
+  ladderY        = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  halfLadderU    = ConstructHalfLadder(23, "HalfLadder23u", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'l');
+  halfLadderD    = ConstructHalfLadder(23, "HalfLadder23d", nSectors, sectorTypes, 'r');
+  shape          = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  ConstructLadder(23, halfLadderU, halfLadderD, shiftZ);
+  nLadders++;
+  return nLadders;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+// ****************************************************************************
+// *****                                                                  *****
+// *****    Generic functions  for the construction of STS elements       *****
+// *****                                                                  *****
+// *****  module:     volume (made of a sector and a cable)               *****
+// *****  haf ladder: assembly (made of modules)                          *****
+// *****  ladder:     assembly (made of two half ladders)                 *****
+// *****  station:    volume (made of ladders)                            *****
+// *****                                                                  *****
+// ****************************************************************************
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Construct a module
+ **
+ ** A module is a sector plus the readout cable extending from the
+ ** top of the sector. The cable is made from passive silicon.
+ ** The cable has the same x size as the sector.
+ ** Its thickness is given by the global variable gkCableThickness.
+ ** The cable length is a parameter.
+ ** The sensor(s) of the sector is/are placed directly in the module;
+ ** the sector is just auxiliary for the proper placement.
+ **
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            name             volume name
+ **            sector           pointer to sector volume
+ **            cableLength      length of cable
+ **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructModule(const char* name, TGeoVolume* sector, Double_t cableLength)
+  // --- Check sector volume
+  if (!sector) Fatal("CreateModule", "Sector volume not found!");
+  // --- Get size of sector
+  TGeoBBox* box    = (TGeoBBox*) sector->GetShape();
+  Double_t sectorX = 2. * box->GetDX();
+  Double_t sectorY = 2. * box->GetDY();
+  Double_t sectorZ = 2. * box->GetDZ();
+  // --- Get size of cable
+  Double_t cableX = sectorX;
+  Double_t cableY = cableLength;
+  Double_t cableZ = gkCableThickness;
+  // --- Create module volume
+  Double_t moduleX   = TMath::Max(sectorX, cableX);
+  Double_t moduleY   = sectorY + cableLength;
+  Double_t moduleZ   = TMath::Max(sectorZ, cableZ);
+  TGeoVolume* module = gGeoManager->MakeBox(name, gStsMedium, moduleX / 2., moduleY / 2., moduleZ / 2.);
+  // --- Position of sector in module
+  // --- Sector is centred in x and z and aligned to the bottom
+  Double_t sectorXpos = 0.;
+  Double_t sectorYpos = 0.5 * (sectorY - moduleY);
+  Double_t sectorZpos = 0.;
+  // --- Get sensor(s) from sector
+  Int_t nSensors = sector->GetNdaughters();
+  for (Int_t iSensor = 0; iSensor < nSensors; iSensor++) {
+    TGeoNode* sensor = sector->GetNode(iSensor);
+    // --- Calculate position of sensor in module
+    const Double_t* xSensTrans = sensor->GetMatrix()->GetTranslation();
+    Double_t sensorXpos        = 0.;
+    Double_t sensorYpos        = sectorYpos + xSensTrans[1];
+    Double_t sensorZpos        = 0.;
+    TGeoTranslation* sensTrans = new TGeoTranslation("sensTrans", sensorXpos, sensorYpos, sensorZpos);
+    // --- Add sensor volume to module
+    TGeoVolume* sensVol = sensor->GetVolume();
+    module->AddNode(sensor->GetVolume(), iSensor + 1, sensTrans);
+    module->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  // --- Create cable volume, if necessary, and place it in module
+  // --- Cable is centred in x and z and aligned to the top
+  if (gkConstructCables && cableLength > 0.0001) {
+    TString cableName       = TString(name) + "_cable";
+    TGeoMedium* cableMedium = gGeoMan->GetMedium("STScable");
+    if (!cableMedium) Fatal("CreateModule", "Medium STScable not found!");
+    TGeoVolume* cable = gGeoManager->MakeBox(cableName.Data(), cableMedium, cableX / 2., cableY / 2., cableZ / 2.);
+    // add color to cables
+    cable->SetLineColor(kOrange);
+    cable->SetTransparency(60);
+    Double_t cableXpos          = 0.;
+    Double_t cableYpos          = sectorY + 0.5 * cableY - 0.5 * moduleY;
+    Double_t cableZpos          = 0.;
+    TGeoTranslation* cableTrans = new TGeoTranslation("cableTrans", cableXpos, cableYpos, cableZpos);
+    module->AddNode(cable, 1, cableTrans);
+    module->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  return module;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Construct a half ladder
+ **
+ ** A half ladder is a virtual volume (TGeoVolumeAssembly) consisting
+ ** of several modules arranged on top of each other. The modules
+ ** have a given overlap in y and a displacement in z to allow for the
+ ** overlap.
+ **
+ ** The typ of sectors / modules to be placed must be specified:
+ **    1 = sensor01
+ **    2 = sensor02
+ **    3 = sensor03
+ **    4 = sensor04
+ **    5 = 2 x sensor04 (chained)
+ **    6 = 3 x sensor04 (chained)
+ ** The cable is added automatically from the top of each sensor to
+ ** the top of the half ladder.
