#!/bin/bash # ## semi-automated script installing of FairSoft, FairRoot and CbmRoot # # usage: # $ ./autoinstall_framework.sh # for installation of all three or # $ ./autoinstall_framework.sh 0 0 1 # for installation of CbmRoot or # $ ./autoinstall_framework.sh --help # to see a help file with possible user flags. # # 11.06.2020 - modification for robustness and to bring up to line with standard by Eoin Clerkin # 31.08.2018 - re-introduce old version # 24.05.2018 - switch to oct17p1 as dev version # 31.01.2017 - make ROOT6 the default # 17.12.2015 - split fairsoft directory into src and install # 01.12.2015 - add selection of root version # 17.07.2015 - introduce option to compile dev settings # 02.06.2015 - introduce parameters for individual package selection # 13.03.2015 - initial version # by David Emschermann exec &> >(tee -a .autoinstall_framework.log) # So the user can check up a complete log if he wishes. # choose your root version export ROOTVER=6 # put your desired variants here: export FSOFTDEV=jun19p2 export FROOTDEV=v18.4.0 export FSOFTPRO=jun19p2 export FROOTPRO=v18.2.1 export FSOFTOLD=jun19p1 export FROOTOLD=v18.2.0 # set default version to pro export FSOFTVER=$FSOFTPRO export FROOTVER=$FROOTPRO SETUP_FAIRSOFT=0 && SETUP_FAIRROOT=0 && SETUP_CBMROOT=0; [ $# -eq "0" ] && SETUP_FAIRSOFT=1 && SETUP_FAIRROOT=1 && SETUP_CBMROOT=1 : echo "Some Error has occurred" # Default behaviour with no flags, all three should be installed. while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in -s|-fs|-fairsoft|--fairsoft) echo "*** FairSoft to be installed" SETUP_FAIRSOFT="1"; shift;; -r|-fr|-fairroot|--fairroot) echo "*** FairRoot to be installed" SETUP_FAIRROOT="1"; shift;; -c|-cr|-cbmroot|--cbmroot) echo "*** CbmRoot to be installed" SETUP_CBMROOT="1"; shift;; -d|dev|-dev|--dev) echo "*** DEV VERSION specified" export FSOFTVER=$FSOFTDEV export FROOTVER=$FROOTDEV shift;; -p|pro|-pro|--pro) echo "*** PRO VERSION specified" export FSOFTVER=$FSOFTPRO export FROOTVER=$FROOTPRO shift;; -o|old|-old|--old) echo "*** OLD VERSION specified" export FSOFTVER=$FSOFTOLD export FROOTVER=$FROOTOLD shift;; -y|-yes|--yes) echo "Will update environment to new build after installation" ANSWER="YES"; shift;; -n|-no|--no) echo "In case someone wants to put in script." ANSWER="NO"; shift;; 0|1) # This unusual addition is to continue to provide back compatiability # with previous versions of autoinstall_framework. # It is important to keep this in case someone has hardcoded installation # instructions somewhere and thus this should avoid breaking his program. # In particular the old behaviour accepts 1, 2 or 3 numerical arguments whereby # argument 1 greater or equal to 1 would install FairSoft # argument 2 greater or equal to 1 would install FairRoot # argument 3 greater or equal to 1 would install CbmRoot # ergo # ./autobuild_framework dev 1 0 0 # would install FairSoft but not FairRoot nor CbmRoot. if [ $1 -gt 0 ]; then SETUP_FAIRSOFT="1"; echo "FairSoft flaged for install" fi if [ ! -z $2 ]; # This combersome and longform if statement exist due to known issues regarding ampersands within bash cases. then if [ $2 -gt 0 ]; then SETUP_FAIRROOT="1"; echo "FairRoot flaged for install" fi fi if [ ! -z $3 ]; # This combersome and longform if statement exist due to known issues regarding ampersands within bash cases. then if [ $3 -gt 0 ]; then SETUP_CBMROOT="1"; echo "CbmRoot flaged for install" fi fi # To prevent the pausing a script with maybe autoinstall_framework called the old way. ANSWER="NO"; break;; -h|-help|--help|*) echo "Autoinstall_framework will install FairSoft, FairRoot and CbmRoot packages" echo "If no flags are specified, the program will install all three" echo "otherwise the user may specify one or more to by calling the corresponding flags" echo "-h, --help Shows this brief help" echo "-fs, --fairsoft Installation of FairSoft" echo "-fr, --fairroot Installation of FairRoot" echo "-cr, --cbmroot Installation of CbmRoot" echo "-d, --dev Runs with dev version" echo "-p, --pro Runs with pro version" echo "-o, --old Runs with old version" echo "-y, --yes Automatically uses new envirnoment configuration post