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/* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau, Dominik Smith [committer] */
* CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents.cxx
* @since 2020-05-24
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
#include "CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents.h"
/// CBM headers
#include "CbmEvent.h"
#include "CbmFlesCanvasTools.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "CbmMatch.h"
#include "CbmMvdDigi.h"
#include "TimesliceMetaData.h"
/// FAIRROOT headers
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairParGenericSet.h"
#include "FairRunOnline.h"
#include "BoostSerializer.h"
#include "RootSerializer.h"
/// FAIRSOFT headers (geant, boost, ...)
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TNamed.h"
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
/// C/C++ headers
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
using namespace std;
CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents() { fpAlgo = new CbmAlgoBuildRawEvents(); }
void CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::InitTask()
try {
/// Read options from executable
LOG(info) << "Init options for CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents.";
fbFillHistos = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("FillHistos");
fbIgnoreTsOverlap = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("IgnOverMs");
fsEvtOverMode = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("EvtOverMode");
fsRefDet = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("RefDet");
fvsAddDet = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("AddDet");
fvsDelDet = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("DelDet");
fvsSetTrigWin = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("SetTrigWin");
fvsSetTrigMinNb = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("SetTrigMinNb");
fsChannelNameDataInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("TsNameIn");
fsChannelNameDataOutput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("EvtNameOut");
fsChannelNameHistosInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameIn");
fsChannelNameHistosConfig = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameHistCfg");
fsChannelNameCanvasConfig = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameCanvCfg");
fsAllowedChannels[0] = fsChannelNameDataInput;
fuPublishFreqTs = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("PubFreqTs");
fdMinPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMin");
fdMaxPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMax");
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined channels: " << noChannel;
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (std::string::npos != entry.first.find(fsChannelNameDataInput)) {
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
OnData(entry.first, &CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::HandleData);
/// FIXME: Disable clang formatting for now as it corrupts all alignment
/* clang-format off */
/// Initialize the Algorithm parameters
/// Extract Event Overlap Mode
EOverlapModeRaw mode =
("NoOverlap" == fsEvtOverMode ? EOverlapModeRaw::NoOverlap
: ("MergeOverlap" == fsEvtOverMode ? EOverlapModeRaw::MergeOverlap
: ("AllowOverlap" == fsEvtOverMode ? EOverlapModeRaw::AllowOverlap
: EOverlapModeRaw::NoOverlap)));
/// Extract refdet
RawEventBuilderDetector refDet = ("kBmon" == fsRefDet ? kRawEventBuilderDetBmon
: ("kSts" == fsRefDet ? kRawEventBuilderDetSts
: ("kMuch" == fsRefDet ? kRawEventBuilderDetMuch
: ("kTrd" == fsRefDet ? kRawEventBuilderDetTrd
: ("kTof" == fsRefDet ? kRawEventBuilderDetTof
: ("kRich" == fsRefDet ? kRawEventBuilderDetRich
: ("kPsd" == fsRefDet ? kRawEventBuilderDetPsd
: kRawEventBuilderDetUndef)))))));
if (kRawEventBuilderDetUndef != refDet) {
else {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::InitTask => Trying to change "
"reference to unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< fsRefDet;
/// Extract detector to add if any
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itStrAdd = fvsAddDet.begin();
itStrAdd != fvsAddDet.end();
++itStrAdd) {
RawEventBuilderDetector addDet = ("kBmon" == *itStrAdd ? kRawEventBuilderDetBmon
: ("kSts" == *itStrAdd ? kRawEventBuilderDetSts
: ("kMuch" == *itStrAdd ? kRawEventBuilderDetMuch
: ("kTrd" == *itStrAdd ? kRawEventBuilderDetTrd
: ("kTof" == *itStrAdd ? kRawEventBuilderDetTof
: ("kRich" == *itStrAdd ? kRawEventBuilderDetRich
: ("kPsd" == *itStrAdd ? kRawEventBuilderDetPsd
: kRawEventBuilderDetUndef)))))));
if (kRawEventBuilderDetUndef != addDet) {
else {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::InitTask => Trying to add "
"unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< (*itStrAdd);
/// Extract detector to remove if any
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itStrRem = fvsDelDet.begin();
itStrRem != fvsDelDet.end();
++itStrRem) {
RawEventBuilderDetector remDet = ("kBmon" == *itStrRem ? kRawEventBuilderDetBmon
: ("kSts" == *itStrRem ? kRawEventBuilderDetSts
: ("kMuch" == *itStrRem ? kRawEventBuilderDetMuch
: ("kTrd" == *itStrRem ? kRawEventBuilderDetTrd
: ("kTof" == *itStrRem ? kRawEventBuilderDetTof
: ("kRich" == *itStrRem ? kRawEventBuilderDetRich
: ("kPsd" == *itStrRem ? kRawEventBuilderDetPsd
: kRawEventBuilderDetUndef)))))));
if (kRawEventBuilderDetUndef != remDet) {
else {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::InitTask => Trying to remove "
"unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< (*itStrRem);
/// Extract Trigger window to add if any
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itStrTrigWin = fvsSetTrigWin.begin();
itStrTrigWin != fvsSetTrigWin.end();
++itStrTrigWin) {
size_t charPosDel = (*itStrTrigWin).find(',');
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
<< "CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::InitTask => "
<< "Trying to set trigger window with invalid option pattern, ignored! "
<< " (Should be ECbmModuleId,dWinBeg,dWinEnd but instead found "
<< (*itStrTrigWin) << " )";
/// Detector Enum Tag
std::string sSelDet = (*itStrTrigWin).substr(0, charPosDel);
ECbmModuleId selDet = ("kBmon" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kBmon
: ("kSts" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kSts
: ("kMuch" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kMuch
: ("kTrd" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kTrd
: ("kTof" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kTof
: ("kRich" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kRich
: ("kPsd" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kPsd
: ECbmModuleId::kNotExist)))))));
if (ECbmModuleId::kNotExist == selDet) {
<< "CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::InitTask => "
<< "Trying to set trigger window for unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< sSelDet;
/// Window beginning
std::string sNext = (*itStrTrigWin).substr(charPosDel);
charPosDel = sNext.find(',');
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
<< "CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::InitTask => "
<< "Trying to set trigger window with invalid option pattern, ignored! "
<< " (Should be ECbmModuleId,dWinBeg,dWinEnd but instead found "
<< (*itStrTrigWin) << " )";
Double_t dWinBeg = std::stod(sNext.substr(0, charPosDel));
/// Window end
Double_t dWinEnd = std::stod(sNext.substr(charPosDel));
fpAlgo->SetTriggerWindow(selDet, dWinBeg, dWinEnd);
/// Extract MinNb for trigger if any
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itStrMinNb = fvsSetTrigMinNb.begin();
itStrMinNb != fvsSetTrigMinNb.end();
++itStrMinNb) {
size_t charPosDel = (*itStrMinNb).find(',');
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
<< "CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::InitTask => "
<< "Trying to set trigger min Nb with invalid option pattern, ignored! "
<< " (Should be ECbmModuleId,uMinNb but instead found " << (*itStrMinNb)
<< " )";
/// Detector Enum Tag
std::string sSelDet = (*itStrMinNb).substr(0, charPosDel);
ECbmModuleId selDet = ("kBmon" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kBmon
: ("kSts" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kSts
: ("kMuch" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kMuch
: ("kTrd" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kTrd
: ("kTof" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kTof
: ("kRich" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kRich
: ("kPsd" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kPsd
: ECbmModuleId::kNotExist)))))));
if (ECbmModuleId::kNotExist == selDet) {
<< "CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::InitTask => "
<< "Trying to set trigger min Nb for unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< sSelDet;
/// Min number
UInt_t uMinNb = std::stoul((*itStrMinNb).substr(charPosDel));
fpAlgo->SetTriggerMinNumber(selDet, uMinNb);
/// FIXME: Re-enable clang formatting after formatted lines
/* clang-format on */
/// Create input vectors
fvDigiBmon = new std::vector<CbmBmonDigi>();
fvDigiSts = new std::vector<CbmStsDigi>();
fvDigiMuch = new std::vector<CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi>();
fvDigiTrd = new std::vector<CbmTrdDigi>();
fvDigiTof = new std::vector<CbmTofDigi>();
fvDigiRich = new std::vector<CbmRichDigi>();
fvDigiPsd = new std::vector<CbmPsdDigi>();
fTimeSliceMetaDataArray = new TClonesArray("TimesliceMetaData", 1);
if (NULL == fTimeSliceMetaDataArray) { throw InitTaskError("Failed creating the TS meta data TClonesarray "); }
/// Digis storage
// Mvd currently not implemented in event builder
//std::vector<CbmMvdDigi>* pMvdDigi = new std::vector<CbmMvdDigi>();
/// Create output TClonesArray
fEvents = new TClonesArray("CbmEvent", 500);
/// Now that everything is set, initialize the Algorithm
if (kFALSE == fpAlgo->InitAlgo()) { throw InitTaskError("Failed to initilize the algorithm class."); }
/// Histograms management
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each histo from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>> vHistos = fpAlgo->GetHistoVector();
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>> vCanvases = fpAlgo->GetCanvasVector();
/// Add pointers to each histo in the histo array
/// Create histo config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Histo name, Folder >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vHistos[ uHisto ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vHistos[ uHisto ]
// ;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psHistoConfig(vHistos[uHisto].first->GetName(), vHistos[uHisto].second);
/// Serialize the vector of histo config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageHist, psHistoConfig);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageHist, psHistoConfig);
/// Send message to the common histogram config messages queue
if (Send(messageHist, fsChannelNameHistosConfig) < 0) { throw InitTaskError("Problem sending histo config"); }
LOG(info) << "Config of hist " << << " in folder " <<;
/// Create canvas config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Canvas name, config >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vCanvases[ uCanv ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vCanvases[ uCanv ];
std::string sCanvName = (vCanvases[uCanv].first)->GetName();
std::string sCanvConf = GenerateCanvasConfigString(vCanvases[uCanv].first);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psCanvConfig(sCanvName, sCanvConf);
/// Serialize the vector of canvas config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageCan(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageCan, psCanvConfig);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageCan, psCanvConfig);
/// Send message to the common canvas config messages queue
if (Send(messageCan, fsChannelNameCanvasConfig) < 0) { throw InitTaskError("Problem sending canvas config"); }
LOG(info) << "Config string of Canvas " << << " is " <<;
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
bool CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName)
for (auto const& entry : fsAllowedChannels) {
std::size_t pos1 = channelName.find(entry);
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fsAllowedChannels.begin(), fsAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fsAllowedChannels.begin();
LOG(info) << "Found " << entry << " in " << channelName;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx;
return true;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
// handler is called whenever a message arrives on "data", with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0)
bool CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::HandleData(FairMQParts& parts, int /*index*/)
LOG(debug) << "Received message number " << fulNumMessages << " with " << parts.Size() << " parts"
<< ", size0: " << parts.At(0)->GetSize();
if (0 == fulNumMessages % 10000) LOG(info) << "Received " << fulNumMessages << " messages";
/// Extract unpacked data from input message
uint32_t uPartIdx = 0;
/// TS metadata
// Deserialize<RootSerializer>(*parts.At(uPartIdx), fTsMetaData);
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), fTsMetaData);
new ((*fTimeSliceMetaDataArray)[fTimeSliceMetaDataArray->GetEntriesFast()])
/// Bmon
std::string msgStrBmon(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issBmon(msgStrBmon);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveBmon(issBmon);
inputArchiveBmon >> *fvDigiBmon;
/// STS
std::string msgStrSts(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issSts(msgStrSts);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveSts(issSts);
inputArchiveSts >> *fvDigiSts;
/// MUCH
std::string msgStrMuch(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issMuch(msgStrMuch);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveMuch(issMuch);
inputArchiveMuch >> *fvDigiMuch;
/// TRD
std::string msgStrTrd(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issTrd(msgStrTrd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTrd(issTrd);
inputArchiveTrd >> *fvDigiTrd;
/// BmonF
std::string msgStrTof(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issTof(msgStrTof);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTof(issTof);
inputArchiveTof >> *fvDigiTof;
/// RICH
std::string msgStrRich(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issRich(msgStrRich);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveRich(issRich);
inputArchiveRich >> *fvDigiRich;
/// PSD
std::string msgStrPsd(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issPsd(msgStrPsd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchivePsd(issPsd);
inputArchivePsd >> *fvDigiPsd;
/// Call Algo ProcessTs method
/// Send events vector to ouput
if (!SendEvents(parts)) return false;
/// Clear metadata
/// Clear vectors
/// Clear event vector after usage
/// Histograms management
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
/// Send histograms each 100 time slices. Should be each ~1s
/// Use also runtime checker to trigger sending after M s if
/// processing too slow or delay sending if processing too fast
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSeconds = currentTime - fLastPublishTime;
if ((fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())
|| (0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())) {
fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
return true;
bool CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::SendEvents(FairMQParts& partsIn)
/// Clear events TClonesArray before usage.
/// Get vector reference from algo
std::vector<CbmEvent*> vEvents = fpAlgo->GetEventVector();
/// Move CbmEvent from temporary vector to TClonesArray
for (CbmEvent* event : vEvents) {
LOG(debug) << "Vector: " << event->ToString();
new ((*fEvents)[fEvents->GetEntriesFast()]) CbmEvent(std::move(*event));
LOG(debug) << "TClonesArray: " << static_cast<CbmEvent*>(fEvents->At(fEvents->GetEntriesFast() - 1))->ToString();
/// Serialize the array of events into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*message, fEvents);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, fEvents);
/// Add it at the end of the input composed message
FairMQParts partsOut(std::move(partsIn));
if (Send(partsOut, fsChannelNameDataOutput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data to " << fsChannelNameDataOutput;
return false;
return true;
bool CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::SendHistograms()
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*message, &fArrayHisto);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, &fArrayHisto);
/// Send message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(message, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
return true;
/// Clear metadata
delete fTsMetaData;
/// Clear vectors
/// Clear events TClonesArray
delete fpRun;
delete fTimeSliceMetaDataArray;
delete fEvents;
delete fpAlgo;
void CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents::Finish() {}
/* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau, Dominik Smith [committer] */
* CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents.h
* @since 2020-05-24
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
/// CBM headers
#include "CbmAlgoBuildRawEvents.h"
#include "CbmBmonDigi.h"
#include "CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi.h"
#include "CbmPsdDigi.h"
#include "CbmRichDigi.h"
#include "CbmStsDigi.h"
#include "CbmTofDigi.h"
#include "CbmTrdDigi.h"
/// FAIRROOT headers
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
/// FAIRSOFT headers (geant, boost, ...)
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
/// C/C++ headers
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class TList;
class TClonesArray;
class FairRunOnline;
class TimesliceMetaData;
class CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents();
virtual void InitTask();
bool HandleData(FairMQParts&, int);
bool HandleCommand(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
/// Constants
/// Control flags
Bool_t fbIgnoreTsOverlap = kFALSE; //! Ignore data in Overlap part of the TS
Bool_t fbFillHistos = kTRUE; //! Switch ON/OFF filling of histograms
/// User settings parameters
/// Algo enum settings
std::string fsEvtOverMode = "NoOverlap";
std::string fsRefDet = "kBmon";
std::vector<std::string> fvsAddDet = {};
std::vector<std::string> fvsDelDet = {};
std::vector<std::string> fvsSetTrigWin = {};
std::vector<std::string> fvsSetTrigMinNb = {};
/// message queues
std::string fsChannelNameDataInput = "unpts_0";
std::string fsChannelNameDataOutput = "events";
std::string fsChannelNameCommands = "commands";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosInput = "histogram-in";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosConfig = "histo-conf";
std::string fsChannelNameCanvasConfig = "canvas-conf";
/// Histograms management
uint32_t fuPublishFreqTs = 100;
double_t fdMinPublishTime = 0.5;
double_t fdMaxPublishTime = 5.0;
/// List of MQ channels names
std::vector<std::string> fsAllowedChannels = {fsChannelNameDataInput};
/// Statistics & first TS rejection
uint64_t fulNumMessages = 0;
uint64_t fulTsCounter = 0;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/// Processing algos
CbmAlgoBuildRawEvents* fpAlgo = nullptr;
/// TS MetaData stable values storage
size_t fuNbCoreMsPerTs = 0; //!
size_t fuNbOverMsPerTs = 0; //!
Double_t fdMsSizeInNs = 1280000; //! Size of a single MS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsCoreSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsOverSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of the overlap MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsFullSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of all MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
/// Data reception
/// TS MetaData storage
TClonesArray* fTimeSliceMetaDataArray = nullptr; //!
TimesliceMetaData* fTsMetaData = nullptr;
/// Digis storage
std::vector<CbmBmonDigi>* fvDigiBmon = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmStsDigi>* fvDigiSts = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi>* fvDigiMuch = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmTrdDigi>* fvDigiTrd = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmTofDigi>* fvDigiTof = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmRichDigi>* fvDigiRich = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmPsdDigi>* fvDigiPsd = nullptr;
/// Data emission
TClonesArray* fEvents = nullptr; //! output container of CbmEvents
// std::vector< CbmEvent * > & fEventVector; //! vector with all created events
/// Internal data registration (for FairRootManager -> DigiManager links)
FairRunOnline* fpRun = nullptr;
/// Array of histograms to send to the histogram server
TObjArray fArrayHisto = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( HistoName, FolderPath ) to send to the histogram server
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsHistosFolder = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( CanvasName, CanvasConfig ) to send to the histogram server
/// Format of Can config is "NbPadX(U);NbPadY(U);ConfigPad1(s);....;ConfigPadXY(s)"
/// Format of Pad config is "GrixX(b),GridY(b),LogX(b),LogY(b),LogZ(b),HistoName(s),DrawOptions(s)"
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsCanvasConfig = {};
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName);
void Finish();
bool SendEvents(FairMQParts& partsIn);
bool SendHistograms();
/* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.cxx
* @since 2020-05-24
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
#include "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h"
/// CBM headers
#include "CbmEvent.h"
#include "CbmFlesCanvasTools.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "TimesliceMetaData.h"
/// FAIRROOT headers
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairParGenericSet.h"
#include "FairRootFileSink.h"
#include "FairRootManager.h"
#include "FairRunOnline.h"
#include "FairSource.h"
#include "BoostSerializer.h"
#include "RootSerializer.h"
/// FAIRSOFT headers (geant, boost, ...)
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TNamed.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
/// C/C++ headers
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
using namespace std;
//Bool_t bMcbm2018MonitorTaskBmonResetHistos = kFALSE;
CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::CbmDeviceDigiEventSink() {}
void CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::InitTask()
try {
/// Read options from executable
LOG(info) << "Init options for CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.";
fbStoreFullTs = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("StoreFullTs");
fsOutputFileName = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("OutFileName");
fsChannelNameDataInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("EvtNameIn");
fsAllowedChannels[0] = fsChannelNameDataInput;
fbBypassConsecutiveTs = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("BypassConsecutiveTs");
fbWriteMissingTs = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("WriteMissingTs");
fbDisableCompression = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("DisableCompression");
fiTreeFileMaxSize = fConfig->GetValue<int64_t>("TreeFileMaxSize");
fbDigiEventInput = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("DigiEventInput");
fbExclusiveTrdExtract = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("ExclusiveTrdExtract");
fbFillHistos = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("FillHistos");
fuPublishFreqTs = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("PubFreqTs");
fdMinPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMin");
fdMaxPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMax");
fsHistosSuffix = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("HistosSuffix");
fsChannelNameHistosInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameIn");
/// Associate the MissedTs Channel to the corresponding handler
OnData(fsChannelNameMissedTs, &CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleMissTsData);
/// Associate the command Channel to the corresponding handler
OnData(fsChannelNameCommands, &CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleCommand);
/// Associate the Event + Unp data Channel to the corresponding handler
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined channels: " << noChannel;
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (std::string::npos != entry.first.find(fsChannelNameDataInput)) {
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
OnData(entry.first, &CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleData);
} // if( entry.first.find( "ts" )
} // for( auto const &entry : fChannels )
// InitContainers();
/// Prepare storage TClonesArrays
/// TS MetaData storage
fTimeSliceMetaDataArray = new TClonesArray("TimesliceMetaData", 1);
if (NULL == fTimeSliceMetaDataArray) {
throw InitTaskError("Failed creating the TS meta data TClonesarray ");
} // if( NULL == fTimeSliceMetaDataArray )
/// Events storage
/// TODO: remove TObject from CbmEvent and switch to vectors!
fEventsSel = new std::vector<CbmDigiEvent>();
/// Prepare root output
if ("" != fsOutputFileName) {
fpRun = new FairRunOnline();
FairRootFileSink* pSink = new FairRootFileSink(fsOutputFileName);
fpFairRootMgr = FairRootManager::Instance();
if (nullptr == fpFairRootMgr->GetOutFile()) {
throw InitTaskError("Could not open root file");
} // if( nullptr == fpFairRootMgr->GetOutFile() )
if (fbDisableCompression) {
/// Completely disable the root file compression
/// Set global size limit for all TTree in this process/Root instance
} // if( "" != fsOutputFileName )
else {
throw InitTaskError("Empty output filename!");
} // else of if( "" != fsOutputFileName )
LOG(info) << "Init Root Output to " << fsOutputFileName;
fEvtHeader = new CbmTsEventHeader();
fpFairRootMgr->Register("EventHeader.", "Event", fEvtHeader, kTRUE);
/// Register all input data members with the FairRoot manager
/// TS MetaData
fpFairRootMgr->Register("TimesliceMetaData", "TS Meta Data", fTimeSliceMetaDataArray, kTRUE);
/// CbmEvent
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny("DigiEvent", fEventsSel, kTRUE);
/// Full TS Digis storage (optional usage, controlled by fbStoreFullTs!)
if (fbStoreFullTs) {
fvDigiBmon = new std::vector<CbmBmonDigi>();
fvDigiSts = new std::vector<CbmStsDigi>();
fvDigiMuch = new std::vector<CbmMuchDigi>();
fvDigiTrd = new std::vector<CbmTrdDigi>();
fvDigiTof = new std::vector<CbmTofDigi>();
fvDigiRich = new std::vector<CbmRichDigi>();
fvDigiPsd = new std::vector<CbmPsdDigi>();
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny(CbmBmonDigi::GetBranchName(), fvDigiBmon, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny(CbmStsDigi::GetBranchName(), fvDigiSts, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny(CbmMuchDigi::GetBranchName(), fvDigiMuch, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny(CbmTrdDigi::GetBranchName(), fvDigiTrd, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny(CbmTofDigi::GetBranchName(), fvDigiTof, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny(CbmRichDigi::GetBranchName(), fvDigiRich, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny(CbmPsdDigi::GetBranchName(), fvDigiPsd, kTRUE);
LOG(info) << "Initialized outTree with rootMgr at " << fpFairRootMgr;
/// Histograms management
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
/// Comment to prevent clang format single lining
if (kFALSE == InitHistograms()) { throw InitTaskError("Failed to initialize the histograms."); }
} // if( kTRUE == fbFillHistos )
fbInitDone = true;
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName)
for (auto const& entry : fsAllowedChannels) {
std::size_t pos1 = channelName.find(entry);
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fsAllowedChannels.begin(), fsAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fsAllowedChannels.begin();
LOG(info) << "Found " << entry << " in " << channelName;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx;
return true;
} // if (pos1!=std::string::npos)
} // for(auto const &entry : fsAllowedChannels)
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::InitHistograms()
/// Histos creation and obtain pointer on them
/// Trigger histo creation, filling vHistos and vCanvases
// bool initOK =CreateHistograms();
bool initOK = true;
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each histo from the algo (+ optionally desired folder) or create them locally
// ALGO: std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>> vHistos = fMonitorAlgo->GetHistoVector();
std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>> vHistos = {};
/* clang-format off */
fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo = new TProfile(Form("hFullTsBuffSizeEvo%s",,
"Evo. of the full TS buffer size; Time in run [s]; Size []",
720, 0, 7200);
fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo = new TProfile(Form("hMissTsBuffSizeEvo%s",,
"Evo. of the missed TS buffer size; Time in run [s]; Size []",
720, 0, 7200);
fhFullTsProcEvo = new TH1I(Form("hFullTsProcEvo%s",,
"Processed full TS; Time in run [s]; # []",
720, 0, 7200);
fhMissTsProcEvo = new TH1I(Form("hMissTsProcEvo%s",,
"Processed missing TS; Time in run [s]; # []",
720, 0, 7200);
fhTotalTsProcEvo = new TH1I(Form("hTotalTsProcEvo%s",,
"Total processed TS; Time in run [s]; # []",
720, 0, 7200);
fhTotalEventsEvo = new TH1I(Form("hTotalEventsEvo%s",,
"Processed events; Time in run [s]; # []",
720, 0, 7200);
/* clang-format on */
std::string sFolder = std::string("EvtSink") + fsHistosSuffix;
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo, sFolder));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo, sFolder));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhFullTsProcEvo, sFolder));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhMissTsProcEvo, sFolder));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTotalTsProcEvo, sFolder));
vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTotalEventsEvo, sFolder));
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas from the algo (+ optionally desired folder) or create them locally
// ALGO: std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>> vCanvases = fMonitorAlgo->GetCanvasVector();
std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>> vCanvases = {};
fcEventSinkAllHist = new TCanvas(Form("cEventSinkAllHist%s",, "Event Sink Monitoring");
fcEventSinkAllHist->Divide(3, 2);
vCanvases.push_back(std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>(fcEventSinkAllHist, std::string("canvases") + fsHistosSuffix));
/// Add pointers to each histo in the histo array
/// Create histo config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Histo name, Folder >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vHistos[ uHisto ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vHistos[ uHisto ]
// ;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psHistoConfig(vHistos[uHisto].first->GetName(), vHistos[uHisto].second);
LOG(info) << "Config of hist " << << " in folder " <<;
} // for( UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto )
/// Create canvas config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Canvas name, config >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vCanvases[ uCanv ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vCanvases[ uCanv ];
std::string sCanvName = (vCanvases[uCanv].first)->GetName();
std::string sCanvConf = GenerateCanvasConfigString(vCanvases[uCanv].first);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psCanvConfig(sCanvName, sCanvConf);
LOG(info) << "Config string of Canvas " << << " is " <<;
} // for( UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv )
return initOK;
bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::ResetHistograms(bool bResetStartTime)
if (bResetStartTime) {
/// Reset the start time of the time evolution histograms
fStartTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
return true;
// handler is called whenever a message arrives on fsChannelNameMissedTs, with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0)
bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleMissTsData(FairMQMessagePtr& msg, int /*index*/)
std::vector<uint64_t> vIndices;
std::string msgStrMissTs(static_cast<char*>(msg->GetData()), msg->GetSize());
std::istringstream issMissTs(msgStrMissTs);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveMissTs(issMissTs);
inputArchiveMissTs >> vIndices;
fvulMissedTsIndices.insert(fvulMissedTsIndices.end(), vIndices.begin(), vIndices.end());
/// Check TS queue and process it if needed (in case it filled a hole!)
if (!fbBypassConsecutiveTs) {
/// But only if Consecutive TS check is not disabled explicitly by user
return true;
// handler is called whenever a message arrives on "data", with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0)
bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleData(FairMQParts& parts, int /*index*/)
LOG(debug) << "Received message number " << fulNumMessages << " with " << parts.Size() << " parts"
<< ", size0: " << parts.At(0)->GetSize();
if (0 == fulNumMessages % 10000) LOG(info) << "Received " << fulNumMessages << " messages";
/// Unpack the message
CbmEventTimeslice unpTs(parts, fbDigiEventInput);
/// FIXME: Need to check if TS arrived in order (probably not!!!) + buffer!!!
