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  • le.koch/cbmroot
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/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "Definitions.h"
#include "util/PODAllocator.h"
#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <gsl/span>
#include <vector>
namespace cbm::algo
template<typename T>
class PartitionedSpan;
* @brief A vector that is partitioned into multiple subvectors.
* @tparam T Type of the elements
* @tparam Allocator Allocator for the underlying container
* @note The underlying container is contiguous in memory.
template<typename T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T>>
class PartitionedVector {
using Container_t = std::vector<T, Allocator>; //< Underlying container type
* @brief Default constructor. Creates an empty vector.
PartitionedVector() : fData(), fOffsets({0}), fAdresses() { EnsureDimensions(); }
* @brief Constructor. Creates a vector with n partitions.
* @param data Underlying data. Assusmes that the data is already partitioned and takes ownership of it.
* @param sizes Sizes of each partitions
* @param addresses Hardware addresses of each partition
* @note Requires sizes.size() == addresses.size()
PartitionedVector(Container_t&& data, gsl::span<const size_t> sizes, gsl::span<const u32> addresses)
: fData(std::move(data))
, fOffsets()
, fAdresses(addresses.begin(), addresses.end())
* @brief Copy constructor. Copy the data from other vector.
template<typename OtherAllocator>
PartitionedVector(const PartitionedVector<T, OtherAllocator>& other)
: fData(other.Data().begin(), other.Data().end())
, fOffsets(other.Offsets())
, fAdresses(other.Addresses())
// TODO: this check is overkill? We already know that the dimensions are correct,
// since they were already checked in the other vector
template<typename U>
PartitionedVector(PartitionedSpan<U> other)
: fData(other.Data().begin(), other.Data().end())
, fOffsets(other.Offsets().begin(), other.Offsets().end())
, fAdresses(other.Addresses().begin(), other.Addresses().end())
* @brief Access data at partition i.
gsl::span<T> operator[](size_t i)
return UnsafePartitionSpan(i);
* @brief Access data at partition i.
gsl::span<const T> operator[](size_t i) const
return UnsafePartitionSpan(i);
* @brief Get the hardware address of partition i.
u32 Address(size_t i) const
return fAdresses[i];
* @brief Get a pair of the data and the hardware address of partition i.
std::pair<gsl::span<T>, u32> Partition(size_t i)
return std::pair<gsl::span<T>, u32>(UnsafePartitionSpan(i), fAdresses[i]);
* @brief Get a pair of the data and the hardware address of partition i.
std::pair<gsl::span<const T>, u32> Partition(size_t i) const
return std::pair<gsl::span<const T>, u32>(UnsafePartitionSpan(i), fAdresses[i]);
* @brief Get the number of partitions.
size_t NPartitions() const { return fAdresses.size(); }
* @brief Get the size of partition i.
size_t Size(size_t i) const
return UnsafeSize(i);
* @brief Get the total number of elements in the container across all partitions.
size_t NElements() const { return fData.size(); }
* @brief Return total size in bytes of the underlying data.
size_t SizeBytes() const { return fData.size() * sizeof(T); }
* @brief Get the underlying data.
gsl::span<T> Data() { return fData; }
* @brief Get the underlying data.
gsl::span<const T> Data() const { return fData; }
* @brief Get the addresses.
const std::vector<u32>& Addresses() const { return fAdresses; }
* @brief Get the underlying offsets.
