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  • le.koch/cbmroot
  • i.deppner/cbmroot
  • fweig/cbmroot
  • v.akishina/cbmroot
  • pwg-c2f/cbmroot
  • j.decuveland/cbmroot
  • a.toia/cbmroot
  • i.vassiliev/cbmroot
  • n.herrmann/cbmroot
  • o.lubynets/cbmroot
  • se.gorbunov/cbmroot
  • bartosz.sobol/cbmroot
  • ajit.kumar/cbmroot
  • computing/cbmroot
  • osingh/cbmroot
  • m.shiroya/cbmroot
  • s.roy/cbmroot
  • p.-a.loizeau/cbmroot
  • ma.beyer/cbmroot
  • d.klein/cbmroot
  • d.smith/cbmroot
  • mvdsoft/cbmroot
  • d.spicker/cbmroot
  • y.h.leung/cbmroot
  • m.deveaux/cbmroot
  • mkunold/cbmroot
  • h.darwish/cbmroot
  • g.kozlov/cbmroot
  • d.emschermann/cbmroot
  • evgeny.lavrik/cbmroot
  • v.friese/cbmroot
  • f.uhlig/cbmroot
  • a.senger/cbmroot
  • praisig/cbmroot
  • s.lebedev/cbmroot
  • p.subramani/cbmroot
  • om/cbmroot
  • o.golosov/cbmroot
  • l.chlad/cbmroot
  • a.bercuci/cbmroot
  • d.ramirez/cbmroot
  • v.singhal/cbmroot
  • h.schiller/cbmroot
  • apuntke/cbmroot
  • f.zorn/cbmroot
  • p.chudoba/cbmroot
  • apuntke/mcbmroot
  • r.karabowicz/cbmroot
64 results
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with 3080 additions and 1527 deletions
* Copyright (C) 2014 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the *
* GNU Lesser General Public Licence version 3 (LGPL) version 3, *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the *
* GNU Lesser General Public Licence version 3 (LGPL) version 3, *
* copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE" *
......@@ -12,25 +12,30 @@
* @author D. Klein, A. Rybalchenko
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
#include "ParameterMQServer.h"
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
void addCustomOptions(bpo::options_description& options)
("first-input-name", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("first_input.root"), "First input file name")
("first-input-type", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("ROOT"), "First input file type (ROOT/ASCII)")
("second-input-name", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "Second input file name")
("second-input-type", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("ROOT"), "Second input file type (ROOT/ASCII)")
("libs-to-load", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "List of libraries to load")
("output-name", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "Output file name")
("output-type", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("ROOT"), "Output file type")
("channel-name", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("data"), "Output channel name");
options.add_options()("first-input-name", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("first_input.root"),
"First input file name");
options.add_options()("first-input-type", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("ROOT"),
"First input file type (ROOT/ASCII)");
options.add_options()("second-input-name", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "Second input file name");
options.add_options()("second-input-type", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("ROOT"),
"Second input file type (ROOT/ASCII)");
options.add_options()("libs-to-load", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "List of libraries to load");
options.add_options()("output-name", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "Output file name");
options.add_options()("output-type", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("ROOT"), "Output file type");
options.add_options()("channel-name", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("data"), "Output channel name");
options.add_options()("setup", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "Name/tag of the geomatry setup");
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/)
return new ParameterMQServer();
\ No newline at end of file
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/) { return new ParameterMQServer(); }
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/MQ/topologies/
# Set the install path within the build directory
# Set the install path within the installation directory
set(BIN_DESTINATION bin/MQ/sink)
set(EXE_NAME DevNullSink)
set(SRCS CbmDevNullSink.cxx runDevNullSink.cxx)
set(EXE_NAME TsaComponentSink)
set(SRCS CbmTsaComponentSink.cxx runTsaComponentSink.cxx)
# Install scripts and input file
if(EXISTS ${VMCWORKDIR}/input/tofget4_hd2018.tsa)
install(FILES ${VMCWORKDIR}/input/tofget4_hd2018.tsa
# Set the correct variables for the installation
# Configure file for installation directory
configure_file(${MY_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${TMPDIR}/bin/MQ/topologies/install/
install(PROGRAMS ${TMPDIR}/bin/MQ/topologies/install/
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
* CbmDevNullSink.cxx
......@@ -6,28 +10,22 @@
#include "CbmDevNullSink.h"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
using namespace std;
: FairMQDevice{}
, fNumMessages{0}
CbmDevNullSink::CbmDevNullSink() : FairMQDevice {}, fNumMessages {0} {}
void CbmDevNullSink::Init()
void CbmDevNullSink::Init() {}
void CbmDevNullSink::InitTask()
// register a handler for data arriving on any channel
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined input channels: " << noChannel;
for(auto const &entry : fChannels) {
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
OnData(entry.first, &CbmDevNullSink::HandleData);
......@@ -36,15 +34,12 @@ void CbmDevNullSink::InitTask()
// handler is called whenever a message arrives on "data", with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0)
bool CbmDevNullSink::HandleData(FairMQMessagePtr& msg, int /*index*/)
// Don't do anything with the data
// Maybe add an message counter which counts the incomming messages and add
// an output
LOG(info) << "Received message number "<< fNumMessages
<< " with size " << msg->GetSize();
return true;
// Don't do anything with the data
// Maybe add an message counter which counts the incomming messages and add
// an output
LOG(info) << "Received message number " << fNumMessages << " with size " << msg->GetSize();
return true;
CbmDevNullSink::~CbmDevNullSink() {}
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
* CbmDevNullSink.h
......@@ -10,19 +14,18 @@
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
class CbmDevNullSink : public FairMQDevice
virtual ~CbmDevNullSink();
class CbmDevNullSink : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmDevNullSink();
virtual void InitTask();
virtual void Init();
bool HandleData(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
virtual void InitTask();
virtual void Init();
bool HandleData(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
uint64_t fNumMessages;
uint64_t fNumMessages;
#endif /* CBMDEVNULLSINK_H_ */
/* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
* CbmTsaComponentSink.cxx
......@@ -6,46 +10,45 @@
#include "CbmTsaComponentSink.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error { using std::runtime_error::runtime_error; };
#include <string>
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
using namespace std;
: fNumMessages(0)
CbmTsaComponentSink::CbmTsaComponentSink() : fNumMessages(0) {}
void CbmTsaComponentSink::InitTask()
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined input channels: " << noChannel;
for(auto const &entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
OnData(entry.first, &CbmTsaComponentSink::HandleData);
} catch (InitTaskError& e) {
try {
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined input channels: " << noChannel;
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
OnData(entry.first, &CbmTsaComponentSink::HandleData);
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
......@@ -54,41 +57,37 @@ try
bool CbmTsaComponentSink::IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName)
for(auto const &entry : fAllowedChannels) {
for (auto const& entry : fAllowedChannels) {
std::size_t pos1 = channelName.find(entry);
if (pos1!=std::string::npos) {
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fAllowedChannels.begin(), fAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos-fAllowedChannels.begin();
std::find(fAllowedChannels.begin(), fAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fAllowedChannels.begin();
LOG(info) << "Found " << entry << " in " << channelName;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName
<< " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx;
return true;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName
<< " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
// handler is called whenever a message arrives on "data", with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0)
bool CbmTsaComponentSink::HandleData(FairMQMessagePtr& msg, int /*index*/)
// Don't do anything with the data
// Maybe add an message counter which counts the incomming messages and add
// an output
// Don't do anything with the data
// Maybe add an message counter which counts the incomming messages and add
// an output
LOG(info) << "Received message number "<< fNumMessages
<< " with size " << msg->GetSize();
LOG(info) << "Received message number " << fNumMessages << " with size " << msg->GetSize();
std::string msgStr(static_cast<char*>(msg->GetData()), msg->GetSize());
std::istringstream iss(msgStr);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchive(iss);
fles::StorableTimeslice component{0};
fles::StorableTimeslice component {0};
inputArchive >> component;
......@@ -96,22 +95,16 @@ bool CbmTsaComponentSink::HandleData(FairMQMessagePtr& msg, int /*index*/)
return true;
CbmTsaComponentSink::~CbmTsaComponentSink() {}
void CbmTsaComponentSink::PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc)
LOG(info) << "Header ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_ver)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_id) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_ver) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Equipement ID: " << mdsc.eq_id;
LOG(info) << "Flags: " << mdsc.flags;
LOG(info) << "Sys ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_ver)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_id) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_ver) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Microslice Idx: " << mdsc.idx;
LOG(info) << "Checksum: " << mdsc.crc;
LOG(info) << "Size: " << mdsc.size;
......@@ -120,22 +113,18 @@ void CbmTsaComponentSink::PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescri
bool CbmTsaComponentSink::CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts)
if ( 0 == ts.num_components() ) {
if (0 == ts.num_components()) {
LOG(error) << "No Component in TS " << ts.index();
return 1;
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_components()
<< " different components in timeslice";
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_components() << " different components in timeslice";
for (size_t c = 0; c < ts.num_components(); ++c) {
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_microslices(c)
<< " microslices in component " << c;
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has a size of "
<< ts.size_component(c) << " bytes";
LOG(info) << "Sys ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(0,0).sys_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_microslices(c) << " microslices in component " << c;
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has a size of " << ts.size_component(c) << " bytes";
LOG(info) << "Sys ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(0, 0).sys_id) << std::dec;
for (size_t m = 0; m < ts.num_microslices(c); ++m) {
/* Copyright (C) 2018 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
* CbmTsaComponentSink.h
......@@ -8,30 +12,28 @@
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "MicrosliceDescriptor.hpp"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
class CbmTsaComponentSink: public FairMQDevice
virtual ~CbmTsaComponentSink();
class CbmTsaComponentSink : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmTsaComponentSink();
virtual void InitTask();
bool HandleData(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
virtual void InitTask();
bool HandleData(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
uint64_t fNumMessages;
uint64_t fNumMessages;
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels
= {"stscomponent","tofcomponent","trdcomponent"};
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels = {"stscomponent", "tofcomponent", "trdcomponent"};
bool CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts);
void PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc);
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName);
bool CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts);
void PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc);
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName);
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2018 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
#include "CbmDevNullSink.h"
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
void addCustomOptions(bpo::options_description& /*options*/)
// options.add_options()
// ("max-iterations", bpo::value<uint64_t>()->default_value(0), "Maximum number of iterations of Run/ConditionalRun/OnData (0 - infinite)");
// options.add_options()
// ("max-iterations", bpo::value<uint64_t>()->default_value(0), "Maximum number of iterations of Run/ConditionalRun/OnData (0 - infinite)");
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/)
return new CbmDevNullSink();
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/) { return new CbmDevNullSink(); }
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2018 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
#include "CbmTsaComponentSink.h"
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
void addCustomOptions(bpo::options_description& /*options*/)
void addCustomOptions(bpo::options_description& /*options*/) {}
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/)
return new CbmTsaComponentSink();
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/) { return new CbmTsaComponentSink(); }
$FAIRROOTPATH/bin/shmmonitor --cleanup
if [ -e @SIMPATH@/bin/fairmq-shmmonitor ]; then
@SIMPATH@/bin/fairmq-shmmonitor --cleanup
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# _filename=@VMCWORKDIR@/input/stsxyter_cosy2018.tsa
......@@ -2,146 +2,132 @@ configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/MQ/topologies/
# ${CBMDATA_DIR}/ecal
# Set the install path within the build directory
# Set the install path within the installation directory
set(BIN_DESTINATION bin/MQ/source)
set(EXE_NAME TsaSampler)
set(SRCS CbmMQTsaSampler.cxx runTsaSampler.cxx)
set(EXE_NAME MultiTsaSampler)
set(SRCS CbmMQTsaMultiSampler.cxx runTsaMultiSampler.cxx)
set(EXE_NAME RepReqTsSampler)
set(SRCS CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq.cxx runTsSamplerRepReq.cxx)
set(EXE_NAME TsaSamplerTof)
set(SRCS CbmMQTsaSamplerTof.cxx runTsaSamplerTof.cxx)
set(EXE_NAME TsaMultiSamplerTof)
set(SRCS CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof.cxx runTsaMultiSamplerTof.cxx)
set(EXE_NAME TsaInfo)
set(SRCS CbmMQTsaInfo.cxx runTsaInfo.cxx)
set(EXE_NAME StsDigiSource)
set(SRCS CbmStsDigiSource.cxx runStsDigiSource.cxx)
set(EXE_NAME MCPointSource)
set(SRCS CbmMCPointSource.cxx runMCPointSource.cxx)
#set(EXE_NAME MCPointSource)
#set(SRCS CbmMCPointSource.cxx runMCPointSource.cxx)
# generate_cbm_executable()
set(EXE_NAME TsConsumerReqExample)
set(SRCS CbmTsConsumerReqDevExample.cxx runTsConsumerReqExample.cxx)
# Install scripts and input file
if(EXISTS ${VMCWORKDIR}/input/tofget4_hd2018.tsa)
install(FILES ${VMCWORKDIR}/input/tofget4_hd2018.tsa
# Set the correct variables for the installation
# Configure file for installation directory
configure_file(${MY_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${TMPDIR}/bin/MQ/topologies/install/
configure_file(${MY_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${TMPDIR}/bin/MQ/topologies/install/
install(PROGRAMS ${TMPDIR}/bin/MQ/topologies/install/
/* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
* CbmMCPointSource.cpp
......@@ -6,23 +10,22 @@
#include "CbmMCPointSource.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "CbmMuchPoint.h"
#include "CbmMvdPoint.h"
#include "CbmStsPoint.h"
#include "CbmRichPoint.h"
#include "CbmMuchPoint.h"
#include "CbmTrdPoint.h"
#include "CbmStsPoint.h"
#include "CbmTofPoint.h"
#include "CbmTrdPoint.h"
//#include "CbmEcalPoint.h"
#include "CbmPsdPoint.h"
#include "FairFileSource.h"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairRootManager.h"
#include "FairRunAna.h"
#include "FairFileSource.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
......@@ -30,37 +33,41 @@
// include this header to serialize vectors
//#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error { using std::runtime_error::runtime_error; };
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
void CbmMCPointSource::InitTask()
try {
// Get the values from the command line options (via fConfig)
fFileName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("filename");
fFileName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("filename");
fMaxEvents = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("max-events");
LOG(info) << "Filename: " << fFileName;
LOG(info) << "MaxEvents: " << fMaxEvents;
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are allowed
fComponentsToSend = fChan.GetComponentsToSend();
fChannelsToSend = fChan.GetChannelsToSend();
for(auto const& value: fComponentsToSend) {
fChannelsToSend = fChan.GetChannelsToSend();
for (auto const& value : fComponentsToSend) {
if (value > 1) {
throw InitTaskError("Sending same data to more than one output channel not implemented yet.");
throw InitTaskError("Sending same data to more than one output channel "
"not implemented yet.");
......@@ -71,26 +78,22 @@ try
FairRunAna* ana = new FairRunAna();
FairRootManager* rootman = FairRootManager::Instance();
if ( 0 != fFileName.size() ) {
if (0 != fFileName.size()) {
LOG(info) << "Open the ROOT input file " << fFileName;
// Check if the input file exist
FILE* inputFile = fopen(fFileName.c_str(), "r");
if ( ! inputFile ) {
throw InitTaskError("Input file doesn't exist.");
if (!inputFile) { throw InitTaskError("Input file doesn't exist."); }
FairFileSource* source = new FairFileSource(fFileName);
if ( !source) {
throw InitTaskError("Could not open input file.");
FairFileSource* source = new FairFileSource(fFileName);
if (!source) { throw InitTaskError("Could not open input file."); }
for (unsigned i=0; i < fComponentsToSend.size(); i++) {
if (1 == { // there is a device connected which consumes data of this type
std::vector<std::string> channel_name =;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fComponentsToSend.size(); i++) {
if (1 == { // there is a device connected which consumes data of this type
std::vector<std::string> channel_name =;
LOG(info) <<;
ConnectChannelIfNeeded(i,, "MvdPoint", rootman);
ConnectChannelIfNeeded(i,, "StsPoint", rootman);
......@@ -98,54 +101,57 @@ try
ConnectChannelIfNeeded(i,, "MuchPoint", rootman);
ConnectChannelIfNeeded(i,, "TrdPoint", rootman);
ConnectChannelIfNeeded(i,, "TofPoint", rootman);
// ConnectChannelIfNeeded(i,, "EcalPoint", rootman);
// ConnectChannelIfNeeded(i,, "EcalPoint", rootman);
ConnectChannelIfNeeded(i,, "PsdPoint", rootman);
} else {
else { = nullptr;
} else {
throw InitTaskError("No input file specified");
else {
throw InitTaskError("No input file specified");
Int_t MaxAllowed=FairRootManager::Instance()->CheckMaxEventNo(fMaxEvents);
if ( MaxAllowed != -1 ) {
if (fMaxEvents == 0) {
fMaxEvents = MaxAllowed;
} else {
Int_t MaxAllowed = FairRootManager::Instance()->CheckMaxEventNo(fMaxEvents);
if (MaxAllowed != -1) {
if (fMaxEvents == 0) { fMaxEvents = MaxAllowed; }
else {
if (static_cast<Int_t>(fMaxEvents) > MaxAllowed) {
LOG(warn) << "-------------------Warning---------------------------";
LOG(warn) << " File has less events than requested!!";
LOG(warn) << " File contains : " << MaxAllowed << " Events";
LOG(warn) << " Requested number of events = " << fMaxEvents << " Events";
LOG(warn) << " File contains : " << MaxAllowed << " Events";
LOG(warn) << " Requested number of events = " << fMaxEvents << " Events";
LOG(warn) << " The number of events is set to " << MaxAllowed << " Events";
LOG(warn) << "-----------------------------------------------------";
fMaxEvents = MaxAllowed;
LOG(info) << "After checking, the run will run from event 0 " << " to " << fMaxEvents << ".";
} else {
LOG(info) << "continue running without stop";
LOG(info) << "After checking, the run will run from event 0 "
<< " to " << fMaxEvents << ".";
else {
LOG(info) << "continue running without stop";
fTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
} catch (InitTaskError& e) {
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
void CbmMCPointSource::ConnectChannelIfNeeded(int chan_number,
std::string channel_name, std::string branchname,
FairRootManager* rootman)
void CbmMCPointSource::ConnectChannelIfNeeded(int chan_number, std::string channel_name, std::string branchname,
FairRootManager* rootman)
if ( 0 == ) {
if (0 == {
LOG(info) << "Found expected data type " << branchname;
TClonesArray* arr = static_cast<TClonesArray*>(rootman->GetObject(branchname.c_str()));
if (!arr) {
LOG(info) << "Consuming device connected but no " << branchname << " array in input file!"; = 0; // Don't send to connected device since needed data is not in input = 0; // Don't send to connected device since needed data is not in input
} = arr;
......@@ -157,75 +163,70 @@ bool CbmMCPointSource::ConditionalRun()
Int_t readEventReturn = FairRootManager::Instance()->ReadEvent(fEventCounter);
// LOG(info) <<"Return value: " << readEventReturn;
if ( readEventReturn != 0 ) {
LOG(warn) << "FairRootManager::Instance()->ReadEvent(" << fEventCounter << ") returned "
<< readEventReturn << ". Breaking the event loop";
if (readEventReturn != 0) {
LOG(warn) << "FairRootManager::Instance()->ReadEvent(" << fEventCounter << ") returned " << readEventReturn
<< ". Breaking the event loop";
return false;
for (unsigned i=0; i < fComponentsToSend.size(); i++) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fComponentsToSend.size(); i++) {
bool result = true;
if (1 == { // there is a device connected which consumes data of this type
if (1 == { // there is a device connected which consumes data of this type
if (0 =="MvdPoint")) {
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmMvdPoint>(, i);
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmMvdPoint>(, i);
if (0 =="StsPoint")) {
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmStsPoint>(, i);
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmStsPoint>(, i);
if (0 =="RichPoint")) {
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmRichPoint>(, i);
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmRichPoint>(, i);
if (0 =="MuchPoint")) {
