From 26152126b0286ae5c8cf749ddf8691c4875d25a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandru Bercuci <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 12:27:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] rename class TrdModuleRecT TrdModuleRec2D to align to
 official nomenclature

 reco/detectors/trd/CMakeLists.txt        |    2 +-
 reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdDigiRec.h       |    2 +-
 reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdModuleRec2D.cxx | 1748 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdModuleRec2D.h   |  235 +++
 reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdRecoLinkDef.h   |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 1986 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdModuleRec2D.cxx
 create mode 100644 reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdModuleRec2D.h

diff --git a/reco/detectors/trd/CMakeLists.txt b/reco/detectors/trd/CMakeLists.txt
index 0a72467eb2..b822da9fc2 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/trd/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/reco/detectors/trd/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ CbmTrdClusterFinder.cxx
diff --git a/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdDigiRec.h b/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdDigiRec.h
index 65420d4d80..7f1762a411 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdDigiRec.h
+++ b/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdDigiRec.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  ** class which is in the end used to calculate the TRD hit parameters.
 class CbmTrdDigiRec : public CbmTrdDigi {
-  friend class CbmTrdModuleRecT;
+  friend class CbmTrdModuleRec2D;
   /** \brief Default constructor*/
diff --git a/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdModuleRec2D.cxx b/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdModuleRec2D.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ee375f323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdModuleRec2D.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1748 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: Alexandru Bercuci [committer] */
+#include "CbmTrdModuleRec2D.h"
+#include "CbmDigiManager.h"
+#include "CbmTrdCluster.h"
+#include "CbmTrdDigi.h"
+#include "CbmTrdDigiRec.h"
+#include "CbmTrdFASP.h"
+#include "CbmTrdHit.h"
+#include "CbmTrdParModDigi.h"
+#include <FairLogger.h>
+#include <TClonesArray.h>
+#include <TF1.h>
+#include <TGeoPhysicalNode.h>
+#include <TGraphErrors.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+using std::vector;
+Double_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::fgDT[]      = {4.181e-6, 1586, 24};
+TGraphErrors* CbmTrdModuleRec2D::fgEdep = NULL;
+TGraphErrors* CbmTrdModuleRec2D::fgT    = NULL;
+TF1* CbmTrdModuleRec2D::fgPRF           = NULL;
+  : CbmTrdModuleRec()
+  , fConfigMap(0)
+  , fT0(0)
+  , fBuffer()
+  , fDigis()
+  , vt0(0)
+  , vcM(0)
+  , vrM(0)
+  , viM(0)
+  , vyM(0)
+  , vs()
+  , vse()
+  , vt()
+  , vx()
+  , vxe()
+CbmTrdModuleRec2D::CbmTrdModuleRec2D(Int_t mod, Int_t ly, Int_t rot)
+  : CbmTrdModuleRec(mod, ly, rot)
+  , fConfigMap(0)
+  , fT0(0)
+  , fBuffer()
+  , fDigis()
+  , vt0(0)
+  , vcM(0)
+  , vrM(0)
+  , viM(0)
+  , vyM(0)
+  , vs()
+  , vse()
+  , vt()
+  , vx()
+  , vxe()
+  printf("AddModuleT @ %d\n", mod); Config(1,0);
+  SetNameTitle(Form("Trd2dReco%d", mod), "Reconstructor for triangular read-out.");
+CbmTrdModuleRec2D::~CbmTrdModuleRec2D() {}
+Bool_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::AddDigi(const CbmTrdDigi* d, Int_t id)
+  /** Add digi to cluster fragments. At first clusters are ordered on pad rows and time. 