const std::vector<size_t>& Offsets() const { return fOffsets; }
Container_t fData; //< Data
std::vector<size_t> fOffsets; // < Offsets of the partitions in fData
std::vector<u32> fAdresses; //< Hardware addresses of the partitions
void EnsureDimensions() const
if (fOffsets.size() - 1 != fAdresses.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error("PartitionedVector: fOffsets.size() != fAdresses.size()");
if (fOffsets.front() != 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("PartitionedVector: fOffsets.front() != 0");
if (fOffsets.back() != fData.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error("PartitionedVector: fOffsets.back() != fData.size()");
void EnsureBounds(size_t i) const
if (i >= fAdresses.size()) throw std::out_of_range("PartitionedVector: index out of bounds");
void ComputeOffsets(gsl::span<const size_t> sizes)
fOffsets.reserve(sizes.size() + 1);
for (auto n : sizes) {
fOffsets.push_back(fOffsets.back() + n);
size_t UnsafeSize(size_t i) const { return fOffsets[i + 1] - fOffsets[i]; }
gsl::span<T> UnsafePartitionSpan(size_t i) { return gsl::span<T>( + fOffsets[i], UnsafeSize(i)); }
gsl::span<const T> UnsafePartitionSpan(size_t i) const
return gsl::span<const T>( + fOffsets[i], UnsafeSize(i));
private: // serialization
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, unsigned int /*version*/)
ar& fData;
ar& fOffsets;
ar& fAdresses;
template<typename T>
using PartitionedPODVector = PartitionedVector<T, PODAllocator<T>>;
} // namespace cbm::algo
/* Copyright (C) 2024 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "RecoParams.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "Definitions.h"
#include "util/EnumDict.h"
#include "yaml/Property.h"
#include "yaml/Yaml.h"
#include <xpu/defines.h>
namespace cbm::algo
* @brief RecoParams contains all parameters to configure reconstruction
struct RecoParams {
enum class SortMode : u8
BlockSort = 0,
CUBSegmentedSort = 1,
enum class AllocationMode : u8
Auto, //< Static on GPU, dynamic on CPU
Static, //< Allocate all buffers beforehand
Dynamic, //< Allocate buffers per timeslice
struct STS {
SortMode digiSortMode;
SortMode clusterSortMode;
u8 findClustersMultiKernels;
f32 timeCutDigiAbs;
f32 timeCutDigiSig;
f32 timeCutClusterAbs;
f32 timeCutClusterSig;
bool doChargeCorrelation;
f32 chargeCorrelationDelta;
struct Memory {
AllocationMode allocationMode;
u64 maxNDigisPerTS;
u64 maxNDigisPerModule;
f64 clustersPerDigi;
f64 hitsPerCluster;
u64 NClustersUpperBound(u64 nDigis) const { return nDigis * clustersPerDigi; }
u64 NHitsUpperBound(u64 nDigis) const { return NClustersUpperBound(nDigis) * hitsPerCluster; }
u64 MaxNClustersPerModule() const { return NClustersUpperBound(maxNDigisPerModule); }
u64 MaxNHitsPerModule() const { return MaxNClustersPerModule() * hitsPerCluster; }
bool IsDynamic() const { return allocationMode == RecoParams::AllocationMode::Dynamic; }
bool IsStatic() const { return allocationMode == RecoParams::AllocationMode::Static; }
bool IsAuto() const { return allocationMode == RecoParams::AllocationMode::Auto; }
yaml::Property(&Memory::allocationMode, "allocationMode", "Allocation mode (Auto, Static, Dynamic)"),
yaml::Property(&Memory::maxNDigisPerTS, "maxNDigisPerTS", "Maximal number of digis per time slice"),
yaml::Property(&Memory::maxNDigisPerModule, "maxNDigisPerModule", "Maximal number of digis per module"),
yaml::Property(&Memory::clustersPerDigi, "clustersPerDigi", "Number of clusters per digi in a time slice"),
yaml::Property(&Memory::hitsPerCluster, "hitsPerCluster", "Number of hits per cluster in a time slice"));
} memory;
yaml::Property(&STS::digiSortMode, "digiSortMode",
"Digi sort mode (0 = block sort, 1 = cub segmented sort))"),
yaml::Property(&STS::clusterSortMode, "clusterSortMode", "Cluster sort mode"),
yaml::Property(&STS::findClustersMultiKernels, "findClustersMultiKernels",
"Split cluster finding into multiple kernels"),
yaml::Property(&STS::timeCutDigiAbs, "timeCutDigiAbs",
"Time delta for neighboring digis to be considered for the same cluster. [ns]"),
&STS::timeCutDigiSig, "timeCutDigiSig",
"Used if timeCutDigiAbs is negative. Time delta must be < 'value * sqrt2 * timeResolution'. [ns]"),
yaml::Property(&STS::timeCutClusterAbs, "timeCutClusterAbs",
"Maximal time difference between two clusters in a hit [ns]."
" Setting to a positive value will override timeCutClustersSig."),
&STS::timeCutClusterSig, "timeCutClusterSig",
"Time cut for clusters."