+ ** The alignment can be left (l) or right (r), which matters in the
+ ** case of different x sizes of sensors (e.g. SensorType01).
+ **
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            name             volume name
+ **            nSectors         number of sectors
+ **            sectorTypes      array with sector types
+ **            align            horizontal alignment of sectors
+ **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructHalfLadder(Int_t ladderid, const TString& name, Int_t nSectors, Int_t* sectorTypes, char align)
+  // --- Create half ladder volume assembly
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* halfLadder = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
+  // --- Determine size of ladder
+  Double_t ladderX = 0.;
+  Double_t ladderY = 0.;
+  Double_t ladderZ = 0.;
+  for (Int_t iSector = 0; iSector < nSectors; iSector++) {
+    TString sectorName = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[iSector]);
+    TGeoVolume* sector = gGeoMan->GetVolume(sectorName);
+    if (!sector) Fatal("ConstructHalfLadder", (char*) Form("Volume %s not found", sectorName.Data()));
+    TGeoBBox* box = (TGeoBBox*) sector->GetShape();
+    // --- Ladder x size equals largest sector x size
+    ladderX = TMath::Max(ladderX, 2. * box->GetDX());
+    // --- Ladder y size is sum of sector ysizes
+    ladderY += 2. * box->GetDY();
+    // --- Ladder z size is sum of sector z sizes
+    ladderZ += 2. * box->GetDZ();
+  }
+  // --- Subtract overlaps in y
+  ladderY -= Double_t(nSectors - 1) * gkSectorOverlapY;
+  // --- Add gaps in z direction
+  ladderZ += Double_t(nSectors - 1) * gkSectorGapZ;
+  // --- Create and place modules
+  Double_t yPosSect = -0.5 * ladderY;
+  Double_t zPosMod  = -0.5 * ladderZ;
+  for (Int_t iSector = 0; iSector < nSectors; iSector++) {
+    TString sectorName = Form("Sector%02d", sectorTypes[iSector]);
+    TGeoVolume* sector = gGeoMan->GetVolume(sectorName);
+    TGeoBBox* box      = (TGeoBBox*) sector->GetShape();
+    Double_t sectorX   = 2. * box->GetDX();
+    Double_t sectorY   = 2. * box->GetDY();
+    Double_t sectorZ   = 2. * box->GetDZ();
+    yPosSect += 0.5 * sectorY;  // Position of sector in ladder
+    Double_t cableLength = 0.5 * ladderY - yPosSect - 0.5 * sectorY;
+    TString moduleName   = name + "_" + Form("Module%02d", sectorTypes[iSector]);
+    TGeoVolume* module   = ConstructModule(moduleName.Data(), sector, cableLength);
+    TGeoBBox* shapeMod = (TGeoBBox*) module->GetShape();
+    Double_t moduleX   = 2. * shapeMod->GetDX();
+    Double_t moduleY   = 2. * shapeMod->GetDY();
+    Double_t moduleZ   = 2. * shapeMod->GetDZ();
+    Double_t xPosMod   = 0.;
+    if (align == 'l') xPosMod = 0.5 * (moduleX - ladderX);  // left aligned
+    else if (align == 'r')
+      xPosMod = 0.5 * (ladderX - moduleX);  // right aligned
+    else
+      xPosMod = 0.;                                // centred in x
+    Double_t yPosMod = 0.5 * (ladderY - moduleY);  // top aligned
+    zPosMod += 0.5 * moduleZ;
+    TGeoTranslation* trans = new TGeoTranslation("t", xPosMod, yPosMod, zPosMod);
+    //    // DEDE
+    //    // drop 2nd module on this halfladder for mSTS Nov 2019
+    //    //    halfLadder->AddNode(module, iSector+1, trans);
+    //    if (ladderid == 9) cout << "DE333 " << iSector << endl;
+    //    if (ladderid == 9)
+    //      if (iSector == 0)
+    //        halfLadder->AddNode(module, iSector+1, trans);
+    halfLadder->AddNode(module, iSector + 1, trans);
+    halfLadder->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+    yPosSect += 0.5 * sectorY - gkSectorOverlapY;
+    zPosMod += 0.5 * moduleZ + gkSectorGapZ;
+  }
+  CheckVolume(halfLadder);
+  cout << endl;
+  return halfLadder;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Add a carbon support to a ladder
+ ** 
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            LadderIndex      ladder number
+ **            ladder           pointer to ladder
+ **            xu               size of halfladder
+ **            ladderY          height of ladder along y
+ **            ladderZ          thickness of ladder along z
+ **/
+void AddCarbonLadder(Int_t LadderIndex, TGeoVolume* ladder, Double_t xu, Double_t ladderY, Double_t ladderZ)
+  // --- Some variables
+  TString name = Form("Ladder%02d", LadderIndex);
+  Int_t i;
+  Double_t j;
+  Int_t YnumOfFrameBoxes = (Int_t)(ladderY / gkFrameStep) + 1;  // calculate number of elements
+  if (LadderIndex == 1 || LadderIndex == 2)  // set even number of ladder elements for these ladders in station 1 and 2
+    YnumOfFrameBoxes--;
+  //  if (LadderIndex == 3 || LadderIndex == 4)  // set even number of ladder elements for these ladders in station 3 and 4
+  //	YnumOfFrameBoxes++;
+  YnumOfFrameBoxes += YnumOfFrameBoxes % 2;  // use even number of frame elements for all ladders
+  //      cout << "DE: lad " << LadderIndex << " inum " << YnumOfFrameBoxes << endl;
+  // DEDE
+  TGeoBBox* fullFrameShp = new TGeoBBox(name + "_FullFrameBox_shp", xu / 2., gkFrameStep / 2.,
+                                        (xu / 2. + sqrt(2.) * gkFrameThickness / 2.) / 2.);
