From 8523332a00e60ca5e6bdc95db178491d2fdd96ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Valentina <>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 02:09:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Switchers for mCBM and hit errors from reconstruction
 algorithms are added.

 reco/L1/CbmL1.cxx                  |  84 +++---
 reco/L1/CbmL1.h                    |   8 +-
 reco/L1/CbmL1ReadEvent.cxx         | 126 ++++-----
 reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.cxx          |  12 +-
 reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.h            |  16 +-
 reco/L1/L1Algo/L1CATrackFinder.cxx | 425 +++++++++++++++--------------
 reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Triplet.h         |   5 +
 7 files changed, 342 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reco/L1/CbmL1.cxx b/reco/L1/CbmL1.cxx
index 87f3990a..de7e1102 100644
--- a/reco/L1/CbmL1.cxx
+++ b/reco/L1/CbmL1.cxx
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- *  CBM Level 1 Reconstruction 
- *  
+ *  CBM Level 1 Reconstruction
+ *
  *  Authors: I.Kisel,  S.Gorbunov
- *  e-mail : 
+ *  e-mail :
@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ CbmL1::CbmL1()
   , algo(0)
   ,  // for access to L1 Algorithm from L1::Instance
+  , fUseHitErrors(0)
+  , fmCBMmode(0)
+  , fGlobalMode(0)
   , vRTracks()
   ,  // reconstructed tracks
@@ -198,6 +201,9 @@ CbmL1::CbmL1(const char* name,
   , algo(0)
   ,  // for access to L1 Algorithm from L1::Instance
+  , fUseHitErrors(0)
+  , fmCBMmode(0)
+  , fGlobalMode(0)
   , vRTracks()
   ,  // reconstructed tracks
@@ -390,17 +396,18 @@ InitStatus CbmL1::Init() {
   fUseTRD  = 0;
   fUseTOF  = 0;
-#ifdef mCBM
-  fUseMUCH = 1;
-  fUseTRD  = 0;
-  fUseTOF  = 1;
+  if (fmCBMmode) {
+    fUseMUCH = 1;
+    fUseTRD  = 1;
+    fUseTOF  = 1;
+  }
-#ifdef GLOBAL
-  fUseMUCH = 1;
-  fUseTRD  = 0;
-  fUseTOF  = 1;
+  if (fGlobalMode) {
+    fUseMUCH = 1;
+    fUseTRD  = 1;
+    fUseTOF  = 1;
+  }
   fStsPoints  = 0;
@@ -543,7 +550,7 @@ InitStatus CbmL1::Init() {
       fTofPoints = mcManager->InitBranch("TofPoint");
       fTofHitDigiMatches =
-        static_cast<TClonesArray*>(fManger->GetObject("TofHitMatch"));
+        static_cast<TClonesArray*>(fManger->GetObject("TofCalDigiMatch"));
   } else {
@@ -595,7 +602,11 @@ InitStatus CbmL1::Init() {
     TFile* file         = new TFile(fDigiFile);
     TObjArray* stations = (TObjArray*) file->Get("stations");
     fGeoScheme->Init(stations, 0);
-    NMuchStations = fGeoScheme->GetNStations() * 3;
+    for (int iStation = 0; iStation < fGeoScheme->GetNStations(); iStation++) {
+      const CbmMuchStation* station = fGeoScheme->GetStation(iStation);
+      int nLayers                   = station->GetNLayers();
+      NMuchStations += nLayers;
+    }
   // count TRD stations
@@ -977,7 +988,7 @@ InitStatus CbmL1::Init() {
                  << fSTAPDataDir + "geo_algo.txt was NOT successful.";
-  algo->Init(geo);
+  algo->Init(geo, fUseHitErrors, fmCBMmode);
@@ -1415,9 +1426,9 @@ void CbmL1::Reconstruct(CbmEvent* event) {
                          / (sta.xInfo.sin_phi * sta.yInfo.sin_phi
                             - sta.xInfo.cos_phi * sta.yInfo.cos_phi)[0];
-#if 1  // GAUSS
-      //      (*algo->vStsStrips)[h.f]  = idet * ( + sta.yInfo.sin_phi[0]*mcp.x - sta.xInfo.cos_phi[0]*mcp.y ) + random.Gaus(0,sqrt(sta.frontInfo.sigma2)[0]);
-      //      (*algo->vStsStripsB)[h.b] = idet * ( - sta.yInfo.cos_phi[0]*mcp.x + sta.xInfo.sin_phi[0]*mcp.y ) + random.Gaus(0,sqrt(sta.backInfo.sigma2)[0]);
+#if 1  // GAUSS                                                                                                                                            \
+  //      (*algo->vStsStrips)[h.f]  = idet * ( + sta.yInfo.sin_phi[0]*mcp.x - sta.xInfo.cos_phi[0]*mcp.y ) + random.Gaus(0,sqrt(sta.frontInfo.sigma2)[0]); \
+  //      (*algo->vStsStripsB)[h.b] = idet * ( - sta.yInfo.cos_phi[0]*mcp.x + sta.xInfo.sin_phi[0]*mcp.y ) + random.Gaus(0,sqrt(sta.backInfo.sigma2)[0]);
       //const_cast<L1Strip &>((*algo->vStsStrips)[h.f])  = idet * ( + sta.yInfo.sin_phi[0]*mcp.x - sta.xInfo.cos_phi[0]*mcp.y )+ random.Gaus(0,sqrt(sta.frontInfo.sigma2)[0]);
       //(*(const_cast<std::vector<L1Strip> *>(algo->vStsStrips)))[h.f]  = idet * ( + sta.yInfo.sin_phi[0]*mcp.x - sta.xInfo.cos_phi[0]*mcp.y )+ random.Gaus(0,sqrt(sta.frontInfo.sigma2)[0]);
@@ -1509,32 +1520,31 @@ void CbmL1::Reconstruct(CbmEvent* event) {
   if (fVerbose > 1) cout << "L1 Track finder ok" << endl;
-    //  algo->L1KFTrackFitter( fExtrapolateToTheEndOfSTS );
+  //  algo->L1KFTrackFitter( fExtrapolateToTheEndOfSTS );
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
-  L1FieldValue fB0 = algo->GetVtxFieldValue();
+  if (fmCBMmode || fGlobalMode) {