LOG(debug) << "Next TS check " << fuPrevTsIndex << " " << fulTsCounter << " " << unpTs.fTsMetaData.GetIndex()
<< " Storage size: " << fmFullTsStorage.size();
if (fbBypassConsecutiveTs || (fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == unpTs.fTsMetaData.GetIndex())
|| (0 == fuPrevTsIndex && 0 == fulTsCounter && 0 == unpTs.fTsMetaData.GetIndex())) {
LOG(debug) << "TS direct to dump";
/// Fill all storage variables registers for data output
/// Trigger FairRoot manager to dump Tree entry
/// Update counters
fuPrevTsIndex = unpTs.fTsMetaData.GetIndex();
else {
LOG(debug) << "TS direct to storage";
/// If not consecutive to last TS sent,
std::pair<uint64_t, CbmEventTimeslice>(unpTs.fTsMetaData.GetIndex(), unpTs));
LOG(debug) << "TS metadata checked";
/// Clear metadata => crashes, maybe not needed as due to move the pointer is invalidated?
// delete fTsMetaData;
if (fbBypassConsecutiveTs) {
/// Skip checking the TS buffer as writing straight to file
/// => Just check if we are done and can close the file or not
if (fbReceivedEof) {
/// In this case we cannot check if the last TS received/processed is the final one due to lack of order
/// => use instead the fact that we received all expected TS
if ((fulTsCounter + fvulMissedTsIndices.size()) == fuTotalTsCount) {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleData => "
<< "Found all expected TS (" << fulTsCounter << ") and total nb of TS " << fuTotalTsCount
<< " after accounting for the ones reported as missing by the source (" << fvulMissedTsIndices.size()
<< ")";
} // if ((fulTsCounter + fvulMissedTsIndices.size()) == fuTotalTsCount)
else {
/// Check TS queue and process it if needed (in case it filled a hole!)
LOG(debug) << "TS queues checked";
/// Histograms management
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/// Fill histograms every 5 or more seconds
/// TODO: make it a parameter
std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSecondsFill = currentTime - fLastFillTime;
if (1.0 < elapsedSecondsFill.count()) {
std::chrono::duration<double_t> secInRun = currentTime - fStartTime;
/// Rely on the fact that all histos have same X axis to avoid multiple "current bin" search
int32_t iBinIndex = fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo->FindBin(secInRun.count());
fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, fmFullTsStorage.size());
fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, fvulMissedTsIndices.size());
fhFullTsProcEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, fulTsCounter);
fhMissTsProcEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, fulMissedTsCounter);
fhTotalTsProcEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, (fulTsCounter + fulMissedTsCounter));
fhTotalEventsEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, fulProcessedEvents);
fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo->Fill(secInRun.count(), fmFullTsStorage.size());
fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo->Fill(secInRun.count(), fvulMissedTsIndices.size());
fhFullTsProcEvo->Fill(secInRun.count(), (fulTsCounter - fulLastFullTsCounter));
fhMissTsProcEvo->Fill(secInRun.count(), (fulMissedTsCounter - fulLastMissTsCounter));
(fulTsCounter - fulLastFullTsCounter + fulMissedTsCounter - fulLastMissTsCounter));
fhTotalEventsEvo->Fill(secInRun.count(), fulProcessedEvents - fulLastProcessedEvents);
fLastFillTime = currentTime;
fulLastFullTsCounter = fulTsCounter;
fulLastMissTsCounter = fulMissedTsCounter;
fulLastProcessedEvents = fulProcessedEvents;
/// Send histograms each N timeslices.
/// Use also runtime checker to trigger sending after M s if
/// processing too slow or delay sending if processing too fast
std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSeconds = currentTime - fLastPublishTime;
if ((fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())
|| (0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())) {
if (!fbConfigSent) {
// Send the configuration only once per run!
fbConfigSent = SendHistoConfAndData();
} // if( !fbConfigSent )
fLastPublishTime = currentTime;
} // if( ( fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) || ( 0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) )
} // if( kTRUE == fbFillHistos )
LOG(debug) << "Processed TS with saving " << (fulTsCounter + fulMissedTsCounter) << " TS (" << fulTsCounter
<< " full ones and " << fulMissedTsCounter << " missed/empty ones)";
LOG(debug) << "Buffers are " << fmFullTsStorage.size() << " full TS and " << fvulMissedTsIndices.size()
<< " missed/empty ones)";
return true;
bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleCommand(FairMQMessagePtr& msg, int /*index*/)
std::string sCommand( static_cast< char * >( msg->GetData() ),
msg->GetSize() );
std::string sCommand;
std::string msgStrCmd(static_cast<char*>(msg->GetData()), msg->GetSize());
std::istringstream issCmd(msgStrCmd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveCmd(issCmd);
inputArchiveCmd >> sCommand;
std::string sCmdTag = sCommand;
size_t charPosDel = sCommand.find(' ');
if (std::string::npos != charPosDel) {
sCmdTag = sCommand.substr(0, charPosDel);
} // if( std::string::npos != charPosDel )
if ("EOF" == sCmdTag) {
fbReceivedEof = true;
/// Extract the last TS index and global full TS count
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
LOG(fatal) << "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleCommand => "
<< "Incomplete EOF command received: " << sCommand;
return false;
} // if( std::string::npos == charPosDel )
/// Last TS index
std::string sNext = sCommand.substr(charPosDel);
charPosDel = sNext.find(' ');
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
LOG(fatal) << "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleCommand => "
<< "Incomplete EOF command received: " << sCommand;
return false;
} // if( std::string::npos == charPosDel )
fuLastTsIndex = std::stoul(sNext.substr(0, charPosDel));
/// Total TS count
fuTotalTsCount = std::stoul(sNext.substr(charPosDel));
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleCommand => "
<< "Received EOF command with final TS index " << fuLastTsIndex << " and total nb TS " << fuTotalTsCount;
/// End of data: clean save of data + close file + send last state of histos if enabled
if (fuPrevTsIndex == fuLastTsIndex && fulTsCounter == fuTotalTsCount) {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleCommand => "
<< "Found final TS index " << fuLastTsIndex << " and total nb TS " << fuTotalTsCount;
} // if( fuPrevTsIndex == fuLastTsIndex && fulTsCounter == fuTotalTsCount )
} // if( "EOF" == sCmdTag )
else if ("STOP" == sCmdTag) {
/// TODO: different treatment in case of "BAD" ending compared to EOF?
/// Source failure: clean save of received data + close file + send last state of histos if enabled
} // else if( "STOP" == sCmdTag )
else {
LOG(warning) << "Unknown command received: " << sCmdTag << " => will be ignored!";
} // else if command not recognized
return true;
void CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::CheckTsQueues()
bool bHoleFoundInBothQueues = false;
std::map<uint64_t, CbmEventTimeslice>::iterator itFullTs = fmFullTsStorage.begin();
std::vector<uint64_t>::iterator itMissTs = fvulMissedTsIndices.begin();
while (!bHoleFoundInBothQueues) {
/// Check if the first TS in the full TS queue is the next one
if (fmFullTsStorage.end() != itFullTs && fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == (*itFullTs).first) {
/// Fill all storage variables registers for data output
/// Trigger FairRoot manager to dump Tree entry
/// Update counters
fuPrevTsIndex = (*itFullTs).first;
/// Increment iterator
} // if( fmFullTsStorage.end() != itFullTs && fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == (*itFullTs).first() )
if (fmFullTsStorage.end() != itFullTs)
LOG(debug) << "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::CheckTsQueues => Full TS " << (*itFullTs).first << " VS "
<< (fuPrevTsIndex + 1);
/// Check if the first TS in the missed TS queue is the next one
if (fvulMissedTsIndices.end() != itMissTs
&& ((0 == fuPrevTsIndex && fuPrevTsIndex == (*itMissTs))
|| ((0 < fulTsCounter || 0 < fulMissedTsCounter) && fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == (*itMissTs)))) {
if (fbWriteMissingTs) {
/// Prepare entry with only dummy TS metadata and empty storage variables
new ((*fTimeSliceMetaDataArray)[fTimeSliceMetaDataArray->GetEntriesFast()])
TimesliceMetaData(0, 0, 0, (*itMissTs));
/// Trigger FairRoot manager to dump Tree entry
/// Update counters
fuPrevTsIndex = (*itMissTs);
/// Increment iterator
} // if( fvulMissedTsIndices.end() != itMissTs && fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == (*itMissTs ) )
if (fvulMissedTsIndices.end() != itMissTs)
LOG(debug) << "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::CheckTsQueues => Empty TS " << (*itMissTs) << " VS "
<< (fuPrevTsIndex + 1);
/// Should be reached only if both queues at the end or hole found in both
bHoleFoundInBothQueues = true;
} // while( !bHoleFoundInBothQueues )
LOG(debug) << "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::CheckTsQueues => buffered TS " << fmFullTsStorage.size()
<< " buffered empties " << fvulMissedTsIndices.size();
for (auto it = fmFullTsStorage.begin(); it != fmFullTsStorage.end(); ++it) {
LOG(debug) << "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::CheckTsQueues => buffered TS index " << (*it).first;
/// Delete the processed entries
fmFullTsStorage.erase(fmFullTsStorage.begin(), itFullTs);
fvulMissedTsIndices.erase(fvulMissedTsIndices.begin(), itMissTs);
/// End of data: clean save of data + close file + send last state of histos if enabled
if (fbReceivedEof && fuPrevTsIndex == fuLastTsIndex && fulTsCounter == fuTotalTsCount) {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::CheckTsQueues => "
<< "Found final TS index " << fuLastTsIndex << " and total nb TS " << fuTotalTsCount;
} // if( fbReceivedEof && fuPrevTsIndex == fuLastTsIndex && fulTsCounter == fuTotalTsCount )
void CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::PrepareTreeEntry(CbmEventTimeslice unpTs)
/// FIXME: poor man solution with lots of data copy until we undertsnad how to properly deal
/// with FairMq messages ownership and memory managment
(*fEvtHeader) = std::move(unpTs.fCbmTsEventHeader);
/// FIXME: Not sure if this is the proper way to insert the data
new ((*fTimeSliceMetaDataArray)[fTimeSliceMetaDataArray->GetEntriesFast()])
/// Extract CbmEvent vector from input message
// FU, 29.06.22 Remove std::move to allow copy ellision
(*fEventsSel) = unpTs.GetSelectedData(fbExclusiveTrdExtract);
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
/// Accumulated counts, will show rise + plateau pattern in spill
fulProcessedEvents += fEventsSel->size();
/// Full TS Digis storage (optional usage, controlled by fbStoreFullTs!)
if (fbStoreFullTs) {
if (0 < unpTs.fvDigiBmon.size()) fvDigiBmon->assign(unpTs.fvDigiBmon.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiBmon.end());
if (0 < unpTs.fvDigiSts.size()) fvDigiSts->assign(unpTs.fvDigiSts.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiSts.end());
if (0 < unpTs.fvDigiMuch.size()) fvDigiMuch->assign(unpTs.fvDigiMuch.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiMuch.end());
if (0 < unpTs.fvDigiTrd.size()) fvDigiTrd->assign(unpTs.fvDigiTrd.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiTrd.end());
if (0 < unpTs.fvDigiTof.size()) fvDigiTof->assign(unpTs.fvDigiTof.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiTof.end());
if (0 < unpTs.fvDigiRich.size()) fvDigiRich->assign(unpTs.fvDigiRich.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiRich.end());
if (0 < unpTs.fvDigiPsd.size()) fvDigiPsd->assign(unpTs.fvDigiPsd.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiPsd.end());
void CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::DumpTreeEntry()
// Unpacked digis + CbmEvent output to root file
* NH style
// fpFairRootMgr->FillEventHeader(fEvtHeader);
// LOG(info) << "Fill WriteOutBuffer with FairRootManager at " << fpFairRootMgr;
// fpOutRootFile->cd();
fpFairRootMgr->StoreWriteoutBufferData( fpFairRootMgr->GetEventTime() );
/// FairRunOnline style
auto source = fpFairRootMgr->GetSource();
if (source) { source->FillEventHeader(fEvtHeader); }
// fpFairRootMgr->Write();
/// Clear metadata array
/// Clear event vector
/// Full TS Digis storage (optional usage, controlled by fbStoreFullTs!)
if (fbStoreFullTs) {
bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::SendHistoConfAndData()
/// Prepare multiparts message and header
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> pairHeader(fvpsHistosFolder.size(), fvpsCanvasConfig.size());
FairMQMessagePtr messageHeader(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>>(*messageHeader, pairHeader);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>().Serialize(*messageHeader, pairHeader);
FairMQParts partsOut;
for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < fvpsHistosFolder.size(); ++uHisto) {
/// Serialize the vector of histo config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageHist, fvpsHistosFolder[uHisto]);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageHist, fvpsHistosFolder[uHisto]);
} // for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < fvpsHistosFolder.size(); ++uHisto)
/// Catch case where no histos are registered!
/// => Add empty message
if (0 == fvpsHistosFolder.size()) {
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < fvpsCanvasConfig.size(); ++uCanv) {
/// Serialize the vector of canvas config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageCan(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageCan, fvpsCanvasConfig[uCanv]);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageCan, fvpsCanvasConfig[uCanv]);
} // for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < fvpsCanvasConfig.size(); ++uCanv)
/// Catch case where no Canvases are registered!
/// => Add empty message
if (0 == fvpsCanvasConfig.size()) {
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr msgHistos(NewMessage());
RootSerializer().Serialize(*msgHistos, &fArrayHisto);
/// Send the multi-parts message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(partsOut, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "CbmTsConsumerReqDevExample::SendHistoConfAndData => Problem sending data";
return false;
} // if( Send( partsOut, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 )
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
return true;
bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::SendHistograms()
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage());
RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, &fArrayHisto);
/// Send message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(message, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
} // if( Send( message, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 )
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
return true;
void CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::PostRun()
// Needed to avoid due to other end of ZMQ channel being already gone if called during Finish/destructor
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
} // if( kTRUE == fbFillHistos )
/// FIXME: Add pointers check before delete
/// Close things properly if not already done
if (fbInitDone && !fbFinishDone) Finish();
/// Clear events vector
if (fbInitDone) {
delete fEventsSel;
delete fpRun;
void CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::Finish()
LOG(info) << "Performing clean close of the file";
// Clean closure of output to root file
fpFairRootMgr->Write(); // Broken due to FileMaxSize?!?
LOG(info) << "File closed after saving " << (fulTsCounter + fulMissedTsCounter) << " TS (" << fulTsCounter
<< " full ones and " << fulMissedTsCounter << " missed/empty ones)";
LOG(info) << "Still buffered TS " << fmFullTsStorage.size() << " and still buffered empties "
<< fvulMissedTsIndices.size();
if (fair::mq::State::Running == GetCurrentState()) {
/// Force state transitions only if not already done by ODC/DDS!
fbFinishDone = kTRUE;
CbmEventTimeslice::CbmEventTimeslice(FairMQParts& parts, bool bDigiEvtInput)
fbDigiEvtInput = bDigiEvtInput;
uint32_t uPartIdx = 0;
if (fbDigiEvtInput) {
/// Digi events => Extract selected data from input message
if (3 != parts.Size()) {
LOG(error) << "CbmEventTimeslice::CbmEventTimeslice => Wrong number of parts to deserialize DigiEvents: "
<< parts.Size() << " VS 3!";
LOG(fatal) << "Probably the wrong value was used for the option DigiEventInput of the Sink or DigiEventOutput of "
<< "the event builder";
/// (1) TS header
TObject* tempObjectPointer = nullptr;
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), tempObjectPointer);
if (tempObjectPointer && TString(tempObjectPointer->ClassName()).EqualTo("CbmTsEventHeader")) {
fCbmTsEventHeader = *(static_cast<CbmTsEventHeader*>(tempObjectPointer));
else {
LOG(fatal) << "Failed to deserialize the TS header";
/// (2) TS metadata
tempObjectPointer = nullptr;
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), tempObjectPointer);
if (tempObjectPointer && TString(tempObjectPointer->ClassName()).EqualTo("TimesliceMetaData")) {
fTsMetaData = *(static_cast<TimesliceMetaData*>(tempObjectPointer));
else {
LOG(fatal) << "Failed to deserialize the TS metadata";
/// (3) Events
std::string msgStrEvt(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issEvt(msgStrEvt);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveEvt(issEvt);
inputArchiveEvt >> fvDigiEvents;
LOG(debug) << "Input event array " << fvDigiEvents.size();
else {
/// Raw data + raw events => Extract unpacked data from input message
if (10 != parts.Size()) {
LOG(error) << "CbmEventTimeslice::CbmEventTimeslice => Wrong number of parts to deserialize raw data + events: "
<< parts.Size() << " VS 10!";
LOG(fatal) << "Probably the wrong value was used for the option DigiEventInput of the Sink or DigiEventOutput of "
<< "the event builder";
/// (1) TS header
TObject* tempObjectPointer = nullptr;
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), tempObjectPointer);
if (tempObjectPointer && TString(tempObjectPointer->ClassName()).EqualTo("CbmTsEventHeader")) {
fCbmTsEventHeader = *(static_cast<CbmTsEventHeader*>(tempObjectPointer));
else {
LOG(fatal) << "Failed to deserialize the TS header";
/// (2) Bmon
std::string msgStrBmon(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issBmon(msgStrBmon);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveBmon(issBmon);
inputArchiveBmon >> fvDigiBmon;
/// (3) STS
std::string msgStrSts(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issSts(msgStrSts);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveSts(issSts);
inputArchiveSts >> fvDigiSts;
/// (4) MUCH
std::string msgStrMuch(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issMuch(msgStrMuch);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveMuch(issMuch);
inputArchiveMuch >> fvDigiMuch;
/// (5) TRD
std::string msgStrTrd(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issTrd(msgStrTrd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTrd(issTrd);
inputArchiveTrd >> fvDigiTrd;
/// (6) BmonF
std::string msgStrTof(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issTof(msgStrTof);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTof(issTof);
inputArchiveTof >> fvDigiTof;
/// (7) RICH
std::string msgStrRich(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issRich(msgStrRich);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveRich(issRich);
inputArchiveRich >> fvDigiRich;
/// (8) PSD
std::string msgStrPsd(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issPsd(msgStrPsd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchivePsd(issPsd);
inputArchivePsd >> fvDigiPsd;
/// (9) TS metadata
tempObjectPointer = nullptr;
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), tempObjectPointer);
if (tempObjectPointer && TString(tempObjectPointer->ClassName()).EqualTo("TimesliceMetaData")) {
fTsMetaData = *(static_cast<TimesliceMetaData*>(tempObjectPointer));
else {
LOG(fatal) << "Failed to deserialize the TS metadata";
/// (10) Events
/// FIXME: Find out if possible to use only the boost serializer/deserializer
std::string msgStrEvt(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issEvt(msgStrEvt);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveEvt(issEvt);
inputArchiveEvt >> fvEvents;
LOG(info) << "Input event array " << fvEvents.size();
std::vector<CbmEvent>* pvOutEvents = nullptr;
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), pvOutEvents);
fvEvents = std::move(*pvOutEvents);
LOG(debug) << "Input event array " << fvEvents.size();
void CbmEventTimeslice::ExtractSelectedData(bool bExclusiveTrdExtract)
/// Loop on events in input vector
for (CbmEvent event : fvEvents) {
CbmDigiEvent selEvent;
selEvent.fTime = event.GetStartTime();
selEvent.fNumber = event.GetNumber();
/// For pure digi based event, we select "continuous slices of digis"
/// => Copy block of [First Digi index, last digi index] with assign(it_start, it_stop)
/// => No data increase for most detectors as we use time window selection
/// Keep TRD1D + TRD2D support as single det, otherwise may lead to holes in the digi sequence!
/// => Need option to keep the loop to avoid adding extra digis if comparison to CbmEvents wanted
/// Get the proper order for block selection as TRD1D and TRD2D may insert indices in separate loops
/// => Needed to ensure that the start and stop of the block copy do not trigger a vector size exception
/// for each detector, find the data in the Digi vectors and copy them
/// TODO: Template + loop on list of data types?
/// ==> Bmon
uint32_t uNbDigis = (0 < event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kBmonDigi) ? event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kBmonDigi) : 0);
if (uNbDigis) {
auto startIt = fvDigiBmon.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kBmonDigi, 0);
auto stopIt = fvDigiBmon.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kBmonDigi, uNbDigis - 1);
selEvent.fData.fBmon.fDigis.assign(startIt, stopIt);
/// ==> STS
uNbDigis = (0 < event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kStsDigi) ? event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kStsDigi) : 0);
if (uNbDigis) {
auto startIt = fvDigiSts.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kStsDigi, 0);
auto stopIt = fvDigiSts.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kStsDigi, uNbDigis - 1);
selEvent.fData.fSts.fDigis.assign(startIt, stopIt);
/// ==> MUCH
uNbDigis = (0 < event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kMuchDigi) ? event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kMuchDigi) : 0);
if (uNbDigis) {
auto startIt = fvDigiMuch.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kMuchDigi, 0);
auto stopIt = fvDigiMuch.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kMuchDigi, uNbDigis - 1);
selEvent.fData.fMuch.fDigis.assign(startIt, stopIt);
/// ==> TRD + TRD2D
uNbDigis = (0 < event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kTrdDigi) ? event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kTrdDigi) : 0);
if (uNbDigis) {
if (bExclusiveTrdExtract) {
for (uint32_t uDigiInEvt = 0; uDigiInEvt < uNbDigis; ++uDigiInEvt) {
/// Copy each digi in the event by itself to make sure we skip ones outside their own selection window but
/// inside the selection window of the other TRD subsystem, effectively enforcing differetn windows:
/// [t, t+dt](TRD) = [t, t+dt](TRD1D) + [t, t+dt](TRD2D)
/// => Exclusive but slower
selEvent.fData.fTrd.fDigis.push_back(fvDigiTrd[event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kTrdDigi, uDigiInEvt)]);
else {
/// Block copy of all TRD digis, has feature that it may include digis which are not matching the selection
/// window of a given TRD subsystem, effectively making a larger selection window:
/// [t, t+dt](TRD) = [t, t+dt](TRD1D) U [t, t+dt](TRD2D)
/// => Faster but inclusive, will lead to more TRD hits and tracks than expected
auto startIt = fvDigiTrd.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kTrdDigi, 0);
auto stopIt = fvDigiTrd.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kTrdDigi, uNbDigis - 1);
selEvent.fData.fTrd.fDigis.assign(startIt, stopIt);
/// ==> TOF
uNbDigis = (0 < event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kTofDigi) ? event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kTofDigi) : 0);
if (uNbDigis) {
auto startIt = fvDigiTof.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kTofDigi, 0);
auto stopIt = fvDigiTof.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kTofDigi, uNbDigis - 1);
selEvent.fData.fTof.fDigis.assign(startIt, stopIt);
/// ==> RICH
uNbDigis = (0 < event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kRichDigi) ? event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kRichDigi) : 0);
if (uNbDigis) {
auto startIt = fvDigiRich.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kRichDigi, 0);
auto stopIt = fvDigiRich.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kRichDigi, uNbDigis - 1);
selEvent.fData.fRich.fDigis.assign(startIt, stopIt);
/// ==> PSD
uNbDigis = (0 < event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kPsdDigi) ? event.GetNofData(ECbmDataType::kPsdDigi) : 0);
if (uNbDigis) {
auto startIt = fvDigiPsd.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kPsdDigi, 0);
auto stopIt = fvDigiPsd.begin() + event.GetIndex(ECbmDataType::kPsdDigi, uNbDigis - 1);
selEvent.fData.fPsd.fDigis.assign(startIt, stopIt);
/* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h
* @since 2020-05-04
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
/// CBM headers
#include "CbmBmonDigi.h"
#include "CbmDigiEvent.h"
#include "CbmEvent.h"
#include "CbmMqTMessage.h"
#include "CbmMuchDigi.h"
#include "CbmPsdDigi.h"
#include "CbmRichDigi.h"
#include "CbmStsDigi.h"
#include "CbmTofDigi.h"
#include "CbmTrdDigi.h"
#include "CbmTsEventHeader.h"
#include "TimesliceMetaData.h"
/// FAIRROOT headers
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
/// FAIRSOFT headers (geant, boost, ...)
