From ac721c3f4a431db2033850d71b98a3971614bf9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "P.-A. Loizeau" <> Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 16:10:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] [MQ] Add monitoring histogram in DigiEventSink - Evolution of the full TS buffer size as function of device runtime - Evolution of the missed TS buffer size as function of device runtime - Evolution of the Processed full TS count as function of device runtime - Evolution of the Processed missing TS count as function of device runtime - Evolution of the Total processed TS count as function of device runtime - Evolution of the Processed events count as function of device runtime --- MQ/mcbm/CMakeLists.txt | 7 +- MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.cxx | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h | 14 ++++ 3 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/MQ/mcbm/CMakeLists.txt b/MQ/mcbm/CMakeLists.txt index 5ae68bb7b2..a40ade8e90 100644 --- a/MQ/mcbm/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/MQ/mcbm/CMakeLists.txt @@ -266,11 +266,12 @@ set(DEPENDENCIES CbmBase CbmData Core - RIO - Tree - Net + Gpad Hist + Net RHTTP + RIO + Tree ) GENERATE_EXECUTABLE() diff --git a/MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.cxx b/MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.cxx index 525bb5fcac..d8d359cd75 100644 --- a/MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.cxx +++ b/MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.cxx @@ -211,13 +211,65 @@ bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::InitHistograms() // bool initOK =CreateHistograms(); bool initOK = true; - /// Obtain vector of pointers on each histo from the algo (+ optionally desired folder) + /// Obtain vector of pointers on each histo from the algo (+ optionally desired folder) or create them locally // ALGO: std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>> vHistos = fMonitorAlgo->GetHistoVector(); std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>> vHistos = {}; - /// Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas from the algo (+ optionally desired folder) + + fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo = + new TH1I("hFullTsBuffSizeEvo", "Evo. of the full TS buffer size; Time in run [s]; Size []", 720, 0, 7200); + fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo = + new TH1I("hMissTsBuffSizeEvo", "Evo. of the missed TS buffer size; Time in run [s]; Size []", 720, 0, 7200); + fhFullTsProcEvo = new TH1I("hFullTsProcEvo", "Processed full TS; Time in run [s]; # []", 720, 0, 7200); + fhMissTsProcEvo = new TH1I("hMissTsProcEvo", "Processed missing TS; Time in run [s]; # []", 720, 0, 7200); + fhTotalTsProcEvo = new TH1I("hTotalTsProcEvo", "Total processed TS; Time in run [s]; # []", 720, 0, 7200); + fhTotalEventsEvo = new TH1I("hTotalEventsEvo", "Processed events; Time in run [s]; # []", 720, 0, 7200); + vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo, "EvtSink")); + vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo, "EvtSink")); + vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhFullTsProcEvo, "EvtSink")); + vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhMissTsProcEvo, "EvtSink")); + vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTotalTsProcEvo, "EvtSink")); + vHistos.push_back(std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>(fhTotalEventsEvo, "EvtSink")); + + /// Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas from the algo (+ optionally desired folder) or create them locally // ALGO: std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>> vCanvases = fMonitorAlgo->GetCanvasVector(); std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>> vCanvases = {}; + fcEventSinkAllHist = new TCanvas("cEventSinkAllHist", "Event Sink Monitoring"); + fcEventSinkAllHist->Divide(3, 2); + + fcEventSinkAllHist->cd(1); + gPad->SetGridx(); + gPad->SetGridy(); + fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo->Draw("hist"); + + fcEventSinkAllHist->cd(2); + gPad->SetGridx(); + gPad->SetGridy(); + fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo->Draw("hist"); + + fcEventSinkAllHist->cd(3); + gPad->SetGridx(); + gPad->SetGridy(); + fhFullTsProcEvo->Draw("hist"); + + fcEventSinkAllHist->cd(4); + gPad->SetGridx(); + gPad->SetGridy(); + fhMissTsProcEvo->Draw("hist"); + + fcEventSinkAllHist->cd(5); + gPad->SetGridx(); + gPad->SetGridy(); + fhTotalTsProcEvo->Draw("hist"); + + fcEventSinkAllHist->cd(6); + gPad->SetGridx(); + gPad->SetGridy(); + gPad->SetLogy(); + fhTotalEventsEvo->Draw("hist"); + + vCanvases.push_back(std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>(fcEventSinkAllHist, "canvases")); + /// Add pointers to each histo in the histo array /// Create histo config vector /// ===> Use an std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > with < Histo name, Folder > @@ -251,6 +303,20 @@ bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::InitHistograms() return initOK; } +bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::ResetHistograms(bool bResetStartTime) +{ + fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo->Reset(); + fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo->Reset(); + fhFullTsProcEvo->Reset(); + fhMissTsProcEvo->Reset(); + fhTotalTsProcEvo->Reset(); + fhTotalEventsEvo->Reset(); + if (bResetStartTime) { + /// Reset the start time of the time evolution histograms + fStartTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + } + return true; +} //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // handler is called whenever a message arrives on fsChannelNameMissedTs, with a reference to the message and a sub-channel