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/* Copyright (C) 2022-2023 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Sergey Gorbunov, Sergei Zharko [committer] */
/// \file CaDefs.h
/// \brief Compile-time constants definition for the CA tracking algorithm
/// \since 02.06.2022
/// \author S.Zharko <>
#pragma once // include this header only once per compilation unit
#include "CaSimd.h"
#include "KfFramework.h"
#include "KfTrackParam.h"
#include <limits>
namespace cbm::algo::ca
using cbm::algo::kf::TrackParam;
using cbm::algo::kf::TrackParamV;
} // namespace cbm::algo::ca
/// Namespace contains compile-time constants definition for the CA tracking algorithm
namespace cbm::algo::ca::constants
/// Array sizes
namespace size
/// Order of polynomial to approximate field in the vicinity of station plane
constexpr int MaxFieldApproxPolynomialOrder{5};
/// Amount of coefficients in field approximations
constexpr int MaxNFieldApproxCoefficients{(MaxFieldApproxPolynomialOrder + 1) * (MaxFieldApproxPolynomialOrder + 2)
/ 2};
/// Amount of bits to code a station or triplet. This values determine the maximum number of stations and triplets
constexpr unsigned int StationBits = 6u; ///< Amount of bits to code one station
constexpr unsigned int TripletBits = 32u - StationBits; ///< Amount of bits to code one triplet
constexpr int MaxNdetectors = 5; ///< Max number of tracking detectors
constexpr int MaxNstations = 1u << StationBits; ///< Max number of stations, 2^6 = 64
constexpr int MaxNtriplets = 1u << TripletBits; ///< Max number of triplets, 2^26 = 67,108,864
constexpr uint8_t DetBits = 4u; ///< Maximum 16 detector systems
/// Max number of track groups
/// NOTE: For a "track group" definition see CaParameters.h, GetSearchWindow function
constexpr int MaxNtrackGroups = 4;
} // namespace size
/// Control flags
namespace control
/// \brief Flag: input data QA level
/// - 0: no checks will be done
/// - 1: only number of hits and strips as well as validity of hits first and last indexes will be checked
/// - 2: hits sorting is checked
/// - 3: every hit is checked for consistency
/// \note The larger Level corresponds to more precise checks, but is followed by larger time penalty
/// \warning other options than 0 do not work properly, more tests are needed!
constexpr int InputDataQaLevel = 0;
} // namespace control
/// Physics constants
namespace phys
/// Particle masses etc used for the track fit, double precision
constexpr double MuonMassD = 0.105658375523; ///< Muon mass [GeV/c2]
constexpr double PionMassD = 0.1395703918; ///< Pion mass [GeV/c2]
constexpr double KaonMassD = 0.493677f; ///< Kaon mass [GeV/c2] (PDG 22.08.2023)
constexpr double ElectronMassD = 0.0005109989500015; ///< Electron mass [GeV/c2]
constexpr double ProtonMassD = 0.93827208816; ///< Proton mass [GeV/c2] (PDG 11.08.2022)
constexpr double SpeedOfLightD = 29.9792458; ///< Speed of light [cm/ns]
constexpr double SpeedOfLightInvD = 1. / SpeedOfLightD; ///< Inverse speed of light [ns/cm]
/// Particle masses etc used for the track fit, fscal precision
constexpr fscal MuonMass = MuonMassD; ///< Muon mass [GeV/c2]
constexpr fscal PionMass = PionMassD; ///< Pion mass [GeV/c2]
constexpr fscal KaonMass = KaonMassD; ///< Kaon mass [GeV/c2] (PDG 22.08.2023)
constexpr fscal ElectronMass = ElectronMassD; ///< Electron mass [GeV/c2]
constexpr fscal ProtonMass = ProtonMassD; ///< Proton mass [GeV/c2] (PDG 11.08.2022)
constexpr fscal SpeedOfLight = SpeedOfLightD; ///< Speed of light [cm/ns]
constexpr fscal SpeedOfLightInv = SpeedOfLightInvD; ///< Inverse speed of light [ns/cm]
} // namespace phys
/// Math constants
namespace math
constexpr double Pi = 3.14159265358979323846; ///< Value of PI, used in ROOT TMath
} // namespace math
/// Miscellaneous constants
namespace misc
constexpr int AssertionLevel = 0; ///< Assertion level
constexpr int Alignment = 16; ///< Default alignment of data (bytes)
constexpr fscal NegligibleFieldkG = 1.e-4; ///< Negligible field [kG]
} // namespace misc
/// \brief Undefined values
template<typename T1, typename T2 = T1>
constexpr T2 Undef;
inline constexpr int Undef<int> = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
inline constexpr unsigned Undef<unsigned> = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
inline constexpr float Undef<float> = std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
inline constexpr double Undef<double> = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
inline constexpr fscal Undef<fvec> = std::numeric_limits<fscal>::signaling_NaN();
/// Colors of terminal log messages
namespace clrs
// NOTE: To be used first, because different users may have different console bg and fg colors
constexpr char CL[] = "\e[0m"; ///< clear
constexpr char CLb[] = "\e[1m"; ///< clear bold
constexpr char CLi[] = "\e[3m"; ///< clear italic
constexpr char CLu[] = "\e[4m"; ///< clear underline
constexpr char CLr[] = "\e[7m"; ///< clear reverse
constexpr char CLbi[] = "\e[1;3m"; ///< clear bold-italic
constexpr char CLbu[] = "\e[1;4m"; ///< clear bold-underline
constexpr char CLbr[] = "\e[1;7m"; ///< clear bold-reverse
// regular
constexpr char BK[] = "\e[30m"; ///< normal black
constexpr char RD[] = "\e[31m"; ///< normal red
constexpr char GN[] = "\e[32m"; ///< normal green
constexpr char YL[] = "\e[33m"; ///< normal yellow
constexpr char BL[] = "\e[34m"; ///< normal blue
constexpr char MG[] = "\e[35m"; ///< normal magenta
constexpr char CY[] = "\e[36m"; ///< normal cyan
constexpr char GY[] = "\e[37m"; ///< normal grey
constexpr char WT[] = "\e[38m"; ///< normal white
// bold
constexpr char BKb[] = "\e[1;30m"; ///< bold black
constexpr char RDb[] = "\e[1;31m"; ///< bold red
constexpr char GNb[] = "\e[1;32m"; ///< bold green
constexpr char YLb[] = "\e[1;33m"; ///< bold yellow
constexpr char BLb[] = "\e[1;34m"; ///< bold blue
constexpr char MGb[] = "\e[1;35m"; ///< bold magenta
constexpr char CYb[] = "\e[1;36m"; ///< bold cyan
constexpr char GYb[] = "\e[1;37m"; ///< bold grey
constexpr char WTb[] = "\e[1;38m"; ///< bold white
// italic
constexpr char BKi[] = "\e[3;30m"; ///< italic black
constexpr char RDi[] = "\e[3;31m"; ///< italic red
constexpr char GNi[] = "\e[3;32m"; ///< italic green
constexpr char YLi[] = "\e[3;33m"; ///< italic yellow
constexpr char BLi[] = "\e[3;34m"; ///< italic blue
constexpr char MGi[] = "\e[3;35m"; ///< italic magenta
constexpr char CYi[] = "\e[3;36m"; ///< italic cyan
constexpr char GYi[] = "\e[3;37m"; ///< italic grey
constexpr char WTi[] = "\e[3;38m"; ///< italic white
// underline
constexpr char BKu[] = "\e[4;30m"; ///< underline black
constexpr char RDu[] = "\e[4;31m"; ///< underline red
constexpr char GNu[] = "\e[4;32m"; ///< underline green
constexpr char YLu[] = "\e[4;33m"; ///< underline yellow
constexpr char BLu[] = "\e[4;34m"; ///< underline blue
constexpr char MGu[] = "\e[4;35m"; ///< underline magenta
constexpr char CYu[] = "\e[4;36m"; ///< underline cyan
constexpr char GYu[] = "\e[4;37m"; ///< underline grey
constexpr char WTu[] = "\e[4;38m"; ///< underline white
// reverse
constexpr char BKr[] = "\e[7;30m"; ///< reverse black
constexpr char RDr[] = "\e[7;31m"; ///< reverse red
constexpr char GNr[] = "\e[7;32m"; ///< reverse green
constexpr char YLr[] = "\e[7;33m"; ///< reverse yellow
constexpr char BLr[] = "\e[7;34m"; ///< reverse blue
constexpr char MGr[] = "\e[7;35m"; ///< reverse magenta
constexpr char CYr[] = "\e[7;36m"; ///< reverse cyan
constexpr char GYr[] = "\e[7;37m"; ///< reverse grey
constexpr char WTr[] = "\e[7;38m"; ///< reverse white
// bold-underline
constexpr char BKbu[] = "\e[1;4;30m"; ///< bold-underline black
constexpr char RDbu[] = "\e[1;4;31m"; ///< bold-underline red
constexpr char GNbu[] = "\e[1;4;32m"; ///< bold-underline green
constexpr char YLbu[] = "\e[1;4;33m"; ///< bold-underline yellow
constexpr char BLbu[] = "\e[1;4;34m"; ///< bold-underline blue
