diff --git a/macro/much/fair/create_MUCH_geometry_v22a_jpsi.C b/macro/much/fair/create_MUCH_geometry_v22a_jpsi.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99f16d5d5787b39562cc3744c06eed9186b98ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/much/fair/create_MUCH_geometry_v22a_jpsi.C
@@ -0,0 +1,1122 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2021 Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: Omveer Singh [committer] */
+// \file create_MUCH_geometry_v21a
+// @Author: Omveer Singh , Partha Pratim Bhaduri & Ekata Nandy
+//Updated Aug 27, 2020 (Osingh): Passive material implemented in GEM modules. Ar:CO2 (70:30) is used as active gas.
+// \brief Generates MUCH geometry in Root format.
+// The first absorber is 28 cm low density carbon (density 1.78 g/cm^3) + 30 cm concrete.
+// The shield inside the first absorber is composed of 28 cm of Al + 30 cm of lead. Rest are made of Iron.
+// For first absorber, the opening angle of the hole in the shield is decreased from 2.9 to 2.5 degrees for first absorber.
+// The Al shields in the absorbers 2-5 have same thickness as the absorbers. The beam pipe passes through the cylindrical hole inside the shields.
+// First two stations (1,2) made up of GEM and last two stations (3,4) made up of RPC.
+// 12 mm thick Aluminium plates is used for support and cooling in the GEM modules.
+// Drift and read-out PCBs (copper coated G10 plates) have been inserted for realistic material budget for both GEM and RPC modules.
+// in root all sizes are given in cm
+#include "TClonesArray.h"
+#include "TDatime.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TGeoBBox.h"
+#include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
+#include "TGeoCone.h"
+#include "TGeoManager.h"
+#include "TGeoMaterial.h"
+#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
+#include "TGeoMedium.h"
+#include "TGeoPgon.h"
+#include "TGeoTube.h"
+#include "TGeoVolume.h"
+#include "TGeoXtru.h"
+#include "TList.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
+#include "TObjArray.h"
+#include "TRandom3.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "TSystem.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+// Name of output file with geometry
+const TString tagVersion  = "_v22a";
+const TString subVersion  = "_jpsi";
+const TString geoVersion  = "much";  // + tagVersion + subVersion;
+const TString FileNameSim = geoVersion + tagVersion + subVersion + ".geo.root";
+const TString FileNameGeo = geoVersion + tagVersion + subVersion + "_geo.root";
+//const TString FileNameInfo = geoVersion +  tagVersion + subVersion+".geo.info";
+// Names of the different used materials which are used to build the modules
+// The materials are defined in the global media.geo file
+const TString KeepingVolumeMedium = "air";
+const TString L                   = "MUCHlead";
+const TString I                   = "MUCHiron";
+const TString I_fifth             = "MUCHironfifth";
+const TString activemedium        = "MUCHGEMmixture";
+const TString spacermedium        = "MUCHnoryl";
+const TString LDcarbon            = "MUCHcarbonLD";   //Low density Carbon for Ist Abs
+const TString Concrete            = "MUCHconcrete";   //Concrete for Ist Abs
+const TString Al                  = "MUCHaluminium";  //Al for cooling & support purpose
+const TString copper              = "MUCHcopper";
+const TString g10                 = "MUCHG10";
+const TString RPCm                = "MUCHRPCgas";
+const TString RPCg                = "MUCHRPCglass";
+const TString Kapton              = "MUCHkapton";
+// Universal input parameters
+Double_t fMuchZ1           = 125.0;  // MuchCave Zin position [cm]
+Double_t fAcceptanceTanMin = 0.1;    // Acceptance tangent min
+Double_t fAcceptanceTanMax = 0.466;  // Acceptance tangent max
+// Input parameters for absorbers
+const Int_t fAbs       = 5;
+const Int_t fNabs      = 7;  // Number of absorber pieces
+TString AbsMaterial[7] = {"LD Graphite", "LD Graphite", "Concrete", "Iron", "Iron", "Iron", "Iron_fifth"};
+// Absorber Zin position [cm] in the cave reference frame
+Double_t fAbsorberZ1[7] = {0, 16, 28, 90, 140, 190, 252};
+// Absorber thickness [cm]
+Double_t fAbsorberLz[7] = {16, 12, 30, 20, 20, 30, 100};
+Double_t safetyrad[7]   = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0};
+//..........All the dimensions of the 5th absorber is mentioned here...............
+TVector3 posfifthabsorber;
+Int_t noofblocks                 = 8;
+Double_t open_x                  = 110.;
+Double_t open_y                  = 30.0;
+Double_t open_z                  = 50.0;
+Double_t sh_x                    = 30.0;
+Double_t sh_y                    = 30.0;
+Double_t sh_z                    = 25.;
+Double_t block_x                 = 250.0;
+Double_t block_y                 = 27.5;
+Double_t block_z                 = 50.0;
+Double_t distance_between_blocks = 0.3;
+Double_t gap_al_iron             = 0.3;
+// Input parameters for MUCH stations
+const Int_t fNst = 4;  // Number of stations
+// Sector-type module parameters
+// Number of sectors per layer (should be even for symmetry)
+// Needs to be fixed with actual numbers
+Int_t fNSectorsPerLayer[4] = {16, 20, 18, 20};
+//Double_t fRpcGlassDz[4] = {0.0,0.0,0.2,0.2}; //Rpc Glass thickness [cm]
+Double_t fSpacerR   = 2.0;  // Spacer width in R [cm]
+Double_t fSpacerPhi = 2.0;  // Spacer width in Phi [cm]
+Double_t fOverlapR  = 2.0;  // Overlap in R direction [cm]
+// Station Zceneter [cm] in  the cave reference frame
+Double_t fStationZ0[4] = {75, 125, 175, 235};
+Int_t fNlayers[4]      = {3, 3, 3, 3};  // Number of layers
+Int_t fDetType[4]      = {3, 3, 4, 4};  // Detector type
+Double_t fLayersDz[4]  = {10, 10, 10, 10};
+// Input parameters for beam pipe shielding
+// spans from 2.9 degree to 5.1 degree
+//Inner radius is tan(2.9) + 2 cm, extra 20 mm for clamp connection
+const Int_t fNshs                    = 6;
+TString ShMaterial[6]                = {"Al", "Pb", "Al", "Al", "Al", "Al"};
+Double_t fShieldZin[6]               = {125, 153.0, 215.0, 265.0, 315.0, 377.0};
+Double_t fShieldLz[6]                = {28, 30, 20, 20, 30, 50};
+Double_t fShield_AcceptanceTanMin[6] = {0.043, 0.043, 0.051, 0.051, 0.051, 0.051};  // Acceptance tangent min for shield
+Double_t fShield_AcceptanceTanMax[6] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1};              // Acceptance tangent max for shield
+// some global variables
+TGeoManager* gGeoMan = NULL;         // Pointer to TGeoManager instance
+TGeoVolume* gModules[fNabs];         // Global storage for module types
+TGeoVolume* gModules_shield[fNshs];  // Global storage for module types
+TGeoVolume* gModules_station[fNst];  // Global storage for module types
+// Forward declarations
+void create_materials_from_media_file();
+TGeoVolume* CreateAbsorbers(int iabs);