+ * No channel ordering is assumed. The time condition for a digi to enter a cluster 
+ * chunk is to have abs(dt)<5 wrt cluster t0 
+ */
+  if (CWRITE()) cout << "add @" << id << " " << d->ToString();
+  Int_t ch = d->GetAddressChannel(), col, row = GetPadRowCol(ch, col), dtime;
+  Double_t t, r = d->GetCharge(t, dtime);
+  Int_t tm = d->GetTimeDAQ() - fT0, terminator(0);
+  if (dtime < 0) tm += dtime;  // correct for the difference between tilt and rect
+  if (r < 1) terminator = 1;
+  else if (t < 1)
+    terminator = -1;
+  if (CWRITE()) printf("row[%2d] col[%2d] tm[%2d] terminator[%d]\n", row, col, tm, terminator);
+  CbmTrdCluster* cl(NULL);
+  // get the link to saved clusters
+  std::map<Int_t, std::list<CbmTrdCluster*>>::iterator it = fBuffer.find(row);
+  // check for saved
+  if (it != fBuffer.end()) {
+    Bool_t kINSERT(kFALSE);
+    std::list<CbmTrdCluster*>::iterator itc = fBuffer[row].begin();
+    for (; itc != fBuffer[row].end(); itc++) {
+      if (CWRITE()) cout << (*itc)->ToString();
+      UShort_t tc = (*itc)->GetStartTime();
+      Int_t dt    = tc - tm;
+      if (dt < -5) continue;
+      else if (dt < 5) {
+        if (CWRITE()) printf("match time dt=%d\n", dt);
+        if ((*itc)->IsChannelInRange(ch) == 0) {
+          if (!(*itc)->AddDigi(id, ch, terminator, dt)) break;
+          kINSERT = kTRUE;
+          if (CWRITE()) cout << "          => Cl (Ad) " << (*itc)->ToString();
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        if (CWRITE()) printf("break for time dt=%d\n", dt);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!kINSERT) {
+      if (itc != fBuffer[row].end() && itc != fBuffer[row].begin()) {
+        itc--;
+        fBuffer[row].insert(itc, cl = new CbmTrdCluster(fModAddress, id, ch, row, tm));
+        if (CWRITE()) cout << "          => Cl (I) " << cl->ToString();
+      }
+      else {
+        fBuffer[row].push_back(cl = new CbmTrdCluster(fModAddress, id, ch, row, tm));
+        if (CWRITE()) cout << "          => Cl (Pb) " << cl->ToString();
+      }
+      cl->SetTrianglePads();
+      if (terminator < 0) cl->SetProfileStart();
+      else if (terminator > 0)
+        cl->SetProfileStop();
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    fBuffer[row].push_back(cl = new CbmTrdCluster(fModAddress, id, ch, row, tm));
+    cl->SetTrianglePads();
+    if (terminator < 0) cl->SetProfileStart();
+    else if (terminator > 0)
+      cl->SetProfileStop();
+    if (CWRITE()) cout << "          => Cl (Nw) " << cl->ToString();
+  }
+  return kTRUE;
+Int_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::GetOverThreshold() const
+  Int_t nch(0);
+  for (std::map<Int_t, std::list<CbmTrdCluster*>>::const_iterator ir = fBuffer.cbegin(); ir != fBuffer.cend(); ir++) {
+    for (std::list<CbmTrdCluster*>::const_iterator itc = (*ir).second.cbegin(); itc != (*ir).second.cend(); itc++)
+      nch += (*itc)->GetNCols();
+  }
+  return nch;
+Int_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::FindClusters()
+  CbmTrdCluster* cl(NULL);
+  // get the link to saved clusters
+  Int_t ncl(0);
+  std::list<CbmTrdCluster*>::iterator itc0, itc1;
+  for (std::map<Int_t, std::list<CbmTrdCluster*>>::iterator ir = fBuffer.begin(); ir != fBuffer.end(); ir++) {
+    itc0 = (*ir).second.begin();
+    while ((*ir).second.size() > 1 && itc0 != (*ir).second.end()) {  // try merge clusters
+      itc1 = itc0;
+      itc1++;
+      Bool_t kMERGE = kFALSE;
+      while (itc1 != (*ir).second.end()) {
+        if (CWRITE()) cout << "  base cl[0] : " << (*itc0)->ToString() << "     + cl[1] : " << (*itc1)->ToString();
+        if ((*itc0)->Merge((*itc1))) {
+          if (CWRITE()) cout << "  SUM        : " << (*itc0)->ToString();
+          kMERGE = kTRUE;
+          delete (*itc1);
+          itc1 = (*ir).second.erase(itc1);
