From c67ff38c43d897a62cfa23e9824f8f72177b4554 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Emschermann <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 12:35:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add mTOF v24b geometry + macro, aligned to measurements in
 the cave, refs #3239

=> Also add mTOF v24a creation macro (original from TOF experts)
=> Root file not added/removed as known not matching reality
 .../tof/mcbm/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_mcbm.C  | 1312 ++++++++++++++++
 .../tof/mcbm/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24b_mcbm.C  | 1313 +++++++++++++++++
 tof/                    |   15 +
 tof/tof_v24b_mcbm.geo.root                    |  Bin 0 -> 12899 bytes
 4 files changed, 2640 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 macro/tof/mcbm/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_mcbm.C
 create mode 100644 macro/tof/mcbm/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24b_mcbm.C
 create mode 100644 tof/
 create mode 100644 tof/tof_v24b_mcbm.geo.root

diff --git a/macro/tof/mcbm/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_mcbm.C b/macro/tof/mcbm/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_mcbm.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6033130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/tof/mcbm/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_mcbm.C
@@ -0,0 +1,1312 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2021 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: Florian Uhlig, Shreya Roy [committer] */
+/// \file Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_mcbm.C
+/// \brief Generates TOF geometry in Root format.
+// Changelog
+// 2024-03-26 - v24a - DE - March 2024 setup by NH, script patched by DE in lines 1000 and 1004 to show only 2 STAR modules
+// 2021-11-17 - v24a - QZ - Modified v20d to fit the logic of digibdf.par
+// 2020-04-14 - v20b - NH - swapped double stack layer 2 with STAR2 moodule, buc kept as dummy
+// 2020-04-01 - v20a - NH - move mTOF +20 cm in x direction for the Mar 2020 run
+// 2019-11-28 - v19b - DE - move mTOF +12 cm in x direction for the Nov 2019 run
+// 2019-07-31 - v19a - DE - this TOF March 2019 geometry is also known as v18m
+// 2017-11-03 - v18i - DE - shift mTOF to z=298 cm for acceptance matching with mSTS
+// 2017-10-06 - v18h - DE - put v18f into vertical position to fit into the mCBM cave
+// 2017-07-15 - v18g - DE - swap the z-position of TOF modules: 2 in the front, 3 in the back
+// 2017-07-14 - v18f - DE - reduce vertical gap between TOF modules to fix the gap between modules 1-2 and 4-5
+// 2017-05-17 - v18e - DE - rotate electronics away from beam, shift 16 cm away from beam along x-axis
+// 2017-05-17 - v18d - DE - change geometry name to v18d
+// in root all sizes are given in cm
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
+#include "TGeoManager.h"
+#include "TGeoMaterial.h"
+#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
+#include "TGeoMedium.h"
+#include "TGeoPgon.h"
+#include "TGeoVolume.h"
+#include "TList.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
+#include "TROOT.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "TSystem.h"
+#include <iostream>
+// Name of geometry version and output file
+const TString geoVersion      = "tof_v24a_mcbm";  // do not change
+const TString geoVersionStand = geoVersion + "Stand";
+const TString fileTag      = "tof_v24a";
+const TString FileNameSim  = fileTag + "_mcbm.geo.root";
+const TString FileNameGeo  = fileTag + "_mcbm_geo.root";
+const TString FileNameInfo = fileTag + "";
+// TOF_Z_Front corresponds to front cover of outer super module towers
+const Float_t TOF_Z_Front_Stand = 250.;  // = z=298 mCBM@SIS18
+const Float_t TOF_Z_Front       = 0;     // = z=298 mCBM@SIS18
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  130;  // = z=225 mCBM@SIS18
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  250;  // SIS 100 hadron
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  450;  // SIS 100 hadron
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  600;  // SIS 100 electron
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  650;  // SIS 100 muon
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  880;  // SIS 300 electron
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front = 1020;  // SIS 300 muon
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front = 951.5;   // Wall_Z_Position = 1050 cm
+// Names of the different used materials which are used to build the modules
+// The materials are defined in the global media.geo file
+const TString KeepingVolumeMedium = "air";
+const TString BoxVolumeMedium     = "aluminium";
+const TString NoActivGasMedium    = "RPCgas_noact";
+const TString ActivGasMedium      = "RPCgas";
+const TString GlasMedium          = "RPCglass";
+const TString ElectronicsMedium   = "carbon";
+// Counters:
+// 0 MRPC3a
+// 1 MRPC3b
+// 2
+// 3
+// 4 Diamond
+// 6 Buc 2019
+// 7 CERN 20gap
+// 8 Ceramic Pad
+const Int_t NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes            = 9;
+const Float_t Glass_X[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {32., 32., 32., 32., 0.2, 32., 28.8, 20., 2.4};
+const Float_t Glass_Y[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {26.9, 53., 20., 10., 0.2, 10., 6., 20., 2.4};
+const Float_t Glass_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1};
+const Float_t GasGap_X[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {32., 32., 32., 32., 0.2, 32., 28.8, 20., 2.4};
+const Float_t GasGap_Y[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {26.9, 53., 20., 10., 0.2, 10., 6., 20., 2.4};
+const Float_t GasGap_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {0.025, 0.025, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.025};
+const Int_t NumberOfGaps[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {8, 8, 8, 8, 1, 8, 10, 20, 4};
+//const Int_t NumberOfGaps[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {1,1,1,1}; //deb
+const Int_t NumberOfReadoutStrips[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 32, 32, 20, 1};
+//const Int_t NumberOfReadoutStrips[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {1,1,1,1}; //deb
+const Float_t SingleStackStartPosition_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {-0.6, -0.6, -0.6, -0.6, -0.1,
+                                                                           -0.6, -0.6, -0.6, -1.};
+const Float_t Electronics_X[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {34.0, 34.0, 32.0, 32., 0.3, 0.1, 28.8, 20., 0.1};
+const Float_t Electronics_Y[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {5.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1., 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1};
+const Float_t Electronics_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1};
+const Int_t NofModuleTypes = 10;
+// 5 Diamond
+// 6 Buc
+// 7 CERN 20 gap
+// 8 Ceramic
+// 9 Star2
+// Aluminum box for all module types
+const Float_t Module_Size_X[NofModuleTypes] = {180., 180., 180., 180., 180., 5., 40., 30., 22.5, 100.};
+const Float_t Module_Size_Y[NofModuleTypes] = {49., 49., 74., 28., 18., 5., 12., 30., 11., 49.};
+const Float_t Module_Over_Y[NofModuleTypes] = {11.5, 11.5, 11., 4.5, 4.5, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
+const Float_t Module_Size_Z[NofModuleTypes] = {11., 11., 11., 11., 11., 1., 12., 6., 6.2, 11.2};
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_X_left       = 0.1;
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_X_right      = 1.0;
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_Y            = 0.1;
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_Z            = 0.1;
+// Distance to the center of the TOF wall [cm];
+const Float_t Wall_Z_Position = 400.;
+const Float_t MeanTheta       = 0.;
+//Type of Counter for module
+const Int_t CounterTypeInModule[NofModuleTypes] = {0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 0};
+const Int_t NCounterInModule[NofModuleTypes]    = {5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 2, 1, 8, 2};
+// Placement of the counter inside the module
+const Float_t CounterXStartPosition[NofModuleTypes] = {-63.0, -66.0, -60.0, -60.0, -60.0, 0.0, 0., 0., -7., 0.};
+const Float_t CounterXDistance[NofModuleTypes]       = {31.5, 32.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0., 0., 2., 0.};
+const Float_t CounterYStartPosition[NofModuleTypes] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0., 0., -4., -1.3, 0.};
+const Float_t CounterYDistance[NofModuleTypes]      = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0., 0., 8., 0., 0.};
+const Float_t CounterZDistance[NofModuleTypes]      = {-2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 2.5, 0., 6., 0., 0.1, 4.};
+const Float_t CounterZStartPosition[NofModuleTypes] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0., -3., 0., 0.0, -2.};
+const Float_t CounterRotationAngle[NofModuleTypes]  = {0., 8.7, 10.0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
+// Pole (support structure)
+const Int_t MaxNumberOfPoles = 20;
+Float_t Pole_ZPos[MaxNumberOfPoles];
+Float_t Pole_Col[MaxNumberOfPoles];
+Int_t NumberOfPoles = 0;
+const Float_t Pole_Size_X  = 20.;
+const Float_t Pole_Size_Y  = 300.;
+const Float_t Pole_Size_Z  = 10.;
+const Float_t Pole_Thick_X = 5.;
+const Float_t Pole_Thick_Y = 5.;
+const Float_t Pole_Thick_Z = 5.;
+// Bars (support structure)
+const Float_t Bar_Size_X = 20.;
+const Float_t Bar_Size_Y = 20.;
+Float_t Bar_Size_Z       = 100.;
+const Int_t MaxNumberOfBars = 20;
+Float_t Bar_ZPos[MaxNumberOfBars];
+Float_t Bar_XPos[MaxNumberOfBars];
+Int_t NumberOfBars = 0;
+const Float_t ChamberOverlap = 40;
+const Float_t DxColl         = 158.0;  //Module_Size_X-ChamberOverlap;
+//const Float_t Pole_Offset=Module_Size_X/2.+Pole_Size_X/2.;
+const Float_t Pole_Offset = 90.0 + Pole_Size_X / 2.;
+// Position for module placement
+const Float_t Inner_Module_First_Y_Position = 16.;
+const Float_t Inner_Module_Last_Y_Position  = 480.;
+const Float_t Inner_Module_X_Offset         = 0.;  // centered position in x/y
+//const Float_t Inner_Module_X_Offset=18; // shift by 16 cm in x
+const Int_t Inner_Module_NTypes                       = 3;
+const Float_t Inner_Module_Types[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {4., 3., 0.};
+//const Float_t Inner_Module_Number[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {2.,2.,6.}; //V13_3a
+const Float_t Inner_Module_Number[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {2., 2., 1.};  //V13_3a
+//const Float_t Inner_Module_Number[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {0.,0.,0.}; //debugging
+const Float_t InnerSide_Module_X_Offset                    = 51.;
+const Float_t InnerSide_Module_NTypes                      = 1;
+const Float_t InnerSide_Module_Types[Inner_Module_NTypes]  = {5.};
+const Float_t InnerSide_Module_Number[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {2.};  //v13_3a
+//const Float_t InnerSide_Module_Number[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {0.};  //debug
+const Float_t Outer_Module_First_Y_Position                              = 0.;
+const Float_t Outer_Module_Last_Y_Position                               = 480.;
+const Float_t Outer_Module_X_Offset                                      = 3.;
+const Int_t Outer_Module_Col                                             = 4;
+const Int_t Outer_Module_NTypes                                          = 2;
+const Float_t Outer_Module_Types[Outer_Module_NTypes][Outer_Module_Col]  = {1., 1., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2., 2.};
+const Float_t Outer_Module_Number[Outer_Module_NTypes][Outer_Module_Col] = {9., 9., 2., 0., 0., 0., 3., 4.};  //V13_3a
+//const Float_t Outer_Module_Number[Outer_Module_NTypes][Outer_Module_Col] = {1.,1.,0.,0.,  0.,0.,0.,0.};//debug
+const Float_t Star2_First_Z_Position       = TOF_Z_Front + 36.;
+const Float_t Star2_Delta_Z_Position       = 16.;
+const Float_t Star2_First_Y_Position       = 0.;  //
+const Float_t Star2_Delta_Y_Position       = 0.;   //
+const Float_t Star2_rotate_Z               = 90.;
+const Int_t Star2_NTypes                   = 1;
+const Float_t Star2_Types[Star2_NTypes]    = {9.};
+const Float_t Star2_Number[Star2_NTypes]   = {1.};   //debugging, V16b
+const Float_t Star2_X_Offset[Star2_NTypes] = {0.};  //{62.};
+const Float_t Buc_First_Z_Position     = TOF_Z_Front + 36.;
+const Float_t Buc_Delta_Z_Position     = 0.;
+const Float_t Buc_First_Y_Position     = 40;  //
+const Float_t Buc_Delta_Y_Position     = 0.;     //
+const Float_t Buc_rotate_Z             = 180.;
+const Int_t Buc_NTypes                 = 1;
+const Float_t Buc_Types[Buc_NTypes]    = {6.};
+const Float_t Buc_Number[Buc_NTypes]   = {1.};  //debugging, V16b
+const Float_t Buc_X_Offset[Buc_NTypes] = {53.5};
+const Int_t Cer_NTypes                   = 3;
+const Float_t Cer_Z_Position[Cer_NTypes] = {(float) (TOF_Z_Front + 13.2), (float) (TOF_Z_Front + 45.),
+                                            (float) (TOF_Z_Front + 45.)};
+const Float_t Cer_X_Position[Cer_NTypes] = {0., 49.8, 49.8};
+const Float_t Cer_Y_Position[Cer_NTypes] = {-1., 5., 5.};
+const Float_t Cer_rotate_Z[Cer_NTypes]   = {0., 0., 0.};
+const Float_t Cer_Types[Cer_NTypes]      = {5., 8., 8.};
+const Float_t Cer_Number[Cer_NTypes]     = {1., 1., 1.};  //V16b
+const Float_t CERN_Z_Position          = TOF_Z_Front + 50;  // 20 gap
+const Float_t CERN_First_Y_Position    = 36.;
+const Float_t CERN_X_Offset            = 46.;  //65.5;
+const Float_t CERN_rotate_Z            = 90.;
+const Int_t CERN_NTypes                = 1;
+const Float_t CERN_Types[CERN_NTypes]  = {7.};  // this is the SmType!