+TGeoVolume* CreateShields(int ishield);
+TGeoVolume* CreateShieldfifthabsorber(int ishield);
+TGeoVolume* CreateStations(int ist);
+TGeoVolume* CreateGemLayers(int istn, int ily);
+TGeoVolume* CreateRpcLayers(int istn, int ily);
+fstream infoFile;
+void create_MUCH_geometry_v22a_jpsi()
+  // -------   Open info file   -----------------------------------------------
+  TString infoFileName = FileNameSim;
+  infoFileName.ReplaceAll("root", "info");
+  infoFile.open(infoFileName.Data(), fstream::out);
+  infoFile << "MUCH geometry created with create_MUCH_geometry_v21a_lmvm.C" << endl << endl;
+  infoFile << "Global Variables: " << endl;
+  infoFile << "MuchCave Zin position = " << fMuchZ1 << " cm " << endl;
+  infoFile << "Acceptance tangent min = " << fAcceptanceTanMin << endl;
+  infoFile << "Acceptance tangent max = " << fAcceptanceTanMax << endl;
+  // Load needed material definition from media.geo file
+  create_materials_from_media_file();
+  // Get the GeoManager for later usage
+  gGeoMan = (TGeoManager*) gROOT->FindObject("FAIRGeom");
+  gGeoMan->SetVisLevel(10);
+  // Create the top volume
+  TGeoBBox* topbox = new TGeoBBox("", 1000., 1000., 2000.);
+  TGeoVolume* top  = new TGeoVolume("top", topbox, gGeoMan->GetMedium("air"));
+  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
+  TString topName = geoVersion + tagVersion + subVersion;
+  TGeoVolume* much = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(topName);
+  top->AddNode(much, 1);
+  TGeoVolume* absr = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("absorber");
+  much->AddNode(absr, 1);
+  TGeoVolume* shld = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("shield");
+  much->AddNode(shld, 1);
+  TGeoVolume* sttn = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("station");
+  much->AddNode(sttn, 1);
+  infoFile << endl;
+  infoFile << "                     Absorbers " << endl;
+  infoFile << "                    -----------" << endl;
+  infoFile << "Total No. of Absorbers: " << fAbs << endl;
+  infoFile << "First abosrber is divided into two halves." << endl;
+  infoFile << "First half inserted inside the Dipole Magnet." << endl;
+  infoFile << "Second half is made of Low Density Graphite + Concrete." << endl;
+  infoFile << "Total No. of Pieces: " << fNabs << endl;
+  infoFile << endl;
+  infoFile << "AbsPieces   Position[cm]   Thickness[cm]        Material" << endl;
+  infoFile << "--------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
+  for (Int_t iabs = 0; iabs < fNabs; iabs++) {
+    gModules[iabs] = CreateAbsorbers(iabs);
+    absr->AddNode(gModules[iabs], iabs);
+  }
+  infoFile << endl;
+  infoFile << "                     Shielding " << endl;
+  infoFile << "                    -----------" << endl;
+  infoFile << "No. of Shields: " << fNshs << endl;
+  infoFile << "Inside the Abs I, Shielding divided into two parts." << endl;
+  infoFile << endl;
+  infoFile << "Shield No.   Z_In[cm]  Z_Out[cm]  R_In[cm]  R_Out[cm]   Material" << endl;
+  infoFile << "--------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
+  for (Int_t ishi = 0; ishi < fNshs; ishi++) {
+    if (ishi < 5) {
+      gModules_shield[ishi] = CreateShields(ishi);
+      shld->AddNode(gModules_shield[ishi], ishi);
+    }
+    else {
+      gModules_shield[ishi] = CreateShieldfifthabsorber(ishi);
+      shld->AddNode(gModules_shield[ishi], ishi);
+    }
+  }
+  infoFile << "   5   		377    	  477   25.00      25.00   	  Al" << endl;
+  infoFile << endl;
+  infoFile << "                     Stations " << endl;
+  infoFile << "                    ----------" << endl;
+  infoFile << "No. of Stations: " << fNst << endl;
+  infoFile << "First two stations (1,2) are made up of GEM and last two stations (3,4) are made up of RPC." << endl;
+  infoFile << "Passive material implemented in GEM modules. Ar:CO2 (70:30) is used as active gas. " << endl;
+  infoFile << "12 mm thick Al plates are used for support and cooling in the GEM modules." << endl;
+  infoFile << "2 mm thick Aluminum plates are used for support in the RPC modules behind the active area. 10 mm thick "
+              "Aluminium at the boundaries as the frame."
+           << endl;
+  infoFile << "Drift and read-out PCBs (copper coated G10 plates) inserted for realistic material budget for both GEM "
+              "and RPC modules."
+           << endl;
+  infoFile << "#Station   #Layers     Z[cm] #Sectors ActiveLz[cm]" << endl;
+  infoFile << "--------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
+  for (Int_t istn = 0; istn < 4; istn++) {  // 4 Stations
+    gModules_station[istn] = CreateStations(istn);
+    sttn->AddNode(gModules_station[istn], istn);
+  }
+  gGeoMan->CloseGeometry();
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.0000001);
+  gGeoMan->PrintOverlaps();
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.0001, "s");
+  gGeoMan->PrintOverlaps();
+  much->Export(FileNameSim);  // an alternative way of writing the much
+  TFile* outfile                  = new TFile(FileNameSim, "UPDATE");
+  TGeoTranslation* much_placement = new TGeoTranslation("much_trans", 0., 0., -40.);
+  much_placement->Write();
+  outfile->Close();
+  outfile = new TFile(FileNameGeo, "RECREATE");
+  gGeoMan->Write();  // use this if you want GeoManager format in the output
+  outfile->Close();
+  top->Draw("ogl");
+  infoFile.close();
+void create_materials_from_media_file()
+  // Use the FairRoot geometry interface to load the media which are already defined
+  FairGeoLoader* geoLoad    = new FairGeoLoader("TGeo", "FairGeoLoader");
+  FairGeoInterface* geoFace = geoLoad->getGeoInterface();
+  TString geoPath           = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+  TString geoFile           = geoPath + "/geometry/media.geo";
+  geoFace->setMediaFile(geoFile);
+  geoFace->readMedia();
+  // Read the required media and create them in the GeoManager
+  FairGeoMedia* geoMedia   = geoFace->getMedia();
+  FairGeoBuilder* geoBuild = geoLoad->getGeoBuilder();
+  FairGeoMedium* air = geoMedia->getMedium(KeepingVolumeMedium);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(air);
+  FairGeoMedium* MUCHiron = geoMedia->getMedium(I);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(MUCHiron);
+  FairGeoMedium* MUCHironfifth = geoMedia->getMedium(I_fifth);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(MUCHironfifth);
+  FairGeoMedium* MUCHlead = geoMedia->getMedium(L);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(MUCHlead);
+  FairGeoMedium* MUCHargon = geoMedia->getMedium(activemedium);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(MUCHargon);
+  FairGeoMedium* MUCHnoryl = geoMedia->getMedium(spacermedium);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(MUCHnoryl);
+  FairGeoMedium* MUCHsupport = geoMedia->getMedium(Al);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(MUCHsupport);
