From 7d57a5a8c30630de252fa685208a6787a5c1bf58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Felix Weiglhofer <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 15:26:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] algo: Remove deprecated sts::UnpackChain.

 algo/CMakeLists.txt                   |   1 -
 algo/detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.cxx | 107 --------------------------
 algo/detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.h   |  41 ----------
 3 files changed, 149 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 algo/detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.cxx
 delete mode 100644 algo/detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.h

diff --git a/algo/CMakeLists.txt b/algo/CMakeLists.txt
index 7ebd5e2b35..02c7fcacd2 100644
--- a/algo/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/algo/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ set(SRCS
-  detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.cxx
diff --git a/algo/detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.cxx b/algo/detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index f93be3d839..0000000000
--- a/algo/detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2022 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
-   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
-   Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer]*/
-#include "StsUnpackChain.h"
-#include "CbmStsDigi.h"
-#include <Timeslice.hpp>
-#include <xpu/host.h>
-#include "log.hpp"
-using namespace cbm::algo;
-void sts::UnpackChain::Init(sts::ReadoutConfig config)
-  fConfig = config;
-  // Copied from CbmTaskUnpack in CBMRoot.
-  // --- Common parameters for all components for STS
-  uint32_t numChansPerAsicSts   = 128;  // R/O channels per ASIC for STS
-  uint32_t numAsicsPerModuleSts = 16;   // Number of ASICs per module for STS
-  // Create one algorithm per component for STS and configure it with parameters
-  auto equipIdsSts = fConfig->GetEquipmentIds();
-  for (auto equip : equipIdsSts) {
-    std::unique_ptr<UnpackStsPar> par(new UnpackStsPar());
-    par->fNumChansPerAsic   = numChansPerAsicSts;
-    par->fNumAsicsPerModule = numAsicsPerModuleSts;
-    const size_t numElinks  = fConfig->GetNumElinks(equip);
-    for (size_t elink = 0; elink < numElinks; elink++) {
-      UnpackStsElinkPar elinkPar;
-      auto mapEntry        = fConfig->Map(equip, elink);
-      elinkPar.fAddress    = mapEntry.moduleAddress;  // Module address for this elink
-      elinkPar.fAsicNr     = mapEntry.asicNumber;     // ASIC number within module
-      elinkPar.fTimeOffset = 0.;
-      elinkPar.fAdcOffset  = 1.;
-      elinkPar.fAdcGain    = 1.;
-      // elinkPar.fIsPulser   = mapEntry.pulser;
-      // TODO: Add parameters for time and ADC calibration
-      par->fElinkParams.push_back(elinkPar);
-    }
-    fAlgoSts[equip].SetParams(std::move(par));
-    L_(debug) << "--- Configured STS equipment " << equip << " with " << numElinks << " elinks";
-  }  //# equipments
-std::vector<CbmStsDigi> sts::UnpackChain::Run(const fles::Timeslice& timeslice)
-  assert(fConfig.has_value() && "UnpackChain: Configuration not initialized (call Init first))");
-  xpu::scoped_timer t_("STS Unpacker");
-  std::vector<CbmStsDigi> digis;
-  size_t numPulsers = 0;
-  for (uint64_t comp = 0; comp < timeslice.num_components(); comp++) {
-    // --- Component log
-    size_t numDigisInComp = 0;
-    uint64_t numMsInComp  = 0;
-    auto systemId = static_cast<fles::SubsystemIdentifier>(timeslice.descriptor(comp, 0).sys_id);
-    if (systemId == fles::SubsystemIdentifier::STS) {
-      const uint16_t equipmentId = timeslice.descriptor(comp, 0).eq_id;
-      // std::cout << "STS Unpacker: Component " << comp << ", equipment ID " << equipmentId << std::endl;
-      // for (auto e : fAlgoSts) {
-      //   std::cout << "STS Unpacker: Equipment ID " << e.first << std::endl;
-      // }
-      const auto algoIt = fAlgoSts.find(equipmentId);
-      assert(algoIt != fAlgoSts.end());
-      // The current algorithm works for the STS data format version 0x20 used in 2021.
-      // Other versions are not yet supported.
-      // In the future, different data formats will be supported by instantiating different
-      // algorithms depending on the version.
-      assert(timeslice.descriptor(comp, 0).sys_ver == 0x20);
-      // --- Microslice loop
-      numMsInComp = timeslice.num_microslices(comp);
-      for (uint64_t mslice = 0; mslice < numMsInComp; mslice++) {
-        const auto msDescriptor = timeslice.descriptor(comp, mslice);
-        const auto msContent    = timeslice.content(comp, mslice);
-        xpu::t_add_bytes(msDescriptor.size);
-        auto result = (algoIt->second)(msContent, msDescriptor, timeslice.start_time());
-        L_(trace) << "STS Unpacker: Component " << comp << ", microslice " << mslice << ", digis "
-                  << result.first.size() << ", errors " << result.second.fNumNonHitOrTsbMessage << " | "
-                  << result.second.fNumErrElinkOutOfRange << " | " << result.second.fNumErrInvalidFirstMessage << " | "
-                  << result.second.fNumErrInvalidMsSize << " | " << result.second.fNumErrTimestampOverflow << " | ";
-        // numPulsers += result.second.fNumPulserHits;
-        numDigisInComp += result.first.size();
-        digis.insert(digis.end(), result.first.begin(), result.first.end());
-      }  //# microslice
-    }    // system STS
-  }  // component
-  L_(info) << "Timeslice contains " << digis.size() << " STS digis (discarded " << numPulsers << " pulser hits)";
-  return digis;
diff --git a/algo/detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.h b/algo/detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 460dcf169c..0000000000
--- a/algo/detectors/sts/StsUnpackChain.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2022 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
-   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
-   Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer]*/
-#include <optional>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <vector>
-#include <xpu/defines.h>
-#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
-#include "Prelude.h"
-#include "ReadoutConfig.h"
-#include "SubChain.h"
-#include "UnpackSts.h"
-class CbmStsDigi;
-namespace fles
-  class Timeslice;
-namespace cbm::algo::sts
-  class UnpackChain : public SubChain {
-  public:
-    void Init(sts::ReadoutConfig config);
-    std::vector<CbmStsDigi> Run(const fles::Timeslice& ts);
-  private:
-    std::unordered_map<u16, UnpackSts> fAlgoSts;
-    std::optional<sts::ReadoutConfig> fConfig;
-  };
-}  // namespace cbm::algo::sts