+  //  TGeoBBox* fullFrameShp = new TGeoBBox (name+"_FullFrameBox_shp", xu/2., gkFrameStep/2., (gkSectorGapZFrame+xu/2.+sqrt(2.)*gkFrameThickness/2.)/2.);
+  TGeoVolume* fullFrameBoxVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_FullFrameBox", fullFrameShp, gStsMedium);
+  //  cout << "DE: frame Z size " << (xu/2.+sqrt(2.)*gkFrameThickness/2.) << " cm" << endl;
+  ConstructFrameElement("FrameBox", fullFrameBoxVol, xu / 2.);
+  TGeoRotation* fullFrameRot = new TGeoRotation;
+  fullFrameRot->RotateY(180);
+  Int_t inum = YnumOfFrameBoxes;  // 6; // 9;
+  for (i = 1; i <= inum; i++) {
+    j = -(inum - 1) / 2. + (i - 1);
+    //        cout << "DE: i " << i << " j " << j << endl;
+    if (LadderIndex <= 2)  // central ladders in stations 1 to 8
+    {
+      if ((j >= -1) && (j <= 1))  // keep the inner 4 elements free for the cone
+        continue;
+    }
+    else if (LadderIndex <= 8)  // central ladders in stations 1 to 8
+    {
+      if ((j >= -2) && (j <= 2))  // keep the inner 4 elements free for the cone
+        continue;
+    }
+    // DEDE
+    ladder->AddNode(fullFrameBoxVol, i,
+                    new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_FullFrameBox_posrot", 0., j * gkFrameStep,
+                                       -ladderZ / 2. - (xu / 2. + sqrt(2.) * gkFrameThickness / 2.) / 2.,
+                                       fullFrameRot));
+    //    ladder->AddNode(fullFrameBoxVol, i, new TGeoCombiTrans(name+"_FullFrameBox_posrot", 0., j*gkFrameStep, -ladderZ/2.-(gkSectorGapZFrame+xu/2.+sqrt(2.)*gkFrameThickness/2.)/2., fullFrameRot));
+  }
+  //      cout << endl;
+  ladder->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Construct a ladder out of two half ladders
+ ** 
+ ** The second half ladder will be rotated by 180 degrees 
+ ** in the x-y plane. The two half ladders will be put on top of each
+ ** other with a vertical overlap and displaced in z bz shiftZ.
+ **
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            name             volume name
+ **            halfLadderU      pointer to upper half ladder
+ **            halfLadderD      pointer to lower half ladder
+ **            shiftZ           relative displacement along the z axis
+ **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructLadder(Int_t LadderIndex, TGeoVolume* halfLadderU, TGeoVolume* halfLadderD, Double_t shiftZ)
+  // --- Some variables
+  TGeoBBox* shape = NULL;
+  // --- Dimensions of half ladders
+  shape       = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  Double_t xu = 2. * shape->GetDX();
+  Double_t yu = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  Double_t zu = 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  shape       = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderD->GetShape();
+  Double_t xd = 2. * shape->GetDX();
+  Double_t yd = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  Double_t zd = 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  // --- Create ladder volume assembly
+  TString name               = Form("Ladder%02d", LadderIndex);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* ladder = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
+  Double_t ladderX           = TMath::Max(xu, xd);
+  //  Double_t ladderY = yu + yd - gkSectorOverlapY;
+  Double_t ladderY = TMath::Max(yu, yd);
+  Double_t ladderZ = TMath::Max(zu, zd + shiftZ);
+  // --- Place half ladders
+  Double_t xPosU      = 0.;                    // centred in x
+  Double_t yPosU      = 0.5 * (ladderY - yu);  // top aligned
+  Double_t zPosU      = 0.5 * (ladderZ - zu);  // front aligned
+  TGeoTranslation* tu = new TGeoTranslation("tu", xPosU, yPosU, zPosU);
+  ladder->AddNode(halfLadderU, 1, tu);
+  Double_t xPosD = 0.;                    // centred in x
+  Double_t yPosD = 0.5 * (yd - ladderY);  // bottom aligned
+  Double_t zPosD = 0.5 * (zd - ladderZ);  // back aligned
+  //  cout << "DEEEE: li " <<  LadderIndex
+  //       <<    " || xu " << xu << " yu " << yu << " zu " << zu
+  //       <<    " || xd " << xd << " yd " << yd << " zd " << zd
+  //       <<    " || ypu " << yPosU << " ypd " << yPosD
+  //       << endl;
+  if (yu == 0)  // if no top (= only bottom) half ladder
+  {
+    yPosD = 0.5 * (ladderY - yd);  // top aligned
+    zPosD = 0.5 * (ladderZ - zd);  // back aligned
+  }
+  TGeoRotation* rd = new TGeoRotation();
+  rd->RotateZ(180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* cd = new TGeoCombiTrans(xPosD, yPosD, zPosD, rd);
+  ladder->AddNode(halfLadderD, 2, cd);
+  ladder->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  // ----------------   Create and place frame boxes   ------------------------
+  if (gkConstructFrames)
+    //      AddCarbonLadder(LadderIndex, ladder, xu, ladderY, ladderZ);  // take width of top HL
+    AddCarbonLadder(LadderIndex, ladder, ladderX, ladderY, ladderZ);  // take width of any HL
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  return ladder;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Construct a ladder out of two half ladders with vertical gap
+ ** 
+ ** The second half ladder will be rotated by 180 degrees 
+ ** in the x-y plane. The two half ladders will be put on top of each
+ ** other with a vertical gap.