constexpr char MGbu[] = "\e[1;4;35m"; ///< bold-underline magenta
constexpr char CYbu[] = "\e[1;4;36m"; ///< bold-underline cyan
constexpr char GYbu[] = "\e[1;4;37m"; ///< bold-underline grey
constexpr char WTbu[] = "\e[1;4;38m"; ///< bold-underline white
// bold-italic
constexpr char BKbi[] = "\e[1;3;30m"; ///< bold-italic black
constexpr char RDbi[] = "\e[1;3;31m"; ///< bold-italic red
constexpr char GNbi[] = "\e[1;3;32m"; ///< bold-italic green
constexpr char YLbi[] = "\e[1;3;33m"; ///< bold-italic yellow
constexpr char BLbi[] = "\e[1;3;34m"; ///< bold-italic blue
constexpr char MGbi[] = "\e[1;3;35m"; ///< bold-italic magenta
constexpr char CYbi[] = "\e[1;3;36m"; ///< bold-italic cyan
constexpr char GYbi[] = "\e[1;3;37m"; ///< bold-italic grey
constexpr char WTbi[] = "\e[1;3;38m"; ///< bold-italic white
// bold-reverse
constexpr char BKbr[] = "\e[1;7;30m"; ///< bold-reverse black
constexpr char RDbr[] = "\e[1;7;31m"; ///< bold-reverse red
constexpr char GNbr[] = "\e[1;7;32m"; ///< bold-reverse green
constexpr char YLbr[] = "\e[1;7;33m"; ///< bold-reverse yellow
constexpr char BLbr[] = "\e[1;7;34m"; ///< bold-reverse blue
constexpr char MGbr[] = "\e[1;7;35m"; ///< bold-reverse magenta
constexpr char CYbr[] = "\e[1;7;36m"; ///< bold-reverse cyan
constexpr char GYbr[] = "\e[1;7;37m"; ///< bold-reverse grey
constexpr char WTbr[] = "\e[1;7;38m"; ///< bold-reverse white
} // namespace clrs
} // namespace cbm::algo::ca::constants
/* Copyright (C) 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Sergey Gorbunov, Sergei Zharko [committer] */
/// \file CaInitManager.cxx
/// \brief Input data management class for the CA tracking algorithm (implementation)
/// \since 19.01.2022
/// \author Sergei Zharko <>
#include "CaInitManager.h"
#include "CaConfigReader.h"
#include "KfSetupBuilder.h"
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
namespace cbm::algo::ca
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::AddStation(const StationInitializer& inStation) { fvStationInfo.push_back(inStation); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::AddStations(const Parameters<fvec>& par)
const auto& stations = par.GetStations();
for (int iSt = 0; iSt < par.GetNstationsActive(); ++iSt) {
auto stationIn = Station<double>(stations[iSt]);
// Get detector ID of the station
auto [detId, locId] = par.GetStationIndexLocal(par.GetActiveToGeoMap()[iSt]);
auto stationInfo = ca::StationInitializer(detId, locId);
stationInfo.SetZmin(0.); // NOTE: Deprecated (not used)
stationInfo.SetZmax(0.); // NOTE: Deprecated (not used)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::CheckInit()
fbConfigIsRead = false;
fbGeometryConfigLock = false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::ClearSetupInfo()
// Clear stations set and a thickness map
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kStationsInfo, false);
// Set number of stations do default values
// Clear field info
fParameters.fVertexFieldRegion = kf::FieldRegion<fvec>();
fParameters.fVertexFieldValue = kf::FieldValue<fvec>();
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kPrimaryVertexField, false);
// Clear target position
fTargetZ = 0.;
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kTargetPos, false);
// Clear field function
fFieldFunction = FieldFunction_t([](const double(&)[3], double(&)[3]) {});
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kFieldFunction, false);
// Clear other flags
fParameters.fRandomSeed = 1;
fParameters.fGhostSuppression = 0;
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kRandomSeed, false);
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kGhostSuppression, false);
fParameters.fDevIsIgnoreHitSearchAreas = false;
fParameters.fDevIsUseOfOriginalField = false;
fParameters.fDevIsMatchDoubletsViaMc = false;
fParameters.fDevIsMatchTripletsViaMc = false;
fParameters.fDevIsExtendTracksViaMc = false;
fParameters.fDevIsSuppressOverlapHitsViaMc = false;
fParameters.fDevIsParSearchWUsed = false;
fbGeometryConfigLock = false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::ClearCAIterations()
fCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck = -1;
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kCAIterations, false);
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck, false);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: this function should be called once in the SendParameters
bool InitManager::FormParametersContainer()
// Read configuration files
if (!fbConfigIsRead) { // Check config reading status
return false;
if (!fParameters.fDevIsParSearchWUsed) {
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kSearchWindows, true);
// Apply magnetic field to the station info objects
std::for_each(fvStationInfo.begin(), fvStationInfo.end(), [&](auto& st) { st.SetFieldFunction(fFieldFunction); });
// Check initialization
if (!fInitController.IsFinalized()) {
LOG(error) << "ca::InitManager: Attempt to form parameters container before all necessary fields were initialized"
<< fInitController.ToString();
return false;
{ // Form array of stations
auto destIt = fParameters.fStations.begin();
for (const auto& station : fvStationInfo) {
if (!station.GetTrackingStatus()) {
*destIt = station.GetStation();
// Check the consistency of the parameters object. If object inconsistent, it throws std::logic_error
try {
catch (const std::logic_error& err) {
LOG(error) << "ca::InitManager: parameters container consistency check failed. Reason: " << err.what();
return false;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int InitManager::GetNstationsActive() const
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kStationLayoutInitialized)) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: number of active stations cannot be accessed until the station layout is initialized";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
return fParameters.GetNstationsActive();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int InitManager::GetNstationsActive(EDetectorID detectorID) const
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kStationLayoutInitialized)) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: number of active stations cannot be accessed until the station layout is initialized";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
return fParameters.GetNstationsActive(detectorID);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int InitManager::GetNstationsGeometry() const
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kStationLayoutInitialized)) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: number of geometry stations cannot be accessed until the station layout is initialized";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
return fParameters.GetNstationsGeometry();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int InitManager::GetNstationsGeometry(EDetectorID detectorID) const
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kStationLayoutInitialized)) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: number of geometry stations cannot be accessed until the station layout is initialized";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
return fParameters.GetNstationsGeometry(detectorID);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::vector<StationInitializer>& InitManager::GetStationInfo()
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kStationLayoutInitialized)) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: station info container cannot be accessed until the station layout is initialized";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
return fvStationInfo;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::InitStationLayout()
LOG(info) << "ca::InitManager::InitStationLayout(): ....";
std::sort(fvStationInfo.begin(), fvStationInfo.end());
for (const auto& aStation : fvStationInfo) {