+          if (itc1 == (*ir).second.end()) break;
+        }
+        else
+          itc1++;
+      }
+      if (!kMERGE) itc0++;
+    }
+    for (itc0 = (*ir).second.begin(); itc0 != (*ir).second.end(); itc0++) {
+      cl = (*itc0);
+      cl = new ((*fClusters)[ncl++]) CbmTrdCluster(*cl);
+      cl->SetTrianglePads();
+      delete (*itc0);
+    }
+  }
+  fBuffer.clear();
+  //printf("fClusters[%p] nCl[%d]\n", (void*)fClusters, fClusters->GetEntriesFast());
+  //LOG(info) << GetName() << "::FindClusters : " << ncl;
+  return ncl;
+Bool_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::MakeHits() { return kTRUE; }
+Bool_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::PreProcessHits()
+  /** Steering routine for classifying hits and apply further analysis
+ * -> hit deconvolution (see Deconvolute)
+ */
+  Int_t nhits = fHits->GetEntriesFast();
+  if (CWRITE()) LOG(info) << "\n" << GetName() << "::PreProcessHits(" << nhits << ")";
+  CbmTrdHit* hit(NULL);
+  for (Int_t ih(0); ih < nhits; ih++) {
+    hit = (CbmTrdHit*) ((*fHits)[ih]);
+    if (!CheckConvolution(hit)) continue;
+    nhits += Deconvolute(hit);
+  }
+  nhits = fHits->GetEntriesFast();
+  if (CWRITE()) LOG(info) << "\n" << GetName() << "::Deconvolute(" << nhits << ")";
+  return kTRUE;
+Bool_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::CheckConvolution(CbmTrdHit* /*h*/) const { return kFALSE; }
+Bool_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::Deconvolute(CbmTrdHit* /*h*/) { return kFALSE; }
+Bool_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::PostProcessHits()
+  /**  Steering routine for classifying hits and apply further analysis
+ * -> hit merging for row-cross (see RowCross)
+ */
+  CbmTrdHit *h0(NULL), *h1(NULL);
+  Int_t a0, nhits = fHits->GetEntriesFast();
+  Float_t Dx(2 * fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(0)), Dy(2 * fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(0));
+  for (Int_t ih(0); ih < nhits; ih++) {
+    h0 = (CbmTrdHit*) ((*fHits)[ih]);
+    if (h0->IsUsed()) continue;
+    for (Int_t jh(ih + 1); jh < nhits; jh++) {
+      h1 = (CbmTrdHit*) ((*fHits)[jh]);
+      if (h1->IsUsed()) continue;
+      // basic check on Row
+      if (TMath::Abs(h1->GetY() - h0->GetY()) > Dy) continue;
+      // basic check on Col
+      if (TMath::Abs(h1->GetX() - h0->GetX()) > Dx) continue;
+      // basic check on Time
+      if (TMath::Abs(h1->GetTime() - h0->GetTime()) > 4000) continue;  // TODO check with preoper time calibration
+      // go to topologic checks
+      if (!(a0 = CheckMerge(h0->GetRefId(), h1->GetRefId()))) continue;
+      ProjectDigis(a0 < 0 ? h0->GetRefId() : h1->GetRefId(), a0 < 0 ? h1->GetRefId() : h0->GetRefId());
+      // call the working algorithm
+      if (MergeHits(h0, a0)) h0->SetRowCross(h1);
+      if (CWRITE()) {
+        cout << ih << " : " << h0->ToString();
+        cout << jh << " : " << h1->ToString();
+        cout << "\n" << endl;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  nhits = 0;
+  for (Int_t ih(0); ih < fHits->GetEntriesFast(); ih++) {
+    h0 = (CbmTrdHit*) ((*fHits)[ih]);
+    if (!h0->IsUsed()) continue;
+    fHits->RemoveAt(ih);  //delete h0;
+    nhits++;
+  }
+  fHits->Compress();
+  // clear all calibrated digis
+  for (map<Int_t, vector<CbmTrdDigiRec*>>::iterator ic = fDigis.begin(); ic != fDigis.end(); ic++) {
+    for (vector<CbmTrdDigiRec*>::iterator id = ic->second.begin(); id != ic->second.end(); id++)
+      delete *id;
+    ic->second.clear();
+  }
+  fDigis.clear();
+  if (CWRITE()) LOG(info) << "\n" << GetName() << "::MergeHits(" << nhits << ")";
+  return kTRUE;
+Int_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::CheckMerge(Int_t cid, Int_t cjd)
+  /** Check topologic conditions if the 2 clusters (in digi representation) can be merged.
