From e9a58679d2bf78142e4db29baa0300382a73a384 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dominik Smith <>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 13:57:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] CbmSeedFinderQa and CbmBuildEventsQa: All links are now
 assigned the same weight when obtaining event matches from digi matches,
 since different detectors don't use the same scale.

 reco/eventbuilder/digis/CbmBuildEventsQa.cxx | 8 +++++---
 reco/eventbuilder/digis/CbmSeedFinderQa.cxx  | 6 ++++--
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reco/eventbuilder/digis/CbmBuildEventsQa.cxx b/reco/eventbuilder/digis/CbmBuildEventsQa.cxx
index 3827f0520e..13e10df2ee 100644
--- a/reco/eventbuilder/digis/CbmBuildEventsQa.cxx
+++ b/reco/eventbuilder/digis/CbmBuildEventsQa.cxx
@@ -391,9 +391,11 @@ void CbmBuildEventsQa::MatchEvent(CbmEvent* event)
       // --- N.b.: The member "index" of CbmLink has here no meaning, since
       // --- there is only one MC event per tree entry.
       for (int iLink = 0; iLink < digiMatch->GetNofLinks(); iLink++) {
-        int file        = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetFile();
-        int entry       = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetEntry();
-        Double_t weight = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetWeight();
+        int file  = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetFile();
+        int entry = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetEntry();
+        //Double_t weight = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetWeight();
+        const double weight =
+          .00001;  // assign the same weight to all links, since different detectors don't use the same scale
         //     LOG(info) << "Adding link (weight, entry, file): " << weight << " "
         //		<< entry << " " << file;
         match->AddLink(weight, 0, entry, file);
diff --git a/reco/eventbuilder/digis/CbmSeedFinderQa.cxx b/reco/eventbuilder/digis/CbmSeedFinderQa.cxx
index 9e8b0bf17d..d979136ff1 100644
--- a/reco/eventbuilder/digis/CbmSeedFinderQa.cxx
+++ b/reco/eventbuilder/digis/CbmSeedFinderQa.cxx
@@ -94,8 +94,10 @@ void CbmSeedFinderQa::FillQaInfo(const int32_t WinStart, const int32_t WinEnd, c
     for (int32_t iLink = 0; iLink < digiMatch->GetNofLinks(); iLink++) {
       int32_t entry = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetEntry();
       if (entry == -1) { continue; }  //ignore noise links
-      int32_t file  = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetFile();
-      double weight = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetWeight();
+      int32_t file = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetFile();
+      //double weight = digiMatch->GetLink(iLink).GetWeight();
+      const double weight =
+        .00001;  // assign the same weight to all links, since different detectors don't use the same scale
       //     LOG(info) << "Adding link (number, weight, entry, file): " << iLink << " " << weight << " "
       //              << entry << " " << file;
       seedMatch.AddLink(weight, 0, entry, file);