diff --git a/macro/mcbm/geometry/targetbox/create_bpipe_geometry_v20a.C b/macro/mcbm/geometry/targetbox/create_bpipe_geometry_v20a.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..529273e6feabe50eb2a899ab0890f6f93cfcda71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/mcbm/geometry/targetbox/create_bpipe_geometry_v20a.C
@@ -0,0 +1,923 @@
+ ** Creation of beam pipe geometry in ROOT format (TGeo).
+ **
+ ** @file create_bpipe_geometry_v20a.C
+ ** @author David Emschermann <d.emschermann@gsi.de>
+ ** @author Andrey Chernogorov <a.chernogorov@gsi.de>
+ ** @date 19.07.2016
+ **
+ ** mCBM
+ ** pipe v20a    - based on v19f, adding 3 iron foils at the start and end of the vacuum
+                   replica of the setup in spring 2020
+ ** pipe v19h    - based on v19g, removing the downstream plate and window of the targetbox
+ ** pipe v19g    - based on v19f, without vacuum inside
+ ** pipe v19f    - reproduce v19e in a single piece as originally in v19b
+ ** pipe v19e    - extend the downstream end of the pipe to the beam dump for 2021
+ ** pipe v19d    - create two separate volumes, one with the targetbox the
+ **                other one with the pipe
+ ** pipe v19b    - build target box from CAD design
+ ** pipe v19a    - adapt dimensions of beampipe to technical drawings
+ ** pipe v18g    - rotate 2-diameter beampipe v18f to 25 degrees
+ ** pipe v18f    - increase pipe length from 3.00 m to 4.00 m
+ ** pipe v18f    - reduce diameter of first 50 cm of beampipe to avoid collision with mSTS
+ ** pipe v18e    - rotate cylindrical pipe around the vertical (y) axis by 20 degrees
+ ** pipe v18d    - rotate cylindrical pipe around the vertical (y) axis by 25 degrees
+ **
+ ** SIS-100
+ ** pipe v16c_1e - is a pipe for the STS up to the interface to RICH at z = 1700 mm
+ **                with a (blue) flange at the downstream end of the STS box
+ **
+ ** The beam pipe is composed of carbon with a fixed wall thickness of 0.5 or 1.0 mm.
+ ** It is placed directly into the cave as mother volume. The beam pipe consists of 
+ ** few sections up to the RICH section (1700-3700mm), which is part of the RICH geometry. 
+ ** Each section has a PCON shape (including windows).
+ ** The STS section is composed of cylinder D(z=220-410mm)=34mm and cone (z=410-1183mm). 
+ ** All sections of the beam pipe with conical shape have half opening angle 2.5deg.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// dimensions from z = -38.0 cm to z = +59.8 cm
+// dimensions of core [-29.9 cm .. +15.2 cm]
+// dimensions of sections -38.0 cm | + 7.7 + 0.4 + 45.1 + 0.6 + 44.0 | +59.8 cm
+// naming scheme
+// main elements - flanges
+// pipe10 - pipe11
+// pipe20 - pipe21, 22, 23, 24, 25
+// pipe30 - pipe31
+#include "TGeoManager.h"
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "TGeoPcon.h"
+#include "TGeoTube.h"
+using namespace std;
+const Bool_t IncludeVacuum =
+  true;  // false;  // true, if vacuum to be placed inside the pipe
+const Bool_t IncludeDownstreamCover =
+  true;  // false;  // true, if downstream cover with cutout to be placed
+const Bool_t IncludeDownstreamPipe =
+  false;  // true;  // true, if pipe towards the beamdump to be added
+const Bool_t IncludeFoils =
+  true;  // false;  // true, if foils to be placed in the vacuum pipe
+Double_t foilthickness = 0.01;  // cm = 0.1 mm
+// -------------   Steering variables       -----------------------------------
+// ---> Beam pipe material name