+ * The first pair is always from the bottom row
+ * return the anode candidate wrt boundary 1, 2, 3 for the first 3 anodes of the upper row; -1, -2, -3 for the bottom row (r0) or 0 if the check fails  
+ */
+  Bool_t on(kFALSE);
+  Int_t /*row, */ col, rowMax(0), vc[2] = {-1, -1}, vm[2] = {0}, vcid[2] = {cid, cjd};
+  Double_t t(0.), r(0.), rtMax(0.), T(0.), m, d, mdMax(0.), M[2] = {-1., -1.}, S[2] = {0.};
+  vector<CbmTrdDigiRec*>::iterator id, jd, jp[2];
+  for (Int_t rowId(0); rowId < 2; rowId++) {
+    rtMax = 0.;
+    mdMax = 0.;
+    for (id = fDigis[vcid[rowId]].begin(); id != fDigis[vcid[rowId]].end(); id++) {
+      GetPadRowCol((*id)->GetAddressChannel(), col);
+      //cout<<(*id)->ToString();
+      // mark max position and type
+      t = (*id)->GetTiltCharge(on);
+      if (on && t > rtMax) {
+        vc[rowId] = col;
+        vm[rowId] = 0;
+        rtMax     = t;
+      }
+      r = (*id)->GetRectCharge(on);
+      if (on && r > rtMax) {
+        vc[rowId] = col;
+        vm[rowId] = 1;
+        rtMax     = r;
+      }
+      m = 0.;
+      d = 0.;
+      if (!rowId) {  // compute TR pairs on the bottom row
+        m = 0.5 * (t + r);
+        d = r - t;
+      }
+      else {  // compute RT pairs on the upper row
+        jd = id + 1;
+        T  = 0.;
+        if (jd != fDigis[vcid[rowId]].end()) T = (*jd)->GetTiltCharge(on);
+        m = 0.5 * (r + T);
+        d = r - T;
+      }
+      if (TMath::Abs(m) > 0.) d = 1.e2 * d / m;
+      if (m > mdMax) {
+        mdMax     = m;
+        M[rowId]  = m;
+        S[rowId]  = d;
+        jp[rowId] = id;
+        rowMax    = rowId;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  rowMax = M[0] > M[1] ? 0 : 1;
+  // basic check on col of the max signal
+  Int_t dc = vc[1] - vc[0];
+  if (dc < 0 || dc > 1) return 0;
+  // special care for both tilt maxima :  the TT case
+  // recalculate values on the min row on neighbor column
+  if (!vm[0] && !vm[1]) {
+    if (rowMax == 0) {  // modify r=1
+      r = T = 0.;
+      if (M[1] >= 0) {
+        if (jp[1] != fDigis[cjd].end()) jp[1]++;
+        if (jp[1] != fDigis[cjd].end()) {
+          r = (*jp[1])->GetRectCharge(on);
+          jp[1]++;
+          if (jp[1] != fDigis[cjd].end()) T = (*jp[1])->GetTiltCharge(on);
+        }
+      }
+      M[1] = 0.5 * (r + T);
+      S[1] = r - T;
+    }
+    else {  // modify r=0
+      r = t = 0.;
+      if (M[0] >= 0) {
+        if (jp[0] != fDigis[cid].begin()) jp[0]--;
+        if (jp[0] != fDigis[cid].begin()) {
+          r = (*jp[0])->GetRectCharge(on);
+          t = (*jp[0])->GetTiltCharge(on);
+        }
+      }
+      M[0] = 0.5 * (t + r);
+      S[0] = r - t;
+    }
+  }
+  rowMax = M[0] > M[1] ? 0 : 1;
+  // Build the ratio of the charge
+  Float_t mM = M[rowMax ? 0 : 1] / M[rowMax];
+  //   Float_t mM_c[] = {0.03, 0.243, 0.975},  //  center of distribution for each anode hypo
+  //           mM_s[] = {0., 1.7e-3, 8.8e-3},  //  slope of distribution for each anode hypo
+  //           mM_r[] = {0.03,  0.03,  0.01};  //  range of distribution for each anode hypo in proper coordinates
+  //   for(Int_t ia(0); ia<3; ia++)
+  //     if(TMath::Abs(mM_s[ia] * S[rowMax] + mM_c[ia] - mM) < mM_r[ia] ) return (rowMax?1:-1) * (3-ia);
+  Float_t mS = TMath::Abs(S[rowMax]), mM_l[3] = {0.15, 0.5, 1}, mM_r[3] = {0, 0.28, 1}, mS_r[3] = {43, 27, 20}, dSdM[2],
+          S0[2];
+  for (Int_t i(0); i < 2; i++) {
+    dSdM[i] = (mS_r[i + 1] - mS_r[i]) / (mM_r[i + 1] - mM_r[i]);
+    S0[i]   = mS_r[i] - dSdM[i] * mM_r[i];
+  }
+  Int_t irange = mM < mM_r[1] ? 0 : 1;
+  if (mS > S0[irange] + dSdM[irange] * mM) return 0;
+  for (Int_t ia(0); ia < 3; ia++) {
+    if (mM < mM_l[ia]) return (rowMax ? 1 : -1) * (3 - ia);
+  }
+  return 0;