-  if ((fabs(fB0.x[0]) < 0.0000001) && (fabs(fB0.y[0]) < 0.0000001)
-      && (fabs(fB0.z[0]) < 0.0000001))
-    algo->KFTrackFitter_simple();
+    L1FieldValue fB0 = algo->GetVtxFieldValue();
-  else
-    algo->L1KFTrackFitterMuch();
+    if ((fabs(fB0.x[0]) < 0.0000001) && (fabs(fB0.y[0]) < 0.0000001)
+        && (fabs(fB0.z[0]) < 0.0000001))
+      algo->KFTrackFitter_simple();
+    else
+      algo->L1KFTrackFitterMuch();
+  } else {
-  L1FieldValue fB0 = algo->GetVtxFieldValue();
+    L1FieldValue fB0 = algo->GetVtxFieldValue();
-  if ((fabs(fB0.x[0]) < 0.0000001) && (fabs(fB0.y[0]) < 0.0000001)
-      && (fabs(fB0.z[0]) < 0.0000001))
-    algo->KFTrackFitter_simple();
+    if ((fabs(fB0.x[0]) < 0.0000001) && (fabs(fB0.y[0]) < 0.0000001)
+        && (fabs(fB0.z[0]) < 0.0000001))
+      algo->KFTrackFitter_simple();
-  else
-    algo->L1KFTrackFitter();
+    else
+      algo->L1KFTrackFitter();
+  }
   if (fVerbose > 1) cout << "L1 Track fitter  ok" << endl;
@@ -2059,7 +2069,7 @@ void CbmL1::ReadSTAPAlgoData() {
            << fadata_name << endl;
     int n;  // number of elements
-      // read algo->vStsStrips
+    // read algo->vStsStrips
     fadata >> n;
     cout << " n " << n << endl;
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
diff --git a/reco/L1/CbmL1.h b/reco/L1/CbmL1.h
index 6cd88f86..8f5d0202 100644
--- a/reco/L1/CbmL1.h
+++ b/reco/L1/CbmL1.h
@@ -118,7 +118,10 @@ private:
   L1Algo* algo;  // for access to L1 Algorithm from L1::Instance
-  TString fDigiFile;            // Digitization file
+  TString fDigiFile;  // Digitization file
+  bool fUseHitErrors;
+  bool fmCBMmode;
+  bool fGlobalMode;
   vector<CbmL1Track> vRTracks;  // reconstructed tracks
   typedef std::set<std::pair<int, int>> DFSET;
   DFSET vFileEvent;
@@ -164,6 +167,9 @@ public:
   void SetExtrapolateToTheEndOfSTS(bool b) { fExtrapolateToTheEndOfSTS = b; }
   void SetDataMode(int TimesliceMode) { fTimesliceMode = TimesliceMode; }
   void SetMuchPar(TString fileName) { fDigiFile = fileName; }
+  void SetUseHitErrors(bool value) { fUseHitErrors = value; }
+  void SetmCBMmode(bool value) { fmCBMmode = value; }
   void Finish();
   //   void SetTrackingLevel( Int_t iLevel ){ fTrackingLevel = iLevel; }
diff --git a/reco/L1/CbmL1ReadEvent.cxx b/reco/L1/CbmL1ReadEvent.cxx
index a1d98aa0..569973d9 100644
--- a/reco/L1/CbmL1ReadEvent.cxx
+++ b/reco/L1/CbmL1ReadEvent.cxx
@@ -700,23 +700,24 @@ void CbmL1::ReadEvent(L1AlgoInputData* fData_, CbmEvent* event) {
               //     int iMCPoint = -1;
               //   CbmLink link;
-              //    CbmMuchPoint* pt = (CbmMuchPoint*) fMuchPoints->Get(matchHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetFile(),matchHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetEntry(),matchHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetIndex());
+              //              CbmMuchPoint* pt = (CbmMuchPoint*) fMuchPoints->Get(
+              //                matchHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetFile(),
+              //                matchHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetEntry(),
+              //                matchHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetIndex());
               // double mom = sqrt(pt->GetPxOut()*pt->GetPxOut()+pt->GetPyOut()*pt->GetPyOut()+pt->GetPzOut()*pt->GetPzOut());
               //     th.p = mom;
               //     th.q = pt->GetTrackID();//(L1_DYNAMIC_CAST<CbmMCTrack*>(fMCTracks->Get(link.GetFile(),link.GetEntry(),  pt->GetTrackID()) ))->GetCharge();
-              /*    
-    static float dx_= th.dx;
-     static float dy_= th.dy;
-      static float dt_= th.t_er;
-        th.x = pt->GetX( th.z ) + gRandom->Gaus(0,th.dx);
-        th.y = pt->GetY(th.z)+ gRandom->Gaus(0,th.dy);
-        th.time =  pt->GetTime()+ gRandom->Gaus(0,th.t_er);
-                L1Station &st = algo->vStations[th.iStation];
-        th.u_front = th.x*st.frontInfo.cos_phi[0] + th.y*st.frontInfo.sin_phi[0];
-        th.u_back  = th.x* st.backInfo.cos_phi[0] + th.y*st.backInfo.sin_phi[0];*/
+              //                th.x = pt->GetX( th.z ) + gRandom->Gaus(0,th.dx);
+              //
+              //                th.y = pt->GetY(th.z) + gRandom->Gaus(0,th.dy);
+              //     th.time = pt->GetTime();  //+ gRandom->Gaus(0,th.t_er);
+              //              L1Station& st = algo->vStations[th.iStation];
+              //              th.u_front =
+              //                th.x * st.frontInfo.cos_phi[0] + th.y * st.frontInfo.sin_phi[0];
+              //              th.u_back =
+              //                th.x * st.backInfo.cos_phi[0] + th.y * st.backInfo.sin_phi[0];
@@ -739,14 +740,11 @@ void CbmL1::ReadEvent(L1AlgoInputData* fData_, CbmEvent* event) {