installation" echo "-n, --no Answers no to automatic environment update" echo "" echo "Example case to install only FairRoot and CbmRoot (and not FairSoft)" echo "./autoinstall_framework.sh -fr -cr" exit 0;; esac done # My experience tells me that the default could be 2, even if there is only 1 processor, as 1 processing and 1 queued job normally is optimal Will leave it at 1 though. export NUMOFCPU=`[ -f /proc/cpuinfo ] && grep -i processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l || echo 1` export CBMSRCDIR=`pwd` #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo FSOFTVER: $FSOFTVER echo FROOTVER: $FROOTVER #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## FairSoft # if [ $SETUP_FAIRSOFT -ge 1 ]; then echo "Setting up FairSoft ..." # check if sqlite3 is available if [ -f /usr/include/sqlite3.h ] ; then echo echo "Sqlite3 is available" echo else echo echo "Sqlite3 is not available" echo echo "On Debian, please install as follows:" echo "sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev" echo echo "On OpenSuSE, please install as follows:" echo "zypper install libsqlite3-0 sqlite3-devel" echo echo "afterwards, restart autoinstall_framework.sh" echo sleep 5 exit fi cd .. git clone https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairSoft fairsoft_src_${FSOFTVER}_root${ROOTVER} cd fairsoft_src_${FSOFTVER}_root${ROOTVER} git tag -l git checkout -b $FSOFTVER $FSOFTVER if [ $ROOTVER -eq 6 ]; then sed s/build_root6=no/build_root6=yes/ automatic.conf > automatic1_root.conf else cp automatic.conf automatic1_root.conf fi FSOFTINSTALLPATH=`pwd | sed s/fairsoft_src_/fairsoft_/` sed /SIMPATH_INSTALL/d automatic1_root.conf > automatic2_path.conf echo " SIMPATH_INSTALL=$FSOFTINSTALLPATH/installation" >> automatic2_path.conf sed s/compiler=/compiler=gcc/ automatic2_path.conf > automatic3_gcc.conf ./configure.sh automatic3_gcc.conf cd $CBMSRCDIR echo "done installing FairSoft" fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## FairRoot # if [ $SETUP_FAIRROOT -ge 1 ]; then echo "Setting up FairRoot ..." # set SIMPATH cd .. echo "SIMPATH before: $SIMPATH" cd fairsoft_${FSOFTVER}_root${ROOTVER}/installation/ export SIMPATH=`pwd` echo "SIMPATH now : $SIMPATH" cd $CBMSRCDIR echo PATH=$SIMPATH/bin:$PATH export PATH=$SIMPATH/bin:$PATH cd .. git clone https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairRoot.git fairroot_src_$FROOTVER-fairsoft_${FSOFTVER}_root${ROOTVER} cd fairroot_src_$FROOTVER-fairsoft_${FSOFTVER}_root${ROOTVER} git tag -l git checkout -b $FROOTVER $FROOTVER mkdir build cd build cmake \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$($SIMPATH/bin/fairsoft-config --cxx) \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$($SIMPATH/bin/fairsoft-config --cc) \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../fairroot_$FROOTVER-fairsoft_${FSOFTVER}_root${ROOTVER} \ .. nice make install -j$NUMOFCPU cd $CBMSRCDIR echo "done installing FairRoot" fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## CbmRoot # if [ ${SETUP_CBMROOT} -eq "1" ]; then echo "Setting up CbmRoot ..." # set SIMPATH cd .. echo "SIMPATH before: $SIMPATH" cd fairsoft_${FSOFTVER}_root${ROOTVER}/installation/ export SIMPATH=`pwd` echo "SIMPATH now : $SIMPATH" cd $CBMSRCDIR # set FAIRROOTPATH cd .. cd fairroot_$FROOTVER-fairsoft_${FSOFTVER}_root${ROOTVER} export FAIRROOTPATH=`pwd` echo "FAIRROOTPATH: $FAIRROOTPATH" cd $CBMSRCDIR echo PATH=$SIMPATH/bin:$PATH export PATH=$SIMPATH/bin:$PATH cd .. cd $CBMSRCDIR mkdir build cd build cmake \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$($SIMPATH/bin/fairsoft-config --cxx) \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$($SIMPATH/bin/fairsoft-config --cc) \ .. nice make -j$NUMOFCPU cd .. echo "done installing CbmRoot" [ -z $ANSWER ] && ( cat << EOT Since the system is now installed. Shall I switch to the new environment? source build/config.sh Reply Yes or Y for confirmation ???? EOT ) && read ANSWER if (echo "$ANSWER" | sed -n '/^\(Y\|y\)/!{q10}') then echo "A yes detected." source build/config.sh; echo "Environmental variables and paths updated" fi fi #####################################################################################