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
/// C/C++ headers
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class TCanvas;
class TFile;
class TH1;
class TProfile;
class TList;
class TClonesArray;
//class TimesliceMetaData;
class FairRunOnline;
class FairRootManager;
class CbmEventTimeslice {
/// TODO: rename to CbmTsWithEvents
CbmEventTimeslice(FairMQParts& parts, bool bDigiEvtInput = false);
void ExtractSelectedData(bool bExclusiveTrdExtract = true);
std::vector<CbmDigiEvent>& GetSelectedData(bool bExclusiveTrdExtract = true)
if (!fbDigiEvtInput) ExtractSelectedData(bExclusiveTrdExtract);
return fvDigiEvents;
/// Input Type
bool fbDigiEvtInput = false;
/// TS information in header
CbmTsEventHeader fCbmTsEventHeader;
/// Raw data
std::vector<CbmBmonDigi> fvDigiBmon;
std::vector<CbmStsDigi> fvDigiSts;
std::vector<CbmMuchDigi> fvDigiMuch;
std::vector<CbmTrdDigi> fvDigiTrd;
std::vector<CbmTofDigi> fvDigiTof;
std::vector<CbmRichDigi> fvDigiRich;
std::vector<CbmPsdDigi> fvDigiPsd;
/// extra Metadata
TimesliceMetaData fTsMetaData;
/// Raw events
std::vector<CbmEvent> fvEvents;
/// Digi events
std::vector<CbmDigiEvent> fvDigiEvents;
class CbmDeviceDigiEventSink : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmDeviceDigiEventSink();
virtual void InitTask();
bool HandleMissTsData(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
bool HandleData(FairMQParts&, int);
bool HandleCommand(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
virtual void PostRun();
/// Constants
/// Control flags
bool fbStoreFullTs = false; //! If true, store digis vectors with full TS in addition to selected events
bool fbBypassConsecutiveTs = false; //! Switch ON/OFF the bypass of the consecutive TS buffer before writing to file
bool fbWriteMissingTs = false; //! Switch ON/OFF writing of empty TS to file for the missing ones (if no bypass)
bool fbDisableCompression = false; //! Switch ON/OFF the ROOT file compression
bool fbDigiEventInput = false; //! Switch ON/OFF the input of CbmDigiEvents instead of raw data + CbmEvents
bool fbExclusiveTrdExtract = true; //! Switch ON/OFF loop based extraction of TRD digis due to 1D/2D
bool fbFillHistos = false; //! Switch ON/OFF filling of histograms
bool fbInitDone = false; //! Keep track of whether the Init was already fully completed
bool fbFinishDone = false; //! Keep track of whether the Finish was already called
/// User settings parameters
/// Algo enum settings
std::string fsOutputFileName = "mcbm_digis_events.root";
/// message queues
std::string fsChannelNameMissedTs = "missedts";
std::string fsChannelNameDataInput = "events";
std::string fsChannelNameCommands = "commands";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosInput = "histogram-in";
/// Output file/tree management
int64_t fiTreeFileMaxSize = 10000000000LL; //! Default value: ~10 GB
/// Histograms management
uint32_t fuPublishFreqTs = 100;
double_t fdMinPublishTime = 0.5;
double_t fdMaxPublishTime = 5.0;
std::string fsHistosSuffix = "";
/// List of MQ channels names
std::vector<std::string> fsAllowedChannels = {fsChannelNameDataInput};
/// Parameters management
// TList* fParCList = nullptr;
// Bool_t InitParameters( TList* fParCList );
/// Statistics & missed TS detection
uint64_t fuPrevTsIndex = 0;
uint64_t fulNumMessages = 0;
uint64_t fulTsCounter = 0;
uint64_t fulMissedTsCounter = 0;
uint64_t fulProcessedEvents = 0;
uint64_t fulLastFullTsCounter = 0;
uint64_t fulLastMissTsCounter = 0;
uint64_t fulLastProcessedEvents = 0;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastFillTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fStartTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/// Control Commands reception
bool fbReceivedEof = false;
uint64_t fuLastTsIndex = 0;
uint64_t fuTotalTsCount = 0;
/// Data reception
/// Event (TS) header
CbmTsEventHeader* fEvtHeader = nullptr;
/// TS MetaData storage
TClonesArray* fTimeSliceMetaDataArray = nullptr; //!
// TimesliceMetaData* fTsMetaData = nullptr;
/// CbmEvents
std::vector<CbmDigiEvent>* fEventsSel = nullptr; //! output container of CbmEvents
/// Full TS Digis storage (optional usage, controlled by fbStoreFullTs!)
std::vector<CbmBmonDigi>* fvDigiBmon = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmStsDigi>* fvDigiSts = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmMuchDigi>* fvDigiMuch = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmTrdDigi>* fvDigiTrd = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmTofDigi>* fvDigiTof = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmRichDigi>* fvDigiRich = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmPsdDigi>* fvDigiPsd = nullptr;
/// Storage for re-ordering
/// Missed TS vector
std::vector<uint64_t> fvulMissedTsIndices = {};
/// Buffered TS
std::map<uint64_t, CbmEventTimeslice> fmFullTsStorage = {};
/// Data storage
FairRunOnline* fpRun = nullptr;
FairRootManager* fpFairRootMgr = nullptr;
/// Array of histograms to send to the histogram server
TObjArray fArrayHisto = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( HistoName, FolderPath ) to send to the histogram server
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsHistosFolder = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( CanvasName, CanvasConfig ) to send to the histogram server
/// Format of Can config is "NbPadX(U);NbPadY(U);ConfigPad1(s);....;ConfigPadXY(s)"
/// Format of Pad config is "GrixX(b),GridY(b),LogX(b),LogY(b),LogZ(b),HistoName(s),DrawOptions(s)"
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsCanvasConfig = {};
/// Flag indicating whether the histograms and canvases configurations were already published
bool fbConfigSent = false;
TProfile* fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo;
TProfile* fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo;
TH1* fhFullTsProcEvo;
TH1* fhMissTsProcEvo;
TH1* fhTotalTsProcEvo;
TH1* fhTotalEventsEvo;
TCanvas* fcEventSinkAllHist;
/// Internal methods
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName);
bool InitHistograms();
bool ResetHistograms(bool bResetStartTime = false);
void CheckTsQueues();
void PrepareTreeEntry(CbmEventTimeslice unpTs);
void DumpTreeEntry();
bool SendHistoConfAndData();
bool SendHistograms();
void Finish();
/* Copyright (C) 2020 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin.cxx
* @since 2020-05-24
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
#include "CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin.h"
/// CBM headers
#include "CbmEvent.h"
#include "CbmFlesCanvasTools.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "CbmMatch.h"
#include "CbmMvdDigi.h"
#include "TimesliceMetaData.h"
/// FAIRROOT headers
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairParGenericSet.h"
#include "FairRunOnline.h"
#include "BoostSerializer.h"
#include "RootSerializer.h"
/// FAIRSOFT headers (geant, boost, ...)
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TNamed.h"
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
/// C/C++ headers
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
using namespace std;
//Bool_t bMcbm2018MonitorTaskBmonResetHistos = kFALSE;
CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin() { fpAlgo = new CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderAlgo(); }
void CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitTask()
try {
/// Read options from executable
LOG(info) << "Init options for CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin.";
fbFillHistos = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("FillHistos");
fbIgnoreTsOverlap = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("IgnOverMs");
fsEvtOverMode = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("EvtOverMode");
fsRefDet = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("RefDet");
fvsAddDet = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("AddDet");
fvsDelDet = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("DelDet");
fvsSetTrigWin = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("SetTrigWin");
fvsSetTrigMinNb = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("SetTrigMinNb");
fsChannelNameDataInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("TsNameIn");
fsChannelNameDataOutput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("EvtNameOut");
fsChannelNameHistosInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameIn");
fsChannelNameHistosConfig = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameHistCfg");
fsChannelNameCanvasConfig = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameCanvCfg");
fsAllowedChannels[0] = fsChannelNameDataInput;
fuPublishFreqTs = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("PubFreqTs");
fdMinPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMin");
fdMaxPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMax");
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined channels: " << noChannel;
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (std::string::npos != entry.first.find(fsChannelNameDataInput)) {
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
OnData(entry.first, &CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::HandleData);
} // if( entry.first.find( "ts" )
} // for( auto const &entry : fChannels )
// InitContainers();
/// FIXME: Disable clang formatting for now as it corrupts all alignment
/* clang-format off */
/// Initialize the Algorithm parameters
/// Extract Event Overlap Mode
EOverlapMode mode =
("NoOverlap" == fsEvtOverMode ? EOverlapMode::NoOverlap
: ("MergeOverlap" == fsEvtOverMode ? EOverlapMode::MergeOverlap
: ("AllowOverlap" == fsEvtOverMode ? EOverlapMode::AllowOverlap
: EOverlapMode::NoOverlap)));
/// Extract refdet
EventBuilderDetector refDet = ("kBmon" == fsRefDet ? kEventBuilderDetBmon
: ("kSts" == fsRefDet ? kEventBuilderDetSts
: ("kMuch" == fsRefDet ? kEventBuilderDetMuch
: ("kTrd" == fsRefDet ? kEventBuilderDetTrd
: ("kTof" == fsRefDet ? kEventBuilderDetTof
: ("kRich" == fsRefDet ? kEventBuilderDetRich
: ("kPsd" == fsRefDet ? kEventBuilderDetPsd
: kEventBuilderDetUndef)))))));
if (kEventBuilderDetUndef != refDet) {
} // if( kEventBuilderDetUndef != refDet )
else {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitTask => Trying to change "
"reference to unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< fsRefDet;
} // else of if( kEventBuilderDetUndef != refDet
/// Extract detector to add if any
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itStrAdd = fvsAddDet.begin();
itStrAdd != fvsAddDet.end();
++itStrAdd) {
EventBuilderDetector addDet = ("kBmon" == *itStrAdd ? kEventBuilderDetBmon
: ("kSts" == *itStrAdd ? kEventBuilderDetSts
: ("kMuch" == *itStrAdd ? kEventBuilderDetMuch
: ("kTrd" == *itStrAdd ? kEventBuilderDetTrd
: ("kTof" == *itStrAdd ? kEventBuilderDetTof
: ("kRich" == *itStrAdd ? kEventBuilderDetRich
: ("kPsd" == *itStrAdd ? kEventBuilderDetPsd
: kEventBuilderDetUndef)))))));
if (kEventBuilderDetUndef != addDet) {
} // if( kEventBuilderDetUndef != addDet )
else {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitTask => Trying to add "
"unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< (*itStrAdd);
} // else of if( kEventBuilderDetUndef != addDet )
} // for( std::vector< std::string >::iterator itStrAdd = fvsAddDet.begin(); itStrAdd != fvsAddDet.end(); ++itStrAdd )
/// Extract detector to remove if any
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itStrRem = fvsDelDet.begin();
itStrRem != fvsDelDet.end();
++itStrRem) {
EventBuilderDetector remDet = ("kBmon" == *itStrRem ? kEventBuilderDetBmon
: ("kSts" == *itStrRem ? kEventBuilderDetSts
: ("kMuch" == *itStrRem ? kEventBuilderDetMuch
: ("kTrd" == *itStrRem ? kEventBuilderDetTrd
: ("kTof" == *itStrRem ? kEventBuilderDetTof
: ("kRich" == *itStrRem ? kEventBuilderDetRich
: ("kPsd" == *itStrRem ? kEventBuilderDetPsd
: kEventBuilderDetUndef)))))));
if (kEventBuilderDetUndef != remDet) {
} // if( kEventBuilderDetUndef != remDet )
else {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitTask => Trying to remove "
"unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< (*itStrRem);
} // else of if( kEventBuilderDetUndef != remDet )
} // for( std::vector< std::string >::iterator itStrAdd = fvsAddDet.begin(); itStrAdd != fvsAddDet.end(); ++itStrAdd )
/// Extract Trigger window to add if any
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itStrTrigWin = fvsSetTrigWin.begin();
itStrTrigWin != fvsSetTrigWin.end();
++itStrTrigWin) {
size_t charPosDel = (*itStrTrigWin).find(',');
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
<< "CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitTask => "
<< "Trying to set trigger window with invalid option pattern, ignored! "
<< " (Should be ECbmModuleId,dWinBeg,dWinEnd but instead found "
<< (*itStrTrigWin) << " )";
} // if( std::string::npos == charPosDel )
/// Detector Enum Tag
std::string sSelDet = (*itStrTrigWin).substr(0, charPosDel);
ECbmModuleId selDet = ("kBmon" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kBmon
: ("kSts" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kSts
: ("kMuch" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kMuch
: ("kTrd" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kTrd
: ("kTof" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kTof
: ("kRich" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kRich
: ("kPsd" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kPsd
: ECbmModuleId::kNotExist)))))));
if (ECbmModuleId::kNotExist == selDet) {
<< "CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitTask => "
<< "Trying to set trigger window for unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< sSelDet;
} // if( ECbmModuleId::kNotExist == selDet )
/// Window beginning
std::string sNext = (*itStrTrigWin).substr(charPosDel);
charPosDel = sNext.find(',');
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
<< "CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitTask => "
<< "Trying to set trigger window with invalid option pattern, ignored! "
<< " (Should be ECbmModuleId,dWinBeg,dWinEnd but instead found "
<< (*itStrTrigWin) << " )";
} // if( std::string::npos == charPosDel )
Double_t dWinBeg = std::stod(sNext.substr(0, charPosDel));
/// Window end
Double_t dWinEnd = std::stod(sNext.substr(charPosDel));
fpAlgo->SetTriggerWindow(selDet, dWinBeg, dWinEnd);
} // for( std::vector< std::string >::iterator itStrTrigWin = fvsSetTrigWin.begin(); itStrTrigWin != fvsSetTrigWin.end(); ++itStrTrigWin )
/// Extract MinNb for trigger if any
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itStrMinNb = fvsSetTrigMinNb.begin();
itStrMinNb != fvsSetTrigMinNb.end();
++itStrMinNb) {
size_t charPosDel = (*itStrMinNb).find(',');
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
<< "CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitTask => "
<< "Trying to set trigger min Nb with invalid option pattern, ignored! "
<< " (Should be ECbmModuleId,uMinNb but instead found " << (*itStrMinNb)
<< " )";
} // if( std::string::npos == charPosDel )
/// Detector Enum Tag
std::string sSelDet = (*itStrMinNb).substr(0, charPosDel);
ECbmModuleId selDet = ("kBmon" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kBmon
: ("kSts" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kSts
: ("kMuch" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kMuch
: ("kTrd" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kTrd
: ("kTof" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kTof
: ("kRich" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kRich
: ("kPsd" == sSelDet ? ECbmModuleId::kPsd
: ECbmModuleId::kNotExist)))))));
if (ECbmModuleId::kNotExist == selDet) {
<< "CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitTask => "
<< "Trying to set trigger min Nb for unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< sSelDet;
} // if( ECbmModuleId::kNotExist == selDet )
/// Min number
UInt_t uMinNb = std::stoul((*itStrMinNb).substr(charPosDel));
fpAlgo->SetTriggerMinNumber(selDet, uMinNb);
} // for( std::vector< std::string >::iterator itStrMinNb = fvsSetTrigMinNb.begin(); itStrMinNb != fvsSetTrigMinNb.end(); ++itStrMinNb )
/// FIXME: Re-enable clang formatting after formatted lines
/* clang-format on */
/// Create input vectors
fvDigiBmon = new std::vector<CbmTofDigi>();
fvDigiSts = new std::vector<CbmStsDigi>();
fvDigiMuch = new std::vector<CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi>();
fvDigiTrd = new std::vector<CbmTrdDigi>();
fvDigiTof = new std::vector<CbmTofDigi>();
fvDigiRich = new std::vector<CbmRichDigi>();
fvDigiPsd = new std::vector<CbmPsdDigi>();
/// Register all input data members with the FairRoot manager
fpRun = new FairRunOnline(0);
FairRootManager* ioman = nullptr;
ioman = FairRootManager::Instance();
if (NULL == ioman) { throw InitTaskError("No FairRootManager instance"); }
fTimeSliceMetaDataArray = new TClonesArray("TimesliceMetaData", 1);
if (NULL == fTimeSliceMetaDataArray) { throw InitTaskError("Failed creating the TS meta data TClonesarray "); }
ioman->Register("TimesliceMetaData", "TS Meta Data", fTimeSliceMetaDataArray, kFALSE);
/// Digis storage
ioman->RegisterAny("BmonDigi", fvDigiBmon, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("StsDigi", fvDigiSts, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("MuchBeamTimeDigi", fvDigiMuch, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("TrdDigi", fvDigiTrd, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("TofDigi", fvDigiTof, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("RichDigi", fvDigiRich, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("PsdDigi", fvDigiPsd, kFALSE);
/// Feint to avoid crash of DigiManager due to missing source pointer
/// validity check in FairRootManager.h at line 461
std::vector<CbmMvdDigi>* pMvdDigi = new std::vector<CbmMvdDigi>();
ioman->RegisterAny("MvdDigi", pMvdDigi, kFALSE);
std::vector<CbmMatch>* pFakeMatch = new std::vector<CbmMatch>();
ioman->RegisterAny("MvdDigiMatch", pFakeMatch, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("StsDigiMatch", pFakeMatch, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("MuchBeamTimeDigiMatch", pFakeMatch, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("TrdDigiMatch", pFakeMatch, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("TofDigiMatch", pFakeMatch, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("RichDigiMatch", pFakeMatch, kFALSE);
ioman->RegisterAny("PsdDigiMatch", pFakeMatch, kFALSE);
/// Create output TClonesArray
/// TODO: remove TObject from CbmEvent and switch to vectors!
fEvents = new TClonesArray("CbmEvent", 500);
/// Now that everything is set, initialize the Algorithm
if (kFALSE == fpAlgo->InitAlgo()) {
throw InitTaskError("Failed to initilize the algorithm class.");
} // if( kFALSE == fpAlgo->InitAlgo() )
/// Histograms management
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each histo from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>> vHistos = fpAlgo->GetHistoVector();
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>> vCanvases = fpAlgo->GetCanvasVector();
/// Add pointers to each histo in the histo array
/// Create histo config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Histo name, Folder >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vHistos[ uHisto ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vHistos[ uHisto ]
// ;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psHistoConfig(vHistos[uHisto].first->GetName(), vHistos[uHisto].second);
/// Serialize the vector of histo config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageHist, psHistoConfig);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageHist, psHistoConfig);
/// Send message to the common histogram config messages queue
if (Send(messageHist, fsChannelNameHistosConfig) < 0) {
throw InitTaskError("Problem sending histo config");
} // if( Send( messageHist, fsChannelNameHistosConfig ) < 0 )
LOG(info) << "Config of hist " << << " in folder " <<;
} // for( UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto )
/// Create canvas config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Canvas name, config >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vCanvases[ uCanv ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vCanvases[ uCanv ];
std::string sCanvName = (vCanvases[uCanv].first)->GetName();
std::string sCanvConf = GenerateCanvasConfigString(vCanvases[uCanv].first);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psCanvConfig(sCanvName, sCanvConf);
/// Serialize the vector of canvas config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageCan(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageCan, psCanvConfig);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageCan, psCanvConfig);
/// Send message to the common canvas config messages queue
if (Send(messageCan, fsChannelNameCanvasConfig) < 0) {
throw InitTaskError("Problem sending canvas config");
} // if( Send( messageCan, fsChannelNameCanvasConfig ) < 0 )
LOG(info) << "Config string of Canvas " << << " is " <<;
} // for( UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv )
} // if( kTRUE == fbFillHistos )
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
bool CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName)
for (auto const& entry : fsAllowedChannels) {
std::size_t pos1 = channelName.find(entry);
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fsAllowedChannels.begin(), fsAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fsAllowedChannels.begin();
LOG(info) << "Found " << entry << " in " << channelName;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx;
return true;
} // if (pos1!=std::string::npos)
} // for(auto const &entry : fsAllowedChannels)
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
Bool_t CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitContainers()
LOG(info) << "Init parameter containers for CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin.";
if( kFALSE == InitParameters( fpAlgo ->GetParList() ) )
return kFALSE;
/// Need to add accessors for all options
fpAlgo ->SetIgnoreOverlapMs( fbIgnoreOverlapMs );
Bool_t initOK = fpAlgo->InitContainers();
// Bool_t initOK = fMonitorAlgo->ReInitContainers();
return initOK;
Bool_t CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::InitParameters( TList* fParCList )
for( int iparC = 0; iparC < fParCList->GetEntries(); iparC++ )
FairParGenericSet* tempObj = (FairParGenericSet*)( fParCList->At( iparC ) );
fParCList->Remove( tempObj );
std::string paramName{ tempObj->GetName() };
// NewSimpleMessage creates a copy of the data and takes care of its destruction (after the transfer takes place).
// Should only be used for small data because of the cost of an additional copy
// Her must come the proper Runid
std::string message = paramName + ",111";
LOG(info) << "Requesting parameter container " << paramName << ", sending message: " << message;
FairMQMessagePtr req( NewSimpleMessage(message) );
FairMQMessagePtr rep( NewMessage() );
FairParGenericSet* newObj = nullptr;
if( Send(req, "parameters") > 0 )
if( Receive( rep, "parameters" ) >= 0)
if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
CbmMqTMessage tmsg( rep->GetData(), rep->GetSize() );
newObj = static_cast< FairParGenericSet* >( tmsg.ReadObject( tmsg.GetClass() ) );
LOG( info ) << "Received unpack parameter from the server:";
} // if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
LOG( error ) << "Received empty reply. Parameter not available";
return kFALSE;
} // else of if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
} // if( Receive( rep, "parameters" ) >= 0)
} // if( Send(req, "parameters") > 0 )
fParCList->AddAt( newObj, iparC );
delete tempObj;
} // for( int iparC = 0; iparC < fParCList->GetEntries(); iparC++ )
return kTRUE;
// handler is called whenever a message arrives on "data", with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0)
bool CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::HandleData(FairMQParts& parts, int /*index*/)
LOG(debug) << "Received message number " << fulNumMessages << " with " << parts.Size() << " parts"
<< ", size0: " << parts.At(0)->GetSize();
if (0 == fulNumMessages % 10000) LOG(info) << "Received " << fulNumMessages << " messages";
/// Extract unpacked data from input message
uint32_t uPartIdx = 0;
/// TS metadata
/// TODO: code order of vectors in the TS MetaData!!
std::string msgStrTsMeta( static_cast< char * >( parts.At( uPartIdx )->GetData() ),
( parts.At( uPartIdx ) )->GetSize() );
std::istringstream issTsMeta(msgStrTsMeta);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTsMeta(issTsMeta);
inputArchiveTsMeta >> (*fTsMetaData);
// Deserialize<RootSerializer>(*parts.At(uPartIdx), fTsMetaData);
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), fTsMetaData);
/// FIXME: Not if this is the proper way to insert the data
new ((*fTimeSliceMetaDataArray)[fTimeSliceMetaDataArray->GetEntriesFast()
// ] ) TimesliceMetaData( *fTsMetaData ) ;
]) TimesliceMetaData(std::move(*fTsMetaData));
/// BMON
std::string msgStrBmon(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issBmon(msgStrBmon);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveBmon(issBmon);
inputArchiveBmon >> *fvDigiBmon;
/// STS
std::string msgStrSts(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issSts(msgStrSts);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveSts(issSts);
inputArchiveSts >> *fvDigiSts;
/// MUCH
std::string msgStrMuch(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issMuch(msgStrMuch);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveMuch(issMuch);
inputArchiveMuch >> *fvDigiMuch;
/// TRD
std::string msgStrTrd(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issTrd(msgStrTrd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTrd(issTrd);
inputArchiveTrd >> *fvDigiTrd;
/// TOF
std::string msgStrTof(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issTof(msgStrTof);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTof(issTof);
inputArchiveTof >> *fvDigiTof;
/// RICH
std::string msgStrRich(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issRich(msgStrRich);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveRich(issRich);
inputArchiveRich >> *fvDigiRich;
/// PSD
std::string msgStrPsd(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issPsd(msgStrPsd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchivePsd(issPsd);
inputArchivePsd >> *fvDigiPsd;
/// Call Algo ProcessTs method
/// Send events vector to ouput
if (!SendEvents(parts)) return false;
/// Clear metadata
// delete fTsMetaData;
/// Clear vectors
/// Clear event vector after usage
// fEvents->Clear();
/// Histograms management
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
/// Send histograms each 100 time slices. Should be each ~1s
/// Use also runtime checker to trigger sending after M s if
/// processing too slow or delay sending if processing too fast
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSeconds = currentTime - fLastPublishTime;
if ((fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())
|| (0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())) {
fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
} // if( ( fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) || ( 0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) )
} // if( kTRUE == fbFillHistos )
return true;
bool CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::SendEvents(FairMQParts& partsIn)
/// Clear events TClonesArray before usage.
// fEvents->Clear();
/// Get vector reference from algo
std::vector<CbmEvent*> vEvents = fpAlgo->GetEventVector();
/// Move CbmEvent from temporary vector to TClonesArray
for (CbmEvent* event : vEvents) {
LOG(debug) << "Vector: " << event->ToString();
new ((*fEvents)[fEvents->GetEntriesFast()]) CbmEvent(std::move(*event));
// new ( (*fEvents)[fEvents->GetEntriesFast()] ) CbmEvent( *event );
LOG(debug) << "TClonesArray: " << static_cast<CbmEvent*>(fEvents->At(fEvents->GetEntriesFast() - 1))->ToString();
} // for( CbmEvent* event: vEvents )
/// Serialize the array of events into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*message, fEvents);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, fEvents);
/// Add it at the end of the input composed message
/// FIXME: use move or fix addition of new part to avoid full message copy
FairMQParts partsOut(std::move(partsIn));
// /// Get vector from algo
// fEventVector = fpAlgo->GetEventVector();
// /// Prepare serialized versions of the events vector
// std::stringstream ossEvents;
// boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaEvents(ossEvents);
// oaEvents << fpAlgo->GetEventVector();
// std::string* strMsgEvents = new std::string(ossEvents.str());
// /// Create message
// FairMQMessagePtr msg( NewMessage( const_cast< char * >( strMsgEvents->c_str() ), // data
// strMsgEvents->length(), // size
// []( void * /*data*/, void* object ){ delete static_cast< std::string * >( object ); },
// strMsgEvents ) ); // object that manages the data
/// Send message
// if( Send( message, fsChannelNameDataOutput ) < 0 )
if (Send(partsOut, fsChannelNameDataOutput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data to " << fsChannelNameDataOutput;
return false;
return true;
bool CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::SendHistograms()
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*message, &fArrayHisto);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, &fArrayHisto);
/// Send message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(message, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
} // if( Send( message, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 )
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
return true;
/// Clear metadata
delete fTsMetaData;
/// Clear vectors
/// Clear events TClonesArray
delete fpRun;
delete fTimeSliceMetaDataArray;
delete fEvents;
delete fpAlgo;
void CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin::Finish() {}
/* Copyright (C) 2020 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin.h
* @since 2020-05-24
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
/// CBM headers
#include "CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderAlgo.h"
#include "CbmMqTMessage.h"
#include "CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi.h"
#include "CbmPsdDigi.h"
#include "CbmRichDigi.h"
#include "CbmStsDigi.h"
#include "CbmTofDigi.h"
#include "CbmTrdDigi.h"
/// FAIRROOT headers
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
/// FAIRSOFT headers (geant, boost, ...)