++fParameters.fvFirstGeoId[static_cast<int>(aStation.GetDetectorID()) + 1];
for (int iDet = 1; iDet < static_cast<int>(fParameters.fvFirstGeoId.size()) - 1; ++iDet) {
fParameters.fvFirstGeoId[iDet + 1] += fParameters.fvFirstGeoId[iDet];
fParameters.fNstationsActiveTotal = 0;
for (int iStGeo = 0; iStGeo < static_cast<int>(fvStationInfo.size()); ++iStGeo) {
const auto& aStation = fvStationInfo[iStGeo];
int iDet = static_cast<int>(aStation.GetDetectorID());
int iStLocal = aStation.GetStationID();
// Fill local -> geo map
fParameters.fvGeoToLocalIdMap[iStGeo] = std::make_pair(aStation.GetDetectorID(), iStLocal);
// Fill geo -> local map
fParameters.fvLocalToGeoIdMap[fParameters.fvFirstGeoId[iDet] + iStLocal] = iStGeo;
// Fill geo <-> active map
int iStActive = aStation.GetTrackingStatus() ? fParameters.fNstationsActiveTotal++ : -1;
fParameters.fvGeoToActiveMap[iStGeo] = iStActive;
if (iStActive > -1) {
fParameters.fvActiveToGeoMap[iStActive] = iStGeo;
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kStationLayoutInitialized, true);
for (auto& aStation : fvStationInfo) {
aStation.SetGeoLayerID(fParameters.GetStationIndexGeometry(aStation.GetStationID(), aStation.GetDetectorID()));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::InitTargetField(double zStep)
if (fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kPrimaryVertexField)) {
LOG(warn) << "ca::InitManager::InitTargetField: attempt to reinitialize the field value and field region "
<< "near target. Ignore";
// Check for field function
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kFieldFunction)) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "Attempt to initialize the field value and field region near target before initializing field function";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
// Check for target defined
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kTargetPos)) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "Attempt to initialize the field value and field region near target before the target position"
<< "initialization";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
constexpr int nDimensions{3};
constexpr int nPointsNodal{3};
std::array<double, nPointsNodal> inputNodalZ{fTargetZ, fTargetZ + zStep, fTargetZ + 2. * zStep};
std::array<kf::FieldValue<fvec>, nPointsNodal> B{};
std::array<fvec, nPointsNodal> z{};
// loop over nodal points
for (int idx = 0; idx < nPointsNodal; ++idx) {
double point[nDimensions]{0., 0., inputNodalZ[idx]};
double field[nDimensions]{};
fFieldFunction(point, field);
z[idx] = inputNodalZ[idx];
B[idx].Set(field[0], field[1], field[2]);
} // loop over nodal points: end
fParameters.fVertexFieldRegion.Set(B[0], z[0], B[1], z[1], B[2], z[2]);
fParameters.fVertexFieldValue = B[0];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::PushBackCAIteration(const Iteration& iteration)
// TODO: probably some checks must be inserted here (S.Zharko)
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck)) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "Attempt to push back a CA track finder iteration before the number of iterations was defined";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::ReadInputConfigs()
if (!fbConfigIsRead) {
LOG(info) << "ca::InitManager: reading parameter configuration ...";
try {
auto configReader = ConfigReader(this, 4);
fbConfigIsRead = true;
LOG(info) << "ca::InitManager: reading parameter configuration ... \033[1;32mdone\033[0m";
catch (const std::runtime_error& err) {
LOG(error) << "ca::InitManager: reading parameter configuration ... \033[1;31mfail\033[0m. Reason: "
<< err.what();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::ReadGeometrySetup(const std::string& fileName)
// Open input binary file
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::ReadParametersObject(const std::string& fileName)
using namespace constants;
// clrs::CL - end colored log
// clrs::GNb - bold green log
// clrs::RDb - bold red log
// Open input binary file
std::ifstream ifs(fileName, std::ios::binary);
if (!ifs) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: parameters data file \"" << clrs::GNb << fileName << clrs::CL << "\" was not found";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
// Get L1InputData object
try {
boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(ifs);
ia >> fParameters;
fbGeometryConfigLock = true;
catch (const std::exception&) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: parameters file \"" << clrs::GNb << fileName << clrs::CL
<< "\" has incorrect data format or was corrupted";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kStationLayoutInitialized, true);
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kPrimaryVertexField, true);
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kSearchWindows, true);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::ReadSearchWindows(const std::string& fileName)
// Open input binary file
std::ifstream ifs(fileName);
if (!ifs) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: search window file \"" << fileName << "\" was not found";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
try {
boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs);
int nPars = -1;
int nWindows = -1;
ia >> nPars;
assert(nPars == 1); // Currently only the constant windows are available
ia >> nWindows;
std::stringstream errMsg;
for (int iW = 0; iW < nWindows; ++iW) {
SearchWindow swBuffer;
ia >> swBuffer;
int iStationID = swBuffer.GetStationID();
int iTrackGrID = swBuffer.GetTrackGroupID();
if (iStationID < 0 || iStationID > constants::size::MaxNstations) {
errMsg << "\t- wrong station id for entry " << iW << ": " << iStationID << " (should be between 0 and "
<< constants::size::MaxNstations << ")\n";
if (iTrackGrID < 0 || iTrackGrID > constants::size::MaxNtrackGroups) {
errMsg << "\t- wrong track group id for entry " << iW << ": " << iTrackGrID << " (should be between 0 and "
<< constants::size::MaxNtrackGroups << ")\n";
fParameters.fSearchWindows[iTrackGrID * constants::size::MaxNstations + iStationID] = swBuffer;
if (errMsg.str().size()) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: some errors occurred while reading search windows: " << errMsg.str();
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "search windows file \"" << fileName << "\" has incorrect data format or was corrupted. ";
msg << "Exception catched: " << err.what();
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kSearchWindows, true);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::SetCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck(int nIterations)
fCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck = nIterations;
auto& iterationsContainer = fParameters.fCAIterations;
// NOTE: should be called to prevent multiple copies of objects between the memory reallocations
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::SetFieldFunction(const FieldFunction_t& fieldFunction)
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kFieldFunction)) {
fFieldFunction = fieldFunction;
else {
LOG(warn) << "ca::InitManager::SetFieldFunction: attempt to reinitialize the field function. Ignored";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::SetGhostSuppression(int ghostSuppression)
if (fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kGhostSuppression)) {
<< "ca::InitManager::SetGhostSuppression: attempt of reinitializating the ghost suppresion flag. Ignore";
fParameters.fGhostSuppression = ghostSuppression;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::SetRandomSeed(unsigned int seed)
if (fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kRandomSeed)) {
LOG(warn) << "ca::InitManager::SetRandomSeed: attempt of reinitializating the random seed. Ignore";
fParameters.fRandomSeed = seed;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::SetTargetPosition(double x, double y, double z)