+  FairGeoMedium* MUCHcarbonLD = geoMedia->getMedium(LDcarbon);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(MUCHcarbonLD);
+  FairGeoMedium* MUCHconcrete = geoMedia->getMedium(Concrete);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(MUCHconcrete);
+  FairGeoMedium* copperplate = geoMedia->getMedium(copper);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(copperplate);
+  FairGeoMedium* g10plate = geoMedia->getMedium(g10);  //G10
+  geoBuild->createMedium(g10plate);
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCmedium = geoMedia->getMedium(RPCm);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCmedium);
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCmaterial = geoMedia->getMedium(RPCg);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCmaterial);
+  FairGeoMedium* kapton = geoMedia->getMedium(Kapton);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(kapton);
+TGeoVolume* CreateShields(int ish)
+  TGeoMedium* iron      = gGeoMan->GetMedium(I);
+  TGeoMedium* lead      = gGeoMan->GetMedium(L);
+  TGeoMedium* Aluminium = gGeoMan->GetMedium(Al);
+  TString name                    = Form("shieldblock%d", ish);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* shieldblock = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
+  TString conename_sh = Form("conesh_%d", ish);
+  Double_t dz       = fShieldLz[ish] / 2.0;
+  Double_t globalZ1 = fShieldZin[ish];
+  Double_t globalZ2 = fShieldZin[ish] + 2 * dz;
+  Double_t rmin1 = globalZ1 * fShield_AcceptanceTanMin[ish] + 2.0;
+  Double_t rmax1 = globalZ1 * fShield_AcceptanceTanMax[ish] - 0.0001;
+  Double_t rmin2 = globalZ2 * fShield_AcceptanceTanMin[ish] + 2.0;
+  Double_t rmax2 = globalZ2 * fShield_AcceptanceTanMax[ish] - 0.0001;
+  infoFile << "   " << ish << "\t\t" << globalZ1 << "\t  " << globalZ2 << "\t" << rmin1 << "\t   " << rmax1 << "\t  "
+           << ShMaterial[ish] << endl;
+  if (ish == 0) {
+    TGeoCone* sh       = new TGeoCone(conename_sh, dz, rmin1, rmax1, rmin2, rmax2);
+    TGeoVolume* shield = new TGeoVolume("shield", sh, Aluminium);
+    shield->SetLineColor(7);
+    shield->SetTransparency(2);
+    TGeoTranslation* sh_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., globalZ1 + dz);
+    shieldblock->AddNode(shield, ish, sh_trans);
+  }
+  if (ish == 1) {
+    TGeoCone* sh       = new TGeoCone(conename_sh, dz, rmin1, rmax1, rmin2, rmax2);
+    TGeoVolume* shield = new TGeoVolume("shield", sh, lead);
+    shield->SetLineColor(kMagenta);
+    shield->SetTransparency(2);
+    TGeoTranslation* sh_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., globalZ1 + dz);
+    shieldblock->AddNode(shield, ish, sh_trans);
+  }
+  if (ish > 1) {
+    TGeoCone* sh       = new TGeoCone(conename_sh, dz, rmin1, rmax1, rmin2, rmax2);
+    TGeoVolume* shield = new TGeoVolume("shield", sh, Aluminium);
+    shield->SetLineColor(kBlack);
+    shield->SetTransparency(2);
+    TGeoTranslation* sh_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., globalZ1 + dz);
+    shieldblock->AddNode(shield, ish, sh_trans);
+  }
+  return shieldblock;
+TGeoVolume* CreateShieldfifthabsorber(int ish)
+  TString BoxName1                = Form("Box1_%d", ish);
+  TString BoxName3                = Form("Box3_%d", ish);
+  TGeoMedium* Aluminium           = gGeoMan->GetMedium(Al);
+  TString name                    = Form("shieldblock%d", ish);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* shieldblock = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
+  TString tubename_sh             = Form("tubesh_%d", ish);
+  TGeoBBox* box1                  = new TGeoBBox(BoxName1, sh_x + 0.00001, sh_y + 0.00001, sh_z);
+  TGeoTube* sh                    = new TGeoTube(BoxName3, 0., 25.0, 50.0);
+  TString expression1             = BoxName1 + "-" + BoxName3;
+  TGeoCompositeShape* shSupport   = new TGeoCompositeShape("supportShapeName", expression1);
+  TGeoVolume* abs2                = new TGeoVolume("shield", shSupport, Aluminium);
+  Double_t dz = fShieldLz[ish] / 2.0;
+  Double_t globalZ1 = fShieldZin[ish];
+  Double_t globalZ2 = fShieldZin[ish] + 2 * dz;
+    cout<<"-----------"<<globalZ1<<"    "<< dz<<endl;
+  abs2->SetLineColor(kRed);
+  TGeoTranslation* sh_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., globalZ1 + dz);
+  shieldblock->AddNode(abs2, ish, sh_trans);
+  return shieldblock;
+TGeoVolume* CreateAbsorbers(int i)
+  TGeoMedium* graphite   = gGeoMan->GetMedium(LDcarbon);
+  TGeoMedium* iron       = gGeoMan->GetMedium(I);
+  TGeoMedium* iron_fifth = gGeoMan->GetMedium(I_fifth);
+  TGeoMedium* concrete   = gGeoMan->GetMedium(Concrete);
+  TGeoMedium* Aluminium  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(Al);
+  TString name                 = Form("absblock%d", i);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* absblock = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
+  TString pipename         = Form("beampipe_%d", i);
+  TString conename         = Form("cone_%d", i);
+  TString BoxName          = Form("Box_%d", i);
+  TString BoxName1         = Form("Box1_%d", i);
+  TString BoxName2         = Form("Box2_%d", i);
+  TString supportShapeName = Form("Support_%d", i);
+  TString TrapName         = Form("Trap_%d", i);
+  Double_t dz        = fAbsorberLz[i] / 2.0;
+  Double_t globalZ1  = fAbsorberZ1[i] + fMuchZ1;
+  Double_t globalPos = globalZ1 + dz;
+  Double_t globalZ2  = fAbsorberZ1[i] + 2 * dz + fMuchZ1;
+  Double_t rmin1 = globalZ1 * fAcceptanceTanMin;
+  Double_t rmin2 = globalZ2 * fAcceptanceTanMin;
+  Double_t rmax1 = globalZ1 * fAcceptanceTanMax + safetyrad[i];
+  Double_t rmax2 = globalZ2 * fAcceptanceTanMax + safetyrad[i];  //
+  infoFile << "   " << i + 1 << "\t\t" << globalPos << "\t\t" << 2 * dz << "\t\t" << AbsMaterial[i] << endl;
+  // 1st part of 1st absorber LD Carbon
+  //dimensions are hardcoded
+  if (i == 0) {
+    // printf("absorber %d \n",i);
+    TGeoTrd2* trap                = new TGeoTrd2(TrapName, 70.0, 70.0, 46.0, 71.0, dz);
+    TGeoCone* tube                = new TGeoCone(pipename, dz + 0.001, 0., rmin1, 0., rmin2);
+    TString expression            = TrapName + "-" + pipename;
+    TGeoCompositeShape* shSupport = new TGeoCompositeShape(supportShapeName, expression);
+    TGeoVolume* abs0              = new TGeoVolume("absorber", shSupport, graphite);
+    abs0->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    abs0->SetTransparency(0);
+    TGeoTranslation* abs0_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., globalZ1 + dz);
+    absblock->AddNode(abs0, i, abs0_trans);
+  }
+  // 2rd part of 1st absorber box (LD Carbon)
+  if (i == 1) {
+    // printf("absorber %d \n",i);
+    TGeoBBox* box                 = new TGeoBBox(BoxName, 130.0, 125.0, dz);
+    TGeoCone* tube                = new TGeoCone(pipename, dz + 0.001, 0., rmin1, 0., rmin2);