       /*  num variable not used
         int num =mh->GetPlaneId();
-#ifdef mCBM        
         if ((mh->GetPlaneId())==0) num = 0;
         if ((mh->GetPlaneId())==1) num = 1;
         if ((mh->GetPlaneId())==2) num = 2;
         if ((mh->GetPlaneId())==3) num = 3;
-        if ((mh->GetPlaneId())==4) num = 4;        
+        if ((mh->GetPlaneId())==4) num = 4;
 //        if (num == 1) continue;
 //        if (num == 3) continue;
@@ -758,7 +756,7 @@ void CbmL1::ReadEvent(L1AlgoInputData* fData_, CbmEvent* event) {
       th.time = mh->GetTime();
-      th.t_er = 5;  // mh->GetTimeError();
+      th.t_er = mh->GetTimeError();
       //   th.iSector  = 0;
       th.isStrip = 0;
@@ -834,62 +832,42 @@ void CbmL1::ReadEvent(L1AlgoInputData* fData_, CbmEvent* event) {
               th.iMC = iMC + nMvdPoints + nStsPoints + nMuchPoints;
               //      th.track = vMCPoints[th.iMC].ID;
-              CbmTrdPoint* pt = (CbmTrdPoint*) fTrdPoints->Get(
-                trdHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetFile(),
-                trdHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetEntry(),
-                trdHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetIndex());
-              //            float min = 0.1;
-              //             if (min>th.dx) min = th.dx;
-              //             if (min>th.dy) min = th.dy;
-              // if (num==3)
-              {
-                //         th.x = pt->GetXIn();//+ gRandom->Gaus(0,min);
-                //         th.y = pt->GetYIn();//+ gRandom->Gaus(0,min);
-                th.time = pt->GetTime();  //+ gRandom->Gaus(0,th.t_er);
-                                          //
-                                          //         th.dx = min;
-                                          //         th.dy = min;
-                                          //
-                                          //         th.du = min;
-                                          //         th.dv = min;
-                                          //
-                //         L1Station &st = algo->vStations[th.iStation];
-                //         th.u_front = th.x*st.frontInfo.cos_phi[0] + th.y*st.frontInfo.sin_phi[0];
-                //         th.u_back  = th.x* st.backInfo.cos_phi[0] + th.y*st.backInfo.sin_phi[0];
-              }
+              //              CbmTrdPoint* pt = (CbmTrdPoint*) fTrdPoints->Get(
+              //                trdHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetFile(),
+              //                trdHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetEntry(),
+              //                trdHitMatch->GetLink(0).GetIndex());
+              //  float min = 0.1;
+              //          if( trdHitMatch1->GetNofLinks() > 0 )
+              //           if( trdHitMatch1->GetLink(0).GetIndex() < nTrdPoints )
+              //           {
+              //
+              //             CbmTrdPoint* pt1 = (CbmTrdPoint*) fTrdPoints->Get(trdHitMatch1->GetLink(0).GetFile(),trdHitMatch1->GetLink(0).GetEntry(),trdHitMatch1->GetLink(0).GetIndex());
+              //
+              //            if (mh->GetDx()>mh->GetDy()){
+              //
+              //             th.dx = mh1.GetDx();
+              //             th.du = mh1.GetDx();
+              //             th.x = pt1->GetXOut()+ gRandom->Gaus(0,th.dx);
+              //             }
+              //
+              //            if (mh->GetDy()>mh->GetDx()){
+              //
+              //             th.dy = mh1.GetDy();
+              //             th.dv = mh1.GetDy();
+              //             th.y = pt1->GetYOut()+ gRandom->Gaus(0,th.dy);
+              //            }
+              //
+              //
+              //          L1Station& st = algo->vStations[th.iStation];
+              //          th.u_front =
+              //            th.x * st.frontInfo.cos_phi[0] + th.y * st.frontInfo.sin_phi[0];
+              //          th.u_back =
+              //            th.x * st.backInfo.cos_phi[0] + th.y * st.backInfo.sin_phi[0];
+              //
-          //          if( trdHitMatch1->GetNofLinks() > 0 )
-          //           if( trdHitMatch1->GetLink(0).GetIndex() < nTrdPoints )
-          //           {
-          //
-          //             CbmTrdPoint* pt1 = (CbmTrdPoint*) fTrdPoints->Get(trdHitMatch1->GetLink(0).GetFile(),trdHitMatch1->GetLink(0).GetEntry(),trdHitMatch1->GetLink(0).GetIndex());
-          //
-          //            if (mh->GetDx()>mh->GetDy()){
-          //
-          //             th.dx = mh1.GetDx();
-          //             th.du = mh1.GetDx();
-          //             th.x = pt1->GetXOut()+ gRandom->Gaus(0,th.dx);
-          //             }