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
/// C/C++ headers
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class TList;
class TClonesArray;
class FairRunOnline;
class TimesliceMetaData;
class CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin();
virtual void InitTask();
bool HandleData(FairMQParts&, int);
bool HandleCommand(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
/// Constants
/// Control flags
Bool_t fbIgnoreTsOverlap = kFALSE; //! Ignore data in Overlap part of the TS
Bool_t fbFillHistos = kTRUE; //! Switch ON/OFF filling of histograms
/// User settings parameters
/// Algo enum settings
std::string fsEvtOverMode = "NoOverlap";
std::string fsRefDet = "kBmon";
std::vector<std::string> fvsAddDet = {};
std::vector<std::string> fvsDelDet = {};
std::vector<std::string> fvsSetTrigWin = {};
std::vector<std::string> fvsSetTrigMinNb = {};
/// message queues
std::string fsChannelNameDataInput = "unpts_0";
std::string fsChannelNameDataOutput = "events";
std::string fsChannelNameCommands = "commands";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosInput = "histogram-in";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosConfig = "histo-conf";
std::string fsChannelNameCanvasConfig = "canvas-conf";
/// Histograms management
uint32_t fuPublishFreqTs = 100;
double_t fdMinPublishTime = 0.5;
double_t fdMaxPublishTime = 5.0;
/// List of MQ channels names
std::vector<std::string> fsAllowedChannels = {fsChannelNameDataInput};
/// Parameters management
// TList* fParCList = nullptr;
// Bool_t InitParameters( TList* fParCList );
/// Statistics & first TS rejection
uint64_t fulNumMessages = 0;
uint64_t fulTsCounter = 0;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/// Processing algos
CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderAlgo* fpAlgo = nullptr;
/// TS MetaData stable values storage
size_t fuNbCoreMsPerTs = 0; //!
size_t fuNbOverMsPerTs = 0; //!
Double_t fdMsSizeInNs = 1280000; //! Size of a single MS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsCoreSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsOverSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of the overlap MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsFullSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of all MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
/// Data reception
/// TS MetaData storage
TClonesArray* fTimeSliceMetaDataArray = nullptr; //!
TimesliceMetaData* fTsMetaData = nullptr;
/// Digis storage
std::vector<CbmTofDigi>* fvDigiBmon = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmStsDigi>* fvDigiSts = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi>* fvDigiMuch = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmTrdDigi>* fvDigiTrd = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmTofDigi>* fvDigiTof = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmRichDigi>* fvDigiRich = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmPsdDigi>* fvDigiPsd = nullptr;
/// Data emission
TClonesArray* fEvents = nullptr; //! output container of CbmEvents
// std::vector< CbmEvent * > & fEventVector; //! vector with all created events
/// Internal data registration (for FairRootManager -> DigiManager links)
FairRunOnline* fpRun = nullptr;
/// Array of histograms to send to the histogram server
TObjArray fArrayHisto = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( HistoName, FolderPath ) to send to the histogram server
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsHistosFolder = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( CanvasName, CanvasConfig ) to send to the histogram server
/// Format of Can config is "NbPadX(U);NbPadY(U);ConfigPad1(s);....;ConfigPadXY(s)"
/// Format of Pad config is "GrixX(b),GridY(b),LogX(b),LogY(b),LogZ(b),HistoName(s),DrawOptions(s)"
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsCanvasConfig = {};
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName);
// Bool_t InitContainers();
void Finish();
bool SendEvents(FairMQParts& partsIn);
bool SendHistograms();
/* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink.cxx
* @since 2020-05-24
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
#include "CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink.h"
/// CBM headers
#include "CbmEvent.h"
#include "CbmFlesCanvasTools.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "TimesliceMetaData.h"
/// FAIRROOT headers
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairParGenericSet.h"
#include "FairRootFileSink.h"
#include "FairRootManager.h"
#include "FairRunOnline.h"
#include "BoostSerializer.h"
#include "RootSerializer.h"
/// FAIRSOFT headers (geant, boost, ...)
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TNamed.h"
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
/// C/C++ headers
#include <thread> // this_thread::sleep_for
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
using namespace std;
//Bool_t bMcbm2018MonitorTaskBmonResetHistos = kFALSE;
CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink() {}
void CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::InitTask()
try {
/// Read options from executable
LOG(info) << "Init options for CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink.";
fsOutputFileName = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("OutFileName");
fsChannelNameDataInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("EvtNameIn");
fsAllowedChannels[0] = fsChannelNameDataInput;
fbFillHistos = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("FillHistos");
fsChannelNameHistosInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameIn");
fsChannelNameHistosConfig = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameHistCfg");
fsChannelNameCanvasConfig = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameCanvCfg");
fuPublishFreqTs = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("PubFreqTs");
fdMinPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMin");
fdMaxPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMax");
/// Associate the MissedTs Channel to the corresponding handler
OnData(fsChannelNameMissedTs, &CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::HandleMissTsData);
/// Associate the command Channel to the corresponding handler
OnData(fsChannelNameCommands, &CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::HandleCommand);
/// Associate the Event + Unp data Channel to the corresponding handler
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined channels: " << noChannel;
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (std::string::npos != entry.first.find(fsChannelNameDataInput)) {
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
OnData(entry.first, &CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::HandleData);
} // if( entry.first.find( "ts" )
} // for( auto const &entry : fChannels )
// InitContainers();
/// Create input vectors
fvDigiBmon = new std::vector<CbmTofDigi>();
fvDigiSts = new std::vector<CbmStsDigi>();
fvDigiMuch = new std::vector<CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi>();
fvDigiTrd = new std::vector<CbmTrdDigi>();
fvDigiTof = new std::vector<CbmTofDigi>();
fvDigiRich = new std::vector<CbmRichDigi>();
fvDigiPsd = new std::vector<CbmPsdDigi>();
/// Prepare storage TClonesArrays
/// TS MetaData storage
fTimeSliceMetaDataArray = new TClonesArray("TimesliceMetaData", 1);
if (NULL == fTimeSliceMetaDataArray) {
throw InitTaskError("Failed creating the TS meta data TClonesarray ");
} // if( NULL == fTimeSliceMetaDataArray )
/// Events storage
/// TODO: remove TObject from CbmEvent and switch to vectors!
fEventsArray = new TClonesArray("CbmEvent", 500);
if (NULL == fEventsArray) {
throw InitTaskError("Failed creating the Events TClonesarray ");
} // if( NULL == fEventsArray )
/// Prepare root output
if ("" != fsOutputFileName) {
fpRun = new FairRunOnline();
fpFairRootMgr = FairRootManager::Instance();
fpFairRootMgr->SetSink(new FairRootFileSink(fsOutputFileName));
if (nullptr == fpFairRootMgr->GetOutFile()) {
throw InitTaskError("Could not open root file");
} // if( nullptr == fpFairRootMgr->GetOutFile() )
} // if( "" != fsOutputFileName )
else {
throw InitTaskError("Empty output filename!");
} // else of if( "" != fsOutputFileName )
LOG(info) << "Init Root Output to " << fsOutputFileName;
// fEvtHeader = new FairEventHeader();
// fEvtHeader->SetRunId(iRunId);
// rootMgr->Register("EventHeader.", "Event", fEvtHeader, kTRUE);
// rootMgr->FillEventHeader(fEvtHeader);
/// Register all input data members with the FairRoot manager
/// TS MetaData
fpFairRootMgr->Register("TimesliceMetaData", "TS Meta Data", fTimeSliceMetaDataArray, kTRUE);
/// Digis storage
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny("BmonDigi", fvDigiBmon, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny("StsDigi", fvDigiSts, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny("MuchBeamTimeDigi", fvDigiMuch, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny("TrdDigi", fvDigiTrd, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny("TofDigi", fvDigiTof, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny("RichDigi", fvDigiRich, kTRUE);
fpFairRootMgr->RegisterAny("PsdDigi", fvDigiPsd, kTRUE);
/// CbmEvent
fpFairRootMgr->Register("CbmEvent", "Cbm Event", fEventsArray, kTRUE);
TTree* outTree =new TTree(FairRootManager::GetTreeName(), "/cbmout", 99);
LOG(info) << "define Tree " << outTree->GetName();
LOG(info) << "Initialized outTree with rootMgr at " << fpFairRootMgr;
/// Histograms management
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each histo from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > vHistos = fpAlgo->GetHistoVector();
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > vCanvases = fpAlgo->GetCanvasVector();
/// Add pointers to each histo in the histo array
/// Create histo config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Histo name, Folder >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for( UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto )
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vHistos[ uHisto ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vHistos[ uHisto ]
// ;
fArrayHisto.Add( vHistos[ uHisto ].first );
std::pair< std::string, std::string > psHistoConfig( vHistos[ uHisto ].first->GetName(),
vHistos[ uHisto ].second );
fvpsHistosFolder.push_back( psHistoConfig );
/// Serialize the vector of histo config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist( NewMessage() );
// Serialize< BoostSerializer < std::pair< std::string, std::string > > >( *messageHist, psHistoConfig );
BoostSerializer < std::pair< std::string, std::string > >.Serialize( *messageHist, psHistoConfig );
/// Send message to the common histogram config messages queue
if( Send( messageHist, fsChannelNameHistosConfig ) < 0 )
throw InitTaskError( "Problem sending histo config" );
} // if( Send( messageHist, fsChannelNameHistosConfig ) < 0 )
LOG(info) << "Config of hist " <<
<< " in folder " << ;
} // for( UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto )
/// Create canvas config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Canvas name, config >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for( UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv )
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vCanvases[ uCanv ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vCanvases[ uCanv ];
std::string sCanvName = (vCanvases[ uCanv ].first)->GetName();
std::string sCanvConf = GenerateCanvasConfigString( vCanvases[ uCanv ].first );
std::pair< std::string, std::string > psCanvConfig( sCanvName, sCanvConf );
fvpsCanvasConfig.push_back( psCanvConfig );
/// Serialize the vector of canvas config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageCan( NewMessage() );
// Serialize< BoostSerializer < std::pair< std::string, std::string > > >( *messageCan, psCanvConfig );
BoostSerializer < std::pair< std::string, std::string > >.Serialize( *messageCan, psCanvConfig );
/// Send message to the common canvas config messages queue
if( Send( messageCan, fsChannelNameCanvasConfig ) < 0 )
throw InitTaskError( "Problem sending canvas config" );
} // if( Send( messageCan, fsChannelNameCanvasConfig ) < 0 )
LOG(info) << "Config string of Canvas " <<
<< " is " << ;
} // for( UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv )
} // if( kTRUE == fbFillHistos )
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
bool CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName)
for (auto const& entry : fsAllowedChannels) {
std::size_t pos1 = channelName.find(entry);
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fsAllowedChannels.begin(), fsAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fsAllowedChannels.begin();
LOG(info) << "Found " << entry << " in " << channelName;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx;
return true;
} // if (pos1!=std::string::npos)
} // for(auto const &entry : fsAllowedChannels)
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
Bool_t CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::InitContainers()
LOG(info) << "Init parameter containers for CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink.";
if( kFALSE == InitParameters( fpAlgo ->GetParList() ) )
return kFALSE;
/// Need to add accessors for all options
fpAlgo ->SetIgnoreOverlapMs( fbIgnoreOverlapMs );
Bool_t initOK = fpAlgo->InitContainers();
// Bool_t initOK = fMonitorAlgo->ReInitContainers();
return initOK;
Bool_t CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::InitParameters( TList* fParCList )
for( int iparC = 0; iparC < fParCList->GetEntries(); iparC++ )
FairParGenericSet* tempObj = (FairParGenericSet*)( fParCList->At( iparC ) );
fParCList->Remove( tempObj );
std::string paramName{ tempObj->GetName() };
// NewSimpleMessage creates a copy of the data and takes care of its destruction (after the transfer takes place).
// Should only be used for small data because of the cost of an additional copy
// Her must come the proper Runid
std::string message = paramName + ",111";
LOG(info) << "Requesting parameter container " << paramName << ", sending message: " << message;
FairMQMessagePtr req( NewSimpleMessage(message) );
FairMQMessagePtr rep( NewMessage() );
FairParGenericSet* newObj = nullptr;
if( Send(req, "parameters") > 0 )
if( Receive( rep, "parameters" ) >= 0)
if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
CbmMqTMessage tmsg( rep->GetData(), rep->GetSize() );
newObj = static_cast< FairParGenericSet* >( tmsg.ReadObject( tmsg.GetClass() ) );
LOG( info ) << "Received unpack parameter from the server:";
} // if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
LOG( error ) << "Received empty reply. Parameter not available";
return kFALSE;
} // else of if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
} // if( Receive( rep, "parameters" ) >= 0)
} // if( Send(req, "parameters") > 0 )
fParCList->AddAt( newObj, iparC );
delete tempObj;
} // for( int iparC = 0; iparC < fParCList->GetEntries(); iparC++ )
return kTRUE;
// handler is called whenever a message arrives on fsChannelNameMissedTs, with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0)
bool CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::HandleMissTsData(FairMQMessagePtr& msg, int /*index*/)
std::vector<uint64_t> vIndices;
std::string msgStrMissTs(static_cast<char*>(msg->GetData()), msg->GetSize());
std::istringstream issMissTs(msgStrMissTs);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveMissTs(issMissTs);
inputArchiveMissTs >> vIndices;
fvulMissedTsIndices.insert(fvulMissedTsIndices.end(), vIndices.begin(), vIndices.end());
/// Check TS queue and process it if needed (in case it filled a hole!)
return true;
// handler is called whenever a message arrives on "data", with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0)
bool CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::HandleData(FairMQParts& parts, int /*index*/)
LOG(debug) << "Received message number " << fulNumMessages << " with " << parts.Size() << " parts"
<< ", size0: " << parts.At(0)->GetSize();
if (0 == fulNumMessages % 10000) LOG(info) << "Received " << fulNumMessages << " messages";
/// Extract unpacked data from input message
uint32_t uPartIdx = 0;
/// TS metadata
/// TODO: code order of vectors in the TS MetaData!!
std::string msgStrTsMeta( static_cast< char * >( parts.At( uPartIdx )->GetData() ),
( parts.At( uPartIdx ) )->GetSize() );
std::istringstream issTsMeta(msgStrTsMeta);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTsMeta(issTsMeta);
inputArchiveTsMeta >> (*fTsMetaData);
// Deserialize<RootSerializer>(*parts.At(uPartIdx), fTsMetaData);
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), fTsMetaData);
LOG(debug) << "TS metadata extracted";
/// FIXME: Need to check if TS arrived in order (probably not!!!) + buffer!!!
if (fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == fTsMetaData->GetIndex()
|| (0 == fuPrevTsIndex && 0 == fulTsCounter && 0 == fTsMetaData->GetIndex())) {
LOG(debug) << "TS direct to dump";
/// Fill all storage variables registers for data output
/// Trigger FairRoot manager to dump Tree entry
/// Update counters
fuPrevTsIndex = fTsMetaData->GetIndex();
} // if( fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == fTsMetaData->GetIndex() || ( 0 == fuPrevTsIndex && 0 == fulTsCounter ) )
else {
LOG(debug) << "TS direct to storage";
/// If not consecutive to last TS sent,
fmFullTsStorage.emplace_hint(fmFullTsStorage.end(), std::pair<uint64_t, CbmUnpackedTimeslice>(
fTsMetaData->GetIndex(), CbmUnpackedTimeslice(parts)));
} // else of if( fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == fTsMetaData->GetIndex() || ( 0 == fuPrevTsIndex && 0 == fulTsCounter && 0 == fTsMetaData->GetIndex() )
LOG(debug) << "TS metadata checked";
/// Clear metadata => crashes, maybe not needed as due to move the pointer is invalidated?
// delete fTsMetaData;
/// Check TS queue and process it if needed (in case it filled a hole!)
LOG(debug) << "TS queues checked";
/// Histograms management
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
/// Send histograms each 100 time slices. Should be each ~1s
/// Use also runtime checker to trigger sending after M s if
/// processing too slow or delay sending if processing too fast
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSeconds = currentTime - fLastPublishTime;
if ((fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())
|| (0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())) {
fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
} // if( ( fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) || ( 0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) )
} // if( kTRUE == fbFillHistos )
return true;
bool CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::HandleCommand(FairMQMessagePtr& msg, int /*index*/)
std::string sCommand( static_cast< char * >( msg->GetData() ),
msg->GetSize() );
std::string sCommand;
std::string msgStrCmd(static_cast<char*>(msg->GetData()), msg->GetSize());
std::istringstream issCmd(msgStrCmd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveCmd(issCmd);
inputArchiveCmd >> sCommand;
std::string sCmdTag = sCommand;
size_t charPosDel = sCommand.find(' ');
if (std::string::npos != charPosDel) {
sCmdTag = sCommand.substr(0, charPosDel);
} // if( std::string::npos != charPosDel )
if ("EOF" == sCmdTag) {
fbReceivedEof = true;
/// Extract the last TS index and global full TS count
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
LOG(fatal) << "CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::HandleCommand => "
<< "Incomplete EOF command received: " << sCommand;
return false;
} // if( std::string::npos == charPosDel )
/// Last TS index
std::string sNext = sCommand.substr(charPosDel);
charPosDel = sNext.find(' ');
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
LOG(fatal) << "CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::HandleCommand => "
<< "Incomplete EOF command received: " << sCommand;
return false;
} // if( std::string::npos == charPosDel )
fuLastTsIndex = std::stoul(sNext.substr(0, charPosDel));
/// Total TS count
fuTotalTsCount = std::stoul(sNext.substr(charPosDel));
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::HandleCommand => "
<< "Received EOF command with final TS index " << fuLastTsIndex << " and total nb TS " << fuTotalTsCount;
/// End of data: clean save of data + close file + send last state of histos if enabled
if (fuPrevTsIndex == fuLastTsIndex && fulTsCounter == fuTotalTsCount) {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::HandleCommand => "
<< "Found final TS index " << fuLastTsIndex << " and total nb TS " << fuTotalTsCount;
} // if( fuPrevTsIndex == fuLastTsIndex && fulTsCounter == fuTotalTsCount )
} // if( "EOF" == sCmdTag )
else if ("STOP" == sCmdTag) {
/// TODO: different treatment in case of "BAD" ending compared to EOF?
/// Source failure: clean save of received data + close file + send last state of histos if enabled
} // else if( "STOP" == sCmdTag )
else {
LOG(warning) << "Unknown command received: " << sCmdTag << " => will be ignored!";
} // else if command not recognized
return true;
void CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::CheckTsQueues()
bool bHoleFoundInBothQueues = false;
std::map<uint64_t, CbmUnpackedTimeslice>::iterator itFullTs = fmFullTsStorage.begin();
std::vector<uint64_t>::iterator itMissTs = fvulMissedTsIndices.begin();
while (!bHoleFoundInBothQueues) {
/// Check if the first TS in the full TS queue is the next one
if (fmFullTsStorage.end() != itFullTs && fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == (*itFullTs).first) {
/// Fill all storage variables registers for data output
/// Trigger FairRoot manager to dump Tree entry
/// Update counters
fuPrevTsIndex = (*itFullTs).first;
/// Increment iterator
} // if( fmFullTsStorage.end() != itFullTs && fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == (*itFullTs).first() )
/// Check if the first TS in the missed TS queue is the next one
if (fvulMissedTsIndices.end() != itMissTs && fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == (*itMissTs)) {
/// Prepare entry with only dummy TS metadata and empty storage variables
new ((*fTimeSliceMetaDataArray)[fTimeSliceMetaDataArray->GetEntriesFast()])
TimesliceMetaData(0, 0, 0, (*itMissTs));
/// Trigger FairRoot manager to dump Tree entry
/// Update counters
fuPrevTsIndex = (*itMissTs);
/// Increment iterator
} // if( fvulMissedTsIndices.end() != itMissTs && fuPrevTsIndex + 1 == (*itMissTs ) )
/// Should be reached only if both queues at the end or hole found in both
bHoleFoundInBothQueues = true;
} // while( !bHoleFoundInBothQueues )
/// Delete the processed entries
fmFullTsStorage.erase(fmFullTsStorage.begin(), itFullTs);
fvulMissedTsIndices.erase(fvulMissedTsIndices.begin(), itMissTs);
/// End of data: clean save of data + close file + send last state of histos if enabled
if (fbReceivedEof && fuPrevTsIndex == fuLastTsIndex && fulTsCounter == fuTotalTsCount) {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::CheckTsQueues => "
<< "Found final TS index " << fuLastTsIndex << " and total nb TS " << fuTotalTsCount;
} // if( fbReceivedEof && fuPrevTsIndex == fuLastTsIndex && fulTsCounter == fuTotalTsCount )
void CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::PrepareTreeEntry(CbmUnpackedTimeslice unpTs)
/// FIXME: poor man solution with lots of data copy until we undertsnad how to properly deal
/// with FairMq messages ownership and memory managment
/// FIXME: Not sure if this is the proper way to insert the data
new ((*fTimeSliceMetaDataArray)[fTimeSliceMetaDataArray->GetEntriesFast()])
/// Explicit copy version: safe but slow
/// Bmon
fvDigiBmon->insert( fvDigiBmon->end(), unpTs.fvDigiBmon.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiBmon.end() );
/// STS
fvDigiSts->insert( fvDigiSts->end(), unpTs.fvDigiSts.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiSts.end() );
/// MUCH
fvDigiMuch->insert( fvDigiMuch->end(), unpTs.fvDigiMuch.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiMuch.end() );
/// TRD
fvDigiTrd->insert( fvDigiTrd->end(), unpTs.fvDigiTrd.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiTrd.end() );
/// BmonF
fvDigiTof->insert( fvDigiTof->end(), unpTs.fvDigiTof.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiTof.end() );
/// RICH
fvDigiRich->insert( fvDigiRich->end(), unpTs.fvDigiRich.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiRich.end() );
/// PSD
fvDigiPsd->insert( fvDigiPsd->end(), unpTs.fvDigiPsd.begin(), unpTs.fvDigiPsd.end() );
/// move version: safe but slow
/// Bmon
(*fvDigiBmon) = std::move(unpTs.fvDigiBmon);
/// STS
(*fvDigiSts) = std::move(unpTs.fvDigiSts);
/// MUCH
(*fvDigiMuch) = std::move(unpTs.fvDigiMuch);
/// TRD
(*fvDigiTrd) = std::move(unpTs.fvDigiTrd);
/// BmonF
(*fvDigiTof) = std::move(unpTs.fvDigiTof);
/// RICH
(*fvDigiRich) = std::move(unpTs.fvDigiRich);
/// PSD
(*fvDigiPsd) = std::move(unpTs.fvDigiPsd);
/// Extract CbmEvent TClonesArray from input message
void CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::DumpTreeEntry()
// Unpacked digis + CbmEvent output to root file
* NH style
// fpFairRootMgr->FillEventHeader(fEvtHeader);
// LOG(info) << "Fill WriteOutBuffer with FairRootManager at " << fpFairRootMgr;
// fpOutRootFile->cd();
fpFairRootMgr->StoreWriteoutBufferData( fpFairRootMgr->GetEventTime() );
/// FairRunOnline style
/// Clear metadata array
/// Clear vectors
/// Clear event array
// fEventsArray->Delete();
// fEventsArray->Clear();
bool CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::SendHistograms()
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*message, &fArrayHisto);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, &fArrayHisto);
/// Send message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(message, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
} // if( Send( message, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 )
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
// fpAlgo->ResetHistograms( kFALSE );
return true;
/// FIXME: Add pointers check before delete
/// Close things properly if not alredy done
if (!fbFinishDone) Finish();
/// Clear metadata
delete fTimeSliceMetaDataArray;
delete fTsMetaData;
/// Clear vectors
/// Clear events TClonesArray
delete fEventsArray;
delete fpRun;
void CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink::Finish()
// Clean closure of output to root file
// fpFairRootMgr->GetSource()->Close();
LOG(info) << "File closed after saving " << (fulTsCounter + fulMissedTsCounter) << " TS (" << fulTsCounter
<< " full ones and " << fulMissedTsCounter << " missed/empty ones)";
if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) {
fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
} // if( kTRUE == fbFillHistos )
fbFinishDone = kTRUE;
CbmUnpackedTimeslice::CbmUnpackedTimeslice(FairMQParts& parts) : fEventsArray("CbmEvent", 500)
/// Extract unpacked data from input message
uint32_t uPartIdx = 0;
/// TS metadata
/// TODO: code order of vectors in the TS MetaData!!
std::string msgStrTsMeta( static_cast< char * >( parts.At( uPartIdx )->GetData() ),
( parts.At( uPartIdx ) )->GetSize() );
std::istringstream issTsMeta(msgStrTsMeta);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTsMeta(issTsMeta);
inputArchiveTsMeta >> (*fTsMetaData);
TObject* tempObjectMeta = nullptr;
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), tempObjectMeta);
if (TString(tempObjectMeta->ClassName()).EqualTo("TimesliceMetaData")) {
fTsMetaData = *(static_cast<TimesliceMetaData*>(tempObjectMeta));
} // if( TString( tempObject->ClassName() ).EqualTo( "TClonesArray") )
/// Bmon
std::string msgStrBmon(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issBmon(msgStrBmon);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveBmon(issBmon);
inputArchiveBmon >> fvDigiBmon;
/// STS
std::string msgStrSts(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issSts(msgStrSts);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveSts(issSts);
inputArchiveSts >> fvDigiSts;
/// MUCH
std::string msgStrMuch(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issMuch(msgStrMuch);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveMuch(issMuch);
inputArchiveMuch >> fvDigiMuch;
/// TRD
std::string msgStrTrd(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issTrd(msgStrTrd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTrd(issTrd);
inputArchiveTrd >> fvDigiTrd;
/// BmonF
std::string msgStrTof(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issTof(msgStrTof);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTof(issTof);
inputArchiveTof >> fvDigiTof;
/// RICH
std::string msgStrRich(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issRich(msgStrRich);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveRich(issRich);
inputArchiveRich >> fvDigiRich;
/// PSD
std::string msgStrPsd(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issPsd(msgStrPsd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchivePsd(issPsd);
inputArchivePsd >> fvDigiPsd;
/// Extract CbmEvent TClonesArray from input message
TObject* tempObject = nullptr;
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), tempObject);
if (TString(tempObject->ClassName()).EqualTo("TClonesArray")) {
TClonesArray* arrayEventsIn = static_cast<TClonesArray*>(tempObject);
/// Copy data in registered TClonesArray (by taking ownership!)