if (fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kTargetPos)) {
LOG(warn) << "ca::InitManager::SetTargetPosition: attempt to reinitialize the target position. Ignore";
/// Fill fvec target fields
fParameters.fTargetPos[0] = x;
fParameters.fTargetPos[1] = y;
fParameters.fTargetPos[2] = z;
/// Set additional field for z component in double precision
fTargetZ = z;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Parameters<fvec>&& InitManager::TakeParameters() { return std::move(fParameters); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::WriteParametersObject(const std::string& fileName) const
using constants::clrs::CL;
using constants::clrs::GNb;
// Open output binary file
std::ofstream ofs(fileName, std::ios::binary);
if (!ofs) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: failed opening file \"" << GNb << fileName << CL << "\" to write parameters object";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
LOG(info) << "ca::InitManager: writing CA parameters object to file \"" << GNb << fileName << '\"' << CL;
// Serialize L1Parameters object and write
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(ofs);
oa << fParameters;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::CheckCAIterationsInit()
bool ifInitPassed = true;
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kCAIterations)) {
int nIterationsActual = fParameters.fCAIterations.size();
int nIterationsExpected = fCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck;
if (nIterationsActual != nIterationsExpected) {
LOG(warn) << "ca::InitManager::CheckCAIterations: incorrect number of iterations registered: "
<< nIterationsActual << " of " << nIterationsExpected << " expected";
ifInitPassed = false;
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kCAIterations, ifInitPassed);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: REWRITE! and add const qualifier (S.Zharko)
void InitManager::CheckStationsInfoInit()
bool ifInitPassed = true;
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kStationsInfo)) {
// (1) Check the stations themselves
bool bStationsFinalized = std::all_of(fvStationInfo.begin(), fvStationInfo.end(),
[](const auto& st) { return st.GetInitController().IsFinalized(); });
if (!bStationsFinalized) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: At least one of the StationInitializer objects is not finalized";
// (2) Check for maximum allowed number of stations
if (fParameters.GetNstationsGeometry() > constants::size::MaxNstations) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "Actual total number of registered stations in geometry (" << fParameters.GetNstationsGeometry()
<< ") is larger then possible (" << constants::size::MaxNstations
<< "). Please, select another set of active tracking detectors or recompile the code with enlarged"
<< " constants::size::MaxNstations value";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kStationsInfo, ifInitPassed);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitManager::ClearStationLayout()
fParameters.fvGeoToLocalIdMap.fill(std::make_pair(static_cast<EDetectorID>(0), -1));
fParameters.fvGeoToActiveMap.fill(-1); // Note: by default all the stations are inactive
fParameters.fNstationsActiveTotal = -1;
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kStationLayoutInitialized, false);
} // namespace cbm::algo::ca
/* Copyright (C) 2021-2023 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Sergey Gorbunov, Sergei Zharko [committer] */
/// \file CaInitManager.h
/// \brief Input data management class for the CA tracking algorithm (header)
/// \since 24.12.2021
/// \author Sergei Zharko <>
#pragma once // include this header only once per compilation unit
#include "CaDefs.h"
#include "CaIteration.h"
#include "CaObjectInitController.h"
#include "CaParameters.h"
#include "CaSimd.h"
#include "CaStationInitializer.h"
#include "KfFieldRegion.h"
#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <memory> //unique_ptr
#include <numeric>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace cbm::algo::ca
/// \enum cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID
/// \brief Forward declaration of the tracking detectors scoped enumeration
/// Concrete realization of this enumeration must be determined in the concrete setup class (i.e. CbmL1)
enum class EDetectorID;
} // namespace cbm::algo::ca
/// \brief Hash function definition for EDetectorID
struct std::hash<cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID> {
int operator()(cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID t) const { return static_cast<int>(t); }
namespace cbm::algo::ca
/// \brief Underlying integer type for the DetectorID
using DetectorID_t = std::underlying_type_t<EDetectorID>;
/// \class cbm::algo::ca::InitManager
/// \brief A CA Parameters object initialization class
/// This class provides an interface to form a solid Parameters object, which is used by the CA algorithm and
/// the related routines. The initialization can be performed either from the detector-specific interfaces or by
/// reading the already prepared binary wile with extention ca.par TODO:.... continue
class InitManager {
/// \brief Init-controller key set
enum class EInitKey
// NOTE: Please, keep the numbers of the enumeration items in the existing order: it helps to debug the
// initialization with this->GetObjectInitController().ToString() method call (S.Zharko)
kFieldFunction, ///< 0) If magnetic field getter function is set
kTargetPos, ///< 1) If target position was defined
kPrimaryVertexField, ///< 2) If magnetic field value and region defined at primary vertex
kStationsInfo, ///< 3) If all the planned stations were added to the manager
kCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck, ///< 4) If the number of CA track finder is initialized
kCAIterations, ///< 5) If the CA track finder iterations were initialized
kSearchWindows, ///< 6) If the hit search windows were initialized
kGhostSuppression, ///< 7)
kRandomSeed, ///< 8) If the random seed is provided
kStationLayoutInitialized, ///< 9) If stations layout is initialized
kSetupInitialized, ///< 10) If KF-setup initialized
kEnd ///< 11) [technical] number of entries in the enumeration
using DetectorIDIntMap_t = std::unordered_map<EDetectorID, int>;
using DetectorIDSet_t = std::set<EDetectorID>;
using FieldFunction_t = std::function<void(const double (&xyz)[3], double (&B)[3])>;
using InitController_t = ObjectInitController<static_cast<int>(EInitKey::kEnd), EInitKey>;
template<typename T>
using DetectorIDArr_t = std::array<T, constants::size::MaxNdetectors>;
/// \brief Default constructor
InitManager() = default;
/// \brief Destructor
~InitManager() = default;
/// \brief Copy constructor is forbidden
InitManager(const InitManager& /*other*/) = delete;
/// \brief Move constructor is forbidden
InitManager(InitManager&& /*other*/) = delete;
/// \brief Copy assignment operator is forbidden
InitManager& operator=(const InitManager& /*other*/) = delete;
/// \brief Move assignment operator is forbidden
InitManager& operator=(InitManager&& /*other*/) = delete;
/// \brief Adds a tracking station to the geometry
/// \note The added station stays uninitialized until the Parameters object is formed
void AddStation(const StationInitializer& station);
/// \brief Adds tracking stations from the parameters file
/// \param par A valid instance of parameters, created for ACTIVE + INACTIVE tracking stations
// TODO: Probably, we have to remove stations from the parameters and place them into a class ca::Geometery
// together with instances of active and geometry kf::Setup. ca::Parameters should contain only tracking
// parameters, which should be fully defined from the config. Search windows should be stored as an
// independent object, which depends on the ca::Parameters(iterations) and ca::Geometry(active station
// layout).