+TString pipeMediumName =
+  "pipeiron";  // "iron"; // "carbon"; // "beryllium"; // "aluminium";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -------------   Other global variables   -----------------------------------
+// ---> Macro name to info file
+TString macroname = "create_bpipe_geometry_v20a.C";
+// ---> Geometry file name (output)
+TString rootFileName = "pipe_v20a_mcbm.geo.root";
+// ---> Geometry name
+TString pipeName = "pipe_v20a";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TGeoVolume* MakeCutPipe(Int_t ipart,
+                        TGeoMedium* medium,
+                        Double_t rmin,
+                        Double_t rmax,
+                        Double_t dz,
+                        Double_t angle1,
+                        Double_t angle2,
+                        Double_t nlo1,
+                        Double_t nlo2,
+                        Double_t nlo3,
+                        Double_t nhi1,
+                        Double_t nhi2,
+                        Double_t nhi3);
+//TGeoVolume* MakePipe(Int_t iPart, Int_t nSects, Double_t* z, Double_t* rin,
+//                     Double_t* rout, TGeoMedium* medium, fstream* infoFile);
+//TGeoVolume* MakeVacuum(Int_t iPart, Int_t nSects, Double_t* z, Double_t* rin,
+//                       Double_t* rout, TGeoMedium* medium, fstream* infoFile);
+// ============================================================================
+// ======                         Main function                           =====
+// ============================================================================
+void create_bpipe_geometry_v20a() {
+  // -----   Define beam pipe sections   --------------------------------------
+  /** For v20a:   **/
+  TString pipe1name = "pipe1 - straight miniCBM beampipe";
+  // start and stop angles of beampipe
+  //  Double_t angle1 = 180;  // lower half
+  //  Double_t angle2 =   0;  // lower half
+  //
+  //  Double_t angle1 = 190;  // open cut @ -x
+  //  Double_t angle2 = 170;  // open cut @ -x
+  Double_t angle1 = 0;    // closed
+  Double_t angle2 = 360;  // closed
+  Double_t nlow[3];
+  nlow[0] = 0;
+  nlow[1] = 0;
+  nlow[2] = -1;
+  Double_t theta = 25. * TMath::Pi() / 180.;
+  Double_t phi   = 180. * TMath::Pi() / 180.;
+  Double_t nhi[3];
+  nhi[0] = TMath::Sin(theta) * TMath::Cos(phi);
+  nhi[1] = TMath::Sin(theta) * TMath::Sin(phi);
+  nhi[2] = TMath::Cos(theta);
+  Double_t pipe_angle = 25.;  // rotation angle around y-axis
+  // tan (acos(-1)/180 * 2.5) *  30 cm = 1.310 cm
+  cout << "1 - lx: " << nlow[0] << " ly: " << nlow[1] << " lz: " << nlow[2]
+       << endl;
+  cout << "2 - hx: " << nhi[0] << " hy: " << nhi[1] << " hz: " << nhi[2]
+       << endl;
+  // end of thin beampipe in reality: 610 mm downstream of target
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -------   Open info file   -----------------------------------------------
+  TString infoFileName = rootFileName;
+  infoFileName.ReplaceAll("root", "info");
+  fstream infoFile;
+  fstream infoFileEmpty;
+  infoFile.open(infoFileName.Data(), fstream::out);
+  infoFile << "SIS-18 mCBM beam pipe geometry created with " + macroname
+           << endl;
+  infoFile << "Introducing the target chamber derived from CAD drawings."
+           << endl
+           << endl;
+  //  infoFile << "It ends at z=610 mm downstream of the target." << endl << endl;
+  infoFile << "The beam pipe is composed of iron with a varying wall thickness."