+const Float_t CERN_Number[CERN_NTypes] = {1.};  // evtl. double for split signals
+// some global variables
+TGeoManager* gGeoMan = NULL;           // Pointer to TGeoManager instance
+TGeoVolume* gModules[NofModuleTypes];  // Global storage for module types
+TGeoVolume* gCounter[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes];
+TGeoVolume* gPole;
+TGeoVolume* gBar[MaxNumberOfBars];
+const Float_t Dia_Z_Position         = -0.5 - TOF_Z_Front_Stand;
+const Float_t Dia_First_Y_Position   = 0.;
+const Float_t Dia_X_Offset           = 3.;
+const Float_t Dia_rotate_Z           = 0.;
+const Int_t Dia_NTypes               = 1;
+const Float_t Dia_Types[Dia_NTypes]  = {5.};
+const Float_t Dia_Number[Dia_NTypes] = {1.};
+Float_t Last_Size_Y = 0.;
+Float_t Last_Over_Y = 0.;
+// Forward declarations
+void create_materials_from_media_file();
+TGeoVolume* create_counter(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_new_counter(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_module(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_new_tof_module(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_pole();
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_bar();
+void position_tof_poles(Int_t);
+void position_tof_bars(Int_t);
+void position_inner_tof_modules(Int_t);
+void position_side_tof_modules(Int_t);
+void position_outer_tof_modules(Int_t);
+void position_Dia(Int_t);
+void position_Star2(Int_t);
+void position_Buc(Int_t);
+void position_cer_modules(Int_t);
+void position_CERN(Int_t);
+void dump_info_file();
+void Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_mcbm()
+  // Load needed material definition from media.geo file
+  create_materials_from_media_file();
+  // Get the GeoManager for later usage
+  gGeoMan = (TGeoManager*) gROOT->FindObject("FAIRGeom");
+  gGeoMan->SetVisLevel(5);  // 2 = super modules
+  gGeoMan->SetVisOption(0);
+  // Create the top volume
+  /*
+  TGeoBBox* topbox= new TGeoBBox("", 1000., 1000., 1000.);
+  TGeoVolume* top = new TGeoVolume("top", topbox, gGeoMan->GetMedium("air"));
+  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
+  */
+  TGeoVolume* top = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("TOP");
+  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
+  TGeoRotation* tof_rotation = new TGeoRotation();
+  tof_rotation->RotateY(0.);  // angle with respect to beam axis
+    //tof_rotation->RotateZ(   0 );   // electronics on  9 o'clock position = +x
+  //  tof_rotation->RotateZ(   0 );   // electronics on  9 o'clock position = +x
+  //  tof_rotation->RotateZ(  90 );   // electronics on 12 o'clock position (top)
+  //  tof_rotation->RotateZ( 180 );   // electronics on  3 o'clock position = -x
+  //  tof_rotation->RotateZ( 270 );   // electronics on  6 o'clock position (bottom)
+  TGeoVolume* tof = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(geoVersion);
+  //  top->AddNode(tof, 1, tof_rotation);
+  top->AddNode(tof, 1);
+  TGeoVolume* tofstand = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(geoVersionStand);
+  // Mar 2020 run
+  TGeoTranslation* stand_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., TOF_Z_Front_Stand);
+  // Nov 2019 run
+  // TGeoTranslation*  stand_trans   = new TGeoTranslation("", 12., 0., TOF_Z_Front_Stand);
+  //  TGeoTranslation*  stand_trans   = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., TOF_Z_Front_Stand);
+  TGeoRotation* stand_rot = new TGeoRotation();
+  stand_rot->RotateY(0.0);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* stand_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*stand_trans, *stand_rot);
+  //  tof->AddNode(tofstand, 1, stand_combi_trans);
+  tof->AddNode(tofstand, 1);
+  for (Int_t counterType = 0; counterType < NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes; counterType++) {
+    gCounter[counterType] = create_new_counter(counterType);
+  }
+  for (Int_t moduleType = 0; moduleType < NofModuleTypes; moduleType++) {
+    gModules[moduleType] = create_new_tof_module(moduleType);
+    gModules[moduleType]->SetVisContainers(1);
+  }
+  // no pole
+  //  gPole = create_tof_pole();
+  //  position_side_tof_modules(1);  // keep order !!
+  //  position_inner_tof_modules(2);
+  position_inner_tof_modules(3);
+  position_Dia(1);
+  position_Star2(2);
+  //  position_cer_modules(3);
+  //  position_CERN(1);
+  position_Buc(1);
+  cout << "Outer Types " << Outer_Module_Types[0][0] << ", " << Outer_Module_Types[1][0]
+       << ", col=1:  " << Outer_Module_Types[0][1] << ", " << Outer_Module_Types[1][1] << endl;
+  cout << "Outer Number " << Outer_Module_Number[0][0] << ", " << Outer_Module_Number[1][0]
+       << ", col=1:  " << Outer_Module_Number[0][1] << ", " << Outer_Module_Number[1][1] << endl;
+  //  position_outer_tof_modules(4);
+  // position_tof_poles(0);
+  // position_tof_bars(0);
+  gGeoMan->CloseGeometry();
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.001);
+  gGeoMan->PrintOverlaps();
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.001, "s");
+  gGeoMan->PrintOverlaps();
+  gGeoMan->Test();
+  tof->Export(FileNameSim);
+  TFile* geoFile = new TFile(FileNameSim, "UPDATE");
+  stand_combi_trans->Write();
+  geoFile->Close();
+  /*
+  TFile* outfile1 = new TFile(FileNameSim,"RECREATE");
+  top->Write();
+  //gGeoMan->Write();
+  outfile1->Close();
+  TFile* outfile2 = new TFile(FileNameGeo, "RECREATE");
+  gGeoMan->Write();
+  outfile2->Close();
+  dump_info_file();
+  top->SetVisContainers(1);
+  gGeoMan->SetVisLevel(5);
+  top->Draw("ogl");
+  //top->Draw();
+  //gModules[0]->Draw("ogl");
+  //  gModules[0]->Draw("");
+  gModules[0]->SetVisContainers(1);
+  //  gModules[1]->Draw("");
+  gModules[1]->SetVisContainers(1);
+  //gModules[5]->Draw("");
+  //  top->Raytrace();
+void create_materials_from_media_file()
+  // Use the FairRoot geometry interface to load the media which are already defined
+  FairGeoLoader* geoLoad    = new FairGeoLoader("TGeo", "FairGeoLoader");
+  FairGeoInterface* geoFace = geoLoad->getGeoInterface();
+  TString geoPath           = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+  TString geoFile           = geoPath + "/geometry/media.geo";
+  geoFace->setMediaFile(geoFile);
+  geoFace->readMedia();
+  // Read the required media and create them in the GeoManager
+  FairGeoMedia* geoMedia   = geoFace->getMedia();
+  FairGeoBuilder* geoBuild = geoLoad->getGeoBuilder();
+  FairGeoMedium* air          = geoMedia->getMedium("air");
+  FairGeoMedium* aluminium    = geoMedia->getMedium("aluminium");
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCgas       = geoMedia->getMedium("RPCgas");
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCgas_noact = geoMedia->getMedium("RPCgas_noact");
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCglass     = geoMedia->getMedium("RPCglass");
+  FairGeoMedium* carbon       = geoMedia->getMedium("carbon");
+  // include check if all media are found
+  geoBuild->createMedium(air);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(aluminium);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCgas);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCgas_noact);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCglass);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(carbon);
+TGeoVolume* create_counter(Int_t modType)
+  //glass
+  Float_t gdx = Glass_X[modType];
+  Float_t gdy = Glass_Y[modType];
+  Float_t gdz = Glass_Z[modType];
+  //gas gap
+  Int_t nstrips = NumberOfReadoutStrips[modType];
+  Int_t ngaps   = NumberOfGaps[modType];
+  Float_t ggdx = GasGap_X[modType];
+  Float_t ggdy = GasGap_Y[modType];
+  Float_t ggdz = GasGap_Z[modType];
+  Float_t gsdx = ggdx / float(nstrips);
+  //single stack
+  Float_t dzpos     = gdz + ggdz;
+  Float_t startzpos = SingleStackStartPosition_Z[modType];
+  // electronics
+  //pcb dimensions
+  Float_t dxe  = Electronics_X[modType];
+  Float_t dye  = Electronics_Y[modType];
+  Float_t dze  = Electronics_Z[modType];
+  Float_t yele = (gdy + 0.1) / 2. + dye / 2.;
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* glassPlateVolMed  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(GlasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* activeGasVolMed   = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* electronicsVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ElectronicsMedium);
+  // Single glass plate
+  TGeoBBox* glass_plate       = new TGeoBBox("", gdx / 2., gdy / 2., gdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* glass_plate_vol = new TGeoVolume("tof_glass", glass_plate, glassPlateVolMed);
+  glass_plate_vol->SetLineColor(kMagenta);  // set line color for the glass plate
+  glass_plate_vol->SetTransparency(20);     // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* glass_plate_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  // Single gas gap
+  TGeoBBox* gas_gap = new TGeoBBox("", ggdx / 2., ggdy / 2., ggdz / 2.);
+  //TGeoVolume* gas_gap_vol =
+  //new TGeoVolume("tof_gas_gap", gas_gap, noActiveGasVolMed);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_gap_vol = new TGeoVolume("tof_gas_active", gas_gap, activeGasVolMed);
+  gas_gap_vol->Divide("Strip", 1, nstrips, -ggdx / 2., 0);
+  gas_gap_vol->SetLineColor(kRed);   // set line color for the gas gap
+  gas_gap_vol->SetTransparency(70);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* gas_gap_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., (gdz + ggdz) / 2.);
+  // Single subdivided active gas gap
+  /*
+    TGeoBBox* gas_active = new TGeoBBox("", gsdx/2., ggdy/2., ggdz/2.);
+    TGeoVolume* gas_active_vol = 
+    new TGeoVolume("tof_gas_active", gas_active, activeGasVolMed);
+  gas_active_vol->SetLineColor(kBlack); // set line color for the gas gap
+  gas_active_vol->SetTransparency(70); // set transparency for the TOF
+  */
+  // Add glass plate, inactive gas gap and active gas gaps to a single stack
+  TGeoVolume* single_stack = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("single_stack");
+  single_stack->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, 0, glass_plate_trans);
+  single_stack->AddNode(gas_gap_vol, 0, gas_gap_trans);
+  /*
+  for (Int_t l=0; l<nstrips; l++){
+    TGeoTranslation* gas_active_trans 
+      = new TGeoTranslation("", -ggdx/2+(l+0.5)*gsdx, 0., 0.);
+    gas_gap_vol->AddNode(gas_active_vol, l, gas_active_trans);
+    //    single_stack->AddNode(gas_active_vol, l, gas_active_trans);
+  }
+  */
+  // Add 8 single stacks + one glass plate at the e09.750nd to a multi stack
+  TGeoVolume* multi_stack = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("multi_stack");
+  Int_t l;
+  for (l = 0; l < ngaps; l++) {
+    TGeoTranslation* single_stack_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., startzpos + l * dzpos);
+    multi_stack->AddNode(single_stack, l, single_stack_trans);
+  }
+  TGeoTranslation* single_glass_back_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., startzpos + ngaps * dzpos);
+  multi_stack->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, l, single_glass_back_trans);
+  // Add electronics above and below the glass stack to build a complete counter
+  TGeoVolume* counter                = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("counter");
+  TGeoTranslation* multi_stack_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  counter->AddNode(multi_stack, l, multi_stack_trans);
+  TGeoBBox* pcb       = new TGeoBBox("", dxe / 2., dye / 2., dze / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* pcb_vol = new TGeoVolume("pcb", pcb, electronicsVolMed);
+  pcb_vol->SetLineColor(kCyan);  // set line color for the gas gap
+  pcb_vol->SetTransparency(10);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++) {
+    yele *= -1.;
+    TGeoTranslation* pcb_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., yele, 0.);
+    counter->AddNode(pcb_vol, l, pcb_trans);
+  }
+  return counter;
+TGeoVolume* create_new_counter(Int_t modType)
+  //glass
+  Float_t gdx = Glass_X[modType];
+  Float_t gdy = Glass_Y[modType];
+  Float_t gdz = Glass_Z[modType];
+  //gas gap
+  Int_t nstrips = NumberOfReadoutStrips[modType];
+  Int_t ngaps   = NumberOfGaps[modType];
+  Float_t ggdx = GasGap_X[modType];
+  Float_t ggdy = GasGap_Y[modType];
+  Float_t ggdz = GasGap_Z[modType];
+  Float_t gsdx = ggdx / (Float_t)(nstrips);
+  // electronics
+  //pcb dimensions
+  Float_t dxe  = Electronics_X[modType];
+  Float_t dye  = Electronics_Y[modType];
+  Float_t dze  = Electronics_Z[modType];
+  Float_t yele = gdy / 2. + dye / 2.;
+  // counter size (calculate from glas, gap and electronics sizes)
+  Float_t cdx = TMath::Max(gdx, ggdx);
+  cdx         = TMath::Max(cdx, dxe) + 0.2;
+  Float_t cdy = TMath::Max(gdy, ggdy) + 2 * dye + 0.2;
+  Float_t cdz = ngaps * ggdz + (ngaps + 1) * gdz + 0.2;  // ngaps * (gdz+ggdz) + gdz + 0.2; // ok
+  //calculate thickness and first position in counter of single stack
+  Float_t dzpos         = gdz + ggdz;
+  Float_t startzposglas = -ngaps * (gdz + ggdz) / 2.;  // -cdz/2.+0.1+gdz/2.; // ok  // (-cdz+gdz)/2.; // not ok
+  Float_t startzposgas  = startzposglas + gdz / 2. + ggdz / 2.;  // -cdz/2.+0.1+gdz   +ggdz/2.;  // ok
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* glassPlateVolMed  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(GlasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* activeGasVolMed   = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* electronicsVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ElectronicsMedium);
+  // define counter volume
+  TGeoBBox* counter_box = new TGeoBBox("", cdx / 2., cdy / 2., cdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* counter   = new TGeoVolume("counter", counter_box, noActiveGasVolMed);
+  counter->SetLineColor(kRed);   // set line color for the counter
+  counter->SetTransparency(70);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  // define single glass plate volume
+  TGeoBBox* glass_plate       = new TGeoBBox("", gdx / 2., gdy / 2., gdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* glass_plate_vol = new TGeoVolume("tof_glass", glass_plate, glassPlateVolMed);
+  glass_plate_vol->SetLineColor(kMagenta);  // set line color for the glass plate
+  glass_plate_vol->SetTransparency(20);     // set transparency for the TOF
+  // define single gas gap volume
+  TGeoBBox* gas_gap       = new TGeoBBox("", ggdx / 2., ggdy / 2., ggdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_gap_vol = new TGeoVolume("Gap", gas_gap, activeGasVolMed);