+    TString expression            = BoxName + "-" + pipename;
+    TGeoCompositeShape* shSupport = new TGeoCompositeShape(supportShapeName, expression);
+    TGeoVolume* abs1 = new TGeoVolume("absorber", shSupport, graphite);
+    abs1->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    abs1->SetTransparency(0);
+    TGeoTranslation* abs1_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., globalZ1 + dz);
+    absblock->AddNode(abs1, i, abs1_trans);
+  }
+  // 3th part of 1st absorber box (Conc)
+  if (i == 2) {
+    // printf("absorber %d \n",i);
+    TGeoBBox* box                 = new TGeoBBox(BoxName, 130.0, 125.0, dz);
+    TGeoCone* tube                = new TGeoCone(pipename, dz + 0.001, 0., rmin1, 0., rmin2);
+    TString expression            = BoxName + "-" + pipename;
+    TGeoCompositeShape* shSupport = new TGeoCompositeShape(supportShapeName, expression);
+    TGeoVolume* abs1 = new TGeoVolume("absorber", shSupport, concrete);
+    abs1->SetLineColor(kViolet);
+    abs1->SetTransparency(0);
+    TGeoTranslation* abs1_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., globalZ1 + dz);
+    absblock->AddNode(abs1, i, abs1_trans);
+  }
+  //rest of the absorbers
+  if (i > 2 && i < 6) {
+    TGeoBBox* box                 = new TGeoBBox(BoxName, rmax2, rmax2, dz);
+    TGeoCone* tube                = new TGeoCone(pipename, dz + 0.001, 0., rmin1, 0., rmin2);
+    TString expression            = BoxName + "-" + pipename;
+    TGeoCompositeShape* shSupport = new TGeoCompositeShape(supportShapeName, expression);
+    TGeoVolume* abs2 = new TGeoVolume("absorber", shSupport, iron);
+    abs2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+    abs2->SetTransparency(2);
+    TGeoTranslation* abs_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., globalZ1 + dz);
+    absblock->AddNode(abs2, i, abs_trans);
+  }
+  if (i == 6) {
+    printf("absorber %d \n", i);
+    TGeoBBox* box  = new TGeoBBox(BoxName, open_x, open_y, open_z);
+    TGeoBBox* box1 = new TGeoBBox(BoxName1, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);
+    TGeoBBox* box2 = new TGeoBBox(BoxName2, block_x, block_y, block_z);
+    TGeoVolume* abs1 = new TGeoVolume("absorber", box, iron_fifth);
+    TGeoTranslation* abs1_trans  = new TGeoTranslation("", 142.4, 0., globalZ1 + dz);
+    TGeoTranslation* abs1_trans1 = new TGeoTranslation("", -140.3, 0., globalZ1 + dz);
+    TGeoVolume* abs3 = new TGeoVolume("absorber", box2, iron_fifth);
+    abs1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+    abs3->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+    posfifthabsorber[0] = 0.0;
+    posfifthabsorber[1] = 0.0;
+    posfifthabsorber[2] = globalZ1 + dz;
+    absblock->AddNode(abs1, i, abs1_trans);
+    absblock->AddNode(abs1, i, abs1_trans1);
+    for (int i = 0; i < (noofblocks / 2); i++) {
+      posfifthabsorber[1]    = posfifthabsorber[1] + sh_y + block_y + gap_al_iron;
+      TGeoTranslation* trans = new TGeoTranslation("", posfifthabsorber[0], posfifthabsorber[1], posfifthabsorber[2]);
+      TGeoTranslation* trans1 =
+        new TGeoTranslation("", posfifthabsorber[0], -(posfifthabsorber[1]), posfifthabsorber[2]);
+      TGeoHMatrix* pos_fifthabsorber  = new TGeoHMatrix("");
+      TGeoHMatrix* pos_fifthabsorber1 = new TGeoHMatrix("");
+      (*pos_fifthabsorber)            = (*trans);
+      (*pos_fifthabsorber1)           = (*trans1);
+      absblock->AddNode(abs3, i, pos_fifthabsorber);
+      absblock->AddNode(abs3, i, pos_fifthabsorber1);
+      // cout<<"position"<<posfifthabsorber[1]<<endl;
+      posfifthabsorber[1] = posfifthabsorber[1] - sh_y + block_y - gap_al_iron + distance_between_blocks;
+    }
+  }
+  return absblock;
+TGeoVolume* CreateStations(int ist)
+  TString stationName = Form("muchstation%02i", ist + 1);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* station = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(stationName);  //, shStation, air);
+  TGeoVolume* gLayer[4];
+  for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {  // 3 Layers
+    switch (ist) {
+      case 0:
+      case 1: gLayer[ii] = CreateGemLayers(ist, ii); break;
+      case 2:
+      case 3: gLayer[ii] = CreateRpcLayers(ist, ii); break;
+    }
+    station->AddNode(gLayer[ii], ii);
+  }
+  return station;
+TGeoVolume* CreateGemLayers(int istn, int ily)
+  TString layerName           = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i", istn + 1, ily + 1);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* volayer = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(layerName);
+  //GEM Parametrs
+  Double_t fSupportDz       = 1.2;     //1.2 cm Al (cooling + support)
+  Double_t fCopperDz        = 0.0065;  // 65 micron copper
+  Double_t fCopperSliceDz   = 0.0005;  //5 micron copper slices
+  Double_t fReadoutPlateDz  = 0.3;     //3mm G10
+  Double_t fDriftPlateDz    = 0.3;     //3 mm G10
+  Double_t fPassiveVolumeDz = 0.2;     // 2 mm of Argon
+  Double_t fActiveVolumeDz  = 0.3;     //3mm argon
+  Double_t fKaptonDz        = 0.005;   //50 micron Kapton
+  Double_t fFrameDz         = 0.2;     // 2mm frame
+  Double_t stGlobalZ0 = fStationZ0[istn] + fMuchZ1;  //z position of station center (midplane) [cm]
+  Double_t layerZ0       = (ily - (fNlayers[istn] - 1) / 2.) * fLayersDz[istn];
+  Double_t layerGlobalZ0 = layerZ0 + stGlobalZ0;
+  //Active Gas distance from layer position
+  Double_t ModuleZ = fSupportDz / 2. + 2 * fCopperDz + fReadoutPlateDz + 3 * fPassiveVolumeDz + 6 * fCopperSliceDz
+                     + 3 * fKaptonDz + fActiveVolumeDz / 2.;
+  //ReadOut Plate distance from layer position
+  Double_t ReadOutZ = fSupportDz / 2. + fCopperDz + fReadoutPlateDz / 2.;
+  //Copper distance from layer position
+  Double_t CooperIZ   = fSupportDz / 2. + fCopperDz / 2.;
+  Double_t CooperIIZ  = ReadOutZ + fReadoutPlateDz / 2. + fCopperDz / 2.;
+  Double_t CooperIIIZ = ModuleZ + fActiveVolumeDz / 2. + fCopperDz / 2.;
+  Double_t CooperIVZ  = CooperIIIZ + fCopperDz + fDriftPlateDz;
+  //Drift Plate distance from layer position
+  Double_t DriftZ = ModuleZ + fActiveVolumeDz / 2. + fCopperDz + fDriftPlateDz / 2.;
+  //Passive Gas distance from layer position
+  Double_t PassivePassiveDz = fPassiveVolumeDz + 2 * fCopperSliceDz + fKaptonDz;
+  Double_t PassiveGasIZ     = ReadOutZ + fReadoutPlateDz / 2. + fCopperDz + fPassiveVolumeDz / 2.;
+  Double_t PassiveGasIIZ    = PassiveGasIZ + PassivePassiveDz;
+  Double_t PassiveGasIIIZ   = PassiveGasIIZ + PassivePassiveDz;
+  //Kapton distance from layer position
+  Double_t KaptonPassiveDz = fPassiveVolumeDz / 2. + fCopperSliceDz + fKaptonDz / 2.;
+  Double_t KaptonIZ        = PassiveGasIZ + KaptonPassiveDz;
+  Double_t KaptonIIZ       = PassiveGasIIZ + KaptonPassiveDz;
+  Double_t KaptonIIIZ      = PassiveGasIIIZ + KaptonPassiveDz;