+ **
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            name             volume name
+ **            halfLadderU      pointer to upper half ladder
+ **            halfLadderD      pointer to lower half ladder
+ **            gapY             vertical gap
+ **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructLadderWithGap(Int_t LadderIndex, TGeoVolume* halfLadderU, TGeoVolume* halfLadderD, Double_t gapY)
+  // --- Some variables
+  TGeoBBox* shape = NULL;
+  Int_t i;
+  Double_t j;
+  // --- Dimensions of half ladders
+  shape       = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderU->GetShape();
+  Double_t xu = 2. * shape->GetDX();
+  Double_t yu = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  Double_t zu = 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  shape       = (TGeoBBox*) halfLadderD->GetShape();
+  Double_t xd = 2. * shape->GetDX();
+  Double_t yd = 2. * shape->GetDY();
+  Double_t zd = 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  // --- Create ladder volume assembly
+  TString name               = Form("Ladder%02d", LadderIndex);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* ladder = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
+  Double_t ladderX           = TMath::Max(xu, xd);
+  Double_t ladderY           = yu + yd + gapY;
+  Double_t ladderZ           = TMath::Max(zu, zd);
+  // --- Place half ladders
+  Double_t xPosU      = 0.;                    // centred in x
+  Double_t yPosU      = 0.5 * (ladderY - yu);  // top aligned
+  Double_t zPosU      = 0.5 * (ladderZ - zu);  // front aligned
+  TGeoTranslation* tu = new TGeoTranslation("tu", xPosU, yPosU, zPosU);
+  ladder->AddNode(halfLadderU, 1, tu);
+  Double_t xPosD   = 0.;                    // centred in x
+  Double_t yPosD   = 0.5 * (yd - ladderY);  // bottom aligned
+  Double_t zPosD   = 0.5 * (zd - ladderZ);  // back aligned
+  TGeoRotation* rd = new TGeoRotation();
+  rd->RotateZ(180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* cd = new TGeoCombiTrans(xPosD, yPosD, zPosD, rd);
+  ladder->AddNode(halfLadderD, 2, cd);
+  ladder->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  // ----------------   Create and place frame boxes   ------------------------
+  if (gkConstructFrames) AddCarbonLadder(LadderIndex, ladder, xu, ladderY, ladderZ);
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  return ladder;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Construct a station
+ **
+ ** The station volume is the minimal  box comprising all ladders
+ ** minus a tube accomodating the beam pipe.
+ **
+ ** The ladders are arranged horizontally from left to right with
+ ** a given overlap in x.
+ ** Every second ladder is slightly displaced upstream from the centre
+ ** z plane and facing downstream, the others are slightly displaced
+ ** downstream and facing upstream (rotated around the y axis).
+ **
+ ** Arguments: 
+ **            name             volume name
+ **            nLadders         number of ladders
+ **            ladderTypes      array of ladder types
+ **            rHole            radius of inner hole
+ **/
+// TGeoVolume* ConstructStation(const char* name,
+//                              Int_t iStation,
+TGeoVolume* ConstructStation(Int_t iStation, Int_t nLadders, Int_t* ladderTypes, Double_t rHole)
+  TString name;
+  name = Form("Station%02d", iStation + 1);  // 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
+  //  name = Form("Station%02d", iStation);  // 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - Station00 missing in output
+  // --- Some local variables
+  TGeoShape* statShape  = NULL;
+  TGeoBBox* ladderShape = NULL;
+  TGeoBBox* shape       = NULL;
+  TGeoVolume* ladder    = NULL;
+  TString ladderName;
+  // --- Determine size of station from ladders
+  Double_t statX     = 0.;
+  Double_t statY     = 0.;
+  Double_t statZeven = 0.;
+  Double_t statZodd  = 0.;
+  Double_t statZ     = 0.;
+  for (Int_t iLadder = 0; iLadder < nLadders; iLadder++) {
+    Int_t ladderType = ladderTypes[iLadder];
+    ladderName       = Form("Ladder%02d", ladderType);
+    ladder           = gGeoManager->GetVolume(ladderName);
+    if (!ladder) Fatal("ConstructStation", Form("Volume %s not found", ladderName.Data()));
+    shape = (TGeoBBox*) ladder->GetShape();
+    statX += 2. * shape->GetDX();
+    statY = TMath::Max(statY, 2. * shape->GetDY());
+    if (iLadder % 2) statZeven = TMath::Max(statZeven, 2. * shape->GetDZ());
+    else
+      statZodd = TMath::Max(statZodd, 2. * shape->GetDZ());
+  }
+  statX -= Double_t(nLadders - 1) * gkLadderOverlapX;
+  statZ = statZeven + gkLadderGapZ + statZodd;
+  // --- Create station volume
+  TString boxName(name);
+  boxName += "_box";