+  gas_gap_vol->Divide("Cell", 1, nstrips, -ggdx / 2., 0);
+  gas_gap_vol->SetLineColor(kRed);   // set line color for the gas gap
+  gas_gap_vol->SetTransparency(99);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  // place 8 gas gaps and 9 glas plates in the counter
+  for (Int_t igap = 0; igap <= ngaps; igap++) {
+    // place (ngaps+1) glass plates
+    Float_t zpos_glas                  = startzposglas + igap * dzpos;
+    TGeoTranslation* glass_plate_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., zpos_glas);
+    counter->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, igap, glass_plate_trans);
+    // place ngaps gas gaps
+    if (igap < ngaps) {
+      Float_t zpos_gas               = startzposgas + igap * dzpos;
+      TGeoTranslation* gas_gap_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., zpos_gas);
+      counter->AddNode(gas_gap_vol, igap, gas_gap_trans);
+    }
+    //    cout <<"Zpos(Glas): "<< zpos_glas << endl;
+    //    cout <<"Zpos(Gas): "<< zpos_gas << endl;
+  }
+  // create and place the electronics above and below the glas stack
+  TGeoBBox* pcb       = new TGeoBBox("", dxe / 2., dye / 2., dze / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* pcb_vol = new TGeoVolume("pcb", pcb, electronicsVolMed);
+  pcb_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // kCyan); // set line color for electronics
+  pcb_vol->SetTransparency(10);    // set transparency for the TOF
+  for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++) {
+    yele *= -1.;
+    TGeoTranslation* pcb_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., yele, 0.);
+    counter->AddNode(pcb_vol, l, pcb_trans);
+  }
+  return counter;
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_module(Int_t modType)
+  Int_t cType         = CounterTypeInModule[modType];
+  Float_t dx          = Module_Size_X[modType];
+  Float_t dy          = Module_Size_Y[modType];
+  Float_t dz          = Module_Size_Z[modType];
+  Float_t width_aluxl = Module_Thick_Alu_X_left;
+  Float_t width_aluxr = Module_Thick_Alu_X_right;
+  Float_t width_aluy  = Module_Thick_Alu_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz  = Module_Thick_Alu_Z;
+  Float_t shift_gas_box = (Module_Thick_Alu_X_right - Module_Thick_Alu_X_left) / 2;
+  Float_t dxpos     = CounterXDistance[modType];
+  Float_t startxpos = CounterXStartPosition[modType];
+  Float_t dzoff     = CounterZDistance[modType];
+  Float_t rotangle  = CounterRotationAngle[modType];
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed         = gGeoMan->GetMedium(BoxVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TString moduleName = Form("module_%d", modType);
+  TGeoVolume* module = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(moduleName);
+  TGeoBBox* alu_box       = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* alu_box_vol = new TGeoVolume("alu_box", alu_box, boxVolMed);
+  alu_box_vol->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  alu_box_vol->SetTransparency(20);   // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* alu_box_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  module->AddNode(alu_box_vol, 0, alu_box_trans);
+  TGeoBBox* gas_box =
+    new TGeoBBox("", (dx - (width_aluxl + width_aluxr)) / 2., (dy - 2 * width_aluy) / 2., (dz - 2 * width_aluz) / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_box_vol = new TGeoVolume("gas_box", gas_box, noActiveGasVolMed);
+  gas_box_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // set line color for the gas box
+  gas_box_vol->SetTransparency(70);    // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* gas_box_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", shift_gas_box, 0., 0.);
+  alu_box_vol->AddNode(gas_box_vol, 0, gas_box_trans);
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) {  //loop over counters (modules)
+    Float_t zpos;
+    if (0 == modType) { zpos = dzoff *= -1; }
+    else {
+      zpos = 0.;
+    }
+    //cout << "counter z position " << zpos << endl;
+    TGeoTranslation* counter_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", startxpos + j * dxpos, 0.0, zpos);
+    TGeoRotation* counter_rot = new TGeoRotation();
+    counter_rot->RotateY(rotangle);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* counter_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*counter_trans, *counter_rot);
+    gas_box_vol->AddNode(gCounter[cType], j, counter_combi_trans);
+  }
+  return module;
+TGeoVolume* create_new_tof_module(Int_t modType)
+  Int_t cType         = CounterTypeInModule[modType];
+  Float_t dx          = Module_Size_X[modType];
+  Float_t dy          = Module_Size_Y[modType];
+  Float_t dz          = Module_Size_Z[modType];
+  Float_t width_aluxl = Module_Thick_Alu_X_left;
+  Float_t width_aluxr = Module_Thick_Alu_X_right;
+  Float_t width_aluy  = Module_Thick_Alu_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz  = Module_Thick_Alu_Z;
+  Float_t shift_gas_box = (Module_Thick_Alu_X_right - Module_Thick_Alu_X_left) / 2;
+  Float_t dxpos     = CounterXDistance[modType];
+  Float_t startxpos = CounterXStartPosition[modType];
+  Float_t dypos     = CounterYDistance[modType];
+  Float_t startypos = CounterYStartPosition[modType];
+  Float_t dzoff     = CounterZDistance[modType];
+  Float_t rotangle  = CounterRotationAngle[modType];
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed         = gGeoMan->GetMedium(BoxVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TString moduleName = Form("module_%d", modType);
+  TGeoBBox* module_box = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* module   = new TGeoVolume(moduleName, module_box, boxVolMed);
+  module->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  module->SetTransparency(20);   // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoBBox* gas_box =
+    new TGeoBBox("", (dx - (width_aluxl + width_aluxr)) / 2., (dy - 2 * width_aluy) / 2., (dz - 2 * width_aluz) / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_box_vol = new TGeoVolume("gas_box", gas_box, noActiveGasVolMed);
+  gas_box_vol->SetLineColor(kBlue);  // set line color for the alu box
+  gas_box_vol->SetTransparency(50);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* gas_box_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", shift_gas_box, 0., 0.);
+  module->AddNode(gas_box_vol, 0, gas_box_trans);
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < NCounterInModule[modType]; j++) {  //loop over counters (modules)
+                                                           //for (Int_t j=0; j< 1; j++){ //loop over counters (modules)
+    Float_t xpos, ypos, zpos;
+    if (0 == modType || 3 == modType || 4 == modType || 5 == modType) { zpos = dzoff *= -1; }
+    else {
+      zpos = CounterZStartPosition[modType] + j * dzoff;
+    }
+    //cout << "counter z position " << zpos << endl;
+    xpos = startxpos + j * dxpos;
+    ypos = startypos + j * dypos;
+    TGeoTranslation* counter_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xpos, ypos, zpos);
+    TGeoRotation* counter_rot = new TGeoRotation();
+    counter_rot->RotateY(rotangle);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* counter_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*counter_trans, *counter_rot);
+    gas_box_vol->AddNode(gCounter[cType], j, counter_combi_trans);
+  }
+  return module;
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_pole()
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(BoxVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* airVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(KeepingVolumeMedium);
+  Float_t dx         = Pole_Size_X;
+  Float_t dy         = Pole_Size_Y;
+  Float_t dz         = Pole_Size_Z;
+  Float_t width_alux = Pole_Thick_X;
+  Float_t width_aluy = Pole_Thick_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz = Pole_Thick_Z;
+  TGeoVolume* pole         = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Pole");
+  TGeoBBox* pole_alu_box   = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* pole_alu_vol = new TGeoVolume("pole_alu", pole_alu_box, boxVolMed);
+  pole_alu_vol->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  pole_alu_vol->SetTransparency(20);   // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* pole_alu_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  pole->AddNode(pole_alu_vol, 0, pole_alu_trans);
+  Float_t air_dx = dx / 2. - width_alux;
+  Float_t air_dy = dy / 2. - width_aluy;
+  Float_t air_dz = dz / 2. - width_aluz;
+  //  cout << "My pole." << endl;
+  if (air_dx <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole X, size: " << air_dx << endl;
+  if (air_dy <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole Y, size: " << air_dy << endl;
+  if (air_dz <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole Z, size: " << air_dz << endl;
+  if ((air_dx > 0.) && (air_dy > 0.) && (air_dz > 0.))  // crate air volume only, if larger than zero
+  {
+    TGeoBBox* pole_air_box = new TGeoBBox("", air_dx, air_dy, air_dz);
+    //  TGeoBBox* pole_air_box = new TGeoBBox("", dx/2.-width_alux, dy/2.-width_aluy, dz/2.-width_aluz);
+    TGeoVolume* pole_air_vol = new TGeoVolume("pole_air", pole_air_box, airVolMed);
+    pole_air_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // set line color for the alu box
+    pole_air_vol->SetTransparency(70);    // set transparency for the TOF
+    TGeoTranslation* pole_air_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+    pole_alu_vol->AddNode(pole_air_vol, 0, pole_air_trans);
+  }
+  else
+    cout << "Skipping pole_air_vol, no thickness: " << air_dx << " " << air_dy << " " << air_dz << endl;
+  return pole;
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_bar(Float_t dx, Float_t dy, Float_t dz)
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(BoxVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* airVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(KeepingVolumeMedium);
+  Float_t width_alux = Pole_Thick_X;
+  Float_t width_aluy = Pole_Thick_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz = Pole_Thick_Z;
+  TGeoVolume* bar         = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Bar");
+  TGeoBBox* bar_alu_box   = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* bar_alu_vol = new TGeoVolume("bar_alu", bar_alu_box, boxVolMed);
+  bar_alu_vol->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  bar_alu_vol->SetTransparency(20);   // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* bar_alu_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  bar->AddNode(bar_alu_vol, 0, bar_alu_trans);
+  TGeoBBox* bar_air_box   = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2. - width_alux, dy / 2. - width_aluy, dz / 2. - width_aluz);
+  TGeoVolume* bar_air_vol = new TGeoVolume("bar_air", bar_air_box, airVolMed);
+  bar_air_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // set line color for the alu box
+  bar_air_vol->SetTransparency(70);    // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* bar_air_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  bar_alu_vol->AddNode(bar_air_vol, 0, bar_air_trans);
+  return bar;
+void position_tof_poles(Int_t modType)
+  TGeoTranslation* pole_trans = NULL;
+  Int_t numPoles = 0;
+  for (Int_t i = 0; i < NumberOfPoles; i++) {
+    if (i < 2) {
+      pole_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -Pole_Offset + 2.0, 0., Pole_ZPos[i]);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gPole, numPoles, pole_trans);
+      numPoles++;
+    }
+    else {
+      Float_t xPos = Pole_Offset + Pole_Size_X / 2. + Pole_Col[i] * DxColl;
+      Float_t zPos = Pole_ZPos[i];
+      pole_trans   = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 0., zPos);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gPole, numPoles, pole_trans);
+      numPoles++;
+      pole_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, 0., zPos);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gPole, numPoles, pole_trans);
+      numPoles++;
+    }
+    cout << " Position Pole " << numPoles << " at z=" << Pole_ZPos[i] << endl;
+  }
+void position_tof_bars(Int_t modType)
+  TGeoTranslation* bar_trans = NULL;
+  Int_t numBars = 0;
+  Int_t i;
+  Float_t xPos;
+  Float_t yPos;
+  Float_t zPos;
+  for (i = 0; i < NumberOfBars; i++) {
+    xPos = Bar_XPos[i];
+    zPos = Bar_ZPos[i];
+    yPos = Pole_Size_Y / 2. + Bar_Size_Y / 2.;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+  }
+  cout << " Position Bar " << numBars << " at z=" << Bar_ZPos[i] << endl;
+  // horizontal frame bars
+  i = NumberOfBars;
+  NumberOfBars++;
+  // no bar
+  //   gBar[i]=create_tof_bar(2.*xPos+Pole_Size_X,Bar_Size_Y,Bar_Size_Y);
+  zPos      = Pole_ZPos[0] + Pole_Size_Z / 2.;
+  bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., yPos, zPos);
+  gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+  numBars++;
+  bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., -yPos, zPos);
+  gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+  numBars++;
+void position_inner_tof_modules(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  //  Int_t numModules=(Int_t)( (Inner_Module_Last_Y_Position-Inner_Module_First_Y_Position)/Module_Size_Y[modType])+1;
+  Float_t yPos = Inner_Module_First_Y_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Float_t xPos = Inner_Module_X_Offset;
+  Float_t zPos = Wall_Z_Position;
+  Pole_ZPos[NumberOfPoles] = zPos;
+  Pole_Col[NumberOfPoles]  = 0;
+  NumberOfPoles++;
+  Float_t DzPos = 0.;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) {
+    if (Module_Size_Z[j] > DzPos) { DzPos = Module_Size_Z[j]; }
+  }
+  Pole_ZPos[NumberOfPoles] = zPos + DzPos;
+  Pole_Col[NumberOfPoles]  = 0;
+  NumberOfPoles++;
+  // Mar2019 setup
+  Int_t modNum[4]                = {4 * 0};
+  const Int_t NModules           = 6;
+  xPos                           = 0.;
+  yPos                           = 0.;
+  zPos                           = TOF_Z_Front;
+  const Int_t ModType[NModules]  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2};
+  const Double_t ModDx[NModules] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
+  //const Double_t ModDx[NModules]= { 1.5,    0., -1.5, 49.8, 55.8};
+  const Double_t ModDy[NModules]     = {49.8, 0., -49.8, 28.5, -28.5, 37.5};
+  const Double_t ModDz[NModules]     = {0., 0, 0, 20., 20., 72.};
+  const Double_t ModAng[NModules]    = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0, 0.0};
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot           = NULL;