+           << endl
+           << endl;
+  infoFile << "Material:  " << pipeMediumName << endl;
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -------   Load media from media file   -----------------------------------
+  FairGeoLoader* geoLoad    = new FairGeoLoader("TGeo", "FairGeoLoader");
+  FairGeoInterface* geoFace = geoLoad->getGeoInterface();
+  TString geoPath           = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+  TString medFile           = geoPath + "/geometry/media.geo";
+  geoFace->setMediaFile(medFile);
+  geoFace->readMedia();
+  TGeoManager* gGeoMan = gGeoManager;
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----------------   Get and create the required media    -----------------
+  FairGeoMedia* geoMedia   = geoFace->getMedia();
+  FairGeoBuilder* geoBuild = geoLoad->getGeoBuilder();
+  // ---> pipe medium
+  FairGeoMedium* fPipeMedium = geoMedia->getMedium(pipeMediumName.Data());
+  TString fairError          = "FairMedium " + pipeMediumName + " not found";
+  if (!fPipeMedium) Fatal("Main", "%s", fairError.Data());
+  geoBuild->createMedium(fPipeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* pipeMedium = gGeoMan->GetMedium(pipeMediumName.Data());
+  TString geoError       = "Medium " + pipeMediumName + " not found";
+  if (!pipeMedium) Fatal("Main", "%s", geoError.Data());
+  //  // ---> iron
+  //  FairGeoMedium* mIron = geoMedia->getMedium("iron");
+  //  if (!mIron) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium iron not found");
+  //  geoBuild->createMedium(mIron);
+  //  TGeoMedium* iron = gGeoMan->GetMedium("iron");
+  //  if (!iron) Fatal("Main", "Medium iron not found");
+  //  // ---> lead
+  //  FairGeoMedium* mLead = geoMedia->getMedium("lead");
+  //  if ( ! mLead ) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium lead not found");
+  //  geoBuild->createMedium(mLead);
+  //  TGeoMedium* lead = gGeoMan->GetMedium("lead");
+  //  if ( ! lead ) Fatal("Main", "Medium lead not found");
+  //  // ---> carbon
+  //  FairGeoMedium* mCarbon = geoMedia->getMedium("carbon");
+  //  if ( ! mCarbon ) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium carbon not found");
+  //  geoBuild->createMedium(mCarbon);
+  //  TGeoMedium* carbon = gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon");
+  //  if ( ! carbon ) Fatal("Main", "Medium carbon not found");
+  // ---> vacuum
+  FairGeoMedium* mVacuum = geoMedia->getMedium("vacuum");
+  if (!mVacuum) Fatal("Main", "FairMedium vacuum not found");
+  geoBuild->createMedium(mVacuum);
+  TGeoMedium* vacuum = gGeoMan->GetMedium("vacuum");
+  if (!vacuum) Fatal("Main", "Medium vacuum not found");
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // --------------   Create geometry and top volume  -------------------------
+  gGeoMan = (TGeoManager*) gROOT->FindObject("FAIRGeom");
+  gGeoMan->SetName("PIPEgeom");
+  TGeoVolume* top = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("TOP");
+  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
+  TGeoVolume* pipe = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(pipeName.Data());
+  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Create sections  -------------------------------------------------
+  Int_t i = 0;
+  // Aussendurchmesser 35.56 cm
+  // Wanddicke           0.3 cm
+  // Laenge             45.1 cm
+  // Offset             29.9 cm
+  Double_t rmax20   = 35.56 / 2.;
+  Double_t rmin20   = rmax20 - 0.3;
+  Double_t length20 = 45.1;
+  Double_t offset20 = 29.9;
+  TGeoVolume* vpipe20 = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("pipe20",
+                                              pipeMedium,
+                                              rmin20,
+                                              rmax20,
+                                              length20 / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              nlow[0],
+                                              nlow[1],
+                                              nlow[2],
+                                              nhi[0],
+                                              nhi[1],
+                                              nhi[2]);
+  TGeoTranslation* tra20 =
+    new TGeoTranslation("tra20", 0, 0, -offset20 + length20 / 2.);
+  vpipe20->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  pipe->AddNode(vpipe20, 1, tra20);
+  TGeoVolume* vvacu20 = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("vacu20",
+                                              vacuum,
+                                              0,
+                                              rmin20,
+                                              length20 / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              nlow[0],
+                                              nlow[1],
+                                              nlow[2],
+                                              nhi[0],
+                                              nhi[1],
+                                              nhi[2]);
+  vvacu20->SetLineColor(kYellow);
+  vvacu20->SetTransparency(50);
+  if (IncludeVacuum) pipe->AddNode(vvacu20, 1, tra20);
+  // upstream cover
+  Double_t rmax21   = rmax20;
+  Double_t rmin21   = 15.9 / 2.;
+  Double_t length21 = 0.4;
