From 28c69b23e682621117a8ea5628e31791d66b88e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: P-A Loizeau <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 15:16:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] mCBM: synchronize the run_unpack_online with the tsa version

 macro/run/run_unpack_online.C | 316 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 249 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)

diff --git a/macro/run/run_unpack_online.C b/macro/run/run_unpack_online.C
index 42ee05b16..e52fd82c1 100644
--- a/macro/run/run_unpack_online.C
+++ b/macro/run/run_unpack_online.C
@@ -13,9 +13,14 @@
 #include <RtypesCore.h>
+#include <cstdint>
 #include <memory>
+#include <string>
 #include <vector>
 #if !defined(__CLING__)
+#include "CbmTrdRawMessageSpadic.h"
+#include "CbmTrdSpadic.h"
 #include <FairLogger.h>
 #include <FairRootFileSink.h>
 #include <FairRunOnline.h>
@@ -27,45 +32,12 @@
 std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackMonitor> GetTrdMonitor(std::string treefilename);
 std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdSpadic> GetTrdSpadic(bool useAvgBaseline = false);
+std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor> GetStsMonitor(std::string treefilename, bool bDebugMode = false);
+const char* defaultSetupName = "mcbm_beam_2021_07_surveyed";
-/** @brief Macro for CBM reconstruction
- ** @author Volker Friese <>
- ** @since  14 November 2020
- ** @param input          Name of input file (w/o extension .raw.root)
- ** @param nTimeSlices    Number of time-slices to process
- ** @param firstTimeSlice First time-slice (entry) to be processed
- ** @param output         Name of output file (w/o extension .rec.root)
- ** @param sEvBuildRaw    Option for raw event building
- ** @param setup          Name of predefined geometry setup
- ** @param paramFile      Parameter ROOT file (w/o extension .par.root)
- ** @param useMC          Option to provide the trackfinder with MC information
- **
- ** This macro performs from the digis in a time-slice. It can be used
- ** for simulated data (result of run_digi.C) or real data after unpacking.
- **
- ** The macro covers both time-based reconstruction and event-based
- ** reconstruction using raw events build from digis. This can be selected
- ** by the forth argument. If left empty, no raw event builder will be
- ** employed and reconstruction will be time-based. The option "Ideal"
- ** selects the ideal raw event builder, which associates digis to events
- ** based on the MC truth. The option "Real" selects a real raw event builder
- ** (latest version, for older versions use "Real2018" or "Real2019").
- **
- **
- ** The file names must be specified without extensions. The convention is
- ** that the raw (input) file is [input].raw.root. The output file
- ** will be [input].rec.root if not specified by the user. The parameter file
- ** has the extension .par.root. It is assumed to be [input].par.root if
- ** not specified by the user.
- **
- ** If no argument is specified, the input will be set to "test". This allows
- ** to execute the macro chain (run_tra_file.C, run_digi.C and run_reco.C)
- ** from the ROOT prompt without user intervention.
- **
- **/
-void run_unpack_online(std::string publisher = "localhost", Int_t serverHttpPort = 8080, Int_t serverRefreshRate = 100,
-                       const char* setupName = "mcbm_beam_2021_03", UInt_t runid = 2, std::string outpath = "")
+void run_unpack_online(std::vector<std::string> publisher = {"tcp://localhost:5556"}, Int_t serverHttpPort = 8080,
+                       Int_t serverRefreshRate = 100, std::int32_t nevents = -1, UInt_t runid = 1905,
+                       const char* setupName = defaultSetupName, std::string outpath = "data/")
   // ========================================================================
@@ -82,14 +54,21 @@ void run_unpack_online(std::string publisher = "localhost", Int_t serverHttpPort
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -----   Output filename   ----------------------------------------------
-  TDatime datetime;
-  // Get the current time and date to label the output data. We add ".tsa" to run the default translations for the .digi and .mon output file
-  std::string infile =
-    "mTrd_Testrun-" + std::to_string(datetime.GetDate()) + "_" + std::to_string(datetime.GetTime()) + ".tsa";
-  std::string outfilename = outpath + infile;
-  outfilename.replace(outfilename.find(".tsa"), 4, ".digi.root");
+  std::string filename    = Form("online_%05d.digi.root", runid);
+  std::string outfilename = outpath + filename;
+  std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Output file will be " << outfilename << std::endl;
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Performance profiling   ----------------------------------------
+  // Set to true if you want some minimal performance profiling output
+  bool doPerfProfiling = true;
+  // Define if you want a special path and name for the performance profiling output file
+  std::string perfProfFileName = outpath + filename;