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  /*
+  for (Int_t iMod = 0; iMod < NModules; iMod++) {
+    module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos + ModDx[iMod], yPos + ModDy[iMod], zPos + ModDz[iMod]);
+    module_rot   = new TGeoRotation();
+    module_rot->RotateZ(ModAng[iMod]);
+    module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+    if (iMod < 5) { gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[0], modNum, module_combi_trans); }
+    else {
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[2], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+    }
+    modNum++;
+  }
+  for (Int_t iMod = 0; iMod < NModules; iMod++) {
+    module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos + ModDx[iMod], yPos + ModDy[iMod], zPos + ModDz[iMod]);
+    module_rot   = new TGeoRotation();
+    module_rot->RotateZ(ModAng[iMod]);
+    module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[ModType[iMod]], modNum[ModType[iMod]], module_combi_trans);
+    cout << "Placed Module " << modNum[ModType[iMod]] << ", Type " << ModType[iMod] << endl;
+    modNum[ModType[iMod]]++;
+  }
+  /*
+ module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 0, zPos+16.5);
+ gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+ modNum++;
+ // module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 49+3, zPos);
+ module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 0, zPos+16.5+17.5);
+ gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+ modNum++;
+ // module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos,-26, zPos+Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+ module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -49.8, zPos);
+ gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+ modNum++;
+ // module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 26, zPos+Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+ module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -49.8, zPos+16.5);
+ gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+ modNum++;
+ */
+void position_Dia(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(Dia_rotate_Z);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  //  Int_t numModules=(Int_t)( (Inner_Module_Last_Y_Position-Inner_Module_First_Y_Position)/Module_Size_Y[modType])+1;
+  Float_t yPos = Dia_First_Y_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Float_t xPos = Dia_X_Offset;
+  Float_t zPos = Dia_Z_Position;
+  Int_t modNum = 0;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) {
+    Int_t modType = Dia_Types[j];
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < Dia_Number[j]; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      modNum++;
+    }
+  }
+void position_Star2(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(Star2_rotate_Z);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  Float_t yPos = Star2_First_Y_Position;
+  Float_t zPos = Star2_First_Z_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Int_t modNum = 0;
+//  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) { // DE
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
+    Int_t modType = Star2_Types[j];
+    Float_t xPos  = Star2_X_Offset[j];
+//    for (Int_t i = 0; i < Star2_Number[j]; i++) { // DE
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      cout << "Placed Module 1010 " << Star2_Number[j] << endl; // DE
+      modNum++;
+      yPos += Star2_Delta_Y_Position;
+      zPos += Star2_Delta_Z_Position;
+    }
+  }
+void position_Buc(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(Buc_rotate_Z);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  Float_t yPos = Buc_First_Y_Position;
+  Float_t zPos = Buc_First_Z_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Int_t modNum = 0;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) {
+    Int_t modType = Buc_Types[j];
+    Float_t xPos  = Buc_X_Offset[j];
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < Buc_Number[j]; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      modNum++;
+      yPos += Buc_Delta_Y_Position;
+      zPos += Buc_Delta_Z_Position;
+    }
+  }
+void position_cer_modules(Int_t modNType)
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Int_t modNum = 0;
+  for (Int_t j = 1; j < modNType; j++) {
+    Int_t modType                 = Cer_Types[j];
+    Float_t xPos                  = Cer_X_Position[j];
+    Float_t yPos                  = Cer_Y_Position[j];
+    Float_t zPos                  = Cer_Z_Position[j];
+    TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+    TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation(Form("Cer%d", j), Cer_rotate_Z[j], -MeanTheta, 0.);
+    // module_rot->RotateZ(Cer_rotate_Z[j]);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < Cer_Number[j]; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      cout << "Position Ceramic Module " << i << " of " << Cer_Number[j] << " Type " << modType << " at X = " << xPos
+           << ", Y = " << yPos << ", Z = " << zPos << endl;
+      // Front staggered module (Top if pair), top
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      //    modNum++;
+    }
+  }
+void position_CERN(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(CERN_rotate_Z);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  //  Int_t numModules=(Int_t)( (Inner_Module_Last_Y_Position-Inner_Module_First_Y_Position)/Module_Size_Y[modType])+1;
+  Float_t yPos = CERN_First_Y_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Float_t xPos = CERN_X_Offset;
+  Float_t zPos = CERN_Z_Position;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) {
+    Int_t modType = CERN_Types[j];
+    Int_t modNum  = 0;
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < CERN_Number[j]; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      modNum++;
+    }
+  }
+void position_side_tof_modules(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  //  Int_t numModules=(Int_t)( (Inner_Module_Last_Y_Position-Inner_Module_First_Y_Position)/Module_Size_Y[modType])+1;
+  Float_t yPos = 0.;  //Inner_Module_First_Y_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) {
+    Int_t modType = InnerSide_Module_Types[j];
+    Int_t modNum  = 0;
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < InnerSide_Module_Number[j]; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      cout << "InnerSide ii " << ii << " Last " << Last_Size_Y << "," << Last_Over_Y << endl;
+      Float_t DeltaY = Module_Size_Y[modType] + Last_Size_Y - 2. * (Module_Over_Y[modType] + Last_Over_Y);
+      if (ii > 1) { yPos += DeltaY; }
+      Last_Size_Y  = Module_Size_Y[modType];
+      Last_Over_Y  = Module_Over_Y[modType];
+      Float_t xPos = InnerSide_Module_X_Offset;
+      Float_t zPos = Wall_Z_Position;
+      cout << "Position InnerSide Module " << i << " of " << InnerSide_Module_Number[j] << " Type " << modType
+           << " at Y = " << yPos << " Ysize = " << Module_Size_Y[modType] << " DeltaY = " << DeltaY << endl;
+      module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+      modNum++;
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      modNum++;
+      if (ii > 1) {
+        module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+        modNum++;
+        module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+        module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+        modNum++;
+        module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos - DeltaY / 2, zPos + Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+        modNum++;
+        module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos - DeltaY / 2, zPos + Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+        module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+        modNum++;
+        module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -(yPos - DeltaY / 2), zPos + Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+        modNum++;
+        module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -(yPos - DeltaY / 2), zPos + Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+        module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+        modNum++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void position_outer_tof_modules(Int_t nCol)  //modType, Int_t col1, Int_t col2)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  //  Int_t numModules=(Int_t)( (Outer_Module_Last_Y_Position-Outer_Module_First_Y_Position)/Module_Size_Y[modType])+1;
+  Int_t modNum[NofModuleTypes];
+  for (Int_t k = 0; k < NofModuleTypes; k++) {
+    modNum[k] = 0;
+  }
+  Float_t zPos = Wall_Z_Position;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < nCol; j++) {
+    Float_t xPos  = Outer_Module_X_Offset + ((j + 1) * DxColl);
+    Last_Size_Y   = 0.;
+    Last_Over_Y   = 0.;
+    Float_t yPos  = 0.;
+    Int_t ii      = 0;
+    Float_t DzPos = 0.;
+    for (Int_t k = 0; k < Outer_Module_NTypes; k++) {
+      Int_t modType = Outer_Module_Types[k][j];
+      if (Module_Size_Z[modType] > DzPos) {
+        if (Outer_Module_Number[k][j] > 0) { DzPos = Module_Size_Z[modType]; }
+      }
+    }
+    zPos -= 2. * DzPos;  //((j+1)*2*Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+    Pole_ZPos[NumberOfPoles] = zPos;
+    Pole_Col[NumberOfPoles]  = j + 1;
+    NumberOfPoles++;
+    Pole_ZPos[NumberOfPoles] = zPos + DzPos;
+    Pole_Col[NumberOfPoles]  = j + 1;
+    NumberOfPoles++;
+    //if (j+1==nCol) {
+    if (1) {
+      Pole_ZPos[NumberOfPoles] = Pole_ZPos[0];
+      Pole_Col[NumberOfPoles]  = j + 1;
+      NumberOfPoles++;
+      Bar_Size_Z             = Pole_ZPos[0] - zPos;
+      gBar[NumberOfBars]     = create_tof_bar(Bar_Size_X, Bar_Size_Y, Bar_Size_Z);
+      Bar_ZPos[NumberOfBars] = zPos + Bar_Size_Z / 2. - Pole_Size_Z / 2.;
+      Bar_XPos[NumberOfBars] = xPos + Pole_Offset;
+      NumberOfBars++;
+    }
+    for (Int_t k = 0; k < Outer_Module_NTypes; k++) {
+      Int_t modType    = Outer_Module_Types[k][j];
+      Int_t numModules = Outer_Module_Number[k][j];
+      cout << " Outer: position " << numModules << " of type " << modType << " in col " << j << " at z = " << zPos
+           << ", DzPos = " << DzPos << endl;
+      for (Int_t i = 0; i < numModules; i++) {
+        ii++;
+        cout << "Outer ii " << ii << " Last " << Last_Size_Y << "," << Last_Over_Y << endl;
+        Float_t DeltaY = Module_Size_Y[modType] + Last_Size_Y - 2. * (Module_Over_Y[modType] + Last_Over_Y);
+        if (ii > 1) { yPos += DeltaY; }
+        Last_Size_Y = Module_Size_Y[modType];
+        Last_Over_Y = Module_Over_Y[modType];
+        cout << "Position Outer Module " << i << " of " << Outer_Module_Number[k][j] << " Type " << modType << "(#"
+             << modNum[modType] << ") "
+             << " at Y = " << yPos << " Ysize = " << Module_Size_Y[modType] << " DeltaY = " << DeltaY << endl;
+        module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_trans);
+        modNum[modType]++;
+        module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos, zPos);
+        module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_combi_trans);
+        modNum[modType]++;
+        if (ii > 1) {
+          module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+          module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+          module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_combi_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+          // second layer
+          module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos - DeltaY / 2., zPos + DzPos);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+          module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos - DeltaY / 2., zPos + DzPos);
+          module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_combi_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+          module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -(yPos - DeltaY / 2.), zPos + DzPos);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+          module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -(yPos - DeltaY / 2.), zPos + DzPos);
+          module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_combi_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void dump_info_file()
+  TDatime datetime;  // used to get timestamp
+  printf("writing info file: %s\n", FileNameInfo.Data());
+  FILE* ifile;
+  ifile = fopen(FileNameInfo.Data(), "w");
+  if (ifile == NULL) {
+    printf("error opening %s\n", FileNameInfo.Data());
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  fprintf(ifile, "#\n##   %s information file\n#\n\n", geoVersion.Data());
+  fprintf(ifile, "# created %d\n\n", datetime.GetDate());
+  fprintf(ifile, "# TOF setup\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 450) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 100 hadron setup\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 600) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 100 electron\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 650) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 100 muon\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 880) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 300 electron\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 1020) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 300 muon\n");
+  fprintf(ifile, "\n");
+  const Float_t TOF_Z_Back = Wall_Z_Position + 1.5 * Module_Size_Z[0];  // back of TOF wall
+  fprintf(ifile, "# envelope\n");
+  // Show extension of TRD
+  fprintf(ifile, "%7.2f cm   start of TOF (z)\n", TOF_Z_Front);
+  fprintf(ifile, "%7.2f cm   end   of TOF (z)\n", TOF_Z_Back);
+  fprintf(ifile, "\n");
+  // Layer thickness
+  fprintf(ifile, "# central tower position\n");
+  fprintf(ifile, "%7.2f cm   center of staggered, front RPC cell at x=0\n", Wall_Z_Position);
+  fprintf(ifile, "\n");
+  fclose(ifile);
diff --git a/macro/tof/mcbm/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24b_mcbm.C b/macro/tof/mcbm/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24b_mcbm.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a97c25a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/tof/mcbm/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24b_mcbm.C
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2021 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: Florian Uhlig, Shreya Roy [committer] */
+/// \file Create_TOF_Geometry_v24b_mcbm.C
+/// \brief Generates TOF geometry in Root format.