void AddStations(const Parameters<fvec>& par);
/// \brief Provides final checks of the parameters object
void CheckInit();
/// \brief Clears vector of CA track finder iterations
void ClearCAIterations();
/// \brief Clears vector of base setup
void ClearSetupInfo();
/// \brief Forms parameters container
/// \return Success flag: true - the container is formed, false - error while forming the container occured
bool FormParametersContainer();
/// \brief Gets name of the detector
/// \param detId Index of the detector
/// \return Name of the detector
const std::string& GetDetectorName(EDetectorID detId) const { return fvDetectorNames[static_cast<int>(detId)]; }
/// \brief Gets ghost suppression flag
int GetGhostSuppression() const { return fParameters.fGhostSuppression; }
/// \brief Gets a name of the main input configuration file
const std::string& GetInputConfigMain() const { return fsConfigInputMain; }
/// \brief Gets a name of the user input configuration file
const std::string& GetInputConfigUser() const { return fsConfigInputMain; }
/// \brief Gets a const reference to ca::ObjectInitController
const InitController_t& GetInitController() const { return fInitController; }
/// \brief Gets total number of active stations
int GetNstationsActive() const;
/// \brief Gets number of active stations for given detector ID
int GetNstationsActive(EDetectorID detectorID) const;
/// \brief Gets total number of stations, provided by setup geometry
int GetNstationsGeometry() const;
/// \brief Gets number of stations, provided by setup geometry for given detector ID
int GetNstationsGeometry(EDetectorID detectorID) const;
/// \brief Gets a name of the output configuration file
const std::string& GetOutputConfigName() const { return fConfigOutputName; }
/// \brief Gets a reference to the stations array
std::vector<StationInitializer>& GetStationInfo();
/// \brief Initializes station layout
/// This function is to be called after all the tracking stations (StationInitializer objects) are added to the
/// InitManager instance. After the initialization the vector of the tracking stations is sorted by z-positions
/// and is available for modifications.
void InitStationLayout();
/// \brief Calculates kf::FieldValue and L1FieldReference values for a selected step in z-axis from the target position
/// \param zStep step between nodal points
void InitTargetField(double zStep);
/// \brief Checks, if the detector is active
bool IsActive(EDetectorID detectorID) const { return GetNstationsActive(detectorID) != 0; }
/// \brief Checks, if the detector is present in the geometry
bool IsPresent(EDetectorID detectorID) const { return GetNstationsGeometry(detectorID) != 0; }
/// \brief Pushes an CA track finder iteration into a sequence of iteration using reference
void PushBackCAIteration(const Iteration& iteration);
/// \brief Pushes an CA track finder iteration into a sequence of iteration using raw pointer
void PushBackCAIteration(const Iteration* pIteration) { PushBackCAIteration(*pIteration); }
/// \brief Pushes an CA track finder iteration into a sequence of iteration using std::unique_ptr
void PushBackCAIteration(const std::unique_ptr<Iteration>& puIteration) { PushBackCAIteration(*puIteration); }
/// \brief Reads main and user parameters configs
void ReadInputConfigs();
/// \brief Reads geometry setup from file
/// \param fileName Name of input file
void ReadGeometrySetup(const std::string& fileName);
/// \brief Reads parameters object from boost-serialized binary file
/// \param fileName Name of input file
void ReadParametersObject(const std::string& fileName);
/// \brief Reads search windows from file
/// \param fileName Name of input file
void ReadSearchWindows(const std::string& fileName);
/// \brief Sets a number of CA track finder iterations to provide initialization cross-check
// TODO: remove this method
void SetCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck(int nIterations);
/// \brief Sets base configuration file
/// \param mainConfig Path to main configuration file
/// \note The base configuraiton file is mandatory until the tracking configuration is initialized from
/// beforehand created Parameters file.
void SetConfigMain(const std::string& mainConfig) { fsConfigInputMain = mainConfig; }
/// \brief Sets user configuration file
/// \param userConfig Path to user configuration file
/// \note The user configuraiton file is optional
void SetConfigUser(const std::string& userConfig) { fsConfigInputUser = userConfig; }
/// \brief Sets detector names
/// \param container Container of the detector names
template<size_t Size>
void SetDetectorNames(const std::array<const char*, Size>& container)
static_assert(Size <= constants::size::MaxNdetectors,
"Please, be ensured that the constants::size::MaxNdetectors is not lower then the "
"EDetectorID::kEND value, provided by your setup");
std::copy(container.begin(), container.end(), fvDetectorNames.begin());
/// Sets a magnetic field function, which will be applied for all the stations
void SetFieldFunction(const FieldFunction_t& fieldFcn);
/// \brief Sets the flag to enable/disable the ghost suppression routine
void SetGhostSuppression(int ghostSuppression);
/// \brief Sets a name of the output configuration file
/// \param filename Name of the output CA parameters configuration
/// The output file is created from the fields, saved in the resulted Parameters object.