+  cout << "before   statZ/2.: " << statZ / 2. << endl;
+  statZ = 2 * 4.5;  // changed Z size of the station for cone and gkLadderGapZ
+  cout << "fixed to statZ/2.: " << statZ / 2. << endl;
+  TGeoBBox* statBox = new TGeoBBox(boxName, statX / 2., statY / 2., statZ / 2.);
+  //  TString tubName(name);
+  //  tubName += "_tub";
+  //  TString expression = boxName + "-" + tubName;
+  //  //  TGeoTube* statTub = new TGeoTube(tubName, 0., rHole, statZ/2.);
+  //  //  TGeoBBox* statTub = new TGeoBBox(tubName, rHole, rHole, statZ/2.);
+  //  TGeoBBox* statTub = new TGeoBBox(tubName, rHole, rHole, statZ/2.+.1);  // .1 opens the hole in z direction
+  //
+  //  statShape = new TGeoCompositeShape(name, expression.Data());
+  //  TGeoVolume* station = new TGeoVolume(name, statShape, gStsMedium);
+  //  TGeoVolume* station = new TGeoVolume(name, statBox, gStsMedium);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* station = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);  // do not produce keeping volumes
+  Double_t subtractedVal;
+  // --- Place ladders in station
+  cout << "xPos0: " << statX << endl;
+  Double_t xPos = -0.5 * statX;
+  cout << "xPos1: " << xPos << endl;
+  Double_t yPos = 0.;
+  Double_t zPos = 0.;
+  Double_t maxdz = 0.;
+  for (Int_t iLadder = 0; iLadder < nLadders; iLadder++) {
+    Int_t ladderType = ladderTypes[iLadder];
+    ladderName       = Form("Ladder%02d", ladderType);
+    ladder           = gGeoManager->GetVolume(ladderName);
+    shape            = (TGeoBBox*) ladder->GetShape();
+    if (maxdz < shape->GetDZ()) maxdz = shape->GetDZ();
+  }
+  for (Int_t iLadder = 0; iLadder < nLadders; iLadder++) {
+    Int_t ladderType = ladderTypes[iLadder];
+    ladderName       = Form("Ladder%02d", ladderType);
+    ladder           = gGeoManager->GetVolume(ladderName);
+    shape            = (TGeoBBox*) ladder->GetShape();
+    xPos += shape->GetDX();
+    cout << "xPos2: " << xPos << endl;
+    yPos              = 0.;  // vertically centred
+    TGeoRotation* rot = new TGeoRotation();
+    if (gkConstructFrames)
+      // DEDE
+      subtractedVal = sqrt(2.) * gkFrameThickness / 2. + shape->GetDX();
+    //      subtractedVal = 2*gkSectorGapZFrame + sqrt(2.)*gkFrameThickness/2. + shape->GetDX();
+    else
+      subtractedVal = 0.;
+    //    zPos = 0.5 * gkLadderGapZ + (shape->GetDZ()-subtractedVal/2.);  // non z-aligned ladders
+    zPos = 0.5 * gkLadderGapZ + (2 * maxdz - shape->GetDZ() - subtractedVal / 2.);  // z-aligned ladders
+    cout << "DE ladder" << ladderTypes[iLadder] << "  dx: " << shape->GetDX() << "  dy: " << shape->GetDY()
+         << "  dz: " << shape->GetDZ() << "  max dz: " << maxdz << endl;
+    cout << "DE ladder" << ladderTypes[iLadder] << "  fra: " << gkFrameThickness / 2. << "  sub: " << subtractedVal
+         << "  zpo: " << zPos << endl
+         << endl;
+    //    if (iStation % 2 == 0) // flip ladders for even stations to reproduce CAD layout
+    //    // even station 0,2,4,6
+    if (iStation % 2 == 1)  // flip ladders for odd stations to reproduce CAD layout
+    // odd station 1,3,5,7
+    {
+      // --- Unrotated ladders --- downstream
+      if ((nLadders / 2 + iLadder) % 2) {
+        //        zPos = 0.5 * gkLadderGapZ + (shape->GetDZ()-subtractedVal/2.);
+        rot->RotateY(180.);
+      }
+      // --- Rotated ladders --- upstream
+      else {
+        //        zPos = -0.5 * gkLadderGapZ - (shape->GetDZ()-subtractedVal/2.);
+        zPos = -zPos;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    // odd station 1,3,5,7
+    {
+      // --- Unrotated ladders --- upstream
+      if ((nLadders / 2 + iLadder) % 2) {
+        //        zPos = -0.5 * gkLadderGapZ - (shape->GetDZ()-subtractedVal/2.);
+        zPos = -zPos;
+      }
+      // --- Rotated ladders --- downstream
+      else {
+        //        zPos = 0.5 * gkLadderGapZ + (shape->GetDZ()-subtractedVal/2.);
+        rot->RotateY(180.);
+        //        zPos += 14.;  // move STS ladder from position of C-frame #1 to C-frame #3 - March 2019 version
+      }
+    }
+    TGeoCombiTrans* trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(xPos, yPos, zPos, rot);
+    // enable or disable units
+    // Unit 0
+    if ((ladderType == 9) && (iLadder + 1 == 1)) {
+      cout << "including " << ladderName << " " << ladderType << " " << iLadder + 1 << endl;
+      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder + 1, trans);
+    }
+    // Unit 1
+    if ((ladderType == 9) && (iLadder + 1 == 2)) {
+      cout << "including " << ladderName << " " << ladderType << " " << iLadder + 1 << endl;
+      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder + 1, trans);
+    }
+    // Unit 2
+    if ((ladderType == 10) && (iLadder + 1 == 2)) {