+  perfProfFileName.replace(perfProfFileName.find(".digi.root"), 10, ".perf.root");
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -----   CbmSetup   -----------------------------------------------------
   auto cbmsetup = CbmSetup::Instance();
@@ -97,47 +76,201 @@ void run_unpack_online(std::string publisher = "localhost", Int_t serverHttpPort
   // -----   UnpackerConfigs   ----------------------------------------------
+  // ---- PSD ----
+  std::shared_ptr<CbmPsdUnpackConfig> psdconfig = nullptr;
+  psdconfig = std::make_shared<CbmPsdUnpackConfig>("", runid);
+  if (psdconfig) {
+    // psdconfig->SetDebugState();
+    psdconfig->SetDoWriteOutput();
+    // psdconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutA("CbmPsdDsp");
+    std::string parfilesbasepathPsd = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2021/", srcDir.Data());
+    psdconfig->SetParFilesBasePath(parfilesbasepathPsd);
+    psdconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(0);  // [ns] value to be updated
+  }
+  // -------------
+  // ---- RICH ----
+  std::shared_ptr<CbmRichUnpackConfig> richconfig = nullptr;
+  richconfig = std::make_shared<CbmRichUnpackConfig>("", runid);
+  if (richconfig) {
+    if (1904 < runid) {
+      /// Switch to new unpacking algo starting from first combined cosmics run in 2022
+      richconfig->SetUnpackerVersion(CbmRichUnpackerVersion::v03);
+    }
+    richconfig->SetDebugState();
+    richconfig->SetDoWriteOutput();
+    std::string parfilesbasepathRich = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2021/", srcDir.Data());
+    richconfig->SetParFilesBasePath(parfilesbasepathRich);
+    richconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-1200);  // [ns] 1 MS and additional correction
+    if (runid == 1588) richconfig->MaskDiRICH(0x7150);
+  }
+  // -------------
+  // ---- STS ----
+  std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackConfig> stsconfig = nullptr;
+  stsconfig = std::make_shared<CbmStsUnpackConfig>(std::string(setupName), runid);
+  if (stsconfig) {
+    // stsconfig->SetDebugState();
+    stsconfig->SetDoWriteOutput();
+    stsconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutA("StsDigiPulser");
+    std::string parfilesbasepathSts = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2021/", srcDir.Data());
+    stsconfig->SetParFilesBasePath(parfilesbasepathSts);
+    /// Enable duplicates rejection, Ignores the ADC for duplicates check
+    stsconfig->SetDuplicatesRejection(true, true);
+    /// Enable Monitor plots
+    //stsconfig->SetMonitor(GetStsMonitor(outfilename, true));
+    stsconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-2221);  // [ns] value to be updated
+    stsconfig->SetMinAdcCut(1, 1);
+    stsconfig->SetMinAdcCut(2, 1);
+    stsconfig->SetMinAdcCut(3, 1);
+    stsconfig->SetMinAdcCut(4, 1);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(3, 56);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(3, 75);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(3, 79);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(3, 85);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 123);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 124);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 125);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 158);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 159);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 162);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 715);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(9, 709);
+    stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(12, 119);
+    // Time Walk correction
+    std::map<uint32_t, CbmStsParModule> walkMap;
+    auto parAsic = new CbmStsParAsic(128, 31, 31., 1., 5., 800., 1000., 3.9789e-3);
+    // Module params: number of channels, number of channels per ASIC
+    auto parMod = new CbmStsParModule(2048, 128);
+    // default
+    double p0 = 0, p1 = 0, p2 = 0, p3 = 0;
+    parAsic->SetWalkCoef({p0, p1, p2, p3});
+    parMod->SetAllAsics(*parAsic);
+    walkMap[0x10107C02] = CbmStsParModule(*parMod);  // Make a copy for storage
+    walkMap[0x101FFC02] = CbmStsParModule(*parMod);  // Make a copy for storage
+    /// To be replaced by a storage in a new parameter class later
+    int sensor, asic;
+    std::ifstream asicTimeWalk_par(Form("%s/mStsAsicTimeWalk.par",;
+    while (asicTimeWalk_par >> std::hex >> sensor >> std::dec >> asic >> p0 >> p1 >> p2 >> p3) {
+      std::cout << Form("Setting time-walk parametersfor: module %x, ASIC %u\n", sensor, asic);
+      parAsic->SetWalkCoef({p0, p1, p2, p3});
+      if (walkMap.find(sensor) == walkMap.end()) { walkMap[sensor] = CbmStsParModule(*parMod); }
+      walkMap[sensor].SetAsic(asic, *parAsic);
+    }
+    stsconfig->SetWalkMap(walkMap);
+  }
+  // -------------
   // ---- TRD ----
+  std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackConfig> trd1Dconfig = nullptr;
   TString trdsetuptag = "";
   cbmsetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kTrd, trdsetuptag);