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmMuchPoint>(, i);
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmMuchPoint>(, i);
if (0 =="TrdPoint")) {
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmTrdPoint>(, i);
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmTrdPoint>(, i);
if (0 =="TofPoint")) {
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmTofPoint>(,i );
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmTofPoint>(, i);
if (0 =="EcalPoint")) {
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmEcalPoint>(,i );
if (0 =="PsdPoint")) {
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmPsdPoint>(, i);
result = ConvertAndSend<CbmPsdPoint>(, i);
if (!result) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
if (fEventCounter % 10000 == 0) LOG(info) << "Analyse Event " << fEventCounter;
if (fEventCounter % 10000 == 0) LOG(info) << "Analyse Event " << fEventCounter;
// LOG(info) << "Counter: " << fEventCounter << " Events: " << fMaxEvents;
if (fEventCounter < fMaxEvents) {
return true;
} else {
// LOG(info) << "Counter: " << fEventCounter << " Events: " << fMaxEvents;
if (fEventCounter < fMaxEvents) { return true; }
else {
return false;
CbmMCPointSource::~ CbmMCPointSource()
CbmMCPointSource::~CbmMCPointSource() {}
void CbmMCPointSource::CalcRuntime()
std::chrono::duration<double> run_time =
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - fTime;
std::chrono::duration<double> run_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - fTime;
LOG(info) << "Runtime: " << run_time.count();
LOG(info) << "No more input data";
/* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
* CbmMCPointSource.h
......@@ -8,17 +12,17 @@
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
#include "CbmMQChannels.h"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
// include this header to serialize vectors
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
......@@ -26,126 +30,126 @@ class CbmMCPoint;
class FairRootManager;
class TClonesArray;
class CbmMCPointSource : public FairMQDevice
CbmMCPointSource() = default;
virtual ~CbmMCPointSource();
uint64_t fMaxEvents {0};
std::string fFileName {""};
std::vector<std::string> fInputFileList {}; ///< List of input files
uint64_t fFileCounter {};
uint64_t fEventNumber {0};
uint64_t fEventCounter {0};
uint64_t fMessageCounter {0};
int fMaxMemory {0};
virtual void InitTask();
virtual bool ConditionalRun();
bool SendData();
void CalcRuntime();
void ConnectChannelIfNeeded(int, std::string, std::string, FairRootManager*);
template <class T>
void PrintMCPoint(TClonesArray* arr) {
Int_t entries = arr->GetEntriesFast();
if (entries > 0) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(0));
LOG(info) << "Entries in TCA for data type " << point->GetName() << ": " << entries;
for(int i=0; i< entries; ++i) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(i));
class CbmMCPointSource : public FairMQDevice {
CbmMCPointSource() = default;
virtual ~CbmMCPointSource();
uint64_t fMaxEvents {0};
std::string fFileName {""};
std::vector<std::string> fInputFileList {}; ///< List of input files
uint64_t fFileCounter {};
uint64_t fEventNumber {0};
uint64_t fEventCounter {0};
uint64_t fMessageCounter {0};
int fMaxMemory {0};
virtual void InitTask();
virtual bool ConditionalRun();
bool SendData();
void CalcRuntime();
void ConnectChannelIfNeeded(int, std::string, std::string, FairRootManager*);
template<class T>
void PrintMCPoint(TClonesArray* arr)
Int_t entries = arr->GetEntriesFast();
if (entries > 0) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(0));
LOG(info) << "Entries in TCA for data type " << point->GetName() << ": " << entries;
for (int i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(i));
template<class T>
std::vector<T> Convert(TClonesArray* arr)
template <class T>
std::vector<T> Convert(TClonesArray* arr) {
std::vector<T> vec;
Int_t entries = arr->GetEntriesFast();
if (entries > 0) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(0));
LOG(info) << "Entries in TCA for data type " << point->GetName() << ": " << entries;
for(int i=0; i< entries; ++i) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(i));
return vec;
std::vector<T> vec;
Int_t entries = arr->GetEntriesFast();
if (entries > 0) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(0));
LOG(info) << "Entries in TCA for data type " << point->GetName() << ": " << entries;
for (int i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(i));
return vec;
template <class T>
bool ConvertAndSend(TClonesArray* arr, int i) {
std::vector<T> vec;
Int_t entries = arr->GetEntriesFast();
if (entries > 0) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(0));
LOG(info) << "Entries in TCA for data type " << point->GetName() << ": " << entries;
for(int iEntries=0; iEntries< entries; ++iEntries) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(iEntries));
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << vec;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object){ delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// TODO: Implement sending same data to more than one channel
// Need to create new message (copy message??)
if (>1) {
LOG(info) << "Need to copy FairMessage";
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
// successfull transfer will return number of bytes
// transfered (can be 0 if sending an empty message).
LOG(info) << "Send data to channel " <<;
if (Send(msg, < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
return true;
template<class T>
bool ConvertAndSend(TClonesArray* arr, int i)
std::vector<T> vec;
Int_t entries = arr->GetEntriesFast();
if (entries > 0) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(0));
LOG(info) << "Entries in TCA for data type " << point->GetName() << ": " << entries;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fTime {};
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels
= {"MvdPoint", "StsPoint", "RichPoint", "MuchPoint",
"Trdpoint", "TofPoint", "PsdPoint"};
for (int iEntries = 0; iEntries < entries; ++iEntries) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(iEntries));
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << vec;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// TODO: Implement sending same data to more than one channel
// Need to create new message (copy message??)
if ( > 1) { LOG(info) << "Need to copy FairMessage"; }
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
// successfull transfer will return number of bytes
// transfered (can be 0 if sending an empty message).
LOG(info) << "Send data to channel " <<;
if (Send(msg, < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
return true;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fTime {};
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels = {"MvdPoint", "StsPoint", "RichPoint", "MuchPoint",
"Trdpoint", "TofPoint", "PsdPoint"};
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels
= {"MvdPoint", "StsPoint", "RichPoint", "MuchPoint",
"Trdpoint", "TofPoint", "EcalPoint", "PsdPoint"};
CbmMQChannels fChan{fAllowedChannels};
std::vector<int> fComponentsToSend {};
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> fChannelsToSend { {} };
std::vector<TClonesArray*> fArrays {fAllowedChannels.size(), nullptr};
CbmMQChannels fChan {fAllowedChannels};
std::vector<int> fComponentsToSend {};
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> fChannelsToSend {{}};
std::vector<TClonesArray*> fArrays {fAllowedChannels.size(), nullptr};
/* Copyright (C) 2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
#include "CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq.h"
#include "CbmFlesCanvasTools.h"
#include "CbmFormatDecHexPrintout.h"
#include "TimesliceInputArchive.hpp"
#include "TimesliceMultiInputArchive.hpp"
#include "TimesliceMultiSubscriber.hpp"
#include "TimesliceSubscriber.hpp"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TH1I.h>
#include <TProfile.h>
#include "BoostSerializer.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
//#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
#include "RootSerializer.h"
//namespace filesys = boost::filesystem;
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
#include <stdexcept>
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
: FairMQDevice()
, fTime()
, fLastPublishTime {std::chrono::system_clock::now()}
void CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::InitTask()
try {
// Get the values from the command line options (via fConfig)
fsFileName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("filename");
fsDirName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("dirname");
fsHost = fConfig->GetValue<string>("fles-host");
fusPort = fConfig->GetValue<uint16_t>("fles-port");
fulHighWaterMark = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("high-water-mark");
fulMaxTimeslices = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("max-timeslices");
fsChannelNameTsRequest = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameTsReq");
fbNoSplitTs = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("no-split-ts");
fbSendTsPerSysId = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("send-ts-per-sysid");
fbSendTsPerBlock = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("send-ts-per-block");
fsChannelNameMissedTs = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameMissTs");
fsChannelNameCommands = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameCmds");
fuPublishFreqTs = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("PubFreqTs");
fdMinPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMin");
fdMaxPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMax");
fsHistosSuffix = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("HistosSuffix");
fsChannelNameHistosInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameIn");
if (fbNoSplitTs) {
if (fbSendTsPerSysId) {
if (fbSendTsPerBlock) {
LOG(warning) << "Both no-split-ts, send-ts-per-sysid and send-ts-per-block options used => "
<< " second and third one will be ignored!!!!";
} // if( fbSendTsPerBlock )
LOG(warning) << "Both no-split-ts and send-ts-per-sysid options used => "
<< " second one will be ignored!!!!";
} // if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
else if (fbSendTsPerBlock) {
LOG(warning) << "Both no-split-ts and send-ts-per-block options used => "
<< " second one will be ignored!!!!";
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
LOG(debug) << "Running in no-split-ts mode!";
} // if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if (fbSendTsPerBlock) {
if (fbSendTsPerSysId) {
LOG(warning) << "Both send-ts-per-sysid and send-ts-per-block options used => "
<< " second one will be ignored!!!!";
} // if (fbSendTsPerSysId)
LOG(debug) << "Running in send-ts-per-block mode!";
} // else if( fbSendTsPerBlock ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if (fbSendTsPerSysId) {
LOG(debug) << "Running in send-ts-per-sysid mode!";
} // else if (fbSendTsPerSysId) else if( fbSendTsPerBlock ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
else {
LOG(debug) << "Running in no-split-ts mode by default!";
fbNoSplitTs = true;
} // else of else if (fbSendTsPerSysId) else if( fbSendTsPerBlock ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
/// Extract SysId and channel information if provided in the binary options
std::vector<std::string> vSysIdBlockPairs = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("block-sysid");
for (uint32_t uPair = 0; uPair < vSysIdBlockPairs.size(); ++uPair) {
const size_t sep = vSysIdBlockPairs[uPair].find(':');
if (string::npos == sep || 0 == sep || vSysIdBlockPairs[uPair].size() == sep) {
LOG(info) << vSysIdBlockPairs[uPair];
throw InitTaskError("Provided pair of Block name + SysId is missing a : or an argument.");
} // if( string::npos == sep || 0 == sep || vSysIdBlockPairs[ uPair ].size() == sep )
/// Extract Block name
std::string sBlockName = vSysIdBlockPairs[uPair].substr(0, sep);
/// Extract SysId
/// TODO: or component name
std::string sSysId = vSysIdBlockPairs[uPair].substr(sep + 1);
const size_t hexPos = sSysId.find("0x");
uint16_t usSysId;
if (string::npos == hexPos) usSysId = std::stoi(sSysId);
usSysId = std::stoi(sSysId.substr(hexPos + 2), nullptr, 16);
LOG(debug) << "Extracted block info from pair \"" << vSysIdBlockPairs[uPair] << "\": name is " << sBlockName
<< " and SysId is " << usSysId << " extracted from " << sSysId;
/// Check if SysId already in use
uint32_t uSysIdIdx = 0;
for (; uSysIdIdx < fSysId.size() && fSysId[uSysIdIdx] != usSysId; ++uSysIdIdx) {}
if (uSysIdIdx == fSysId.size()) { throw InitTaskError("Unknown System ID for " + vSysIdBlockPairs[uPair]); }
else if (true == fComponentActive[uSysIdIdx]) {
throw InitTaskError("System ID already in use by another block for " + vSysIdBlockPairs[uPair]);
fComponentActive[uSysIdIdx] = true;
/// Look if Block is already defined
auto itBlock = fvBlocksToSend.begin();
for (; itBlock != fvBlocksToSend.end(); ++itBlock) {
if ((*itBlock).first == sBlockName) break;
} // for( ; itBlock != fvBlocksToSend.end(); ++itBlock)
if (fvBlocksToSend.end() != itBlock) {
/// Block already there, add the SysId to its list
} // if( fvBlocksToSend.end() != itBlock )
else {
/// Block unknown yet, add both Block and First SysId
fvBlocksToSend.push_back(std::pair<std::string, std::set<uint16_t>>(sBlockName, {usSysId}));
} // else of if( fSysId.end() != pos )
LOG(info) << vSysIdBlockPairs[uPair] << " Added SysId 0x" << std::hex << usSysId << std::dec << " to "
<< sBlockName;
} // for( uint32_t uPair = 0; uPair < vSysIdBlockPairs.size(); ++uPair )
if (0 == fulMaxTimeslices) fulMaxTimeslices = UINT_MAX;
// Check which input is defined
// Possibilities:
// filename && ! dirname : single file
// filename with wildcards && dirname : all files with filename regex in the directory
// host && port : connect to the flesnet server
bool isGoodInputCombi {false};
if (0 != fsFileName.size() && 0 == fsDirName.size() && 0 == fsHost.size() && 0 == fusPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
else if (0 != fsFileName.size() && 0 != fsDirName.size() && 0 == fsHost.size() && 0 == fusPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
else if (0 == fsFileName.size() && 0 == fsDirName.size() && 0 != fsHost.size() && 0 != fusPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
LOG(info) << "Host: " << fsHost;
LOG(info) << "Port: " << fusPort;
else if (0 == fsFileName.size() && 0 == fsDirName.size() && 0 != fsHost.size() && 0 == fusPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
LOG(info) << "Host string: " << fsHost;
else {
isGoodInputCombi = false;
if (!isGoodInputCombi) {
throw InitTaskError("Wrong combination of inputs. Either file or wildcard file + directory "
"or host + port are allowed combination.");
LOG(info) << "MaxTimeslices: " << fulMaxTimeslices;
if (0 == fsFileName.size() && 0 != fsHost.size() && 0 != fusPort) {
// Don't add the protocol since this is done now in the TimesliceMultiSubscriber
//std::string connector = "tcp://" + fsHost + ":" + std::to_string(fusPort);
std::string connector = fsHost + ":" + std::to_string(fusPort);
LOG(info) << "Open TSPublisher at " << connector;
fSource = new fles::TimesliceMultiSubscriber(connector, fulHighWaterMark);
else if (0 == fsFileName.size() && 0 != fsHost.size()) {
std::string connector = fsHost;
LOG(info) << "Open TSPublisher with host string: " << connector;
fSource = new fles::TimesliceMultiSubscriber(connector, fulHighWaterMark);
else {
// Create a ";" separated string with all file names
std::string fileList {""};
for (const auto& obj : fvsInputFileList) {
std::string fileName = obj;
fileList += fileName;
fileList += ";";
fileList.pop_back(); // Remove the last ;
LOG(info) << "Input File String: " << fileList;
fSource = new fles::TimesliceMultiInputArchive(fileList, fsDirName);
if (!fSource) { throw InitTaskError("Could open files from file list."); }
LOG(info) << "High-Water Mark: " << fulHighWaterMark;
LOG(info) << "Max. Timeslices: " << fulMaxTimeslices;
if (fbNoSplitTs) { LOG(info) << "Sending TS copies in no-split mode"; } // if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if (fbSendTsPerSysId) {
LOG(info) << "Sending components in separate TS per SysId";
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if (fbSendTsPerBlock) {
LOG(info) << "Sending components in separate TS per block (multiple SysId)";
} // else if( fbSendTsPerBlock ) of if( fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
OnData(fsChannelNameTsRequest, &CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::HandleRequest);
fTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
catch (boost::bad_any_cast& e) {
LOG(error) << "Error during InitTask: " << e.what();
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::InitHistograms()
LOG(info) << "Histograms publication frequency in TS: " << fuPublishFreqTs;
LOG(info) << "Histograms publication min. interval in s: " << fdMinPublishTime;
LOG(info) << "Histograms publication max. interval in s: " << fdMaxPublishTime;
if ("" != fsHistosSuffix) { //
LOG(info) << "Suffix added to folders, histograms and canvas names: " << fsHistosSuffix;
/// Vector of pointers on each histo (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>> vHistos = {};
/// Vector of pointers on each canvas (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>> vCanvases = {};
/// Histos creation and obtain pointer on them
/* clang-format off */
fhTsRate = new TH1I(Form("TsRate%s",,
"TS rate; t [s]",
1800, 0., 1800.);
fhTsSize = new TH1I(Form("TsSize%s",,
"Size of TS; Size [MB]",
15000, 0., 15000.);
fhTsSizeEvo = new TProfile(Form("TsSizeEvo%s",,
"Evolution of the TS Size; t [s]; Mean size [MB]",
1800, 0., 1800.);
fhTsMaxSizeEvo = new TH1F(Form("TsMaxSizeEvo%s",,
"Evolution of maximal TS Size; t [s]; Max size [MB]",
1800, 0., 1800.);
fhMissedTS = new TH1I(Form("MissedTs%s",,
"Missed TS",
2, -0.5, 1.5);
fhMissedTSEvo = new TProfile(Form("MissedTsEvo%s",,
"Missed TS evolution; t [s]",
1800, 0., 1800.);
/* clang-format on */
/// Add histo pointers to the histo vector
std::string sFolder = std::string("Sampler") + fsHistosSuffix;
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTsRate, sFolder));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTsSize, sFolder));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTsSizeEvo, sFolder));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTsMaxSizeEvo, sFolder));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhMissedTS, sFolder));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhMissedTSEvo, sFolder));
/// Canvases creation
Double_t w = 10;
Double_t h = 10;
fcSummary = new TCanvas(Form("cSampSummary%s",, "Sampler monitoring plots", w, h);
fcSummary->Divide(2, 3);
/// Add canvas pointers to the canvas vector
vCanvases.push_back(std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>(fcSummary, std::string("canvases") + fsHistosSuffix));
/// Add pointers to each histo in the histo array
/// Create histo config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Histo name, Folder >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vHistos[ uHisto ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vHistos[ uHisto ]
// ;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psHistoConfig(vHistos[uHisto].first->GetName(), vHistos[uHisto].second);
LOG(info) << "Config of hist " << << " in folder " <<;
} // for( UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto )
/// Create canvas config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Canvas name, config >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vCanvases[ uCanv ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vCanvases[ uCanv ];
std::string sCanvName = (vCanvases[uCanv].first)->GetName();
std::string sCanvConf = GenerateCanvasConfigString(vCanvases[uCanv].first);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psCanvConfig(sCanvName, sCanvConf);
LOG(info) << "Config string of Canvas " << << " is " <<;
} // for( UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv )
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::HandleRequest(FairMQMessagePtr& msgReq, int)
/// Initialize the histograms
if (0 < fuPublishFreqTs && 0 == fulTsCounter) { InitHistograms(); } // if( 0 < fuPublishFreqTs )
if (fbEofFound) {
/// Ignore all requests if EOS reached
return true;
/// TODO: add support for alternative request with "system name" instead of "system ID"
std::string reqStr(static_cast<char*>(msgReq->GetData()), msgReq->GetSize());
if ("SendFirstTimesliceIndex" == reqStr) {
if (0 == fulFirstTsIndex) { //
if (!SendFirstTsIndex() && !fbEofFound) { //
return false;
return true;
if (fbNoSplitTs) {
if (!CreateAndSendFullTs() && !fbEofFound) {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending a STOP to let all slaves finish processing previous data
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} // if( !CreateAndSendFullTs( ts ) && !fbEofFound)
} // if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if (fbSendTsPerSysId) {
/// TODO: add support for alternative request with "system name" instead of "system ID"
int iSysId = std::stoi(reqStr);
LOG(debug) << "Received TS SysId component request from client: 0x" << std::hex << iSysId << std::dec;
/// This assumes that the order of the components does NOT change after the first TS
/// That should be the case as the component index correspond to a physical link idx
if (!CreateCombinedComponentsPerSysId(iSysId) && !fbEofFound) {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending a STOP to let all slaves finish processing previous data
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} // if(!CreateAndCombineComponentsPerSysId(iSysId) && !fbEofFound)
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId && fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs
else if (fbSendTsPerBlock) {
LOG(debug) << "Received TS components block request from client: " << reqStr;
/// This assumes that the order of the components does NOT change after the first TS
/// That should be the case as the component index correspond to a physical link idx
if (!CreateCombinedComponentsPerBlock(reqStr) && !fbEofFound) {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending a STOP to let all slaves finish processing previous data
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} // if( !CreateAndCombineComponentsPerChannel(reqStr) && !fbEofFound)
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId && fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
/// Send histograms each 100 time slices. Should be each ~1s
/// Use also runtime checker to trigger sending after M s if
/// processing too slow or delay sending if processing too fast
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSeconds = currentTime - fLastPublishTime;
if ((fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())
|| (0 == fulMessageCounter % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())) {
if (!fbConfigSent) {
// Send the configuration only once per run!