+      cout << "including " << ladderName << " " << ladderType << " " << iLadder + 1 << endl;
+      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder + 1, trans);
+    }
+    // Unit 3 right (far from beam)
+    if ((ladderType == 10) && (iLadder + 1 == 1)) {
+      cout << "including " << ladderName << " " << ladderType << " " << iLadder + 1 << endl;
+      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder + 1, trans);
+    }
+    // Unit 3 left (close to beam)
+    if ((ladderType == 11) && (iLadder + 1 == 3)) {
+      cout << "including " << ladderName << " " << ladderType << " " << iLadder + 1 << endl;
+      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder + 1, trans);
+    }
+    // include all ladders
+    //      station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder+1, trans);
+    //    // drop upstream ladder for mSTS Nov 2019
+    //    //    station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder+1, trans);
+    //    cout << "DE222 " << iLadder << endl;
+    //      if (iLadder == 1) station->AddNode(ladder, iLadder+1, trans);
+    station->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+    xPos += shape->GetDX() - gkLadderOverlapX;
+    cout << "xPos3: " << xPos << endl;
+  }
+  return station;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Volume information for debugging
+ **/
+void CheckVolume(TGeoVolume* volume)
+  TGeoBBox* shape = (TGeoBBox*) volume->GetShape();
+  cout << volume->GetName() << ": size " << fixed << setprecision(4) << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDX() << " x "
+       << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDY() << " x " << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  if (volume->IsAssembly()) cout << ", assembly";
+  else {
+    if (volume->GetMedium()) cout << ", medium " << volume->GetMedium()->GetName();
+    else
+      cout << ", "
+           << "\033[31m"
+           << " no medium"
+           << "\033[0m";
+  }
+  cout << endl;
+  if (volume->GetNdaughters()) {
+    cout << "Daughters: " << endl;
+    for (Int_t iNode = 0; iNode < volume->GetNdaughters(); iNode++) {
+      TGeoNode* node  = volume->GetNode(iNode);
+      TGeoBBox* shape = (TGeoBBox*) node->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+      cout << setw(15) << node->GetName() << ", size " << fixed << setprecision(3) << setw(6) << 2. * shape->GetDX()
+           << " x " << setw(6) << 2. * shape->GetDY() << " x " << setw(6) << 2. * shape->GetDZ() << ", position ( ";
+      TGeoMatrix* matrix  = node->GetMatrix();
+      const Double_t* pos = matrix->GetTranslation();
+      cout << setfill(' ');
+      cout << fixed << setw(8) << pos[0] << ", " << setw(8) << pos[1] << ", " << setw(8) << pos[2] << " )" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Volume information for output to file
+ **/
+void CheckVolume(TGeoVolume* volume, fstream& file)
+  if (!file) return;
+  TGeoBBox* shape = (TGeoBBox*) volume->GetShape();
+  file << volume->GetName() << ": size " << fixed << setprecision(4) << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDX() << " x "
+       << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDY() << " x " << setw(7) << 2. * shape->GetDZ();
+  if (volume->IsAssembly()) file << ", assembly";
+  else {
+    if (volume->GetMedium()) file << ", medium " << volume->GetMedium()->GetName();
+    else
+      file << ", "
+           << "\033[31m"
+           << " no medium"
+           << "\033[0m";
+  }
+  file << endl;
+  if (volume->GetNdaughters()) {
+    file << "Contains: ";
+    for (Int_t iNode = 0; iNode < volume->GetNdaughters(); iNode++)
+      file << volume->GetNode(iNode)->GetVolume()->GetName() << " ";
+    file << endl;
+  }
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ===========================================================================
+ ** Calculate beam pipe outer radius for a given z
+ **/
+Double_t BeamPipeRadius(Double_t z)
+  if (z < gkPipeZ2) return gkPipeR1;
+  Double_t slope = (gkPipeR3 - gkPipeR2) / (gkPipeZ3 - gkPipeZ2);
+  return gkPipeR2 + slope * (z - gkPipeZ2);
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructFrameElement(const TString& name, TGeoVolume* frameBoxVol, Double_t x)
+  // --- Material of the frames
+  TGeoMedium* framesMaterial = gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon");
+  Double_t t = gkFrameThickness / 2.;
+  // --- Main vertical pillars
+  //    	TGeoBBox* frameVertPillarShp = new TGeoBBox(name + "_vertpillar_shape", t, gkFrameStep/2., t);  // square crossection, along y
+  //	TGeoVolume* frameVertPillarVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_vertpillar", frameVertPillarShp, framesMaterial);
