diff --git a/algo/ca/qa/CaQa.h b/algo/ca/qa/CaQa.h
index ae3658a64971a9d98609d61b5ae28e3d61ab185d..90b7a9db01aeb61a7967fff564984901d2c376e6 100644
--- a/algo/ca/qa/CaQa.h
+++ b/algo/ca/qa/CaQa.h
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ namespace cbm::algo::ca
     static constexpr int knTrkParPoints = 2;      ///< Number of track points to build par distributions
     static constexpr int knStaMax       = 16;     ///< Max number of stations (histogram binning)
     static constexpr bool kDebug        = false;  ///< Additional histograms
-    static constexpr int kOriginB       = 100;    ///< Track X(Y) at origin: n bins
-    static constexpr double kOriginL    = -10.;   ///< Track X(Y) at origin: lower bound [cm]
-    static constexpr double kOriginU    = +10.;   ///< Track X(Y) at origin: upper bound [cm]
+    static constexpr int kOriginB       = 400;    ///< Track X(Y) at origin: n bins
+    static constexpr double kOriginL    = -1.;    ///< Track X(Y) at origin: lower bound [cm]
+    static constexpr double kOriginU    = +1.;    ///< Track X(Y) at origin: upper bound [cm]
     double fMinHitTime = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
     double fMaxHitTime = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
diff --git a/algo/kfp/KfpV0FinderQa.h b/algo/kfp/KfpV0FinderQa.h
index 35b914e182bf5e1890a3ce2bd0f10b6598f40e63..1f941a744a398defac90bd0dfacb72400af7b02e 100644
--- a/algo/kfp/KfpV0FinderQa.h
+++ b/algo/kfp/KfpV0FinderQa.h
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace cbm::algo::kfp
     //* Constants
-    static constexpr int kMassB    = 200;   ///< Lambda-candidate mass: number of bins
+    static constexpr int kMassB    = 50;    ///< Lambda-candidate mass: number of bins
     static constexpr double kMassL = 1.08;  ///< Lambda-candidate mass: lower bound [GeV/c2]
     static constexpr double kMassU = 1.18;  ///< Lambda-candidate mass: upper bound [GeV/c2]
     static constexpr int kDcaB     = 240;   ///< DCA to origin: number of bins
diff --git a/external/InstallParameter.cmake b/external/InstallParameter.cmake
index 7d97a642abd711e516874c0e1bc1d7bdf17ebe1d..f9750ef5d3361101d11ee768bcd1e6915dc1dd7a 100644
--- a/external/InstallParameter.cmake
+++ b/external/InstallParameter.cmake
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-set(PARAMETER_VERSION 837c4d8a6ad72455bf5843d85360580f19700644) # 2025/03/07
+set(PARAMETER_VERSION b9184431d0b63ee42c6cc8a97e179c1d4da1e528) # 2025/03/07
 set(PARAMETER_SRC_URL "https://git.cbm.gsi.de/CbmSoft/cbmroot_parameter.git")
 download_project_if_needed(PROJECT         Parameter_source