fbConfigSent = SendHistoConfAndData();
} // if( !fbConfigSent )
fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
} // if( ( fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) || ( 0 == fulMessageCounter % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) )
return true;
std::unique_ptr<fles::Timeslice> CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::GetNewTs()
/// Initialize the source (connect to emitter, ...)
if (0 == fulTsCounter && nullptr != dynamic_cast<fles::TimesliceMultiSubscriber*>(fSource)) {
} // if( 0 == fulTsCounter && nullptr != dynamic_cast< fles::TimesliceMultiSubscriber >(fSource) )
std::unique_ptr<fles::Timeslice> timeslice = fSource->get();
if (timeslice) {
if (fulTsCounter < fulMaxTimeslices) {
const fles::Timeslice& ts = *timeslice;
uint64_t uTsIndex = ts.index();
if (0 == fulFirstTsIndex) { //
fulFirstTsIndex = ts.descriptor(0, 0).idx;
if (0 < fuPublishFreqTs) {
uint64_t uTsTime = ts.descriptor(0, 0).idx;
if (0 == fuStartTime) { //
fuStartTime = uTsTime;
} // if( 0 == fuStartTime )
fdTimeToStart = static_cast<double_t>(uTsTime - fuStartTime) / 1e9;
uint64_t uSizeMb = 0;
for (uint64_t uComp = 0; uComp < ts.num_components(); ++uComp) {
uSizeMb += ts.size_component(uComp) / (1024 * 1024);
} // for( uint_t uComp = 0; uComp < ts.num_components(); ++uComp )
fhTsSizeEvo->Fill(fdTimeToStart, uSizeMb);
/// Fill max size per s (assumes the histo binning is 1 second!)
if (0. == fdLastMaxTime) {
fdLastMaxTime = fdTimeToStart;
fdTsMaxSize = uSizeMb;
} // if( 0. == fdLastMaxTime )
else if (1. <= fdTimeToStart - fdLastMaxTime) {
fhTsMaxSizeEvo->Fill(fdLastMaxTime, fdTsMaxSize);
fdLastMaxTime = fdTimeToStart;
fdTsMaxSize = uSizeMb;
} // else if if( 1 <= fdTimeToStart - fdLastMaxTime )
else if (fdTsMaxSize < uSizeMb) {
fdTsMaxSize = uSizeMb;
} // else if( fdTsMaxSize < uSizeMb )
} // if( 0 < fuPublishFreqTs )
/// Missed TS detection (only if output channel name defined by user)
if ((uTsIndex != (fulPrevTsIndex + 1)) && !(0 == fulPrevTsIndex && 0 == uTsIndex && 0 == fulTsCounter)) {
LOG(debug) << "Missed Timeslices. Old TS Index was " << fulPrevTsIndex << " New TS Index is " << uTsIndex
<< " diff is " << uTsIndex - fulPrevTsIndex << " Missing are " << uTsIndex - fulPrevTsIndex - 1;
if ("" != fsChannelNameMissedTs) {
/// Add missing TS indices to a vector and send it in appropriate channel
std::vector<uint64_t> vulMissedIndices;
if (0 == fulPrevTsIndex && 0 == fulTsCounter) {
/// Catch case where we do not start with the first TS but in the middle of a run
/// Standard cases starting with first TS after the last transmitted one
for (uint64_t ulMiss = fulPrevTsIndex + 1; ulMiss < uTsIndex; ++ulMiss) {
} // for( uint64_t ulMiss = fulPrevTsIndex + 1; ulMiss < uTsIndex; ++ulMiss )
if (!SendMissedTsIdx(vulMissedIndices)) {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending a STOP to let all slaves finish processing previous data
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return nullptr;
} // if( !SendMissedTsIdx( vulMissedIndices ) )
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameMissedTs )
if (0 < fuPublishFreqTs) {
fhMissedTS->Fill(1, uTsIndex - fulPrevTsIndex - 1);
fhMissedTSEvo->Fill(fdTimeToStart, 1, uTsIndex - fulPrevTsIndex - 1);
} // if( 0 < fuPublishFreqTs )
} // if( ( uTsIndex != ( fulPrevTsIndex + 1 ) ) && !( 0 == fulPrevTsIndex && 0 == uTsIndex ) )
if (0 < fuPublishFreqTs) {
fhMissedTSEvo->Fill(fdTimeToStart, 0, 1);
} // else if( 0 < fuPublishFreqTs )
fulPrevTsIndex = uTsIndex;
if (fulTsCounter % 10000 == 0) { LOG(info) << "Received TS " << fulTsCounter << " with index " << uTsIndex; }
LOG(debug) << "Found " << ts.num_components() << " different components in timeslice";
return timeslice;
} // if (fulTsCounter < fulMaxTimeslices)
else {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending an EOF to let all slaves finish processing previous data
std::string sCmd = "EOF ";
sCmd += FormatDecPrintout(fulPrevTsIndex);
sCmd += " ";
sCmd += FormatDecPrintout(fulTsCounter);
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
fbEofFound = true;
return nullptr;
} // else of if (fulTsCounter < fulMaxTimeslices)
} // if (timeslice)
else {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending an EOF to let all slaves finish processing previous data
std::string sCmd = "EOF ";
sCmd += FormatDecPrintout(fulPrevTsIndex);
sCmd += " ";
sCmd += FormatDecPrintout(fulTsCounter);
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
fbEofFound = true;
return nullptr;
} // else of if (timeslice)
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::AddNewTsInBuffer()
/// Remove the first TS(s) in buffer if we reached the HighWater mark
while (fulHighWaterMark <= fdpTimesliceBuffer.size()) {
} // while( fulHighWaterMark <= fdpTimesliceBuffer.size() )
/// Add a new TS and "fail" if we did not get it
if (nullptr == fdpTimesliceBuffer.back()) {
return false;
} // if(nullptr == fdpTimesliceBuffer[fdpTimesliceBuffer.size() - 1])
/// Now that we got the TS, we can add the corresponding list of "Sent" flags,
/// with the proper dimension
if (fbSendTsPerBlock) { fdbCompSentFlags.push_back(std::vector<bool>(fvBlocksToSend.size(), false)); }
else {
fdbCompSentFlags.push_back(std::vector<bool>(fComponentActive.size(), false));
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::CreateAndSendFullTs()
std::unique_ptr<fles::Timeslice> timeslice = GetNewTs();
if (timeslice) {
/// Send full TS as response to the request
const fles::Timeslice& ts = *timeslice;
fles::StorableTimeslice fullTs {ts};
if (!SendData(fullTs)) {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending a STOP to let all slaves finish processing previous data
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} // if (!SendData(fullTs, uChanIdx))
return true;
} // if (timeslice)
else {
return false;
} // else of if (timeslice)
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::PrepareCompListPerSysId()
if (false == fbListCompPerSysIdReady) {
/// Check if already at least one TS in the buffer (should not be the case
/// => if not, add one
if (0 == fdpTimesliceBuffer.size()) {
if (!AddNewTsInBuffer()) return false;
} // if( 0 == fdpTimesliceBuffer.size() )
if (nullptr == fdpTimesliceBuffer.front()) return false;
for (uint32_t uCompIdx = 0; uCompIdx < fdpTimesliceBuffer.front()->num_components(); ++uCompIdx) {
uint16_t usMsSysId = fdpTimesliceBuffer.front()->descriptor(uCompIdx, 0).sys_id;
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), usMsSysId);
if (fSysId.end() != pos) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fSysId.begin();
} // if( fSysId.end() != pos )
} // for( uint32_t uCompIdx = 0; uCompIdx < ts.num_components(); ++uCompIdx )
for (uint32_t uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponents.size(); ++uSysIdx) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Found " << std::setw(2) << fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx].size() << " components for SysId 0x" << std::hex
<< std::setw(2) << fSysId[uSysIdx] << std::dec << " :";
for (uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx].size(); ++uComp) {
ss << " " << std::setw(3) << fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx][uComp];
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
LOG(info) << ss.str();
} // for( uint32_t uSysId = 0; uSysId < fSysId.size(); ++uSysId )
fbListCompPerSysIdReady = true;
} // if( false == fbListCompPerSysIdReady )
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::CreateCombinedComponentsPerSysId(std::string sSystemName)
/// Check if the requested System name is in the list of known components
/// 1) First build the list of components for each SysId if it was not already done
if (!PrepareCompListPerSysId()) return false;
/// 2) Search for requested System name is in the list of known components, get its index and then send the TS
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos = std::find(fComponents.begin(), fComponents.end(), sSystemName);
if (fComponents.end() != pos) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fComponents.begin();
return CreateCombinedComponentsPerSysId(static_cast<uint32_t>(idx));
} // if (fComponents.end() != pos)
else {
LOG(error) << "Did not find " << sSystemName << " in the list of known systems";
return false;
} // else of if (fComponents.end() != pos)
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::CreateCombinedComponentsPerSysId(int iSysId)
/// Check if the requested System ID is in the list of known components
/// 1) First build the list of components for each SysId if it was not already done
if (!PrepareCompListPerSysId()) return false;
/// 2) Search for requested System ID is in the list of known components, get its index and then send the TS
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), iSysId);
if (fSysId.end() != pos) {
const vector<int>::size_type idx = pos - fSysId.begin();
return CreateCombinedComponentsPerSysId(static_cast<uint32_t>(idx));
} // if (fSysId.end() != pos)
else {
LOG(error) << "Did not find 0x" << std::hex << iSysId << std::dec << " in the list of known systems";
return false;
} // else of if (fSysId.end() != pos)
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::CreateCombinedComponentsPerSysId(uint uCompIndex)
/// Then loop on all possible SysId and send TS with their respective components if needed
LOG(debug) << "Create timeslice with components for SysId " << std::hex << fSysId[uCompIndex] << std::dec;
if (0 < fvvCompPerSysId[uCompIndex].size()) {
/// Search if TS in buffer where all components for this system where not sent yet
uint32_t uTsIndex = 0;
for (; uTsIndex < fdpTimesliceBuffer.size(); ++uTsIndex) {
if (false == fdbCompSentFlags[uTsIndex][uCompIndex]) break;
} // for( ; uTsIndex < fdpTimesliceBuffer.size(); ++uTsIndex )
/// If all TS in buffer have sent this one, get a new TS
if (fdpTimesliceBuffer.size() == uTsIndex) {
if (!AddNewTsInBuffer()) return false;
} // if( fdpTimesliceBuffer.size() == uTsIndex )
/// Prepare the custom TS and send it
fles::StorableTimeslice component {static_cast<uint32_t>(fdpTimesliceBuffer[uTsIndex]->num_core_microslices()),
for (uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[uCompIndex].size(); ++uComp) {
uint32_t uNumMsInComp = fdpTimesliceBuffer[uTsIndex]->num_microslices(fvvCompPerSysId[uCompIndex][uComp]);
LOG(debug) << "Add components to TS for SysId " << std::hex << fSysId[uCompIndex] << std::dec << " TS "
<< fdpTimesliceBuffer[uTsIndex]->index() << " Comp " << fvvCompPerSysId[uCompIndex][uComp];
for (size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m) {
component.append_microslice(uComp, m,
fdpTimesliceBuffer[uTsIndex]->descriptor(fvvCompPerSysId[uCompIndex][uComp], m),
fdpTimesliceBuffer[uTsIndex]->content(fvvCompPerSysId[uCompIndex][uComp], m));
} // for( size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m )
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[ uCompIndex ].size(); ++uComp )
LOG(debug) << "Prepared timeslice for SysId " << std::hex << fSysId[uCompIndex] << std::dec << " with "
<< component.num_components() << " components";
if (!SendData(component)) return false;
fdbCompSentFlags[uTsIndex][uCompIndex] = true;
} // if (0 < fvvCompPerSysId[uCompIndex].size())
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::PrepareCompListPerBlock()
if (false == fbListCompPerBlockReady) {
/// 1) First build the list of components for each SysId if it was not already done
if (!PrepareCompListPerSysId()) return false;
/// 2) Build the list of components for each block, based on its list of system IDs
for (auto itBlock = fvBlocksToSend.begin(); itBlock != fvBlocksToSend.end(); ++itBlock) {
auto uBlockIdx = itBlock - fvBlocksToSend.begin();
for (auto itSys = (itBlock->second).begin(); itSys != (itBlock->second).end(); ++itSys) {
/// Check if this system ID is existing
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), *itSys);
if (fSysId.end() != pos) {
const vector<int>::size_type idxSys = pos - fSysId.begin();
/// Add all components to the list
for (uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[idxSys].size(); ++uComp) {
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[ idxSys ].size(); ++uComp )
} // if (fSysId.end() != pos)
else {
LOG(error) << "Error when building the components list for block " << itBlock->first;
LOG(error) << "Did not find 0x" << std::hex << *itSys << std::dec << " in the list of known systems";
return false;
} // else of if (fSysId.end() != pos)
} // for( auto itSys = (itBlock->second).begin(); itSys != (itBlock->second).end(); ++itSys )
} // for( auto itBlock = fvBlocksToSend.begin(); itBlock != fvBlocksToSend.end(); ++itBlock)
fbListCompPerBlockReady = true;
} // if( false == fbListCompPerBlockReady )
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::CreateCombinedComponentsPerBlock(std::string sBlockName)
/// Check if the requested Block is in the list of known blocks
/// 1) First build the list of components for each block if it was not already done
if (!PrepareCompListPerBlock()) return false;
/// 2) Search for requested block is in the list of known blocks, get its index and then send the TS
for (auto itKnownBlock = fvBlocksToSend.begin(); itKnownBlock != fvBlocksToSend.end(); ++itKnownBlock) {
if ((*itKnownBlock).first == sBlockName) {
auto uBlockIdx = itKnownBlock - fvBlocksToSend.begin();
/// Search if TS in buffer where all components for this system where not sent yet
uint32_t uTsIndex = 0;
for (; uTsIndex < fdpTimesliceBuffer.size(); ++uTsIndex) {
if (false == fdbCompSentFlags[uTsIndex][uBlockIdx]) break;
} // for( ; uTsIndex < fdpTimesliceBuffer.size(); ++uTsIndex )
/// If all TS in buffer have sent this one, get a new TS
if (fdpTimesliceBuffer.size() == uTsIndex) {
if (!AddNewTsInBuffer()) return false;
} // if( fdpTimesliceBuffer.size() == uTsIndex )
/// Prepare the custom TS and send it
fles::StorableTimeslice component {static_cast<uint32_t>(fdpTimesliceBuffer[uTsIndex]->num_core_microslices()),
for (uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerBlock[uBlockIdx].size(); ++uComp) {
uint32_t uNumMsInComp = fdpTimesliceBuffer[uTsIndex]->num_microslices(fvvCompPerBlock[uBlockIdx][uComp]);
LOG(debug) << "Add components to TS for Block " << sBlockName << " TS " << fdpTimesliceBuffer[uTsIndex]->index()
<< " Comp " << fvvCompPerBlock[uBlockIdx][uComp];
for (size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m) {
component.append_microslice(uComp, m,
fdpTimesliceBuffer[uTsIndex]->descriptor(fvvCompPerBlock[uBlockIdx][uComp], m),
fdpTimesliceBuffer[uTsIndex]->content(fvvCompPerBlock[uBlockIdx][uComp], m));
} // for( size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m )
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[ uCompIndex ].size(); ++uComp )
LOG(debug) << "Prepared timeslice for Block " << sBlockName << " with " << component.num_components()
<< " components";
if (!SendData(component)) return false;
fdbCompSentFlags[uTsIndex][uBlockIdx] = true;
return true;
} // if( (*itKnownBlock).first == sBlockName )
} // for( auto itKnownBlock = fvBlocksToSend.begin(); itKnownBlock != fvBlocksToSend.end(); ++itKnownBlock)
/// Should reach here only if the block name was not found in the list!