+  //	frameVertPillarVol->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  //	frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameVertPillarVol, 1, new TGeoTranslation(name + "_vertpillar_pos_1", x-t, 0., -(x+sqrt(2.)*t-2.*t)/2.));
+  //	frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameVertPillarVol, 2, new TGeoTranslation(name + "_vertpillar_pos_2", -(x-t), 0., -(x+sqrt(2.)*t-2.*t)/2.));
+  TGeoBBox* frameVertPillarShp;
+  if (gkCylindricalFrames)
+    //          TGeoBBox* frameVertPillarShp = new TGeoTube(name + "_vertpillar_shape", 0, t, gkFrameStep/2.);  // circle crossection, along z
+    frameVertPillarShp = new TGeoTube(name + "_vertpillar_shape", gkCylinderDiaInner / 2., gkCylinderDiaOuter / 2.,
+                                      gkFrameStep / 2.);  // circle crossection, along z
+  else
+    frameVertPillarShp = new TGeoBBox(name + "_vertpillar_shape", t, t,
+                                      gkFrameStep / 2.);  // square crossection, along z
+  TGeoVolume* frameVertPillarVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_vertpillar", frameVertPillarShp, framesMaterial);
+  frameVertPillarVol->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  TGeoRotation* xRot90 = new TGeoRotation;
+  xRot90->RotateX(90.);
+  frameBoxVol->AddNode(
+    frameVertPillarVol, 1,
+    new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_vertpillar_pos_1", x - t, 0., -(x + sqrt(2.) * t - 2. * t) / 2., xRot90));
+  frameBoxVol->AddNode(
+    frameVertPillarVol, 2,
+    new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_vertpillar_pos_2", -(x - t), 0., -(x + sqrt(2.) * t - 2. * t) / 2., xRot90));
+  //	TGeoRotation* vertRot = new TGeoRotation(name + "_vertpillar_rot_1", 90., 45., -90.);
+  TGeoRotation* vertRot = new TGeoRotation;
+  vertRot->RotateX(90.);
+  vertRot->RotateY(45.);
+  frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameVertPillarVol, 3,
+                       new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_vertpillar_pos_3", 0., 0., (x - sqrt(2.) * t) / 2., vertRot));
+  // --- Small horizontal pillar
+  TGeoBBox* frameHorPillarShp =
+    new TGeoBBox(name + "_horpillar_shape", x - 2. * t, gkThinFrameThickness / 2., gkThinFrameThickness / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* frameHorPillarVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_horpillar", frameHorPillarShp, framesMaterial);
+  frameHorPillarVol->SetLineColor(kCyan);
+  frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameHorPillarVol, 1,
+                       new TGeoTranslation(name + "_horpillar_pos_1", 0., -gkFrameStep / 2. + gkThinFrameThickness / 2.,
+                                           -(x + sqrt(2.) * t - 2. * t) / 2.));
+  if (gkConstructSmallFrames) {
+    // --- Small sloping pillar
+    TGeoPara* frameSlopePillarShp =
+      new TGeoPara(name + "_slopepillar_shape", (x - 2. * t) / TMath::Cos(31.4 / 180. * TMath::Pi()),
+                   gkThinFrameThickness / 2., gkThinFrameThickness / 2., 31.4, 0., 90.);
+    TGeoVolume* frameSlopePillarVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_slopepillar", frameSlopePillarShp, framesMaterial);
+    frameSlopePillarVol->SetLineColor(kCyan);
+    TGeoRotation* slopeRot = new TGeoRotation(name + "_slopepillar_rot_1", 0., 0., 31.4);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* slopeTrRot =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_slopepillar_posrot_1", 0., 0., -(x + sqrt(2.) * t - 2. * t) / 2., slopeRot);
+    frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameSlopePillarVol, 1, slopeTrRot);
+    Double_t angl = 23.;
+    // --- Small sub pillar
+    TGeoPara* frameSubPillarShp =
+      new TGeoPara(name + "_subpillar_shape", (sqrt(2) * (x / 2. - t) - t / 2.) / TMath::Cos(angl / 180. * TMath::Pi()),
+                   gkThinFrameThickness / 2., gkThinFrameThickness / 2., angl, 0., 90.);
+    TGeoVolume* frameSubPillarVol = new TGeoVolume(name + "_subpillar", frameSubPillarShp, framesMaterial);
+    frameSubPillarVol->SetLineColor(kMagenta);
+    Double_t posZ = t * (1. - 3. / (2. * sqrt(2.)));
+    // one side of X direction
+    TGeoRotation* subRot1 = new TGeoRotation(name + "_subpillar_rot_1", 90., 45., -90. + angl);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* subTrRot1 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_subpillar_posrot_1", -(-x / 2. + t - t / (2. * sqrt(2.))), 1., posZ, subRot1);
+    TGeoRotation* subRot2 = new TGeoRotation(name + "_subpillar_rot_2", 90., -90. - 45., -90. + angl);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* subTrRot2 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_subpillar_posrot_2", -(-x / 2. + t - t / (2. * sqrt(2.))), -1., posZ, subRot2);
+    // other side of X direction