" Two clusters are considered it their time difference is below 'value * sqrt(terr1**2 + terr2*+2)'"),
yaml::Property(&STS::doChargeCorrelation, "doChargeCorrelation",
"Enable charge correlation between front+back clusters during hit finding"),
yaml::Property(&STS::chargeCorrelationDelta, "chargeCorrelationDelta", "Delta in total charge between front and back clusters to be considered for hit finding"),
yaml::Property(&STS::memory, "memory", "Memory limits for STS reco"));
STS sts;
CBM_YAML_PROPERTIES(yaml::Property(&RecoParams::sts, "sts", "STS reco settings"));
} // namespace cbm::algo
{"BlockSort", RecoParams::SortMode::BlockSort},
{"CUBSegmentedSort", RecoParams::SortMode::CUBSegmentedSort}
{"Auto", RecoParams::AllocationMode::Auto},
{"Static", RecoParams::AllocationMode::Static},
{"Dynamic", RecoParams::AllocationMode::Dynamic}
/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "ChainContext.h"
#include <gsl/pointers>
namespace cbm::algo
class SubChain {
const ChainContext* GetContext() { return fContext; }
void SetContext(const ChainContext* ctx) { fContext = ctx; }
const Options& Opts() const { return gsl::make_not_null(fContext)->opts; }
const RecoParams& Params() const { return gsl::make_not_null(fContext)->recoParams; }
bool HasMonitor() const { return gsl::make_not_null(fContext)->monitor != nullptr; }
Monitor& GetMonitor() const
// Need Get-prefix to avoid conflict with Monitor-class name
if (!HasMonitor()) throw std::runtime_error("No monitor available");
return *gsl::make_not_null(fContext)->monitor;
const ChainContext* fContext = nullptr;
} // namespace cbm::algo
/* Copyright (C) 2024 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "System.h"
#include <cstdio>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <unistd.h>
size_t cbm::algo::GetCurrentRSS()
// Implementation copied from
#ifndef __linux__
return 0;
unsigned long rss = 0L;
FILE* fp = nullptr;
if ((fp = fopen("/proc/self/statm", "r")) == nullptr) {
return size_t(0L); /* Can't open? */
if (fscanf(fp, "%*s%lu", &rss) != 1) {
return size_t(0L); /* Can't read? */
return size_t(rss) * size_t(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE));
size_t cbm::algo::GetPeakRSS()
// Implementation copied from
#ifndef __linux__
return 0;
struct rusage rusage;
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage);
return size_t(rusage.ru_maxrss * 1024L);
/* Copyright (C) 2024 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
* @file System.h
* @brief System functions
namespace cbm::algo
* @brief Get the current resident set size (pyhysical memory usage) of the process
* @return The current resident set size in bytes
* @note Returns zero if the value cannot be determined
size_t GetCurrentRSS();
* @brief Get the peak resident set size (pyhysical memory usage) of the process
* @return The peak resident set size in bytes
* @note Returns zero if the value cannot be determined
size_t GetPeakRSS();
} // namespace cbm::algo
/* Copyright (C) 2024 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "Algorithm.h"
task_thread_pool::task_thread_pool& cbm::algo::GetGlobalSTLThreadPool()
static task_thread_pool::task_thread_pool pool;
return pool;
/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
* @file Algorithms.h
* @brief This file contains compatibility wrappers for parallel stl algorithms.
* The parallel algorithms are only available if the compiler supports C++17. Some older
* compilers don't ship with the parallel algorithms, so this wrapper falls back to
* sequential algorithms in that case.
* Also gcc requires the TBB library to be installed to use the parallel algorithms.
* If TBB is not available, we also falls back to sequential algorithms.
#include "BuildInfo.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <poolstl/algorithm>
#include <poolstl/execution>
#include <execution>
namespace cbm::algo
* @brief Get the global thread pool for parallel stl algorithms
* @details This function returns a reference to the global thread pool used by the parallel stl algorithms.
* At the beginning it's initialized with the number of available threads. Otherwise this function should only be
* used in conjunction with the parallel stl algorithms via poolstl.
task_thread_pool::task_thread_pool& GetGlobalSTLThreadPool();
* @brief Wrapper for std::sort
* Attempts to use the parallel version of std::sort if available. Falls back to the sequential version otherwise.
* Parallel version currently requires Linux, GCC compiler and libTBB.
template<typename It, typename Compare>
void Sort(It first, It last, Compare comp)
// Disable parallel sorting for the moment
// The underlying implementation in libTBB has a massive memory leak:
// Update 2024-05-02: Add poolstl as a replacement for libTBB
#if 0
std::sort(std::execution::par_unseq, first, last, comp);
std::sort(poolstl::par.on(GetGlobalSTLThreadPool()), first, last, comp);
std::sort(first, last, comp);
} // namespace cbm::algo
/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
namespace cbm::algo
// Use boost::filesystem by default instead of std::filesystem for
// compatibility with older compilers and ROOT versions
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
} // namespace cbm::algo
/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "BuildInfo.h"
#ifdef HAVE_OMP
#include <omp.h>
#define CBM_PRAGMA(...) _Pragma(#__VA_ARGS__)
// OpenMP parallel for
// If OpenMP is not available, this macro expands to nothing
// Hiding the pragma in a macro isn't technically necessary, as the compiler will ignore it if OpenMP is not available.