+  //Copper Slice distance from layer position
+  Double_t PassiveCopperDz = fPassiveVolumeDz / 2. + fCopperSliceDz / 2.;
+  Double_t KaptonCopperDz  = fKaptonDz + fCopperSliceDz;
+  Double_t CopperSilceIZ   = PassiveGasIZ + PassiveCopperDz;
+  Double_t CopperSilceIIZ  = CopperSilceIZ + KaptonCopperDz;
+  Double_t CopperSilceIIIZ = PassiveGasIIZ + PassiveCopperDz;
+  Double_t CopperSilceIVZ  = CopperSilceIIIZ + KaptonCopperDz;
+  Double_t CopperSilceVZ   = PassiveGasIIIZ + PassiveCopperDz;
+  Double_t CopperSilceVIZ  = CopperSilceVZ + KaptonCopperDz;
+  //Set Rmin & Rmax
+  Double_t stDz = ((fNlayers[istn] - 1) * fLayersDz[istn]) / 2. + CooperIVZ + fCopperDz / 2.;
+  Double_t stGlobalZ2 = stGlobalZ0 + stDz;
+  Double_t stGlobalZ1 = stGlobalZ0 - stDz;
+  Double_t rmin = stGlobalZ1 * fAcceptanceTanMin;
+  Double_t rmax = stGlobalZ2 * fAcceptanceTanMax;
+  // Module dimention calculation
+  Double_t phi0 = TMath::Pi() / fNSectorsPerLayer[istn];  // azimuthal half widh of each module
+  Double_t ymin = rmin + fSpacerR;
+  Double_t ymax = rmax;
+  //define the dimensions of the trapezoidal module
+  Double_t dy  = (ymax - ymin) / 2.;                                      //y (length)
+  Double_t dx1 = ymin * TMath::Tan(phi0) + fOverlapR / TMath::Cos(phi0);  // large x
+  Double_t dx2 = ymax * TMath::Tan(phi0) + fOverlapR / TMath::Cos(phi0);  // small x
+  //define the spacer dimensions
+  Double_t tg   = (dx2 - dx1) / 2 / dy;
+  Double_t dd1  = fSpacerPhi * tg;
+  Double_t dd2  = fSpacerPhi * sqrt(1 + tg * tg);
+  Double_t sdx1 = dx1 + dd2 - dd1 - 0.1;  // 0.1 cm to avoid overlaps
+  Double_t sdx2 = dx2 + dd2 + dd1;
+  Double_t sdy  = dy + fSpacerR;
+  infoFile << "   " << istn + 1 << "\t      " << ily + 1 << "\t\t" << layerGlobalZ0 << "\t" << fNSectorsPerLayer[istn]
+           << "\t" << fActiveVolumeDz << endl;
+  // Aluminum Plate (Cooling + Support)
+  TString supportAlName = Form("shStation%02iSupportAl", istn + 1);
+  TGeoTube* shSupportAl = new TGeoTube(supportAlName, rmin, rmax, fSupportDz / 2.);
+  TString supportName1 = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%isupportAl", istn + 1, ily + 1);
+  TGeoMedium* coolMat  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(Al);
+  TGeoVolume* voSupport1 = new TGeoVolume(supportName1, shSupportAl, coolMat);
+  voSupport1->SetLineColor(kCyan);
+  TGeoTranslation* support_trans1 = new TGeoTranslation("supportName1", 0, 0, layerGlobalZ0);
+  volayer->AddNode(voSupport1, 0, support_trans1);
+  // Now start adding the GEM modules
+  for (Int_t iModule = 0; iModule < fNSectorsPerLayer[istn]; iModule++) {
+    Double_t phi  = 2 * phi0 * (iModule + 0.5);  // add 0.5 to not overlap with y-axis for left-right layer separation
+    Bool_t isBack = iModule % 2;
+    Char_t cside  = (isBack == 1) ? 'b' : 'f';
+    Int_t iMod    = iModule / 2;
+    // correct the x, y positions
+    Double_t pos[21];
+    pos[0] = -(ymin + dy) * sin(phi);
+    pos[1] = (ymin + dy) * cos(phi);
+    // different z positions for odd/even modules
+    pos[2]  = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * ModuleZ + layerGlobalZ0;          //Active volume & Frame
+    pos[3]  = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * ReadOutZ + layerGlobalZ0;         //Readout G10
+    pos[4]  = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CooperIZ + layerGlobalZ0;         //Copper I
+    pos[5]  = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CooperIIZ + layerGlobalZ0;        //Copper II
+    pos[6]  = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CooperIIIZ + layerGlobalZ0;       //Copper III
+    pos[7]  = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CooperIVZ + layerGlobalZ0;        //Copper IV
+    pos[8]  = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * DriftZ + layerGlobalZ0;           //Drift G10 PassiveGasIZ
+    pos[9]  = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * PassiveGasIZ + layerGlobalZ0;     // Passive Gas I
+    pos[10] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * PassiveGasIIZ + layerGlobalZ0;    // Passive Gas II
+    pos[11] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * PassiveGasIIIZ + layerGlobalZ0;   // Passive Gas III
+    pos[12] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * KaptonIZ + layerGlobalZ0;         // Kapton I
+    pos[13] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * KaptonIIZ + layerGlobalZ0;        // Kapton II
+    pos[14] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * KaptonIIIZ + layerGlobalZ0;       // Kapton III
+    pos[15] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CopperSilceIZ + layerGlobalZ0;    // Copper Slice I
+    pos[16] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CopperSilceIIZ + layerGlobalZ0;   // Copper Slice II
+    pos[17] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CopperSilceIIIZ + layerGlobalZ0;  // Copper Slice III
+    pos[18] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CopperSilceIVZ + layerGlobalZ0;   // Copper Slice IV
+    pos[19] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CopperSilceVZ + layerGlobalZ0;    // Copper Slice V
+    pos[20] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CopperSilceVIZ + layerGlobalZ0;   // Copper Slice VI
+    //define media
+    TGeoMedium* argon       = gGeoMan->GetMedium(activemedium);  // active medium
+    TGeoMedium* noryl       = gGeoMan->GetMedium(spacermedium);  // frame medium
+    TGeoMedium* g10plate    = gGeoMan->GetMedium(g10);           // G10 medium
+    TGeoMedium* copperplate = gGeoMan->GetMedium(copper);        // copper
+    TGeoMedium* kapton      = gGeoMan->GetMedium(Kapton);        // Kapton
+    //Active Volume
+    TGeoTrap* shapeActive = new TGeoTrap(fActiveVolumeDz / 2., 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
+    shapeActive->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iActiveNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+    TString activeName   = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cactive%03igasArgon", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iMod + 1);
+    TGeoVolume* voActive = new TGeoVolume(activeName, shapeActive, argon);
+    voActive->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+    //Frame
+    TGeoTrap* shapeFrame = new TGeoTrap(fFrameDz / 2., 0, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0);
+    shapeFrame->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFullFrameNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+    TString expression =
+      Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFullFrameNoHole-shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iActiveNoHole", istn, ily,
+           cside, iModule, istn, ily, cside, iModule);
+    TGeoCompositeShape* shFrame = new TGeoCompositeShape(