void SetOutputConfigName(const std::string& filename) { fConfigOutputName = filename; }
/// \brief Sets pseudo-random numbers generator seed
/// \param seed Seed value
/// \note The default seed is 1
void SetRandomSeed(unsigned int seed);
// TODO: Use kf::Setup instead
/// \brief Sets target position
/// \param x Position X component [cm]
/// \param y Position Y component [cm]
/// \param z Position Z component [cm]
void SetTargetPosition(double x, double y, double z);
/// \brief Sets upper-bound cut on max number of doublets per one singlet
void SetMaxDoubletsPerSinglet(unsigned int value) { fParameters.fMaxDoubletsPerSinglet = value; }
/// \brief Sets upper-bound cut on max number of triplets per one doublet
void SetMaxTripletPerDoublets(unsigned int value) { fParameters.fMaxTripletPerDoublets = value; }
/// \brief Sets setup
/// \tparam Underlying type of the setup
template<typename DataT>
void SetGeometrySetup(const cbm::algo::kf::Setup<DataT>& setup)
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kStationLayoutInitialized)) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: setup cannot be set until the station layout is initialized";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
fParameters.fGeometrySetup = kf::Setup<fvec>(setup);
fParameters.fActiveSetup = fParameters.fGeometrySetup;
// A sequence of the last inactive materials will be anyway thrown away, so it is more effective to
// loop over stations downstream
for (int iStGeo = setup.GetNofLayers() - 1; iStGeo >= 0; --iStGeo) {
auto [detID, locID] = fParameters.GetStationIndexLocal(iStGeo);
int iStActive = fParameters.GetStationIndexActive(locID, detID);
if (iStActive < 0) {
fParameters.fActiveSetup.DisableLayer(detID, locID);
LOG(info) << "Geometry setup:" << fParameters.fGeometrySetup.ToString(1);
LOG(info) << "Active setup:" << fParameters.fActiveSetup.ToString(1);
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kSetupInitialized, true);
/// \brief Sets misalignment parameters in X direction
/// \param detectorId Index of the detector system
/// \param x Misalignment tolerance in x [cm]
/// \param y Misalignment tolerance in y [cm]
/// \param t Misalignment tolerance in t [ns]
void SetMisalignmentTolerance(EDetectorID detectorId, double x, double y, double t)
fParameters.fMisalignmentX[static_cast<int>(detectorId)] = x;
fParameters.fMisalignmentY[static_cast<int>(detectorId)] = y;
fParameters.fMisalignmentT[static_cast<int>(detectorId)] = t;
/// \brief Sets default fitter mass
/// \param mass Particle mass [GeV/c2]
void SetDefaultMass(double mass) { fParameters.fDefaultMass = mass; }
/// \brief Takes parameters object from the init-manager instance
/// \return A parameter object
Parameters<fvec>&& TakeParameters();
/// \brief Writes parameters object from boost-serialized binary file
/// \param fileName Name of input file
void WriteParametersObject(const std::string& fileName) const;
// ***************************
// ** Flags for development **
// ***************************
/// \brief Ignore hit search areas
void DevSetIgnoreHitSearchAreas(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsIgnoreHitSearchAreas = value; }
/// \brief Force use of the original field (not approximated)
void DevSetUseOfOriginalField(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsUseOfOriginalField = value; }
/// \brief Flag to match doublets using MC information
void DevSetIsMatchDoubletsViaMc(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsMatchDoubletsViaMc = value; }
/// \brief Flag to match triplets using Mc information
void DevSetIsMatchTripletsViaMc(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsMatchTripletsViaMc = value; }
/// \brief Flag to match triplets using Mc information
void DevSetIsExtendTracksViaMc(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsExtendTracksViaMc = value; }
/// \brief Flag to match triplets using Mc information
void DevSetIsSuppressOverlapHitsViaMc(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsSuppressOverlapHitsViaMc = value; }
/// \brief Flag to use estimated hit search windows
/// \param true estimated search windows will be used in track finder
/// \param false the Kalman filter is be used in track finder
void DevSetIsParSearchWUsed(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsParSearchWUsed = value; }
/// \brief Checker for Iteration container initialization (sets EInitKey::kCAIterations)
/// \return true If all Iteration objects were initialized properly
void CheckCAIterationsInit();
/// \brief Checker for StationInitializer set initialization (sets EInitKey::kStationsInfo)
/// \return true If all StationInitializer objects were initialized properly. Similar effect can be achieved by
void CheckStationsInfoInit();
/// \brief Returns station layout into undefined condition
void ClearStationLayout();
InitController_t fInitController{}; ///< Initialization flags
DetectorIDArr_t<std::string> fvDetectorNames{}; ///< Names of the detectors
double fTargetZ{0.}; ///< Target position z component in double precision
std::vector<StationInitializer> fvStationInfo{}; ///< Vector of StationInitializer objects (active + inactive)
/// A function which returns magnetic field vector B in a radius-vector xyz
FieldFunction_t fFieldFunction{[](const double (&)[3], double (&)[3]) {}};
// NOTE: Stations of the detectors which are not assigned as active, are not included in the tracking!
// TODO: remove
int fCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck{-1}; ///< Number of iterations to be passed (must be used for cross-checks)
Parameters<fvec> fParameters{}; ///< CA parameters object
// TODO: With a separate KF-framework instance we need to figure it out, how to store and read the corresponding
// parameters (essential for the online reconstruction!!!)
std::string fsConfigInputMain = ""; ///< name for the input configuration file
std::string fsConfigInputUser = ""; ///< name for the input configuration file
std::string fConfigOutputName = ""; ///< name for the output configuration file
bool fbConfigIsRead = false; ///< Flag, if configuration file was read
bool fbGeometryConfigLock = false; ///< Lock geometry initialization
} // namespace cbm::algo::ca
/* Copyright (C) 2022-2023 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Sergey Gorbunov, Sergei Zharko [committer] */
/// \file L1CAIteration.cxx
/// \brief Definition of the L1CAIteration class methods
/// \since 05.02.2022
/// \author S.Zharko <>
#include "CaIteration.h"
#include "CaDefs.h"
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <string_view>
using cbm::algo::ca::Iteration;
using cbm::algo::ca::Vector;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Iteration::Iteration(const std::string& name) : fName(name) {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Iteration::Check() const
using constants::size::MaxNstations;
constexpr float kMaxFloat = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
bool res = true;
auto CheckValueLimits = [&](std::string_view name, auto value, auto min, auto max) -> bool {
if (value > max || value < min) {
LOG(info) << "cbm::algo::ca::Iteration: parameter " << name << " = " << value << " runs out of range " << min
<< ", " << max;
return false;
return true;
// TODO: SZh 06.10.2022: These values should be tuned. At the moment the std::numeric_limits<T>::max value is used for
// debug purposes. In future, these values will be strengthened.