LOG(error) << "Requested block " << sBlockName << " not found in the list of known blocks";
return false;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::SendFirstTsIndex()
// create the message with the first timeslice index
std::string sIndex = FormatDecPrintout(fulFirstTsIndex);
// serialize the vector and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << sIndex;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
// successfull transfer will return number of bytes
// transfered (can be 0 if sending an empty message).
if (Send(msg, fsChannelNameTsRequest) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending reply with first TS index";
return false;
LOG(debug) << "Send message " << fulMessageCounter << " with a size of " << msg->GetSize();
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component)
// serialize the timeslice and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << component;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
// successfull transfer will return number of bytes
// transfered (can be 0 if sending an empty message).
if (Send(msg, fsChannelNameTsRequest) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
LOG(debug) << "Send message " << fulMessageCounter << " with a size of " << msg->GetSize();
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::SendMissedTsIdx(std::vector<uint64_t> vIndices)
// serialize the vector and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << vIndices;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
// successfull transfer will return number of bytes
// transfered (can be 0 if sending an empty message).
LOG(debug) << "Send data to channel " << fsChannelNameMissedTs;
if (Send(msg, fsChannelNameMissedTs) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending missed TS indices to channel " << fsChannelNameMissedTs;
return false;
} // if( Send( msg, fsChannelNameMissedTs ) < 0 )
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::SendCommand(std::string sCommand)
// serialize the vector and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << sCommand;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// FairMQMessagePtr msg( NewMessage( const_cast<char*>( sCommand.c_str() ), // data
// sCommand.length(), // size
// []( void* /*data*/, void* object ){ delete static_cast< std::string * >( object ); },
// &sCommand ) ); // object that manages the data
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
// successfull transfer will return number of bytes
// transfered (can be 0 if sending an empty message).
LOG(debug) << "Send data to channel " << fsChannelNameCommands;
if (Send(msg, fsChannelNameCommands) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending missed TS indices to channel " << fsChannelNameCommands;
return false;
} // if( Send( msg, fsChannelNameMissedTs ) < 0 )
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::SendHistoConfAndData()
/// Prepare multiparts message and header
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> pairHeader(fvpsHistosFolder.size(), fvpsCanvasConfig.size());
FairMQMessagePtr messageHeader(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>>(*messageHeader, pairHeader);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>().Serialize(*messageHeader, pairHeader);
FairMQParts partsOut;
for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < fvpsHistosFolder.size(); ++uHisto) {
/// Serialize the vector of histo config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageHist, fvpsHistosFolder[uHisto]);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageHist, fvpsHistosFolder[uHisto]);
} // for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < fvpsHistosFolder.size(); ++uHisto)
/// Catch case where no histos are registered!
/// => Add empty message
if (0 == fvpsHistosFolder.size()) {
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < fvpsCanvasConfig.size(); ++uCanv) {
/// Serialize the vector of canvas config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageCan(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageCan, fvpsCanvasConfig[uCanv]);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageCan, fvpsCanvasConfig[uCanv]);
} // for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < fvpsCanvasConfig.size(); ++uCanv)
/// Catch case where no Canvases are registered!
/// => Add empty message
if (0 == fvpsCanvasConfig.size()) {
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr msgHistos(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*msgHistos, &fArrayHisto);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*msgHistos, &fArrayHisto);
/// Send the multi-parts message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(partsOut, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::SendHistoConfAndData => Problem sending data";
return false;
} // if( Send( partsOut, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 )
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::SendHistograms()
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*message, &fArrayHisto);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, &fArrayHisto);
/// Send message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(message, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
} // if( Send( message, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 )
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
return true;
bool CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::ResetHistograms()
return true;
CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::~CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq() {}
void CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq::CalcRuntime()
std::chrono::duration<double> run_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - fTime;
LOG(info) << "Runtime: " << run_time.count();
LOG(info) << "No more input data";
/* Copyright (C) 2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* Remove mode "Full TS spreading to multiple outputs"
* Keep track of components sent in split TS mode
* HW mark when sending independent components
* Use exceptions + try/catch instead of boolean return values
#include "MicrosliceDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "TimesliceSource.hpp"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
class TCanvas;
class TH1F;
class TH1I;
class TProfile;
#include <TObjArray.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
class CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq();
uint64_t fulMaxTimeslices;
std::string fsFileName = "";
std::string fsDirName = "";
std::vector<std::string> fvsInputFileList = {}; ///< List of input files
std::string fsHost = "";
uint16_t fusPort = 0;
uint64_t fulHighWaterMark = 10;
std::string fsChannelNameTsRequest = "ts-request";
bool fbNoSplitTs = true;
bool fbSendTsPerSysId = false;
bool fbSendTsPerBlock = false;
std::string fsChannelNameHistosInput = "histogram-in";
uint32_t fuPublishFreqTs = 0;
double_t fdMinPublishTime = 0.5;
double_t fdMaxPublishTime = 5;
std::string fsHistosSuffix = "";
uint64_t fulFirstTsIndex = 0;
uint64_t fulPrevTsIndex = 0;
uint64_t fulTsCounter = 0;
uint64_t fulMessageCounter = 0;
virtual void InitTask();
bool HandleRequest(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
void CalcRuntime();
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string);
std::unique_ptr<fles::Timeslice> GetNewTs();
bool AddNewTsInBuffer();
bool CreateAndSendFullTs();
bool PrepareCompListPerSysId();
bool CreateCombinedComponentsPerSysId(std::string sSystemName);
bool CreateCombinedComponentsPerSysId(int iSysId);
bool CreateCombinedComponentsPerSysId(uint uCompIndex);
bool PrepareCompListPerBlock();
bool CreateCombinedComponentsPerBlock(std::string sBlockName);
bool SendFirstTsIndex();
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component);
bool SendMissedTsIdx(std::vector<uint64_t> vIndices);
bool SendCommand(std::string sCommand);
bool InitHistograms();
bool SendHistoConfAndData();
bool SendHistograms();
bool ResetHistograms();
fles::TimesliceSource* fSource = nullptr; //!
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fTime;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastPublishTime;
// The vector fAllowedChannels contain the list of defined components names
// which are used for connecting the different devices. A request
// using the name stscomponent will receive timeslices containing the
// sts component only. The corresponding system ids are defined in the
// vector fSysId.
// The Blocks are defined by the user by combining a name with a list of components,
// either by name or by SysId
// A components can only be added to one block, attempts to double book will throw
// an init error
std::vector<std::string> fComponents = {"mvdcomponent", "stscomponent", "richcomponent", "muchcomponent",
"trdcomponent", "tofcomponent", "psdcomponent", "t0component"};
std::vector<int> fSysId = {0x20, 0x10, 0x30, 0x50, 0x40, 0x60, 0x80, 0x90};
std::vector<bool> fComponentActive = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false};
bool fbListCompPerSysIdReady = false;
std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> fvvCompPerSysId = {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}};
bool fbListCompPerBlockReady = false;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::set<uint16_t>>> fvBlocksToSend = {};
std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> fvvCompPerBlock = {};
/// Buffering of partially sent timeslices, limited by fulHighWaterMark
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<fles::Timeslice>> fdpTimesliceBuffer = {};
std::deque<std::vector<bool>> fdbCompSentFlags = {};
/// Flag indicating the EOF was reached to avoid sending an emergency STOP
bool fbEofFound = false;
std::string fsChannelNameMissedTs = "";
std::string fsChannelNameCommands = "";
/// Array of histograms to send to the histogram server
TObjArray fArrayHisto = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( HistoName, FolderPath ) to send to the histogram server
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsHistosFolder = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( CanvasName, CanvasConfig ) to send to the histogram server
/// Format of Can config is "NbPadX(U);NbPadY(U);ConfigPad1(s);....;ConfigPadXY(s)"
/// Format of Pad config is "GrixX(b),GridY(b),LogX(b),LogY(b),LogZ(b),HistoName(s),DrawOptions(s)"
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsCanvasConfig = {};
/// Flag indicating whether the histograms and canvases configurations were already published
bool fbConfigSent = false;
/// Histograms
TH1I* fhTsRate = nullptr;
TH1I* fhTsSize = nullptr;
TProfile* fhTsSizeEvo = nullptr;
TH1F* fhTsMaxSizeEvo = nullptr;
TH1I* fhMissedTS = nullptr;
TProfile* fhMissedTSEvo = nullptr;
TCanvas* fcSummary = nullptr;
uint64_t fuStartTime = 0;
double_t fdTimeToStart = 0.;
double_t fdLastMaxTime = 0.;
double_t fdTsMaxSize = 0.;
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
* CbmMQTsaInfo.cpp
......@@ -7,97 +11,96 @@
#include "CbmMQTsaInfo.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "TimesliceInputArchive.hpp"
#include "TimesliceSubscriber.hpp"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "TimesliceSubscriber.hpp"
#include "TimesliceInputArchive.hpp"
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
#include <stdexcept>
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error { using std::runtime_error::runtime_error; };
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
: FairMQDevice()
, fMaxTimeslices(0)
, fFileName("")
, fInputFileList()
, fFileCounter(0)
, fHost("")
, fPort(0)
, fTSNumber(0)
, fTSCounter(0)
, fMessageCounter(0)
, fTime()
: FairMQDevice()
, fMaxTimeslices(0)
, fFileName("")
, fInputFileList()
, fFileCounter(0)
, fHost("")
, fPort(0)
, fTSNumber(0)
, fTSCounter(0)
, fMessageCounter(0)
, fTime()
void CbmMQTsaInfo::InitTask()
// Get the values from the command line options (via fConfig)
fFileName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("filename");
fHost = fConfig->GetValue<string>("flib-host");
fPort = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("flib-port");
fMaxTimeslices = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("max-timeslices");
LOG(info) << "Filename: " << fFileName;
LOG(info) << "Host: " << fHost;
LOG(info) << "Port: " << fPort;
LOG(info) << "MaxTimeslices: " << fMaxTimeslices;
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined output channels: " << noChannel;
for(auto const &entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
try {
// Get the values from the command line options (via fConfig)
fFileName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("filename");
fHost = fConfig->GetValue<string>("flib-host");
fPort = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("flib-port");
fMaxTimeslices = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("max-timeslices");
LOG(info) << "Filename: " << fFileName;
LOG(info) << "Host: " << fHost;
LOG(info) << "Port: " << fPort;
LOG(info) << "MaxTimeslices: " << fMaxTimeslices;
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined output channels: " << noChannel;
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
if ( 0 == fFileName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() ) {
if (0 == fFileName.size() && 0 != fHost.size()) {
std::string connector = "tcp://" + fHost + ":" + std::to_string(fPort);
LOG(info) << "Open TSPublisher at " << connector;
fSource = new fles::TimesliceSubscriber(connector);
if ( !fSource) {
throw InitTaskError("Could not connect to publisher.");
} else {
fSource = new fles::TimesliceSubscriber(connector, 1);
if (!fSource) { throw InitTaskError("Could not connect to publisher."); }
else {
LOG(info) << "Open the Flib input file " << fFileName;
// Check if the input file exist
FILE* inputFile = fopen(fFileName.c_str(), "r");
if ( ! inputFile ) {
throw InitTaskError("Input file doesn't exist.");
if (!inputFile) { throw InitTaskError("Input file doesn't exist."); }
fSource = new fles::TimesliceInputArchive(fFileName);
if ( !fSource) {
throw InitTaskError("Could not open input file.");
if (!fSource) { throw InitTaskError("Could not open input file."); }
fTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
} catch (InitTaskError& e) {
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
......@@ -105,14 +108,12 @@ try
bool CbmMQTsaInfo::IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName)
if ( std::find(fAllowedChannels.begin(), fAllowedChannels.end(),
channelName) != fAllowedChannels.end() ) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName
<< " found in list of allowed channel names.";
if (std::find(fAllowedChannels.begin(), fAllowedChannels.end(), channelName) != fAllowedChannels.end()) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of allowed channel names.";
return true;
} else {
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName
<< " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
else {
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
......@@ -125,59 +126,49 @@ bool CbmMQTsaInfo::ConditionalRun()
auto timeslice = fSource->get();
if (timeslice) {
if (fTSCounter % 10000 == 0) LOG(info) << "Analyse Event " << fTSCounter;
if (fTSCounter % 10000 == 0) LOG(info) << "Analyse Event " << fTSCounter;
const fles::Timeslice& ts = *timeslice;
// auto tsIndex = ts.index();
// auto tsIndex = ts.index();
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_components()
<< " different components in timeslice";
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_components() << " different components in timeslice";
if (fTSCounter < fMaxTimeslices) {
return true;
} else {
if (fTSCounter < fMaxTimeslices) { return true; }
else {
return false;
} else {
else {
return false;
CbmMQTsaInfo::~ CbmMQTsaInfo()
CbmMQTsaInfo::~CbmMQTsaInfo() {}
void CbmMQTsaInfo::CalcRuntime()
std::chrono::duration<double> run_time =
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - fTime;
std::chrono::duration<double> run_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - fTime;
LOG(info) << "Runtime: " << run_time.count();
LOG(info) << "No more input data";
void CbmMQTsaInfo::PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc)
LOG(info) << "Header ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_ver)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_id) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_ver) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Equipement ID: " << mdsc.eq_id;
LOG(info) << "Flags: " << mdsc.flags;
LOG(info) << "Sys ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_ver)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_id) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_ver) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Microslice Idx: " << mdsc.idx;
LOG(info) << "Checksum: " << mdsc.crc;
LOG(info) << "Size: " << mdsc.size;
......@@ -186,23 +177,19 @@ void CbmMQTsaInfo::PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& m
bool CbmMQTsaInfo::CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts)
if ( 0 == ts.num_components() ) {
if (0 == ts.num_components()) {
LOG(error) << "No Component in TS " << ts.index();
return 1;
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_components()
<< " different components in timeslice";
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_components() << " different components in timeslice";
for (size_t c = 0; c < ts.num_components(); ++c) {
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_microslices(c)
<< " microslices in component " << c;
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has a size of "
<< ts.size_component(c) << " bytes";
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has the system id 0x"
<< std::hex << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(c,0).sys_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_microslices(c) << " microslices in component " << c;
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has a size of " << ts.size_component(c) << " bytes";
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has the system id 0x" << std::hex
<< static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(c, 0).sys_id) << std::dec;
for (size_t m = 0; m < ts.num_microslices(c); ++m) {
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
* CbmMQTsaInfo.h
......@@ -9,55 +13,52 @@
#include "TimesliceSource.hpp"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "MicrosliceDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "TimesliceSource.hpp"
//#include "Message.hpp"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
class CbmMQTsaInfo : public FairMQDevice
virtual ~CbmMQTsaInfo();
uint64_t fMaxTimeslices;
class CbmMQTsaInfo : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmMQTsaInfo();
std::string fFileName;
std::vector<std::string> fInputFileList; ///< List of input files
uint64_t fFileCounter;
std::string fHost;
uint64_t fPort;
uint64_t fMaxTimeslices;
uint64_t fTSNumber;
uint64_t fTSCounter;
uint64_t fMessageCounter;
std::string fFileName;
std::vector<std::string> fInputFileList; ///< List of input files
uint64_t fFileCounter;
std::string fHost;
uint64_t fPort;
int fMaxMemory = 0;
uint64_t fTSNumber;
uint64_t fTSCounter;
uint64_t fMessageCounter;
virtual void InitTask();
virtual bool ConditionalRun();
int fMaxMemory = 0;
bool CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts);
void PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc);
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component);
void CalcRuntime();
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string);
virtual void InitTask();
virtual bool ConditionalRun();
fles::TimesliceSource* fSource; //!
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fTime;
bool CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts);
void PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc);
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component);
void CalcRuntime();
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string);
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels
= {"stscomponent","trdcomponent","tofcomponent"};
fles::TimesliceSource* fSource; //!