+      Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFinalFrameNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule), expression);
+    TString frameName = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cframe%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iModule + 1);
+    TGeoVolume* voFrame = new TGeoVolume(frameName, shFrame, noryl);  // add a name to the frame
+    voFrame->SetLineColor(kMagenta);
+    //Readout Plate
+    TGeoTrap* shapeReadOut = new TGeoTrap(fReadoutPlateDz / 2.0, 0, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0);
+    shapeReadOut->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iReadOut", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+    TString ReadOutName = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cReadOut%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iModule + 1);
+    TGeoVolume* voReadOut = new TGeoVolume(ReadOutName, shapeReadOut, g10plate);
+    voReadOut->SetLineColor(2);
+    //4 Copper  65 micron
+    TGeoTrap* shapeCopper[4];
+    TString CopperName[4];
+    TGeoVolume* voCopper[4];
+    for (Int_t iCop = 0; iCop < 4; iCop++) {
+      shapeCopper[iCop] = new TGeoTrap(fCopperDz / 2.0, 0, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0);
+      shapeCopper[iCop]->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iCopper", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+      CopperName[iCop] =
+        Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cCopper%iModule%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iCop + 1, iModule + 1);
+      voCopper[iCop] = new TGeoVolume(CopperName[iCop], shapeCopper[iCop], copperplate);
+      voCopper[iCop]->SetLineColor(3);
+    }
+    //Drift Plate
+    TGeoTrap* shapeDrift = new TGeoTrap(fDriftPlateDz / 2.0, 0, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0);
+    shapeDrift->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iDrift", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+    TString DriftName = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cDrift%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iModule + 1);
+    TGeoVolume* voDrift = new TGeoVolume(DriftName, shapeDrift, g10plate);
+    voDrift->SetLineColor(2);
+    //Passive Gas (2mm Ar)
+    TGeoTrap* shapePassiveGas[3];
+    TString PassiveGasName[3];
+    TGeoVolume* voPassiveGas[3];
+    for (Int_t iPGas = 0; iPGas < 3; iPGas++) {
+      shapePassiveGas[iPGas] = new TGeoTrap(fPassiveVolumeDz / 2., 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
+      shapePassiveGas[iPGas]->SetName(
+        Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iPassiveGasNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+      PassiveGasName[iPGas] =
+        Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cPassiveGas%iModule%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iPGas, iModule + 1);
+      voPassiveGas[iPGas] = new TGeoVolume(PassiveGasName[iPGas], shapePassiveGas[iPGas], argon);
+      voPassiveGas[iPGas]->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+    }
+    //kapton (50 micron)
+    TGeoTrap* shapeKapton[3];
+    TString KaptonName[3];
+    TGeoVolume* voKapton[3];
+    for (Int_t iCop = 0; iCop < 3; iCop++) {
+      shapeKapton[iCop] = new TGeoTrap(fKaptonDz / 2.0, 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
+      shapeKapton[iCop]->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iKapton", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+      KaptonName[iCop] =
+        Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cKapton%iModule%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iCop + 1, iModule + 1);
+      voKapton[iCop] = new TGeoVolume(KaptonName[iCop], shapeKapton[iCop], kapton);
+      voKapton[iCop]->SetLineColor(4);
+    }
+    //6 Copper Slice (5 micron) fCopperSliceDz
+    TGeoTrap* shapeCopperSlice[6];
+    TString CopperSliceName[6];
+    TGeoVolume* voCopperSlice[6];
+    for (Int_t iCop = 0; iCop < 6; iCop++) {
+      shapeCopperSlice[iCop] = new TGeoTrap(fCopperSliceDz / 2.0, 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
+      shapeCopperSlice[iCop]->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iCopperSlice", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+      CopperSliceName[iCop] =
+        Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cCopperSlice%iModule%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iCop + 1, iModule + 1);
+      voCopperSlice[iCop] = new TGeoVolume(CopperSliceName[iCop], shapeCopperSlice[iCop], copperplate);
+      voCopperSlice[iCop]->SetLineColor(3);
+    }
+    // Calculate the phi angle of the sector where it has to be placed
+    Double_t angle = 180. / TMath::Pi() * phi;  // convert angle phi from rad to deg
+    TGeoRotation* r2 = new TGeoRotation("r2");
+    //rotate in the vertical plane (per to z axis) with angle
+    r2->RotateZ(angle);
+    TGeoTranslation* trans[20];
+    TGeoHMatrix* incline_mod[20];
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
+      trans[i]          = new TGeoTranslation("", pos[0], pos[1], pos[i + 2]);
+      incline_mod[i]    = new TGeoHMatrix("");
+      (*incline_mod[i]) = (*trans[i]) * (*r2);
+    }
+    volayer->AddNode(voActive, iModule, incline_mod[0]);  // add active volume
+    //  volayer->AddNode(voFrame, iModule, incline_mod[0]);  // add frame  // Frame removed from Active gas
+    volayer->AddNode(voReadOut, iModule, incline_mod[1]);  // add Read Out
+    for (int iNode = 0; iNode < 4; iNode++)
+      volayer->AddNode(voCopper[iNode], iModule, incline_mod[iNode + 2]);  //add Copper
+    volayer->AddNode(voDrift, iModule, incline_mod[6]);                    // add Drift Out
+    for (int iNode = 0; iNode < 3; iNode++)
+      volayer->AddNode(voPassiveGas[iNode], iModule, incline_mod[iNode + 7]);  //add Passive Gas
+    for (int iNode = 0; iNode < 3; iNode++)
+      volayer->AddNode(voKapton[iNode], iModule, incline_mod[iNode + 10]);  //add Kapton
+    for (int iNode = 0; iNode < 6; iNode++)
+      volayer->AddNode(voCopperSlice[iNode], iModule, incline_mod[iNode + 13]);  //add CopperSlices
+  }
+  return volayer;
+TGeoVolume* CreateRpcLayers(int istn, int ily)
+  TString layerName           = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i", istn + 1, ily + 1);
+  TGeoVolumeAssembly* volayer = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(layerName);
+  //RPC Parametrs
+  Double_t fActiveVolumeDz = 0.2;     //2mm RPC
+  Double_t fSupportDz      = 0.2;     //2 mm Al (cooling + support)
+  Double_t fRpcGlassDz     = 0.2;     // 2mm glass
+  Double_t fCopperDz       = 0.0035;  // 35 micron copper
+  Double_t fReadoutPlateDz = 0.3;     //3mm G10
+  Double_t fDriftPlateDz   = 0.3;     //3 mm G10
+  Double_t fFrameDz        = 1.0;     // 1cm  Al frame