+Bool_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::MergeHits(CbmTrdHit* h, Int_t a0)
+  Int_t n0(vs.size() - 2);
+  Double_t dx(0.), dy(0.);
+  switch (n0) {
+    case 1:
+      if (IsMaxTilt()) {  // T
+        dx = -0.5;
+        dy = 0;
+      }
+      else {  // R
+        dx = 0.5;
+        dy = 0;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      if (IsOpenLeft() && IsOpenRight()) {  // RT
+        dx = viM == 1 ? 0. : -1;
+        dy = -0.5;
+      }
+      else {  // TR
+        dx = 0.;
+        dy = 0.5;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      if (IsMaxTilt() && !IsSymmHit()) {  // TRT asymm
+        dx = viM == 1 ? 0. : -1;
+        dy = GetYoffset();
+      }
+      else if (!IsMaxTilt() && IsSymmHit()) {  // TRT symm
+        dx = 0.;
+        dy = GetYoffset();
+      }
+      else if (IsMaxTilt() && IsSymmHit()) {  // RTR symm
+        dx = GetXoffset();
+        dy = 0.;
+      }
+      else if (!IsMaxTilt() && !IsSymmHit()) {  // RTR asymm
+        dx = GetXoffset();
+        dy = viM == 1 ? -0.5 : 0.5;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      dx = GetXoffset();
+      dy = GetYoffset();
+      break;
+  }
+  RecenterXoffset(dx);
+  Int_t typ(GetHitClass());
+  // get position correction [pw]
+  Double_t xcorr = GetXcorr(dx, typ, 1) / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(0), xcorrBias(xcorr);
+  if (IsBiasX()) {
+    typ        = GetHitRcClass(a0);
+    Int_t xmap = vyM & 0xff;
+    switch (n0) {
+      case 4:
+        if (dx < 0) xcorrBias += (IsBiasXleft() ? -0.12 : 0.176);
+        else
+          xcorrBias += (xmap == 53 || xmap == 80 || xmap == 113 || xmap == 117 ? -0.176 : 0.12);
+        break;
+      case 5:
+      case 7:
+        if (typ < 0) break;
+        if (xmap == 50 || xmap == 58 || xmap == 146 || xmap == 154) {
+          if (typ == 2) xcorr += 0.0813;
+          else if (typ == 3) {
+            xcorr -= 0.0813;
+            typ = 2;
+          }
+          dx -= xcorr;
+          RecenterXoffset(dx);
+          xcorrBias = GetXcorr(dx, typ, 2) / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(0);
+        }
+        else {
+          dx -= xcorr;
+          RecenterXoffset(dx);
+          if (typ < 2) xcorrBias = GetXcorr(dx, typ, 2) / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(0);
+          else if (typ == 2)
+            xcorrBias = 0.12;
+          else if (typ == 3)
+            xcorrBias = -0.12;
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        if (typ < 0) break;
+        else if (typ == 2)
+          xcorr += 0.0813;
+        else if (typ == 3) {
+          xcorr -= 0.0813;
+          typ = 2;
+        }
+        dx -= xcorr;
+        RecenterXoffset(dx);
+        xcorrBias = GetXcorr(dx, typ, 2) / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(0);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    if (typ) xcorrBias += (dx < 0 ? 1 : -1) * 0.0293;
+  }
+  dx -= xcorrBias;
+  RecenterXoffset(dx);
+  dy = dx - dy;
+  RecenterYoffset(dy);
+  if (dy < -0.5 || dy > 0.5) printf("!!! dy = %f r[%d]\n", dy, vrM);
+  Double_t ycorr = GetYcorr(dy) / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(0);
+  dy += ycorr;
+  RecenterYoffset(dy);
+  dx *= fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(0);
+  dy *= fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(0);
+  TVector3 local_pad, local_pad_err;
+  Int_t srow, sector = fDigiPar->GetSectorRow(vrM, srow);
+  fDigiPar->GetPadPosition(sector, vcM, srow, local_pad, local_pad_err);
+  Double_t edx(1), edy(1), edt(60), time(-21), tdrift(100), e(200);
+  Double_t local[3] = {local_pad[0] + dx, local_pad[1] + dy, local_pad[2]}, global[3];
+  // globalErr[3] = {0/*edx*/, 0/*edy*/, 0.};
+  LocalToMaster(local, global);
+  h->SetX(global[0]);
+  h->SetY(global[1]);
