diff --git a/external/InstallParameter.cmake b/external/InstallParameter.cmake
index 6893de53a2c113d8f9f583f891669a058d2ad1c9..77309f5222d7180abc8af99ca2ce0548c79c602e 100644
--- a/external/InstallParameter.cmake
+++ b/external/InstallParameter.cmake
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-set(PARAMETER_VERSION 92ccc2608756fc38186cd74af3667a1443bd0b77)
+set(PARAMETER_VERSION 9835279a7166989062eab6654af7e9c256028106)
 set(PARAMETER_SRC_URL "https://git.cbm.gsi.de/CbmSoft/cbmroot_parameter.git")
diff --git a/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/ini_tof_clusterizer.C b/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/ini_tof_clusterizer.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a795c078817b9a819f81fb8a764fea72dc3fede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/ini_tof_clusterizer.C
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2022 Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet Heidelberg, Heidelberg 
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors:  Norbert Herrmann [committer]*/
+void ini_tof_clusterizer(Int_t calMode = 53, Int_t calSel = 0, Int_t calSm = 900, Int_t RefSel = 1,
+                         TString cFileId = "Test", Int_t iCalSet = 910601600, Bool_t bOut = 0, Int_t iSel2 = 0,
+                         Double_t dDeadtime = 50, TString cCalId = "XXX", TString parPath = "")
+  Int_t iVerbose                   = 1;
+  CbmTofEventClusterizer* tofClust = new CbmTofEventClusterizer("TOF Event Clusterizer", iVerbose, bOut);
+  cout << "Instantiate  CbmTofEventClusterizer " << endl;
+  tofClust->SetCalMode(calMode);
+  tofClust->SetCalSel(calSel);
+  tofClust->SetCaldXdYMax(3000.);  // geometrical matching window in cm
+  tofClust->SetCalCluMulMax(3.);   // Max Counter Cluster Multiplicity for filling calib histos
+  tofClust->SetCalRpc(calSm);      // select detector for calibration update
+  tofClust->SetTRefId(RefSel);     // reference trigger for offset calculation
+  tofClust->SetTotMax(20.);        // Tot upper limit for walk corection
+  tofClust->SetTotMin(0.);         //(12000.);  // Tot lower limit for walk correction
+  tofClust->SetTotPreRange(5.);    // effective lower Tot limit  in ns from peak position
+  tofClust->SetTotMean(5.);        // Tot calibration target value in ns
+  tofClust->SetMaxTimeDist(0.5);   // default cluster range in ns
+  //tofClust->SetMaxTimeDist(0.);       //Deb// default cluster range in ns
+  tofClust->SetDelTofMax(50.);              // acceptance range for cluster distance in ns (!)
+  tofClust->SetSel2MulMax(3);               // limit Multiplicity in 2nd selector
+  tofClust->SetChannelDeadtime(dDeadtime);  // artificial deadtime in ns
+  tofClust->SetEnableAvWalk(kFALSE);
+  //tofClust->SetEnableMatchPosScaling(kFALSE); // turn off projection to nominal target
+  tofClust->SetYFitMin(1.E3);
+  tofClust->SetToDAv(0.04);
+  // tofClust->SetTimePeriod(25600.);       // ignore coarse time
+  // tofClust->SetCorMode(iBugCor);         // correct missing hits
+  //tofClust->SetIdMode(0);                  // calibrate on counter level
+  tofClust->SetIdMode(1);  // calibrate on module level
+  //   tofClust->SetDeadStrips(15,23);   // declare dead strip for T0M3,Rpc0,Strip 23
+  //tofClust->SetDeadStrips(25,16);   // declare non-existant diamond strip (#5) dead
+  Int_t calSelRead = calSel;
+  TString cFname =
+    Form("%s/%s_set%09d_%02d_%01dtofClust.hst.root", parPath.Data(), cFileId.Data(), iCalSet, calMode, calSelRead);
+  if (calSel < 0) calSelRead = 1;  // get default calibration
+  if (cCalId != "XXX")
+    cFname =
+      Form("%s/%s_set%09d_%02d_%01dtofClust.hst.root", parPath.Data(), cCalId.Data(), iCalSet, calMode, calSelRead);
+  tofClust->SetCalParFileName(cFname);
+  TString cOutFname = Form("data/tofClust_%s_set%09d.hst.root", cFileId.Data(), iCalSet);
+  tofClust->SetOutHstFileName(cOutFname);
+  TString cAnaFile = Form("data/%s_%09d%03d_tofAna.hst.root", cFileId.Data(), iCalSet, iSel2);
+  switch (calMode) {
+    case -1:                      // initial check of raw data
+      tofClust->SetTotMax(256.);  // range in bin number
+      tofClust->SetTotPreRange(256.);
+      //tofClust->SetTotMin(1.);
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(26000.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(10000.);    // in % of length
+      tofClust->SetMaxTimeDist(0.);     // no cluster building
+      //tofClust->SetTimePeriod(25600.);       // inspect coarse time
+      break;
+    case 0:                       // initial calibration
+      tofClust->SetTotMax(256.);  // range in bin number
+      tofClust->SetTotPreRange(256.);
+      //tofClust->SetTotMin(1.);
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(1000.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(10.);      // in % of length
+      tofClust->SetMaxTimeDist(0.);    // no cluster building
+      break;
+    case 1:                       // save offsets, update walks, for diamonds
+      tofClust->SetTotMax(256.);  // range in bin number
+      tofClust->SetTotPreRange(256.);
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(6.25);  // in ns
+      //tofClust->SetTimePeriod(6.25);       // inspect coarse time
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(10.);  // in % of length
+      break;
+    case 11:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(5.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(3.0);   // in % of length
+      break;
+    case 21:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(3.0);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(2.0);    // in % of length
+      break;
+    case 31:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(3.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(1.);    // in % of length
+      break;
+    case 41:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(2.0);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(0.9);    // in % of length
+      break;
+    case 51:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(2.0);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(0.8);    // in % of length
+      break;
+    case 61:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(1.5);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(0.75);   // in % of length
+      break;
+    case 71:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(0.8);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(0.6);    // in % of length
+      break;
+    case 2:                           // time difference calibration
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(300.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(1000.);   //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 3:                           // time offsets
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(200.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(100.);    //in % of length
+      tofClust->SetMaxTimeDist(0.);   // no cluster building
+      break;
+    case 12:
+    case 13:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(100.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(10.);     //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 22:
+    case 23:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(50.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(5.);     //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 32:
+    case 33:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(25.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(4.);     //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 42:
+    case 43:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(12.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(2.);     //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 52:
+    case 53:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(10.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(1.5);    //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 62:
+    case 63:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(10.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(1.);     //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 72:
+    case 73:
+    case 75:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(10.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(0.9);    //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 82:
+    case 83:
+    case 85:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(10.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(0.8);    //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 92:
+    case 93:
+    case 95:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(10.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(0.75);   //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 4:  // velocity dependence (DelTOF)
+    case 14:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(25.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(2.0);    //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 24:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(5.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(1.5);   //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 34:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(5.);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(1.2);   //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 44:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(3.5);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(1.0);    //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 54:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(3.0);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(0.9);    //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 64:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(2.5);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(0.8);    //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 74:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(2.0);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(0.7);    //in % of length
+      break;
+    case 19:
+    case 29:
+    case 39:
+    case 49:
+    case 59:
+    case 69:
+    case 79:
+    case 89:
+    case 99:
+      tofClust->SetTRefDifMax(20.0);  // in ns
+      tofClust->PosYMaxScal(2.);      //in % of length
+      break;
+    default: cout << "<E> Calib mode not implemented! stop execution of script" << endl; return;
+  }
+  Int_t iBRef    = iCalSet % 1000;
+  Int_t iSet     = (iCalSet - iBRef) / 1000;
+  Int_t iRSel    = 0;
+  Int_t iRSelTyp = 0;
+  Int_t iRSelSm  = 0;
+  Int_t iRSelRpc = 0;
+  iRSel          = iBRef;  // use diamond
+  Int_t iRSelin = iRSel;
+  iRSelRpc      = iRSel % 10;
+  iRSelTyp      = (iRSel - iRSelRpc) / 10;
+  iRSelSm       = iRSelTyp % 10;
+  iRSelTyp      = (iRSelTyp - iRSelSm) / 10;
+  tofClust->SetBeamRefId(iRSelTyp);  // define Beam reference counter
+  tofClust->SetBeamRefSm(iRSelSm);
+  tofClust->SetBeamRefDet(iRSelRpc);
+  tofClust->SetBeamAddRefMul(-1);
+  tofClust->SetBeamRefMulMax(3);
+  Int_t iSel2in = iSel2;
+  if (iSel2in > -1) {
+    Int_t iSel2Rpc = iSel2 % 10;
+    iSel2          = (iSel2 - iSel2Rpc) / 10;
+    Int_t iSel2Sm  = iSel2 % 10;
+    iSel2          = (iSel2 - iSel2Sm) / 10;
+    tofClust->SetSel2Id(iSel2);
+    tofClust->SetSel2Sm(iSel2Sm);
+    tofClust->SetSel2Rpc(iSel2Rpc);
+  }
+  Int_t iRef    = iSet % 1000;
+  Int_t iDut    = (iSet - iRef) / 1000;
+  Int_t iDutRpc = iDut % 10;
+  iDut          = (iDut - iDutRpc) / 10;
+  Int_t iDutSm  = iDut % 10;
+  iDut          = (iDut - iDutSm) / 10;
+  tofClust->SetDutId(iDut);
+  tofClust->SetDutSm(iDutSm);
+  tofClust->SetDutRpc(iDutRpc);
+  Int_t iRefRpc = iRef % 10;
+  iRef          = (iRef - iRefRpc) / 10;
+  Int_t iRefSm  = iRef % 10;
+  iRef          = (iRef - iRefSm) / 10;
+  tofClust->SetSelId(iRef);
+  tofClust->SetSelSm(iRefSm);
+  tofClust->SetSelRpc(iRefRpc);
+  FairRunAna* run = FairRunAna::Instance();
+  if (NULL != run) run->AddTask(tofClust);
+  cout << "Clusterizer Run with iRSel = " << iRSel << ", iSel2 = " << iSel2in << endl;
diff --git a/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/ini_tof_trks.C b/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/ini_tof_trks.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ffe47506749a868138ee7ba1dc5f276d52168e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/ini_tof_trks.C
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2022 Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet Heidelberg, Heidelberg 
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors:  Norbert Herrmann [committer]*/
+void ini_tof_trks(Int_t iSel = 22002, Int_t iTrackingSetup = 1, Int_t iGenCor = 1, Double_t dScalFac = 1.,
+                  Double_t dChi2Lim2 = 500., TString cCalId = "", Bool_t bUseSigCalib = kFALSE, Int_t iCalOpt = 1,
+                  Int_t iTrkPar = 2, Double_t dTOffScal = 1., TString parPath = "")
+  if (cCalId == "") {
+    cout << "<E> No action without cCalId!" << endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  // =========================================================================
+  // ===                   Tof Tracking                                    ===
+  // =========================================================================
+  cout << "<I> Initialize Tof tracker by ini_tof_trks" << endl;
+  TString cTrkFile = Form("%s/%s_tofFindTracks.hst.root", parPath.Data(), cCalId.Data());
+  // -----   Local selection variables  -------------------------------------------
+  Int_t iRef    = iSel % 1000;
+  Int_t iDut    = (iSel - iRef) / 1000;
+  Int_t iDutRpc = iDut % 10;
+  iDut          = (iDut - iDutRpc) / 10;
+  Int_t iDutSm  = iDut % 10;
+  iDut          = (iDut - iDutSm) / 10;
+  Int_t iRefRpc = iRef % 10;
+  iRef          = (iRef - iRefRpc) / 10;
+  Int_t iRefSm  = iRef % 10;
+  iRef          = (iRef - iRefSm) / 10;
+  Int_t iBucRpc = 0;
+  CbmTofTrackFinder* tofTrackFinder = new CbmTofTrackFinderNN();