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fTime;
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels = {"stscomponent", "trdcomponent", "tofcomponent"};
#endif /* CBMMQTSAINFO_H_ */
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2021 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau, Florian Uhlig [committer] */
* CbmMQTsaMultiSampler.cpp
......@@ -8,337 +12,622 @@
#include "CbmMQTsaMultiSampler.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "CbmFlesCanvasTools.h"
#include "CbmFormatDecHexPrintout.h"
#include "TimesliceSubscriber.hpp"
#include "TimesliceMultiSubscriber.hpp"
#include "TimesliceInputArchive.hpp"
#include "TimesliceMultiInputArchive.hpp"
#include "TimesliceMultiSubscriber.hpp"
#include "TimesliceSubscriber.hpp"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TH1I.h>
#include <TProfile.h>
#include "BoostSerializer.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
#include "RootSerializer.h"
namespace filesys = boost::filesystem;
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
#include <chrono>
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
#include <stdexcept>
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error { using std::runtime_error::runtime_error; };
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
: FairMQDevice()
, fMaxTimeslices(0)
, fFileName("")
, fDirName("")
, fInputFileList()
, fFileCounter(0)
, fHost("")
, fPort(0)
, fHighWaterMark(1)
, fTSNumber(0)
, fTSCounter(0)
, fMessageCounter(0)
, fSource(nullptr)
, fTime()
: FairMQDevice()
, fMaxTimeslices(0)
, fFileName("")
, fDirName("")
, fInputFileList()
, fFileCounter(0)
, fHost("")
, fPort(0)
, fHighWaterMark(1)
, fTSCounter(0)
, fMessageCounter(0)
, fSource(nullptr)
, fTime()
, fLastPublishTime {std::chrono::system_clock::now()}
void CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::InitTask()
// Get the values from the command line options (via fConfig)
fFileName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("filename");
fDirName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("dirname");
fHost = fConfig->GetValue<string>("flib-host");
fPort = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("flib-port");
fHighWaterMark = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("high-water-mark");
fMaxTimeslices = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("max-timeslices");
fbNoSplitTs = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("no-split-ts");
fbSendTsPerSysId = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("send-ts-per-sysid");
fbSendTsPerChannel = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("send-ts-per-channel");
if( fbNoSplitTs )
if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
if( fbSendTsPerChannel )
LOG(warning) << "Both no-split-ts, send-ts-per-sysid and send-ts-per-channel options used => "
<< " second and third one will be ignored!!!!";
} // if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
else LOG(warning) << "Both no-split-ts and send-ts-per-sysid options used => "
<< " second one will be ignored!!!!";
} // if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
else if( fbSendTsPerChannel )
LOG(warning) << "Both no-split-ts and send-ts-per-channel options used => "
try {
// Get the values from the command line options (via fConfig)
fFileName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("filename");
fDirName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("dirname");
fHost = fConfig->GetValue<string>("flib-host");
fPort = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("flib-port");
fHighWaterMark = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("high-water-mark");
fMaxTimeslices = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("max-timeslices");
fbNoSplitTs = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("no-split-ts");
fbSendTsPerSysId = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("send-ts-per-sysid");
fbSendTsPerChannel = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("send-ts-per-channel");
fsChannelNameMissedTs = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameMissTs");
fsChannelNameCommands = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameCmds");
fuPublishFreqTs = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("PubFreqTs");
fdMinPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMin");
fdMaxPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMax");
fsChannelNameHistosInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameIn");
fsChannelNameHistosConfig = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameHistCfg");
fsChannelNameCanvasConfig = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameCanvCfg");
if (fbNoSplitTs) {
if (fbSendTsPerSysId) {
if (fbSendTsPerChannel) {
LOG(warning) << "Both no-split-ts, send-ts-per-sysid and "
"send-ts-per-channel options used => "
<< " second and third one will be ignored!!!!";
} // if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
LOG(warning) << "Both no-split-ts and send-ts-per-sysid options used => "
<< " second one will be ignored!!!!";
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
} // if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if( fbSendTsPerSysId && fbSendTsPerChannel )
LOG(warning) << "Both send-ts-per-sysid and send-ts-per-channel options used => "
<< " second one will be ignored!!!!";
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId && fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
std::vector< std::string > vSysIdChanPairs = fConfig->GetValue< std::vector< std::string > >("sysid-chan");
for( uint32_t uPair = 0; uPair < vSysIdChanPairs.size(); ++uPair )
const size_t sep = vSysIdChanPairs[ uPair ].find(':');
if( string::npos == sep || 0 == sep || vSysIdChanPairs[ uPair ].size() == sep )
LOG(info) << vSysIdChanPairs[ uPair ];
throw InitTaskError("Provided pair of SysId + Channel name is missing a : or an argument.");
} // if( string::npos == sep || 0 == sep || vSysIdChanPairs[ uPair ].size() == sep )
/// Extract SysId
std::string sSysId = vSysIdChanPairs[ uPair ].substr( 0, sep );
const size_t hexPos = sSysId.find("0x");
int iSysId;
if( string::npos == hexPos )
iSysId = std::stoi( sSysId );
else iSysId = std::stoi( sSysId.substr( hexPos + 2 ), nullptr, 16 );
/// Extract Channel name
std::string sChannelName = vSysIdChanPairs[ uPair ].substr( sep + 1 );
/// Look if SysId is already defined
const vector< int >::const_iterator pos = std::find( fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), iSysId );
if( fSysId.end() != pos )
/// SysId already there, redefine the corresponding channel name
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fSysId.begin();
fAllowedChannels[ idx ] = sChannelName;
} // if( fSysId.end() != pos )
/// SysId unknown yet, add both SysId and channe name at end of respective vectors
fSysId.push_back( iSysId );
fAllowedChannels.push_back( sChannelName );
} // else of if( fSysId.end() != pos )
LOG(info) << vSysIdChanPairs[ uPair ] << " " << iSysId << " " << sChannelName;
} // for( uint32_t uPair = 0; uPair < vSysIdChanPairs.size(); ++uPair )
if (0 == fMaxTimeslices) fMaxTimeslices = UINT_MAX;
// Check which input is defined
// Posibilities
// filename && ! dirname : single file
// filename with wildcards && diranme : all files with filename regex in the directory
// host && port : connect to the flim server
bool isGoodInputCombi{false};
if ( 0 != fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 == fHost.size() && 0 == fPort ) {
} else if ( 0 != fFileName.size() && 0 != fDirName.size() && 0 == fHost.size() && 0 == fPort ) {
} else if ( 0 == fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 != fPort) {
LOG(info) << "Host: " << fHost;
LOG(info) << "Port: " << fPort;
} else if ( 0 == fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 == fPort) {
LOG(info) << "Host string: " << fHost;
} else {
} // if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
else if (fbSendTsPerChannel) {
LOG(warning) << "Both no-split-ts and send-ts-per-channel options used => "
<< " second one will be ignored!!!!";
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
} // if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if (fbSendTsPerSysId && fbSendTsPerChannel) {
LOG(warning) << "Both send-ts-per-sysid and send-ts-per-channel options used => "
<< " second one will be ignored!!!!";
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId && fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
/// Extract SysId and channel information if provided in the binary options
std::vector<std::string> vSysIdChanPairs = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("sysid-chan");
for (uint32_t uPair = 0; uPair < vSysIdChanPairs.size(); ++uPair) {
const size_t sep = vSysIdChanPairs[uPair].find(':');
if (string::npos == sep || 0 == sep || vSysIdChanPairs[uPair].size() == sep) {
LOG(info) << vSysIdChanPairs[uPair];
throw InitTaskError("Provided pair of SysId + Channel name is missing a : or an argument.");
} // if( string::npos == sep || 0 == sep || vSysIdChanPairs[ uPair ].size() == sep )
/// Extract SysId
std::string sSysId = vSysIdChanPairs[uPair].substr(0, sep);
const size_t hexPos = sSysId.find("0x");
int iSysId;
if (string::npos == hexPos) iSysId = std::stoi(sSysId);
iSysId = std::stoi(sSysId.substr(hexPos + 2), nullptr, 16);
/// Extract Channel name
std::string sChannelName = vSysIdChanPairs[uPair].substr(sep + 1);
/// Look if SysId is already defined
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), iSysId);
if (fSysId.end() != pos) {
/// SysId already there, redefine the corresponding channel name
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fSysId.begin();
fAllowedChannels[idx] = sChannelName;
} // if( fSysId.end() != pos )
else {
/// SysId unknown yet, add both SysId and channe name at end of respective vectors
} // else of if( fSysId.end() != pos )
LOG(info) << vSysIdChanPairs[uPair] << " " << iSysId << " " << sChannelName;
} // for( uint32_t uPair = 0; uPair < vSysIdChanPairs.size(); ++uPair )
if (0 == fMaxTimeslices) fMaxTimeslices = UINT_MAX;
// Check which input is defined
// Posibilities
// filename && ! dirname : single file
// filename with wildcards && diranme : all files with filename regex in the directory
// host && port : connect to the flim server
bool isGoodInputCombi {false};
if (0 != fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 == fHost.size() && 0 == fPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
else if (0 != fFileName.size() && 0 != fDirName.size() && 0 == fHost.size() && 0 == fPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
else if (0 == fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 != fPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
LOG(info) << "Host: " << fHost;
LOG(info) << "Port: " << fPort;
else if (0 == fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 == fPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
LOG(info) << "Host string: " << fHost;
else {
isGoodInputCombi = false;
if (!isGoodInputCombi) {
throw InitTaskError("Wrong combination of inputs. Either file or wildcard file + directory or host + port are allowed combination.");
if (!isGoodInputCombi) {
throw InitTaskError("Wrong combination of inputs. Either file or wildcard file + directory "
"or host + port are allowed combination.");
LOG(info) << "MaxTimeslices: " << fMaxTimeslices;
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined output channels: " << noChannel;
for(auto const &entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
LOG(info) << "MaxTimeslices: " << fMaxTimeslices;
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined output channels: " << noChannel;
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
/// Catches and ignores the channels for missing TS indices and commands
/// Same for the histogram channels
if (entry.first == fsChannelNameMissedTs || entry.first == fsChannelNameCommands
|| (0 < fuPublishFreqTs
&& (entry.first == fsChannelNameHistosInput || entry.first == fsChannelNameHistosConfig
|| entry.first == fsChannelNameCanvasConfig))) {
} // if( entry.first == fsChannelNameMissedTs || entry.first == fsChannelNameCommands || histo channels name)
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
for(auto const& value: fComponentsToSend) {
LOG(info) << "Value : " << value;
if (value > 1) {
throw InitTaskError("Sending same data to more than one output channel not implemented yet.");
for (auto const& value : fComponentsToSend) {
LOG(info) << "Value : " << value;
if (value > 1) {
throw InitTaskError("Sending same data to more than one output channel "
"not implemented yet.");
if ( 0 == fFileName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 != fPort ) {
if (0 == fFileName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 != fPort) {
// Don't add the protocol since this is done now in the TimesliceMultiSubscriber
//std::string connector = "tcp://" + fHost + ":" + std::to_string(fPort);
std::string connector = fHost + ":" + std::to_string(fPort);
LOG(info) << "Open TSPublisher at " << connector;
fSource = new fles::TimesliceMultiSubscriber(connector);
} else if ( 0 == fFileName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() ) {
else if (0 == fFileName.size() && 0 != fHost.size()) {
std::string connector = fHost;
LOG(info) << "Open TSPublisher with host string: " << connector;
fSource = new fles::TimesliceMultiSubscriber(connector, fHighWaterMark);
} else {
else {
// Create a ";" separated string with all file names
std::string fileList{""};
for(const auto obj: fInputFileList) {
std::string fileList {""};
for (const auto& obj : fInputFileList) {
std::string fileName = obj;
fileList += fileName;
fileList += ";";
fileList.pop_back(); // Remove the last ;
fileList.pop_back(); // Remove the last ;
LOG(info) << "Input File String: " << fileList;
fSource = new fles::TimesliceMultiInputArchive(fileList, fDirName);
if ( !fSource) {
throw InitTaskError("Could open files from file list.");
if (!fSource) { throw InitTaskError("Could open files from file list."); }
LOG( info ) << "High-Water Mark: " << fHighWaterMark;
LOG( info ) << "Max. Timeslices: " << fMaxTimeslices;
if( fbNoSplitTs )
LOG(info) << "Sending TS copies in no-split mode";
} // if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
LOG(info) << "High-Water Mark: " << fHighWaterMark;
LOG(info) << "Max. Timeslices: " << fMaxTimeslices;
if (fbNoSplitTs) { LOG(info) << "Sending TS copies in no-split mode"; } // if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if (fbSendTsPerSysId) {
LOG(info) << "Sending components in separate TS per SysId";
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId && fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs
else if( fbSendTsPerChannel )
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId && fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs
else if (fbSendTsPerChannel) {
LOG(info) << "Sending components in separate TS per channel";
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId && fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId && fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
fTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
} catch (InitTaskError& e) {
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName)
/// If sending full TS, accept any name!
if (fbNoSplitTs) {
return true;
} // if( fbNoSplitTs )
bool bFoundMatch = false;
// for(auto const &entry : fAllowedChannels) {
for( uint32_t idx = 0; idx < fAllowedChannels.size(); ++idx )
auto const &entry = fAllowedChannels[ idx ];
// for(auto const &entry : fAllowedChannels) {
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < fAllowedChannels.size(); ++idx) {
auto const& entry = fAllowedChannels[idx];
LOG(info) << "Looking for name " << channelName << " in " << entry;
std::size_t pos1 = channelName.find(entry);
if (pos1!=std::string::npos) {
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fAllowedChannels.begin(), fAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos-fAllowedChannels.begin();
LOG(info) << "Found " << entry << " in " << channelName;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName
<< " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx
<< " (SysId 0x" << std::hex << fSysId[ idx ] << std::dec << ")";
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx
<< " (SysId 0x" << std::hex << fSysId[idx] << std::dec << ")";
/// If sending per channel, do not stop the loop as we allow more than 1 comp type per channel
if( fbSendTsPerChannel )
bFoundMatch = true;
else return true;
} // if (pos1!=std::string::npos)
if (fbSendTsPerChannel) bFoundMatch = true;
return true;
} // if (pos1!=std::string::npos)
/// If sending per channel, do not stop the loop but still check if at least 1 match found
if( fbSendTsPerChannel && bFoundMatch )
return true;
if (fbSendTsPerChannel && bFoundMatch) return true;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName
<< " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::InitHistograms()
LOG(info) << "Histograms publication frequency in TS: " << fuPublishFreqTs;
LOG(info) << "Histograms publication min. interval in s: " << fdMinPublishTime;
LOG(info) << "Histograms publication max. interval in s: " << fdMaxPublishTime;
/// Vector of pointers on each histo (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>> vHistos = {};
/// Vector of pointers on each canvas (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>> vCanvases = {};
/// Histos creation and obtain pointer on them
fhTsRate = new TH1I("TsRate", "TS rate; t [s]", 1800, 0., 1800.);
fhTsSize = new TH1I("TsSize", "Size of TS; Size [MB]", 15000, 0., 15000.);
fhTsSizeEvo = new TProfile("TsSizeEvo", "Evolution of the TS Size; t [s]; Mean size [MB]", 1800, 0., 1800.);
fhTsMaxSizeEvo = new TH1F("TsMaxSizeEvo", "Evolution of maximal TS Size; t [s]; Max size [MB]", 1800, 0., 1800.);
fhMissedTS = new TH1I("Missed_TS", "Missed TS", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
fhMissedTSEvo = new TProfile("Missed_TS_Evo", "Missed TS evolution; t [s]", 1800, 0., 1800.);
/// Add histo pointers to the histo vector
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTsRate, "Sampler"));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTsSize, "Sampler"));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTsSizeEvo, "Sampler"));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTsMaxSizeEvo, "Sampler"));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhMissedTS, "Sampler"));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhMissedTSEvo, "Sampler"));
/// Canvases creation
Double_t w = 10;
Double_t h = 10;
fcSummary = new TCanvas("cSampSummary", "Sampler monitoring plots", w, h);
fcSummary->Divide(2, 3);
/// Add canvas pointers to the canvas vector
vCanvases.push_back(std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>(fcSummary, "canvases"));
/// Add pointers to each histo in the histo array
/// Create histo config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Histo name, Folder >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vHistos[ uHisto ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vHistos[ uHisto ]
// ;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psHistoConfig(vHistos[uHisto].first->GetName(), vHistos[uHisto].second);
/// Serialize the vector of histo config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageHist, psHistoConfig);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageHist, psHistoConfig);
/// Send message to the common histogram config messages queue
if (Send(messageHist, fsChannelNameHistosConfig) < 0) {
LOG(fatal) << "Problem sending histo config";
} // if( Send( messageHist, fsChannelNameHistosConfig ) < 0 )
LOG(info) << "Config of hist " << << " in folder " <<;
} // for( UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto )
/// Create canvas config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Canvas name, config >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vCanvases[ uCanv ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vCanvases[ uCanv ];
std::string sCanvName = (vCanvases[uCanv].first)->GetName();
std::string sCanvConf = GenerateCanvasConfigString(vCanvases[uCanv].first);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psCanvConfig(sCanvName, sCanvConf);
/// Serialize the vector of canvas config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageCan(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageCan, psCanvConfig);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageCan, psCanvConfig);
/// Send message to the common canvas config messages queue
if (Send(messageCan, fsChannelNameCanvasConfig) < 0) {
LOG(fatal) << "Problem sending canvas config";
} // if( Send( messageCan, fsChannelNameCanvasConfig ) < 0 )
LOG(info) << "Config string of Canvas " << << " is " <<;
} // for( UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv )
return true;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::ConditionalRun()
if (0 < fuPublishFreqTs && 0 == fTSCounter) { InitHistograms(); } // if( 0 < fuPublishFreqTs )
/// initialize the source (connect to emitter, ...)
if (0 == fTSCounter && nullptr != dynamic_cast<fles::TimesliceMultiSubscriber*>(fSource)) {
} // if( 0 == fTSCounter && nullptr != dynamic_cast< fles::TimesliceMultiSubscriber >(fSource) )
auto timeslice = fSource->get();
if (timeslice) {
if (fTSCounter < fMaxTimeslices) {
if (fTSCounter % 10000 == 0) {
LOG(info) << "Analyse Event " << fTSCounter;
const fles::Timeslice& ts = *timeslice;
// auto tsIndex = ts.index();
LOG(debug) << "Found " << ts.num_components()
<< " different components in timeslice";
// CheckTimeslice(ts);
if( fbNoSplitTs )
/// This is a special case for the TOF + T0
uint64_t uTsIndex = ts.index();
if (0 < fuPublishFreqTs) {
uint64_t uTsTime = ts.descriptor(0, 0).idx;
if (0 == fuStartTime) { fuStartTime = uTsTime; } // if( 0 == fuStartTime )
fdTimeToStart = static_cast<double_t>(uTsTime - fuStartTime) / 1e9;
uint64_t uSizeMb = 0;
for (uint64_t uComp = 0; uComp < ts.num_components(); ++uComp) {
uSizeMb += ts.size_component(uComp) / (1024 * 1024);
} // for( uint_t uComp = 0; uComp < ts.num_components(); ++uComp )
fhTsSizeEvo->Fill(fdTimeToStart, uSizeMb);
/// Fill max size per s (assumes the histo binning is 1 second!)