res = CheckValueLimits("track_chi2_cut", fTrackChi2Cut, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("triplet_chi2_cut", fTripletChi2Cut, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("triplet_final_chi2_cut", fTripletFinalChi2Cut, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("doublet_chi2_cut", fDoubletChi2Cut, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("pick_gather", fPickGather, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("triplet_link_chi2", fTripletLinkChi2, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("max_qp", fMaxQp, 0.001f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("max_slope_pv", fMaxSlopePV, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("max_slope", fMaxSlope, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("max_dz", fMaxDZ, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("min_n_hits", fMinNhits, 3, MaxNstations) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("min_n_hits_sta_0", fMinNhitsStation0, 3, MaxNstations) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("first_station_index", fFirstStationIndex, 0, MaxNstations) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("target_pos_sigma_x", fTargetPosSigmaX, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
res = CheckValueLimits("target_pos_sigma_y", fTargetPosSigmaY, 0.f, kMaxFloat) && res;
return res;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Iteration::SetTargetPosSigmaXY(float sigmaX, float sigmaY)
fTargetPosSigmaX = sigmaX;
fTargetPosSigmaY = sigmaY;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string Iteration::ToString(int) const
std::vector<Iteration> vIter{*this};
return Iteration::ToTableFromVector(vIter);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string Iteration::ToTableFromVector(const Vector<Iteration>& vIterations)
std::stringstream msg;
msg << std::boolalpha;
auto PutRow = [&](const std::string& name, std::function<void(const Iteration&)> fn) {
msg << std::setw(40) << std::setfill(' ') << name << ' ';
for (const auto& iter : vIterations) {
msg << std::setw(12) << std::setfill(' ');
msg << ' ';
msg << '\n';
PutRow(" ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetName(); });
PutRow("Is primary ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetPrimaryFlag(); });
PutRow("Is electron ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetElectronFlag(); });
PutRow("If tracks created from triplets ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetTrackFromTripletsFlag(); });
PutRow("If tracks extended with unused hits", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetExtendTracksFlag(); });
PutRow("Triplets can jump over <=n stations", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetMaxStationGap(); });
PutRow("Min number of hits ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetMinNhits(); });
PutRow("Min number of hits on station 0 ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetMinNhitsStation0(); });
PutRow("Track chi2 cut ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetTrackChi2Cut(); });
PutRow("Triplet chi2 cut ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetTripletChi2Cut(); });
PutRow("Triplet final chi2 cut ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetTripletFinalChi2Cut(); });
PutRow("Doublet chi2 cut ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetDoubletChi2Cut(); });
PutRow("Pick gather ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetPickGather(); });
PutRow("Triplet link chi2 ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetTripletLinkChi2(); });
PutRow("Max q/p ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetMaxQp(); });
PutRow("Max slope ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetMaxSlope(); });
PutRow("Max slope at primary vertex ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetMaxSlopePV(); });
PutRow("Max DZ ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetMaxDZ(); });
PutRow("Target position sigma X [cm] ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetTargetPosSigmaX(); });
PutRow("Target position sigma Y [cm] ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetTargetPosSigmaY(); });
PutRow("First tracking station index ", [&](const Iteration& i) { msg << i.GetFirstStationIndex(); });
return msg.str();
/* Copyright (C) 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Sergey Gorbunov, Sergei Zharko [committer] */
* @file L1CAIteration.h
* @brief Declaration of the L1CAIteration class
* @since 05.02.2022
* @author S.Zharko <>
#pragma once // include this header only once per compilation unit
#include "CaVector.h"
#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/string.hpp>
#include <bitset>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
namespace cbm::algo::ca
/// \class cbm::algo::ca::Iteration
/// \brief A set of parameters for the CA Track finder iteration
/// Each iteration utilizes special physics cuts and run condition to find tracks of a particular
/// class (e.g., fast primary tracks or secondary electron tracks). Hits associated with tracks
/// reconstructed during current iteration are removed from the further iterations.
class Iteration {
/// \brief Default constructor
Iteration() = default;
/// \brief Copy constructor
Iteration(const Iteration& other) = default;
/// \brief Copy constructor
Iteration(const Iteration& other, const std::string& name) : Iteration(other) { SetName(name); }
/// \brief Move constructor
Iteration(Iteration&& other) noexcept = default;
/// \brief Constructor from L1CAIteration type
Iteration(const std::string& name);
/// \brief Destructor
~Iteration() noexcept = default;
/// \brief Copy assignment operator
Iteration& operator=(const Iteration& other) = default;
/// \brief Move assignment operator
Iteration& operator=(Iteration&& other) = default;
/// \brief Checks parameters consistency
bool Check() const;
/// \brief Gets doublet chi2 upper cut
float GetDoubletChi2Cut() const { return fDoubletChi2Cut; }
/// \brief flag check: electrons/positrons - true, heavy charged - false
bool GetElectronFlag() const { return fIsElectron; }
/// \brief Sets flag: true - extends track candidates with unused hits
bool GetExtendTracksFlag() const { return fIsExtendTracks; }
/// \brief Gets station index of the first station used in tracking
int GetFirstStationIndex() const { return fFirstStationIndex; }
/// \brief Gets flag: true - triplets are also built with skipping <= GetMaxStationGap stations
int GetMaxStationGap() const { return fMaxStationGap; }
/// \brief Gets correction for accounting overlaping and iff z
float GetMaxDZ() const { return fMaxDZ; }
/// \brief Gets max considered q/p for tracks
float GetMaxQp() const { return fMaxQp; }
/// \brief Gets max slope (tx\ty) in 3D hit position of a triplet
float GetMaxSlope() const { return fMaxSlope; }
/// \brief Gets max slope (tx\ty) in primary vertex
float GetMaxSlopePV() const { return fMaxSlopePV; }
/// \brief Gets min n hits
int GetMinNhits() const { return fMinNhits; }
/// \brief Gets min n hits for tracks that start on station 0
int GetMinNhitsStation0() const { return fMinNhitsStation0; }
/// \brief Gets the name of the iteration
const std::string& GetName() const { return fName; }
/// \brief Gets size of region [TODO: units??] to attach new hits to the created track
float GetPickGather() const { return fPickGather; }
/// \brief Checks flag: true - only primary tracks are searched, false - [all or only secondary?]
bool GetPrimaryFlag() const { return fIsPrimary; }
/// \brief Gets sigma target position in X direction [cm]
float GetTargetPosSigmaX() const { return fTargetPosSigmaX; }
/// \brief Gets sigma target position in Y direction [cm]
float GetTargetPosSigmaY() const { return fTargetPosSigmaY; }
/// \brief Gets track chi2 upper cut
float GetTrackChi2Cut() const { return fTrackChi2Cut; }
/// (DEBUG!) Sets flag:
/// true:
/// all the triplets found on this iteration will be converted to tracks,
/// all the iterations following after this one will be rejected from the
/// iterations sequence;
/// false (default):
/// tracks are built from triplets, and the minimal amount of hits used in
/// each track equals four. In case of primary tracks the first measurement
/// is taken from the target, and the other three measurements are taken from
/// the triplet.