+  Double_t stGlobalZ0 = fStationZ0[istn] + fMuchZ1;  //z position of station center (midplane) [cm]
+  Double_t layerZ0       = (ily - (fNlayers[istn] - 1) / 2.) * fLayersDz[istn];
+  Double_t layerGlobalZ0 = layerZ0 + stGlobalZ0;
+  //Active Gas distance from layer position
+  Double_t ModuleZ = fSupportDz / 2. + fCopperDz + fReadoutPlateDz + fRpcGlassDz + fActiveVolumeDz / 2.;
+  //RPC Glass
+  Double_t GlassDz  = fRpcGlassDz / 2. + fActiveVolumeDz / 2.;
+  Double_t GlassIZ  = ModuleZ - GlassDz;
+  Double_t GlassIIZ = ModuleZ + GlassDz;
+  //ReadOut Plate distance from layer position
+  Double_t ReadOutZ = fSupportDz / 2. + fCopperDz + fReadoutPlateDz / 2.;
+  //Drift Plate distance from layer position
+  Double_t DriftZ = GlassIIZ + fRpcGlassDz / 2. + fDriftPlateDz / 2.;
+  //Copper distance from layer position
+  Double_t CooperIZ  = fSupportDz / 2. + fCopperDz / 2.;
+  Double_t CooperIIZ = DriftZ + fDriftPlateDz / 2. + fCopperDz / 2.;
+  //Set Rmin & Rmax
+  Double_t stDz = ((fNlayers[istn] - 1) * fLayersDz[istn]) / 2. + CooperIIZ + fCopperDz / 2.;
+  Double_t stGlobalZ2 = stGlobalZ0 + stDz;
+  Double_t stGlobalZ1 = stGlobalZ0 - stDz;
+  Double_t rmin = stGlobalZ1 * fAcceptanceTanMin;
+  Double_t rmax = stGlobalZ2 * fAcceptanceTanMax;
+  // Module dimention calculation
+  Double_t phi0 = TMath::Pi() / fNSectorsPerLayer[istn];  // azimuthal half widh of each module
+  Double_t ymin = rmin + fSpacerR;
+  Double_t ymax = rmax;
+  //define the dimensions of the trapezoidal module
+  Double_t dy  = (ymax - ymin) / 2.;                                      //y (length)
+  Double_t dx1 = ymin * TMath::Tan(phi0) + fOverlapR / TMath::Cos(phi0);  // large x
+  Double_t dx2 = ymax * TMath::Tan(phi0) + fOverlapR / TMath::Cos(phi0);  // small x
+  //define the spacer dimensions
+  Double_t tg   = (dx2 - dx1) / 2 / dy;
+  Double_t dd1  = fSpacerPhi * tg;
+  Double_t dd2  = fSpacerPhi * sqrt(1 + tg * tg);
+  Double_t sdx1 = dx1 + dd2 - dd1 - 0.1;  // 0.1 cm to avoid overlaps
+  Double_t sdx2 = dx2 + dd2 + dd1;
+  Double_t sdy  = dy + fSpacerR;
+  infoFile << "   " << istn + 1 << "\t      " << ily + 1 << "\t\t" << layerGlobalZ0 << "\t" << fNSectorsPerLayer[istn]
+           << "\t" << fActiveVolumeDz << endl;
+  // Aluminum Plate (Cooling + Support)
+  TString supportAlName = Form("shStation%02iSupportAl", istn + 1);
+  TGeoTube* shSupportAl = new TGeoTube(supportAlName, rmin, rmax, fSupportDz / 2.);
+  TString supportName1 = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%isupportAl", istn + 1, ily + 1);
+  TGeoMedium* coolMat  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(Al);
+  TGeoVolume* voSupport1 = new TGeoVolume(supportName1, shSupportAl, coolMat);
+  voSupport1->SetLineColor(kCyan);
+  TGeoTranslation* support_trans1 = new TGeoTranslation("supportName1", 0, 0, layerGlobalZ0);
+  volayer->AddNode(voSupport1, 0, support_trans1);
+  // Now start adding the GEM modules
+  for (Int_t iModule = 0; iModule < fNSectorsPerLayer[istn]; iModule++) {
+    Double_t phi  = 2 * phi0 * (iModule + 0.5);  // add 0.5 to not overlap with y-axis for left-right layer separation
+    Bool_t isBack = iModule % 2;
+    Char_t cside  = (isBack == 1) ? 'b' : 'f';
+    Int_t iMod    = iModule / 2;
+    // correct the x, y positions
+    Double_t pos[9];
+    pos[0] = -(ymin + dy) * sin(phi);
+    pos[1] = (ymin + dy) * cos(phi);
+    // different z positions for odd/even modules
+    pos[2] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * ModuleZ + layerGlobalZ0;    //Active volume & Frame
+    pos[3] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * GlassIZ + layerGlobalZ0;    //Glass I
+    pos[4] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * GlassIIZ + layerGlobalZ0;   //Glass II
+    pos[5] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * ReadOutZ + layerGlobalZ0;   //ReadOut Plate
+    pos[6] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * DriftZ + layerGlobalZ0;     //Drift Plate
+    pos[7] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CooperIZ + layerGlobalZ0;   //Copper I Plate
+    pos[8] = (isBack ? 1 : -1) * CooperIIZ + layerGlobalZ0;  //Copper II Plate
+    TGeoMedium* RPCgasmedium = gGeoMan->GetMedium(RPCm);    // RPC Gas
+    TGeoMedium* RPCglassmat  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(RPCg);    // RPC Glass
+    TGeoMedium* g10plate     = gGeoMan->GetMedium(g10);     // G10 medium
+    TGeoMedium* copperplate  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(copper);  // copper
+    TGeoMedium* AlFrame      = gGeoMan->GetMedium(Al);      // spacer medium
+    //Active Volume
+    TGeoTrap* shapeActive = new TGeoTrap(fActiveVolumeDz / 2., 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
+    shapeActive->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iActiveNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+    TString activeName   = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cactive%03irpcgas", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iMod + 1);
+    TGeoVolume* voActive = new TGeoVolume(activeName, shapeActive, RPCgasmedium);
+    voActive->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+    // RPC Glass
+    TGeoTrap* shapeGlass[2];
+    TString GlassName[2];
+    TGeoVolume* voGlass[2];
+    for (Int_t iGlass = 0; iGlass < 2; iGlass++) {
+      shapeGlass[iGlass] = new TGeoTrap(fRpcGlassDz / 2., 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
+      shapeGlass[iGlass]->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iNoHoleGlass", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+      GlassName[iGlass] =
+        Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%crpcglass%imodule%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iGlass + 1, iModule + 1);
+      voGlass[iGlass] = new TGeoVolume(GlassName[iGlass], shapeGlass[iGlass], RPCglassmat);
+      voGlass[iGlass]->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    }
+    //Readout Plate
+    TGeoTrap* shapeReadOut = new TGeoTrap(fReadoutPlateDz / 2.0, 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
+    shapeReadOut->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iReadOut", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+    TString ReadOutName = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cReadOut%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iModule + 1);
+    TGeoVolume* voReadOut = new TGeoVolume(ReadOutName, shapeReadOut, g10plate);
+    voReadOut->SetLineColor(2);
+    //Drift Plate
+    TGeoTrap* shapeDrift = new TGeoTrap(fDriftPlateDz / 2.0, 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
+    shapeDrift->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iDrift", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+    TString DriftName = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cDrift%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iModule + 1);