if (0. == fdLastMaxTime) {
fdLastMaxTime = fdTimeToStart;
fdTsMaxSize = uSizeMb;
} // if( 0. == fdLastMaxTime )
else if (1. <= fdTimeToStart - fdLastMaxTime) {
fhTsMaxSizeEvo->Fill(fdLastMaxTime, fdTsMaxSize);
fdLastMaxTime = fdTimeToStart;
fdTsMaxSize = uSizeMb;
} // else if if( 1 <= fdTimeToStart - fdLastMaxTime )
else if (fdTsMaxSize < uSizeMb) {
fdTsMaxSize = uSizeMb;
} // else if( fdTsMaxSize < uSizeMb )
} // if( 0 < fuPublishFreqTs )
/// Missed TS detection (only if output channel name defined by user)
if ((uTsIndex != (fuPrevTsIndex + 1)) && !(0 == fuPrevTsIndex && 0 == uTsIndex)) {
LOG(info) << "Missed Timeslices. Old TS Index was " << fuPrevTsIndex << " New TS Index is " << uTsIndex
<< " diff is " << uTsIndex - fuPrevTsIndex << " Missing are " << uTsIndex - fuPrevTsIndex - 1;
if ("" != fsChannelNameMissedTs) {
/// Add missing TS indices to a vector and send it in appropriate channel
std::vector<uint64_t> vulMissedIndices;
for (uint64_t ulMiss = fuPrevTsIndex + 1; ulMiss < uTsIndex; ++ulMiss) {
} // for( uint64_t ulMiss = fuPrevTsIndex + 1; ulMiss < uTsIndex; ++ulMiss )
if (!SendMissedTsIdx(vulMissedIndices)) {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending a STOP to let all slaves finish processing previous data
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} // if( !SendMissedTsIdx( vulMissedIndices ) )
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameMissedTs )
if (0 < fuPublishFreqTs) {
fhMissedTS->Fill(1, uTsIndex - fuPrevTsIndex - 1);
fhMissedTSEvo->Fill(fdTimeToStart, 1, uTsIndex - fuPrevTsIndex - 1);
} // if( 0 < fuPublishFreqTs )
} // if( ( uTsIndex != ( fuPrevTsIndex + 1 ) ) && !( 0 == fuPrevTsIndex && 0 == uTsIndex ) )
if (0 < fuPublishFreqTs) {
fhMissedTSEvo->Fill(fdTimeToStart, 0, 1);
} // else if( 0 < fuPublishFreqTs )
fuPrevTsIndex = uTsIndex;
if (fTSCounter % 10000 == 0) { LOG(info) << "Received TS " << fTSCounter << " with index " << uTsIndex; }
LOG(debug) << "Found " << ts.num_components() << " different components in timeslice";
// CheckTimeslice(ts);
if (fbNoSplitTs) {
/// This is a special case for the TOF + Bmon
/// => Inefficient as copy the TS as many times as need!
if( !CreateAndSendFullTs( ts ) )
if (!CreateAndSendFullTs(ts)) {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending a STOP to let all slaves finish processing previous data
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} // if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
} // if( !CreateAndSendFullTs( ts ) )
} // if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if (fbSendTsPerSysId) {
/// This assumes that the order of the components does NOT change after the first TS
/// That should be the case as the component index correspond to a physical link idx
if( !CreateAndCombineComponentsPerSysId( ts ) )
if (!CreateAndCombineComponentsPerSysId(ts)) {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending a STOP to let all slaves finish processing previous data
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if( fbSendTsPerChannel )
} // if( !CreateAndCombineComponentsPerSysId( ts ) )
} // else if( fbSendTsPerSysId ) of if( fbNoSplitTs )
else if (fbSendTsPerChannel) {
/// This assumes that the order of the components does NOT change after the first TS
/// That should be the case as the component index correspond to a physical link idx
if( !CreateAndCombineComponentsPerChannel( ts ) )
if (!CreateAndCombineComponentsPerChannel(ts)) {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending a STOP to let all slaves finish processing previous data
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} // else if( fbSendTsPerChannel ) of if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
for (unsigned int nrComp = 0; nrComp < ts.num_components(); ++nrComp) {
if( !CreateAndSendComponent(ts, nrComp) )
return false;
} // else of if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
} // if( !CreateAndCombineComponentsPerChannel( ts ) )
} // else if( fbSendTsPerChannel ) of if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
else {
for (unsigned int nrComp = 0; nrComp < ts.num_components(); ++nrComp) {
if (!CreateAndSendComponent(ts, nrComp)) {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending a STOP to let all slaves finish processing previous data
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} // if( !CreateAndSendComponent(ts, nrComp) )
} // for (unsigned int nrComp = 0; nrComp < ts.num_components(); ++nrComp)
} // else of if( fbSendTsPerSysId )
if (0 < fuPublishFreqTs) {
/// Send histograms periodically.
/// Use also runtime checker to trigger sending after M s if
/// processing too slow or delay sending if processing too fast
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSeconds = currentTime - fLastPublishTime;
if ((fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())
|| (0 == fTSCounter % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())) {
fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
} // if( ( fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) || ( 0 == fTSCounter % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) )
} // if( 0 < fuPublishFreqTs )
return true;
} else {
} // if (fTSCounter < fMaxTimeslices)
else {
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending an EOF to let all slaves finish processing previous data
std::string sCmd = "EOF ";
sCmd += FormatDecPrintout(fuPrevTsIndex);
sCmd += " ";
sCmd += FormatDecPrintout(fTSCounter);
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} else {
} // else of if (fTSCounter < fMaxTimeslices)
} // if (timeslice)
else {
return false;
/// If command channel defined, send command to all "slaves"
if ("" != fsChannelNameCommands) {
/// Wait 1 s before sending an EOF to let all slaves finish processing previous data
std::string sCmd = "EOF ";
sCmd += FormatDecPrintout(fuPrevTsIndex);
sCmd += " ";
sCmd += FormatDecPrintout(fTSCounter);
} // if( "" != fsChannelNameCommands )
return false;
} // else of if (timeslice)
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::CreateAndSendComponent(const fles::Timeslice& ts, int nrComp)
......@@ -348,241 +637,198 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::CreateAndSendComponent(const fles::Timeslice& ts, int
// is connected create the new timeslice and send it to the
// correct channel
LOG(debug) << "SysID: " << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp,0).sys_id);
LOG(debug) << "SysID: " << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp, 0).sys_id);
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp,0).sys_id));
if (pos != fSysId.end() ) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos-fSysId.begin();
if (fComponentsToSend[idx]>0) {
std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp, 0).sys_id));
if (pos != fSysId.end()) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fSysId.begin();
if (fComponentsToSend[idx] > 0) {
LOG(debug) << "Create timeslice component for link " << nrComp;
fles::StorableTimeslice component{static_cast<uint32_t>(ts.num_core_microslices()), ts.index()};
fles::StorableTimeslice component {static_cast<uint32_t>(ts.num_core_microslices()), ts.index()};
for (size_t m = 0; m < ts.num_microslices(nrComp); ++m) {
component.append_microslice( 0, m, ts.descriptor(nrComp, m), ts.content(nrComp, m) );
component.append_microslice(0, m, ts.descriptor(nrComp, m), ts.content(nrComp, m));
LOG(info) << "Number of core microslices before: " << ts.num_core_microslices();
LOG(info) << "Number of core microslices after : " << component.num_core_microslices();
LOG(info) << "Number of microslices: " << component.num_microslices(0);
if ( ! SendData(component, idx) ) return false;
if (!SendData(component, idx)) return false;
return true;
return true;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::CreateAndCombineComponentsPerSysId( const fles::Timeslice& ts )
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::CreateAndCombineComponentsPerSysId(const fles::Timeslice& ts)
/// First build the list of components for each SysId if it was not already done
if( false == fbListCompPerSysIdReady )
for( uint32_t uCompIdx = 0; uCompIdx < ts.num_components(); ++uCompIdx )
uint16_t usSysId = ts.descriptor( uCompIdx, 0 ).sys_id;
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find( fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), usSysId );
if( fSysId.end() != pos )
if (false == fbListCompPerSysIdReady) {
for (uint32_t uCompIdx = 0; uCompIdx < ts.num_components(); ++uCompIdx) {
uint16_t usSysId = ts.descriptor(uCompIdx, 0).sys_id;
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), usSysId);
if (fSysId.end() != pos) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fSysId.begin();
fvvCompPerSysId[ idx ].push_back( uCompIdx );
} // if( fSysId.end() != pos )
} // for( uint32_t uNrComp = 0; uNrComp < ts.num_components(); ++uNrComp )
} // if( fSysId.end() != pos )
} // for( uint32_t uNrComp = 0; uNrComp < ts.num_components(); ++uNrComp )
for( uint32_t uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponentsToSend.size(); ++uSysIdx )
for (uint32_t uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponentsToSend.size(); ++uSysIdx) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Found " << std::setw( 2 ) << fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size()
<< " components for SysId 0x"
<< std::hex << std::setw( 2 ) << fSysId[ uSysIdx ] << std::dec << " :";
ss << "Found " << std::setw(2) << fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx].size() << " components for SysId 0x" << std::hex
<< std::setw(2) << fSysId[uSysIdx] << std::dec << " :";
for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
ss << " " << std::setw( 3 ) << fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ][ uComp ];
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
for (uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx].size(); ++uComp) {
ss << " " << std::setw(3) << fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx][uComp];
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
LOG(info) << ss.str();
} // for( uint32_t uSysId = 0; uSysId < fSysId.size(); ++uSysId )
} // for( uint32_t uSysId = 0; uSysId < fSysId.size(); ++uSysId )
fbListCompPerSysIdReady = true;
} // if( false == fbListCompPerSysIdReady )
} // if( false == fbListCompPerSysIdReady )
/// Then loop on all possible SysId and send TS with their respective components if needed
for( uint32_t uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponentsToSend.size(); ++uSysIdx )
if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uSysIdx ] )
LOG(debug) << "Create timeslice with components for SysId "
<< std::hex << fSysId[ uSysIdx ] << std::dec;
if( 0 < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size() )
fles::StorableTimeslice component{ static_cast<uint32_t>( ts.num_core_microslices() ), ts.index() };
for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
uint32_t uNumMsInComp = ts.num_microslices( fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ][ uComp ] );
component.append_component( uNumMsInComp );
LOG(debug) << "Add components to TS for SysId "
<< std::hex << fSysId[ uSysIdx ] << std::dec
<< " TS " << ts.index()
<< " Comp " << fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ][ uComp ];
for( size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m )
component.append_microslice( uComp, m,
ts.descriptor( fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ][ uComp ], m ),
ts.content( fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ][ uComp ], m ) );
} // for( size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m )
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
LOG(debug) << "Prepared timeslice for SysId "
<< std::hex << fSysId[ uSysIdx ] << std::dec
<< " with " << component.num_components() << " components";
if( !SendData( component, uSysIdx ) )
return false;
} // if( 0 < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size() )
} // if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uSysIdx ] )
} // for( uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponentsToSend.size(); ++uSysIdx )
for (uint32_t uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponentsToSend.size(); ++uSysIdx) {
if (0 < fComponentsToSend[uSysIdx]) {
LOG(debug) << "Create timeslice with components for SysId " << std::hex << fSysId[uSysIdx] << std::dec;
if (0 < fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx].size()) {
fles::StorableTimeslice component {static_cast<uint32_t>(ts.num_core_microslices()), ts.index()};
for (uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx].size(); ++uComp) {
uint32_t uNumMsInComp = ts.num_microslices(fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx][uComp]);
LOG(debug) << "Add components to TS for SysId " << std::hex << fSysId[uSysIdx] << std::dec << " TS "
<< ts.index() << " Comp " << fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx][uComp];
for (size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m) {
component.append_microslice(uComp, m, ts.descriptor(fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx][uComp], m),
ts.content(fvvCompPerSysId[uSysIdx][uComp], m));
} // for( size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m )
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
LOG(debug) << "Prepared timeslice for SysId " << std::hex << fSysId[uSysIdx] << std::dec << " with "
<< component.num_components() << " components";
if (!SendData(component, uSysIdx)) return false;
} // if( 0 < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size() )
} // if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uSysIdx ] )
} // for( uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponentsToSend.size(); ++uSysIdx )
return true;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::CreateAndCombineComponentsPerChannel( const fles::Timeslice& ts )
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::CreateAndCombineComponentsPerChannel(const fles::Timeslice& ts)
/// First build the list of components for each channel name if it was not already done
if( false == fbListCompPerChannelReady )
if (false == fbListCompPerChannelReady) {
/// First add each channel enabled for sending to the list of channels we will use
for( uint32_t uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponentsToSend.size(); ++uSysIdx )
if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uSysIdx ] )
for( uint32_t uChan = 0; uChan < fChannelsToSend[ uSysIdx ].size(); ++ uChan )
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos = std::find( fvChannelsToSend.begin(), fvChannelsToSend.end(),
fChannelsToSend[ uSysIdx ][ uChan ] );
if( fvChannelsToSend.end() == pos )
fvChannelsToSend.push_back( fChannelsToSend[ uSysIdx ][ uChan ] );
fvvCompPerChannel.push_back( std::vector< uint32_t >() );
for (uint32_t uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponentsToSend.size(); ++uSysIdx) {
if (0 < fComponentsToSend[uSysIdx]) {
for (uint32_t uChan = 0; uChan < fChannelsToSend[uSysIdx].size(); ++uChan) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fvChannelsToSend.begin(), fvChannelsToSend.end(), fChannelsToSend[uSysIdx][uChan]);
if (fvChannelsToSend.end() == pos) {
} // for( uChan = 0; uChan < fChannelsToSend[ uSysIdx ].size(); ++ uChan )
} // if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uSysIdx ] )
} // for( uint32_t uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponentsToSend.size(); ++uSysIdx )
} // for( uChan = 0; uChan < fChannelsToSend[ uSysIdx ].size(); ++ uChan )
} // if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uSysIdx ] )
} // for( uint32_t uSysIdx = 0; uSysIdx < fComponentsToSend.size(); ++uSysIdx )
/// Now resize the vector in which we will store fo each sending channel the list of components
fvvCompPerChannel.resize( fvChannelsToSend.size() );
/// Check for each component if its system is enabled and if the name of its channel(s) is in the list
/// If yes, add it to the vector of the corresponding channel
for( uint32_t uCompIdx = 0; uCompIdx < ts.num_components(); ++uCompIdx )
uint16_t usSysId = ts.descriptor( uCompIdx, 0 ).sys_id;
for (uint32_t uCompIdx = 0; uCompIdx < ts.num_components(); ++uCompIdx) {
uint16_t usSysId = ts.descriptor(uCompIdx, 0).sys_id;
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find( fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), usSysId );
if( fSysId.end() != pos )
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), usSysId);
if (fSysId.end() != pos) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idxSys = pos - fSysId.begin();
if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ idxSys ] )
for( uint32_t uChan = 0; uChan < fChannelsToSend[ idxSys ].size(); ++ uChan )
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator posCh = std::find( fvChannelsToSend.begin(), fvChannelsToSend.end(),
fChannelsToSend[ idxSys ][ uChan ] );
if( fvChannelsToSend.end() != posCh )
if (0 < fComponentsToSend[idxSys]) {
for (uint32_t uChan = 0; uChan < fChannelsToSend[idxSys].size(); ++uChan) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator posCh =
std::find(fvChannelsToSend.begin(), fvChannelsToSend.end(), fChannelsToSend[idxSys][uChan]);
if (fvChannelsToSend.end() != posCh) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idxChan = posCh - fvChannelsToSend.begin();
fvvCompPerChannel[ idxChan ].push_back( uCompIdx );
} // if( fvChannelsToSend.end() != posCh )
} // for( uChan = 0; uChan < fChannelsToSend[ idxSys ].size(); ++ uChan )
} // if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uSysIdx ] )
} // if( fSysId.end() != pos )
} // for( uint32_t uNrComp = 0; uNrComp < ts.num_components(); ++uNrComp )
for( uint32_t uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fvChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx )
} // if( fvChannelsToSend.end() != posCh )
} // for( uChan = 0; uChan < fChannelsToSend[ idxSys ].size(); ++ uChan )
} // if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uSysIdx ] )
} // if( fSysId.end() != pos )
} // for( uint32_t uNrComp = 0; uNrComp < ts.num_components(); ++uNrComp )
for (uint32_t uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fvChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Found " << std::setw( 2 ) << fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ].size()
<< " components for channel " << fvChannelsToSend[ uChanIdx ] << " :";
ss << "Found " << std::setw(2) << fvvCompPerChannel[uChanIdx].size() << " components for channel "
<< fvChannelsToSend[uChanIdx] << " :";
for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
ss << " " << std::setw( 3 ) << fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ][ uComp ];
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
for (uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerChannel[uChanIdx].size(); ++uComp) {
ss << " " << std::setw(3) << fvvCompPerChannel[uChanIdx][uComp];
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
LOG(info) << ss.str();
} // for( uint32_t uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fvChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx )
} // for( uint32_t uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fvChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx )
fbListCompPerChannelReady = true;
} // if( false == fbListCompPerSysIdReady )
} // if( false == fbListCompPerSysIdReady )
/// Loop on channels
/// Loop on possible SysId and check channels
/// Loop on possible SysId and check channels
/// Then loop on all possible channels and send TS with their respective components if needed
for( uint32_t uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fvChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx )
LOG(debug) << "Create timeslice with components for channel "
<< fvChannelsToSend[ uChanIdx ];
if( 0 < fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ].size() )
fles::StorableTimeslice component{ static_cast<uint32_t>( ts.num_core_microslices() ), ts.index() };
for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
uint32_t uNumMsInComp = ts.num_microslices( fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ][ uComp ] );
component.append_component( uNumMsInComp );
LOG(debug) << "Add components to TS for SysId "
<< std::hex
<< static_cast< uint16_t >( ts.descriptor( fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ][ uComp ], 0).sys_id )
<< std::dec
<< " TS " << ts.index()
<< " Comp " << fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ][ uComp ];
for( size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m )
component.append_microslice( uComp, m,
ts.descriptor( fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ][ uComp ], m ),
ts.content( fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ][ uComp ], m ) );
} // for( size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m )
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
LOG(debug) << "Prepared timeslice for channel "
<< fvChannelsToSend[ uChanIdx ]
<< " with " << component.num_components() << " components";
if( !SendData( component, fvChannelsToSend[ uChanIdx ] ) )
return false;
} // if( 0 < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size() )
} // for( uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fvChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx )
for (uint32_t uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fvChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx) {
LOG(debug) << "Create timeslice with components for channel " << fvChannelsToSend[uChanIdx];
if (0 < fvvCompPerChannel[uChanIdx].size()) {
fles::StorableTimeslice component {static_cast<uint32_t>(ts.num_core_microslices()), ts.index()};
for (uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerChannel[uChanIdx].size(); ++uComp) {
uint32_t uNumMsInComp = ts.num_microslices(fvvCompPerChannel[uChanIdx][uComp]);
LOG(debug) << "Add components to TS for SysId " << std::hex
<< static_cast<uint16_t>(ts.descriptor(fvvCompPerChannel[uChanIdx][uComp], 0).sys_id) << std::dec
<< " TS " << ts.index() << " Comp " << fvvCompPerChannel[uChanIdx][uComp];
for (size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m) {
component.append_microslice(uComp, m, ts.descriptor(fvvCompPerChannel[uChanIdx][uComp], m),
ts.content(fvvCompPerChannel[uChanIdx][uComp], m));
} // for( size_t m = 0; m < uNumMsInComp; ++m )
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < fvvCompPerChannel[ uChanIdx ].size(); ++uComp )
LOG(debug) << "Prepared timeslice for channel " << fvChannelsToSend[uChanIdx] << " with "
<< component.num_components() << " components";
if (!SendData(component, fvChannelsToSend[uChanIdx])) return false;
} // if( 0 < fvvCompPerSysId[ uSysIdx ].size() )
} // for( uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fvChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx )
return true;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::CreateAndSendFullTs( const fles::Timeslice& ts )
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::CreateAndSendFullTs(const fles::Timeslice& ts)
/// Send full TS to all enabled channels
for( uint32_t uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx )
if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uChanIdx ] )
LOG(debug) << "Copy timeslice component for channel " << fChannelsToSend[ uChanIdx ][ 0 ];
fles::StorableTimeslice fullTs{ ts };
if ( ! SendData( fullTs, uChanIdx ) )
return false;
} // if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uChanIdx ] )
} // for( uint32_t uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx )
for (uint32_t uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx) {
if (0 < fComponentsToSend[uChanIdx]) {
LOG(debug) << "Copy timeslice component for channel " << fChannelsToSend[uChanIdx][0];
fles::StorableTimeslice fullTs {ts};
if (!SendData(fullTs, uChanIdx)) return false;
} // if( 0 < fComponentsToSend[ uChanIdx ] )
} // for( uint32_t uChanIdx = 0; uChanIdx < fChannelsToSend.size(); ++uChanIdx )
return true;
......@@ -594,16 +840,15 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component, in
oa << component;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object){ delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// TODO: Implement sending same data to more than one channel
// Need to create new message (copy message??)