+  tofTrackFinder->SetMaxTofTimeDifference(0.2);  // in ns/cm
+  CbmTofTrackFitter* tofTrackFitter = new CbmTofTrackFitterKF(0, 211);
+  TFitter* MyFit                    = new TFitter(1);  // initialize Minuit
+  tofTrackFinder->SetFitter(tofTrackFitter);
+  CbmTofFindTracks* tofFindTracks = new CbmTofFindTracks("TOF Track Finder");
+  tofFindTracks->UseFinder(tofTrackFinder);
+  tofFindTracks->UseFitter(tofTrackFitter);
+  tofFindTracks->SetCalOpt(iCalOpt);   // 1 - update offsets, 2 - update walk, 0 - bypass
+  tofFindTracks->SetCorMode(iGenCor);  // valid options: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, 10 - 19
+  //tofFindTracks->SetTtTarg(0.047);     // target value for Mar2022 double stack, v21b
+  tofFindTracks->SetTtTarg(0.035);        // target value for Jun2021 double stack, v21c, v21d,v21e,v21f
+  tofFindTracks->SetTOffScal(dTOffScal);  // modifier of existing offset values
+  //  0.0605);  // target value for Mar2020 triple stack -> betapeak ~ 0.95
+  //tofFindTracks->SetTtTarg(0.062);           // target value for Mar2020 triple stack -> betapeak ~ 0.95
+  //tofFindTracks->SetTtTarg(0.058);           // target value for Mar2020 double stack
+  //tofFindTracks->SetTtTarg(0.051);           // target value Nov2019
+  //tofFindTracks->SetTtTarg(0.035);           // target value for inverse velocity, > 0.033 ns/cm!
+  tofFindTracks->SetCalParFileName(cTrkFile);  // Tracker parameter value file name
+  tofFindTracks->SetR0Lim(5.);
+  tofFindTracks->SetStationMaxHMul(30);  // Max Hit Multiplicity in any used station
+  tofFindTracks->SetT0MAX(dScalFac);            // in ns
+  tofFindTracks->SetSIGT(0.08);                 // default in ns
+  tofFindTracks->SetSIGX(0.3);                  // default in cm
+  tofFindTracks->SetSIGY(0.45);                 // default in cm
+  tofFindTracks->SetSIGZ(0.05);                 // default in cm
+  tofFindTracks->SetUseSigCalib(bUseSigCalib);  // ignore resolutions in CalPar file
+  tofTrackFinder->SetSIGLIM(dChi2Lim2 * 2.);    // matching window in multiples of chi2
+  tofTrackFinder->SetChiMaxAccept(dChi2Lim2);   // max tracklet chi2
+  tofTrackFinder->SetSIGLIMMOD(5.);             // max deviation for last hit
+  tofTrackFinder->SetAddVertex(kFALSE);         // disable virtual vertex
+  cout << "<I> Tracker Parameter Set: " << iTrkPar << endl;
+  switch (iTrkPar) {
+    case 0:                                    // for full mTof setup at 12.5 deg
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTxMean(0.);           // mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTyMean(0.);           // mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTxLIM(0.31);          // max slope dx/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTyLIM(0.4);           // max dev from mean slope dy/dz
+      tofFindTracks->SetBeamCounter(5, 0, 0);  // default beam counter
+      tofFindTracks->SetR0Lim(30.);
+      //tofFindTracks->SetEvNhitMax(40);         // avoid wasting time
+      break;
+    case 1:                                    // for double stack test counters
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTxMean(0.);           // mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTyMean(0.18);         // mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTxLIM(0.15);          // max slope dx/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTyLIM(0.18);          // max dev from mean slope dy/dz
+      tofFindTracks->SetBeamCounter(5, 0, 0);  // default beam counter
+      break;
+    case 2:                             // for double stack cosmics
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTxMean(0.);    // mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTyMean(0.);    // mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTxLIM(2.);     // max slope dx/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTyLIM(20.);    // max dev from mean slope dy/dz
+      tofFindTracks->SetTtMin(-100.);   // allow negative velocities with respect to z-axis
+      tofFindTracks->SetTtTarg(0.033);  // target value for mCBM Cosmic2021 triple stack, v21c, v21d
+      tofFindTracks->SetSIGT(0.2);      // default in ns
+      break;
+    case 3:                                 // for Jul2021-CRI
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTxMean(-0.2);      // mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTyMean(0.);        // mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTxLIM(0.1);        // max slope dx/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTyLIM(0.3);        // max dev from mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetAddVertex(kTRUE);  // add virtual vertex
+      tofFindTracks->SetTtMin(-100.);       // allow negative velocities with respect to z-axis
+      tofFindTracks->SetR0Lim(30.);         // allow for large extrapolation errors
+      break;
+    case 4:                                 // for Mar2022-CRI
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTxMean(0.);        // mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTyMean(0.);        // mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTxLIM(0.31);       // max slope dx/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetTyLIM(0.4);        // max dev from mean slope dy/dz
+      tofTrackFinder->SetAddVertex(kTRUE);  // add virtual vertex
+      tofFindTracks->SetTtTarg(0.033);      // target value for mCBM Cosmic2021 triple stack, v21d, run 1588
+      tofFindTracks->SetTtMin(0.);          // do not allow negative velocities with respect to z-axis
+      tofFindTracks->SetR0Lim(20.);         // allow for large extrapolation errors
+      break;
+  }
+  Int_t iMinNofHits   = -1;
+  Int_t iNStations    = 0;
+  Int_t iNReqStations = 3;
+  switch (iTrackingSetup) {
+    case 0:  // bypass mode
+      iMinNofHits = -1;
+      iNStations  = 1;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 5, 0, 0);  // Diamond
+      break;
+    case 1:  // for calibration mode of full mTof setup
+    {
+      Double_t dTsig = dScalFac * 0.03;
+      tofFindTracks->SetSIGT(dTsig);  // allow for variable deviations in ns
+    }
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 39;
+      iNReqStations = 5;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 2, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 1, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 0, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 0, 2, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 0, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, 0, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(7, 0, 2, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(8, 0, 1, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(9, 0, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(10, 0, 2, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(11, 0, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(12, 0, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(13, 0, 2, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(14, 0, 1, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(15, 0, 0, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(16, 0, 4, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(17, 0, 3, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(18, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(19, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(20, 0, 4, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(21, 0, 3, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(22, 0, 4, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(23, 0, 3, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(24, 0, 4, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(25, 0, 3, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(26, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(27, 7, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(28, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(29, 7, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(30, 6, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(31, 6, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(32, 2, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(33, 2, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(34, 2, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(35, 2, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(36, 2, 0, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(37, 8, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(38, 8, 1, 0);
+      break;
+    case 10:  // for calibration mode of full setup
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 39;
+      iNReqStations = 4;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 2, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 1, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 0, 2, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 0, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 0, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, 0, 2, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(7, 0, 1, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(8, 0, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(9, 0, 2, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(10, 0, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(11, 0, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(12, 0, 2, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(13, 0, 1, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(14, 0, 0, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(15, 0, 4, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(16, 0, 3, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(17, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(18, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(19, 0, 4, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(20, 0, 3, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(21, 0, 4, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(22, 0, 3, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(23, 0, 4, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(24, 0, 3, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(25, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(26, 7, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(27, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(28, 7, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(29, 6, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(30, 6, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(31, 2, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(32, 2, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(33, 2, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(34, 2, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(35, 2, 0, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(36, 8, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(37, 8, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(38, 5, 0, 0);
+      break;
+    case 11:  // for calibration mode of 2-stack & test counters
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 17;
+      iNReqStations = 4;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 0, 4, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 0, 3, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, 0, 4, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(7, 0, 3, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(8, 0, 4, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(9, 0, 3, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(10, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(11, 9, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(12, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(13, 9, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(14, 6, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(15, 6, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(16, 5, 0, 0);
+      break;
+    case 12:  // for calibration mode of 2-stack & test counters
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 9;
+      iNReqStations = 4;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 6, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, 9, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(7, 6, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(8, 5, 0, 0);
+      break;
+    case 13:  // for calibration mode of triple-stack (july2021-cri)
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 10;
+      iNReqStations = 3;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 1, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 0, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 0, 1, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 0, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, 0, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(7, 0, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(8, 0, 1, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(9, 0, 0, 4);
+      break;
+    case 113:  // for double stack TSHU counter (031)
+      iMinNofHits   = 6;
+      iNStations    = 7;
+      iNReqStations = 7;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 114:  // for double stack TSHU counter (041)
+      iMinNofHits   = 6;
+      iNStations    = 7;
+      iNReqStations = 7;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 9, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 116:  // for evaluation of BUC counter (600, 601)
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 5;
+      iNReqStations = 5;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 117:  // for evaluation of BUC counter (600, 601)
+      iMinNofHits   = 5;
+      iNStations    = 6;
+      iNReqStations = 6;
+      iBucRpc       = 1 - iDutRpc;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 6, 0, iBucRpc);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 38;