-          //
-          //            if (mh->GetDy()>mh->GetDx()){
-          //
-          //             th.dy = mh1.GetDy();
-          //             th.dv = mh1.GetDy();
-          //             th.y = pt1->GetYOut()+ gRandom->Gaus(0,th.dy);
-          //            }
-          //
-          //
-          //          L1Station &st = algo->vStations[th.iStation];
-          //         th.u_front = th.x*st.frontInfo.cos_phi[0] + th.y*st.frontInfo.sin_phi[0];
-          //         th.u_back  = th.x* st.backInfo.cos_phi[0] + th.y*st.backInfo.sin_phi[0];
-          //
-          //           }
diff --git a/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.cxx b/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.cxx
index cea9578b..886e16b9 100644
--- a/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.cxx
+++ b/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.cxx
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 #include "L1Grid.h"
 #include "L1HitPoint.h"
-void L1Algo::Init(const vector<fscal>& geo) {
+void L1Algo::Init(const vector<fscal>& geo,
+                  const bool UseHitErrors,
+                  const bool mCBMmode) {
   for (int iProc = 0; iProc < 4; iProc++) {
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
@@ -16,6 +18,9 @@ void L1Algo::Init(const vector<fscal>& geo) {
+  fUseHitErrors = UseHitErrors;
+  fmCBMmode     = mCBMmode;
   //  for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
   //     threadNumberToCpuMap[2*i+0] = 15-i;
@@ -47,9 +52,8 @@ void L1Algo::Init(const vector<fscal>& geo) {
   NFStations = NStsStations + NMvdStations;
-#ifdef mCBM
-  NFStations = -1;
+  if (fmCBMmode) { NFStations = -1; }
   // cout << "N MVD & STS stations: " << NMvdStations << " " << NStations-NMvdStations << endl;
 #ifndef TBB2
diff --git a/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.h b/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.h
index 1605c8f8..1cc72921 100644
--- a/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.h
+++ b/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.h
@@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ public:
     //sh (),
+    , fUseHitErrors(0)
+    , fmCBMmode(0)
+    , fGlobal(0)
     , isec(0)
     , vStsHitsUnused()
     , RealIHitP()
@@ -286,7 +289,8 @@ public:
-  void Init(const vector<fscal>& geo);
+  void
+  Init(const vector<fscal>& geo, const bool UseHitErrors, const bool mCBMmode);
   //   void SetData( const vector< L1StsHit >      & StsHits_,
   //                 const vector< L1Strip >       & StsStrips_,
@@ -383,6 +387,9 @@ public:
   L1Vector<int> vStripToTrackB;
   int fNThreads;
+  bool fUseHitErrors;
+  bool fmCBMmode;
+  bool fGlobal;
   fvec EventTime[nTh][nTh];
   fvec Err[nTh][nTh];
@@ -870,13 +877,10 @@ private:
   };  // TODO investigate kAllPrimJumpIter & kAllSecJumpIter
-#if defined(mCBM)
-  enum { fNFindIterations = 2 };
   enum {
-    fNFindIterations = 4
+    fNFindIterations = 1
   };  // TODO investigate kAllPrimJumpIter & kAllSecJumpIter
diff --git a/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1CATrackFinder.cxx b/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1CATrackFinder.cxx
index 75ef26fd..8cfeee96 100644
--- a/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1CATrackFinder.cxx
+++ b/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1CATrackFinder.cxx
@@ -81,13 +81,12 @@ inline void L1Algo::f10(  // input
   THitI* hitsl,
   fvec* HitTime_l,
   fvec* HitTimeEr,
-  fvec* /*Event_l*/,
-  fvec* /*d_x*/,
-  fvec* /*d_y*/,
-  fvec* /*d_xy*/,
-  fvec* /*d_u*/,
-  fvec* /*d_v*/
-) {
+  fvec* Event_l,
+  fvec* d_x,
+  fvec* d_y,
+  fvec* d_xy,
+  fvec* d_u,
+  fvec* d_v) {
   const Tindex& end_lh = start_lh + n1_l;
@@ -108,13 +107,14 @@ inline void L1Algo::f10(  // input
     u_front_l[i1_V][i1_4] = hitl.U();
     u_back_l[i1_V][i1_4]  = hitl.V();
-#ifdef HitErrors
-    d_x[i1_V][i1_4]  = hitl.dX();
-    d_y[i1_V][i1_4]  = hitl.dY();
-    d_xy[i1_V][i1_4] = hitl.dXY();
-    d_u[i1_V][i1_4]  = hitl.dU();
-    d_v[i1_V][i1_4]  = hitl.dV();
+    if (fUseHitErrors) {
+      d_x[i1_V][i1_4]  = hitl.dX();
+      d_y[i1_V][i1_4]  = hitl.dY();
+      d_xy[i1_V][i1_4] = hitl.dXY();
+      d_u[i1_V][i1_4]  = hitl.dU();
+      d_v[i1_V][i1_4]  = hitl.dV();
+    }
     zPos_l[i1_V][i1_4] = hitl.Z();
@@ -135,12 +135,11 @@ inline void L1Algo::f11(  /// input 1st stage of singlet search
   //                 L1TrackPar *T_1,
   L1TrackPar* T_1,
   L1FieldRegion* fld_1,
-  fvec* /*d_x*/,
-  fvec* /*d_y*/,
-  fvec* /*d_xy*/,
-  fvec* /*d_u*/,
-  fvec* /*d_v*/
-) {
+  fvec* d_x,
+  fvec* d_y,
+  fvec* d_xy,
+  fvec* d_u,
+  fvec* d_v) {
   L1Station& stal = vStations[istal];
   L1Station& stam = vStations[istam];
   fvec zstal      = stal.z;