} // if( TString( tempObject->ClassName() ).EqualTo( "TClonesArray") )
// fEventsArray.Clear("C");
/* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink.h
* @since 2020-05-04
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
/// CBM headers
#include "CbmEvent.h"
#include "CbmMqTMessage.h"
#include "CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi.h"
#include "CbmPsdDigi.h"
#include "CbmRichDigi.h"
#include "CbmStsDigi.h"
#include "CbmTofDigi.h"
#include "CbmTrdDigi.h"
#include "TimesliceMetaData.h"
/// FAIRROOT headers
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
/// FAIRSOFT headers (geant, boost, ...)
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
/// C/C++ headers
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class TFile;
class TList;
class TClonesArray;
//class TimesliceMetaData;
class FairRunOnline;
class FairRootManager;
class CbmUnpackedTimeslice {
/// TODO: rename to CbmTsWithEvents
CbmUnpackedTimeslice(FairMQParts& parts);
TimesliceMetaData fTsMetaData;
std::vector<CbmTofDigi> fvDigiBmon;
std::vector<CbmStsDigi> fvDigiSts;
std::vector<CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi> fvDigiMuch;
std::vector<CbmTrdDigi> fvDigiTrd;
std::vector<CbmTofDigi> fvDigiTof;
std::vector<CbmRichDigi> fvDigiRich;
std::vector<CbmPsdDigi> fvDigiPsd;
TClonesArray fEventsArray;
class CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink();
virtual void InitTask();
bool HandleMissTsData(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
bool HandleData(FairMQParts&, int);
bool HandleCommand(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
/// Constants
/// Control flags
Bool_t fbFillHistos = kFALSE; //! Switch ON/OFF filling of histograms
Bool_t fbFinishDone = kFALSE; //! Keep track of whether the Finish was already called
/// User settings parameters
/// Algo enum settings
std::string fsOutputFileName = "mcbm_digis_events.root";
/// message queues
std::string fsChannelNameMissedTs = "missedts";
std::string fsChannelNameDataInput = "events";
std::string fsChannelNameCommands = "commands";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosInput = "histogram-in";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosConfig = "histo-conf";
std::string fsChannelNameCanvasConfig = "canvas-conf";
/// Histograms management
uint32_t fuPublishFreqTs = 100;
double_t fdMinPublishTime = 0.5;
double_t fdMaxPublishTime = 5.0;
/// List of MQ channels names
std::vector<std::string> fsAllowedChannels = {fsChannelNameDataInput};
/// Parameters management
// TList* fParCList = nullptr;
// Bool_t InitParameters( TList* fParCList );
/// Statistics & missed TS detection
uint64_t fuPrevTsIndex = 0;
uint64_t fulNumMessages = 0;
uint64_t fulTsCounter = 0;
uint64_t fulMissedTsCounter = 0;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/// Control Commands reception
bool fbReceivedEof = false;
uint64_t fuLastTsIndex = 0;
uint64_t fuTotalTsCount = 0;
/// Data reception
/// Event (TS) header
// FairEventHeader* fEvtHeader;
/// TS MetaData storage
TClonesArray* fTimeSliceMetaDataArray = nullptr; //!
TimesliceMetaData* fTsMetaData = nullptr;
/// Digis storage
std::vector<CbmTofDigi>* fvDigiBmon = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmStsDigi>* fvDigiSts = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi>* fvDigiMuch = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmTrdDigi>* fvDigiTrd = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmTofDigi>* fvDigiTof = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmRichDigi>* fvDigiRich = nullptr;
std::vector<CbmPsdDigi>* fvDigiPsd = nullptr;
/// CbmEvents
TClonesArray* fEventsArray = nullptr; //! output container of CbmEvents
// std::vector< CbmEvent * > & fEventVector; //! vector with all created events
/// Storage for re-ordering
/// Missed TS vector
std::vector<uint64_t> fvulMissedTsIndices = {};
/// Buffered TS
std::map<uint64_t, CbmUnpackedTimeslice> fmFullTsStorage = {};
/// Data storage
FairRunOnline* fpRun = nullptr;
FairRootManager* fpFairRootMgr = nullptr;
/// Array of histograms to send to the histogram server
TObjArray fArrayHisto = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( HistoName, FolderPath ) to send to the histogram server
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsHistosFolder = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( CanvasName, CanvasConfig ) to send to the histogram server
/// Format of Can config is "NbPadX(U);NbPadY(U);ConfigPad1(s);....;ConfigPadXY(s)"
/// Format of Pad config is "GrixX(b),GridY(b),LogX(b),LogY(b),LogZ(b),HistoName(s),DrawOptions(s)"
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsCanvasConfig = {};
/// Internal methods
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName);
// Bool_t InitContainers();
void CheckTsQueues();
void PrepareTreeEntry(CbmUnpackedTimeslice unpTs);
void DumpTreeEntry();
bool SendHistograms();
void Finish();
/* Copyright (C) 2020 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser.cxx
* @since 2020-05-04
* @author P.-A Loizeau
#include "CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "TimesliceMetaData.h"
//#include "CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoTof.h"
#include "CbmFlesCanvasTools.h"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairParGenericSet.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TNamed.h"
#include "BoostSerializer.h"
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include "RootSerializer.h"
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
using namespace std;
//Bool_t bMcbm2018MonitorTaskTofResetHistos = kFALSE;
// : fMonitorAlgo{ new CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoTof() }
void CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser::InitTask()
try {
/// Read options from executable
LOG(info) << "Init options for CbmMqStarHistoServer.";
fbDebugMonitorMode = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("DebugMoni");
fuHistoryHistoSize = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("HistEvoSz");
fuMinTotPulser = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("PulsTotMin");
fuMaxTotPulser = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("PulsTotMax");
fuPublishFreqTs = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("PubFreqTs");
fdMinPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMin");
fdMaxPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMax");
fsChannelNameDataInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("TsNameIn");
fsChannelNameHistosInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameIn");
fsChannelNameHistosConfig = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameHistCfg");
fsChannelNameCanvasConfig = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameCanvCfg");
fsAllowedChannels[0] = fsChannelNameDataInput;
LOG(info) << "Histograms publication frequency in TS: " << fuPublishFreqTs;
LOG(info) << "Histograms publication min. interval in s: " << fdMinPublishTime;
LOG(info) << "Histograms publication max. interval in s: " << fdMaxPublishTime;
/// Set the Monitor Algo in Absolute time scale
// fMonitorAlgo->UseAbsoluteTime();
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined channels: " << noChannel;
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (std::string::npos != entry.first.find(fsChannelNameDataInput)) {
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
OnData(entry.first, &CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser::HandleData);
} // if( std::string::npos != entry.first.find( fsChannelNameDataInput ) )
} // for( auto const &entry : fChannels )
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
bool CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser::IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName)
for (auto const& entry : fsAllowedChannels) {
std::size_t pos1 = channelName.find(entry);
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fsAllowedChannels.begin(), fsAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fsAllowedChannels.begin();
LOG(info) << "Found " << entry << " in " << channelName;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx;
return true;
} // if (pos1!=std::string::npos)
} // for(auto const &entry : fsAllowedChannels)
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
Bool_t CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser::InitContainers()
LOG(info) << "Init parameter containers for CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser.";
Bool_t initOK = kTRUE;
fParCList = fMonitorAlgo->GetParList();
for( int iparC = 0; iparC < fParCList->GetEntries(); iparC++ ) {
FairParGenericSet* tempObj = (FairParGenericSet*)( fParCList->At( iparC ) );
fParCList->Remove( tempObj );
std::string paramName{ tempObj->GetName() };
// NewSimpleMessage creates a copy of the data and takes care of its destruction (after the transfer takes place).
// Should only be used for small data because of the cost of an additional copy
// Her must come the proper Runid
std::string message = paramName + ",111";
LOG(info) << "Requesting parameter container " << paramName << ", sending message: " << message;
FairMQMessagePtr req( NewSimpleMessage(message) );
FairMQMessagePtr rep( NewMessage() );
FairParGenericSet* newObj = nullptr;
if ( Send(req, "parameters") > 0 ) {
if ( Receive( rep, "parameters" ) >= 0) {
if ( rep->GetSize() != 0 ) {
CbmMqTMessage tmsg( rep->GetData(), rep->GetSize() );
newObj = static_cast< FairParGenericSet* >( tmsg.ReadObject( tmsg.GetClass() ) );
LOG( info ) << "Received unpack parameter from the server:";
} else {
LOG( error ) << "Received empty reply. Parameter not available";
} // if (rep->GetSize() != 0)
} // if (Receive(rep, "parameters") >= 0)
} // if (Send(req, "parameters") > 0)
fParCList->AddAt( newObj, iparC );
delete tempObj;
} // for ( int iparC = 0; iparC < fParCList->GetEntries(); iparC++ )
/// Need to add accessors for all options
fMonitorAlgo->SetIgnoreOverlapMs( fbIgnoreOverlapMs );
fMonitorAlgo->SetDebugMonitorMode( fbDebugMonitorMode );
fMonitorAlgo->SetIgnoreCriticalErrors( fbIgnoreCriticalErrors );
fMonitorAlgo->SetHistoryHistoSize( fuHistoryHistoSize );
fMonitorAlgo->SetPulserTotLimits( fuMinTotPulser, fuMaxTotPulser );
Bool_t initOK = fMonitorAlgo->InitContainers();
// Bool_t initOK = fMonitorAlgo->ReInitContainers();
// CreateHistos();
/// Histos creation and obtain pointer on them
/// Trigger histo creation on all associated algos
initOK &= fMonitorAlgo->CreateHistograms();
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each histo from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > vHistos = fMonitorAlgo->GetHistoVector();
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)
std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > vCanvases = fMonitorAlgo->GetCanvasVector();
/// Add pointers to each histo in the histo array
/// Create histo config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Histo name, Folder >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for( UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto )
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vHistos[ uHisto ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vHistos[ uHisto ]
// ;
fArrayHisto.Add( vHistos[ uHisto ].first );
std::pair< std::string, std::string > psHistoConfig( vHistos[ uHisto ].first->GetName(),
vHistos[ uHisto ].second );
fvpsHistosFolder.push_back( psHistoConfig );
/// Serialize the vector of histo config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist( NewMessage() );
// Serialize< BoostSerializer < std::pair< std::string, std::string > > >( *messageHist, psHistoConfig );
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageHist,psHistoConfig);
/// Send message to the common histogram config messages queue
if( Send( messageHist, fsChannelNameHistosConfig ) < 0 )
LOG(error) << "Problem sending histo config";
return false;
} // if( Send( messageHist, fsChannelNameHistosConfig ) < 0 )
LOG(info) << "Config of hist " <<
<< " in folder " << ;
} // for( UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto )
/// Create canvas config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Canvas name, config >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for( UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv )
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vCanvases[ uCanv ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vCanvases[ uCanv ];
std::string sCanvName = (vCanvases[ uCanv ].first)->GetName();
std::string sCanvConf = GenerateCanvasConfigString( vCanvases[ uCanv ].first );
std::pair< std::string, std::string > psCanvConfig( sCanvName, sCanvConf );
fvpsCanvasConfig.push_back( psCanvConfig );
/// Serialize the vector of canvas config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageCan( NewMessage() );
// Serialize< BoostSerializer < std::pair< std::string, std::string > > >( *messageCan, psCanvConfig );
BoostSerializer < std::pair< std::string, std::string > >().Serialize( *messageCan, psCanvConfig );
/// Send message to the common canvas config messages queue
if( Send( messageCan, fsChannelNameCanvasConfig ) < 0 )
LOG(error) << "Problem sending canvas config";
return false;
} // if( Send( messageCan, fsChannelNameCanvasConfig ) < 0 )
LOG(info) << "Config string of Canvas " <<
<< " is " << ;
} // for( UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv )
return initOK;
// handler is called whenever a message arrives on "data", with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0)
bool CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser::HandleData(FairMQParts& parts, int /*index*/)
LOG(debug) << "Received message " << fulNumMessages << " with " << parts.Size() << " parts"
<< ", size0: " << parts.At(0)->GetSize();
uint32_t uPartIdx = 0;
/// TODO: code order of vectors in the TS MetaData!!
std::string msgStrTsMeta( static_cast< char * >( parts.At( uPartIdx )->GetData() ),
( parts.At( uPartIdx ) )->GetSize() );
std::istringstream issTsMeta(msgStrTsMeta);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTsMeta(issTsMeta);
inputArchiveTsMeta >> (*fTsMetaData);
// Deserialize<RootSerializer>(*parts.At(uPartIdx), fTsMetaData);
RootSerializer().Deserialize(*parts.At(uPartIdx), fTsMetaData);
std::string msgStrBmon(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issBmon(msgStrBmon);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveBmon(issBmon);
inputArchiveBmon >> fvDigiBmon;
std::string msgStrSts(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issSts(msgStrSts);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveSts(issSts);
inputArchiveSts >> fvDigiSts;
std::string msgStrMuch(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issMuch(msgStrMuch);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveMuch(issMuch);
inputArchiveMuch >> fvDigiMuch;
std::string msgStrTrd(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issTrd(msgStrTrd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTrd(issTrd);
inputArchiveTrd >> fvDigiTrd;
std::string msgStrTof(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issTof(msgStrTof);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveTof(issTof);
inputArchiveTof >> fvDigiTof;
std::string msgStrRich(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issRich(msgStrRich);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchiveRich(issRich);
inputArchiveRich >> fvDigiRich;
std::string msgStrPsd(static_cast<char*>(parts.At(uPartIdx)->GetData()), (parts.At(uPartIdx))->GetSize());
std::istringstream issPsd(msgStrPsd);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchivePsd(issPsd);
inputArchivePsd >> fvDigiPsd;
/// Process data in Algo
/// Clear vectors
delete fTsMetaData;
LOG(debug) << "Received message number "<< fulNumMessages
<< " with size " << msg->GetSize();
if( 0 == fulNumMessages % 10000 )
LOG(info) << "Received " << fulNumMessages << " messages";
std::string msgStr( static_cast<char*>( msg->GetData() ), msg->GetSize() );
std::istringstream iss( msgStr );
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchive( iss );
/// Create an empty TS and fill it with the incoming message
fles::StorableTimeslice component{ 0 };
inputArchive >> component;
/// Process the Timeslice
DoUnpack(component, 0);
/// Send histograms each 100 time slices. Should be each ~1s
/// Use also runtime checker to trigger sending after M s if
/// processing too slow or delay sending if processing too fast
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSeconds = currentTime - fLastPublishTime;
if( ( fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) ||
( 0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) )
fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
} // if( ( fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) || ( 0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) )
return true;
bool CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser::SendHistograms()
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*message, &fArrayHisto);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, &fArrayHisto);
// test code to check if deserialization works
TObject* tempObject = nullptr;
// Deserialize<RootDeserializer>(*message, tempObject);
RootDeserializer().Deserialize(*message, tempObject);
if (TString(tempObject->ClassName()).EqualTo("TObjArray")) {
TObjArray* arrayHisto = static_cast<TObjArray*>(tempObject);
LOG(info) << "Array contains " << arrayHisto->GetEntriesFast()
<< " entries";
for (Int_t i = 0; i < arrayHisto->GetEntriesFast(); i++) {
TObject* obj = arrayHisto->At(i);
LOG(info) << obj->GetName();
TH1* histogram = static_cast<TH1*>(obj);
LOG(info) << histogram->GetNbinsX();
/// Send message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(message, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
} // if( Send( message, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 )
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
// fMonitorAlgo->ResetHistograms( kFALSE );
return true;
CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser::~CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser() {}
void CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser::Finish() {}
/* Copyright (C) 2020 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser.h
* @since 2020-05-04
* @author P.-A Loizeau
#include "CbmMqTMessage.h"
#include "CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi.h"
#include "CbmPsdDigi.h"
#include "CbmRichDigi.h"
#include "CbmStsDigi.h"
#include "CbmTofDigi.h"
#include "CbmTrdDigi.h"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class TH1;
class TH2;
class TProfile;
class TList;
//class CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoTof;
class TimesliceMetaData;
class CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser();
virtual void InitTask();
bool HandleData(FairMQParts&, int);
/// Constants
/*********************** SHOULD GO IN ALGO ****************************/
static const UInt_t kuNbChanSMX = 128;
static const UInt_t kuMaxNbStsDpbs = 2;
static const UInt_t kuMaxNbMuchDpbs = 6;
static const UInt_t kuMaxNbMuchAsics = 36;
static const UInt_t kuDefaultAddress = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static const UInt_t kuMaxChannelSts = 3000;
/*********************** SHOULD GO IN ALGO ****************************/
/// Control flags
Bool_t fbDebugMonitorMode = kFALSE; //! Switch ON the filling of a additional set of histograms
Bool_t fbIgnoreCriticalErrors = kTRUE; //! If ON not printout at all for critical errors
Bool_t fbComponentsAddedToList = kFALSE;
/// User settings parameters
std::string fsChannelNameDataInput = "unpts_0";
std::string fsChannelNameCommands = "commands";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosInput = "histogram-in";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosConfig = "histo-conf";
std::string fsChannelNameCanvasConfig = "canvas-conf";
uint32_t fuHistoryHistoSize = 3600;
uint32_t fuMinTotPulser = 185;
uint32_t fuMaxTotPulser = 195;
uint32_t fuPublishFreqTs = 100;
double_t fdMinPublishTime = 0.5;
double_t fdMaxPublishTime = 5.0;
/// List of MQ channels names
std::vector<std::string> fsAllowedChannels = {fsChannelNameDataInput};
/// Parameters management
TList* fParCList = nullptr;
/// Statistics & first TS rejection
uint64_t fulNumMessages = 0;
uint64_t fulTsCounter = 0;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/// Data reception
/// TS MetaData storage
TimesliceMetaData* fTsMetaData = nullptr;
/// Digis storage
std::vector<CbmTofDigi> fvDigiBmon = {};
std::vector<CbmStsDigi> fvDigiSts = {};
std::vector<CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi> fvDigiMuch = {};
std::vector<CbmTrdDigi> fvDigiTrd = {};
std::vector<CbmTofDigi> fvDigiTof = {};
std::vector<CbmRichDigi> fvDigiRich = {};
std::vector<CbmPsdDigi> fvDigiPsd = {};
/// Processing algo
// CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoTof * fMonitorAlgo;
/// Array of histograms to send to the histogram server
TObjArray fArrayHisto = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( HistoName, FolderPath ) to send to the histogram server
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsHistosFolder = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( CanvasName, CanvasConfig ) to send to the histogram server
/// Format of Can config is "NbPadX(U);NbPadY(U);ConfigPad1(s);....;ConfigPadXY(s)"
/// Format of Pad config is "GrixX(b),GridY(b),LogX(b),LogY(b),LogZ(b),HistoName(s),DrawOptions(s)"
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsCanvasConfig = {};
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName);
Bool_t InitContainers();
void Finish();
bool SendHistograms();
/*********************** SHOULD GO IN ALGO ****************************/
void CheckInterSystemOffset();
template<class Digi>
Int_t FillSystemOffsetHistos(TH1* histo, TH2* histoEvo, TH2* histoEvoLong, TProfile* profMeanEvo, TH2* histoAFCK,
const Double_t T0Time, const Int_t offsetRange, Int_t iStartDigi,
ECbmModuleId iDetId = ECbmModuleId::kLastModule);
Int_t CalcNrBins(Int_t);
void CreateHistos();
/// Variables to store the previous digi time
Double_t fPrevTimeBmon = 0.;
Double_t fPrevTimeSts = 0.;
Double_t fPrevTimeMuch = 0.;
Double_t fPrevTimeTrd = 0.;
Double_t fPrevTimeTof = 0.;
Double_t fPrevTimeRich = 0.;
Double_t fPrevTimePsd = 0.;
/// Variables to store the first digi fitting the previous Bmon hits
/// => Time-order means the time window for following one can only be in a later digi
Int_t fPrevBmonFirstDigiSts = 0;
Int_t fPrevBmonFirstDigiMuch = 0;
Int_t fPrevBmonFirstDigiTrd = 0;
Int_t fPrevBmonFirstDigiTof = 0;
Int_t fPrevBmonFirstDigiRich = 0;
Int_t fPrevBmonFirstDigiPsd = 0;
/// User settings: Data correction parameters
/// Charge cut
UInt_t fuMinTotPulserBmon = 182;
UInt_t fuMaxTotPulserBmon = 190;
UInt_t fuMinAdcPulserSts = 90;
UInt_t fuMaxAdcPulserSts = 100;
UInt_t fuMinAdcPulserMuch = 5;
UInt_t fuMaxAdcPulserMuch = 15;
UInt_t fuMinChargePulserTrd = 0;
UInt_t fuMaxChargePulserTrd = 70000;
UInt_t fuMinTotPulserTof = 182;
UInt_t fuMaxTotPulserTof = 190;
UInt_t fuMinTotPulserRich = 90;
UInt_t fuMaxTotPulserRich = 105;
UInt_t fuMinAdcPulserPsd = 90;
UInt_t fuMaxAdcPulserPsd = 100;
/// Channel selection
UInt_t fuStsAddress = kuDefaultAddress;
UInt_t fuStsFirstCha = kuMaxChannelSts;
UInt_t fuStsLastChan = kuMaxChannelSts;
UInt_t fuMuchAsic = kuMaxNbMuchAsics;
UInt_t fuMuchFirstCha = kuNbChanSMX;
UInt_t fuMuchLastChan = kuNbChanSMX;
UInt_t fuTrdAddress = kuDefaultAddress;
UInt_t fuPsdAddress = kuDefaultAddress;
Int_t fNrTs = 0;
Int_t fOffsetRange = 1000;
Int_t fStsOffsetRange = 1000;
Int_t fMuchOffsetRange = 1000;
Int_t fTrdOffsetRange = 1000;
Int_t fTofOffsetRange = 1000;
Int_t fRichOffsetRange = 1000;
Int_t fPsdOffsetRange = 1000;
Int_t fBinWidth = 1;
TH1* fBmonStsDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fBmonMuchDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fBmonTrdDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fBmonTofDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fBmonRichDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fBmonPsdDiff = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonPsdDiffCharge = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonStsDiffEvo = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonMuchDiffEvo = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonTrdDiffEvo = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonTofDiffEvo = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonRichDiffEvo = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonPsdDiffEvo = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonStsDiffEvoLong = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonMuchDiffEvoLong = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonTrdDiffEvoLong = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonTofDiffEvoLong = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonRichDiffEvoLong = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonPsdDiffEvoLong = nullptr;
Double_t fdStartTime = -1;
TProfile* fBmonStsMeanEvo = nullptr;
TProfile* fBmonMuchMeanEvo = nullptr;
TProfile* fBmonTrdMeanEvo = nullptr;
TProfile* fBmonTofMeanEvo = nullptr;
TProfile* fBmonRichMeanEvo = nullptr;
TProfile* fBmonPsdMeanEvo = nullptr;
TH1* fBmonBmonDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fStsStsDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fMuchMuchDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fTrdTrdDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fTofTofDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fRichRichDiff = nullptr;
TH1* fPsdPsdDiff = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonStsNb = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonMuchNb = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonTrdNb = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonTofNb = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonRichNb = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonPsdNb = nullptr;
Int_t fiBmonNb = 0;
Int_t fiStsNb = 0;
Int_t fiMuchNb = 0;
Int_t fiTrdNb = 0;
Int_t fiTofNb = 0;
Int_t fiRichNb = 0;
Int_t fiPsdNb = 0;
TH1* fBmonAddress = nullptr;
TH1* fBmonChannel = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonStsDpbDiff = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonStsDpbDiffEvo[kuMaxNbStsDpbs];
TH1* fStsDpbCntsEvo[kuMaxNbStsDpbs];
TH2* fBmonMuchRocDiff = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonMuchAsicDiff = nullptr;
TH2* fBmonMuchAsicDiffEvo[kuMaxNbMuchAsics];
TH2* fDigisPerAsicEvo = nullptr;
Double_t fdLastMuchDigi[kuMaxNbMuchAsics][kuNbChanSMX];
Double_t fdLastMuchDigiPulser[kuMaxNbMuchAsics][kuNbChanSMX];
TH2* fSameChanDigisDistEvo = nullptr;
Double_t fdLastBmonDigiPulser = 0;
TH2* fDigiTimeEvoBmon = nullptr;
TH2* fDigiTimeEvoSts = nullptr;
TH2* fDigiTimeEvoMuch = nullptr;
TH2* fDigiTimeEvoTof = nullptr;
/*********************** SHOULD GO IN ALGO ****************************/
/* Copyright (C) 2020 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack.cxx
* @since 2020-05-04
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
#include "CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack.h"
#include "CbmFlesCanvasTools.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch.h"
#include "CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoPsd.h"
#include "CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoRich.h"
#include "CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoSts.h"
#include "CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTof.h"
#include "CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTrdR.h"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "TimesliceMetaData.h"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairParGenericSet.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TNamed.h"
#include "BoostSerializer.h"
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include "RootSerializer.h"
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
using namespace std;
Bool_t bMcbm2018MonitorTaskBmonResetHistos = kFALSE;
fUnpAlgoSts = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoSts();
fUnpAlgoMuch = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch();
fUnpAlgoTrd = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTrdR();
fUnpAlgoTof = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTof();
fUnpAlgoRich = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoRich();
fUnpAlgoPsd = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoPsd();
void CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::InitTask()
try {
/// Read options from executable
LOG(info) << "Init options for CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack.";
fbIgnoreOverlapMs = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("IgnOverMs");
fvsSetTimeOffs = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("SetTrigWin");
fsChannelNameDataInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("TsNameIn");
fsChannelNameDataOutput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("TsNameOut");
/// TODO: option to set fuDigiMaskedIdBmon !!!!