+      iNReqStations = 4;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 2, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 1, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 0, 2, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 0, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 0, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, 0, 2, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(7, 0, 1, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(8, 0, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(9, 0, 2, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(10, 0, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(11, 0, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(12, 0, 2, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(13, 0, 1, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(14, 0, 0, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(15, 0, 4, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(16, 0, 3, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(17, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(18, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(19, 0, 4, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(20, 0, 3, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(21, 0, 4, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(22, 0, 3, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(23, 0, 4, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(24, 0, 3, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(25, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(26, 7, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(27, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(28, 7, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(29, 6, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(30, 6, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(31, 2, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(32, 2, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(33, 2, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(34, 2, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(35, 2, 0, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(36, 8, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(37, 8, 1, 0);
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 16;
+      iNReqStations = 4;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 2, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 1, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 0, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 0, 2, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 0, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, 0, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(7, 0, 2, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(8, 0, 1, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(9, 0, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(10, 0, 2, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(11, 0, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(12, 0, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(13, 0, 2, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(14, 0, 1, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(15, 0, 0, 4);
+      /*
+     tofFindTracks->SetStation(16, 0, 3, 2);         
+     tofFindTracks->SetStation(17, 0, 4, 2);  
+     tofFindTracks->SetStation(18, 0, 3, 1);         
+     tofFindTracks->SetStation(19, 0, 4, 1);
+     tofFindTracks->SetStation(20, 0, 3, 3);         
+     tofFindTracks->SetStation(21, 0, 4, 3);
+     tofFindTracks->SetStation(22, 0, 3, 0);         
+     tofFindTracks->SetStation(23, 0, 4, 0);
+     tofFindTracks->SetStation(24, 0, 3, 4);         
+     tofFindTracks->SetStation(25, 0, 4, 4); 
+     */
+      break;
+    case 31:  // cosmic triple stack, Aug 2021
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 20;
+      iNReqStations = 4;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 2, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 1, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 2, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 0, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 0, 2, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, 0, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(7, 2, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(8, 0, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(9, 0, 2, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(10, 0, 1, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(11, 2, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(12, 0, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(13, 0, 2, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(14, 0, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(15, 2, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(16, 0, 0, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(17, 0, 2, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(18, 0, 1, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(19, 2, 0, 4);
+      break;
+    case 4:  // for USTC evaluation (dut=910,911)
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 5;
+      iNReqStations = 5;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 1);
+      //tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 0, 1);  // broken in May2021
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 40:  // for USTC evaluation (dut=910)
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 6;
+      iNReqStations = 6;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 1);
+      //tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 41:  // for USTC evaluation (dut=911)
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 6;
+      iNReqStations = 6;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 1);
+      //tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 42:  // for USTC evaluation (dut=900, 901)
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 5;
+      iNReqStations = 5;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 6, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 6, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 43:  // for USTC evaluation (dut=900, 901)
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 4;
+      iNReqStations = 4;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 6, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 14:
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 15;
+      iNReqStations = 4;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 2, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 1, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 2, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 2, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 2, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 1, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 0, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 2, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 1, 4);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 0, 4);
+      break;
+    case 5:  // for evaluation of Buc in 2-stack
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 4;
+      iNReqStations = 4;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 50:  // for evaluation of Buc in 2-stack
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 5;
+      iNReqStations = 5;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 6, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 51:  // for evaluation of Buc in 2-stack
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 5;
+      iNReqStations = 5;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 3);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 6, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 6:  // for double stack TSHU counter (900,901) evaluation
+      iMinNofHits   = 5;
+      iNStations    = 6;
+      iNReqStations = 6;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 60:  // for double stack TSHU counter (900) evaluation
+      iMinNofHits   = 5;
+      iNStations    = 7;
+      iNReqStations = 7;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 61:  // for double stack TSHU counter (901) evaluation
+      iMinNofHits   = 5;
+      iNStations    = 7;
+      iNReqStations = 7;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(6, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 7:  // for double stack mTOF counter evaluation
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 5;
+      iNReqStations = 5;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 9, 1, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 1, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 8:  // evaluation of add-on counters (BUC)
+      iMinNofHits = 5;
+      iNStations  = 6;
+      iNReqStations = 6;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(5, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 81:  // evaluation of add-on counters (BUC) in July 2021
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 5;
+      iNReqStations = 5;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 4, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 3, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 9, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 9, 0, 1);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 9:  // evaluation of M6, Dut=202
+      iMinNofHits   = 4;
+      iNStations    = 5;
+      iNReqStations = 5;
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(0, 0, 2, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(1, 0, 0, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(2, 0, 1, 2);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, 5, 0, 0);
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(4, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    case 992:  // evaluation of CRI cosmics 2021
+      iMinNofHits   = 3;
+      iNStations    = 4;
+      iNReqStations = 4;
+      {
+        Int_t iType[4]   = {0, 0, 0, 2};
+        Int_t iModule[4] = {0, 2, 1, 0};
+        Int_t iSt        = 0;
+        for (Int_t iM = 0; iM < iNStations; iM++) {
+          if (iType[iM] == iDut && iModule[iM] == iDutSm) continue;
+          tofFindTracks->SetStation(iSt, iType[iM], iModule[iM], iDutRpc);
+          iSt++;
+        }
+      }
+      tofFindTracks->SetStation(3, iDut, iDutSm, iDutRpc);
+      break;
+    default:
+      cout << "Tracking setup " << iTrackingSetup << " not implemented " << endl;
+      return;
+      ;
+  }
+  tofFindTracks->SetMinNofHits(iMinNofHits);
+  tofFindTracks->SetNStations(iNStations);
+  tofFindTracks->SetNReqStations(iNReqStations);
+  tofFindTracks->PrintSetup();
+  FairRunAna* run = FairRunAna::Instance();
+  if (NULL != run) {
+    run->AddTask(tofFindTracks);
+    LOG(info) << "AddTask " << tofFindTracks->GetName();
+  }
+  else {
+    LOG(fatal) << "No FairRunAna found ";
+  }
diff --git a/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/mcbm_event_reco_L1.C b/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/mcbm_event_reco_L1.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3977aacb5f76ca6d7c234d5f99efd6d12e56ec1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/mcbm_event_reco_L1.C
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2020 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau, Adrian Weber [committer] */
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Macro for reconstruction of mcbm data (2021)
+// Combined reconstruction (cluster + hit finder) for different subsystems.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/// FIXME: Disable clang formatting to keep easy parameters overview
+/* clang-format off */
+Bool_t mcbm_event_reco_L1(UInt_t uRunId                   = 2391,
+			  Int_t nTimeslices               = 10,
+			  TString sInpDir                 = "./data/",
+			  TString sOutDir                 = "./data/",
+			  Int_t iUnpFileIndex             = -1,
+			  Bool_t bMVD                     = kFALSE,
+			  Bool_t bSTS                     = kTRUE,
+			  Bool_t bTRD                     = kTRUE,
+			  Bool_t bTRD2d                   = kTRUE,
+			  Bool_t bRICH                    = kTRUE,
+			  Bool_t bMUCH                    = kFALSE,
+			  Bool_t bTOF                     = kTRUE,
+			  Bool_t bTOFtr                   = kTRUE,
+			  Bool_t bPSD                     = kFALSE,
+			  Bool_t bAli                     = kTRUE,
+			  Bool_t bEvB                     = kTRUE,
+			  Bool_t bL1                      = kFALSE,
+			  Bool_t bQA                      = kFALSE,
+			  TString sInpFile                = ""
+			  )
+  /// FIXME: Re-enable clang formatting after parameters initial values setting
+  /* clang-format on */
+  // --- Logger settings ----------------------------------------------------
+  TString logLevel     = "INFO";     //"INFO";
+  TString logVerbosity = "VERYLOW";  //"VERYLOW";
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Environment   --------------------------------------------------
+  TString myName = "mcbm_event_reco";              // this macro's name for screen output
+  TString srcDir = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");  // top source directory
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   In- and output file names   ------------------------------------
+  /// Standardized RUN ID
+  TString sRunId = TString::Format("%04u", uRunId);
+  /// Initial pattern
+  TString inFile  = sInpFile;  // + "/" + sRunId + ".digi";
+  TString cFileId = sRunId;
+  //TString parFileIn  = sInpDir + "/unp_mcbm_params_" + sRunId;
+  TString parFileOut = sOutDir + "/reco_event_mcbm_test_params_" + sRunId;
+  TString outFile    = sOutDir + "/reco_event_mcbm_test" + sRunId;
+  // Your folder with the Tof Calibration files;
+  TString TofFileFolder = "";
+  // TString TofFileFolder = "/lustre/cbm/users/nh/CBM/cbmroot/trunk/macro/beamtime/mcbm2021/";
+  /// Add index of splitting at unpacking level if needed
+  if (0 <= iUnpFileIndex) {
+    inFile += TString::Format("_%02u", iUnpFileIndex);
+    // the input par file is not split during unpacking!