+// Changelog
+// 2024-03-26 - v24b - DE - Shifted in z to position measured in the cave
+// 2024-03-26 - v24a - DE - March 2024 setup by NH, script patched by DE in lines 1000 and 1004 to show only 2 STAR modules
+// 2021-11-17 - v24a - QZ - Modified v20d to fit the logic of digibdf.par
+// 2020-04-14 - v20b - NH - swapped double stack layer 2 with STAR2 moodule, buc kept as dummy
+// 2020-04-01 - v20a - NH - move mTOF +20 cm in x direction for the Mar 2020 run
+// 2019-11-28 - v19b - DE - move mTOF +12 cm in x direction for the Nov 2019 run
+// 2019-07-31 - v19a - DE - this TOF March 2019 geometry is also known as v18m
+// 2017-11-03 - v18i - DE - shift mTOF to z=298 cm for acceptance matching with mSTS
+// 2017-10-06 - v18h - DE - put v18f into vertical position to fit into the mCBM cave
+// 2017-07-15 - v18g - DE - swap the z-position of TOF modules: 2 in the front, 3 in the back
+// 2017-07-14 - v18f - DE - reduce vertical gap between TOF modules to fix the gap between modules 1-2 and 4-5
+// 2017-05-17 - v18e - DE - rotate electronics away from beam, shift 16 cm away from beam along x-axis
+// 2017-05-17 - v18d - DE - change geometry name to v18d
+// in root all sizes are given in cm
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
+#include "TGeoManager.h"
+#include "TGeoMaterial.h"
+#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
+#include "TGeoMedium.h"
+#include "TGeoPgon.h"
+#include "TGeoVolume.h"
+#include "TList.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
+#include "TROOT.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "TSystem.h"
+#include <iostream>
+// Name of geometry version and output file
+const TString geoVersion      = "tof_v24b_mcbm";  // do not change
+const TString geoVersionStand = geoVersion + "Stand";
+const TString fileTag      = "tof_v24b";
+const TString FileNameSim  = fileTag + "_mcbm.geo.root";
+const TString FileNameGeo  = fileTag + "_mcbm_geo.root";
+const TString FileNameInfo = fileTag + "";
+// TOF_Z_Front corresponds to front cover of outer super module towers
+const Float_t TOF_Z_Front_Stand = 232.5;  // = z=298 mCBM@SIS18
+const Float_t TOF_Z_Front       = 0;     // = z=298 mCBM@SIS18
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  130;  // = z=225 mCBM@SIS18
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  250;  // SIS 100 hadron
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  450;  // SIS 100 hadron
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  600;  // SIS 100 electron
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  650;  // SIS 100 muon
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front =  880;  // SIS 300 electron
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front = 1020;  // SIS 300 muon
+//const Float_t TOF_Z_Front = 951.5;   // Wall_Z_Position = 1050 cm
+// Names of the different used materials which are used to build the modules
+// The materials are defined in the global media.geo file
+const TString KeepingVolumeMedium = "air";
+const TString BoxVolumeMedium     = "aluminium";
+const TString NoActivGasMedium    = "RPCgas_noact";
+const TString ActivGasMedium      = "RPCgas";
+const TString GlasMedium          = "RPCglass";
+const TString ElectronicsMedium   = "carbon";
+// Counters:
+// 0 MRPC3a
+// 1 MRPC3b
+// 2
+// 3
+// 4 Diamond
+// 6 Buc 2019
+// 7 CERN 20gap
+// 8 Ceramic Pad
+const Int_t NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes            = 9;
+const Float_t Glass_X[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {32., 32., 32., 32., 0.2, 32., 28.8, 20., 2.4};
+const Float_t Glass_Y[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {26.9, 53., 20., 10., 0.2, 10., 6., 20., 2.4};
+const Float_t Glass_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1};
+const Float_t GasGap_X[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {32., 32., 32., 32., 0.2, 32., 28.8, 20., 2.4};
+const Float_t GasGap_Y[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {26.9, 53., 20., 10., 0.2, 10., 6., 20., 2.4};
+const Float_t GasGap_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {0.025, 0.025, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.025};
+const Int_t NumberOfGaps[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {8, 8, 8, 8, 1, 8, 10, 20, 4};
+//const Int_t NumberOfGaps[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {1,1,1,1}; //deb
+const Int_t NumberOfReadoutStrips[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 32, 32, 20, 1};
+//const Int_t NumberOfReadoutStrips[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {1,1,1,1}; //deb
+const Float_t SingleStackStartPosition_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {-0.6, -0.6, -0.6, -0.6, -0.1,
+                                                                           -0.6, -0.6, -0.6, -1.};
+const Float_t Electronics_X[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {34.0, 34.0, 32.0, 32., 0.3, 0.1, 28.8, 20., 0.1};
+const Float_t Electronics_Y[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {5.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1., 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1};
+const Float_t Electronics_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1};
+const Int_t NofModuleTypes = 10;
+// 5 Diamond
+// 6 Buc
+// 7 CERN 20 gap
+// 8 Ceramic
+// 9 Star2
+// Aluminum box for all module types
+const Float_t Module_Size_X[NofModuleTypes] = {180., 180., 180., 180., 180., 5., 40., 30., 22.5, 100.};
+const Float_t Module_Size_Y[NofModuleTypes] = {49., 49., 74., 28., 18., 5., 12., 30., 11., 49.};
+const Float_t Module_Over_Y[NofModuleTypes] = {11.5, 11.5, 11., 4.5, 4.5, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
+const Float_t Module_Size_Z[NofModuleTypes] = {11., 11., 11., 11., 11., 1., 12., 6., 6.2, 11.2};
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_X_left       = 0.1;
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_X_right      = 1.0;
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_Y            = 0.1;
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_Z            = 0.1;
+// Distance to the center of the TOF wall [cm];
+const Float_t Wall_Z_Position = 400.;
+const Float_t MeanTheta       = 0.;
+//Type of Counter for module
+const Int_t CounterTypeInModule[NofModuleTypes] = {0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 0};
+const Int_t NCounterInModule[NofModuleTypes]    = {5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 2, 1, 8, 2};
+// Placement of the counter inside the module
+const Float_t CounterXStartPosition[NofModuleTypes] = {-63.0, -66.0, -60.0, -60.0, -60.0, 0.0, 0., 0., -7., 0.};
+const Float_t CounterXDistance[NofModuleTypes]       = {31.5, 32.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0., 0., 2., 0.};
+const Float_t CounterYStartPosition[NofModuleTypes] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0., 0., -4., -1.3, 0.};
+const Float_t CounterYDistance[NofModuleTypes]      = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0., 0., 8., 0., 0.};
+const Float_t CounterZDistance[NofModuleTypes]      = {-2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 2.5, 0., 6., 0., 0.1, 4.};
+const Float_t CounterZStartPosition[NofModuleTypes] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0., -3., 0., 0.0, -2.};
+const Float_t CounterRotationAngle[NofModuleTypes]  = {0., 8.7, 10.0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
+// Pole (support structure)
+const Int_t MaxNumberOfPoles = 20;
+Float_t Pole_ZPos[MaxNumberOfPoles];
+Float_t Pole_Col[MaxNumberOfPoles];
+Int_t NumberOfPoles = 0;
+const Float_t Pole_Size_X  = 20.;
+const Float_t Pole_Size_Y  = 300.;
+const Float_t Pole_Size_Z  = 10.;
+const Float_t Pole_Thick_X = 5.;
+const Float_t Pole_Thick_Y = 5.;
+const Float_t Pole_Thick_Z = 5.;
+// Bars (support structure)
+const Float_t Bar_Size_X = 20.;
+const Float_t Bar_Size_Y = 20.;
+Float_t Bar_Size_Z       = 100.;
+const Int_t MaxNumberOfBars = 20;
+Float_t Bar_ZPos[MaxNumberOfBars];
+Float_t Bar_XPos[MaxNumberOfBars];
+Int_t NumberOfBars = 0;
+const Float_t ChamberOverlap = 40;
+const Float_t DxColl         = 158.0;  //Module_Size_X-ChamberOverlap;
+//const Float_t Pole_Offset=Module_Size_X/2.+Pole_Size_X/2.;
+const Float_t Pole_Offset = 90.0 + Pole_Size_X / 2.;
+// Position for module placement
+const Float_t Inner_Module_First_Y_Position = 16.;
+const Float_t Inner_Module_Last_Y_Position  = 480.;
+const Float_t Inner_Module_X_Offset         = 0.;  // centered position in x/y
+//const Float_t Inner_Module_X_Offset=18; // shift by 16 cm in x
+const Int_t Inner_Module_NTypes                       = 3;
+const Float_t Inner_Module_Types[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {4., 3., 0.};
+//const Float_t Inner_Module_Number[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {2.,2.,6.}; //V13_3a
+const Float_t Inner_Module_Number[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {2., 2., 1.};  //V13_3a
+//const Float_t Inner_Module_Number[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {0.,0.,0.}; //debugging
+const Float_t InnerSide_Module_X_Offset                    = 51.;
+const Float_t InnerSide_Module_NTypes                      = 1;
+const Float_t InnerSide_Module_Types[Inner_Module_NTypes]  = {5.};
+const Float_t InnerSide_Module_Number[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {2.};  //v13_3a
+//const Float_t InnerSide_Module_Number[Inner_Module_NTypes] = {0.};  //debug
+const Float_t Outer_Module_First_Y_Position                              = 0.;
+const Float_t Outer_Module_Last_Y_Position                               = 480.;
+const Float_t Outer_Module_X_Offset                                      = 3.;
+const Int_t Outer_Module_Col                                             = 4;
+const Int_t Outer_Module_NTypes                                          = 2;
+const Float_t Outer_Module_Types[Outer_Module_NTypes][Outer_Module_Col]  = {1., 1., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2., 2.};
+const Float_t Outer_Module_Number[Outer_Module_NTypes][Outer_Module_Col] = {9., 9., 2., 0., 0., 0., 3., 4.};  //V13_3a
+//const Float_t Outer_Module_Number[Outer_Module_NTypes][Outer_Module_Col] = {1.,1.,0.,0.,  0.,0.,0.,0.};//debug
+const Float_t Star2_First_Z_Position       = TOF_Z_Front + 36.;
+const Float_t Star2_Delta_Z_Position       = 16.;
+const Float_t Star2_First_Y_Position       = 0.;  //
+const Float_t Star2_Delta_Y_Position       = 0.;   //
+const Float_t Star2_rotate_Z               = 90.;
+const Int_t Star2_NTypes                   = 1;
+const Float_t Star2_Types[Star2_NTypes]    = {9.};
+const Float_t Star2_Number[Star2_NTypes]   = {1.};   //debugging, V16b
+const Float_t Star2_X_Offset[Star2_NTypes] = {0.};  //{62.};
+const Float_t Buc_First_Z_Position     = TOF_Z_Front + 36.;
+const Float_t Buc_Delta_Z_Position     = 0.;
+const Float_t Buc_First_Y_Position     = 40;  //
+const Float_t Buc_Delta_Y_Position     = 0.;     //
+const Float_t Buc_rotate_Z             = 180.;
+const Int_t Buc_NTypes                 = 1;
+const Float_t Buc_Types[Buc_NTypes]    = {6.};
+const Float_t Buc_Number[Buc_NTypes]   = {1.};  //debugging, V16b
+const Float_t Buc_X_Offset[Buc_NTypes] = {53.5};
+const Int_t Cer_NTypes                   = 3;
+const Float_t Cer_Z_Position[Cer_NTypes] = {(float) (TOF_Z_Front + 13.2), (float) (TOF_Z_Front + 45.),
+                                            (float) (TOF_Z_Front + 45.)};
+const Float_t Cer_X_Position[Cer_NTypes] = {0., 49.8, 49.8};
+const Float_t Cer_Y_Position[Cer_NTypes] = {-1., 5., 5.};
+const Float_t Cer_rotate_Z[Cer_NTypes]   = {0., 0., 0.};
+const Float_t Cer_Types[Cer_NTypes]      = {5., 8., 8.};
+const Float_t Cer_Number[Cer_NTypes]     = {1., 1., 1.};  //V16b
+const Float_t CERN_Z_Position          = TOF_Z_Front + 50;  // 20 gap
+const Float_t CERN_First_Y_Position    = 36.;
+const Float_t CERN_X_Offset            = 46.;  //65.5;
+const Float_t CERN_rotate_Z            = 90.;
+const Int_t CERN_NTypes                = 1;
+const Float_t CERN_Types[CERN_NTypes]  = {7.};  // this is the SmType!