@@ -175,13 +174,12 @@ inline void L1Algo::f11(  /// input 1st stage of singlet search
     fvec& timeEr     = HitTimeEr[i1_V];
     const fvec& dzli = 1. / (zl - targZ);
-#ifdef HitErrors
-    fvec& du1  = d_u[i1_V];
-    fvec& dv1  = d_v[i1_V];
+    //    fvec& du1  = d_u[i1_V];
+    //    fvec& dv1  = d_v[i1_V];
     fvec& dx1  = d_x[i1_V];
     fvec& dy1  = d_y[i1_V];
     fvec& dxy1 = d_xy[i1_V];
     StripsToCoor(u, v, xl, yl, stal);
@@ -273,34 +271,37 @@ inline void L1Algo::f11(  /// input 1st stage of singlet search
     T.C10 = stal.XYInfo.C10;
     T.C11 = stal.XYInfo.C11;
-#ifdef HitErrors
-    T.C00 = dx1 * dx1;
-    T.C10 = dxy1;
-    T.C11 = dy1 * dy1;
+    if (fUseHitErrors) {
+      T.C00 = dx1 * dx1;
+      T.C10 = dxy1;
+      T.C11 = dy1 * dy1;
+    }
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
+    if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode)
     //  add the target
+    {
-    if (istal < NFStations) {
-      fvec eX, eY, J04, J14;
-      fvec dz;
-      dz = targZ - zl;
-      L1ExtrapolateJXY0(T.tx, T.ty, dz, fld0, eX, eY, J04, J14);
-      fvec J[6];
-      J[0] = dz;
-      J[1] = 0;
-      J[2] = J04;
-      J[3] = 0;
-      J[4] = dz;
-      J[5] = J14;
-      L1FilterVtx(T, targX, targY, TargetXYInfo, eX, eY, J);
-    } else {
-      L1ExtrapolateLine(T, targZ);
-      L1FilterXY(T, targX, targY, TargetXYInfo);
+      if (istal < NFStations) {
+        fvec eX, eY, J04, J14;
+        fvec dz;
+        dz = targZ - zl;
+        L1ExtrapolateJXY0(T.tx, T.ty, dz, fld0, eX, eY, J04, J14);
+        fvec J[6];
+        J[0] = dz;
+        J[1] = 0;
+        J[2] = J04;
+        J[3] = 0;
+        J[4] = dz;
+        J[5] = J14;
+        L1FilterVtx(T, targX, targY, TargetXYInfo, eX, eY, J);
+      } else {
+        L1ExtrapolateLine(T, targZ);
+        L1FilterXY(T, targX, targY, TargetXYInfo);
+      }
+    else
     //add the target
@@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ inline void L1Algo::f11(  /// input 1st stage of singlet search
       J[5] = J14;
       L1FilterVtx(T, targX, targY, TargetXYInfo, eX, eY, J);
 #else  // TODO: doesn't work. Why?
@@ -329,15 +330,15 @@ inline void L1Algo::f11(  /// input 1st stage of singlet search
     T.C10 = TargetXYInfo.C10;
     T.C11 = TargetXYInfo.C11;
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
-    // extrapolate to left hit
-    if (istal <= NFStations)
+    if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode)  // extrapolate to left hit
+    {
+      if (istal <= NFStations)
+        L1Extrapolate0(T, zl, fld0);
+      else
+        L1ExtrapolateLine(T, zl);
+    } else
       L1Extrapolate0(T, zl, fld0);
-    else
-      L1ExtrapolateLine(T, zl);
-    L1Extrapolate0(T, zl, fld0);
     for (int ista = 0; ista <= istal - 1; ista++) {
       if ((isec != kAllPrimEIter) && (isec != kAllSecEIter)) {
@@ -367,34 +368,27 @@ inline void L1Algo::f11(  /// input 1st stage of singlet search
     // add left hit
     L1UMeasurementInfo info = stal.frontInfo;
-#ifdef HitErrors
-    info.sigma2             = du1 * du1;
+    if (fUseHitErrors) info.sigma2 = du1 * du1;
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
-    if (istal < NFStations)
+    if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode) {
+      if (istal < NFStations)
+        L1Filter(T, info, u);
+      else
+        L1FilterNoField(T, info, u);
+    } else
       L1Filter(T, info, u);
-    else
-      L1FilterNoField(T, info, u);
-    L1Filter(T, info, u);
-    info        = stal.backInfo;
+    info = stal.backInfo;
-#ifdef HitErrors
-    info.sigma2 = dv1 * dv1;
+    if (fUseHitErrors) info.sigma2 = dv1 * dv1;
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
-    if (istal < NFStations)
+    if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode) {
+      if (istal < NFStations)
+        L1Filter(T, info, v);
+      else
+        L1FilterNoField(T, info, v);
+    } else
       L1Filter(T, info, v);
-    else
-      L1FilterNoField(T, info, v);
-    L1Filter(T, info, v);
@@ -424,15 +418,15 @@ inline void L1Algo::f11(  /// input 1st stage of singlet search
     fvec dz = zstam - T.z;
     L1ExtrapolateTime(T, dz);
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
+    if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode)
     // extrapolate to left hit
-    if (istam < NFStations)
-      L1Extrapolate0(T, zstam, fld0);
-    else
-      L1ExtrapolateLine(T, zstam);  // TODO: fld1 doesn't work!
-    L1Extrapolate0(T, zstam, fld0);  // TODO: fld1 doesn't work!
+    {
+      if (istam < NFStations)
+        L1Extrapolate0(T, zstam, fld0);
+      else
+        L1ExtrapolateLine(T, zstam);  // TODO: fld1 doesn't work!
+    } else
+      L1Extrapolate0(T, zstam, fld0);  // TODO: fld1 doesn't work!