+    parFileOut += TString::Format("_%02u", iUnpFileIndex);
+    outFile += TString::Format("_%02u", iUnpFileIndex);
+  }  // if ( 0 <= uUnpFileIndex )
+  /// Add ROOT file suffix
+  inFile += ".root";
+  //  parFileIn += ".root";
+  parFileOut += ".root";
+  outFile += ".root";
+  if ("" != sInpFile) inFile = sInpFile;
+  // ---------------------------------------------
+  // -----   TOF defaults ------------------------
+  Int_t calMode      = 93;
+  Int_t calSel       = 1;
+  Int_t calSm        = 2;
+  Int_t RefSel       = 11;
+  Double_t dDeadtime = 50.;
+  Int_t iSel2        = -1;
+  // Tracking
+  Int_t iSel           = 22002;
+  Int_t iTrackingSetup = 1;  // 2 for checking without beam counter;
+  Int_t iGenCor        = 1;
+  Double_t dScalFac    = 2.5;
+  Double_t dChi2Lim2   = 4.;
+  Bool_t bUseSigCalib  = kFALSE;
+  Int_t iCalOpt        = 110;  // 0=do not call CbmTofCalibrator
+  Int_t iTrkPar        = 0;    // 4 for check without beam counter
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   TOF Calibration Settings ---------------------------------------
+  TString cCalId = "490.100.5.0";
+  if (uRunId >= 759) cCalId = "759.100.4.0";
+  if (uRunId >= 812) cCalId = "831.100.4.0";
+  if (uRunId >= 1588) cCalId = "1588.50.6.0";
+  if (uRunId >= 2160) cCalId = "2160.50.4.0";
+  if (uRunId >= 2352) cCalId = "2391.5.000";
+  Int_t iCalSet = 30040500;  // calibration settings
+  if (uRunId >= 759) iCalSet = 10020500;
+  if (uRunId >= 812) iCalSet = 10020500;
+  if (uRunId >= 1588) iCalSet = 12002002;
+  if (uRunId >= 2160) iCalSet = 700900500;
+  if (uRunId >= 2352) iCalSet = 22002500;
+  Double_t Tint           = 100.;  // coincidence time interval
+  Int_t iTrackMode        = 2;     // 2 for TofTracker
+  const Int_t iTofCluMode = 1;
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // --- Load the geometry setup ----
+  // This is currently only required by the TRD (parameters)
+  TString geoSetupTag = "mcbm_beam_2021_07_surveyed";
+  if (2060 <= uRunId) {
+    /// Setup changed multiple times between the 2022 carbon and uranium runs
+    if (uRunId <= 2065) {
+      /// Carbon runs: 2060 - 2065 = 10/03/2022
+      geoSetupTag = "mcbm_beam_2022_03_09_carbon";
+    }
+    else if (2150 <= uRunId && uRunId <= 2160) {
+      /// Iron runs: 2150 - 2160 = 24-25/03/2022
+      geoSetupTag = "mcbm_beam_2022_03_22_iron";
+    }
+    else if (2176 <= uRunId && uRunId <= 2310) {
+      /// Uranium runs: 2176 - 2310 = 30/03/2022 - 01/04/2022
+      geoSetupTag = "mcbm_beam_2022_03_28_uranium";
+    }
+    else if (2352 <= uRunId) {
+      /// Uranium runs: 2176 - 2310 = 30/03/2022 - 01/04/2022
+      geoSetupTag = "mcbm_beam_2022_05_23_nickel";
+    }
+  }
+  TString geoFile    = sInpDir + "/" + geoSetupTag + ".geo.root";
+  CbmSetup* geoSetup = CbmSetup::Instance();
+  geoSetup->LoadSetup(geoSetupTag);
+  // You can modify the pre-defined setup by using
+  if (bMVD) geoSetup->SetActive(ECbmModuleId::kMvd, kTRUE);
+  if (bSTS) geoSetup->SetActive(ECbmModuleId::kSts, kTRUE);
+  if (bMUCH) geoSetup->SetActive(ECbmModuleId::kMuch, kTRUE);
+  if (bRICH) geoSetup->SetActive(ECbmModuleId::kRich, kTRUE);
+  if (bTRD) geoSetup->SetActive(ECbmModuleId::kTrd, kTRUE);
+  if (bTRD2d) geoSetup->SetActive(ECbmModuleId::kTrd2d, kTRUE);
+  if (bTOF) geoSetup->SetActive(ECbmModuleId::kTof, kTRUE);
+  if (bPSD) geoSetup->SetActive(ECbmModuleId::kPsd, kTRUE);
+  //-----  Load Parameters --------------------------------------------------
+  TList* parFileList = new TList();
+  TofFileFolder      = Form("%s/%s", TofFileFolder.Data(), cCalId.Data());
+  // ----- TRD digitisation parameters -------------------------------------
+  TString geoTagTrd;
+  if (geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTrd)) {
+    if (geoSetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kTrd, geoTagTrd)) {
+      TString paramFilesTrd(Form("%s/parameters/trd/trd_%s", srcDir.Data(), geoTagTrd.Data()));
+      std::vector<TString> paramFilesVecTrd = {"asic", "digi", "gas", "gain"};
+      for (auto parIt : paramFilesVecTrd) {
+        parFileList->Add(new TObjString(Form("%s.%s.par", paramFilesTrd.Data(), parIt.Data())));
+      }
+    }
+    for (auto parFileVecIt : *parFileList) {
+      LOG(debug) << Form("TrdParams - %s - added to parameter file list\n", parFileVecIt->GetName());
+    }
+  }
+  // ----- TOF digitisation parameters -------------------------------------
+  TString geoTag;
+  if (geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTof)) {
+    geoSetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kTof, geoTag);
+    TObjString* tofBdfFile = new TObjString(srcDir + "/parameters/tof/tof_" + geoTag + ".digibdf.par");
+    parFileList->Add(tofBdfFile);
+    std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Using parameter file " << tofBdfFile->GetString() << std::endl;
+    // TFile* fgeo         = new TFile(geoFile);
+    // TGeoManager* geoMan = (TGeoManager*) fgeo->Get("FAIRGeom");
+    // if (NULL == geoMan) {
+    //   cout << "<E> FAIRGeom not found in geoFile " << geoFile.Data() << endl;
+    //   return 1;
+    // }
+  }
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Timer   --------------------------------------------------------
+  TStopwatch timer;
+  timer.Start();
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   FairRunAna   ---------------------------------------------------
+  FairRunAna* run             = new FairRunAna();
+  FairFileSource* inputSource = new FairFileSource(inFile);
+  run->SetSource(inputSource);
+  FairRootFileSink* outputSink = new FairRootFileSink(outFile);
+  run->SetSink(outputSink);
+  run->SetGeomFile(geoFile);
+  // Define output file for FairMonitor histograms
+  TString monitorFile {outFile};
+  monitorFile.ReplaceAll("reco", "reco.monitor");
+  FairMonitor::GetMonitor()->EnableMonitor(kTRUE, monitorFile);
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Logger settings   ----------------------------------------------
+  FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogScreenLevel(logLevel.Data());
+  FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogVerbosityLevel(logVerbosity.Data());
+  //FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogScreenLevel("DEBUG");
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // =========================================================================
+  // ===                   Alignment Correction                            ===
+  // =========================================================================
+  // (Fairsoft Apr21p2 or newer is needed)
+  if (bAli) {
+    TString alignmentMatrixFileName = srcDir + "/parameters/mcbm/AlignmentMatrices_" + geoSetupTag + ".root";
+    if (alignmentMatrixFileName.Length() != 0) {
+      std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Applying alignment for file " << alignmentMatrixFileName << std::endl;
+      // Define the basic structure which needs to be filled with information
+      // This structure is stored in the output file and later passed to the
+      // FairRoot framework to do the (miss)alignment
+      std::map<std::string, TGeoHMatrix>* matrices {nullptr};
+      // read matrices from disk
+      LOG(info) << "Filename: " << alignmentMatrixFileName;
+      TFile* misalignmentMatrixRootfile = new TFile(alignmentMatrixFileName, "READ");
+      if (misalignmentMatrixRootfile->IsOpen()) {
+        gDirectory->GetObject("MisalignMatrices", matrices);
+        misalignmentMatrixRootfile->Close();
+      }
+      else {
+        LOG(error) << "Could not open file " << alignmentMatrixFileName << "\n Exiting";
+        exit(1);
+      }
+      if (matrices) { run->AddAlignmentMatrices(*matrices); }
+      else {
+        LOG(error) << "Alignment required but no matrices found."