+const Float_t CERN_Number[CERN_NTypes] = {1.};  // evtl. double for split signals
+// some global variables
+TGeoManager* gGeoMan = NULL;           // Pointer to TGeoManager instance
+TGeoVolume* gModules[NofModuleTypes];  // Global storage for module types
+TGeoVolume* gCounter[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes];
+TGeoVolume* gPole;
+TGeoVolume* gBar[MaxNumberOfBars];
+const Float_t Dia_Z_Position         = -0.5 - TOF_Z_Front_Stand;
+const Float_t Dia_First_Y_Position   = 0.;
+const Float_t Dia_X_Offset           = 3.;
+const Float_t Dia_rotate_Z           = 0.;
+const Int_t Dia_NTypes               = 1;
+const Float_t Dia_Types[Dia_NTypes]  = {5.};
+const Float_t Dia_Number[Dia_NTypes] = {1.};
+Float_t Last_Size_Y = 0.;
+Float_t Last_Over_Y = 0.;
+// Forward declarations
+void create_materials_from_media_file();
+TGeoVolume* create_counter(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_new_counter(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_module(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_new_tof_module(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_pole();
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_bar();
+void position_tof_poles(Int_t);
+void position_tof_bars(Int_t);
+void position_inner_tof_modules(Int_t);
+void position_side_tof_modules(Int_t);
+void position_outer_tof_modules(Int_t);
+void position_Dia(Int_t);
+void position_Star2(Int_t);
+void position_Buc(Int_t);
+void position_cer_modules(Int_t);
+void position_CERN(Int_t);
+void dump_info_file();
+void Create_TOF_Geometry_v24b_mcbm()
+  // Load needed material definition from media.geo file
+  create_materials_from_media_file();
+  // Get the GeoManager for later usage
+  gGeoMan = (TGeoManager*) gROOT->FindObject("FAIRGeom");
+  gGeoMan->SetVisLevel(5);  // 2 = super modules
+  gGeoMan->SetVisOption(0);
+  // Create the top volume
+  /*
+  TGeoBBox* topbox= new TGeoBBox("", 1000., 1000., 1000.);
+  TGeoVolume* top = new TGeoVolume("top", topbox, gGeoMan->GetMedium("air"));
+  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
+  */
+  TGeoVolume* top = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("TOP");
+  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
+  TGeoRotation* tof_rotation = new TGeoRotation();
+  tof_rotation->RotateY(0.);  // angle with respect to beam axis
+    //tof_rotation->RotateZ(   0 );   // electronics on  9 o'clock position = +x
+  //  tof_rotation->RotateZ(   0 );   // electronics on  9 o'clock position = +x
+  //  tof_rotation->RotateZ(  90 );   // electronics on 12 o'clock position (top)
+  //  tof_rotation->RotateZ( 180 );   // electronics on  3 o'clock position = -x
+  //  tof_rotation->RotateZ( 270 );   // electronics on  6 o'clock position (bottom)
+  TGeoVolume* tof = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(geoVersion);
+  //  top->AddNode(tof, 1, tof_rotation);
+  top->AddNode(tof, 1);
+  TGeoVolume* tofstand = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(geoVersionStand);
+  // Mar 2020 run
+  TGeoTranslation* stand_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., TOF_Z_Front_Stand);
+  // Nov 2019 run
+  // TGeoTranslation*  stand_trans   = new TGeoTranslation("", 12., 0., TOF_Z_Front_Stand);
+  //  TGeoTranslation*  stand_trans   = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., TOF_Z_Front_Stand);
+  TGeoRotation* stand_rot = new TGeoRotation();
+  stand_rot->RotateY(0.0);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* stand_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*stand_trans, *stand_rot);
+  //  tof->AddNode(tofstand, 1, stand_combi_trans);
+  tof->AddNode(tofstand, 1);
+  for (Int_t counterType = 0; counterType < NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes; counterType++) {
+    gCounter[counterType] = create_new_counter(counterType);
+  }
+  for (Int_t moduleType = 0; moduleType < NofModuleTypes; moduleType++) {
+    gModules[moduleType] = create_new_tof_module(moduleType);
+    gModules[moduleType]->SetVisContainers(1);
+  }
+  // no pole
+  //  gPole = create_tof_pole();
+  //  position_side_tof_modules(1);  // keep order !!
+  //  position_inner_tof_modules(2);
+  position_inner_tof_modules(3);
+  position_Dia(1);
+  position_Star2(2);
+  //  position_cer_modules(3);
+  //  position_CERN(1);
+  position_Buc(1);
+  cout << "Outer Types " << Outer_Module_Types[0][0] << ", " << Outer_Module_Types[1][0]
+       << ", col=1:  " << Outer_Module_Types[0][1] << ", " << Outer_Module_Types[1][1] << endl;
+  cout << "Outer Number " << Outer_Module_Number[0][0] << ", " << Outer_Module_Number[1][0]
+       << ", col=1:  " << Outer_Module_Number[0][1] << ", " << Outer_Module_Number[1][1] << endl;
+  //  position_outer_tof_modules(4);
+  // position_tof_poles(0);
+  // position_tof_bars(0);
+  gGeoMan->CloseGeometry();
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.001);
+  gGeoMan->PrintOverlaps();
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.001, "s");
+  gGeoMan->PrintOverlaps();
+  gGeoMan->Test();
+  tof->Export(FileNameSim);
+  TFile* geoFile = new TFile(FileNameSim, "UPDATE");
+  stand_combi_trans->Write();
+  geoFile->Close();
+  /*
+  TFile* outfile1 = new TFile(FileNameSim,"RECREATE");
+  top->Write();
+  //gGeoMan->Write();
+  outfile1->Close();
+  TFile* outfile2 = new TFile(FileNameGeo, "RECREATE");
+  gGeoMan->Write();
+  outfile2->Close();
+  dump_info_file();
+  top->SetVisContainers(1);
+  gGeoMan->SetVisLevel(5);
+  top->Draw("ogl");
+  //top->Draw();
+  //gModules[0]->Draw("ogl");
+  //  gModules[0]->Draw("");
+  gModules[0]->SetVisContainers(1);
+  //  gModules[1]->Draw("");
+  gModules[1]->SetVisContainers(1);
+  //gModules[5]->Draw("");
+  //  top->Raytrace();
+void create_materials_from_media_file()
+  // Use the FairRoot geometry interface to load the media which are already defined
+  FairGeoLoader* geoLoad    = new FairGeoLoader("TGeo", "FairGeoLoader");
+  FairGeoInterface* geoFace = geoLoad->getGeoInterface();
+  TString geoPath           = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+  TString geoFile           = geoPath + "/geometry/media.geo";
+  geoFace->setMediaFile(geoFile);
+  geoFace->readMedia();
+  // Read the required media and create them in the GeoManager
+  FairGeoMedia* geoMedia   = geoFace->getMedia();
+  FairGeoBuilder* geoBuild = geoLoad->getGeoBuilder();
+  FairGeoMedium* air          = geoMedia->getMedium("air");
+  FairGeoMedium* aluminium    = geoMedia->getMedium("aluminium");
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCgas       = geoMedia->getMedium("RPCgas");
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCgas_noact = geoMedia->getMedium("RPCgas_noact");
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCglass     = geoMedia->getMedium("RPCglass");
+  FairGeoMedium* carbon       = geoMedia->getMedium("carbon");
+  // include check if all media are found
+  geoBuild->createMedium(air);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(aluminium);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCgas);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCgas_noact);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCglass);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(carbon);
+TGeoVolume* create_counter(Int_t modType)
+  //glass
+  Float_t gdx = Glass_X[modType];
+  Float_t gdy = Glass_Y[modType];
+  Float_t gdz = Glass_Z[modType];
+  //gas gap
+  Int_t nstrips = NumberOfReadoutStrips[modType];
+  Int_t ngaps   = NumberOfGaps[modType];
+  Float_t ggdx = GasGap_X[modType];
+  Float_t ggdy = GasGap_Y[modType];
+  Float_t ggdz = GasGap_Z[modType];
+  Float_t gsdx = ggdx / float(nstrips);
+  //single stack
+  Float_t dzpos     = gdz + ggdz;
+  Float_t startzpos = SingleStackStartPosition_Z[modType];
+  // electronics
+  //pcb dimensions
+  Float_t dxe  = Electronics_X[modType];
+  Float_t dye  = Electronics_Y[modType];
+  Float_t dze  = Electronics_Z[modType];
+  Float_t yele = (gdy + 0.1) / 2. + dye / 2.;
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* glassPlateVolMed  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(GlasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* activeGasVolMed   = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* electronicsVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ElectronicsMedium);
+  // Single glass plate
+  TGeoBBox* glass_plate       = new TGeoBBox("", gdx / 2., gdy / 2., gdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* glass_plate_vol = new TGeoVolume("tof_glass", glass_plate, glassPlateVolMed);
+  glass_plate_vol->SetLineColor(kMagenta);  // set line color for the glass plate
+  glass_plate_vol->SetTransparency(20);     // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* glass_plate_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  // Single gas gap
+  TGeoBBox* gas_gap = new TGeoBBox("", ggdx / 2., ggdy / 2., ggdz / 2.);
+  //TGeoVolume* gas_gap_vol =
+  //new TGeoVolume("tof_gas_gap", gas_gap, noActiveGasVolMed);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_gap_vol = new TGeoVolume("tof_gas_active", gas_gap, activeGasVolMed);
+  gas_gap_vol->Divide("Strip", 1, nstrips, -ggdx / 2., 0);
+  gas_gap_vol->SetLineColor(kRed);   // set line color for the gas gap
+  gas_gap_vol->SetTransparency(70);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* gas_gap_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., (gdz + ggdz) / 2.);
+  // Single subdivided active gas gap
+  /*
+    TGeoBBox* gas_active = new TGeoBBox("", gsdx/2., ggdy/2., ggdz/2.);
+    TGeoVolume* gas_active_vol = 
+    new TGeoVolume("tof_gas_active", gas_active, activeGasVolMed);
+  gas_active_vol->SetLineColor(kBlack); // set line color for the gas gap
+  gas_active_vol->SetTransparency(70); // set transparency for the TOF
+  */
+  // Add glass plate, inactive gas gap and active gas gaps to a single stack
+  TGeoVolume* single_stack = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("single_stack");
+  single_stack->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, 0, glass_plate_trans);
+  single_stack->AddNode(gas_gap_vol, 0, gas_gap_trans);
+  /*
+  for (Int_t l=0; l<nstrips; l++){
+    TGeoTranslation* gas_active_trans 
+      = new TGeoTranslation("", -ggdx/2+(l+0.5)*gsdx, 0., 0.);
+    gas_gap_vol->AddNode(gas_active_vol, l, gas_active_trans);
+    //    single_stack->AddNode(gas_active_vol, l, gas_active_trans);
+  }
+  */
+  // Add 8 single stacks + one glass plate at the e09.750nd to a multi stack
+  TGeoVolume* multi_stack = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("multi_stack");
+  Int_t l;
+  for (l = 0; l < ngaps; l++) {
+    TGeoTranslation* single_stack_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., startzpos + l * dzpos);
+    multi_stack->AddNode(single_stack, l, single_stack_trans);
+  }
+  TGeoTranslation* single_glass_back_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., startzpos + ngaps * dzpos);
+  multi_stack->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, l, single_glass_back_trans);
+  // Add electronics above and below the glass stack to build a complete counter
+  TGeoVolume* counter                = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("counter");
+  TGeoTranslation* multi_stack_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  counter->AddNode(multi_stack, l, multi_stack_trans);
+  TGeoBBox* pcb       = new TGeoBBox("", dxe / 2., dye / 2., dze / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* pcb_vol = new TGeoVolume("pcb", pcb, electronicsVolMed);
+  pcb_vol->SetLineColor(kCyan);  // set line color for the gas gap
+  pcb_vol->SetTransparency(10);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++) {
+    yele *= -1.;
+    TGeoTranslation* pcb_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., yele, 0.);
+    counter->AddNode(pcb_vol, l, pcb_trans);
+  }
+  return counter;
+TGeoVolume* create_new_counter(Int_t modType)
+  //glass
+  Float_t gdx = Glass_X[modType];
+  Float_t gdy = Glass_Y[modType];
+  Float_t gdz = Glass_Z[modType];
+  //gas gap
+  Int_t nstrips = NumberOfReadoutStrips[modType];
+  Int_t ngaps   = NumberOfGaps[modType];
+  Float_t ggdx = GasGap_X[modType];
+  Float_t ggdy = GasGap_Y[modType];
+  Float_t ggdz = GasGap_Z[modType];
+  Float_t gsdx = ggdx / (Float_t)(nstrips);
+  // electronics
+  //pcb dimensions
+  Float_t dxe  = Electronics_X[modType];
+  Float_t dye  = Electronics_Y[modType];
+  Float_t dze  = Electronics_Z[modType];
+  Float_t yele = gdy / 2. + dye / 2.;
+  // counter size (calculate from glas, gap and electronics sizes)
+  Float_t cdx = TMath::Max(gdx, ggdx);
+  cdx         = TMath::Max(cdx, dxe) + 0.2;
+  Float_t cdy = TMath::Max(gdy, ggdy) + 2 * dye + 0.2;
+  Float_t cdz = ngaps * ggdz + (ngaps + 1) * gdz + 0.2;  // ngaps * (gdz+ggdz) + gdz + 0.2; // ok
+  //calculate thickness and first position in counter of single stack
+  Float_t dzpos         = gdz + ggdz;
+  Float_t startzposglas = -ngaps * (gdz + ggdz) / 2.;  // -cdz/2.+0.1+gdz/2.; // ok  // (-cdz+gdz)/2.; // not ok
+  Float_t startzposgas  = startzposglas + gdz / 2. + ggdz / 2.;  // -cdz/2.+0.1+gdz   +ggdz/2.;  // ok
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* glassPlateVolMed  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(GlasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* activeGasVolMed   = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* electronicsVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ElectronicsMedium);
+  // define counter volume
+  TGeoBBox* counter_box = new TGeoBBox("", cdx / 2., cdy / 2., cdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* counter   = new TGeoVolume("counter", counter_box, noActiveGasVolMed);
+  counter->SetLineColor(kRed);   // set line color for the counter
+  counter->SetTransparency(70);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  // define single glass plate volume
+  TGeoBBox* glass_plate       = new TGeoBBox("", gdx / 2., gdy / 2., gdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* glass_plate_vol = new TGeoVolume("tof_glass", glass_plate, glassPlateVolMed);
+  glass_plate_vol->SetLineColor(kMagenta);  // set line color for the glass plate
+  glass_plate_vol->SetTransparency(20);     // set transparency for the TOF
+  // define single gas gap volume
+  TGeoBBox* gas_gap       = new TGeoBBox("", ggdx / 2., ggdy / 2., ggdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_gap_vol = new TGeoVolume("Gap", gas_gap, activeGasVolMed);
+  gas_gap_vol->Divide("Cell", 1, nstrips, -ggdx / 2., 0);
+  gas_gap_vol->SetLineColor(kRed);   // set line color for the gas gap
+  gas_gap_vol->SetTransparency(99);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  // place 8 gas gaps and 9 glas plates in the counter