-  auto trdconfig               = std::make_shared<CbmTrdUnpackConfig>(trdsetuptag.Data());
-  std::string parfilesbasepath = Form("%s/parameters/trd", srcDir.Data());
-  trdconfig->SetParFilesBasePath(parfilesbasepath);
-  trdconfig->SetMonitor(GetTrdMonitor(outfilename));
-  // Get the spadic configuration true = avg baseline active / false plain sample 0
-  trdconfig->SetSpadicObject(GetTrdSpadic(true));
+  // trd1Dconfig = std::make_shared<CbmTrdUnpackConfig>(trdsetuptag.Data(), runid);
+  trd1Dconfig = std::make_shared<CbmTrdUnpackConfig>(trdsetuptag.Data());
+  if (trd1Dconfig) {
+    trd1Dconfig->SetDoWriteOutput();
+    // Activate the line below to write Trd1D digis to a separate "TrdSpadicDigi" branch. Can be used to separate between Fasp and Spadic digis
+    // trd1Dconfig->SetOutputBranchName("TrdSpadicDigi");
+    // trd1Dconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutA(CbmTrdRawMessageSpadic::GetBranchName());
+    // trd1Dconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutB("SpadicInfoMessages"); // SpadicInfoMessages
+    std::string parfilesbasepathTrd = Form("%s/parameters/trd", srcDir.Data());
+    trd1Dconfig->SetParFilesBasePath(parfilesbasepathTrd);
+    // trd1Dconfig->SetMonitor(GetTrdMonitor(outfilename));
+    // Get the spadic configuration true = avg baseline active / false plain sample 0
+    trd1Dconfig->SetSpadicObject(GetTrdSpadic(true));
+    trd1Dconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(0);  // [ns] value to be updated
+  }
   // -------------
+  // ---- TRDFASP2D ----
+  std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackConfigFasp2D> trdfasp2dconfig = nullptr;
+  trdfasp2dconfig = std::make_shared<CbmTrdUnpackConfigFasp2D>(trdsetuptag.Data());
+  if (trdfasp2dconfig) {
+    // trdfasp2dconfig->SetDebugState();
+    trdfasp2dconfig->SetDoWriteOutput();
+    // Activate the line below to write Trd1D digis to a separate "TrdFaspDigi" branch. Can be used to separate between Fasp and Spadic digis
+    trdfasp2dconfig->SetOutputBranchName("TrdFaspDigi");
+    std::string parfilesbasepathTrdfasp2d = Form("%s/parameters/trd", srcDir.Data());
+    trdfasp2dconfig->SetParFilesBasePath(parfilesbasepathTrdfasp2d);
+    trdfasp2dconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-1800);  // [ns] value to be updated
+  }
+  // -------------
+  // ---- TOF ----
+  std::shared_ptr<CbmTofUnpackConfig> tofconfig = nullptr;
+  tofconfig = std::make_shared<CbmTofUnpackConfig>("", runid);
+  if (tofconfig) {
+    // tofconfig->SetDebugState();
+    tofconfig->SetDoWriteOutput();
+    // tofconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutA("CbmTofErrors");
+    std::string parfilesbasepathTof = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2021/", srcDir.Data());
+    tofconfig->SetParFilesBasePath(parfilesbasepathTof);
+    tofconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-1220);  // [ns] value to be updated
+    if (runid <= 1659) {
+      /// Switch ON the -4 offset in epoch count (hack for Spring-Summer 2021)
+      tofconfig->SetFlagEpochCountHack2021();
+    }
+  }
+  // -------------
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // In general, the following parts need not be touched
   // ========================================================================
   // -----   Timer   --------------------------------------------------------
   TStopwatch timer;
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -----   CbmSourceTsArchive   -------------------------------------------
-  auto source = new CbmSourceTsArchive(;
+  auto source = new CbmSourceTsArchive(publisher);
   auto unpack = source->GetRecoUnpack();
-  unpack->SetUnpackConfig(trdconfig);
+  unpack->SetDoPerfProfiling(doPerfProfiling);
+  unpack->SetOutputFilename(perfProfFileName);
+  // Enable full time sorting instead sorting per FLIM link
+  unpack->SetTimeSorting(true);
+  if (psdconfig) unpack->SetUnpackConfig(psdconfig);
+  if (richconfig) unpack->SetUnpackConfig(richconfig);
+  if (stsconfig) unpack->SetUnpackConfig(stsconfig);
+  if (trd1Dconfig) unpack->SetUnpackConfig(trd1Dconfig);
+  if (trdfasp2dconfig) unpack->SetUnpackConfig(trdfasp2dconfig);
+  if (tofconfig) unpack->SetUnpackConfig(tofconfig);
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -----   FairRunAna   ---------------------------------------------------
-  auto run = new FairRunOnline(source);
-  // auto sink = new FairRootFileSink(;
-  // run->SetSink(sink);
+  auto run  = new FairRunOnline(source);
+  auto sink = new FairRootFileSink(;
+  run->SetSink(sink);
+  auto eventheader = new CbmTsEventHeader();
+  run->SetRunId(runid);
+  run->SetEventHeader(eventheader);
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -----   HttpServer for online monitoring   -----------------------------
   run->ActivateHttpServer(serverRefreshRate, serverHttpPort);
-  run->SetAutoFinish(kFALSE);
+  // run->SetAutoFinish(kFALSE);
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -157,15 +290,16 @@ void run_unpack_online(std::string publisher = "localhost", Int_t serverHttpPort