   }  // i1_V
@@ -454,7 +448,7 @@ inline void L1Algo::f20(  // input
   vector<THitI>& hitsl_2,
   vector<THitI>& hitsm_2,
-  fvec* /*Event*/,
+  fvec* Event,
   vector<bool>& lmDuplets) {
   n2 = 0;                             // number of doublet
   for (Tindex i1 = 0; i1 < n1; ++i1)  // for each singlet
@@ -488,13 +482,9 @@ inline void L1Algo::f20(  // input
     THitI imh = 0;
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
-    for (int imh = 0; imh < (StsHitsUnusedStopIndex[&stam - vStations]
-                             - StsHitsUnusedStartIndex[&stam - vStations]);
-         imh++)
     while (areaTime.GetNext(imh))
       const L1HitPoint& hitm = vStsHits_m[imh];
@@ -525,13 +515,11 @@ inline void L1Algo::f20(  // input
       fvec y, C11;
       L1ExtrapolateYC11Line(T1, zm, y, C11);
-#ifndef HitErrors
-      const fscal& dy_est2 =
-        Pick_m22[i1_4] * fabs(C11[i1_4] + stam.XYInfo.C11[i1_4]);
-      const fscal& dy_est2 =
-        Pick_m22[i1_4] * fabs(C11[i1_4] + hitm.dY() * hitm.dY());
+      fscal dy_est2 = Pick_m22[i1_4] * fabs(C11[i1_4] + stam.XYInfo.C11[i1_4]);
+      if (fUseHitErrors)
+        dy_est2 = Pick_m22[i1_4] * fabs(C11[i1_4] + hitm.dY() * hitm.dY());
       const fscal& dY = hitm.Y() - y[i1_4];
       if (dY * dY > dy_est2 && dY < 0) continue;
@@ -540,13 +528,10 @@ inline void L1Algo::f20(  // input
       fvec x, C00;
       L1ExtrapolateXC00Line(T1, zm, x, C00);
-#ifndef HitErrors
-      const fscal& dx_est2 =
-        Pick_m22[i1_4] * fabs(C00[i1_4] + stam.XYInfo.C00[i1_4]);
-      const fscal& dx_est2 =
-        Pick_m22[i1_4] * fabs(C00[i1_4] + hitm.dX() * hitm.dX());
+      fscal dx_est2 = Pick_m22[i1_4] * fabs(C00[i1_4] + stam.XYInfo.C00[i1_4]);
+      if (fUseHitErrors)
+        dx_est2 = Pick_m22[i1_4] * fabs(C00[i1_4] + hitm.dX() * hitm.dX());
       const fscal& dX = hitm.X() - x[i1_4];
       if (dX * dX > dx_est2) continue;
@@ -558,10 +543,7 @@ inline void L1Algo::f20(  // input
       L1UMeasurementInfo info = stam.frontInfo;
-#ifdef HitErrors  //HitErrors
-                  // if ((&stam - vStations)>=NStsStations)
-      info.sigma2 = hitm.dU() * hitm.dU();
+      if (fUseHitErrors) info.sigma2 = hitm.dU() * hitm.dU();
       L1FilterChi2XYC00C10C11(info, x, y, C00, C10, C11, chi2, hitm.U());
@@ -576,10 +558,7 @@ inline void L1Algo::f20(  // input
       info = stam.backInfo;
-#ifdef HitErrors  //HitErrors
-                  // if ((&stam - vStations)>=NStsStations)
-      info.sigma2 = hitm.dV() * hitm.dV();
+      if (fUseHitErrors) info.sigma2 = hitm.dV() * hitm.dV();
       L1FilterChi2(info, x, y, C00, C10, C11, chi2, hitm.V());
@@ -724,32 +703,26 @@ inline void L1Algo::f30(  // input
       L1UMeasurementInfo info = stam.frontInfo;
-#ifdef HitErrors  //HitErrors
-      info.sigma2 = du2 * du2;
+      if (fUseHitErrors) info.sigma2 = du2 * du2;
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
-      if (istam < NFStations)
+      if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode) {
+        if (istam < NFStations)
+          L1Filter(T2, info, u_front_2);
+        else
+          L1FilterNoField(T2, info, u_front_2);
+      } else
         L1Filter(T2, info, u_front_2);
-      else
-        L1FilterNoField(T2, info, u_front_2);
-      L1Filter(T2, info, u_front_2);
       info = stam.backInfo;
-#ifdef HitErrors  //HitErrors
-      info.sigma2 = dv2 * dv2;
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
-      if (istam < NFStations)
+      if (fUseHitErrors) info.sigma2 = dv2 * dv2;
+      if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode) {
+        if (istam < NFStations)
+          L1Filter(T2, info, u_back_2);
+        else
+          L1FilterNoField(T2, info, u_back_2);
+      } else
         L1Filter(T2, info, u_back_2);
-      else
-        L1FilterNoField(T2, info, u_back_2);
-      L1Filter(T2, info, u_back_2);
       FilterTime(T2, timeM, timeMEr);
@@ -779,22 +752,24 @@ inline void L1Algo::f30(  // input
       L1ExtrapolateTime(T2, dz2);
       // extrapolate to the right hit station
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
+      if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode)
       // extrapolate to the right hit station
-      if (istar <= NFStations)
+      {
+        if (istar <= NFStations)
+          L1Extrapolate(T2, star.z, T2.qp, f2);
+        else
+          L1ExtrapolateLine(T2, star.z);
+      } else
         L1Extrapolate(T2, star.z, T2.qp, f2);
-      else
-        L1ExtrapolateLine(T2, star.z);
-      L1Extrapolate(T2, star.z, T2.qp, f2);
       // ---- Find the triplets(right hit). Reformat data in the portion of triplets. ----
       for (Tindex i2_4 = 0; i2_4 < n2_4; ++i2_4) {
+        // if (T2.C00[i2_4] < 0 || T2.C11[i2_4] < 0 || T2.C22[i2_4] < 0
+        //            || T2.C33[i2_4] < 0 || T2.C44[i2_4] < 0 || T2.C55[i2_4] < 0)
+        //          continue;
         if (T2.C00[i2_4] < 0 || T2.C11[i2_4] < 0 || T2.C22[i2_4] < 0
-            || T2.C33[i2_4] < 0 || T2.C44[i2_4] < 0 || T2.C55[i2_4] < 0)
+            || T2.C33[i2_4] < 0)
-        //   if ( T2.C00[i2_4] < 0 ||  T2.C11[i2_4] < 0 ||  T2.C22[i2_4] < 0 ||  T2.C33[i2_4] < 0 ||  T2.C44[i2_4] < 0  ) continue;
         const fvec& Pick_r22   = (TRIPLET_CHI2_CUT - T2.chi2);
         const float& timeError = T2.C55[i2_4];
@@ -820,14 +795,7 @@ inline void L1Algo::f30(  // input
         THitI irh = 0;
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
-        for (int irh = 0; irh < (StsHitsUnusedStopIndex[istar]
-                                 - StsHitsUnusedStartIndex[istar]);
-             irh++)
-        while (area.GetNext(irh))
-        {
+        while (area.GetNext(irh)) {
           const L1HitPoint& hitr = vStsHits_r[irh];
@@ -851,17 +819,18 @@ inline void L1Algo::f30(  // input
           // check lower boundary
           fvec y, C11;
           L1ExtrapolateYC11Line(T2, zr, y, C11);
-#ifndef HitErrors