// But it slightly increases readability as it's indented to the same level as the code it applies to.
// Accepts the same arguments as the OpenMP parallel for pragma.
#ifdef HAVE_OMP
#define CBM_PARALLEL_FOR(...) CBM_PRAGMA(omp parallel for __VA_ARGS__)
#define CBM_PARALLEL_FOR(...)
// OpenMP parallel
#ifdef HAVE_OMP
#define CBM_PARALLEL(...) CBM_PRAGMA(omp parallel __VA_ARGS__)
#define CBM_PARALLEL(...)
// generic omp pragma for other commands
#ifdef HAVE_OMP
#define CBM_OMP(...) CBM_PRAGMA(omp __VA_ARGS__)
#define CBM_OMP(...)
namespace cbm::algo::openmp
#ifndef HAVE_OMP
inline int GetMaxThreads() { return 1; }
inline int GetThreadNum() { return 0; }
inline int GetNumThreads() { return 1; }
inline void SetNumThreads(int) {}
inline int GetMaxThreads() { return omp_get_max_threads(); }
inline int GetThreadNum() { return omp_get_thread_num(); }
inline int GetNumThreads() { return omp_get_num_threads(); }
inline void SetNumThreads(int n) { omp_set_num_threads(n); }
} // namespace cbm::algo::openmp
/* Copyright (C) 2024 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#pragma once
* @file RTypes.h
* @brief Compatibility header for basic ROOT macros.
#if __has_include(<Rtypes.h>)
#include <Rtypes.h>
#define BIT(n) (1ULL << (n))
#define SETBIT(n, i) ((n) |= BIT(i))
#define CLRBIT(n, i) ((n) &= ~BIT(i))
#define TESTBIT(n, i) ((bool) (((n) &BIT(i)) != 0))
/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "DeviceImage.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include <xpu/device.h>
namespace cbm::algo
struct GPUReco : xpu::device_image {
} // namespace cbm::algo
/* Copyright (C) 2024 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <xpu/defines.h>
* @file PaddedValue.h
* @brief This file contains the definition of the PaddedValue class.
namespace cbm::algo
* @brief A class that represents a value with padding to a certain size.
* @tparam T The type of the value.
* @tparam N Number of bytes the value should be padded to.
* @note This class is useful for aligning values to a certain size, e.g. to ensure that atomic counters are spread across different cache lines. (Prevent false sharing)
template<typename T, size_t N>
class PaddedValue {
static_assert(N % alignof(T) == 0, "N must be a multiple of alignof(T)");
XPU_D PaddedValue() = default;
XPU_D PaddedValue(const T& value) : fValue(value) {}
XPU_D PaddedValue(const PaddedValue& other) : fValue(other.fValue) {}
XPU_D PaddedValue& operator=(const PaddedValue& other)
fValue = other.fValue;
return *this;
XPU_D PaddedValue(PaddedValue&& other) : fValue(std::move(other.fValue)) {}
XPU_D PaddedValue& operator=(PaddedValue&& other)
fValue = std::move(other.fValue);
return *this;
XPU_D T& operator=(const T& value)
fValue = value;
return fValue;
XPU_D T& Get() { return fValue; }
XPU_D const T& Get() const { return fValue; }
XPU_D T* operator&() { return &fValue; }
XPU_D const T* operator&() const { return &fValue; }
XPU_D T& operator*() { return fValue; }
XPU_D const T& operator*() const { return fValue; }
XPU_D operator T&() { return fValue; }
XPU_D operator const T&() const { return fValue; }
XPU_D operator T*() { return &fValue; }
XPU_D operator const T*() const { return &fValue; }
XPU_D T* operator->() { return &fValue; }
XPU_D const T* operator->() const { return &fValue; }
T fValue;
unsigned char fPadding[N - sizeof(T)];
inline constexpr size_t SizeOfCacheLine = 64;
template<typename T>
using PaddedToCacheLine = PaddedValue<T, SizeOfCacheLine>;
} // namespace cbm::algo
/* Copyright (C) 2022 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer]*/
#include "Params.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2022 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "DeviceImage.h"
#include "RecoParams.h"
#include <xpu/device.h>
namespace cbm::algo
struct Params : xpu::constant<GPUReco, RecoParams> {
} // namespace cbm::algo
/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "EnumDict.h"
#include <sstream>
void cbm::algo::detail::RaiseUnknownEntry(std::string_view str, const std::vector<std::string_view>& validEntries)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Could not parse '" << str << "'. Valid entries are: ";
for (size_t i = 0; i < validEntries.size(); ++i) {
oss << validEntries[i];
if (i != validEntries.size() - 1) {
oss << ", ";
throw std::invalid_argument(oss.str());