index (here 0) @@ -333,11 +399,30 @@ bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleData(FairMQParts& parts, int /*index*/) /// Histograms management if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) { - /// Send histograms each 100 time slices. Should be each ~1s + std::chrono::system_clock::time_point currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + + /// Fill histograms every 5 or more seconds + /// TODO: make it a parameter + std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSecondsFill = currentTime - fLastFillTime; + if (5.0 < elapsedSecondsFill.count()) { + std::chrono::duration<double_t> secInRun = currentTime - fStartTime; + + /// Rely on the fact that all histos have same X axis to avoid multiple "current bin" search + int32_t iBinIndex = fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo->FindBin(secInRun.count()); + fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, fmFullTsStorage.size()); + fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, fvulMissedTsIndices.size()); + fhFullTsProcEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, fulTsCounter); + fhMissTsProcEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, fulMissedTsCounter); + fhTotalTsProcEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, (fulTsCounter + fulMissedTsCounter)); + fhTotalEventsEvo->SetBinContent(iBinIndex, fmFullTsStorage.size()); + + fLastFillTime = currentTime; + } + + /// Send histograms each N timeslices. /// Use also runtime checker to trigger sending after M s if /// processing too slow or delay sending if processing too fast - std::chrono::system_clock::time_point currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); - std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSeconds = currentTime - fLastPublishTime; + std::chrono::duration<double_t> elapsedSeconds = currentTime - fLastPublishTime; if ((fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count()) || (0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count())) { if (!fbConfigSent) { @@ -347,7 +432,7 @@ bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::HandleData(FairMQParts& parts, int /*index*/) else SendHistograms(); - fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + fLastPublishTime = currentTime; } // if( ( fdMaxPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) || ( 0 == fulNumMessages % fuPublishFreqTs && fdMinPublishTime < elapsedSeconds.count() ) ) } // if( kTRUE == fbFillHistos ) @@ -509,6 +594,10 @@ void CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::PrepareTreeEntry(CbmEventTimeslice unpTs) /// Extract CbmEvent TClonesArray from input message (*fEventsSel) = std::move(unpTs.GetSelectedData()); + if (kTRUE == fbFillHistos) { + /// Accumulated counts, will show rise + plateau pattern in spill + fulProcessedEvents += fEventsSel->size(); + } /// Full TS Digis storage (optional usage, controlled by fbStoreFullTs!) if (fbStoreFullTs) { @@ -605,7 +694,6 @@ bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::SendHistoConfAndData() /// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message FairMQMessagePtr msgHistos(NewMessage()); - // Serialize<RootSerializer>(*msgHistos, &fArrayHisto); RootSerializer().Serialize(*msgHistos, &fArrayHisto); partsOut.AddPart(std::move(msgHistos)); @@ -617,7 +705,7 @@ bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::SendHistoConfAndData() } // if( Send( partsOut, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 ) /// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time) - // ResetHistograms(kFALSE); + ResetHistograms(false); return true; } @@ -626,7 +714,6 @@ bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::SendHistograms() { /// Serialize the array of histos into a single MQ message FairMQMessagePtr message(NewMessage()); - // Serialize<RootSerializer>(*message, &fArrayHisto); RootSerializer().Serialize(*message, &fArrayHisto); /// Send message to the common histogram messages queue @@ -636,7 +723,7 @@ bool CbmDeviceDigiEventSink::SendHistograms() } // if( Send( message, fsChannelNameHistosInput ) < 0 ) /// Reset the histograms after sending them (but do not reset the time) - // ResetHistograms(kFALSE); + ResetHistograms(false); return true; } diff --git a/MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h b/MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h index 6e36b6da6d..b3f588b553 100644 --- a/MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h +++ b/MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h @@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ #include <map> #include <vector> +class TCanvas; class TFile; +class TH1; class TList; class TClonesArray; //class TimesliceMetaData; @@ -118,6 +120,9 @@ private: uint64_t fulTsCounter = 0; uint64_t fulMissedTsCounter = 0; std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + uint64_t fulProcessedEvents = 0; + std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastFillTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fStartTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); /// Control Commands reception bool fbReceivedEof = false; @@ -162,9 +167,18 @@ private: /// Flag indicating whether the histograms and canvases configurations were already published bool fbConfigSent = false; + TH1* fhFullTsBuffSizeEvo; + TH1* fhMissTsBuffSizeEvo; + TH1* fhFullTsProcEvo; + TH1* fhMissTsProcEvo; + TH1* fhTotalTsProcEvo; + TH1* fhTotalEventsEvo; + TCanvas* fcEventSinkAllHist; + /// Internal methods bool IsChannelNameAllowed(std::string channelName); bool InitHistograms(); + bool ResetHistograms(bool bResetStartTime = false); void CheckTsQueues(); void PrepareTreeEntry(CbmEventTimeslice unpTs); void DumpTreeEntry(); -- GitLab