   // -----   Start run   ----------------------------------------------------
   std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
   std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Starting run" << std::endl;
-  // run->Run(-1, 0);
-  run->Run(0, 50);
+  if (nevents < 0) run->Run(-1, 0);
+  else
+    run->Run(0, nevents);
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -----   Finish   -------------------------------------------------------
-  std::cout << "Macro finished successfully after CpuTime = " << timer.CpuTime() << " s RealTime = " << timer.RealTime()
-            << " s." << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "Macro finished successfully." << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "After CpuTime = " << timer.CpuTime() << " s RealTime = " << timer.RealTime() << " s." << std::endl;
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 }  // End of main macro function
@@ -203,10 +337,12 @@ std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackMonitor> GetTrdMonitor(std::string treefilename)
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   std::vector<CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos> digihistovec = {
-    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kMap,         CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kMap_St,
-    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kMap_Nt,      CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kCharge,
-    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kCharge_St,   CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kCharge_Nt,
-    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kTriggerType, CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kDigiDeltaT};
+    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kMap,        CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kMap_St,
+    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kMap_Nt,     CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kCharge,
+    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kCharge_St,  CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kCharge_Nt,
+    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kChannel,    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kChannel_St,
+    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kChannel_Nt, CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kTriggerType,
+    CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eDigiHistos::kDigiDeltaT};
   std::vector<CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eRawHistos> rawhistovec = {
     CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eRawHistos::kSignalshape,      CbmTrdUnpackMonitor::eRawHistos::kSignalshape_St,
@@ -226,6 +362,7 @@ std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackMonitor> GetTrdMonitor(std::string treefilename)
   return monitor;
  * @brief Get the Trd Spadic
  * @return std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdSpadic>
@@ -234,7 +371,52 @@ std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdSpadic> GetTrdSpadic(bool useAvgBaseline)
   auto spadic = std::make_shared<CbmTrdSpadic>();
-  spadic->SetMaxAdcToEnergyCal(1);
+  spadic->SetMaxAdcToEnergyCal(1.0);
   return spadic;
+ * @brief Get the Sts Monitor. Extra function to keep default macro part more silent.
+ * @return std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor>
+std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor> GetStsMonitor(std::string treefilename, bool bDebugMode = false)
+  // -----   Output filename and path   -------------------------------------
+  std::string outpath  = "";
+  std::string filename = "";
+  auto filenamepos     = treefilename.find_last_of("/");
+  if (filenamepos != treefilename.npos) {
+    outpath  = treefilename.substr(0, filenamepos);
+    filename = treefilename.substr(filenamepos++);
+  }
+  if (outpath.empty()) outpath = gSystem->GetWorkingDirectory();
+  //std::string mydir = "/qa";
+  //outpath += mydir;
+  auto currentdir = gSystem->GetWorkingDirectory();
+  if (!gSystem->cd( gSystem->MakeDirectory(;
+  else
+    gSystem->cd(;
+  std::string outfilename = outpath + filename;
+  auto filetypepos        = outfilename.find(".digi.root");
+  if (filetypepos != outfilename.npos) outfilename.replace(filetypepos, 10, ".mon.sts.root");
+  else
+    outfilename += ".mon.sts.root";
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  auto monitor = std::make_shared<CbmStsUnpackMonitor>();
+  monitor->SetHistoFileName(outfilename);
+  monitor->SetDebugMode(bDebugMode);
+  return monitor;
+void run_unpack_online(std::string publisher = "tcp://localhost:5556", Int_t serverHttpPort = 8080,
+                       Int_t serverRefreshRate = 100, std::int32_t nevents = -1, UInt_t runid = 1905,
+                       const char* setupName = defaultSetupName, std::string outpath = "data/")
+  std::vector<std::string> vPublisher = {publisher};
+  return run_unpack_online(vPublisher, serverHttpPort, serverRefreshRate, nevents, runid, setupName, outpath);