+                   << "\n Exiting";
+        exit(1);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // --------------------event builder---------------------------------------
+  // -----   EventBuilder Settings----------------
+  // mCbm track trigger Tof, T0 & STS (case 4 of mcbm_unp_event.C)
+  const Int_t eb_TriggerMinNumberT0 {1};
+  const Int_t eb_TriggerMaxNumberT0 {2};
+  const Int_t eb_TriggerMinNumberSts {2};
+  const Int_t eb_TriggerMinNumberStsLayers {1};
+  const Int_t eb_TriggerMinNumberMuch {0};
+  const Int_t eb_TriggerMinNumberTof {8};
+  const Int_t eb_TriggerMinNumberTofLayers {4};
+  const Int_t eb_TriggerMinNumberRich {0};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMinT0 {-50};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMaxT0 {50};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMinSts {-60};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMaxSts {60};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMinTrd1d {-300};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMaxTrd1d {300};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMinTrd2d {-200};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMaxTrd2d {200};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMinTof {-20};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMaxTof {60};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMinRich {-60};
+  const Int_t eb_TrigWinMaxRich {60};
+  if (bEvB) {
+    CbmTaskBuildRawEvents* evBuildRaw = new CbmTaskBuildRawEvents();
+    //Choose between NoOverlap, MergeOverlap, AllowOverlap
+    evBuildRaw->SetEventOverlapMode(EOverlapModeRaw::AllowOverlap);
+    // Remove detectors where digis not found
+    evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetRich);
+    if (!bRICH || !geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kRich)) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetRich);
+    if (!bMUCH || !geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kMuch)) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetMuch);
+    if (!bPSD || !geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kPsd)) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetPsd);
+    if (!bTRD || !geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTrd)) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetTrd);
+    if (!bTRD2d || !geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTrd2d)) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetTrd2D);
+    if (!bSTS || !geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kSts)) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetSts);
+    if (!bTOF || !geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTof)) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetTof);
+    // Set T0 as reference detector
+    evBuildRaw->SetReferenceDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetT0);
+    // Use sliding window seed builder with STS
+    //evBuildRaw->SetReferenceDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetUndef);
+    //evBuildRaw->AddSeedTimeFillerToList(kRawEventBuilderDetTof);
+    //evBuildRaw->SetSlidingWindowSeedFinder(10, 10, 50);
+    //evBuildRaw->SetSeedFinderQa(true);  // optional QA information for seed finder
+    //evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kSts, 1000);
+    //evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMaxNumber(ECbmModuleId::kSts, -1);
+    //evBuildRaw->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kSts, -500, 500);
+    // void SetTsParameters(double TsStartTime, double TsLength, double TsOverLength): TsStartTime=0, TsLength=256ms in 2021, TsOverLength=TS overlap, not used in mCBM2021
+    evBuildRaw->SetTsParameters(0.0, 1.28e8, 1.12928e8);
+    if (geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTof)) {
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kTof, eb_TriggerMinNumberTof);
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMinLayersNumber(ECbmModuleId::kTof, eb_TriggerMinNumberTofLayers);
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMaxNumber(ECbmModuleId::kTof, -1);
+    }
+    evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kT0, eb_TriggerMinNumberT0);
+    evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMaxNumber(ECbmModuleId::kT0, eb_TriggerMaxNumberT0);
+    if (geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kSts)) {
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kSts, eb_TriggerMinNumberSts);
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMinLayersNumber(ECbmModuleId::kSts, eb_TriggerMinNumberStsLayers);
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMaxNumber(ECbmModuleId::kSts, -1);
+    }
+    if (geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kRich)) {
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kRich, eb_TriggerMinNumberRich);
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMaxNumber(ECbmModuleId::kRich, -1);
+    }
+    evBuildRaw->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kT0, eb_TrigWinMinT0, eb_TrigWinMaxT0);
+    if (geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTof))
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kTof, eb_TrigWinMinTof, eb_TrigWinMaxTof);
+    if (geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kSts))
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kSts, eb_TrigWinMinSts, eb_TrigWinMaxSts);
+    if (geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTrd))
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kTrd, eb_TrigWinMinTrd1d, eb_TrigWinMaxTrd1d);
+    if (geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTrd))
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kTrd2d, eb_TrigWinMinTrd2d, eb_TrigWinMaxTrd2d);
+    if (geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kRich))
+      evBuildRaw->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kRich, eb_TrigWinMinRich, eb_TrigWinMaxRich);
+    run->AddTask(evBuildRaw);
+  }
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Reconstruction tasks   -----------------------------------------
+  // =========================================================================
+  // ===                 local STS Reconstruction                          ===
+  // =========================================================================
+  if (bSTS && geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kSts)) {
+    CbmRecoSts* recoSts = new CbmRecoSts();
+    recoSts->SetMode(kCbmRecoEvent);
+    recoSts->SetTimeCutDigisAbs(20.0);     // cluster finder: time cut in ns
+    recoSts->SetTimeCutClustersAbs(20.0);  // hit finder: time cut in ns
+    // Sensor params
+    CbmStsParSensor sensor6cm(CbmStsSensorClass::kDssdStereo);
+    sensor6cm.SetPar(0, 6.2092);  // Extension in x
+    sensor6cm.SetPar(1, 6.2);     // Extension in y
+    sensor6cm.SetPar(2, 0.03);    // Extension in z
+    sensor6cm.SetPar(3, 5.9692);  // Active size in y
+    sensor6cm.SetPar(4, 1024.);   // Number of strips front side
+    sensor6cm.SetPar(5, 1024.);   // Number of strips back side
+    sensor6cm.SetPar(6, 0.0058);  // Strip pitch front side
+    sensor6cm.SetPar(7, 0.0058);  // Strip pitch back side
+    sensor6cm.SetPar(8, 0.0);     // Stereo angle front side
+    sensor6cm.SetPar(9, 7.5);     // Stereo angle back side
+    CbmStsParSensor sensor12cm(sensor6cm);  // copy all parameters, change then only the y size
+    sensor12cm.SetPar(1, 12.4);             // Extension in y
+    sensor12cm.SetPar(3, 12.1692);          // Active size in y
+    // --- Addresses for sensors
+    // --- They are defined in each station as sensor 1, module 1, halfladderD (2), ladder 1
+    //  Int_t GetAddress(UInt_t unit = 0, UInt_t ladder = 0, UInt_t halfladder = 0, UInt_t module = 0, UInt_t sensor = 0,
+    //                   UInt_t side = 0, UInt_t version = kCurrentVersion);
+    Int_t stsAddress01 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);  // U0 L0 M0  6 cm
+    Int_t stsAddress02 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);  // U0 L0 M1  6 cm
+    Int_t stsAddress03 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);  // U0 L1 M0  6 cm
+    Int_t stsAddress04 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0);  // U0 L1 M1  6 cm
+    Int_t stsAddress05 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);  // U1 L0 M0  6 cm
+    Int_t stsAddress06 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);  // U1 L0 M1 12 cm
+    Int_t stsAddress07 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);  // U1 L1 M0  6 cm
+    Int_t stsAddress08 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0);  // U1 L1 M1 12 cm
+    Int_t stsAddress09 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0);  // U1 L2 M0  6 cm
+    Int_t stsAddress10 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0);  // U1 L2 M1  6 cm
+    Int_t stsAddress11 = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0);  // U1 L2 M2  6 cm
+    std::cout << "STS address01 " << std::dec << stsAddress01 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress01 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "STS address02 " << std::dec << stsAddress02 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress02 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "STS address03 " << std::dec << stsAddress03 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress03 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "STS address04 " << std::dec << stsAddress04 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress04 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "STS address05 " << std::dec << stsAddress05 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress05 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "STS address06 " << std::dec << stsAddress06 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress06 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "STS address07 " << std::dec << stsAddress07 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress07 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "STS address08 " << std::dec << stsAddress08 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress08 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "STS address09 " << std::dec << stsAddress09 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress09 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "STS address10 " << std::dec << stsAddress10 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress10 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "STS address11 " << std::dec << stsAddress11 << " " << std::hex << stsAddress11 << std::endl;
