From 00e3011e3551261fdb7b9b2985d1bfb51940f46e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "P.-A. Loizeau" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2022 16:58:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [BMon] in Tof unpack monitor, use vector as input for the

 .../tof/unpack/CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx        | 12 ++++++
 .../tof/unpack/CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h          | 37 ++-----------------
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reco/detectors/tof/unpack/CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx b/reco/detectors/tof/unpack/CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx
index 9576dbeeb..c50b003b7 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/tof/unpack/CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx
+++ b/reco/detectors/tof/unpack/CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx
@@ -53,6 +53,18 @@ CbmTofUnpackMonitor::~CbmTofUnpackMonitor()
+void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetBmonChannelMap(std::vector<uint32_t> vChanMapIn)
+  uint32_t uNbCh = vChanMapIn.size();
+  if (8 != uNbCh && 16 != uNbCh) {
+    LOG(fatal) << "Wrong number of channels in call to CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetBmonChannelMap, "
+               << "only 8 and 16 supported, input here was " << uNbCh;
+  }
+  for (UInt_t uChan = 0; uChan < uNbCh; ++uChan) {
+    fuBmonChanMap[uChan] = vChanMapIn[uChan];
+  }
 Bool_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::CreateHistograms()
   /// Avoid name collision for the histos and canvases in Root memory
diff --git a/reco/detectors/tof/unpack/CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h b/reco/detectors/tof/unpack/CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h
index 75ecaff52..bf0c7ede2 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/tof/unpack/CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h
+++ b/reco/detectors/tof/unpack/CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
 #include "TProfile.h"
 #include "TProfile2D.h"
+#include <array>
 #include <cstdint>
+#include <vector>
 class TCanvas;
@@ -50,40 +52,7 @@ public:
   inline void SetSpillThreshold(UInt_t uCntLimit) { fuOffSpillCountLimit = uCntLimit; }
   inline void SetSpillThresholdNonPulser(UInt_t uCntLimit) { fuOffSpillCountLimitNonPulser = uCntLimit; }
   inline void SetSpillCheckInterval(Double_t dIntervalSec) { fdSpillCheckInterval = dIntervalSec; }
-  inline void SetBmonChannelMap(UInt_t uChan0, UInt_t uChan1, UInt_t uChan2, UInt_t uChan3, UInt_t uChan4,
-                                UInt_t uChan5, UInt_t uChan6, UInt_t uChan7)
-  {
-    fuBmonChanMap[0] = uChan0;
-    fuBmonChanMap[1] = uChan1;
-    fuBmonChanMap[2] = uChan2;
-    fuBmonChanMap[3] = uChan3;
-    fuBmonChanMap[4] = uChan4;
-    fuBmonChanMap[5] = uChan5;
-    fuBmonChanMap[6] = uChan6;
-    fuBmonChanMap[7] = uChan7;
-  }
-  inline void SetBmonChannelMap(UInt_t uChan0, UInt_t uChan1, UInt_t uChan2, UInt_t uChan3, UInt_t uChan4,
-                                UInt_t uChan5, UInt_t uChan6, UInt_t uChan7, UInt_t uChan8, UInt_t uChan9,
-                                UInt_t uChan10, UInt_t uChan11, UInt_t uChan12, UInt_t uChan13, UInt_t uChan14,
-                                UInt_t uChan15)
-  {
-    fuBmonChanMap[0]  = uChan0;
-    fuBmonChanMap[1]  = uChan1;
-    fuBmonChanMap[2]  = uChan2;
-    fuBmonChanMap[3]  = uChan3;
-    fuBmonChanMap[4]  = uChan4;
-    fuBmonChanMap[5]  = uChan5;
-    fuBmonChanMap[6]  = uChan6;
-    fuBmonChanMap[7]  = uChan7;
-    fuBmonChanMap[8]  = uChan8;
-    fuBmonChanMap[9]  = uChan9;
-    fuBmonChanMap[10] = uChan10;
-    fuBmonChanMap[11] = uChan11;
-    fuBmonChanMap[12] = uChan12;
-    fuBmonChanMap[13] = uChan13;
-    fuBmonChanMap[14] = uChan14;
-    fuBmonChanMap[15] = uChan15;
-  }
+  void SetBmonChannelMap(std::vector<uint32_t> vChanMapIn);
   void SetLongDurationLimits(UInt_t uDurationSeconds, UInt_t uBinSize)