bool GetTrackFromTripletsFlag() const { return fIsTrackFromTriplets; }
/// \brief Gets triplet chi2 upper cut
float GetTripletChi2Cut() const { return fTripletChi2Cut; }
/// \brief Gets triplet chi2 upper cut
float GetTripletFinalChi2Cut() const { return fTripletFinalChi2Cut; }
/// \brief Gets min value of dp/dp_error, for which two tiplets are neighbours
float GetTripletLinkChi2() const { return fTripletLinkChi2; }
/// \brief Sets doublet chi2 upper cut
void SetDoubletChi2Cut(float input) { fDoubletChi2Cut = input; }
/// \brief Sets flag: electron tracks - true, heavy ion tracks - false
void SetElectronFlag(bool flag) { fIsElectron = flag; }
/// \brief Sets flag: true - extends track candidates with unused hits
void SetExtendTracksFlag(bool flag) { fIsExtendTracks = flag; }
/// \brief Sets index of first station used in tracking
void SetFirstStationIndex(int index) { fFirstStationIndex = index; }
/// \brief Sets flag: true - triplets are built also skipping <= GetMaxStationGap stations
void SetMaxStationGap(int nSkipped) { fMaxStationGap = nSkipped; }
/// \brief TODO: select a more proper name
void SetMaxDZ(float input) { fMaxDZ = input; }
/// \brief Sets max considered q/p for tracks
void SetMaxQp(float input) { fMaxQp = input; }
/// \brief Sets max slope (tx\ty) in 3D hit position of a triplet
void SetMaxSlope(float input) { fMaxSlope = input; }
/// \brief Sets max slope (tx\ty) in primary vertex
void SetMaxSlopePV(float input) { fMaxSlopePV = input; }
/// \brief Sets flag: true - skip track candidates with level = 0
void SetMinNhits(int val) { fMinNhits = val; }
/// \brief Sets min n hits for tracks that start on station 0
void SetMinNhitsStation0(int val) { fMinNhitsStation0 = val; }
/// \brief Sets name of the iteration
void SetName(const std::string& name) { fName = name; }
/// \brief Sets size of region [TODO: units??] to attach new hits to the created track
void SetPickGather(float input) { fPickGather = input; }
/// \brief Sets flag: primary tracks - true, secondary tracks - false
void SetPrimaryFlag(bool flag) { fIsPrimary = flag; }
/// \brief Sets sigma of target positions in XY plane
/// \param sigmaX Sigma value in X direction [cm]
/// \param sigmaX Sigma value in Y direction [cm]
void SetTargetPosSigmaXY(float sigmaX, float sigmaY);
/// \brief Sets track chi2 upper cut
void SetTrackChi2Cut(float input) { fTrackChi2Cut = input; }
/// \brief Sets flag:
/// true:
/// all the triplets found on this iteration will be converted to tracks,
/// all the iterations following after this one will be rejected from the
/// iterations sequence;
/// false (default):
/// tracks are built from triplets, and the minimal amount of hits used in
/// each track equals four. In case of primary tracks the first measurement
/// is taken from the target, and the other three measurements are taken from
/// the triplet.
void SetTrackFromTripletsFlag(bool flag) { fIsTrackFromTriplets = flag; }
/// \brief Sets triplet chi2 upper cut
void SetTripletChi2Cut(float input) { fTripletChi2Cut = input; }
/// \brief Sets triplet chi2 upper cut
void SetTripletFinalChi2Cut(float input) { fTripletFinalChi2Cut = input; }
/// \brief Sets min value of dp/dp_error, for which two tiplets are neighbours
void SetTripletLinkChi2(float input) { fTripletLinkChi2 = input; }
/// \brief String representation of the class contents
/// \param indentLevel Level of indentation for the text (in terms of \t symbols)
std::string ToString(int indentLevel = 0) const;
/// \brief Forms a string, representing a table of iterations from the vector of iterations
/// \param vIterations Vector of iterations
/// \return Iterations table represented with a string
static std::string ToTableFromVector(const Vector<Iteration>& vIterations);
/** Basic fields **/
std::string fName{""}; ///< Iteration name
/** Track finder dependent cuts **/
// TODO: Iteratively change the literals to floats (S.Zharko)
// NOTE: For each new cut one should not forget to create a setter and a getter, insert the value
// initialization in the copy constructor and the Swap operator as well as a string repre-
// sentation to the ToString method (S.Zharko)
float fTrackChi2Cut = 10.f; ///< Track chi2 upper cut
float fTripletChi2Cut = 21.1075f; ///< Triplet chi2 upper cut
float fTripletFinalChi2Cut = 21.1075f; ///< Triplet chi2 upper cut
float fDoubletChi2Cut = 11.3449 * 2.f / 3.f; ///< Doublet chi2 upper cut
float fPickGather = 3.0; ///< Size of region to attach new hits to the created track
float fTripletLinkChi2 = 25.0; ///< Min value of dp^2/dp_error^2, for which two tiplets are neighbours
float fMaxQp = 1.0 / 0.5; ///< Max considered q/p for tracks
float fMaxSlopePV = 1.1; ///< Max slope (tx\ty) in primary vertex
float fMaxSlope = 2.748; ///< Max slope (tx\ty) in 3D hit position of a triplet
float fMaxDZ = 0.f; ///< Correction for accounting overlaping and iff z [cm]
float fTargetPosSigmaX = 0; ///< Constraint on target position in X direction [cm]
float fTargetPosSigmaY = 0; ///< Constraint on target position in Y direction [cm]
int fFirstStationIndex = 0; ///< First station, used for tracking
int fMinNhits = 3; ///< min n hits on the tracks
int fMinNhitsStation0 = 3; ///< min n hits for tracks that start on station 0
bool fIsPrimary = false; ///< Flag: true - only primary tracks are searched for
bool fIsElectron = false; ///< Flag: true - only electrons are searched for
bool fIsExtendTracks = false; ///< Flag: true - extends track candidates with unused hits
int fMaxStationGap = 0; ///< Flag: true - find triplets with fMaxStationGap missing stations
/// @brief Flag to select triplets on the iteration as tracks
/// In ordinary cases, the shortest track consists from four hits. For primary track the target is accounted as
/// the first hit, and the other three hits are taken from the stations. For secondary track all the hits are selected
/// from the stations only.
/// If the fIsTrackFromTriplets flag is turned on, all of the triplets found on this iterations will be considered
/// as tracks.
/// @note The only one iteration with the fIsTrackFromTriplets flag turned on can exist in the tracking iterations
/// sequence and this iteration should be the last in the tracking sequence.
bool fIsTrackFromTriplets = false;
/// Serialization method, used to save ca::Hit objects into binary or text file in a defined order
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /*version*/)
ar& fName;
ar& fTrackChi2Cut;
ar& fTripletChi2Cut;
ar& fTripletFinalChi2Cut;
ar& fDoubletChi2Cut;
ar& fPickGather;
ar& fTripletLinkChi2;
ar& fMaxQp;
ar& fMaxSlopePV;
ar& fMaxSlope;
ar& fMaxDZ;
ar& fTargetPosSigmaX;
ar& fTargetPosSigmaY;
ar& fFirstStationIndex;
ar& fMinNhits;
ar& fMinNhitsStation0;
ar& fIsPrimary;
ar& fIsElectron;
ar& fIsExtendTracks;
ar& fMaxStationGap;
ar& fIsTrackFromTriplets;
} // namespace cbm::algo::ca