+    TGeoVolume* voDrift = new TGeoVolume(DriftName, shapeDrift, g10plate);
+    voDrift->SetLineColor(2);
+    //2 Copper  35 micron
+    TGeoTrap* shapeCopper[2];
+    TString CopperName[2];
+    TGeoVolume* voCopper[2];
+    for (Int_t iCop = 0; iCop < 2; iCop++) {
+      shapeCopper[iCop] = new TGeoTrap(fCopperDz / 2.0, 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
+      shapeCopper[iCop]->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iCopper", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+      CopperName[iCop] =
+        Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cCopper%iModule%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iCop + 1, iModule + 1);
+      voCopper[iCop] = new TGeoVolume(CopperName[iCop], shapeCopper[iCop], copperplate);
+      voCopper[iCop]->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    }
+    //Frame (1 cm Al)
+    TGeoTrap* shape = new TGeoTrap(fFrameDz / 2., 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
+    shape->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFrameNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+    TGeoTrap* shapeFrame = new TGeoTrap(fFrameDz / 2., 0, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0);
+    shapeFrame->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFullFrameNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
+    TString expression =
+      Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFullFrameNoHole-shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFrameNoHole", istn, ily,
+           cside, iModule, istn, ily, cside, iModule);
+    TGeoCompositeShape* shFrame = new TGeoCompositeShape(
+      Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFinalFrameNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule), expression);
+    TString frameName = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cframe%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iModule + 1);
+    TGeoVolume* voFrame = new TGeoVolume(frameName, shFrame, AlFrame);  // add a name to the frame
+    voFrame->SetLineColor(kMagenta);
+    // Calculate the phi angle of the sector where it has to be placed
+    Double_t angle = 180. / TMath::Pi() * phi;  // convert angle phi from rad to deg
+    TGeoRotation* r2 = new TGeoRotation("r2");
+    //rotate in the vertical plane (per to z axis) with angle
+    r2->RotateZ(angle);
+    TGeoTranslation* trans[8];
+    TGeoHMatrix* incline_mod[8];
+    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+      trans[i] = new TGeoTranslation("", pos[0], pos[1], pos[i + 2]);
+      incline_mod[i]    = new TGeoHMatrix("");
+      (*incline_mod[i]) = (*trans[i]) * (*r2);
+    cout<<pos[i + 2]<<endl;
+    }
+    volayer->AddNode(voActive, iModule, incline_mod[0]);  // add active volume
+    // volayer->AddNode(voFrame, iModule, incline_mod[0]); // add frame
+    for (int iNode = 0; iNode < 2; iNode++)
+      volayer->AddNode(voGlass[iNode], iModule, incline_mod[iNode + 1]);  //add Glass
+    volayer->AddNode(voReadOut, iModule, incline_mod[3]);                 // add ReadOut Plate
+    volayer->AddNode(voDrift, iModule, incline_mod[4]);                   // add Drift Plate
+    for (int iNode = 0; iNode < 2; iNode++)
+      volayer->AddNode(voCopper[iNode], iModule, incline_mod[iNode + 5]);  //add Copper
+  }
+  return volayer;
diff --git a/much/much_v22a_jpsi.geo.info b/much/much_v22a_jpsi.geo.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4394e68adecf68e2086b9a463b2824b06fd65667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/much/much_v22a_jpsi.geo.info
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+MUCH geometry created with create_MUCH_geometry_v21a_lmvm.C
+Global Variables: 
+MuchCave Zin position = 125 cm 
+Acceptance tangent min = 0.1
+Acceptance tangent max = 0.466
+                     Absorbers 
+                    -----------
+Total No. of Absorbers: 5
+First abosrber is divided into two halves.
+First half inserted inside the Dipole Magnet.
+Second half is made of Low Density Graphite + Concrete.
+Total No. of Pieces: 7
+AbsPieces   Position[cm]   Thickness[cm]        Material
+   1		133		16		LD Graphite
+   2		147		12		LD Graphite
+   3		168		30		Concrete
+   4		225		20		Iron
+   5		275		20		Iron
+   6		330		30		Iron
+   7		427		100		Iron_fifth
+                     Shielding 
+                    -----------
+No. of Shields: 6
+Inside the Abs I, Shielding divided into two parts.
+Shield No.   Z_In[cm]  Z_Out[cm]  R_In[cm]  R_Out[cm]   Material
+   0		125	  153	7.375	   12.4999	  Al
+   1		153	  183	8.579	   15.2999	  Pb
+   2		215	  235	12.965	   21.4999	  Al
+   3		265	  285	15.515	   26.4999	  Al
+   4		315	  345	18.065	   31.4999	  Al
+   5   		377    	  477   25.00      25.00   	  Al
+                     Stations 
+                    ----------
+No. of Stations: 4
+First two stations (1,2) are made up of GEM and last two stations (3,4) are made up of RPC.
+Passive material implemented in GEM modules. Ar:CO2 (70:30) is used as active gas. 
+12 mm thick Al plates are used for support and cooling in the GEM modules.
+2 mm thick Aluminum plates are used for support in the RPC modules behind the active area. 10 mm thick Aluminium at the boundaries as the frame.
+Drift and read-out PCBs (copper coated G10 plates) inserted for realistic material budget for both GEM and RPC modules.
+#Station   #Layers     Z[cm] #Sectors ActiveLz[cm]
+   1	      1		190	16	0.3
+   1	      2		200	16	0.3
+   1	      3		210	16	0.3
+   2	      1		240	20	0.3
+   2	      2		250	20	0.3
+   2	      3		260	20	0.3
+   3	      1		290	18	0.2
+   3	      2		300	18	0.2
+   3	      3		310	18	0.2
+   4	      1		350	20	0.2
+   4	      2		360	20	0.2
+   4	      3		370	20	0.2
diff --git a/much/much_v22a_jpsi.geo.root b/much/much_v22a_jpsi.geo.root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2b471e390367b1fc73ef73ae054635bd03fcae9
Binary files /dev/null and b/much/much_v22a_jpsi.geo.root differ
diff --git a/setup/setup_sis100_muon_jpsi_MAR23.C b/setup/setup_sis100_muon_jpsi_MAR23.C
index 4809a6a4109ce3e4e65a2bdb1448042e5bbe7ef4..0eabacd4a8fb914212f24f1f2f2918b3164de8df 100644
--- a/setup/setup_sis100_muon_jpsi_MAR23.C
+++ b/setup/setup_sis100_muon_jpsi_MAR23.C
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ void setup_sis100_muon_jpsi_MAR23()
   // -----  Geometry Tags  --------------------------------------------------
   TString magnetGeoTag    = "v22b";
-  TString pipeGeoTag      = "v21d";
+  TString pipeGeoTag      = "v21d:v21i";
   TString stsGeoTag       = "v22c";
-  TString muchGeoTag      = "v21c_sis100_1m_jpsi";
+  TString muchGeoTag      = "v22a_jpsi";
   TString trdGeoTag       = "v20c_1m";
   TString tofGeoTag       = "v21a_1m";
   TString platGeoTag      = "v22b";