fsAllowedChannels[0] = fsChannelNameDataInput;
// Get the information about created channels from the device
// Check if the defined channels from the topology (by name)
// are in the list of channels which are possible/allowed
// for the device
// The idea is to check at initilization if the devices are
// properly connected. For the time beeing this is done with a
// nameing convention. It is not avoided that someone sends other
// data on this channel.
int noChannel = fChannels.size();
LOG(info) << "Number of defined channels: " << noChannel;
for (auto const& entry : fChannels) {
LOG(info) << "Channel name: " << entry.first;
if (std::string::npos != entry.first.find(fsChannelNameDataInput)) {
if (!IsChannelNameAllowed(entry.first)) throw InitTaskError("Channel name does not match.");
OnData(entry.first, &CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::HandleData);
} // if( entry.first.find( "ts" )
} // for( auto const &entry : fChannels )
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
bool CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName)
for (auto const& entry : fsAllowedChannels) {
std::size_t pos1 = channelName.find(entry);
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
const vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos =
std::find(fsAllowedChannels.begin(), fsAllowedChannels.end(), entry);
const vector<std::string>::size_type idx = pos - fsAllowedChannels.begin();
LOG(info) << "Found " << entry << " in " << channelName;
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " found in list of allowed channel names at position " << idx;
return true;
} // if (pos1!=std::string::npos)
} // for(auto const &entry : fsAllowedChannels)
LOG(info) << "Channel name " << channelName << " not found in list of allowed channel names.";
LOG(error) << "Stop device.";
return false;
Bool_t CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::InitContainers()
LOG(info) << "Init parameter containers for CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack.";
if (kFALSE == InitParameters(fUnpAlgoSts->GetParList())) return kFALSE;
if (kFALSE == InitParameters(fUnpAlgoMuch->GetParList())) return kFALSE;
if (kFALSE == InitParameters(fUnpAlgoTrd->GetParList())) return kFALSE;
if (kFALSE == InitParameters(fUnpAlgoTof->GetParList())) return kFALSE;
if (kFALSE == InitParameters(fUnpAlgoRich->GetParList())) return kFALSE;
if (kFALSE == InitParameters(fUnpAlgoPsd->GetParList())) return kFALSE;
/// Need to add accessors for all options
/// Load time offsets
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itStrOffs = fvsSetTimeOffs.begin(); itStrOffs != fvsSetTimeOffs.end();
++itStrOffs) {
size_t charPosDel = (*itStrOffs).find(',');
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::InitContainers => "
<< "Trying to set trigger window with invalid option pattern, ignored! "
<< " (Should be ECbmModuleId,dWinBeg,dWinEnd but instead found " << (*itStrOffs) << " )";
} // if( std::string::npos == charPosDel )
/// Detector Enum Tag
std::string sSelDet = (*itStrOffs).substr(0, charPosDel);
/// Min number
Double_t dOffset = std::stod((*itStrOffs).substr(charPosDel));
if ("kSTS" == sSelDet) { fUnpAlgoSts->SetTimeOffsetNs(dOffset); } // if( "kSTS" == sSelDet )
else if ("kMUCH" == sSelDet) {
} // else if( "kMUCH" == sSelDet )
else if ("kTRD" == sSelDet) {
} // else if( "kTRD" == sSelDet )
else if ("kTOF" == sSelDet) {
} // else if( "kTOF" == sSelDet )
else if ("kRICH" == sSelDet) {
} // else if( "kRICH" == sSelDet )
else if ("kPSD" == sSelDet) {
} // else if( "kPSD" == sSelDet )
else {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::InitContainers => Trying to set time "
"offset for unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< (sSelDet);
} // else of detector enum detection
} // for( std::vector< std::string >::iterator itStrAdd = fvsAddDet.begin(); itStrAdd != fvsAddDet.end(); ++itStrAdd )
/// Starting from first run on Tuesday 28/04/2020, STS uses bin sorter FW
/// Starting from first run on Monday 04/05/2020, MUCH uses bin sorter FW
Bool_t initOK = fUnpAlgoSts->InitContainers();
initOK &= fUnpAlgoMuch->InitContainers();
initOK &= fUnpAlgoTrd->InitContainers();
initOK &= fUnpAlgoTof->InitContainers();
initOK &= fUnpAlgoRich->InitContainers();
initOK &= fUnpAlgoPsd->InitContainers();
/// Special case for TRD vector initialization
/// Get address of vector from algo in a kind of loopback ^^'
initOK &= fUnpAlgoTrd->SetDigiOutputPointer(&(fUnpAlgoTrd->GetVector()));
// Bool_t initOK = fMonitorAlgo->ReInitContainers();
return initOK;
Bool_t CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::InitParameters(TList* fParCList)
for (int iparC = 0; iparC < fParCList->GetEntries(); iparC++) {
FairParGenericSet* tempObj = (FairParGenericSet*) (fParCList->At(iparC));
std::string paramName {tempObj->GetName()};
// NewSimpleMessage creates a copy of the data and takes care of its destruction (after the transfer takes place).
// Should only be used for small data because of the cost of an additional copy
// Her must come the proper Runid
std::string message = paramName + ",111";
LOG(info) << "Requesting parameter container " << paramName << ", sending message: " << message;
FairMQMessagePtr req(NewSimpleMessage(message));
FairMQMessagePtr rep(NewMessage());
FairParGenericSet* newObj = nullptr;
if (Send(req, "parameters") > 0) {
if (Receive(rep, "parameters") >= 0) {
if (0 != rep->GetSize()) {
CbmMqTMessage tmsg(rep->GetData(), rep->GetSize());
newObj = static_cast<FairParGenericSet*>(tmsg.ReadObject(tmsg.GetClass()));
LOG(info) << "Received unpack parameter from the server:";
} // if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
else {
LOG(error) << "Received empty reply. Parameter not available";
return kFALSE;
} // else of if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
} // if( Receive( rep, "parameters" ) >= 0)
} // if( Send(req, "parameters") > 0 )
fParCList->AddAt(newObj, iparC);
delete tempObj;
} // for( int iparC = 0; iparC < fParCList->GetEntries(); iparC++ )
return kTRUE;
// handler is called whenever a message arrives on "data", with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0)
bool CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::HandleData(FairMQMessagePtr& msg, int /*index*/)
LOG(debug) << "Received message number " << fulNumMessages << " with size " << msg->GetSize();
if (0 == fulNumMessages % 10000) LOG(info) << "Received " << fulNumMessages << " messages";
std::string msgStr(static_cast<char*>(msg->GetData()), msg->GetSize());
std::istringstream iss(msgStr);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchive(iss);
/// Create an empty TS and fill it with the incoming message
fles::StorableTimeslice ts {0};
inputArchive >> ts;
/// On first TS, extract the TS parameters from header (by definition stable over time)
if (-1.0 == fdTsCoreSizeInNs) {
fuNbCoreMsPerTs = ts.num_core_microslices();
fuNbOverMsPerTs = ts.num_microslices(0) - ts.num_core_microslices();
fdTsCoreSizeInNs = fdMsSizeInNs * (fuNbCoreMsPerTs);
fdTsOverSizeInNs = fdMsSizeInNs * (fuNbOverMsPerTs);
fdTsFullSizeInNs = fdTsCoreSizeInNs + fdTsOverSizeInNs;
LOG(info) << "Timeslice parameters: each TS has " << fuNbCoreMsPerTs << " Core MS and " << fuNbOverMsPerTs
<< " Overlap MS, for a core duration of " << fdTsCoreSizeInNs << " ns and a full duration of "
<< fdTsFullSizeInNs << " ns";
} // if( -1.0 == fdTsCoreSizeInNs )
fTsMetaData = new TimesliceMetaData(ts.descriptor(0, 0).idx, fdTsCoreSizeInNs, fdTsOverSizeInNs, ts.index());
/// Process the Timeslice
DoUnpack(ts, 0);
/// Send digi vectors to ouput
if (!SendUnpData()) return false;
delete fTsMetaData;
/// Clear the digis vectors in case it was filled
/// Clear the digis vectors in case it was filled
return true;
bool CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::SendUnpData()
/// Prepare serialized versions of the TS Meta
std::stringstream ossTsMeta;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaTsMeta(ossTsMeta);
oaTsMeta << *(fTsMetaData);
std::string* strMsgTsMetaE = new std::string(ossTsMeta.str());
FairMQMessagePtr messTsMeta(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*messTsMeta, fTsMetaData);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*messTsMeta, fTsMetaData);
std::stringstream ossSts;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaSts(ossSts);
oaSts << fUnpAlgoSts->GetVector();
std::string* strMsgSts = new std::string(ossSts.str());
std::stringstream ossMuch;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaMuch(ossMuch);
oaMuch << fUnpAlgoMuch->GetVector();
std::string* strMsgMuch = new std::string(ossMuch.str());
std::stringstream ossTrd;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaTrd(ossTrd);
oaTrd << fUnpAlgoTrd->GetVector();
std::string* strMsgTrd = new std::string(ossTrd.str());
/// Split TOF vector in TOF and Bmon
std::vector<CbmTofDigi>& vDigiTofBmon = fUnpAlgoTof->GetVector();
std::vector<CbmTofDigi> vDigiTof = {};
std::vector<CbmTofDigi> vDigiBmon = {};
for (auto digi : vDigiTofBmon) {
if (fuDigiMaskedIdBmon == (digi.GetAddress() & fuDigiMaskId)) {
/// Insert data in Bmon output container
} // if( fuDigiMaskedIdBmon == ( digi.GetAddress() & fuDigiMaskId ) )
else {
/// Insert data in TOF output container
} // else of if( fuDigiMaskedIdBmon == ( digi.GetAddress() & fuDigiMaskId ) )
} // for( auto digi: vDigi )
std::stringstream ossTof;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaTof(ossTof);
oaTof << vDigiTof;
std::string* strMsgTof = new std::string(ossTof.str());
std::stringstream ossBmon;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaBmon(ossBmon);
oaBmon << vDigiBmon;
std::string* strMsgBmon = new std::string(ossBmon.str());
std::stringstream ossRich;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaRich(ossRich);
oaRich << fUnpAlgoRich->GetVector();
std::string* strMsgRich = new std::string(ossRich.str());
std::stringstream ossPsd;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaPsd(ossPsd);
oaPsd << fUnpAlgoPsd->GetVector();
std::string* strMsgPsd = new std::string(ossPsd.str());
FairMQParts parts;
parts.AddPart( NewMessage( const_cast< char * >( strMsgTsMetaE->c_str() ), // data
strMsgTsMetaE->length(), // size
[]( void* , void* object ){ delete static_cast< std::string * >( object ); },
); // object that manages the data
const_cast<char*>(strMsgBmon->c_str()), // data
strMsgBmon->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgBmon)); // object that manages the data
const_cast<char*>(strMsgSts->c_str()), // data
strMsgSts->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgSts)); // object that manages the data
const_cast<char*>(strMsgMuch->c_str()), // data
strMsgMuch->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgMuch)); // object that manages the data
const_cast<char*>(strMsgTrd->c_str()), // data
strMsgTrd->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgTrd)); // object that manages the data
const_cast<char*>(strMsgTof->c_str()), // data
strMsgTof->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgTof)); // object that manages the data
const_cast<char*>(strMsgRich->c_str()), // data
strMsgRich->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgRich)); // object that manages the data
const_cast<char*>(strMsgPsd->c_str()), // data
strMsgPsd->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgPsd)); // object that manages the data
if (Send(parts, fsChannelNameDataOutput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data to " << fsChannelNameDataOutput;
return false;
return true;
if (nullptr != fUnpAlgoSts) delete fUnpAlgoSts;
if (nullptr != fUnpAlgoMuch) delete fUnpAlgoMuch;
if (nullptr != fUnpAlgoTrd) delete fUnpAlgoTrd;
if (nullptr != fUnpAlgoTof) delete fUnpAlgoTof;
if (nullptr != fUnpAlgoRich) delete fUnpAlgoRich;
if (nullptr != fUnpAlgoPsd) delete fUnpAlgoPsd;
Bool_t CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::DoUnpack(const fles::Timeslice& ts, size_t /*component*/)
if (kFALSE == fbComponentsAddedToList) {
for (uint32_t uCompIdx = 0; uCompIdx < ts.num_components(); ++uCompIdx) {
switch (ts.descriptor(uCompIdx, 0).sys_id) {
case kusSysIdSts: {
fUnpAlgoSts->AddMsComponentToList(uCompIdx, kusSysIdSts);
} // case kusSysIdSts
case kusSysIdMuch: {
fUnpAlgoMuch->AddMsComponentToList(uCompIdx, kusSysIdMuch);
} // case kusSysIdMuch
case kusSysIdTrd: {
fUnpAlgoTrd->AddMsComponentToList(uCompIdx, kusSysIdTrd);
} // case kusSysIdTrd
case kusSysIdTof: {
fUnpAlgoTof->AddMsComponentToList(uCompIdx, kusSysIdTof);
} // case kusSysIdTof
case kusSysIdBmon: {
fUnpAlgoTof->AddMsComponentToList(uCompIdx, kusSysIdBmon);
} // case kusSysIdBmon
case kusSysIdRich: {
fUnpAlgoRich->AddMsComponentToList(uCompIdx, kusSysIdRich);
} // case kusSysIdRich
case kusSysIdPsd: {
fUnpAlgoPsd->AddMsComponentToList(uCompIdx, kusSysIdPsd);
} // case kusSysIdPsd
default: break;
} // switch( ts.descriptor( uCompIdx, 0 ).sys_id )
} // for( uint32_t uComp = 0; uComp < ts.num_components(); ++uComp )
fbComponentsAddedToList = kTRUE;
} // if( kFALSE == fbComponentsAddedToList )
if (kFALSE == fUnpAlgoSts->ProcessTs(ts)) {
LOG(error) << "Failed processing TS " << ts.index() << " in STS unpacker algorithm class";
return kFALSE;
} // if( kFALSE == fUnpAlgoSts->ProcessTs( ts ) )
if (kFALSE == fUnpAlgoMuch->ProcessTs(ts)) {
LOG(error) << "Failed processing TS " << ts.index() << " in MUCH unpacker algorithm class";
return kFALSE;
} // if( kFALSE == fUnpAlgoMuch->ProcessTs( ts ) )
if (kFALSE == fUnpAlgoTrd->ProcessTs(ts)) {
LOG(error) << "Failed processing TS " << ts.index() << " in TRD unpacker algorithm class";
return kFALSE;
} // if( kFALSE == fUnpAlgoTrd->ProcessTs( ts ) )
if (kFALSE == fUnpAlgoTof->ProcessTs(ts)) {
LOG(error) << "Failed processing TS " << ts.index() << " in TOF unpacker algorithm class";
return kFALSE;
} // if( kFALSE == fUnpAlgoTof->ProcessTs( ts ) )
if (kFALSE == fUnpAlgoRich->ProcessTs(ts)) {
LOG(error) << "Failed processing TS " << ts.index() << " in RICH unpacker algorithm class";
return kFALSE;
} // if( kFALSE == fUnpAlgoRich->ProcessTs( ts ) )
if (kFALSE == fUnpAlgoPsd->ProcessTs(ts)) {
LOG(error) << "Failed processing TS " << ts.index() << " in PSD unpacker algorithm class";
return kFALSE;
} // if( kFALSE == fUnpAlgoPsd->ProcessTs( ts ) )
if (0 == fulTsCounter % 10000) LOG(info) << "Processed " << fulTsCounter << " time slices";
return kTRUE;
void CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack::Finish() {}
/* Copyright (C) 2020 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack.h
* @since 2020-05-04
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
#include "CbmMqTMessage.h"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class TList;
class CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoSts;
class CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch;
class CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTrdR;
class CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTof;
class CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoRich;
class CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoPsd;
class TimesliceMetaData;
class CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack();
virtual void InitTask();
bool HandleData(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
bool HandleCommand(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
/// Constants
static const uint16_t kusSysIdSts = 0x10;
static const uint16_t kusSysIdMuch = 0x50;
static const uint16_t kusSysIdTrd = 0x40;
static const uint16_t kusSysIdTof = 0x60;
static const uint16_t kusSysIdBmon = 0x90;
static const uint16_t kusSysIdRich = 0x30;
static const uint16_t kusSysIdPsd = 0x80;
/// Control flags
Bool_t fbIgnoreOverlapMs = false; //! Ignore Overlap Ms: all fuOverlapMsNb MS at the end of timeslice
Bool_t fbComponentsAddedToList = kFALSE;
/// User settings parameters
std::string fsChannelNameDataInput = "fullts";
std::string fsChannelNameDataOutput = "unpts_0";
std::string fsChannelNameCommands = "commands";
UInt_t fuDigiMaskedIdBmon = 0x00005006;
UInt_t fuDigiMaskId = 0x0001FFFF;
/// List of MQ channels names
std::vector<std::string> fsAllowedChannels = {fsChannelNameDataInput};
/// Parameters management
// TList* fParCList = nullptr;
Bool_t InitParameters(TList* fParCList);
/// Statistics & first TS rejection
uint64_t fulNumMessages = 0;
uint64_t fulTsCounter = 0;
/// Processing algos
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoSts* fUnpAlgoSts = nullptr;
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch* fUnpAlgoMuch = nullptr;
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTrdR* fUnpAlgoTrd = nullptr;
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTof* fUnpAlgoTof = nullptr;
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoRich* fUnpAlgoRich = nullptr;
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoPsd* fUnpAlgoPsd = nullptr;
/// Time offsets
std::vector<std::string> fvsSetTimeOffs = {};
/// TS MetaData storage
size_t fuNbCoreMsPerTs = 0; //!
size_t fuNbOverMsPerTs = 0; //!
Double_t fdMsSizeInNs = 1280000; //! Size of a single MS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsCoreSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsOverSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of the overlap MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsFullSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of all MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
TimesliceMetaData* fTsMetaData;
bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName);
Bool_t InitContainers();
Bool_t DoUnpack(const fles::Timeslice& ts, size_t component);
void Finish();
bool SendUnpData();
/* Copyright (C) 2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceUnpack.cxx
* @since 2020-05-04
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
#include "CbmDeviceUnpack.h"
#include "CbmBmonUnpackConfig.h"
#include "CbmFlesCanvasTools.h"
#include "CbmMQDefs.h"
#include "CbmMuchUnpackConfig.h"
#include "CbmPsdUnpackConfig.h"
#include "CbmRichUnpackConfig.h"
#include "CbmSetup.h"
#include "CbmStsUnpackConfig.h"
#include "CbmTofUnpackConfig.h"
#include "CbmTrdUnpackConfig.h"
#include "CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig.h"
#include "StorableTimeslice.hpp"
#include "TimesliceMetaData.h"
#include "FairMQLogger.h"
#include "FairMQProgOptions.h" // device->fConfig
#include "FairParGenericSet.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TNamed.h"
#include "BoostSerializer.h"
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "RootSerializer.h"
struct InitTaskError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
using namespace std;
//Bool_t bMcbm2018MonitorTaskBmonResetHistos = kFALSE;
CbmDeviceUnpack::CbmDeviceUnpack() {}
void CbmDeviceUnpack::InitTask()
try {
/// Read options from executable
LOG(info) << "Init options for CbmDeviceUnpack.";
fsSetupName = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("Setup");
fuRunId = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("RunId");
fbUnpBmon = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("UnpBmon");
fbUnpSts = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("UnpSts");
fbUnpMuch = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("UnpMuch");
fbUnpTrd1D = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("UnpTrd1d");
fbUnpTrd2D = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("UnpTrd2d");
fbUnpTof = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("UnpTof");
fbUnpRich = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("UnpRich");
fbUnpPsd = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("UnpPsd");
fbIgnoreOverlapMs = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("IgnOverMs");
fbOutputFullTimeSorting = fConfig->GetValue<bool>("FullTimeSort");
fvsSetTimeOffs = fConfig->GetValue<std::vector<std::string>>("SetTimeOffs");
fsChannelNameDataInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("TsNameIn");
fsChannelNameDataOutput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("TsNameOut");
fuPublishFreqTs = fConfig->GetValue<uint32_t>("PubFreqTs");
fdMinPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMin");
fdMaxPublishTime = fConfig->GetValue<double_t>("PubTimeMax");
fsChannelNameHistosInput = fConfig->GetValue<std::string>("ChNameIn");
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
// Wrapper defined in CbmMQDefs.h to support different FairMQ versions
cbm::mq::ChangeState(this, cbm::mq::Transition::ErrorFound);
Bool_t CbmDeviceUnpack::InitContainers()
LOG(info) << "Init parameter containers for CbmDeviceUnpack.";
// ----- FIXME: Environment settings? or binary option?
TString srcDir = std::getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); // top source directory, standard C++ library
// TString srcDir = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); // top source directory
// ----- CbmSetup -----------------------------------------------------
// TODO: support for multiple setups on Par Server? with request containing setup name?