+    // --- Now we can define the sensor parameter set and tell recoSts to use it
+    auto sensorParSet = new CbmStsParSetSensor("CbmStsParSetSensor", "STS sensor parameters"
+                                                                     "mcbm2021");
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress01, sensor6cm);
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress02, sensor6cm);
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress03, sensor6cm);
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress04, sensor6cm);
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress05, sensor6cm);
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress06, sensor12cm);
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress07, sensor6cm);
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress08, sensor12cm);
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress09, sensor6cm);
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress10, sensor6cm);
+    sensorParSet->SetParSensor(stsAddress11, sensor6cm);
+    recoSts->UseSensorParSet(sensorParSet);
+    // ASIC params: #ADC channels, dyn. range, threshold, time resol., dead time,
+    // noise RMS, zero-threshold crossing rate
+    auto parAsic = new CbmStsParAsic(128, 31, 75000., 3000., 5., 800., 1000., 3.9789e-3);
+    // Module params: number of channels, number of channels per ASIC
+    auto parMod = new CbmStsParModule(2048, 128);
+    parMod->SetAllAsics(*parAsic);
+    recoSts->UseModulePar(parMod);
+    // Sensor conditions: full depletion voltage, bias voltage, temperature,
+    // coupling capacitance, inter-strip capacitance
+    auto sensorCond = new CbmStsParSensorCond(70., 140., 268., 17.5, 1.);
+    recoSts->UseSensorCond(sensorCond);
+    run->AddTask(recoSts);
+    std::cout << "-I- : Added task " << recoSts->GetName() << std::endl;
+    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  }
+  // =========================================================================
+  // ===                 local TRD Reconstruction                          ===
+  // =========================================================================
+  if (bTRD && geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTrd)) {
+    CbmTrdClusterFinder* trdCluster;
+    Double_t triggerThreshold = 0.5e-6;  // SIS100
+    trdCluster = new CbmTrdClusterFinder();
+    trdCluster->SetNeighbourEnable(true, false);
+    trdCluster->SetMinimumChargeTH(triggerThreshold);
+    trdCluster->SetRowMerger(true);
+    run->AddTask(trdCluster);
+    std::cout << "-I- : Added task " << trdCluster->GetName() << std::endl;
+    CbmTrdHitProducer* trdHit = new CbmTrdHitProducer();
+    run->AddTask(trdHit);
+    std::cout << "-I- : Added task " << trdHit->GetName() << std::endl;
+  }
+  // =========================================================================
+  // ===                    RICH Reconstruction                            ===
+  // =========================================================================
+  if (bRICH && geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kRich)) {
+    // -----   Local reconstruction of RICH Hits ------------------------------
+    CbmRichMCbmHitProducer* hitProd = new CbmRichMCbmHitProducer();
+    hitProd->SetMappingFile(std::string(srcDir.Data())
+                            + "/macro/rich/mcbm/beamtime/mRICH_Mapping_vert_20190318_elView.geo");
+    hitProd->SetIcdFilenameBase(std::string(srcDir.Data()) + "/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/icd_offset_it");
+    hitProd->setToTLimits(23.7, 30.0);
+    hitProd->applyToTCut();
+    hitProd->applyICDCorrection();
+    run->AddTask(hitProd);
+    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // -----   Local reconstruction in RICh -> Finding of Rings ---------------
+    CbmRichReconstruction* richReco = new CbmRichReconstruction();
+    richReco->UseMCbmSetup();
+    run->AddTask(richReco);
+    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  }
+  // =========================================================================
+  // ===                        TOF Hitfinding                             ===
+  // =========================================================================
+  TString parPath = srcDir + "/parameters/mcbm/";
+  if (bTOF && geoSetup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTof)) {
+    TString cFname;
+    switch (iTofCluMode) {
+      case 1: {
+        // -----   TOF defaults ------------------------
+        Int_t calMode      = 93;
+        Int_t calSel       = 1;
+        Int_t calSm        = 0;
+        Int_t RefSel       = 0;
+        Double_t dDeadtime = 50.;
+        Int_t iSel2        = 500;
+        Bool_t bOut        = kFALSE;
+        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        gROOT->LoadMacro(srcDir + "/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/ini_tof_clusterizer.C");
+        Char_t* cCmd =
+          Form("ini_tof_clusterizer(%d,%d,%d,%d,\"%s\",%d,%d,%d,%f,\"%s\",\"%s\")", calMode, calSel, calSm, RefSel,
+               cFileId.Data(), iCalSet, (Int_t) bOut, iSel2, dDeadtime, cCalId.Data(), parPath.Data());
+        cout << "<I> " << cCmd << endl;
+        gInterpreter->ProcessLine(cCmd);
+        // disable histogramming
+        CbmTofEventClusterizer* tofClust = CbmTofEventClusterizer::Instance();
+        tofClust->SetDutId(-1);  // to disable histogramming
+      } break;
+      default: {
+        ;
+      }
+    }
+    // =========================================================================
+    // ===                   Tof Tracking                                    ===
+    // =========================================================================
+    if (bTOFtr) {
+      cout << "<I> Initialize Tof tracker by ini_trks" << endl;
+      Double_t dTOffScal = 1.;
+      gROOT->LoadMacro(srcDir + "/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/ini_tof_trks.C");
+      Char_t* cCmd =
+        Form("ini_tof_trks(%d,%d,%d,%6.2f,%8.1f,\"%s\",%d,%d,%d,%f,\"%s\")", iSel, iTrackingSetup, iGenCor, dScalFac,
+             dChi2Lim2, cCalId.Data(), (Int_t) bUseSigCalib, iCalOpt, iTrkPar, dTOffScal, parPath.Data());
+      cout << "<I> " << cCmd << endl;
+      gInterpreter->ProcessLine(cCmd);
+      CbmTofFindTracks* tofFindTracks = CbmTofFindTracks::Instance();
+      Int_t iNStations                = tofFindTracks->GetNStations();
+    }
+  }
+  //Constant Field
+  // CbmConstField *fMagField = new CbmConstField();
+  // fMagField->SetFieldXYZ(0, 0 ,0 ); // values are in kG
+  // fMagField->SetFieldRegions(-10, -10 ,-10 , 10, 10 , 10 );
+  // run->SetField(fMagField);
+  // =========================================================================
+  // ===                             L1                                    ===
+  // =========================================================================
+  if (bL1) {
+    run->AddTask(new CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit());
+    CbmKF* kalman = new CbmKF();
+    run->AddTask(kalman);
+    CbmL1* l1 = new CbmL1();
+    l1->SetLegacyEventMode(1);
+    l1->SetMcbmMode();
+    l1->SetUseHitErrors(1);
+    //    if (strcmp(geoSetupTag.data(), "mcbm_beam_2021_07_surveyed") == 0) l1->SetMissingHits(1);
+    // --- Material budget file names
+    TString mvdGeoTag;
+    if (geoSetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kMvd, mvdGeoTag)) {
+      TString parFile = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+      parFile         = parFile + "/parameters/mvd/mvd_matbudget_" + mvdGeoTag + ".root";
+      std::cout << "Using material budget file " << parFile << std::endl;
+      l1->SetMvdMaterialBudgetFileName(parFile.Data());
+    }
+    TString stsGeoTag;
+    if (geoSetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kSts, stsGeoTag)) {
+      TString parFile = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+      parFile         = parFile + "/parameters/sts/sts_matbudget_v19a.root";
+      std::cout << "Using material budget file " << parFile << std::endl;
+      l1->SetStsMaterialBudgetFileName(parFile.Data());
+    }
+    TString muchGeoTag;
+    if (geoSetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kMuch, muchGeoTag)) {
+      // --- Parameter file name
+      TString geoTag;
+      geoSetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kMuch, geoTag);
+      Int_t muchFlag = 0;
+      if (geoTag.Contains("mcbm")) muchFlag = 1;
+      //       TString parFile2 = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+      //       parFile2         = parFile2 + "/parameters/much/much_matbudget_" + geoTag + ".root ";
+      //       std::cout << "Using material budget file " << parFile2 << std::endl;
+      //       l1->SetMuchMaterialBudgetFileName(parFile2.Data());
+    }
+    TString trdGeoTag;
+    if (geoSetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kTrd, trdGeoTag)) {
+      TString parFile = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+      parFile = parFile + "/parameters/trd/trd_matbudget_v22a_mcbm.root";  //trd_matbudget_" + trdGeoTag + ".root ";
+      std::cout << "Using material budget file " << parFile << std::endl;