if (fComponentsToSend[idx]>1) {
LOG(info) << "Need to copy FairMessage";
if (fComponentsToSend[idx] > 1) { LOG(info) << "Need to copy FairMessage"; }
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
......@@ -617,13 +862,12 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component, in
LOG(debug) << "Send message " << fMessageCounter << " with a size of "
<< msg->GetSize();
LOG(debug) << "Send message " << fMessageCounter << " with a size of " << msg->GetSize();
return true;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component, std::string sChannel )
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component, std::string sChannel)
// serialize the timeslice and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
......@@ -631,10 +875,11 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component, st
oa << component;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object){ delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
......@@ -647,40 +892,119 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component, st
LOG(debug) << "Send message " << fMessageCounter << " with a size of "
<< msg->GetSize();
LOG(debug) << "Send message " << fMessageCounter << " with a size of " << msg->GetSize();
return true;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::SendMissedTsIdx(std::vector<uint64_t> vIndices)
// serialize the vector and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << vIndices;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
// successfull transfer will return number of bytes
// transfered (can be 0 if sending an empty message).
LOG(debug) << "Send data to channel " << fsChannelNameMissedTs;
if (Send(msg, fsChannelNameMissedTs) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending missed TS indices to channel " << fsChannelNameMissedTs;
return false;
} // if( Send( msg, fsChannelNameMissedTs ) < 0 )
CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::~ CbmMQTsaMultiSampler()
return true;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::SendCommand(std::string sCommand)
// serialize the vector and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << sCommand;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// FairMQMessagePtr msg( NewMessage( const_cast<char*>( sCommand.c_str() ), // data
// sCommand.length(), // size
// []( void* /*data*/, void* object ){ delete static_cast< std::string * >( object ); },
// &sCommand ) ); // object that manages the data
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
// successfull transfer will return number of bytes
// transfered (can be 0 if sending an empty message).
LOG(debug) << "Send data to channel " << fsChannelNameCommands;
if (Send(msg, fsChannelNameCommands) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending missed TS indices to channel " << fsChannelNameCommands;
return false;
} // if( Send( msg, fsChannelNameMissedTs ) < 0 )
return true;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::SendHistograms()
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*message, &fArrayHisto);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, &fArrayHisto);
/// Send message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(message, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
} // if( Send( message, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 )
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
return true;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::ResetHistograms()
return true;
CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::~CbmMQTsaMultiSampler() {}
void CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::CalcRuntime()
std::chrono::duration<double> run_time =
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - fTime;
std::chrono::duration<double> run_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - fTime;
LOG(info) << "Runtime: " << run_time.count();
LOG(info) << "No more input data";
void CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc)
LOG(info) << "Header ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_ver)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_id) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_ver) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Equipement ID: " << mdsc.eq_id;
LOG(info) << "Flags: " << mdsc.flags;
LOG(info) << "Sys ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_ver)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_id) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_ver) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Microslice Idx: " << mdsc.idx;
LOG(info) << "Checksum: " << mdsc.crc;
LOG(info) << "Size: " << mdsc.size;
......@@ -689,25 +1013,20 @@ void CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescr
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSampler::CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts)
if ( 0 == ts.num_components() ) {
if (0 == ts.num_components()) {
LOG(error) << "No Component in TS " << ts.index();
return 1;
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_components()
<< " different components in timeslice";
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_components() << " different components in timeslice";
for (size_t c = 0; c < ts.num_components(); ++c) {
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_microslices(c)
<< " microslices in component " << c;
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has a size of "
<< ts.size_component(c) << " bytes";
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has the system id 0x"
<< std::hex << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(c,0).sys_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has the system id 0x"
<< static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(c,0).sys_id);
LOG(info) << "Found " << ts.num_microslices(c) << " microslices in component " << c;
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has a size of " << ts.size_component(c) << " bytes";
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has the system id 0x" << std::hex
<< static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(c, 0).sys_id) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Component " << c << " has the system id 0x" << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(c, 0).sys_id);
for (size_t m = 0; m < ts.num_microslices(c); ++m) {
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2021 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer], Pierre-Alain Loizeau */
* CbmMQTsaSampler.h
......@@ -9,93 +13,134 @@
#include "TimesliceSource.hpp"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "MicrosliceDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "TimesliceSource.hpp"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
class TCanvas;
class TH1F;
class TH1I;
class TProfile;
#include <TObjArray.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
class CbmMQTsaMultiSampler : public FairMQDevice
virtual ~CbmMQTsaMultiSampler();
uint64_t fMaxTimeslices;
std::string fFileName;
std::string fDirName;
std::vector<std::string> fInputFileList; ///< List of input files
uint64_t fFileCounter;
std::string fHost;
uint64_t fPort;
uint64_t fHighWaterMark;
bool fbNoSplitTs = false;
bool fbSendTsPerSysId = false;
bool fbSendTsPerChannel = false;
uint64_t fTSNumber;
uint64_t fTSCounter;
uint64_t fMessageCounter;
int fMaxMemory = 0;
virtual void InitTask();
virtual bool ConditionalRun();
bool OpenNextFile();
bool CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts);
void PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc);
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component);
void CalcRuntime();
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string);
bool CreateAndSendComponent(const fles::Timeslice&, int);
bool CreateAndCombineComponentsPerSysId( const fles::Timeslice& );
bool CreateAndCombineComponentsPerChannel( const fles::Timeslice& );
bool CreateAndSendFullTs( const fles::Timeslice& );
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice&, int);
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice&, std::string);
fles::TimesliceSource* fSource; //!
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fTime;
// The vector fAllowedChannels contain the list of defined channel names
// which are used for connecting the different devices. For the time
// being the correct connection are done checking the names. A connection
// using the name stscomponent will receive timeslices containing the
// sts component only. The corresponding system ids are defined in the
// vector fSysId. At startup it is checked which channels are defined
// in the startup script such that later on only timeslices whith the
// corresponding data are send to the correct channels.
// TODO: Up to now we have three disconnected vectors which is very
// error prone. Find a better solution
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels
= {"stscomponent","richcomponent","trdcomponent","muchcomponent","tofcomponent","t0component"};
// std::vector<int> fSysId = {16, 48, 64, 96, 144, 80};
std::vector<int> fSysId = {0x10, 0x30, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x90};
std::vector<int> fComponentsToSend = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> fChannelsToSend = { {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} };
bool fbListCompPerSysIdReady = false;
std::vector< std::vector< uint32_t > > fvvCompPerSysId= { {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} };
bool fbListCompPerChannelReady = false;
std::vector< std::string > fvChannelsToSend= {};
std::vector< std::vector< uint32_t > > fvvCompPerChannel= {};
class CbmMQTsaMultiSampler : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmMQTsaMultiSampler();
uint64_t fMaxTimeslices;
std::string fFileName;
std::string fDirName;
std::vector<std::string> fInputFileList; ///< List of input files
uint64_t fFileCounter;
std::string fHost;
uint64_t fPort;
uint64_t fHighWaterMark;
bool fbNoSplitTs = false;
bool fbSendTsPerSysId = false;
bool fbSendTsPerChannel = false;
std::string fsChannelNameHistosInput = "histogram-in";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosConfig = "histo-conf";
std::string fsChannelNameCanvasConfig = "canvas-conf";
uint32_t fuPublishFreqTs = 0;
double_t fdMinPublishTime = 0.5;
double_t fdMaxPublishTime = 5;
uint64_t fuPrevTsIndex = 0;
uint64_t fTSCounter;
uint64_t fMessageCounter;
int fMaxMemory = 0;
virtual void InitTask();
virtual bool ConditionalRun();
bool InitHistograms();
bool CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts);
void PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc);
void CalcRuntime();
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string);
bool CreateAndSendComponent(const fles::Timeslice&, int);
bool CreateAndCombineComponentsPerSysId(const fles::Timeslice&);
bool CreateAndCombineComponentsPerChannel(const fles::Timeslice&);
bool CreateAndSendFullTs(const fles::Timeslice&);
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice&, int);
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice&, std::string);
bool SendMissedTsIdx(std::vector<uint64_t> vIndices);
bool SendCommand(std::string sCommand);
bool SendHistograms();
bool ResetHistograms();
fles::TimesliceSource* fSource; //!
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fTime;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastPublishTime;
// The vector fAllowedChannels contain the list of defined channel names
// which are used for connecting the different devices. For the time
// being the correct connection are done checking the names. A connection
// using the name stscomponent will receive timeslices containing the
// sts component only. The corresponding system ids are defined in the
// vector fSysId. At startup it is checked which channels are defined
// in the startup script such that later on only timeslices whith the
// corresponding data are send to the correct channels.
// TODO: Up to now we have three disconnected vectors which is very
// error prone. Find a better solution
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels = {"stscomponent", "richcomponent", "trdcomponent", "muchcomponent",
"tofcomponent", "t0component", "psdcomponent"};
// std::vector<int> fSysId = {16, 48, 64, 96, 144, 80};
std::vector<int> fSysId = {0x10, 0x30, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x90, 0x80};
std::vector<int> fComponentsToSend = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> fChannelsToSend = {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}};
bool fbListCompPerSysIdReady = false;
std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> fvvCompPerSysId = {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}};
bool fbListCompPerChannelReady = false;
std::vector<std::string> fvChannelsToSend = {};
std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> fvvCompPerChannel = {};
std::string fsChannelNameMissedTs = "";
std::string fsChannelNameCommands = "";
/// Array of histograms to send to the histogram server
TObjArray fArrayHisto = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( HistoName, FolderPath ) to send to the histogram server
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsHistosFolder = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( CanvasName, CanvasConfig ) to send to the histogram server
/// Format of Can config is "NbPadX(U);NbPadY(U);ConfigPad1(s);....;ConfigPadXY(s)"
/// Format of Pad config is "GrixX(b),GridY(b),LogX(b),LogY(b),LogZ(b),HistoName(s),DrawOptions(s)"
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsCanvasConfig = {};
/// Histograms
TH1I* fhTsRate = nullptr;
TH1I* fhTsSize = nullptr;
TProfile* fhTsSizeEvo = nullptr;
TH1F* fhTsMaxSizeEvo = nullptr;
TH1I* fhMissedTS = nullptr;
TProfile* fhMissedTSEvo = nullptr;
TCanvas* fcSummary = nullptr;
uint64_t fuStartTime = 0;
double_t fdTimeToStart = 0.;
double_t fdLastMaxTime = 0.;
double_t fdTsMaxSize = 0.;
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2021 PI-UHd, GSI
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Norbert Herrmann [committer], Florian Uhlig */
* CbmMQTsaMultiSampler.cpp
......@@ -7,158 +11,170 @@
#include "CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "TimesliceSubscriber.hpp"
#include "TimesliceMultiSubscriber.hpp"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "TimesliceInputArchive.hpp"
#include "TimesliceMultiInputArchive.hpp"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "TimesliceMultiSubscriber.hpp"
#include "TimesliceSubscriber.hpp"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
namespace filesys = boost::filesystem;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
#include <chrono>
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
#include <stdexcept>
static uint fiSelectComponents(0);
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error { using std::runtime_error::runtime_error; };
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
: FairMQDevice()
, fMaxTimeslices(0)
, fFileName("")
, fDirName("")
, fInputFileList()
, fFileCounter(0)
, fHost("")
, fPort(0)
, fHighWaterMark(1)
, fTSNumber(0)
, fTSCounter(0)
, fMessageCounter(0)
, fSource(nullptr)
, fTime()
: FairMQDevice()
, fMaxTimeslices(0)
, fFileName("")
, fDirName("")
, fInputFileList()
, fFileCounter(0)
, fHost("")
, fPort(0)
, fHighWaterMark(1)
, fTSNumber(0)
, fTSCounter(0)
, fMessageCounter(0)
, fSource(nullptr)
, fTime()
void CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::InitTask()
// Get the values from the command line options (via fConfig)
fFileName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("filename");
fDirName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("dirname");
fHost = fConfig->GetValue<string>("flib-host");
fPort = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("flib-port");
fHighWaterMark = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("high-water-mark");
fMaxTimeslices = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("max-timeslices");
if (0 == fMaxTimeslices) fMaxTimeslices = UINT_MAX;
fiSelectComponents = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("SelectComponents");
if (0 == fMaxTimeslices) fMaxTimeslices = UINT_MAX;
// Check which input is defined
// Posibilities
// filename && ! dirname : single file
// filename with wildcards && diranme : all files with filename regex in the directory
// host && port : connect to the flim server
bool isGoodInputCombi{false};
if ( 0 != fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 == fHost.size() && 0 == fPort ) {
} else if ( 0 != fFileName.size() && 0 != fDirName.size() && 0 == fHost.size() && 0 == fPort ) {
} else if ( 0 == fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 != fPort) {
LOG(info) << "Host: " << fHost;
LOG(info) << "Port: " << fPort;
} else if ( 0 == fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 == fPort) {
LOG(info) << "Host string: " << fHost;
} else if ( 0 == fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 == fPort) {
LOG(INFO) << "Host string: " << fHost;
} else {
try {
// Get the values from the command line options (via fConfig)
fFileName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("filename");
fDirName = fConfig->GetValue<string>("dirname");
fHost = fConfig->GetValue<string>("flib-host");
fPort = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("flib-port");
fHighWaterMark = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("high-water-mark");
fMaxTimeslices = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("max-timeslices");
if (0 == fMaxTimeslices) fMaxTimeslices = UINT_MAX;
fiSelectComponents = fConfig->GetValue<uint64_t>("SelectComponents");
if (0 == fMaxTimeslices) fMaxTimeslices = UINT_MAX;
// Check which input is defined
// Posibilities
// filename && ! dirname : single file
// filename with wildcards && diranme : all files with filename regex in the directory
// host && port : connect to the flim server
bool isGoodInputCombi {false};
if (0 != fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 == fHost.size() && 0 == fPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
else if (0 != fFileName.size() && 0 != fDirName.size() && 0 == fHost.size() && 0 == fPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
else if (0 == fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 != fPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
LOG(info) << "Host: " << fHost;
LOG(info) << "Port: " << fPort;
else if (0 == fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 == fPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
LOG(info) << "Host string: " << fHost;
else if (0 == fFileName.size() && 0 == fDirName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 == fPort) {
isGoodInputCombi = true;
LOG(info) << "Host string: " << fHost;
else {
isGoodInputCombi = false;
if (!isGoodInputCombi) {
throw InitTaskError("Wrong combination of inputs. Either file or wildcard file + directory or host + port are allowed combination.");
if (!isGoodInputCombi) {
throw InitTaskError("Wrong combination of inputs. Either file or wildcard file + directory "
"or host + port are allowed combination.");
LOG(info) << "MaxTimeslices: " << fMaxTimeslices;
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined output channels: " << noChannel;
for(auto const &entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
for(auto const& value: fComponentsToSend) {
LOG(info) << "Value : " << value;
if (value > 1) {
throw InitTaskError("Sending same data to more than one output channel not implemented yet.");
LOG(info) << "MaxTimeslices: " << fMaxTimeslices;
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined output channels: " << noChannel;
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
for (auto const& value : fComponentsToSend) {
LOG(info) << "Value : " << value;
if (value > 1) {
throw InitTaskError("Sending same data to more than one output channel "
"not implemented yet.");
if ( 0 == fFileName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 != fPort ) {
if (0 == fFileName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() && 0 != fPort) {
// Don't add the protocol since this is done now in the TimesliceMultiSubscriber
//std::string connector = "tcp://" + fHost + ":" + std::to_string(fPort);
std::string connector = fHost + ":" + std::to_string(fPort);
LOG(info) << "Open TSPublisher at " << connector;
fSource = new fles::TimesliceMultiSubscriber(connector);
} else if ( 0 == fFileName.size() && 0 != fHost.size() ) {
else if (0 == fFileName.size() && 0 != fHost.size()) {
std::string connector = fHost;
LOG(info) << "Open TSPublisher with host string: " << connector;
fSource = new fles::TimesliceMultiSubscriber(connector, fHighWaterMark);
} else {
// Create a ";" separated string with all file names
std::string fileList{""};
for(const auto obj: fInputFileList) {
else {
// Create a ";" separated string with all file names
std::string fileList {""};
for (const auto& obj : fInputFileList) {
std::string fileName = obj;
fileList += fileName;
fileList += fileName;
fileList += ";";
fileList.pop_back(); // Remove the last ;
fileList.pop_back(); // Remove the last ;
LOG(info) << "Input File String: " << fileList;
fSource = new fles::TimesliceMultiInputArchive(fileList, fDirName);
if ( !fSource) {
throw InitTaskError("Could open files from file list.");
if (!fSource) { throw InitTaskError("Could open files from file list."); }
fTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
} catch (InitTaskError& e) {
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
......@@ -167,42 +183,38 @@ try
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName)
for(auto const &entry : fAllowedChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Looking for name " << channelName << " in " << entry;
for (auto const& entry : fAllowedChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Looking for name " << channelName << " in " << entry;
std::size_t pos1 = channelName.find(entry);
if (pos1!=std::string::npos) {
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fAllowedChannels.begin(), fAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos-fAllowedChannels.begin();
std::find(fAllowedChannels.begin(), fAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fAllowedChannels.begin();
LOG(info) << "Found " << entry << " in " << channelName;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName
<< " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx;
if(idx<3) { //FIXME, hardwired constant!!!