+  TGeoVolume* vwall21 = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("wall21",
+                                              pipeMedium,
+                                              rmin21,
+                                              rmax21,
+                                              length21 / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              -1,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              1);
+  TGeoTranslation* tra21 =
+    new TGeoTranslation("tra21", 0, 0, -offset20 - length21 / 2.);
+  vwall21->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  pipe->AddNode(vwall21, 1, tra21);
+  //=======================================================================================
+  // downstream cover with cutout
+  Double_t rmax22 = rmax20;
+  Double_t rmin22 = 5.4 / 2.;
+  Double_t length22 =
+    0.6 / cos(25. * acos(-1.) / 180.);  // compensate for 25 degree rotation
+  TGeoCtub* cdown = new TGeoCtub(rmin22,
+                                 rmax22,
+                                 length22 / 2.,
+                                 angle1,
+                                 angle2,
+                                 -nhi[0],
+                                 -nhi[1],
+                                 -nhi[2],
+                                 nhi[0],
+                                 nhi[1],
+                                 nhi[2]);
+  cdown->SetName("O");  // shapes need names too
+  TGeoBBox* box22 = new TGeoBBox(11.5 / 2., 10.0 / 2., 2.0 / 2.);
+  box22->SetName("A");  // shapes need names too
+  TGeoTranslation* tcut1 = new TGeoTranslation("tcut1", -10.0, 0., 0.);
+  tcut1->RegisterYourself();
+  Double_t fthick22 = 0.6;
+  TGeoBBox* frame22 = new TGeoBBox(13.9 / 2., 12.4 / 2., fthick22 / 2.);
+  frame22->SetName("F");  // shapes need names too
+  TGeoTranslation* tfra1 = new TGeoTranslation(
+    "tfra1", -10.0, 0., fthick22 - 0.0001);  // 0.0001 avoids optical error
+  tfra1->RegisterYourself();
+  // kapton foil frame dimensions - inner dimensions - frame width
+  // x/y/z - 13.9/12.4/0.6 cm     - 11.5/10.0 cm     - 1.2 cm
+  // corner of pipe at
+  // x = -2.70
+  // z = 14.54 = tan(25.*acos(-1.)/180.) * -5.4/2. + 15.8
+  // corner of frame towards beampipe
+  // x = -3.74
+  // z = 14.06
+  // distance = sqrt( 1.04 * 1.04 + 0.48 * 0.48 ) = 1.14 cm
+  // rotate clockwise
+  TGeoRotation* rot22 = new TGeoRotation();
+  rot22->RotateY(-25.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* frot22 = new TGeoCombiTrans("frot22", 0, 0, 0, rot22);
+  frot22->RegisterYourself();
+  // rotate counter clockwise
+  TGeoRotation* back22 = new TGeoRotation();
+  back22->RotateY(+25.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* brot22 = new TGeoCombiTrans("brot22", 0, 0, 0, back22);
+  brot22->RegisterYourself();
+  //  TGeoCombiTrans*  tcut = new TGeoCombiTrans("tcut",
+  //                          cos(25.*acos(-1.)/180.) * -10.0, 0., sin(25.*acos(-1.)/180.) * -10.0, rot22);
+  //  tcut->RegisterYourself();
+  // cutout inner border at:
+  //  x : cos(25.*acos(-1.)/180.) *  -4.25              : x =  -3.852 cm
+  //  z : sin(25.*acos(-1.)/180.) *  -4.25 + 15.2 + 0.3 : z =  13.704 cm
+  // cutout outer border at:
+  //  x : cos(25.*acos(-1.)/180.) * -15.75              : x = -14.274 cm
+  //  z : sin(25.*acos(-1.)/180.) * -15.75 + 15.2 + 0.3 : z =   8.843 cm
+  //  TGeoCompositeShape *compsha = new TGeoCompositeShape("compsha", "O - A:tcut");
+  //  TGeoVolume *vpipe22 = new TGeoVolume("wall22", compsha, pipeMedium);
+  //  TGeoTranslation* tra22 = new TGeoTranslation("tra22", 0, 0, -offset20 +length20 +length22/2.);
+  TGeoCompositeShape* compsha =
+    new TGeoCompositeShape("compsha", "O:brot22 + F:tfra1 - A:tcut1");
+  TGeoVolume* vpipe22   = new TGeoVolume("wall22", compsha, pipeMedium);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* tra22 = new TGeoCombiTrans(
+    "tra22", 0, 0, -offset20 + length20 + length22 / 2., rot22);
+  vpipe22->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  if (IncludeDownstreamCover) pipe->AddNode(vpipe22, 1, tra22);
+  //=======================================================================================
+  // vertical tubes
+  Double_t height23   = 28.0 - 17.8;
+  TGeoRotation* rot23 = new TGeoRotation();
+  rot23->RotateX(90.);
+  // target tube
+  TGeoVolume* tube23 = gGeoManager->MakeTube(
+    "shaft23", pipeMedium, 10.4 / 2., 10.8 / 2., height23 / 2.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* tra23 =
+    new TGeoCombiTrans("tra23", 0, 28.0 - height23 / 2., 0, rot23);
+  tube23->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  pipe->AddNode(tube23, 1, tra23);
+  // diamond tube
+  TGeoVolume* tube24 = gGeoManager->MakeTube(
+    "shaft24", pipeMedium, 10.4 / 2., 10.8 / 2., height23 / 2.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* tra24 =
+    new TGeoCombiTrans("tra24", 0, 28.0 - height23 / 2., -20.0, rot23);
+  tube24->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  pipe->AddNode(tube24, 1, tra24);
+  //=======================================================================================
+  // upstream pipe
+  Double_t rmax10   = 15.9 / 2.;
+  Double_t rmin10   = rmax10 - 0.2;
+  Double_t length10 = 7.7 + length21;