CbmSetup* cbmsetup = CbmSetup::Instance();
FairMQMessagePtr req(NewSimpleMessage("setup"));
FairMQMessagePtr rep(NewMessage());
if (Send(req, "parameters") > 0) {
if (Receive(rep, "parameters") >= 0) {
if (0 != rep->GetSize()) {
CbmSetupStorable* exchangableSetup;
CbmMqTMessage tmsg(rep->GetData(), rep->GetSize());
exchangableSetup = dynamic_cast<CbmSetupStorable*>(tmsg.ReadObject(tmsg.GetClass()));
if (nullptr != exchangableSetup) {
/// Prevent clang format single line if
else {
LOG(error) << "Received corrupt reply. Setup not available";
throw InitTaskError("Setup not received from par-server.");
} // if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
else {
LOG(error) << "Received empty reply. Setup not available";
throw InitTaskError("Setup not received from par-server.");
} // else of if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
} // if( Receive( rep, "parameters" ) >= 0)
} // if( Send(req, "parameters") > 0 )
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Initialize the UnpackerConfigs objects and their "user options"
// ---- BMON ----
std::shared_ptr<CbmBmonUnpackConfig> bmonconfig = nullptr;
if (fbUnpBmon) {
bmonconfig = std::make_shared<CbmBmonUnpackConfig>("", fuRunId);
if (bmonconfig) {
// bmonconfig->SetDebugState();
// bmonconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutA("CbmBmonErrors");
std::string parfilesbasepathBmon = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/", srcDir.Data());
bmonconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-1220); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2160 <= fuRunId) {
bmonconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-80); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2350 <= fuRunId) {
bmonconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(0); // [ns] value to be updated
/// Enable Monitor plots
// bmonconfig->SetMonitor(GetTofMonitor(outfilename, true)); // FIXME: Unsupported for now
// -------------
// ---- STS ----
std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackConfig> stsconfig = nullptr;
TString stsSetupTag = "";
cbmsetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kSts, stsSetupTag);
if ("" != stsSetupTag && fbUnpSts) {
LOG(info) << "From received setup, using STS tag: " << stsSetupTag;
stsconfig = std::make_shared<CbmStsUnpackConfig>(std::string(fsSetupName), fuRunId);
if (stsconfig) {
// stsconfig->SetDebugState();
std::string parfilesbasepathSts = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2021/", srcDir.Data());
if (2060 <= fuRunId) {
/// Starting to readout the U3 since 10/03/2022 Carbon run
parfilesbasepathSts = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/", srcDir.Data());
/// Enable duplicates rejection, Ignores the ADC for duplicates check
stsconfig->SetDuplicatesRejection(true, true);
/// Enable Monitor plots
// stsconfig->SetMonitor(GetStsMonitor(outfilename, true)); // FIXME: Unsupported for now
stsconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-2221); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2160 <= fuRunId) {
stsconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-1075); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2350 <= fuRunId) {
stsconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-970); // [ns] value to be updated
stsconfig->SetMinAdcCut(1, 1);
stsconfig->SetMinAdcCut(2, 1);
stsconfig->SetMinAdcCut(3, 1);
stsconfig->SetMinAdcCut(4, 1);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(3, 56);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(3, 75);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(3, 79);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(3, 85);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 123);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 124);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 125);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 158);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 159);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 162);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(7, 715);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(9, 709);
stsconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(12, 119);
// Time Walk correction
std::map<uint32_t, CbmStsParModule> walkMap;
auto parAsic = new CbmStsParAsic(128, 31, 31., 1., 5., 800., 1000., 3.9789e-3);
// Module params: number of channels, number of channels per ASIC
auto parMod = new CbmStsParModule(2048, 128);
// default
double p0 = 0, p1 = 0, p2 = 0, p3 = 0;
parAsic->SetWalkCoef({p0, p1, p2, p3});
walkMap[0x10107C02] = CbmStsParModule(*parMod); // Make a copy for storage
walkMap[0x101FFC02] = CbmStsParModule(*parMod); // Make a copy for storage
/// To be replaced by a storage in a new parameter class later
int sensor, asic;
std::ifstream asicTimeWalk_par(Form("%s/mStsAsicTimeWalk.par",;
while (asicTimeWalk_par >> std::hex >> sensor >> std::dec >> asic >> p0 >> p1 >> p2 >> p3) {
std::cout << Form("Setting time-walk parametersfor: module %x, ASIC %u\n", sensor, asic);
parAsic->SetWalkCoef({p0, p1, p2, p3});
if (walkMap.find(sensor) == walkMap.end()) { walkMap[sensor] = CbmStsParModule(*parMod); }
walkMap[sensor].SetAsic(asic, *parAsic);
} // if ("" != stsSetupTag)
// -------------
// ---- MUCH ----
std::shared_ptr<CbmMuchUnpackConfig> muchconfig = nullptr;
TString muchSetupTag = "";
cbmsetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kMuch, muchSetupTag);
if ("" != muchSetupTag && fbUnpMuch) {
LOG(info) << "From received setup, using MUCH tag: " << muchSetupTag;
muchconfig = std::make_shared<CbmMuchUnpackConfig>(std::string(fsSetupName), fuRunId);
if (muchconfig) {
// muchconfig->SetDebugState();
std::string parfilesbasepathMuch = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/", srcDir.Data());
if (2060 <= fuRunId && fuRunId <= 2162) {
/// Starting to use CRI Based MUCH setup with 2GEM and 1 RPC since 09/03/2022 Carbon run
else if (2163 <= fuRunId && fuRunId <= 2291) {
/// First nickel runs
else if (2311 <= fuRunId && fuRunId <= 2315) {
else if (2316 <= fuRunId && fuRunId <= 2366) {
else if (2367 <= fuRunId && fuRunId <= 2397) {
/// Starting to use GEM 2 moved to CRI 0 on 24/05/2022
/// Enable duplicates rejection, Ignores the ADC for duplicates check
muchconfig->SetDuplicatesRejection(true, true);
/// Enable Monitor plots
//muchconfig->SetMonitor(GetMuchMonitor(outfilename, true));
muchconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-2221); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2160 <= fuRunId) {
muchconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-1020); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2350 <= fuRunId) {
muchconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-980); // [ns] value to be updated
// muchconfig->SetMinAdcCut(1, 1);
// muchconfig->MaskNoisyChannel(3, 56);
// -------------
// ---- TRD ----
std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackConfig> trd1Dconfig = nullptr;
TString trdsetuptag = "";
cbmsetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kTrd, trdsetuptag);
if ("" != trdsetuptag && fbUnpTrd1D) {
LOG(info) << "From received setup, using TRD tag: " << trdsetuptag;
// trd1Dconfig = std::make_shared<CbmTrdUnpackConfig>(trdsetuptag.Data(), fuRunId);
trd1Dconfig = std::make_shared<CbmTrdUnpackConfig>(trdsetuptag.Data(), 3);
if (trd1Dconfig) {
// Activate the line below to write Trd1D digis to a separate "TrdSpadicDigi" branch. Can be used to separate between Fasp and Spadic digis
// trd1Dconfig->SetOutputBranchName("TrdSpadicDigi");
// trd1Dconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutA(CbmTrdRawMessageSpadic::GetBranchName());
// trd1Dconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutB("SpadicInfoMessages"); // SpadicInfoMessages
std::string parfilesbasepathTrd = Form("%s/parameters/trd", srcDir.Data());
// trd1Dconfig->SetMonitor(GetTrdMonitor(outfilename)); // FIXME: Unsupported for now
// Get the spadic configuration true = avg baseline active / false plain sample 0
trd1Dconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(0); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2160 <= fuRunId) {
trd1Dconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(1140); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2350 <= fuRunId) {
trd1Dconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(1300); // [ns] value to be updated
} // if ("" != trdsetuptag)
// -------------
// ---- TRDFASP2D ----
std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig> trdfasp2dconfig = nullptr;
if ("" != trdsetuptag && fbUnpTrd2D) {
trdfasp2dconfig = std::make_shared<CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig>(trdsetuptag.Data());
if (trdfasp2dconfig) {
// trdfasp2dconfig->SetDebugState();
// Activate the line below to write Trd1D digis to a separate "TrdFaspDigi" branch. Can be used to separate between Fasp and Spadic digis
// uint16_t crob_map[NCROBMOD];
// if (fuRunId <= 1588) {
// uint16_t crob_map21[] = {0x00f0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// for (uint32_t i(0); i < NCROBMOD; i++)
// crob_map[i] = crob_map21[i];
// }
// else if (fuRunId >= 2335) {
// uint16_t crob_map22[] = {0xffc2, 0xffc5, 0xffc1, 0, 0};
// for (uint32_t i(0); i < NCROBMOD; i++)
// crob_map[i] = crob_map22[i];
// }
// trdfasp2dconfig->SetCrobMapping(5, crob_map);
std::string parfilesbasepathTrdfasp2d = Form("%s/parameters/trd", srcDir.Data());
trdfasp2dconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-1800); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2160 <= fuRunId) {
trdfasp2dconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-570); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2350 <= fuRunId) {
trdfasp2dconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-510); // [ns] value to be updated
} // if ("" != trdsetuptag)
// -------------
// ---- TOF ----
std::shared_ptr<CbmTofUnpackConfig> tofconfig = nullptr;
TString tofSetupTag = "";
cbmsetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kTof, tofSetupTag);
if ("" != tofSetupTag && fbUnpTof) {
LOG(info) << "From received setup, using TOF tag: " << tofSetupTag;
tofconfig = std::make_shared<CbmTofUnpackConfig>("", fuRunId);
if (tofconfig) {
// tofconfig->SetDebugState();
// tofconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutA("CbmTofErrors");
std::string parfilesbasepathTof = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2021/", srcDir.Data());
std::string parFileNameTof = "mTofCriPar.par";
if (2060 <= fuRunId) {
/// Additional modules added just before the 10/03/2022 Carbon run
parfilesbasepathTof = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/", srcDir.Data());
/// Setup changed multiple times between the 2022 carbon and uranium runs
if (fuRunId <= 2065) {
/// Carbon runs: 2060 - 2065
parFileNameTof = "mTofCriParCarbon.par";
else if (2150 <= fuRunId && fuRunId <= 2160) {
/// Iron runs: 2150 - 2160
parFileNameTof = "mTofCriParIron.par";
else if (2176 <= fuRunId && fuRunId <= 2310) {
/// Uranium runs: 2176 - 2310
parFileNameTof = "mTofCriParUranium.par";
else if (2335 <= fuRunId && fuRunId <= 2497) {
/// Nickel runs: 2335 - 2397
/// Gold runs: 2400 - 2497
parFileNameTof = "mTofCriParNickel.par";
else {
parFileNameTof = "mTofCriPar.par";
tofconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-1220); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2160 <= fuRunId) {
tofconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(0); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2350 <= fuRunId) {
tofconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(45); // [ns] value to be updated
if (fuRunId <= 1659) {
/// Switch ON the -4 offset in epoch count (hack for Spring-Summer 2021)
} // if ("" != tofSetupTag)
// -------------
// ---- RICH ----
std::shared_ptr<CbmRichUnpackConfig> richconfig = nullptr;
TString richSetupTag = "";
cbmsetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kRich, richSetupTag);
if ("" != richSetupTag && fbUnpRich) {
LOG(info) << "From received setup, using RICH tag: " << richSetupTag;
richconfig = std::make_shared<CbmRichUnpackConfig>("", fuRunId);
if (richconfig) {
if (1904 < fuRunId) {
/// Switch to new unpacking algo starting from first combined cosmics run in 2022
richconfig->DoTotOffsetCorrection(); // correct ToT offset
std::string parfilesbasepathRich = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2024/", srcDir.Data());
richconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(256000 - 1200); // [ns] 1 MS and additional correction
if (1904 < fuRunId) richconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-1200);
if (2160 <= fuRunId) {
richconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(50); // [ns] value to be updated
if (2350 <= fuRunId) {
richconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(100); // [ns] value to be updated
if (1588 == fuRunId) richconfig->MaskDiRICH(0x7150);
} // if ("" != richSetupTag)
// -------------
// ---- PSD ----
std::shared_ptr<CbmPsdUnpackConfig> psdconfig = nullptr;
TString psdSetupTag = "";
cbmsetup->GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId::kPsd, psdSetupTag);
if ("" != psdSetupTag && fbUnpPsd) {
LOG(info) << "From received setup, using PSD tag: " << psdSetupTag;
psdconfig = std::make_shared<CbmPsdUnpackConfig>("", fuRunId);
if (psdconfig) {
// psdconfig->SetDebugState();
// psdconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutA("CbmPsdDsp");
std::string parfilesbasepathPsd = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2021/", srcDir.Data());
psdconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(0); // [ns] value to be updated
} // if ("" != psdSetupTag)
// -------------
/// Enable full time sorting instead of time sorting per FLIM link
if (stsconfig) SetUnpackConfig(stsconfig);
if (muchconfig) SetUnpackConfig(muchconfig);
if (trd1Dconfig) SetUnpackConfig(trd1Dconfig);
if (trdfasp2dconfig) SetUnpackConfig(trdfasp2dconfig);
if (tofconfig) SetUnpackConfig(tofconfig);
if (bmonconfig) SetUnpackConfig(bmonconfig);
if (richconfig) SetUnpackConfig(richconfig);
if (psdconfig) SetUnpackConfig(psdconfig);
/// Load time offsets
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itStrOffs = fvsSetTimeOffs.begin(); itStrOffs != fvsSetTimeOffs.end();
++itStrOffs) {
size_t charPosDel = (*itStrOffs).find(',');
if (std::string::npos == charPosDel) {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceUnpack::InitContainers => "
<< "Trying to set trigger window with invalid option pattern, ignored! "
<< " (Should be ECbmModuleId,dWinBeg,dWinEnd but instead found " << (*itStrOffs) << " )";
} // if( std::string::npos == charPosDel )
/// Detector Enum Tag
std::string sSelDet = (*itStrOffs).substr(0, charPosDel);
/// Min number
int32_t iOffset = std::stoi((*itStrOffs).substr(charPosDel));
if ("kBmon" == sSelDet && fBmonConfig) { //
} // else if( "kBmon" == sSelDet )
else if ("kSTS" == sSelDet && fStsConfig) { //
} // if( "kSTS" == sSelDet && fStsConfig)
else if ("kMUCH" == sSelDet && fMuchConfig) {
} // else if( "kMUCH" == sSelDet )
else if ("kTRD" == sSelDet && fTrd1DConfig) {
} // else if( "kTRD" == sSelDet && fTrd2DConfig )
else if ("kTRD2D" == sSelDet && fTrd2DConfig) {
} // else if( "kTRD" == sSelDet && fTrd2DConfig )
else if ("kTOF" == sSelDet && fTofConfig) {
} // else if( "kTOF" == sSelDet && fTofConfig)
else if ("kRICH" == sSelDet && fRichConfig) {
} // else if( "kRICH" == sSelDet && fRichConfig)
else if ("kPSD" == sSelDet && fPsdConfig) {
} // else if( "kPSD" == sSelDet )
else {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceUnpack::InitContainers => Trying to set time "
"offset for unsupported detector, ignored! "
<< (sSelDet);
} // else of detector enum detection
} // for( std::vector< std::string >::iterator itStrAdd = fvsAddDet.begin(); itStrAdd != fvsAddDet.end(); ++itStrAdd )
Bool_t initOK = kTRUE;
// --- Sts
if (fStsConfig) {
// RegisterOutputs( ioman, fStsConfig ); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Task
initOK &= InitParameters(fStsConfig->GetParContainerRequest()); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Device
// initPerformanceMaps(fkFlesSts, "STS");
// --- Much
if (fMuchConfig) {
// RegisterOutputs(ioman, fMuchConfig); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Task
initOK &= InitParameters(fMuchConfig->GetParContainerRequest()); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Device
// initPerformanceMaps(fkFlesMuch, "MUCH");
// --- Trd
if (fTrd1DConfig) {
// RegisterOutputs( ioman, fTrd1DConfig ); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Task
initOK &= InitParameters(fTrd1DConfig->GetParContainerRequest()); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Device
// initPerformanceMaps(fkFlesTrd, "TRD1D");
// --- TRD2D
if (fTrd2DConfig) {
if (fTrd1DConfig && (fTrd2DConfig->GetOutputBranchName() == fTrd1DConfig->GetOutputBranchName())) {
LOG(info) << fTrd2DConfig->GetName() << "::Init() ---------------------------------";
else {
// RegisterOutputs( ioman, fTrd2DConfig ); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Task
initOK &= InitParameters(fTrd2DConfig->GetParContainerRequest()); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Device
// initPerformanceMaps(fkFlesTrd2D, "TRD2D");
// This is an ugly work around, because the TRD and TRD2D want to access the same vector and there is no
// function to retrieve a writeable vector<obj> from the FairRootManager, especially before the branches
// are created, as far as I am aware.
// The second option workaround is in in Init() to look for the fasp config and create a separate branch
// for fasp created CbmTrdDigis PR 072021
// --- Tof
if (fTofConfig) {
// RegisterOutputs( ioman, fTofConfig ); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Task
initOK &= InitParameters(fTofConfig->GetParContainerRequest()); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Device
LOG(info) << "TOF call InitAlgo()";
// initPerformanceMaps(fkFlesTof, "TOF");
// --- Bmon
if (fBmonConfig) {
// RegisterOutputs(ioman, fBmonConfig); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Task
fBmonConfig->LoadParFileName(); /// Needed to change the Parameter file name before it is used!!!
initOK &= InitParameters(fBmonConfig->GetParContainerRequest()); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Device
// initPerformanceMaps(fkFlesBmon, "Bmon");
// --- Rich
if (fRichConfig) {
// RegisterOutputs( ioman, fRichConfig ); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Task
initOK &= InitParameters(fRichConfig->GetParContainerRequest()); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Device
// initPerformanceMaps(fkFlesRich, "RICH");
// --- Psd
if (fPsdConfig) {
// RegisterOutputs( ioman, fPsdConfig ); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Task
initOK &= InitParameters(fPsdConfig->GetParContainerRequest()); /// Framework bound work = kept in this Device
// initPerformanceMaps(fkFlesPsd, "PSD");
/// Event header object
fCbmTsEventHeader = new CbmTsEventHeader();
return initOK;
CbmDeviceUnpack::InitParameters(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<FairParGenericSet>>>* reqparvec)
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceUnpack::InitParameters";
if (!reqparvec) {
LOG(info) << "CbmDeviceUnpack::InitParameters - empty requirements vector no parameters initialized.";
return kTRUE;
// Now get the actual ascii files and init the containers with the asciiIo
for (auto& pair : *reqparvec) {
auto filepath = pair.first;
auto parset = pair.second;
FairParAsciiFileIo asciiInput;
if (!filepath.empty()) {
if ( { parset->init(&asciiInput); }
* */
std::string paramName {pair.second->GetName()};
// NewSimpleMessage creates a copy of the data and takes care of its destruction (after the transfer takes place).
// Should only be used for small data because of the cost of an additional copy
// Here must come the proper Runid
std::string message = paramName + ",111";
LOG(info) << "Requesting parameter container " << paramName << ", sending message: " << message;
FairMQMessagePtr req(NewSimpleMessage(message));
FairMQMessagePtr rep(NewMessage());
FairParGenericSet* newObj = nullptr;
if (Send(req, "parameters") > 0) {
if (Receive(rep, "parameters") >= 0) {
if (0 != rep->GetSize()) {
CbmMqTMessage tmsg(rep->GetData(), rep->GetSize());
newObj = static_cast<FairParGenericSet*>(tmsg.ReadObject(tmsg.GetClass()));
LOG(info) << "Received unpack parameter from the server: " << newObj->GetName();
} // if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
else {
LOG(error) << "Received empty reply. Parameter not available";
return kFALSE;
} // else of if( 0 != rep->GetSize() )
} // if( Receive( rep, "parameters" ) >= 0)
} // if( Send(req, "parameters") > 0 )
pair.second.reset(newObj); /// Potentially unsafe reasignment of raw pointer to the shared pointer?
//delete newObj;
return kTRUE;
bool CbmDeviceUnpack::InitHistograms()
/// Histos creation and obtain pointer on them
/// Trigger histo creation on all associated algos
// ALGO: bool initOK = fMonitorAlgo->CreateHistograms();
bool initOK = true;
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each histo from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)
// ALGO: std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>> vHistos = fMonitorAlgo->GetHistoVector();
std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>> vHistos = {};
/// Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)
// ALGO: std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>> vCanvases = fMonitorAlgo->GetCanvasVector();
std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>> vCanvases = {};
/// Add pointers to each histo in the histo array
/// Create histo config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Histo name, Folder >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vHistos[ uHisto ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vHistos[ uHisto ]
// ;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psHistoConfig(vHistos[uHisto].first->GetName(), vHistos[uHisto].second);
LOG(info) << "Config of hist " << << " in folder " <<;
} // for( UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < vHistos.size(); ++uHisto )
/// Create canvas config vector
/// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Canvas name, config >
/// and send it through a separate channel using the BoostSerializer
for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv) {
// LOG(info) << "Registering " << vCanvases[ uCanv ].first->GetName()
// << " in " << vCanvases[ uCanv ];
std::string sCanvName = (vCanvases[uCanv].first)->GetName();
std::string sCanvConf = GenerateCanvasConfigString(vCanvases[uCanv].first);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> psCanvConfig(sCanvName, sCanvConf);
LOG(info) << "Config string of Canvas " << << " is " <<;
} // for( UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < vCanvases.size(); ++uCanv )
return initOK;
// Method called by run loop and requesting new data from the TS source whenever
bool CbmDeviceUnpack::ConditionalRun()
/// First do Algo related Initialization steps if needed
if (0 == fulNumMessages) {
try {
catch (InitTaskError& e) {
LOG(error) << e.what();
} // if( 0 == fulNumMessages)
if (0 == fulNumMessages) InitHistograms();
/// First request a new TS (full one)
std::string message = "full";
LOG(debug) << "Requesting new TS by sending message: full" << message;
FairMQMessagePtr req(NewSimpleMessage(message));
FairMQMessagePtr rep(NewMessage());
if (Send(req, fsChannelNameDataInput) <= 0) {
LOG(error) << "Failed to send the request! message was " << message;
return false;
} // if (Send(req, fsChannelNameDataInput) <= 0)
else if (Receive(rep, fsChannelNameDataInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Failed to receive a reply to the request! message was " << message;
return false;
} // else if (Receive(rep, fsChannelNameDataInput) < 0)
else if (rep->GetSize() == 0) {
LOG(error) << "Received empty reply. Something went wrong with the timeslice generation! message was " << message;
return false;
} // else if (rep->GetSize() == 0)
LOG(debug) << "Received message number " << fulNumMessages << " with size " << rep->GetSize();
if (0 == fulNumMessages % 10000) LOG(info) << "Received " << fulNumMessages << " messages";
std::string msgStr(static_cast<char*>(rep->GetData()), rep->GetSize());
std::istringstream iss(msgStr);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive inputArchive(iss);
/// Create an empty TS and fill it with the incoming message
fles::StorableTimeslice ts {0};
inputArchive >> ts;
/// On first TS, extract the TS parameters from header (by definition stable over time)
if (-1.0 == fdTsCoreSizeInNs) {
fuNbCoreMsPerTs = ts.num_core_microslices();
fuNbOverMsPerTs = ts.num_microslices(0) - ts.num_core_microslices();
fdMsSizeInNs = (ts.descriptor(0, fuNbCoreMsPerTs).idx - ts.descriptor(0, 0).idx) / fuNbCoreMsPerTs;
fdTsCoreSizeInNs = fdMsSizeInNs * (fuNbCoreMsPerTs);
fdTsOverSizeInNs = fdMsSizeInNs * (fuNbOverMsPerTs);
fdTsFullSizeInNs = fdTsCoreSizeInNs + fdTsOverSizeInNs;
LOG(info) << "Timeslice parameters: each TS has " << fuNbCoreMsPerTs << " Core MS and " << fuNbOverMsPerTs
<< " Overlap MS, for a MS duration of " << fdMsSizeInNs << " ns, a core duration of " << fdTsCoreSizeInNs
<< " ns and a full duration of " << fdTsFullSizeInNs << " ns";
fTsMetaData = new TimesliceMetaData(ts.descriptor(0, 0).idx, fdTsCoreSizeInNs, fdTsOverSizeInNs, ts.index());
} // if( -1.0 == fdTsCoreSizeInNs )
else {
/// Update only the fields changing from TS to TS
fTsMetaData->SetStartTime(ts.descriptor(0, 0).idx);
/// Process the Timeslice
DoUnpack(ts, 0);
LOG(debug) << "Unpack: Sending TS index " << ts.index();
/// Send digi vectors to ouput
if (!SendUnpData()) return false;
LOG(debug) << "Unpack: Sent TS index " << ts.index();
// Reset the event header for a new timeslice
// Reset the unpackers for a new timeslice, e.g. clear the output vectors
// ---- Bmon ----
if (fBmonConfig) fBmonConfig->Reset();
// ---- Sts ----
if (fStsConfig) fStsConfig->Reset();
// ----Much ----
if (fMuchConfig) fMuchConfig->Reset();
// ---- Trd ----
if (fTrd1DConfig) fTrd1DConfig->Reset();
// ---- Trd2D ----
if (fTrd2DConfig) fTrd2DConfig->Reset();
// ---- Tof ----
if (fTofConfig) fTofConfig->Reset();
// ---- Rich ----
if (fRichConfig) fRichConfig->Reset();
// ---- Psd ----
if (fPsdConfig) fPsdConfig->Reset();
/// Send histograms each 100 time slices. Should be each ~1s
/// Use also runtime checker to trigger sending after M s if
/// processing too slow or delay sending if processing too fast
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSeconds = currentTime - fLastPublishTime;
if ((fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())
|| (0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())) {
if (!fbConfigSent) {
// Send the configuration only once per run!
fbConfigSent = SendHistoConfAndData();
} // if( !fbConfigSent )
fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
} // if( ( fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) || ( 0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) )
return true;
bool CbmDeviceUnpack::SendUnpData()
FairMQParts parts;
/// Prepare serialized versions of the TS Event header
FairMQMessagePtr messTsHeader(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*messTsHeader, fCbmTsEventHeader);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*messTsHeader, fCbmTsEventHeader);
// ---- Bmon ----
std::stringstream ossBmon;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaBmon(ossBmon);
if (fBmonConfig) { //
oaBmon << *(fBmonConfig->GetOutputVec());
else {
oaBmon << (std::vector<CbmBmonDigi>());
std::string* strMsgBmon = new std::string(ossBmon.str());
const_cast<char*>(strMsgBmon->c_str()), // data
strMsgBmon->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgBmon)); // object that manages the data
// ---- Sts ----
std::stringstream ossSts;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaSts(ossSts);
if (fStsConfig) { //
oaSts << *(fStsConfig->GetOutputVec());
else {
oaSts << (std::vector<CbmStsDigi>());
std::string* strMsgSts = new std::string(ossSts.str());
const_cast<char*>(strMsgSts->c_str()), // data
strMsgSts->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgSts)); // object that manages the data
// ---- Much ----
std::stringstream ossMuch;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaMuch(ossMuch);
if (fMuchConfig) { //
oaMuch << *(fMuchConfig->GetOutputVec());
else {
oaMuch << (std::vector<CbmMuchDigi>());
std::string* strMsgMuch = new std::string(ossMuch.str());
const_cast<char*>(strMsgMuch->c_str()), // data
strMsgMuch->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgMuch)); // object that manages the data
// ---- Trd ----
std::stringstream ossTrd;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaTrd(ossTrd);
if (fTrd1DConfig || fTrd2DConfig) { //
oaTrd << *(fTrd1DConfig ? fTrd1DConfig->GetOutputVec() : fTrd2DConfig->GetOutputVec());
else {
oaTrd << (std::vector<CbmTrdDigi>());
std::string* strMsgTrd = new std::string(ossTrd.str());
const_cast<char*>(strMsgTrd->c_str()), // data
strMsgTrd->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgTrd)); // object that manages the data
// ---- Tof ----
std::stringstream ossTof;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaTof(ossTof);
if (fTofConfig) { //
oaTof << *(fTofConfig->GetOutputVec());
else {
oaTof << (std::vector<CbmTofDigi>());
std::string* strMsgTof = new std::string(ossTof.str());
const_cast<char*>(strMsgTof->c_str()), // data
strMsgTof->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgTof)); // object that manages the data
// ---- Rich ----
std::stringstream ossRich;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaRich(ossRich);
if (fRichConfig) { //
oaRich << *(fRichConfig->GetOutputVec());
else {
oaRich << (std::vector<CbmRichDigi>());
std::string* strMsgRich = new std::string(ossRich.str());
const_cast<char*>(strMsgRich->c_str()), // data
strMsgRich->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgRich)); // object that manages the data
// ---- Psd ----
std::stringstream ossPsd;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaPsd(ossPsd);
if (fPsdConfig) { //
oaPsd << *(fPsdConfig->GetOutputVec());
else {
oaPsd << (std::vector<CbmPsdDigi>());
std::string* strMsgPsd = new std::string(ossPsd.str());
const_cast<char*>(strMsgPsd->c_str()), // data
strMsgPsd->length(), // size
[](void*, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsgPsd)); // object that manages the data
/// Prepare serialized versions of the TS Meta
/// FIXME: only for TS duration and overlap, should be sent to parameter service instead as stable values in run
/// Index and start time are already included in the TsHeader object!
FairMQMessagePtr messTsMeta(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*messTsMeta, fTsMetaData);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*messTsMeta, fTsMetaData);
if (Send(parts, fsChannelNameDataOutput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data to " << fsChannelNameDataOutput;
return false;
return true;
bool CbmDeviceUnpack::SendHistoConfAndData()
/// Prepare multiparts message and header
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> pairHeader(fvpsHistosFolder.size(), fvpsCanvasConfig.size());
FairMQMessagePtr messageHeader(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>>(*messageHeader, pairHeader);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>().Serialize(*messageHeader, pairHeader);
FairMQParts partsOut;
for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < fvpsHistosFolder.size(); ++uHisto) {
/// Serialize the vector of histo config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageHist, fvpsHistosFolder[uHisto]);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageHist, fvpsHistosFolder[uHisto]);
} // for (UInt_t uHisto = 0; uHisto < fvpsHistosFolder.size(); ++uHisto)
/// Catch case where no histos are registered!
/// => Add empty message
if (0 == fvpsHistosFolder.size()) {
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < fvpsCanvasConfig.size(); ++uCanv) {
/// Serialize the vector of canvas config into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr messageCan(NewMessage());
// Serialize<BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>(*messageCan, fvpsCanvasConfig[uCanv]);
BoostSerializer<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>().Serialize(*messageCan, fvpsCanvasConfig[uCanv]);
} // for (UInt_t uCanv = 0; uCanv < fvpsCanvasConfig.size(); ++uCanv)
/// Catch case where no Canvases are registered!