/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <optional>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <xpu/defines.h>
namespace cbm::algo
namespace detail
template<typename T>
using EnumDict_t = std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, T>>;
template<typename T>
inline const EnumDict_t<T> EnumDict;
template<typename T>
struct EnumHasDict : std::false_type {
template<typename T>
inline constexpr bool EnumHasDict_v = EnumHasDict<T>::value;
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<detail::EnumHasDict_v<T>>>
std::vector<std::string_view> ValidEntries()
std::vector<std::string_view> entries;
for (const auto& pair : EnumDict<T>) {
return entries;
void RaiseUnknownEntry(std::string_view str, const std::vector<std::string_view>& validEntries);
} // namespace detail
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<detail::EnumHasDict_v<T>>>
std::optional<T> FromString(std::string_view str, bool caseSensitive = false)
const auto& dict = detail::EnumDict<T>;
auto it = std::find_if(dict.begin(), dict.end(), [&](const auto& pair) {
if (caseSensitive)
return pair.first == str;
return boost::iequals(pair.first, str);
if (it == dict.end()) return std::nullopt;
return it->second;
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<detail::EnumHasDict_v<T>>>
std::string_view ToString(T t)
const auto& dict = detail::EnumDict<T>;
auto it = std::find_if(dict.begin(), dict.end(), [t](const auto& pair) { return pair.second == t; });
if (it == dict.end()) throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Entry {} for enum missing!", static_cast<int>(t)));
return it->first;
} // namespace cbm::algo
* @brief Convert enums to strings and back.
* @param type The enum type.
* Example:
* @code{.cpp}
* enum class Detector {
* STS,
* TOF,
* };
* CBM_ENUM_DICT(Detector,
* {"sts", Detector::STS},
* {"tof", Detector::TOF}
* );
* // Use it like this:
* L_(info) << ToString(Detector::STS); // Prints "sts"
* std::optional<Detector> d = FromString<Detector>("tof"); // *d == Detector::TOF
* std::optional<Detector> d2 = FromString<Detector>("invalid"); // d2 == std::nullopt
* @endcode
#define CBM_ENUM_DICT(type, ...) \
template<> \
inline const cbm::algo::detail::EnumDict_t<type> cbm::algo::detail::EnumDict<type> = {__VA_ARGS__}; \
template<> \
struct cbm::algo::detail::EnumHasDict<type> : std::true_type { \
#else // XPU_IS_CPU
// Disable macro in GPU code, causes some issues with nvcc
#define CBM_ENUM_DICT(type, ...)
#endif // XPU_IS_CPU
// Stream operators for enums
// Placed in global namespace to be found by ADL e.g. for std::ostream_iterator
namespace std
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<cbm::algo::detail::EnumHasDict_v<T>>>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, T t)
os << cbm::algo::ToString(t);
return os;
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<cbm::algo::detail::EnumHasDict_v<T>>>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, T& t)
std::string str;
is >> str;
auto maybet = cbm::algo::FromString<T>(str);
if (!maybet) {
cbm::algo::detail::RaiseUnknownEntry(str, cbm::algo::detail::ValidEntries<T>());
t = *maybet;
return is;
} // namespace std
/* Copyright (C) 2024 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#include "MemoryLogger.h"
#include "AlgoFairloggerCompat.h"
#include "System.h"
using namespace cbm::algo;
template<typename T>
T MemoryLogger::BytesToMB(T bytes) const
return bytes / (1024 * 1024);
void MemoryLogger::Log()
size_t currentRSS = GetCurrentRSS();
size_t peakRSS = GetPeakRSS();
ptrdiff_t deltaRSS = currentRSS - mLastRSS;
float deltaPercent = 100.0f * deltaRSS / currentRSS;
L_(debug) << "Current memory usage: " << BytesToMB(currentRSS) << "MB (delta " << BytesToMB(deltaRSS) << "MB / "
<< deltaPercent << "%)"
<< ", peak: " << BytesToMB(peakRSS) << "MB";
mLastRSS = currentRSS;
/* Copyright (C) 2024 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
* @file MemoryLogger.h
* @brief Memory logging
namespace cbm::algo
* @brief Track the memory usage of the process and write it to the log
class MemoryLogger {
* @brief Constructor
MemoryLogger() = default;
* @brief Destructor
~MemoryLogger() = default;
* @brief Log the current memory usage
void Log();
size_t mLastRSS = 0;
// Convert bytes to MB
// Template to allow for different integer types
template<typename T>
T BytesToMB(T bytes) const;
} // namespace cbm::algo