+  TGeoVolume* vpipe10 = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("pipe10",
+                                              pipeMedium,
+                                              rmin10,
+                                              rmax10,
+                                              length10 / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              -1,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              1);
+  TGeoTranslation* tra10 =
+    new TGeoTranslation("tra10", 0, 0, -offset20 - length10 / 2.);
+  vpipe10->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  pipe->AddNode(vpipe10, 1, tra10);
+  Double_t lenfoil10 = 0;
+  if (IncludeFoils) {
+    lenfoil10                  = foilthickness;
+    TGeoVolume* vfoil10        = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("foil10",
+                                                pipeMedium,
+                                                0,
+                                                rmin10,
+                                                lenfoil10 / 2.,
+                                                angle1,
+                                                angle2,
+                                                0,
+                                                0,
+                                                -1,
+                                                0,
+                                                0,
+                                                1);
+    TGeoTranslation* trafoil10 = new TGeoTranslation(
+      "trafoil10", 0, 0, -offset20 - length10 + lenfoil10 / 2.);
+    vfoil10->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    pipe->AddNode(vfoil10, 1, trafoil10);
+  }
+  TGeoVolume* vvacu10 = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("vacu10",
+                                              vacuum,
+                                              0,
+                                              rmin10,
+                                              (length10 - lenfoil10) / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              -1,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              1);
+  vvacu10->SetLineColor(kYellow);
+  TGeoTranslation* travacu10 = new TGeoTranslation(
+    "travacu10", 0, 0, -offset20 - (length10 - lenfoil10) / 2.);
+  if (IncludeVacuum) pipe->AddNode(vvacu10, 1, travacu10);
+  // upstream flange
+  // size of flange
+  // Diameter  19.9 cm
+  // Thickness  1.8 cm
+  Double_t rmax11   = 19.9 / 2.;
+  Double_t rmin11   = rmax10;
+  Double_t length11 = 1.8;
+  TGeoVolume* vfla11 = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("flange11",
+                                             pipeMedium,
+                                             rmin11,
+                                             rmax11,
+                                             length11 / 2.,
+                                             angle1,
+                                             angle2,
+                                             0,
+                                             0,
+                                             -1,
+                                             0,
+                                             0,
+                                             1);
+  TGeoTranslation* tra11 =
+    new TGeoTranslation("tra11", 0, 0, -offset20 - length10 + length11 / 2.);
+  vfla11->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  pipe->AddNode(vfla11, 1, tra11);
+  //=======================================================================================
+  // accelerator pipe flange
+  Double_t gap0010 = 12.5;  // gap bewtween foils in acc pipe and targetbox
+  Double_t rmax00   = 15.9 / 2.;
+  Double_t rmin00   = rmax00 - 0.2;
+  Double_t length00 = 9.5;  // arbitrary length
+  TGeoVolume* vpipe00    = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("pipe00",
+                                              pipeMedium,
+                                              rmin00,
+                                              rmax00,
+                                              length00 / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              -1,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              1);
+  TGeoTranslation* tra00 = new TGeoTranslation(
+    "tra00", 0, 0, -offset20 - length10 - gap0010 - length00 / 2.);
+  vpipe00->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  pipe->AddNode(vpipe00, 1, tra00);
+  Double_t lenfoil00 = 0;
+  if (IncludeFoils) {
+    lenfoil00                  = foilthickness;
+    TGeoVolume* vfoil00        = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("foil00",
+                                                pipeMedium,
+                                                0,
+                                                rmin00,
+                                                lenfoil00 / 2.,
+                                                angle1,
+                                                angle2,
+                                                0,
+                                                0,
+                                                -1,
+                                                0,
+                                                0,