-          const fscal& dy_est2 =
+          fscal dy_est2 =
              * (fabs(
                + star.XYInfo.C11
                    [i2_4])));  // TODO for FastPrim dx < dy - other sort is optimal. But not for doublets
-#else  //HitErrors
-          const fscal& dy_est2 =
-            (Pick_r22[i2_4] * (fabs(C11[i2_4] + hitr.dY() * hitr.dY())));
+          if (fUseHitErrors)
+            dy_est2 =
+              (Pick_r22[i2_4] * (fabs(C11[i2_4] + hitr.dY() * hitr.dY())));
           const fscal& dY  = yr - y[i2_4];
           const fscal& dY2 = dY * dY;
           if (dY2 > dy_est2 && dY2 < 0)
@@ -874,13 +843,13 @@ inline void L1Algo::f30(  // input
           fvec x, C00;
           L1ExtrapolateXC00Line(T2, zr, x, C00);
-#ifndef HitErrors
-          const fscal& dx_est2 =
+          fscal dx_est2 =
             (Pick_r22[i2_4] * (fabs(C00[i2_4] + star.XYInfo.C00[i2_4])));
-#else  //HitErrors
-          const fscal& dx_est2 =
-            (Pick_r22[i2_4] * (fabs(C00[i2_4] + hitr.dX() * hitr.dX())));
+          if (fUseHitErrors)
+            dx_est2 =
+              (Pick_r22[i2_4] * (fabs(C00[i2_4] + hitr.dX() * hitr.dX())));
           const fscal& dX = hitr.X() - x[i2_4];
           if (dX * dX > dx_est2) continue;
           // check chi2  // not effective
@@ -890,14 +859,13 @@ inline void L1Algo::f30(  // input
           info = star.frontInfo;
-#ifdef HitErrors
-          info.sigma2 = hitr.dU() * hitr.dU();
+          if (fUseHitErrors) info.sigma2 = hitr.dU() * hitr.dU();
           L1FilterChi2XYC00C10C11(info, x, y, C00, C10, C11, chi2, hitr.U());
           info = star.backInfo;
-#ifdef HitErrors
-          info.sigma2 = hitr.dV() * hitr.dV();
+          if (fUseHitErrors) info.sigma2 = hitr.dV() * hitr.dV();
           L1FilterChi2(info, x, y, C00, C10, C11, chi2, hitr.V());
           L1TrackPar T = T2;
@@ -907,10 +875,14 @@ inline void L1Algo::f30(  // input
           if (isec != TRACKS_FROM_TRIPLETS_ITERATION)
-            if (chi2[i2_4] > TRIPLET_CHI2_CUT || C00[i2_4] < 0 || C11[i2_4] < 0
-                || T.C55[i2_4] < 0)
-              continue;  // chi2_triplet < CHI2_CUT
-          //                if ( chi2[i2_4] > TRIPLET_CHI2_CUT || C00[i2_4] < 0 || C11[i2_4] < 0) continue; // chi2_triplet < CHI2_CUT
+            if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode)
+              if (chi2[i2_4] > TRIPLET_CHI2_CUT || C00[i2_4] < 0
+                  || C11[i2_4] < 0)
+                continue;
+              else if (chi2[i2_4] > TRIPLET_CHI2_CUT || C00[i2_4] < 0
+                       || C11[i2_4] < 0 || T.C55[i2_4] < 0)
+                continue;  // chi2_triplet < CHI2_CUT
           // pack triplet
           L1TrackPar& T3 = T_3[n3_V];
@@ -962,10 +934,10 @@ inline void L1Algo::f31(  // input
   nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& u_front_,
   nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& u_back_,
   nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& z_Pos,
-  nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& /*dx_*/,
-  nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& /*dy_*/,
-  nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& /*dv_*/,
-  nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& /*du_*/,
+  nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& dx_,
+  nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& dy_,
+  nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& dv_,
+  nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& du_,
   nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& timeR,
   nsL1::vector<fvec>::TSimd& timeER,
   // output
@@ -980,36 +952,29 @@ inline void L1Algo::f31(  // input
     L1UMeasurementInfo info = star.frontInfo;
+    if (fUseHitErrors) info.sigma2 = du_[i3_V] * du_[i3_V];
-#ifdef HitErrors
-    info.sigma2 = du_[i3_V] * du_[i3_V];
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
-    if ((&star - vStations) < NFStations)
+    if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode) {
+      if ((&star - vStations) < NFStations)
+        L1Filter(T_3[i3_V], info, u_front_[i3_V]);
+      else {
+        L1FilterNoField(T_3[i3_V], info, u_front_[i3_V]);
+      }
+    } else
       L1Filter(T_3[i3_V], info, u_front_[i3_V]);
-    else {
-      L1FilterNoField(T_3[i3_V], info, u_front_[i3_V]);
-    }
-    L1Filter(T_3[i3_V], info, u_front_[i3_V]);
     info = star.backInfo;
-#ifdef HitErrors
-    info.sigma2 = dv_[i3_V] * dv_[i3_V];
-#if defined(mCBM) || defined(GLOBAL)
-    if ((&star - vStations) < NFStations)
+    if (fUseHitErrors) info.sigma2 = dv_[i3_V] * dv_[i3_V];
+    if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode) {
+      if ((&star - vStations) < NFStations)
+        L1Filter(T_3[i3_V], info, u_back_[i3_V]);
+      else
+        L1FilterNoField(T_3[i3_V], info, u_back_[i3_V]);
+    } else
       L1Filter(T_3[i3_V], info, u_back_[i3_V]);
-    else
-      L1FilterNoField(T_3[i3_V], info, u_back_[i3_V]);
-    L1Filter(T_3[i3_V], info, u_back_[i3_V]);
     FilterTime(T_3[i3_V], timeR[i3_V], timeER[i3_V]);
@@ -1300,6 +1265,11 @@ inline void L1Algo::f4(  // input
       ihitl, ihitm, ihitr, istal, istam, istar, 0, qp, chi2, time, Cqp, 0);
+    tr1.tx  = sqrt(fabs(T3.tx[i3_4]));
+    tr1.ty  = sqrt(fabs(T3.ty[i3_4]));
+    tr1.Ctx = sqrt(fabs(T3.C22[i3_4]));
+    tr1.Cty = sqrt(fabs(T3.C33[i3_4]));
@@ -2452,11 +2422,12 @@ void L1Algo::CATrackFinder() {
                   if (first_trip.GetLevel() == 0)
                     continue;  // ghost suppression // find track with 3 hits only if it was created from a chain of triplets, but not from only one triplet
-                if ((ilev == 0)
-                    && (GetFStation(
-                          (*vSFlag)[(*vStsHitsUnused)[first_trip.GetLHit()].f])
-                        != 0))
-                  continue;  // ghost supression // collect only MAPS tracks-triplets  CHECK!!!