+  for (Int_t igap = 0; igap <= ngaps; igap++) {
+    // place (ngaps+1) glass plates
+    Float_t zpos_glas                  = startzposglas + igap * dzpos;
+    TGeoTranslation* glass_plate_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., zpos_glas);
+    counter->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, igap, glass_plate_trans);
+    // place ngaps gas gaps
+    if (igap < ngaps) {
+      Float_t zpos_gas               = startzposgas + igap * dzpos;
+      TGeoTranslation* gas_gap_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., zpos_gas);
+      counter->AddNode(gas_gap_vol, igap, gas_gap_trans);
+    }
+    //    cout <<"Zpos(Glas): "<< zpos_glas << endl;
+    //    cout <<"Zpos(Gas): "<< zpos_gas << endl;
+  }
+  // create and place the electronics above and below the glas stack
+  TGeoBBox* pcb       = new TGeoBBox("", dxe / 2., dye / 2., dze / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* pcb_vol = new TGeoVolume("pcb", pcb, electronicsVolMed);
+  pcb_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // kCyan); // set line color for electronics
+  pcb_vol->SetTransparency(10);    // set transparency for the TOF
+  for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++) {
+    yele *= -1.;
+    TGeoTranslation* pcb_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., yele, 0.);
+    counter->AddNode(pcb_vol, l, pcb_trans);
+  }
+  return counter;
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_module(Int_t modType)
+  Int_t cType         = CounterTypeInModule[modType];
+  Float_t dx          = Module_Size_X[modType];
+  Float_t dy          = Module_Size_Y[modType];
+  Float_t dz          = Module_Size_Z[modType];
+  Float_t width_aluxl = Module_Thick_Alu_X_left;
+  Float_t width_aluxr = Module_Thick_Alu_X_right;
+  Float_t width_aluy  = Module_Thick_Alu_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz  = Module_Thick_Alu_Z;
+  Float_t shift_gas_box = (Module_Thick_Alu_X_right - Module_Thick_Alu_X_left) / 2;
+  Float_t dxpos     = CounterXDistance[modType];
+  Float_t startxpos = CounterXStartPosition[modType];
+  Float_t dzoff     = CounterZDistance[modType];
+  Float_t rotangle  = CounterRotationAngle[modType];
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed         = gGeoMan->GetMedium(BoxVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TString moduleName = Form("module_%d", modType);
+  TGeoVolume* module = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(moduleName);
+  TGeoBBox* alu_box       = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* alu_box_vol = new TGeoVolume("alu_box", alu_box, boxVolMed);
+  alu_box_vol->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  alu_box_vol->SetTransparency(20);   // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* alu_box_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  module->AddNode(alu_box_vol, 0, alu_box_trans);
+  TGeoBBox* gas_box =
+    new TGeoBBox("", (dx - (width_aluxl + width_aluxr)) / 2., (dy - 2 * width_aluy) / 2., (dz - 2 * width_aluz) / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_box_vol = new TGeoVolume("gas_box", gas_box, noActiveGasVolMed);
+  gas_box_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // set line color for the gas box
+  gas_box_vol->SetTransparency(70);    // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* gas_box_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", shift_gas_box, 0., 0.);
+  alu_box_vol->AddNode(gas_box_vol, 0, gas_box_trans);
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) {  //loop over counters (modules)
+    Float_t zpos;
+    if (0 == modType) { zpos = dzoff *= -1; }
+    else {
+      zpos = 0.;
+    }
+    //cout << "counter z position " << zpos << endl;
+    TGeoTranslation* counter_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", startxpos + j * dxpos, 0.0, zpos);
+    TGeoRotation* counter_rot = new TGeoRotation();
+    counter_rot->RotateY(rotangle);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* counter_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*counter_trans, *counter_rot);
+    gas_box_vol->AddNode(gCounter[cType], j, counter_combi_trans);
+  }
+  return module;
+TGeoVolume* create_new_tof_module(Int_t modType)
+  Int_t cType         = CounterTypeInModule[modType];
+  Float_t dx          = Module_Size_X[modType];
+  Float_t dy          = Module_Size_Y[modType];
+  Float_t dz          = Module_Size_Z[modType];
+  Float_t width_aluxl = Module_Thick_Alu_X_left;
+  Float_t width_aluxr = Module_Thick_Alu_X_right;
+  Float_t width_aluy  = Module_Thick_Alu_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz  = Module_Thick_Alu_Z;
+  Float_t shift_gas_box = (Module_Thick_Alu_X_right - Module_Thick_Alu_X_left) / 2;
+  Float_t dxpos     = CounterXDistance[modType];
+  Float_t startxpos = CounterXStartPosition[modType];
+  Float_t dypos     = CounterYDistance[modType];
+  Float_t startypos = CounterYStartPosition[modType];
+  Float_t dzoff     = CounterZDistance[modType];
+  Float_t rotangle  = CounterRotationAngle[modType];
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed         = gGeoMan->GetMedium(BoxVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TString moduleName = Form("module_%d", modType);
+  TGeoBBox* module_box = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* module   = new TGeoVolume(moduleName, module_box, boxVolMed);
+  module->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  module->SetTransparency(20);   // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoBBox* gas_box =
+    new TGeoBBox("", (dx - (width_aluxl + width_aluxr)) / 2., (dy - 2 * width_aluy) / 2., (dz - 2 * width_aluz) / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_box_vol = new TGeoVolume("gas_box", gas_box, noActiveGasVolMed);
+  gas_box_vol->SetLineColor(kBlue);  // set line color for the alu box
+  gas_box_vol->SetTransparency(50);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* gas_box_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", shift_gas_box, 0., 0.);
+  module->AddNode(gas_box_vol, 0, gas_box_trans);
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < NCounterInModule[modType]; j++) {  //loop over counters (modules)
+                                                           //for (Int_t j=0; j< 1; j++){ //loop over counters (modules)
+    Float_t xpos, ypos, zpos;
+    if (0 == modType || 3 == modType || 4 == modType || 5 == modType) { zpos = dzoff *= -1; }
+    else {
+      zpos = CounterZStartPosition[modType] + j * dzoff;
+    }
+    //cout << "counter z position " << zpos << endl;
+    xpos = startxpos + j * dxpos;
+    ypos = startypos + j * dypos;
+    TGeoTranslation* counter_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xpos, ypos, zpos);
+    TGeoRotation* counter_rot = new TGeoRotation();
+    counter_rot->RotateY(rotangle);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* counter_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*counter_trans, *counter_rot);
+    gas_box_vol->AddNode(gCounter[cType], j, counter_combi_trans);
+  }
+  return module;
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_pole()
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(BoxVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* airVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(KeepingVolumeMedium);
+  Float_t dx         = Pole_Size_X;
+  Float_t dy         = Pole_Size_Y;
+  Float_t dz         = Pole_Size_Z;
+  Float_t width_alux = Pole_Thick_X;
+  Float_t width_aluy = Pole_Thick_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz = Pole_Thick_Z;
+  TGeoVolume* pole         = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Pole");
+  TGeoBBox* pole_alu_box   = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* pole_alu_vol = new TGeoVolume("pole_alu", pole_alu_box, boxVolMed);
+  pole_alu_vol->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  pole_alu_vol->SetTransparency(20);   // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* pole_alu_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  pole->AddNode(pole_alu_vol, 0, pole_alu_trans);
+  Float_t air_dx = dx / 2. - width_alux;
+  Float_t air_dy = dy / 2. - width_aluy;
+  Float_t air_dz = dz / 2. - width_aluz;
+  //  cout << "My pole." << endl;
+  if (air_dx <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole X, size: " << air_dx << endl;
+  if (air_dy <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole Y, size: " << air_dy << endl;
+  if (air_dz <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole Z, size: " << air_dz << endl;
+  if ((air_dx > 0.) && (air_dy > 0.) && (air_dz > 0.))  // crate air volume only, if larger than zero
+  {
+    TGeoBBox* pole_air_box = new TGeoBBox("", air_dx, air_dy, air_dz);
+    //  TGeoBBox* pole_air_box = new TGeoBBox("", dx/2.-width_alux, dy/2.-width_aluy, dz/2.-width_aluz);
+    TGeoVolume* pole_air_vol = new TGeoVolume("pole_air", pole_air_box, airVolMed);
+    pole_air_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // set line color for the alu box
+    pole_air_vol->SetTransparency(70);    // set transparency for the TOF
+    TGeoTranslation* pole_air_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+    pole_alu_vol->AddNode(pole_air_vol, 0, pole_air_trans);
+  }
+  else
+    cout << "Skipping pole_air_vol, no thickness: " << air_dx << " " << air_dy << " " << air_dz << endl;
+  return pole;
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_bar(Float_t dx, Float_t dy, Float_t dz)
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(BoxVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* airVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(KeepingVolumeMedium);
+  Float_t width_alux = Pole_Thick_X;
+  Float_t width_aluy = Pole_Thick_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz = Pole_Thick_Z;
+  TGeoVolume* bar         = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Bar");
+  TGeoBBox* bar_alu_box   = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* bar_alu_vol = new TGeoVolume("bar_alu", bar_alu_box, boxVolMed);
+  bar_alu_vol->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  bar_alu_vol->SetTransparency(20);   // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* bar_alu_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  bar->AddNode(bar_alu_vol, 0, bar_alu_trans);
+  TGeoBBox* bar_air_box   = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2. - width_alux, dy / 2. - width_aluy, dz / 2. - width_aluz);
+  TGeoVolume* bar_air_vol = new TGeoVolume("bar_air", bar_air_box, airVolMed);
+  bar_air_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // set line color for the alu box
+  bar_air_vol->SetTransparency(70);    // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* bar_air_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  bar_alu_vol->AddNode(bar_air_vol, 0, bar_air_trans);
+  return bar;
+void position_tof_poles(Int_t modType)
+  TGeoTranslation* pole_trans = NULL;
+  Int_t numPoles = 0;
+  for (Int_t i = 0; i < NumberOfPoles; i++) {
+    if (i < 2) {
+      pole_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -Pole_Offset + 2.0, 0., Pole_ZPos[i]);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gPole, numPoles, pole_trans);
+      numPoles++;
+    }
+    else {
+      Float_t xPos = Pole_Offset + Pole_Size_X / 2. + Pole_Col[i] * DxColl;
+      Float_t zPos = Pole_ZPos[i];
+      pole_trans   = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 0., zPos);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gPole, numPoles, pole_trans);
+      numPoles++;
+      pole_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, 0., zPos);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gPole, numPoles, pole_trans);
+      numPoles++;
+    }
+    cout << " Position Pole " << numPoles << " at z=" << Pole_ZPos[i] << endl;
+  }
+void position_tof_bars(Int_t modType)
+  TGeoTranslation* bar_trans = NULL;
+  Int_t numBars = 0;
+  Int_t i;
+  Float_t xPos;
+  Float_t yPos;
+  Float_t zPos;
+  for (i = 0; i < NumberOfBars; i++) {
+    xPos = Bar_XPos[i];
+    zPos = Bar_ZPos[i];
+    yPos = Pole_Size_Y / 2. + Bar_Size_Y / 2.;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+  }
+  cout << " Position Bar " << numBars << " at z=" << Bar_ZPos[i] << endl;
+  // horizontal frame bars
+  i = NumberOfBars;
+  NumberOfBars++;
+  // no bar
+  //   gBar[i]=create_tof_bar(2.*xPos+Pole_Size_X,Bar_Size_Y,Bar_Size_Y);
+  zPos      = Pole_ZPos[0] + Pole_Size_Z / 2.;
+  bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., yPos, zPos);
+  gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+  numBars++;
+  bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., -yPos, zPos);
+  gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+  numBars++;
+void position_inner_tof_modules(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  //  Int_t numModules=(Int_t)( (Inner_Module_Last_Y_Position-Inner_Module_First_Y_Position)/Module_Size_Y[modType])+1;
+  Float_t yPos = Inner_Module_First_Y_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Float_t xPos = Inner_Module_X_Offset;
+  Float_t zPos = Wall_Z_Position;
+  Pole_ZPos[NumberOfPoles] = zPos;
+  Pole_Col[NumberOfPoles]  = 0;
+  NumberOfPoles++;
+  Float_t DzPos = 0.;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) {
+    if (Module_Size_Z[j] > DzPos) { DzPos = Module_Size_Z[j]; }
+  }
+  Pole_ZPos[NumberOfPoles] = zPos + DzPos;
+  Pole_Col[NumberOfPoles]  = 0;
+  NumberOfPoles++;
+  // Mar2019 setup
+  Int_t modNum[4]                = {4 * 0};
+  const Int_t NModules           = 6;
+  xPos                           = 0.;
+  yPos                           = 0.;
+  zPos                           = TOF_Z_Front;
+  const Int_t ModType[NModules]  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2};
+  const Double_t ModDx[NModules] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
+  //const Double_t ModDx[NModules]= { 1.5,    0., -1.5, 49.8, 55.8};
+  const Double_t ModDy[NModules]     = {49.8, 0., -49.8, 28.5, -28.5, 37.5};
+  const Double_t ModDz[NModules]     = {0., 0, 0, 20., 20., 72.};
+  const Double_t ModAng[NModules]    = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0, 0.0};
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot           = NULL;
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  /*
+  for (Int_t iMod = 0; iMod < NModules; iMod++) {
+    module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos + ModDx[iMod], yPos + ModDy[iMod], zPos + ModDz[iMod]);
+    module_rot   = new TGeoRotation();
+    module_rot->RotateZ(ModAng[iMod]);
