#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2007 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only # First commited by Florian Uhlig function print_example(){ echo "##################################################################" echo "# To set the required parameters as source and the build #" echo "# directory for ctest, the linux flavour and the SIMPATH #" echo "# put the export commands below to a separate file which is read #" echo "# during execution and which is defined on the command line. #" echo "# Set all parameters according to your needs. #" echo "# LINUX_FLAVOUR should be set to the distribution you are using #" echo "# eg Debian, SuSe etc. #" echo "# For example #" echo "#!/bin/bash #" echo "#export LINUX_FLAVOUR=Wheezy64 #" echo "#export FAIRSOFT_VERSION=mar15 #" echo "#export SIMPATH=<path_to_installation_of_external_packages> #" echo "#export FAIRROOT_VERSION=v15-03 #" echo "#export FAIRROOTPATH=<path_to_installation_of_external_packages> #" echo "#export BUILDDIR=/tmp/fairroot/build_cbm_\${FAIRSOFT_VERSION} #" echo "#export SOURCEDIR=/home/uhlig/SVN/ctest/cbmroot #" echo "##################################################################" } #if test "x$SIMPATH" = "x" ; then # echo "" # echo "-- Error -- You don't set the needed variables in this shell script." # echo "-- Error -- Please edit the script and do so." # echo "" # exit 1 #fi if [ "$#" -lt "2" ]; then echo "" echo "-- Error -- Please start script with two parameters" echo "-- Error -- The first parameter is the ctest model." echo "-- Error -- Possible arguments are Continuous, Nightly, Experimental or Weekly." echo "-- Error -- The second parameter is the file containg the" echo "-- Error -- Information about the setup at the client" echo "-- Error -- installation (see example below)." echo "" print_example exit 1 fi # test if a ctest model is either Experimental or Nightly if [ "$1" == "Experimental" -o "$1" == "Nightly" -o "$1" == "Continuous" -o "$1" == "Profile" -o "$1" == "Weekly" -o "$1" == "MergeRequest" ]; then echo "" else echo "-- Error -- This ctest model is not supported." echo "-- Error -- Possible arguments are Nightly, Experimental, Continuous, Profile or MergeRequest." exit 1 fi # test if the input file exists and execute it if [ -e "$2" ];then source $2 else echo "-- Error -- Input file does not exist." echo "-- Error -- Please choose existing input file." exit 1 fi # set the ctest model to command line parameter export ctest_model=$1 # test for architecture arch=$(uname -s | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') chip=$(uname -m | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') # extract information about the system and the machine and set # environment variables used by ctest SYSTEM=$arch-$chip if test -z $CXX ; then COMPILER=gcc; GCC_VERSION=$(gcc -dumpversion) else COMPILER=$CXX; GCC_VERSION=$($CXX -dumpversion) fi if [ "${ctest_model}" == "Weekly" ]; then export LABEL1=${LINUX_FLAVOUR}-$SYSTEM-$COMPILER$GCC_VERSION-${ctest_model}-fairsoft_$FAIRSOFT_VERSION-fairroot_$FAIRROOT_VERSION elif [ "${ctest_model}" == "MergeRequest" ]; then export LABEL1=${LINUX_FLAVOUR}-$SYSTEM-$COMPILER$GCC_VERSION-fairsoft_$FAIRSOFT_VERSION-fairroot_${FAIRROOT_VERSION}_MR-$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID else export LABEL1=${LINUX_FLAVOUR}-$SYSTEM-$COMPILER$GCC_VERSION-fairsoft_$FAIRSOFT_VERSION-fairroot_$FAIRROOT_VERSION fi export LABEL=$(echo $LABEL1 | sed -e 's#/#_#g') # get the number of processors # and information about the host if [ "$arch" = "linux" ]; then if [ -z $NCPU ]; then export number_of_processors=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l) else export number_of_processors=$NCPU fi if [ -z $SITE ]; then export SITE=$(hostname -f) if [ -z $SITE ]; then export SITE=$(uname -n) fi fi elif [ "$arch" = "darwin" ]; then if [ -z $NCPU ]; then export number_of_processors=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) else export number_of_processors=$NCPU fi if [ -z $SITE ]; then export SITE=$(hostname -s) fi fi echo "************************" date echo "LABEL: " $LABEL echo "SITE: " $SITE echo "Model: " ${ctest_model} echo "Nr. of processes: " $number_of_processors echo "************************" cd $SOURCEDIR ctest -S $SOURCEDIR/CbmRoot_test.cmake -V --VV