+                                                1);
+    TGeoTranslation* trafoil00 = new TGeoTranslation(
+      "trafoil00", 0, 0, -offset20 - length10 - gap0010 - lenfoil00 / 2.);
+    vfoil00->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    pipe->AddNode(vfoil00, 1, trafoil00);
+  }
+  TGeoVolume* vvacu00 = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("vacu00",
+                                              vacuum,
+                                              0,
+                                              rmin00,
+                                              (length00 - lenfoil00) / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              -1,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              1);
+  vvacu00->SetLineColor(kYellow);
+  TGeoTranslation* travacu00 = new TGeoTranslation(
+    "travacu00",
+    0,
+    0,
+    -offset20 - length10 - gap0010 - lenfoil00 - (length00 - lenfoil00) / 2.);
+  if (IncludeVacuum) pipe->AddNode(vvacu00, 1, travacu00);
+  // upstream flange
+  // size of flange
+  // Diameter  19.9 cm
+  // Thickness  1.8 cm
+  Double_t rmax01   = 19.9 / 2.;
+  Double_t rmin01   = rmax00;
+  Double_t length01 = 1.8;
+  TGeoVolume* vfla01     = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("flange01",
+                                             pipeMedium,
+                                             rmin01,
+                                             rmax01,
+                                             length01 / 2.,
+                                             angle1,
+                                             angle2,
+                                             0,
+                                             0,
+                                             -1,
+                                             0,
+                                             0,
+                                             1);
+  TGeoTranslation* tra01 = new TGeoTranslation(
+    "tra01", 0, 0, -offset20 - length10 - gap0010 - length01 / 2.);
+  vfla01->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  pipe->AddNode(vfla01, 1, tra01);
+  //=======================================================================================
+  // Laenge       44.0 cm
+  // Durchmesser   5.4 cm
+  // Wanddicke     0.2 cm
+  // downstream pipe
+  Double_t rmax30   = 5.4 / 2.;
+  Double_t rmin30   = rmax30 - 0.2;
+  Double_t length30 = 44.0 + 0.6;
+  TGeoVolume* vpipe30 = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("pipe30",
+                                              pipeMedium,
+                                              rmin30,
+                                              rmax30,
+                                              length30 / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              -nhi[0],
+                                              -nhi[1],
+                                              -nhi[2],
+                                              -nlow[0],
+                                              -nlow[1],
+                                              -nlow[2]);
+  TGeoTranslation* tra30 =
+    new TGeoTranslation("tra30", 0, 0, -offset20 + length20 + length30 / 2.);
+  vpipe30->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  pipe->AddNode(vpipe30, 1, tra30);
+  Double_t lenfoil30 = 0;
+  if (IncludeFoils) {
+    lenfoil30                  = foilthickness;
+    TGeoVolume* vfoil30        = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("foil30",
+                                                pipeMedium,
+                                                0,
+                                                rmin30,
+                                                lenfoil30 / 2.,
+                                                angle1,
+                                                angle2,
+                                                0,
+                                                0,
+                                                -1,
+                                                0,
+                                                0,
+                                                1);
+    TGeoTranslation* trafoil30 = new TGeoTranslation(
+      "trafoil30", 0, 0, -offset20 + length20 + length30 - lenfoil30 / 2.);
+    vfoil30->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    pipe->AddNode(vfoil30, 1, trafoil30);
+  }
+  TGeoVolume* vvacu30 = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("vacu30",
+                                              vacuum,
+                                              0,
+                                              rmin30,
+                                              (length30 - lenfoil30) / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              -nhi[0],
+                                              -nhi[1],
+                                              -nhi[2],
+                                              -nlow[0],
+                                              -nlow[1],
+                                              -nlow[2]);
+  vvacu30->SetLineColor(kYellow);
+  TGeoTranslation* travacu30 = new TGeoTranslation(
+    "travacu30", 0, 0, -offset20 + length20 + (length30 - lenfoil30) / 2.);