+    module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+    if (iMod < 5) { gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[0], modNum, module_combi_trans); }
+    else {
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[2], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+    }
+    modNum++;
+  }
+  for (Int_t iMod = 0; iMod < NModules; iMod++) {
+    module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos + ModDx[iMod], yPos + ModDy[iMod], zPos + ModDz[iMod]);
+    module_rot   = new TGeoRotation();
+    module_rot->RotateZ(ModAng[iMod]);
+    module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[ModType[iMod]], modNum[ModType[iMod]], module_combi_trans);
+    cout << "Placed Module " << modNum[ModType[iMod]] << ", Type " << ModType[iMod] << endl;
+    modNum[ModType[iMod]]++;
+  }
+  /*
+ module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 0, zPos+16.5);
+ gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+ modNum++;
+ // module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 49+3, zPos);
+ module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 0, zPos+16.5+17.5);
+ gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+ modNum++;
+ // module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos,-26, zPos+Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+ module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -49.8, zPos);
+ gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+ modNum++;
+ // module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 26, zPos+Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+ module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -49.8, zPos+16.5);
+ gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+ modNum++;
+ */
+void position_Dia(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(Dia_rotate_Z);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  //  Int_t numModules=(Int_t)( (Inner_Module_Last_Y_Position-Inner_Module_First_Y_Position)/Module_Size_Y[modType])+1;
+  Float_t yPos = Dia_First_Y_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Float_t xPos = Dia_X_Offset;
+  Float_t zPos = Dia_Z_Position;
+  Int_t modNum = 0;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) {
+    Int_t modType = Dia_Types[j];
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < Dia_Number[j]; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      modNum++;
+    }
+  }
+void position_Star2(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(Star2_rotate_Z);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  Float_t yPos = Star2_First_Y_Position;
+  Float_t zPos = Star2_First_Z_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Int_t modNum = 0;
+//  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) { // DE
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
+    Int_t modType = Star2_Types[j];
+    Float_t xPos  = Star2_X_Offset[j];
+//    for (Int_t i = 0; i < Star2_Number[j]; i++) { // DE
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      cout << "Placed Module 1010 " << Star2_Number[j] << endl; // DE
+      modNum++;
+      yPos += Star2_Delta_Y_Position;
+      zPos += Star2_Delta_Z_Position;
+    }
+  }
+void position_Buc(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(Buc_rotate_Z);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  Float_t yPos = Buc_First_Y_Position;
+  Float_t zPos = Buc_First_Z_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Int_t modNum = 0;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) {
+    Int_t modType = Buc_Types[j];
+    Float_t xPos  = Buc_X_Offset[j];
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < Buc_Number[j]; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      modNum++;
+      yPos += Buc_Delta_Y_Position;
+      zPos += Buc_Delta_Z_Position;
+    }
+  }
+void position_cer_modules(Int_t modNType)
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Int_t modNum = 0;
+  for (Int_t j = 1; j < modNType; j++) {
+    Int_t modType                 = Cer_Types[j];
+    Float_t xPos                  = Cer_X_Position[j];
+    Float_t yPos                  = Cer_Y_Position[j];
+    Float_t zPos                  = Cer_Z_Position[j];
+    TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+    TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation(Form("Cer%d", j), Cer_rotate_Z[j], -MeanTheta, 0.);
+    // module_rot->RotateZ(Cer_rotate_Z[j]);
+    TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < Cer_Number[j]; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      cout << "Position Ceramic Module " << i << " of " << Cer_Number[j] << " Type " << modType << " at X = " << xPos
+           << ", Y = " << yPos << ", Z = " << zPos << endl;
+      // Front staggered module (Top if pair), top
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      //    modNum++;
+    }
+  }
+void position_CERN(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(CERN_rotate_Z);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  //  Int_t numModules=(Int_t)( (Inner_Module_Last_Y_Position-Inner_Module_First_Y_Position)/Module_Size_Y[modType])+1;
+  Float_t yPos = CERN_First_Y_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  Float_t xPos = CERN_X_Offset;
+  Float_t zPos = CERN_Z_Position;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) {
+    Int_t modType = CERN_Types[j];
+    Int_t modNum  = 0;
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < CERN_Number[j]; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      modNum++;
+    }
+  }
+void position_side_tof_modules(Int_t modNType)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  //  Int_t numModules=(Int_t)( (Inner_Module_Last_Y_Position-Inner_Module_First_Y_Position)/Module_Size_Y[modType])+1;
+  Float_t yPos = 0.;  //Inner_Module_First_Y_Position;
+  Int_t ii     = 0;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < modNType; j++) {
+    Int_t modType = InnerSide_Module_Types[j];
+    Int_t modNum  = 0;
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < InnerSide_Module_Number[j]; i++) {
+      ii++;
+      cout << "InnerSide ii " << ii << " Last " << Last_Size_Y << "," << Last_Over_Y << endl;
+      Float_t DeltaY = Module_Size_Y[modType] + Last_Size_Y - 2. * (Module_Over_Y[modType] + Last_Over_Y);
+      if (ii > 1) { yPos += DeltaY; }
+      Last_Size_Y  = Module_Size_Y[modType];
+      Last_Over_Y  = Module_Over_Y[modType];
+      Float_t xPos = InnerSide_Module_X_Offset;
+      Float_t zPos = Wall_Z_Position;
+      cout << "Position InnerSide Module " << i << " of " << InnerSide_Module_Number[j] << " Type " << modType
+           << " at Y = " << yPos << " Ysize = " << Module_Size_Y[modType] << " DeltaY = " << DeltaY << endl;
+      module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+      modNum++;
+      module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos, zPos);
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+      modNum++;
+      if (ii > 1) {
+        module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+        modNum++;
+        module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+        module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+        modNum++;
+        module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos - DeltaY / 2, zPos + Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+        modNum++;
+        module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos - DeltaY / 2, zPos + Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+        module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+        modNum++;
+        module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -(yPos - DeltaY / 2), zPos + Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_trans);
+        modNum++;
+        module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -(yPos - DeltaY / 2), zPos + Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+        module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum, module_combi_trans);
+        modNum++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void position_outer_tof_modules(Int_t nCol)  //modType, Int_t col1, Int_t col2)
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot      = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot->RotateZ(180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  //  Int_t numModules=(Int_t)( (Outer_Module_Last_Y_Position-Outer_Module_First_Y_Position)/Module_Size_Y[modType])+1;
+  Int_t modNum[NofModuleTypes];
+  for (Int_t k = 0; k < NofModuleTypes; k++) {
+    modNum[k] = 0;
+  }
+  Float_t zPos = Wall_Z_Position;
+  for (Int_t j = 0; j < nCol; j++) {
+    Float_t xPos  = Outer_Module_X_Offset + ((j + 1) * DxColl);
+    Last_Size_Y   = 0.;
+    Last_Over_Y   = 0.;
+    Float_t yPos  = 0.;
+    Int_t ii      = 0;
+    Float_t DzPos = 0.;
+    for (Int_t k = 0; k < Outer_Module_NTypes; k++) {
+      Int_t modType = Outer_Module_Types[k][j];
+      if (Module_Size_Z[modType] > DzPos) {
+        if (Outer_Module_Number[k][j] > 0) { DzPos = Module_Size_Z[modType]; }
+      }
+    }
+    zPos -= 2. * DzPos;  //((j+1)*2*Module_Size_Z[modType]);
+    Pole_ZPos[NumberOfPoles] = zPos;
+    Pole_Col[NumberOfPoles]  = j + 1;
+    NumberOfPoles++;
+    Pole_ZPos[NumberOfPoles] = zPos + DzPos;
+    Pole_Col[NumberOfPoles]  = j + 1;
+    NumberOfPoles++;
+    //if (j+1==nCol) {
+    if (1) {
+      Pole_ZPos[NumberOfPoles] = Pole_ZPos[0];
+      Pole_Col[NumberOfPoles]  = j + 1;
+      NumberOfPoles++;
+      Bar_Size_Z             = Pole_ZPos[0] - zPos;
+      gBar[NumberOfBars]     = create_tof_bar(Bar_Size_X, Bar_Size_Y, Bar_Size_Z);
+      Bar_ZPos[NumberOfBars] = zPos + Bar_Size_Z / 2. - Pole_Size_Z / 2.;
+      Bar_XPos[NumberOfBars] = xPos + Pole_Offset;
+      NumberOfBars++;
+    }
+    for (Int_t k = 0; k < Outer_Module_NTypes; k++) {
+      Int_t modType    = Outer_Module_Types[k][j];
+      Int_t numModules = Outer_Module_Number[k][j];
+      cout << " Outer: position " << numModules << " of type " << modType << " in col " << j << " at z = " << zPos
+           << ", DzPos = " << DzPos << endl;
+      for (Int_t i = 0; i < numModules; i++) {
+        ii++;
+        cout << "Outer ii " << ii << " Last " << Last_Size_Y << "," << Last_Over_Y << endl;
+        Float_t DeltaY = Module_Size_Y[modType] + Last_Size_Y - 2. * (Module_Over_Y[modType] + Last_Over_Y);
+        if (ii > 1) { yPos += DeltaY; }
+        Last_Size_Y = Module_Size_Y[modType];
+        Last_Over_Y = Module_Over_Y[modType];
+        cout << "Position Outer Module " << i << " of " << Outer_Module_Number[k][j] << " Type " << modType << "(#"
+             << modNum[modType] << ") "
+             << " at Y = " << yPos << " Ysize = " << Module_Size_Y[modType] << " DeltaY = " << DeltaY << endl;
+        module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_trans);
+        modNum[modType]++;
+        module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos, zPos);
+        module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+        gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_combi_trans);
+        modNum[modType]++;
+        if (ii > 1) {
+          module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+          module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+          module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_combi_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+          // second layer
+          module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos - DeltaY / 2., zPos + DzPos);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+          module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos - DeltaY / 2., zPos + DzPos);
+          module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_combi_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+          module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -(yPos - DeltaY / 2.), zPos + DzPos);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+          module_trans       = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -(yPos - DeltaY / 2.), zPos + DzPos);
+          module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot);
+          gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersionStand)->AddNode(gModules[modType], modNum[modType], module_combi_trans);
+          modNum[modType]++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void dump_info_file()
+  TDatime datetime;  // used to get timestamp
+  printf("writing info file: %s\n", FileNameInfo.Data());
+  FILE* ifile;
+  ifile = fopen(FileNameInfo.Data(), "w");
+  if (ifile == NULL) {
+    printf("error opening %s\n", FileNameInfo.Data());
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  fprintf(ifile, "#\n##   %s information file\n#\n\n", geoVersion.Data());
+  fprintf(ifile, "# created %d\n\n", datetime.GetDate());
+  fprintf(ifile, "# TOF setup\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 450) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 100 hadron setup\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 600) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 100 electron\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 650) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 100 muon\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 880) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 300 electron\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 1020) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 300 muon\n");
+  fprintf(ifile, "\n");
+  const Float_t TOF_Z_Back = Wall_Z_Position + 1.5 * Module_Size_Z[0];  // back of TOF wall
+  fprintf(ifile, "# envelope\n");
+  // Show extension of TRD
+  fprintf(ifile, "%7.2f cm   start of TOF (z)\n", TOF_Z_Front);
+  fprintf(ifile, "%7.2f cm   end   of TOF (z)\n", TOF_Z_Back);
+  fprintf(ifile, "\n");
+  // Layer thickness
+  fprintf(ifile, "# central tower position\n");
+  fprintf(ifile, "%7.2f cm   center of staggered, front RPC cell at x=0\n", Wall_Z_Position);
+  fprintf(ifile, "\n");
+  fclose(ifile);
diff --git a/tof/ b/tof/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa1f010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tof/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+##   tof_v24b_mcbm information file
+# created 20240326
+# TOF setup
+# envelope
+   0.00 cm   start of TOF (z)
+ 416.50 cm   end   of TOF (z)
+# central tower position
+ 400.00 cm   center of staggered, front RPC cell at x=0
diff --git a/tof/tof_v24b_mcbm.geo.root b/tof/tof_v24b_mcbm.geo.root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebfd0cbec4226394a48318c7ce3f4f1cc35b6467
GIT binary patch
literal 12899

literal 0