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx;
if (idx < 3) { //FIXME, hardwired constant!!!
return true;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName
<< " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::IsChannelUp(std::string channelName)
for(auto const &entry : fChannels) {
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Inspect " << entry.first;
std::size_t pos1 = channelName.find(entry.first);
if (pos1!=std::string::npos) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName
<< " found in list of defined channel names ";
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of defined channel names ";
return true;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName
<< " not found in list of defined channel names.";
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of defined channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
......@@ -215,14 +227,12 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::ConditionalRun()
const fles::Timeslice& ts = *timeslice;
auto tsIndex = ts.index();
auto tsIndex = ts.index();
if (fTSCounter % 10000 == 0)
LOG(info) << "Sample TimeSlice " << fTSCounter<<", Index "<< tsIndex;
if (fTSCounter % 10000 == 0) LOG(info) << "Sample TimeSlice " << fTSCounter << ", Index " << tsIndex;
LOG(debug) << "Found " << ts.num_components()
<< " different components in timeslice "
<< fTSCounter << ", index "<< tsIndex;
LOG(debug) << "Found " << ts.num_components() << " different components in timeslice " << fTSCounter << ", index "
<< tsIndex;
......@@ -236,106 +246,105 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::ConditionalRun()
std::vector<bool> bparts;
for(uint i=0; i<bparts.size(); i++) bparts[i]=false;
switch(fiSelectComponents) {
case 0: {// send complete timeslice
int iSysId=0x60;
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), iSysId);
if (pos != fSysId.end() ) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos-fSysId.begin();
if (fComponentsToSend[idx]>0) {
fles::StorableTimeslice tss = fles::StorableTimeslice( ts );
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << tss;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
LOG(debug) << "AddPart "<<idx<<" with length "<<strMsg->length();
parts[idx].AddPart(NewMessage(const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object){ delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
LOG(debug)<<"AddParts to "<<idx<<": current size "<<parts[idx].Size();
for (uint i = 0; i < bparts.size(); i++)
bparts[i] = false;
switch (fiSelectComponents) {
case 0: { // send complete timeslice
int iSysId = 0x60;
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), iSysId);
if (pos != fSysId.end()) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fSysId.begin();
if (fComponentsToSend[idx] > 0) {
fles::StorableTimeslice tss = fles::StorableTimeslice(ts);
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << tss;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
LOG(debug) << "AddPart " << idx << " with length " << strMsg->length();
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
LOG(debug) << "AddParts to " << idx << ": current size " << parts[idx].Size();
bparts[idx] = true;
} break;
case 1: {
LOG(debug) << "parts with size " << parts.size() << ", #components: " << ts.num_components();
for (uint nrComp = 0; nrComp < ts.num_components(); ++nrComp) {
// CreateAndCombineComponents(ts, nrComp);
LOG(debug) << "nrComp " << nrComp << ", SysID: " << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp, 0).sys_id);
int iSysId = static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp, 0).sys_id);
if (iSysId == 0x90 || iSysId == 0x91) iSysId = 0x60; // treat t0 like tof
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos = std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), iSysId);
if (pos != fSysId.end()) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fSysId.begin();
if (fComponentsToSend[idx] > 0) {
LOG(debug) << "Append timeslice component of link " << nrComp << " to idx " << idx;
fles::StorableTimeslice component {static_cast<uint32_t>(ts.num_core_microslices()), ts.index()};
for (size_t m = 0; m < ts.num_microslices(nrComp); ++m) {
component.append_microslice(0, m, ts.descriptor(nrComp, m), ts.content(nrComp, m));
//LOG(debug)<<"Parts size available for "<<idx<<": "<<parts.size();
//if(idx > parts.size()-1) parts.resize(idx+1);
//if ( !AppendData(component, idx) ) return false;
// serialize the timeslice and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << component;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
LOG(debug) << "AddParts to " << idx << ": current size " << parts[idx].Size();
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
bparts[idx] = true;
} break;
case 1: {
LOG(debug) << "parts with size "<<parts.size()<<", #components: "<<ts.num_components();
for (uint nrComp = 0; nrComp < ts.num_components(); ++nrComp) {
// CreateAndCombineComponents(ts, nrComp);
LOG(debug) <<"nrComp "<< nrComp<< ", SysID: " << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp,0).sys_id);
int iSysId = static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp,0).sys_id);
if ( iSysId == 0x90 || iSysId == 0x91 ) iSysId=0x60; // treat t0 like tof
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), iSysId);
if (pos != fSysId.end() ) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos-fSysId.begin();
if (fComponentsToSend[idx]>0) {
LOG(debug) << "Append timeslice component of link " << nrComp<< " to idx "<<idx;
fles::StorableTimeslice component{static_cast<uint32_t>(ts.num_microslices(nrComp), ts.index())};
for (size_t m = 0; m < ts.num_microslices(nrComp); ++m) {
component.append_microslice( 0, m, ts.descriptor(nrComp, m), ts.content(nrComp, m) );
//LOG(debug)<<"Parts size available for "<<idx<<": "<<parts.size();
//if(idx > parts.size()-1) parts.resize(idx+1);
//if ( !AppendData(component, idx) ) return false;
// serialize the timeslice and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << component;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
LOG(debug)<<"AddParts to "<<idx<<": current size "<<parts[idx].Size();
parts[idx].AddPart(NewMessage(const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object){ delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
for (uint idx=0; idx<parts.size(); idx++)
LOG(debug) << "Send parts with size "<< parts[idx].Size()
<<" to channel " << fChannelsToSend[idx][0];
if (Send(parts[idx], fChannelsToSend[idx][0]) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
LOG(debug) << "Sent message " << fMessageCounter << " with a size of "
<< parts[idx].Size();
//if(!SendTs()) return false;
for (uint idx = 0; idx < parts.size(); idx++)
if (bparts[idx]) {
LOG(debug) << "Send parts with size " << parts[idx].Size() << " to channel " << fChannelsToSend[idx][0];
if (Send(parts[idx], fChannelsToSend[idx][0]) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
LOG(debug) << "Sent message " << fMessageCounter << " with a size of " << parts[idx].Size();
//if(!SendTs()) return false;
return true;
} else {
else {
LOG(info) << " Number of requested time slices reached, exiting ";
return false;
return false;
} else {
else {
LOG(info) << " No more data, exiting ";
return false;
......@@ -356,7 +365,7 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::CreateAndCombineComponents(const fles::Timeslice&
if (fComponentsToSend[idx]>0) {
LOG(debug) << "Append timeslice component of link " << nrComp<< " to idx "<<idx;
fles::StorableTimeslice component{static_cast<uint32_t>(ts.num_microslices(nrComp), ts.index())};
fles::StorableTimeslice component{static_cast<uint32_t>(ts.num_core_microslices()), ts.index()};
for (size_t m = 0; m < ts.num_microslices(nrComp); ++m) {
......@@ -376,7 +385,7 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::CreateAndCombineComponents(const fles::Timeslice&
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::AppendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& /*component*/, int /*idx*/)
// serialize the timeslice and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
......@@ -395,9 +404,9 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::AppendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& /*compon
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::SendTs()
for (int idx=0; idx<parts.size(); idx++)
for (int idx=0; idx<parts.size(); idx++)
LOG(debug) << "Send data to channel " << fChannelsToSend[idx][0];
if (Send(parts[idx], fChannelsToSend[idx][0]) < 0) {
......@@ -410,7 +419,7 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::SendTs()
<< parts[idx].Size();
return true;
return true;
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::CreateAndSendComponent(const fles::Timeslice& ts, int nrComp)
......@@ -420,21 +429,21 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::CreateAndSendComponent(const fles::Timeslice& ts,
// is connected create the new timeslice and send it to the
// correct channel
LOG(debug) << "SysID: " << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp,0).sys_id);
LOG(debug) << "SysID: " << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp, 0).sys_id);
const vector<int>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp,0).sys_id));
if (pos != fSysId.end() ) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos-fSysId.begin();
if (fComponentsToSend[idx]>0) {
std::find(fSysId.begin(), fSysId.end(), static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(nrComp, 0).sys_id));
if (pos != fSysId.end()) {
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fSysId.begin();
if (fComponentsToSend[idx] > 0) {
LOG(debug) << "Create timeslice component for link " << nrComp;
fles::StorableTimeslice component{static_cast<uint32_t>(ts.num_core_microslices()), ts.index()};
fles::StorableTimeslice component {static_cast<uint32_t>(ts.num_core_microslices()), ts.index()};
for (size_t m = 0; m < ts.num_microslices(nrComp); ++m) {
component.append_microslice( 0, m, ts.descriptor(nrComp, m), ts.content(nrComp, m) );
component.append_microslice(0, m, ts.descriptor(nrComp, m), ts.content(nrComp, m));
if ( ! SendData(component, idx) ) return false;
if (!SendData(component, idx)) return false;
return true;
......@@ -442,23 +451,22 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::CreateAndSendComponent(const fles::Timeslice& ts,
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component, int idx)
// serialize the timeslice and create the message
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << component;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object){ delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// TODO: Implement sending same data to more than one channel
// Need to create new message (copy message??)
if (fComponentsToSend[idx]>1) {
LOG(debug) << "Need to copy FairMessage";
if (fComponentsToSend[idx] > 1) { LOG(debug) << "Need to copy FairMessage"; }
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
......@@ -472,40 +480,31 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component,
LOG(debug) << "Send message " << fMessageCounter << " with a size of "
<< msg->GetSize();
LOG(debug) << "Send message " << fMessageCounter << " with a size of " << msg->GetSize();
return true;
CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::~ CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof()
CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::~CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof() {}
void CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::CalcRuntime()
std::chrono::duration<double> run_time =
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - fTime;
std::chrono::duration<double> run_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - fTime;
LOG(info) << "Runtime: " << run_time.count();
LOG(info) << "No more input data";
void CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc)
LOG(info) << "Header ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_ver)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_id) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Header version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.hdr_ver) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Equipement ID: " << mdsc.eq_id;
LOG(info) << "Flags: " << mdsc.flags;
LOG(info) << "Sys ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_ver)
<< std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys ID: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_id) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Sys version: Ox" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(mdsc.sys_ver) << std::dec;
LOG(info) << "Microslice Idx: " << mdsc.idx;
LOG(info) << "Checksum: " << mdsc.crc;
LOG(info) << "Size: " << mdsc.size;
......@@ -514,23 +513,19 @@ void CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDe
bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts)
if ( 0 == ts.num_components() ) {
if (0 == ts.num_components()) {
LOG(error) << "No Component in TS " << ts.index();
return 1;
LOG(debug) << "Found " << ts.num_components()
<< " different components in timeslice";
LOG(debug) << "Found " << ts.num_components() << " different components in timeslice";
for (size_t c = 0; c < ts.num_components(); ++c) {
LOG(debug) << "Found " << ts.num_microslices(c)
<< " microslices in component " << c;
LOG(debug) << "Component " << c << " has a size of "
<< ts.size_component(c) << " bytes";
LOG(debug) << "Component " << c << " has the system id 0x"
<< std::hex << static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(c,0).sys_id)
<< std::dec;
LOG(debug) << "Found " << ts.num_microslices(c) << " microslices in component " << c;
LOG(debug) << "Component " << c << " has a size of " << ts.size_component(c) << " bytes";
LOG(debug) << "Component " << c << " has the system id 0x" << std::hex
<< static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(c, 0).sys_id) << std::dec;
if(ts.descriptor(c,0).sys_id == 0x90 ) { // found a t0 - timeslice
if(ts.descriptor(c,0).sys_id == 0x90 ) { // found a t0 - timeslice
ts.descriptor(c,0).sys_id = 0x60; // rename t0 to tof , not allowed
......@@ -538,7 +533,7 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts)
LOG(debug) << "Component " << c << " has the system id 0x"
<< static_cast<int>(ts.descriptor(c,0).sys_id);
for (size_t m = 0; m < ts.num_microslices(c); ++m) {
......@@ -550,24 +545,18 @@ bool CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts)
void CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof::SendSysCmdStop()
if (IsChannelUp("syscmd")) {
LOG(info) << "stop subscribers in 10 sec";
FairMQMessagePtr pub(NewSimpleMessage("STOP"));
if (Send(pub, "syscmd") < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Sending STOP message failed";
if (Send(pub, "syscmd") < 0) { LOG(error) << "Sending STOP message failed"; }
LOG(info) << "task reset subscribers in 1 sec";
FairMQMessagePtr task_reset(NewSimpleMessage("TASK_RESET"));
if (Send(task_reset, "syscmd") < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Sending Task_Reset message failed";
if (Send(task_reset, "syscmd") < 0) { LOG(error) << "Sending Task_Reset message failed"; }
// FairMQStateMachine::ChangeState(STOP);
/* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 PI-UHd, GSI
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Norbert Herrmann [committer] */
* CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof.h
......@@ -9,82 +13,80 @@
#include "TimesliceSource.hpp"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "MicrosliceDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "TimesliceSource.hpp"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
class CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof : public FairMQDevice
virtual ~CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof();
uint64_t fMaxTimeslices;
std::string fFileName;
std::string fDirName;
std::vector<std::string> fInputFileList; ///< List of input files
uint64_t fFileCounter;
std::string fHost;
uint64_t fPort;
uint64_t fHighWaterMark;
uint64_t fTSNumber;
uint64_t fTSCounter;
uint64_t fMessageCounter;
int fMaxMemory = 0;
virtual void InitTask();
virtual bool ConditionalRun();
bool OpenNextFile();
bool CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts);
void PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc);
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component);
void CalcRuntime();
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string);
bool IsChannelUp(std::string);
bool CreateAndSendComponent(const fles::Timeslice&, int);
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice&, int);
bool CreateAndCombineComponents(const fles::Timeslice&, int);
bool AppendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice&, int);
bool SendTs();
void SendSysCmdStop();
fles::TimesliceSource* fSource; //!
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fTime;
// The vector fAllowedChannels contain the list of defined channel names
// which are used for connecting the different devices. For the time
// being the correct connection are done checking the names. A connection
// using the name stscomponent will receive timeslices containing the
// sts component only. The corresponding system ids are defined in the
// vector fSysId. At startup it is checked which channels are defined
// in the startup script such that later on only timeslices whith the
// corresponding data are send to the correct channels.
// TODO: Up to now we have three disconnected vectors which is very
// error prone. Find a better solution
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels
= {"stscomponent","trdcomponent","tofcomponent","syscmd","syscmdin"};
std::vector<int> fSysId = {16, 64, 96};
std::vector<int> fComponentsToSend = {0, 0, 0};
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> fChannelsToSend = { {},{},{} };
class CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof();
uint64_t fMaxTimeslices;
std::string fFileName;
std::string fDirName;
std::vector<std::string> fInputFileList; ///< List of input files
uint64_t fFileCounter;
std::string fHost;
uint64_t fPort;
uint64_t fHighWaterMark;
uint64_t fTSNumber;
uint64_t fTSCounter;
uint64_t fMessageCounter;
int fMaxMemory = 0;
virtual void InitTask();
virtual bool ConditionalRun();
bool OpenNextFile();
bool CheckTimeslice(const fles::Timeslice& ts);
void PrintMicroSliceDescriptor(const fles::MicrosliceDescriptor& mdsc);
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice& component);
void CalcRuntime();
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string);
bool IsChannelUp(std::string);
bool CreateAndSendComponent(const fles::Timeslice&, int);
bool SendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice&, int);
bool CreateAndCombineComponents(const fles::Timeslice&, int);
bool AppendData(const fles::StorableTimeslice&, int);
bool SendTs();
void SendSysCmdStop();
fles::TimesliceSource* fSource; //!
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fTime;
// The vector fAllowedChannels contain the list of defined channel names
// which are used for connecting the different devices. For the time
// being the correct connection are done checking the names. A connection
// using the name stscomponent will receive timeslices containing the
// sts component only. The corresponding system ids are defined in the
// vector fSysId. At startup it is checked which channels are defined
// in the startup script such that later on only timeslices whith the
// corresponding data are send to the correct channels.
// TODO: Up to now we have three disconnected vectors which is very
// error prone. Find a better solution
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels = {"stscomponent", "trdcomponent", "tofcomponent", "syscmd", "syscmdin"};
std::vector<int> fSysId = {16, 64, 96};
std::vector<int> fComponentsToSend = {0, 0, 0};
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> fChannelsToSend = {{}, {}, {}};