+  if (IncludeVacuum) pipe->AddNode(vvacu30, 1, travacu30);
+  // size of flange
+  // Thickness  1.8 cm
+  // Diameter  11.4 cm
+  Double_t rmax40   = 11.4 / 2.;
+  Double_t rmin40   = rmax30;
+  Double_t length40 = 1.8;
+  // downstream flange
+  TGeoVolume* vfla31     = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("flange31",
+                                             pipeMedium,
+                                             rmin40,
+                                             rmax40,
+                                             length40 / 2.,
+                                             angle1,
+                                             angle2,
+                                             0,
+                                             0,
+                                             -1,
+                                             0,
+                                             0,
+                                             1);
+  TGeoTranslation* fla31 = new TGeoTranslation(
+    "fla31", 0, 0, -offset20 + length20 + length30 - length40 / 2.);
+  vfla31->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  pipe->AddNode(vfla31, 1, fla31);
+  //=======================================================================================
+  // Laenge      300.0 cm
+  // Durchmesser  10.0 cm
+  // Wanddicke     0.2 cm
+  // downstream pipe
+  Double_t rmax50   = 10.0 / 2.;
+  Double_t rmin50   = rmax50 - 0.2;
+  Double_t length50 = 300.0;  // 44.0;
+  // 2nd downstream flange
+  TGeoVolume* vfla32     = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("flange32",
+                                             pipeMedium,
+                                             rmax50,
+                                             rmax40,
+                                             length40 / 2.,
+                                             angle1,
+                                             angle2,
+                                             0,
+                                             0,
+                                             -1,
+                                             0,
+                                             0,
+                                             1);
+  TGeoTranslation* fla32 = new TGeoTranslation(
+    "fla32", 0., 0., -offset20 + length20 + length30 + length40 / 2.);
+  //  TGeoTranslation* fla32 = new TGeoTranslation("fla32", 0., 0., -offset20 +length20 +length30 +length40/2. + 20.);
+  vfla32->SetLineColor(kRed);
+  if (IncludeDownstreamPipe) pipe->AddNode(vfla32, 1, fla32);
+  TGeoVolume* vpipe50    = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("pipe50",
+                                              pipeMedium,
+                                              rmin50,
+                                              rmax50,
+                                              length50 / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              -1,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              1);
+  TGeoTranslation* fla50 = new TGeoTranslation(
+    "fla50", 0., 0., -offset20 + length20 + length30 + length50 / 2.);
+  //  TGeoTranslation* fla50 = new TGeoTranslation("fla50", 0., 0., -offset20 +length20 +length30 +length50/2. + 20.);
+  vpipe50->SetLineColor(kRed);
+  if (IncludeDownstreamPipe) pipe->AddNode(vpipe50, 1, fla50);
+  TGeoVolume* vvacu50 = gGeoManager->MakeCtub("vacu50",
+                                              vacuum,
+                                              0,
+                                              rmin50,
+                                              length50 / 2.,
+                                              angle1,
+                                              angle2,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              -1,
+                                              0,
+                                              0,
+                                              1);
+  vvacu50->SetLineColor(kYellow);
+  if (IncludeDownstreamPipe)
+    if (IncludeVacuum) pipe->AddNode(vvacu50, 1, fla50);
+  //=======================================================================================
+  //  infoFile << endl << "Beam pipe section: " << pipe1name << endl;
+  //  infoFile << setw(2) << "i" << setw(10) << "Z,mm" << setw(10) << "Rin,mm" << setw(10) << "Rout,mm" << setw(10) << "h,mm" << endl;
+  //  TGeoVolume* pipe1    = MakePipe  (1, nSects1,  z1,  rin1,  rout1,  pipeMedium, &infoFile);
+  //  pipe1->SetLineColor(kYellow);
+  //  //  pipe1->SetLineColor(kGray);
+  //  pipe->AddNode(pipe1, 0);
+  //
+  //  TGeoVolume* pipevac1 = MakeVacuum(1, nSects01, z01, rin01, rout01, vacuum,     &infoFile);
+  //  pipevac1->SetLineColor(kCyan);
+  //  pipe->AddNode(pipevac1, 0);
+  // -----   End   --------------------------------------------------
+  // ---------------   Finish   -----------------------------------------------
+  top->AddNode(pipe, 1);
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  gGeoMan->CloseGeometry();
+  gGeoManager->SetNsegments(80);
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.0001);
+  gGeoMan->PrintOverlaps();
+  gGeoMan->Test();
+  pipe->Export(rootFileName);
+  //  TFile* rootFile = new TFile(rootFileName, "RECREATE");