+    TGeoRotation* subRot3 = new TGeoRotation(name + "_subpillar_rot_3", 90., 90. + 45., -90. + angl);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* subTrRot3 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_subpillar_posrot_3", -x / 2. + t - t / (2. * sqrt(2.)), 1., posZ, subRot3);
+    TGeoRotation* subRot4 = new TGeoRotation(name + "_subpillar_rot_4", 90., -45., -90. + angl);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* subTrRot4 =
+      new TGeoCombiTrans(name + "_subpillar_posrot_4", -x / 2. + t - t / (2. * sqrt(2.)), -1., posZ, subRot4);
+    frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameSubPillarVol, 1, subTrRot1);
+    frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameSubPillarVol, 2, subTrRot2);
+    frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameSubPillarVol, 3, subTrRot3);
+    frameBoxVol->AddNode(frameSubPillarVol, 4, subTrRot4);
+    //                frameBoxVol->GetShape()->ComputeBBox();
+  }
+  return frameBoxVol;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructSmallCone(Double_t coneDz)
+  // --- Material of the frames
+  TGeoMedium* framesMaterial = gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon");
+  // --- Outer cone
+  //	TGeoConeSeg* A = new TGeoConeSeg ("A", coneDz, 6., 7.6, 6., 6.04, 0., 180.);
+  //	TGeoBBox* B = new TGeoBBox ("B", 8., 6., 10.);
+  Double_t radius    = 3.0;
+  Double_t thickness = 0.04;  // 0.4 mm
+  //	TGeoConeSeg* A = new TGeoConeSeg ("A", coneDz, 3., 3.2, 3., 3.2, 0., 180.);
+  TGeoConeSeg* A = new TGeoConeSeg("A", coneDz, radius, radius + thickness, radius, radius + thickness, 0., 180.);
+  TGeoBBox* B    = new TGeoBBox("B", 8., 6., 10.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* M = new TGeoCombiTrans("M");
+  M->RotateX(45.);
+  M->SetDy(-5.575);
+  M->SetDz(6.935);
+  M->RegisterYourself();
+  TGeoShape* coneShp  = new TGeoCompositeShape("Cone_shp", "A-B:M");
+  TGeoVolume* coneVol = new TGeoVolume("Cone", coneShp, framesMaterial);
+  coneVol->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  //	coneVol->RegisterYourself();
+  //	// --- Inner cone
+  //	Double_t thickness = 0.02;
+  //	Double_t thickness2 = 0.022;
+  //	//	TGeoConeSeg* A2 = new TGeoConeSeg ("A2", coneDz-thickness, 6.+thickness, 7.6-thickness2, 5.99+thickness, 6.05-thickness2, 0., 180.);
+  //	TGeoConeSeg* A2 = new TGeoConeSeg ("A2", coneDz-thickness, 3.+thickness, 4.6-thickness2, 2.99+thickness, 3.05-thickness2, 0., 180.);
+  //
+  //	TGeoCombiTrans* M2 = new TGeoCombiTrans ("M2");
+  //	M2->RotateX (45.);
+  //	M2->SetDy (-5.575+thickness*sqrt(2.));
+  //	M2->SetDz (6.935);
+  //	M2->RegisterYourself();
+  //
+  //	TGeoShape* coneShp2 = new TGeoCompositeShape ("Cone2_shp", "A2-B:M2");
+  //	TGeoVolume* coneVol2 = new TGeoVolume ("Cone2", coneShp2, gStsMedium);
+  //	coneVol2->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  ////	coneVol2->RegisterYourself();
+  //
+  //	coneVol->AddNode(coneVol2, 1);
+  return coneVol;
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+/** ======================================================================= **/
+TGeoVolume* ConstructBigCone(Double_t coneDz)
+  // --- Material of the frames
+  TGeoMedium* framesMaterial = gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon");
+  // --- Outer cone
+  TGeoConeSeg* bA = new TGeoConeSeg("bA", coneDz, 6., 7.6, 6., 6.04, 0., 180.);
+  TGeoBBox* bB    = new TGeoBBox("bB", 8., 6., 10.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* bM = new TGeoCombiTrans("bM");
+  bM->RotateX(45.);
+  bM->SetDy(-5.575);
+  bM->SetDz(6.935);
+  bM->RegisterYourself();
+  TGeoShape* coneBigShp  = new TGeoCompositeShape("ConeBig_shp", "bA-bB:bM");
+  TGeoVolume* coneBigVol = new TGeoVolume("ConeBig", coneBigShp, framesMaterial);
+  coneBigVol->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  //	coneBigVol->RegisterYourself();
+  // --- Inner cone
+  Double_t thickness  = 0.02;
+  Double_t thickness2 = 0.022;
+  TGeoConeSeg* bA2    = new TGeoConeSeg("bA2", coneDz - thickness, 6. + thickness, 7.6 - thickness2, 5.99 + thickness,
+                                     6.05 - thickness2, 0., 180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* bM2 = new TGeoCombiTrans("bM2");
+  bM2->RotateX(45.);
+  bM2->SetDy(-5.575 + thickness * sqrt(2.));
+  bM2->SetDz(6.935);
+  bM2->RegisterYourself();
+  TGeoShape* coneBigShp2  = new TGeoCompositeShape("ConeBig2_shp", "bA2-bB:bM2");
+  TGeoVolume* coneBigVol2 = new TGeoVolume("ConeBig2", coneBigShp2, gStsMedium);
+  coneBigVol2->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  //	coneBigVol2->RegisterYourself();
+  coneBigVol->AddNode(coneBigVol2, 1);
+  return coneBigVol;
+/** ======================================================================= **/