+                if (!fmCBMmode)
+                  if ((ilev == 0)
+                      && (GetFStation((
+                            *vSFlag)[(*vStsHitsUnused)[first_trip.GetLHit()].f])
+                          != 0))
+                    continue;  // ghost supression // collect only MAPS tracks-triplets  CHECK!!!
               if (first_trip.GetLevel() < ilev)
                 continue;  // try only triplets, which can start track with ilev+3 length. w\o it have more ghosts, but efficiency either
@@ -2629,7 +2600,8 @@ void L1Algo::CATrackFinder() {
             if (check) {
-              if (tr.NHits != NStations) BranchExtender(tr);
+              if (!fmCBMmode)
+                if (tr.NHits != NStations) BranchExtender(tr);
               float sumTime = 0;
@@ -2951,6 +2923,9 @@ inline void L1Algo::CAFindTrack(int ista,
     //if( curr_L < min_best_l - 1 ) return; // suppouse that only one hit can be added by extender
     if (curr_chi2 > TRACK_CHI2_CUT * (curr_L * 2 - 5)) return;
+    if (fmCBMmode)
+      if (curr_chi2 > TRACK_CHI2_CUT * (curr_L * 2 - 5.0)) return;
     //       // try to find more hits
     // #ifdef EXTEND_TRACKS
     //     // if( curr_L < min_best_l )
@@ -2973,7 +2948,6 @@ inline void L1Algo::CAFindTrack(int ista,
   } else  //MEANS level ! = 0
-    //  cout<<"1"<<endl;
     unsigned int Station  = 0;
     unsigned int Thread   = 0;
     unsigned int Triplet  = 0;
@@ -3002,10 +2976,29 @@ inline void L1Algo::CAFindTrack(int ista,
       fscal Cqp        = curr_trip->Cqp;
       Cqp += new_trip.Cqp;
+      const fscal& tx1 = curr_trip->tx;
+      const fscal& tx2 = new_trip.tx;
+      fscal dtx        = fabs(tx1 - tx2);
+      fscal Ctx        = curr_trip->Ctx;
+      Ctx += new_trip.Ctx;
+      const fscal& ty1 = curr_trip->ty;
+      const fscal& ty2 = new_trip.ty;
+      fscal dty        = fabs(ty1 - ty2);
+      fscal Cty        = curr_trip->Cty;
+      Cty += new_trip.Cty;
+      if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode) {
+        if (dty > PickNeighbour * Cty) continue;
+        if (dtx > PickNeighbour * Ctx) continue;
+      }
       if ((new_trip.GetMHit() != curr_trip->GetRHit())) continue;
       if ((new_trip.GetLHit() != curr_trip->GetMHit())) continue;
-      if (dqp > PickNeighbour * Cqp)
-        continue;  // bad neighbour // CHECKME why do we need recheck it?? (it really change result)
+      if (!fmCBMmode)
+        if (dqp > PickNeighbour * Cqp)
+          continue;  // bad neighbour // CHECKME why do we need recheck it?? (it really change result)
       if (GetFUsed((*vSFlag)[(*vStsHitsUnused)[new_trip.GetLHit()].f]
                    | (*vSFlagB)[(*vStsHitsUnused)[new_trip.GetLHit()]
@@ -3033,7 +3026,15 @@ inline void L1Algo::CAFindTrack(int ista,
         new_L += 1;
         dqp = dqp / Cqp * 5.;  // CHECKME: understand 5, why no sqrt(5)?
-        new_chi2 += dqp * dqp;
+        dtx = dtx / Ctx;
+        dty = dty / Cty;
+        if (fGlobal || fmCBMmode) {
+          new_chi2 += dtx * dtx;
+          new_chi2 += dty * dty;
+        } else
+          new_chi2 += dqp * dqp;
         if (new_chi2 > TRACK_CHI2_CUT * new_L) continue;
diff --git a/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Triplet.h b/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Triplet.h
index 79ed3e37..633da108 100644
--- a/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Triplet.h
+++ b/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Triplet.h
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ public:
   fscal Cqp;
+  fscal tx, ty, Ctx, Cty;
   //   fscal time;
   //   fscal n;
   unsigned int first_neighbour;
@@ -75,6 +76,10 @@ public:
     , st()
     , chi2double(0)
     , Cqp(0)
+    , tx(0)
+    , ty(0)
+    , Ctx(0)
+    , Cty(0)
     , first_neighbour(0)
     , last_neighbour(0) {};