/** ROOT macro to define the CBM setup sis18_mcbm ** ** @author Volker Friese <v.friese@gsi.de> ** @author David Emschermann <d.emschermann@gsi.de> ** @date 5 February 2016 ** **/ // clang-format off // 2022-11-22 - EC - remove buggy tof, replaced it. // 2022-05-07 - DE - derived from setup 2022_04 - use mTOF v21h // 2022-02-22 - QZ - use mTOF v22a for setup 2022 // 2021-10-03 - SR - setup for 2022 beamtime for the study of lambda physics // 2021-09-28 - DE - surveyed position of TRD v21b, TOF v21d and RICH v21a // 2020-08-17 - DE - add TRD v21a, add TOF v21c, disable MUCH v20a // 2020-05-26 - DE - use RICH v20d which moved according to TOF v20b // 2020-05-25 - DE - use TRD v20b with 2 modules and support frame for 2021 // 2020-05-22 - DE - use platform v20a with measured size of support table // 2020-05-12 - DE - make mRICH v20b (without window) the new default // 2020-03-11 - DE - prepare setup for mCBM Spring 2021 beamtime // 2020-03-11 - DE - prepare setup for mCBM May 2020 beamtime // 2020-03-11 - DE - prepare setup for mCBM March 2020 beamtime // 2019-12-20 - FU - use the new pipe/targetbox geometry which consists of // root files which are both passed to to CbmSetup // 2019-11-28 - DE - move mTOF v19b +12 cm in x direction for the Nov 2019 run // 2019-11-15 - DE - use mSTS v19b with single module in the top left of station 0 // 2019-08-15 - DE - use mCBM targetbox as pipe v19b // 2019-08-12 - DE - use mSTS v19a // 2019-08-08 - FU - use mMUCH v19a // 2019-08-02 - DE - use pipe v19a with flange position at z=610 mm // 2019-07-31 - DE - add TOF v18m=v19a geometry - provided by the TOF group // 2019-07-31 - DE - add RICH v19a geometry - provided by the RICH group // 2019-03-15 - DE - this is supposed to be the start version of mCBM in March 2019 // 2018-08-24 - DE - this is supposed to be the start version of mCBM in 2018 // 2018-06-27 - DE - set flipped mTOF v18j geometry as new default // 2018-05-24 - DE - place 20deg_long setup back at 25 degrees, see issue #1078 // 2018-02-27 - DE - use mTRD v18o to fix redmine issue #1046 with tracking // 2017-12-11 - DE - enable mBUCH v18m // 2017-12-04 - DE - add mPSD to mCBM setup // 2017-11-22 - DE - use TRD v17n with 22 cm spacing from CAD // 2017-11-17 - DE - set aerogel mRICH v18d as default // 2017-11-10 - DE - switch to mMUCH v18e with Mv2 dimensions // 2017-11-03 - DE - add long setup, (acceptance matching +-12 degrees from mSTS) // 2017-11-02 - DE - add common support table v18c // 2017-11-02 - DE - include mBUCH with mTRD v18j // 2017-10-23 - DE - use mMUCH with vertically aligned left rim // 2017-10-18 - DE - use mTOF v18h with vertical orientation // 2017-10-16 - DE - use 20 degree beampipe // 2017-06-03 - DE - add RICH v18a_mcbm // 2017-05-02 - DE - switch back to 5x5 RPC TOF // 2017-05-02 - DE - skip MVD in the initial setup // 2016-02-05 - VF - Replaces former sis18_mcbm_setup.C, // now using the CbmSetup class. // 2015-06-18 - DE - mCBM @ SIS18 setup void setup_mcbm_beam_2022_08() { // ----- Geometry Tags -------------------------------------------------- TString platGeoTag = "v20a_mcbm"; // 2020 // support table TString pipeGeoTag = "v19f_mcbm"; // pipe after target box // TString mvdGeoTag = "v18b_mcbm"; TString stsGeoTag = "v20e_mcbm"; // TString muchGeoTag = "v22c_mcbm"; // 2 layers TString trdGeoTag = "v22a_mcbm"; // 2022 TString tofGeoTag = "v21i_mcbm"; // TOF TString richGeoTag = "v20d_mcbm"; // geometry provided by RICH group TString psdGeoTag = "v20a_mcbm"; // at 25 degree, below the beampipe // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Magnetic field ------------------------------------------------- TString fieldTag = "v18a"; Double_t fieldZ = 40.; // field centre z position Double_t fieldScale = 0.; // field scaling factor // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create setup --------------------------------------------------- CbmSetup *setup = CbmSetup::Instance(); if (!setup->IsEmpty()) { std::cout << "-W- setup_sis18_mcbm: overwriting existing setup" << setup->GetTitle() << std::endl; setup->Clear(); } setup->SetTitle("SIS18 - mCBM Setup"); setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kPlatform, platGeoTag); setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kPipe, pipeGeoTag); // setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kMvd, mvdGeoTag); // skip mvd setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kSts, stsGeoTag); // setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kMuch, muchGeoTag); setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kTrd, trdGeoTag); setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kTof, tofGeoTag); setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kRich, richGeoTag); setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kPsd, psdGeoTag); setup->SetField(fieldTag, fieldScale, 0., 0., fieldZ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Screen output ------------------------------------------------ setup->Print(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // clang-format on }