+      l1->SetTrdMaterialBudgetFileName(parFile.Data());
+    }
+    TString tofGeoTag;
+    if (geoSetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kTof, tofGeoTag)) {
+      TString parFile = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+      //  parFile         = parFile + "/parameters/tof/tof_matbudget_" + tofGeoTag + ".root ";
+      parFile = parFile + "/parameters/tof/tof_matbudget_v21d_mcbm.root";
+      std::cout << "Using material budget file " << parFile << std::endl;
+      l1->SetTofMaterialBudgetFileName(parFile.Data());
+    }
+    //   Workaround to get it running:
+    //    1) Change fUseGlobal  in line 129 of CbmStsParSetModule.h to
+    //         Bool_t fUseGlobal = kTRUE;
+    //    2) Change fUseGlobal  in line 114 of CbmStsParSetSensor.h to
+    //         Bool_t fUseGlobal = kTRUE;
+    run->AddTask(l1);
+    CbmL1GlobalTrackFinder* globalTrackFinder = new CbmL1GlobalTrackFinder();
+    FairTask* globalFindTracks                = new CbmL1GlobalFindTracksEvents(globalTrackFinder);
+    run->AddTask(globalFindTracks);
+  }
+  // =========================================================================
+  // ===                            QA                                     ===
+  // =========================================================================
+  if (bQA) {
+    // e.g for RICH:
+    CbmRichMCbmQaReal* qaTask = new CbmRichMCbmQaReal();
+    Int_t taskId              = 1;
+    if (taskId < 0) { qaTask->SetOutputDir(Form("result_run%d", uRunId)); }
+    else {
+      qaTask->SetOutputDir(Form("result_run%d_%05d", uRunId, taskId));
+    }
+    //qaTask->XOffsetHistos(+25.0);
+    qaTask->XOffsetHistos(-4.1);
+    if (uRunId > 2351) qaTask->XOffsetHistos(0.0);
+    qaTask->SetMaxNofDrawnEvents(100);
+    qaTask->SetTotRich(23.7, 30.0);
+    qaTask->SetTriggerRichHits(eb_TriggerMinNumberRich);
+    qaTask->SetTriggerTofHits(0);  // eb_TriggerMinNumberTof);
+    qaTask->SetSEDisplayRingOnly();
+    run->AddTask(qaTask);
+  }
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----  Parameter database   --------------------------------------------
+  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Set runtime DB" << std::endl;
+  FairRuntimeDb* rtdb        = run->GetRuntimeDb();
+  FairParRootFileIo* parIo1  = new FairParRootFileIo();
+  FairParAsciiFileIo* parIo2 = new FairParAsciiFileIo();
+  FairParRootFileIo* parIo3  = new FairParRootFileIo();
+  //parIo1->open(parFileIn.Data(), "READ");
+  //rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1);
+  parIo2->open(parFileList, "in");
+  rtdb->setSecondInput(parIo2);
+  parIo3->open(parFileOut.Data(), "RECREATE");
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  rtdb->setOutput(parIo3);
+  rtdb->saveOutput();
+  rtdb->print();
+  // -----   Run initialisation   -------------------------------------------
+  std::cout << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Initialise run" << std::endl;
+  run->Init();
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Start run   ----------------------------------------------------
+  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Starting run" << std::endl;
+  run->Run(0, nTimeslices);
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Finish   -------------------------------------------------------
+  timer.Stop();
+  FairMonitor::GetMonitor()->Print();
+  Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime();
+  Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime();
+  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "Macro finished successfully." << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "Output file is " << outFile << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "Parameter file is " << parFileOut << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << " s" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << std::endl;
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Resource monitoring   ------------------------------------------
+  // Extract the maximal used memory an add is as Dart measurement
+  // This line is filtered by CTest and the value send to CDash
+  FairSystemInfo sysInfo;
+  Float_t maxMemory = sysInfo.GetMaxMemory();
+  std::cout << "<DartMeasurement name=\"MaxMemory\" type=\"numeric/double\">";
+  std::cout << maxMemory;
+  std::cout << "</DartMeasurement>" << std::endl;
+  Float_t cpuUsage = ctime / rtime;
+  std::cout << "<DartMeasurement name=\"CpuLoad\" type=\"numeric/double\">";
+  std::cout << cpuUsage;
+  std::cout << "</DartMeasurement>" << std::endl;
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Function needed for CTest runtime dependency   -----------------
+  //  RemoveGeoManager();
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// --- Screen output for automatic tests
+  std::cout << " Test passed" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << " All ok " << std::endl;
+  return kTRUE;
diff --git a/macro/run/CMakeLists.txt b/macro/run/CMakeLists.txt
index 3401054dd62f6a89867931ae4558cb5cc1d123a9..e30e0ec8425505c78bc9ce861620ade5675a3c74 100644
--- a/macro/run/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/macro/run/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -305,18 +305,28 @@ If(DEFINED ENV{RAW_DATA_PATH} )
   GENERATE_ROOT_TEST_SCRIPT(${CBMROOT_SOURCE_DIR}/macro/run/run_unpack_tsa.C )  # Unpackers
   GENERATE_ROOT_TEST_SCRIPT(${CBMROOT_SOURCE_DIR}/macro/beamtime/mcbm2021/check_timing_any.C )  # Check Timing mCBM 2021
   GENERATE_ROOT_TEST_SCRIPT(${CBMROOT_SOURCE_DIR}/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/mcbm_event.C )  # Event building mCBM 2022
+  GENERATE_ROOT_TEST_SCRIPT(${CBMROOT_SOURCE_DIR}/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/mcbm_event_reco_L1.C )  # Reco + Event building + L1 mCBM 2022
+  GENERATE_ROOT_TEST_SCRIPT(${CBMROOT_SOURCE_DIR}/macro/mcbm/mcbm_transport.C)
   ## Run only if raw data files present: 2021
   # =====>   Set the timeouts depending on test model (profiling = slow)
   SET( RAW_DATA_UNPACK_TO 700) # Nightly mode on run4: 298 for run 1588, 525 for 2391, 601 for 2488
   SET( RAW_DATA_CHECK_TO  600) # Nightly mode on run4: 562 for run 1588
   SET( RAW_DATA_BUILD_TO  250) # Nightly mode on run4: 155 for 2391, 190 for 2488
+  SET( RAW_DATA_RECO_TO 2000) # 300 for 1 TS in 2391 and 2488
     Message( STATUS "Profiling model detected, increasing timeout for mCBM 2021 tests with coverage." )
     SET( RAW_DATA_UNPACK_TO 800) # Coverage mode: 716 for run 1588 on run4
     SET( RAW_DATA_CHECK_TO  800) # Coverage mode: 654 for run 1588 on run4
   # ====================================================================
+  if(${CBM_TEST_MODEL} MATCHES MergeRequest OR ${CBM_TEST_MODEL} MATCHES Continuous )
+    Message( STATUS "MR or Continuous model detected, decreasing event nb for mCBM 2022 reco tests to single one." )
+    SET( RAW_DATA_RECO_TO 900) # ~380 for 1 TS in 2391 and ~500 in 2488 on run4
+  endif()
   ForEach(RUN 1588 )
     Message( STATUS "Checking if raw data file exists: ${RAW_DATA_PATH}/${RUN}_first20Ts.tsa" )
     If(EXISTS ${RAW_DATA_PATH}/${RUN}_first20Ts.tsa)
@@ -356,6 +366,20 @@ If(DEFINED ENV{RAW_DATA_PATH} )
     SET( RAW_DATA_UNPACK_TO 2200)  # Coverage mode: 1669 for run 2391, 2085 for run 2488
     SET( RAW_DATA_CHECK_TO   300)  # Coverage mode:  171 for run 2391,  213 for run 2488
+  ### Transport run to create geo file
+  Set(setup mcbm_beam_2022_05_23_nickel)
+  Set(testname mcbm_geo_${setup})
+  Set(fixture_geo_run fixture_done_${testname})
+  Add_Test(${testname} ${CBMROOT_BINARY_DIR}/macro/mcbm/mcbm_transport.sh 1 \"${setup}\" \"${CBMROOT_BINARY_DIR}/macro/run/data/${setup}\" \"\" kTRUE)
+  Set_Tests_Properties(${testname} PROPERTIES
+    TIMEOUT "600"
+    PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "Test Passed;All ok"
+    FIXTURES_REQUIRED run_cleanup
+    FIXTURES_SETUP ${fixture_geo_run}
+    )
   # ====================================================================
   ForEach(RUN 2391 2488 )
     Message( STATUS "Checking if raw data file exists: ${RAW_DATA_PATH}/${RUN}_first20Ts.tsa" )
@@ -386,9 +410,33 @@ If(DEFINED ENV{RAW_DATA_PATH} )
             FIXTURES_REQUIRED ${fixture_unpacked_${RUN}}
             FIXTURES_SETUP ${fixture_event_${RUN}}
+      ### Raw analysis tests: (event building and) reconstruction => need calibration files!!
+      Set(testname mcbm_reco_2022_${RUN})
+      Set(fixture_reco_${RUN} fixture_done_${testname})
+      Add_Test(${testname} ${CBMROOT_BINARY_DIR}/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/mcbm_event_reco_L1.sh ${RUN} ${RECO_EVNTS_NB}
+	\"${CBMROOT_BINARY_DIR}/macro/run/data/\" \"${CBMROOT_BINARY_DIR}/macro/run/data/\"
+	\"${CBMROOT_BINARY_DIR}/macro/run/data/${RUN}_first20Ts.digi.root\"
+	)
+      Set_Tests_Properties(${testname} PROPERTIES
+            TIMEOUT ${RAW_DATA_RECO_TO}
+            FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "segmentation violation"
+            PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "Macro finished successfully"
+            FIXTURES_REQUIRED "${fixture_geo_run};${fixture_event_${RUN}}"
+            FIXTURES_SETUP ${fixture_reco_${RUN}}
+            RESOURCE_LOCK mcbmRecoAllCoresBug
+            )
     EndIf() # If(EXISTS ${RAW_DATA_PATH}/${RUN}_first20Ts.tsa))
   EndForEach() # ForEach(RUN 2391 2488 )
 # ============================================================================
diff --git a/reco/detectors/psd/CbmPsdMCbmHitProducer.cxx b/reco/detectors/psd/CbmPsdMCbmHitProducer.cxx
index 9d2d823c821945e6b1a3c4cc90ab806730787de0..8bf210be1afc8491f8e5251c3022932c3c191c58 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/psd/CbmPsdMCbmHitProducer.cxx
+++ b/reco/detectors/psd/CbmPsdMCbmHitProducer.cxx
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ InitStatus CbmPsdMCbmHitProducer::Init()
   FairRootManager* manager = FairRootManager::Instance();