/// => Add empty message
if (0 == fvpsCanvasConfig.size()) {
FairMQMessagePtr messageHist(NewMessage());
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr msgHistos(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*msgHistos, &fArrayHisto);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*msgHistos, &fArrayHisto);
/// Send the multi-parts message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(partsOut, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "CbmTsConsumerReqDevExample::SendHistoConfAndData => Problem sending data";
return false;
} // if( Send( partsOut, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 )
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
// ALGO: fMonitorAlgo->ResetHistograms(kFALSE);
return true;
bool CbmDeviceUnpack::SendHistograms()
/// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message
FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage());
// Serialize<RootSerializer>(*message, &fArrayHisto);
RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, &fArrayHisto);
/// Send message to the common histogram messages queue
if (Send(message, fsChannelNameHistosInput) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
} // if( Send( message, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 )
/// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time)
// ALGO: fMonitorAlgo->ResetHistograms(kFALSE);
return true;
if (fBmonConfig) fBmonConfig->GetUnpacker()->Finish();
if (fStsConfig) fStsConfig->GetUnpacker()->Finish();
if (fMuchConfig) fMuchConfig->GetUnpacker()->Finish();
if (fTrd1DConfig) fTrd1DConfig->GetUnpacker()->Finish();
if (fTrd2DConfig) fTrd2DConfig->GetUnpacker()->Finish();
if (fTofConfig) fTofConfig->GetUnpacker()->Finish();
if (fRichConfig) fRichConfig->GetUnpacker()->Finish();
if (fPsdConfig) fPsdConfig->GetUnpacker()->Finish();
Bool_t CbmDeviceUnpack::DoUnpack(const fles::Timeslice& ts, size_t /*component*/)
// Prepare timeslice
// const fles::Timeslice& timeslice = *ts;
uint64_t nComponents = ts.num_components();
// if (fDoDebugPrints) LOG(info) << "Unpack: TS index " << ts.index() << " components " << nComponents;
LOG(debug) << "Unpack: TS index " << ts.index() << " components " << nComponents;
for (uint64_t component = 0; component < nComponents; component++) {
auto systemId = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(ts.descriptor(component, 0).sys_id);
switch (systemId) {
case fkFlesBmon: {
if (fBmonConfig) {
unpack(systemId, &ts, component, fBmonConfig, fBmonConfig->GetOptOutAVec(), fBmonConfig->GetOptOutBVec()));
case fkFlesSts: {
if (fStsConfig) {
unpack(systemId, &ts, component, fStsConfig, fStsConfig->GetOptOutAVec(), fStsConfig->GetOptOutBVec()));
case fkFlesMuch: {
if (fMuchConfig) {
unpack(systemId, &ts, component, fMuchConfig, fMuchConfig->GetOptOutAVec(), fMuchConfig->GetOptOutBVec()));
case fkFlesTrd: {
if (fTrd1DConfig) {
fCbmTsEventHeader->AddNDigisTrd1D(unpack(systemId, &ts, component, fTrd1DConfig,
fTrd1DConfig->GetOptOutAVec(), fTrd1DConfig->GetOptOutBVec()));
case fkFlesTrd2D: {
if (fTrd2DConfig) {
fCbmTsEventHeader->AddNDigisTrd2D(unpack(systemId, &ts, component, fTrd2DConfig,
fTrd2DConfig->GetOptOutAVec(), fTrd2DConfig->GetOptOutBVec()));
case fkFlesTof: {
if (fTofConfig) {
unpack(systemId, &ts, component, fTofConfig, fTofConfig->GetOptOutAVec(), fTofConfig->GetOptOutBVec()));
case fkFlesRich: {
if (fRichConfig) {
unpack(systemId, &ts, component, fRichConfig, fRichConfig->GetOptOutAVec(), fRichConfig->GetOptOutBVec()));
case fkFlesPsd: {
if (fPsdConfig) {
unpack(systemId, &ts, component, fPsdConfig, fPsdConfig->GetOptOutAVec(), fPsdConfig->GetOptOutBVec()));
default: {
if (fDoDebugPrints) LOG(error) << "Unpack: Unknown system ID " << systemId << " for component " << component;
if (fbOutputFullTimeSorting) {
/// Time sort the output vectors of all unpackers present
if (fBmonConfig && fBmonConfig->GetOutputVec()) { timesort(fBmonConfig->GetOutputVec()); }
if (fStsConfig && fStsConfig->GetOutputVec()) { timesort(fStsConfig->GetOutputVec()); }
if (fMuchConfig && fMuchConfig->GetOutputVec()) { timesort(fMuchConfig->GetOutputVec()); }
if (fTrd1DConfig && fTrd1DConfig->GetOutputVec()) { timesort(fTrd1DConfig->GetOutputVec()); }
if (fTrd2DConfig && fTrd2DConfig->GetOutputVec()) { timesort(fTrd2DConfig->GetOutputVec()); }
if (fTofConfig && fTofConfig->GetOutputVec()) { timesort(fTofConfig->GetOutputVec()); }
if (fRichConfig && fRichConfig->GetOutputVec()) { timesort(fRichConfig->GetOutputVec()); }
if (fPsdConfig && fPsdConfig->GetOutputVec()) { timesort(fPsdConfig->GetOutputVec()); }
/// Time sort the output vectors of all unpackers present
if (fBmonConfig && fBmonConfig->GetOptOutAVec()) { timesort(fBmonConfig->GetOptOutAVec()); }
if (fStsConfig && fStsConfig->GetOptOutAVec()) { timesort(fStsConfig->GetOptOutAVec()); }
if (fMuchConfig && fMuchConfig->GetOptOutAVec()) { timesort(fMuchConfig->GetOptOutAVec()); }
if (fTrd1DConfig && fTrd1DConfig->GetOptOutAVec()) { timesort(fTrd1DConfig->GetOptOutAVec()); }
if (fTrd2DConfig && fTrd2DConfig->GetOptOutAVec()) { timesort(fTrd2DConfig->GetOptOutAVec()); }
if (fTofConfig && fTofConfig->GetOptOutAVec()) { timesort(fTofConfig->GetOptOutAVec()); }
if (fRichConfig && fRichConfig->GetOptOutAVec()) { timesort(fRichConfig->GetOptOutAVec()); }
if (fPsdConfig && fPsdConfig->GetOptOutAVec()) { timesort(fPsdConfig->GetOptOutAVec()); }
if (0 == fulTsCounter % 10000) LOG(info) << "Processed " << fulTsCounter << " time slices";
return kTRUE;
* @brief Get the Trd Spadic
* @return std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdSpadic>
std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdSpadic> CbmDeviceUnpack::GetTrdSpadic(bool useAvgBaseline)
auto spadic = std::make_shared<CbmTrdSpadic>();
return spadic;
void CbmDeviceUnpack::Finish() {}
/* Copyright (C) 2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceUnpack.h
* @since 2020-05-04
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
#include "CbmMqTMessage.h"
#include "CbmTsEventHeader.h"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
#include "FairParGenericSet.h"
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class TList;
class CbmBmonUnpackConfig;
class CbmStsUnpackConfig;
class CbmMuchUnpackConfig;
class CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig;
class CbmTrdUnpackConfig;
class CbmTofUnpackConfig;
class CbmRichUnpackConfig;
class CbmPsdUnpackConfig;
class TimesliceMetaData;
class CbmTrdSpadic;
class CbmDeviceUnpack : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmDeviceUnpack();
virtual void InitTask();
bool ConditionalRun();
bool HandleCommand(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
/** @brief Set the Bmon Unpack Config @param config */
void SetUnpackConfig(std::shared_ptr<CbmBmonUnpackConfig> config) { fBmonConfig = config; }
/** @brief Set the Sts Unpack Config @param config */
void SetUnpackConfig(std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackConfig> config) { fStsConfig = config; }
/** @brief Set the Much Unpack Config @param config */
void SetUnpackConfig(std::shared_ptr<CbmMuchUnpackConfig> config) { fMuchConfig = config; }
/** @brief Set the Trd Unpack Config @param config */
void SetUnpackConfig(std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackConfig> config) { fTrd1DConfig = config; }
/** @brief Set the Trd2D Unpack Config @param config */
void SetUnpackConfig(std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig> config) { fTrd2DConfig = config; }
/** @brief Set the Tof Unpack Config @param config */
void SetUnpackConfig(std::shared_ptr<CbmTofUnpackConfig> config) { fTofConfig = config; }
/** @brief Set the Rich Unpack Config @param config */
void SetUnpackConfig(std::shared_ptr<CbmRichUnpackConfig> config) { fRichConfig = config; }
/** @brief Set the Psd Unpack Config @param config */
void SetUnpackConfig(std::shared_ptr<CbmPsdUnpackConfig> config) { fPsdConfig = config; }
/// Constants
static constexpr std::uint16_t fkFlesBmon = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(fles::Subsystem::BMON);
static constexpr std::uint16_t fkFlesMvd = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(fles::Subsystem::MVD);
static constexpr std::uint16_t fkFlesSts = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(fles::Subsystem::STS);
static constexpr std::uint16_t fkFlesMuch = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(fles::Subsystem::MUCH);
static constexpr std::uint16_t fkFlesTrd = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(fles::Subsystem::TRD);
static constexpr std::uint16_t fkFlesTrd2D = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(fles::Subsystem::TRD2D);
static constexpr std::uint16_t fkFlesTof = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(fles::Subsystem::TOF);
static constexpr std::uint16_t fkFlesRich = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(fles::Subsystem::RICH);
static constexpr std::uint16_t fkFlesPsd = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(fles::Subsystem::PSD);
/// Control flags
Bool_t fbIgnoreOverlapMs = false; //! Ignore Overlap Ms: all fuOverlapMsNb MS at the end of timeslice
Bool_t fbComponentsAddedToList = kFALSE;
/** @brief Flag if extended debug output is to be printed or not*/
bool fDoDebugPrints = false; //!
/** @brief Flag if performance profiling should be activated or not.*/
bool fDoPerfProf = false; //!
/** @brief Flag to Enable/disable a full time sorting. If off, time sorting happens per link/FLIM source */
bool fbOutputFullTimeSorting = false;
/// User settings parameters
std::string fsSetupName = "mcbm_beam_2021_07_surveyed";
uint32_t fuRunId = 1588;
/// ---> for selective unpacking
bool fbUnpBmon = false;
bool fbUnpSts = true;
bool fbUnpMuch = false;
bool fbUnpTrd1D = true;
bool fbUnpTrd2D = true;
bool fbUnpTof = true;
bool fbUnpRich = true;
bool fbUnpPsd = true;
/// message queues
std::string fsChannelNameDataInput = "ts-request";
std::string fsChannelNameDataOutput = "unpts_0";
std::string fsChannelNameCommands = "commands";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosInput = "histogram-in";
/// Histograms management
uint32_t fuPublishFreqTs = 100;
double_t fdMinPublishTime = 0.5;
double_t fdMaxPublishTime = 5.0;
/// Parameters management
// TList* fParCList = nullptr;
Bool_t InitParameters(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<FairParGenericSet>>>* reqparvec);
/// Statistics & first TS rejection
uint64_t fulNumMessages = 0;
uint64_t fulTsCounter = 0;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/** @brief Map to store a name for the unpackers and the processed amount of digis, key = fkFlesId*/
std::map<std::uint16_t, std::pair<std::string, size_t>> fNameMap = {}; //!
/** @brief Map to store the cpu and wall time, key = fkFlesId*/
std::map<std::uint16_t, std::pair<double, double>> fTimeMap = {}; //!
/** @brief Map to store the in and out data amount, key = fkFlesId*/
std::map<std::uint16_t, std::pair<double, double>> fDataSizeMap = {}; //!
/// Configuration of the unpackers. Provides the configured algorithm
std::shared_ptr<CbmBmonUnpackConfig> fBmonConfig = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackConfig> fStsConfig = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<CbmMuchUnpackConfig> fMuchConfig = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig> fTrd2DConfig = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackConfig> fTrd1DConfig = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<CbmTofUnpackConfig> fTofConfig = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<CbmRichUnpackConfig> fRichConfig = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<CbmPsdUnpackConfig> fPsdConfig = nullptr;
/// Pointer to the Timeslice header conatining start time and index
CbmTsEventHeader* fCbmTsEventHeader = nullptr;
/// Time offsets
std::vector<std::string> fvsSetTimeOffs = {};
/// TS MetaData storage: stable so should be moved somehow to parameters handling (not transmitted with each TS
size_t fuNbCoreMsPerTs = 0; //!
size_t fuNbOverMsPerTs = 0; //!
Double_t fdMsSizeInNs = 0; //! Size of a single MS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsCoreSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsOverSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of the overlap MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsFullSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of all MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
TimesliceMetaData* fTsMetaData;
/// Array of histograms to send to the histogram server
TObjArray fArrayHisto = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( HistoName, FolderPath ) to send to the histogram server
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsHistosFolder = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( CanvasName, CanvasConfig ) to send to the histogram server
/// Format of Can config is "NbPadX(U);NbPadY(U);ConfigPad1(s);....;ConfigPadXY(s)"
/// Format of Pad config is "GrixX(b),GridY(b),LogX(b),LogY(b),LogZ(b),HistoName(s),DrawOptions(s)"
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsCanvasConfig = {};
/// Flag indicating whether the histograms and canvases configurations were already published
bool fbConfigSent = false;
Bool_t InitContainers();
bool InitHistograms();
Bool_t DoUnpack(const fles::Timeslice& ts, size_t component);
void Finish();
bool SendUnpData();
bool SendHistoConfAndData();
bool SendHistograms();
std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdSpadic> GetTrdSpadic(bool useAvgBaseline);
/** @brief Sort a vector timewise vector type has to provide GetTime() */
template<typename TVecobj>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<TVecobj, std::nullptr_t>::value == true, void>::type
timesort(std::vector<TVecobj>* /*vec = nullptr*/)
LOG(debug) << "CbmDeviceUnpack::timesort() got an object that has no member function GetTime(). Hence, we can and "
"will not timesort it!";
template<typename TVecobj>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&TVecobj::GetTime)>::value, void>::type
timesort(std::vector<TVecobj>* /*vec = nullptr*/)
LOG(debug) << "CbmDeviceUnpack::timesort() " << TVecobj::Class_Name()
<< "is an object that has no member function GetTime(). Hence, we can and "
"will not timesort it!";
template<typename TVecobj>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&TVecobj::GetTime)>::value, void>::type
timesort(std::vector<TVecobj>* vec = nullptr)
if (vec == nullptr) return;
std::sort(vec->begin(), vec->end(),
[](const TVecobj& a, const TVecobj& b) -> bool { return a.GetTime() < b.GetTime(); });
* @brief Template for the unpacking call of a given algorithm.
* @tparam TAlgo Algorithm to be called
* @tparam TOutput Output element types
* @tparam TOptoutputs Optional output element types
* @param ts Timeslice
* @param icomp Component number
* @param algo Algorithm to be used for this component
* @param outtargetvec Target vector for the output elements
* @param optoutputvecs Target vectors for optional outputs
* @return std::pair<ndigis, std::pair<cputime, walltime>>
template<class TConfig, class TOptOutA = std::nullptr_t, class TOptOutB = std::nullptr_t>
size_t unpack(const std::uint16_t subsysid, const fles::Timeslice* ts, std::uint16_t icomp, TConfig config,
std::vector<TOptOutA>* optouttargetvecA = nullptr, std::vector<TOptOutB>* optouttargetvecB = nullptr)
auto wallstarttime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::clock_t cpustarttime = std::clock();
auto algo = config->GetUnpacker();
std::vector<TOptOutA> optoutAvec = {};
std::vector<TOptOutB> optoutBvec = {};
if (optouttargetvecA) { algo->SetOptOutAVec(&optoutAvec); }
if (optouttargetvecB) { algo->SetOptOutBVec(&optoutBvec); }
// Set the start time of the current TS for this algorithm
// Run the actual unpacking
auto digivec = algo->Unpack(ts, icomp);
// Check if we want to write the output to somewhere (in pure online monitoring mode for example this can/would/should be skipped)
if (config->GetOutputVec()) {
// Lets do some time-sorting if we are not doing it later
if (!fbOutputFullTimeSorting) timesort(&digivec);
// Transfer the data from the timeslice vector to the target branch vector
// Digis/default output retrieved as offered by the algorithm
for (auto digi : digivec)
if (optouttargetvecA) {
// Lets do some timesorting
if (!fbOutputFullTimeSorting) timesort(&optoutAvec);
// Transfer the data from the timeslice vector to the target branch vector
for (auto optoutA : optoutAvec)
if (optouttargetvecB) {
// Second opt output is not time sorted to allow non GetTime data container.
// Lets do some timesorting
// Transfer the data from the timeslice vector to the target branch vector
for (auto optoutB : optoutBvec)
std::clock_t cpuendtime = std::clock();
auto wallendtime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// Cpu time in [mus]
auto cputime = 1e6 * (cpuendtime - cpustarttime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
// Real time in [mus]
auto walltime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::micro>(wallendtime - wallstarttime).count();
// Check some numbers from this timeslice
size_t nDigis = digivec.size();
LOG(debug) << "Component " << icomp << " connected to config " << config->GetName() << " n-Digis " << nDigis
<< " processed in walltime(cputime) = " << walltime << "(" << cputime << cputime << ") micro s"
<< "this timeslice.";
if (fDoPerfProf) {
auto timeit = fTimeMap.find(subsysid);
timeit->second.first += cputime;
timeit->second.second += walltime;
auto datait = fDataSizeMap.find(subsysid);
datait->second.first += ts->size_component(icomp) / 1.0e6;
datait->second.second += nDigis * algo->GetOutputObjSize() / 1.0e6;
fNameMap.find(subsysid)->second.second += nDigis;
return nDigis;
Low priority
- Pub-Sub Queue from Sink to intermediate devices (unpackers, Event builders, ?calibrators?, ...) to signal that last TS was received and dumped and Transition
`Active -> Ready -> Stop -> End` can be done (e.g. through a Finish method)
- Empty/custom TsEventHeader and event vector when dumping missing TS in Sink (vector maybe already OK)
/* Copyright (C) 2022 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
#include "CbmDeviceBmonMonitor.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
using namespace std;
void addCustomOptions(bpo::options_description& options)
options.add_options()("Setup", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("mcbm_beam_2021_07_surveyed"),
"Name/tag of the geomatry setup");
options.add_options()("RunId", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value(1588), "Run ID");
options.add_options()("UnpBmon", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false), "Enable Bmon unpacking if true");
options.add_options()("IgnOverMs", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(true), "Ignore overlap MS if true");
options.add_options()("FullTimeSort", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(true),
"Full time sorting per detector before sending output array");
options.add_options()("SetTimeOffs", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Set time offset in ns for selected detector, use string matching "
"ECbmModuleId,dOffs e.g. kTof,-35.2");
options.add_options()("TsNameIn", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("ts-request"),
"MQ channel name for raw TS data");
options.add_options()("TsNameOut", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("unpts_0"),
"MQ channel name for unpacked TS data");
options.add_options()("PubFreqTs", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value(0), "Histo publishing frequency in TS");
options.add_options()("PubTimeMin", bpo::value<double_t>()->default_value(1.0),
"Minimal time between two publishing");
options.add_options()("PubTimeMax", bpo::value<double_t>()->default_value(10.0),
"Maximal time between two publishing");
options.add_options()("ChNameIn", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("histogram-in"),
"MQ channel name for histos");
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/) { return new CbmDeviceBmonMonitor(); }
/* Copyright (C) 2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Dominik Smith [committer] */
#include "CbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
using namespace std;
void addCustomOptions(bpo::options_description& options)
options.add_options()("FillHistos", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(true),
"Fill histograms and send them to histo server if true");
options.add_options()("IgnTsOver", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false), "Ignore TS overlap if true");
options.add_options()("EvtOverMode", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("NoOverlap"),
"Set the event overlap mode, use string matching an EOverlapMode ");
options.add_options()("RefDet", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("kBmon"),
"Set the reference (seed) detector, use string matching an ECbmModuleId ");
options.add_options()("AddDet", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Add a detector for digis selection, use string matching an ECbmModuleId ");
options.add_options()("DelDet", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Remove a detector for digis selection, use string matching an "
"ECbmModuleId ");
options.add_options()("SetTrigWin", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Set trigger window for selected detector, use string matching "
"ECbmModuleId,dWinBeg,dWinEnd e.g. kSts,-10.5,100.0");
options.add_options()("SetTrigMinNb", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Set minimum number of digis for selected detector, use string matching "
"ECbmModuleId,uMinNb e.g. kTof,10");
options.add_options()("SetTrigMaxNb", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Set maximum number of digis for selected detector, use string matching "
"ECbmModuleId,uMaxNb e.g. kTof,10");
options.add_options()("SetTrigMinLayersNb", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Set minimum number of fired layers for selected detector, use string matching "
"ECbmModuleId,uMinLayersNb e.g. kTof,3");
options.add_options()("SetHistMaxDigiNb", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Set max nb of digi in histograms for selected detector, use string matching "
"ECbmModuleId,dMaxDigiNb e.g. kTof,1000");
options.add_options()("DoNotSend", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false), "Disable the sending of data if true");
options.add_options()("DigiEventOutput", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
"Enable output of CbmDigiEvents instead of raw data + CbmEvents if true");
options.add_options()("TsNameIn", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("unpts_0"),
"MQ channel name for unpacked TS data");
options.add_options()("EvtNameOut", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("events"),
"MQ channel name for built events");
options.add_options()("ChNameIn", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("histogram-in"),
"MQ channel name for histos");
options.add_options()("ChNameHistCfg", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("histo-conf"),
"MQ channel name for histos config");
options.add_options()("ChNameCanvCfg", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("canvas-conf"),
"MQ channel name for canvases config");
options.add_options()("PubFreqTs", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value(100), "Histo publishing frequency in TS");
options.add_options()("PubTimeMin", bpo::value<double_t>()->default_value(1.0),
"Minimal time between two publishing");
options.add_options()("PubTimeMax", bpo::value<double_t>()->default_value(10.0),
"Maximal time between two publishing");
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/) { return new CbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents(); }
/* Copyright (C) 2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Dominik Smith [committer] */
#include "CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
using namespace std;
void addCustomOptions(bpo::options_description& options)
options.add_options()("FillHistos", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(true),
"Fill histograms and send them to histo server if true");
options.add_options()("IgnTsOver", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false), "Ignore TS overlap if true");
options.add_options()("EvtOverMode", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("NoOverlap"),
"Set the event overlap mode, use string matching an EOverlapMode ");
options.add_options()("RefDet", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("kBmon"),
"Set the reference (seed) detector, use string matching an ECbmModuleId ");
options.add_options()("AddDet", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Add a detector for digis selection, use string matching an ECbmModuleId ");
options.add_options()("DelDet", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Remove a detector for digis selection, use string matching an "
"ECbmModuleId ");
options.add_options()("SetTrigWin", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Set trigger window for selected detector, use string matching "
"ECbmModuleId,dWinBeg,dWinEnd e.g. kSts,-10.5,100.0");
options.add_options()("SetTrigMinNb", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->multitoken()->composing(),
"Set minimum number of digis for selected detector, use string matching "
"ECbmModuleId,uMinNb e.g. kTof,10");
options.add_options()("TsNameIn", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("unpts_0"),
"MQ channel name for unpacked TS data");
options.add_options()("EvtNameOut", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("events"),
"MQ channel name for built events");
options.add_options()("ChNameIn", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("histogram-in"),
"MQ channel name for histos");
options.add_options()("ChNameHistCfg", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("histo-conf"),
"MQ channel name for histos config");
options.add_options()("ChNameCanvCfg", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("canvas-conf"),
"MQ channel name for canvases config");
options.add_options()("PubFreqTs", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value(100), "Histo publishing frequency in TS");
options.add_options()("PubTimeMin", bpo::value<double_t>()->default_value(1.0),
"Minimal time between two publishing");
options.add_options()("PubTimeMax", bpo::value<double_t>()->default_value(10.0),
"Maximal time between two publishing");
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/) { return new CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents(); }
/* Copyright (C) 2021 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
#include "CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
using namespace std;
void addCustomOptions(bpo::options_description& options)
options.add_options()("StoreFullTs", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
"Store digis vectors with full TS in addition to selected events if true");
options.add_options()("OutFileName", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("mcbm_digis_events.root"),
"Name (full or relative path) of the output .root file ");
options.add_options()("EvtNameIn", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("events"),
"MQ channel name for built events");
options.add_options()("BypassConsecutiveTs", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
"Do not wait for having consecutive TS in buffer before writing to file if true");
options.add_options()("WriteMissingTs", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
"Write empty TS to file for the missing ones if true (irrelevant if bypass ON)");
options.add_options()("DisableCompression", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
"Disable the root file compression if true");
options.add_options()("TreeFileMaxSize", bpo::value<int64_t>()->default_value(10000000000LL),
"Set the maximum output tree size (~file size) in bytes");
options.add_options()("DigiEventInput", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
"Enable the input of CbmDigiEvents instead of raw data + CbmEvents if true");
options.add_options()("ExclusiveTrdExtract", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(true),
"Enable loop based extraction of TRD digis to handle different 1D/2D sel windows if true");
options.add_options()("FillHistos", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
"Fill histograms and send them to histo server if true");
options.add_options()("PubFreqTs", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value(100), "Histo publishing frequency in TS");
options.add_options()("PubTimeMin", bpo::value<double_t>()->default_value(1.0),
"Minimal time between two publishing");
options.add_options()("PubTimeMax", bpo::value<double_t>()->default_value(10.0),
"Maximal time between two publishing");
options.add_options()("HistosSuffix", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""),
"Suffix added to folders, histos and canvases names, e.g. for multiple nodes usages");
options.add_options()("ChNameIn", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("histogram-in"),
"MQ channel name for histos");
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/) { return new CbmDeviceDigiEventSink(); }
/* Copyright (C) 2020 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
#include "CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include "runFairMQDevice.h"
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
using namespace std;
void addCustomOptions(bpo::options_description& options)
options.add_options()("OutFileName", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("mcbm_digis_events.root"),
"Name (full or relative path) of the output .root file ");
options.add_options()("EvtNameIn", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("events"),
"MQ channel name for built events");
options.add_options()("FillHistos", bpo::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
"Fill histograms and send them to histo server if true");
options.add_options()("ChNameIn", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("histogram-in"),
"MQ channel name for histos");
options.add_options()("ChNameHistCfg", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("histo-conf"),
"MQ channel name for histos config");
options.add_options()("ChNameCanvCfg", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value("canvas-conf"),
"MQ channel name for canvases config");
options.add_options()("PubFreqTs", bpo::value<uint32_t>()->default_value(100), "Histo publishing frequency in TS");
options.add_options()("PubTimeMin", bpo::value<double_t>()->default_value(1.0),
"Minimal time between two publishing");
options.add_options()("PubTimeMax", bpo::value<double_t>()->default_value(10.0),
"Maximal time between two publishing");
FairMQDevicePtr getDevice(const FairMQProgOptions& /*config*/) { return new CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink(); }