+  //  top->Write();
+  TFile* rootFile = new TFile(rootFileName, "UPDATE");
+  // rotate the PIPE around y
+  TGeoRotation* pipe_rotation = new TGeoRotation();
+  pipe_rotation->RotateY(pipe_angle);
+  //  TGeoCombiTrans* pipe_placement = new TGeoCombiTrans( sin( pipe_angle/180.*acos(-1) ) * z1[1]/2., 0., 0., pipe_rotation);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* pipe_placement =
+    new TGeoCombiTrans("pipe_rot", 0., 0., 0, pipe_rotation);
+  pipe_placement->Write();
+  rootFile->Close();
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "Geometry " << top->GetName() << " written to " << rootFileName
+       << endl;
+  infoFile.close();
+  // visualize it with ray tracing, OGL/X3D viewer
+  //top->Raytrace();
+  top->Draw("ogl");
+  //top->Draw("x3d");
+// ============================================================================
+// ======                   End of main function                          =====
+// ============================================================================
+//// =====  Make the beam pipe volume   =========================================
+//TGeoPcon* MakeShape(Int_t nSects, char* name, Double_t* z, Double_t* rin,
+//                    Double_t* rout, fstream* infoFile) {
+//  // ---> Shape
+//  TGeoPcon* shape = new TGeoPcon(name, 0., 360., nSects);
+//  for (Int_t iSect = 0; iSect < nSects; iSect++) {
+//    shape->DefineSection(iSect, z[iSect]/10., rin[iSect]/10., rout[iSect]/10.); // mm->cm
+//    *infoFile << setw(2)  << iSect+1
+//              << setw(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << z[iSect]
+//              << setw(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << rin[iSect]
+//              << setw(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << rout[iSect]
+//              << setw(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << rout[iSect]-rin[iSect] << endl;
+//  }
+//  return shape;
+// ============================================================================
+// =====  Make the beam pipe volume   =========================================
+TGeoVolume* MakeCutPipe(Int_t ipart,
+                        TGeoMedium* medium,
+                        Double_t rmin,
+                        Double_t rmax,
+                        Double_t dz,
+                        Double_t angle1,
+                        Double_t angle2,
+                        Double_t nlo1,
+                        Double_t nlo2,
+                        Double_t nlo3,
+                        Double_t nhi1,
+                        Double_t nhi2,
+                        Double_t nhi3) {
+  // ---> Shape
+  TString volName = Form("part%i", ipart);
+  TGeoCtub* shape = new TGeoCtub(volName.Data(),
+                                 rmin,
+                                 rmax,
+                                 dz,
+                                 angle1,
+                                 angle2,
+                                 nlo1,
+                                 nlo2,
+                                 nlo3,
+                                 nhi1,
+                                 nhi2,
+                                 nhi3);
+  // ---> Volume
+  TGeoVolume* pipe = new TGeoVolume(volName.Data(), shape, medium);
+  return pipe;
+// ============================================================================
+// // =====  Make the beam pipe volume   =========================================
+// TGeoVolume* MakePipe(Int_t iPart, Int_t nSects, Double_t* z, Double_t* rin,
+// 	                 Double_t* rout, TGeoMedium* medium, fstream* infoFile) {
+//   // ---> Shape
+//   TString volName = Form("pipe%i", iPart);
+//   TGeoPcon* shape = new TGeoPcon(volName.Data(), 0., 360., nSects);
+//   for (Int_t iSect = 0; iSect < nSects; iSect++) {
+//     shape->DefineSection(iSect, z[iSect]/10., rin[iSect]/10., rout[iSect]/10.); // mm->cm
+//     *infoFile << setw(2)  << iSect+1
+//               << setw(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << z[iSect]
+//               << setw(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << rin[iSect]
+//               << setw(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << rout[iSect]
+//               << setw(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << rout[iSect]-rin[iSect] << endl;
+//   }
+//   // ---> Volume
+//   TGeoVolume* pipe = new TGeoVolume(volName.Data(), shape, medium);
+//   return pipe;
+// }
+// // ============================================================================
+// // =====   Make the volume for the vacuum inside the beam pipe   ==============
+// TGeoVolume* MakeVacuum(Int_t iPart, Int_t nSects, Double_t* z, Double_t* rin,
+// 	                   Double_t* rout, TGeoMedium* medium, fstream* infoFile) {
+//   // ---> Shape
+//   TString volName = Form("pipevac%i", iPart);
+//   TGeoPcon* shape = new TGeoPcon(volName.Data(), 0., 360., nSects);
+//   for (Int_t iSect = 0; iSect < nSects; iSect++) {
+//     shape->DefineSection(iSect, z[iSect]/10., rin[iSect]/10., rout[iSect]/10.); // mm->cm
+//   }
+//   // ---> Volume
+//   TGeoVolume* pipevac = new TGeoVolume(volName.Data(), shape, medium);
+//   return pipevac;
+// }
+// // ============================================================================