   fCbmEvents = dynamic_cast<TClonesArray*>(manager->GetObject("CbmEvent"));
-  if (fCbmEvents == nullptr) { LOG(info) << ": CbmEvent NOT found \n \n \n"; }
+  if (fCbmEvents == nullptr) { LOG(info) << GetName() << "::Init() CbmEvent NOT found \n"; }
   else {
-    LOG(info) << ": CbmEvent found \n \n \n";
+    LOG(info) << GetName() << "::Init() CbmEvent found";
   fDigiMan = CbmDigiManager::Instance();
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ void CbmPsdMCbmHitProducer::InitMapping() //TODO change for psd
     while ( getline (file,line) ) {
         istringstream iss(line);
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ void CbmPsdMCbmHitProducer::InitMapping() //TODO change for psd
         data.fX = stod(results[6]);
         data.fY = stod(results[7]);
         data.fZ = 348.;
         data.fX -= 6.3; //Shift by 1Pmt + PmtGap + 1cm
         Int_t adr = ((data.fTrbId << 16) | (data.fChannel & 0x00FF));
        // cout <<  data.fTrbId << " " << data.fChannel << " " << data.fX << " " << data.fY << " " << adr << endl;
diff --git a/reco/detectors/rich/CbmRichReconstruction.cxx b/reco/detectors/rich/CbmRichReconstruction.cxx
index 00934104992b42096e6ab716c5889e860e962d25..68d2e066fd636d5827e87ead60f220023b675c0e 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/rich/CbmRichReconstruction.cxx
+++ b/reco/detectors/rich/CbmRichReconstruction.cxx
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ InitStatus CbmRichReconstruction::Init()
   if (nullptr == manager) LOG(fatal) << "CbmRichReconstruction::Init(): FairRootManager is nullptr.";
   fCbmEvents = dynamic_cast<TClonesArray*>(manager->GetObject("CbmEvent"));
-  if (fCbmEvents == nullptr) { LOG(info) << ": CbmEvent NOT found \n \n \n"; }
+  if (fCbmEvents == nullptr) { LOG(info) << GetName() << "::Init() CbmEvent NOT found \n"; }
   else {
-    LOG(info) << ": CbmEvent found \n \n \n";
+    LOG(info) << GetName() << "::Init() CbmEvent found";
   if (fRunExtrapolation) {
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ void CbmRichReconstruction::InitFinder()
      fRingFinder = new CbmL1RichENNRingFinder(0);
      else if ((fFinderName == "enn_parallel")) {
      fRingFinder = new CbmL1RichENNRingFinderParallel(0);
      } else if (fFinderName == "hough_prototype") {
      fRingFinder = new CbmRichProtRingFinderHough();
diff --git a/reco/detectors/rich/mcbm/CbmRichMCbmHitProducer.cxx b/reco/detectors/rich/mcbm/CbmRichMCbmHitProducer.cxx
index 3c6d919f16fac19c36943dfc97ab7186df349754..5f57e281184b2778cadd79701e1106277c10a7b9 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/rich/mcbm/CbmRichMCbmHitProducer.cxx
+++ b/reco/detectors/rich/mcbm/CbmRichMCbmHitProducer.cxx
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ InitStatus CbmRichMCbmHitProducer::Init()
   FairRootManager* manager = FairRootManager::Instance();
   fCbmEvents = dynamic_cast<TClonesArray*>(manager->GetObject("CbmEvent"));
-  if (fCbmEvents == nullptr) { LOG(info) << ": CbmEvent NOT found \n \n \n"; }
+  if (fCbmEvents == nullptr) { LOG(info) << GetName() << "::Init() CbmEvent NOT found \n"; }
   else {
-    LOG(info) << ": CbmEvent found \n \n \n";
+    LOG(info) << GetName() << "::Init() CbmEvent found";
   fDigiMan = CbmDigiManager::Instance();
@@ -290,7 +290,9 @@ bool CbmRichMCbmHitProducer::RestrictToAerogelAccDec2019(Double_t x, Double_t y)
 void CbmRichMCbmHitProducer::read_ICD(std::array<Double_t, 2304>& ICD_offsets, unsigned int iteration)
   std::string line;
-  std::ifstream icd_file(Form("icd_offset_it_%u.data", iteration));
+  std::string filename = ("" == fIcdFilenameBase ? "icd_offset_it" : fIcdFilenameBase);
+  filename += Form("_%u.data", iteration);
+  std::ifstream icd_file(filename);
   unsigned int lineCnt = 0;
   if (icd_file.is_open()) {
     while (getline(icd_file, line)) {
@@ -299,17 +301,17 @@ void CbmRichMCbmHitProducer::read_ICD(std::array<Double_t, 2304>& ICD_offsets, u
       unsigned int addr = 0;
       Double_t value;
       if (!(iss >> addr >> value)) {
-        LOG(info) << "A Problem accured in line " << lineCnt << "\n";
+        LOG(info) << "A Problem accured in line " << lineCnt;
       }  // error
       ICD_offsets.at(addr) += value;
-    LOG(info) << "Loaded inter channel delay file icd_offset_it_" << iteration << ".data for RICH.\n";
+    LOG(info) << "Loaded inter channel delay file " << filename << " for RICH.";
   else {
-    LOG(info) << "Unable to open inter channel delay file icd_offset_it_" << iteration << ".data\n";
+    LOG(info) << "Unable to open inter channel delay file " << filename;
diff --git a/reco/detectors/rich/mcbm/CbmRichMCbmHitProducer.h b/reco/detectors/rich/mcbm/CbmRichMCbmHitProducer.h
index fa48567ff2b679e1a1854fe80f6413628d0780f9..c51a7a98ac69ef14c38152d8fe1e2c4ceed13a8f 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/rich/mcbm/CbmRichMCbmHitProducer.h
+++ b/reco/detectors/rich/mcbm/CbmRichMCbmHitProducer.h
@@ -76,6 +76,12 @@ public:
   void SetMappingFile(const std::string& mappingFile) { fMappingFile = mappingFile; }
+  /**
+     * Set ICD base-file path.
+     */
+  void SetIcdFilenameBase(const std::string& icdFileBase) { fIcdFilenameBase = icdFileBase; }
     * Set ToT Limits.
@@ -143,6 +149,7 @@ private:
   std::string fMappingFile;
+  std::string fIcdFilenameBase = "";
   std::array<Double_t, 2304> fICD_offset_read;
   void InitMapping();
diff --git a/reco/detectors/tof/CbmTofEventClusterizer.cxx b/reco/detectors/tof/CbmTofEventClusterizer.cxx
index 435bae290faeb6ec20e039c92d731fdb371ca49e..22b3f682d0cefc44c14173ec5331c258953f2695 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/tof/CbmTofEventClusterizer.cxx
+++ b/reco/detectors/tof/CbmTofEventClusterizer.cxx
@@ -373,6 +373,8 @@ void CbmTofEventClusterizer::Exec(Option_t* option)
     LOG(info) << "New timeslice " << iNbTs << " with " << fEventsColl->GetEntriesFast() << " events, "
               << fDigiMan->GetNofDigis(ECbmModuleId::kTof) << " TOF digis + "
               << fDigiMan->GetNofDigis(ECbmModuleId::kT0) << " T0 digis ";
+    fiNbSkip1 = 0;
+    fiNbSkip2 = 0;
     fiHitStart        = 0;
     Int_t iNbHits     = 0;
@@ -467,6 +469,14 @@ void CbmTofEventClusterizer::Exec(Option_t* option)
       fTofDigiMatchColl->Delete();  //Clear("C");
+    if (0 < fiNbSkip1) {
+      //
+      LOG(info) << "Total Skip1 Digi nb " << fiNbSkip1;
+    }
+    if (0 < fiNbSkip2) {
+      //
+      LOG(info) << "Total Skip2 Digi nb " << fiNbSkip2;
+    }
   else {
     // fTofDigisColl=fTofRawDigisColl;
@@ -4793,6 +4803,7 @@ Bool_t CbmTofEventClusterizer::BuildClusters()
     // Then loop over the digis array and store the Digis in separate vectors for
     // each RPC modules
     //      iNbTofDigi = fTofCalDigisColl->GetEntriesFast();
     iNbTofDigi = fTofCalDigiVec->size();
     for (Int_t iDigInd = 0; iDigInd < iNbTofDigi; iDigInd++) {
@@ -4815,11 +4826,14 @@ Bool_t CbmTofEventClusterizer::BuildClusters()
       else {
-        LOG(info) << "Skip2 Digi "
-                  << " Type " << pDigi->GetType() << " " << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbSmTypes() << " Sm " << pDigi->GetSm()
-                  << " " << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbSm(pDigi->GetType()) << " Rpc " << pDigi->GetRpc() << " "
-                  << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbRpc(pDigi->GetType()) << " Ch " << pDigi->GetChannel() << " "
-                  << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbChan(pDigi->GetType(), 0);
+        if (fiNbSkip2 < 20) {
+          LOG(info) << "Skip2 Digi "
+                    << " Type " << pDigi->GetType() << " " << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbSmTypes() << " Sm " << pDigi->GetSm()
+                    << " " << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbSm(pDigi->GetType()) << " Rpc " << pDigi->GetRpc() << " "
+                    << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbRpc(pDigi->GetType()) << " Ch " << pDigi->GetChannel() << " "
+                    << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbChan(pDigi->GetType(), 0);
+        }
+        ++fiNbSkip2;
     }  // for( Int_t iDigInd = 0; iDigInd < nTofDigi; iDigInd++ )
@@ -6230,11 +6244,14 @@ Bool_t CbmTofEventClusterizer::CalibRawDigis()
     else {
-      LOG(info) << "Skip1 Digi "
-                << " Type " << pDigi->GetType() << " " << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbSmTypes() << " Sm " << pDigi->GetSm() << " "
-                << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbSm(pDigi->GetType()) << " Rpc " << pDigi->GetRpc() << " "
-                << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbRpc(pDigi->GetType()) << " Ch " << pDigi->GetChannel() << " "
-                << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbChan(pDigi->GetType(), 0);
+      if (fiNbSkip1 < 20) {
+        LOG(info) << "Skip1 Digi "
+                  << " Type " << pDigi->GetType() << " " << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbSmTypes() << " Sm " << pDigi->GetSm()
+                  << " " << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbSm(pDigi->GetType()) << " Rpc " << pDigi->GetRpc() << " "
+                  << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbRpc(pDigi->GetType()) << " Ch " << pDigi->GetChannel() << " "
+                  << fDigiBdfPar->GetNbChan(pDigi->GetType(), 0);
+      }
+      ++fiNbSkip1;
     if (0)  // (bAddBeamCounterSideDigi)
diff --git a/reco/detectors/tof/CbmTofEventClusterizer.h b/reco/detectors/tof/CbmTofEventClusterizer.h
index 97fa8edeb7ce3a9c547dca586dad816ac664dafc..5c754987155808c58fb680cb312c063c8f4a2235 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/tof/CbmTofEventClusterizer.h
+++ b/reco/detectors/tof/CbmTofEventClusterizer.h
@@ -271,6 +271,8 @@ private:
   // Generic
   Int_t fVerbose;
+  Int_t fiNbSkip1 = 0;
+  Int_t fiNbSkip2 = 0;
   // Intermediate storage variables