+  h->SetZ(global[2]);
+  h->SetDx(edx);
+  h->SetDy(edy);
+  h->SetDz(0.);
+  h->SetDxy(0.);
+  h->SetTime(CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kFASP) * (vt0 + time) - tdrift + 30.29, edt);
+  h->SetELoss(e);
+  // hit->SetClassType();
+  // hit->SetMaxType(tM);
+  // if(ovf) hit->SetOverFlow();
+  if (CWRITE()) {
+    printf("-> loc[%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f] err[%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f]\n", local_pad[0], local_pad[1], local_pad[2],
+           local_pad_err[0], local_pad_err[1], local_pad_err[2]);
+    printf("REC col[%2d] row[%2d] dx[%7.3f(pw) %7.3f(cm)] x[%7.2f] y[%7.2f] dy[%5.2f] t0[%llu]\n", vcM, vrM,
+           dx / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(0), dx, global[0], global[1], dy, vt0);
+  }
+  return kTRUE;
+Bool_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::BuildHit(CbmTrdHit* h)
+  Int_t n0(vs.size() - 2);
+  Double_t dx(0.), dy(0.);  //, da(0.);
+  switch (n0) {
+    case 1:
+      if (IsMaxTilt()) {  // T
+        dx = -0.5;
+        dy = 0;
+      }
+      else {  // R
+        dx = 0.5;
+        dy = 0;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      if (IsOpenLeft() && IsOpenRight()) {  // RT
+        dx = viM == 1 ? 0. : -1;
+        dy = -0.5;
+      }
+      else {  // TR
+        dx = 0.;
+        dy = 0.5;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      if (IsMaxTilt() && !IsSymmHit()) {  // TRT asymm
+        dx = viM == 1 ? 0. : -1;
+        dy = GetYoffset();
+      }
+      else if (!IsMaxTilt() && IsSymmHit()) {  // TRT symm
+        dx = 0.;
+        dy = GetYoffset();
+      }
+      else if (IsMaxTilt() && IsSymmHit()) {  // RTR symm
+        dx = GetXoffset();
+        dy = 0.;
+      }
+      else if (!IsMaxTilt() && !IsSymmHit()) {  // RTR asymm
+        dx = GetXoffset();
+        dy = viM == 1 ? -0.5 : 0.5;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      dx = GetXoffset();
+      dy = GetYoffset();
+      break;
+  }
+  RecenterXoffset(dx);
+  // get position correction
+  Double_t xcorr = GetXcorr(dx, GetHitClass()) / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(0);
+  dx -= xcorr;
+  RecenterXoffset(dx);
+  dy = dx - dy;
+  RecenterYoffset(dy);
+  if (dy < -0.5 || dy > 0.5) printf("!!! dy = %f r[%d]\n", dy, vrM);
+  Double_t ycorr = GetYcorr(dy) / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(0);
+  dy += ycorr;
+  RecenterYoffset(dy);
+  dx *= fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(0);
+  dy *= fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(0);
+  // get anode wire offset
+  Int_t ia(0);
+  Float_t ya(0.);  //  anode position in local pad coordinates
+  for (; ia <= NANODE; ia++) {
+    ya = -1.35 + ia * 0.3;
+    if (dy > ya + 0.15) continue;
+    break;
+  }
+  //  da = dy-ya;
+  //   //correct inside apmlification region
+  //   da*=-0.7;
+  //   if(da<-0.015) da+=0.1;
+  //   else if(da>0.015) da-=0.1;
+  //   dy+=da;
+  //   da = dy - ya;
+  // Error parametrization X : parabolic model on cl size
+  Double_t parX[] = {0.713724, -0.318667, 0.0366036};
+  Double_t parY[] = {0.0886413, 0., 0.0435141};
+  Int_t nex       = TMath::Min(n0, 7);
+  Double_t edx = parX[0] + parX[1] * nex + parX[2] * nex * nex, edy = parY[0] + parY[2] * dy * dy,
+           edt = 26.33;  // should be parametrized as function of da TODO
+  // use this trick to force larger roads on CbmLitTrackFinderBranch
+  // target code from CbmLitTrackFinderBranch::FollowTracks and CbmLitHitData::AddHit
+  // bool hitInside = (pixelHit->GetX() < (tpar.GetX() + devX)) && (pixelHit->GetX() > (tpar.GetX() - devX))
+  if (n0 < 3) {
+    edx = 1.;
+    edy = 1.;
+    edt = 60.;
+  }
+  TVector3 local_pad, local_pad_err;
+  Int_t srow, sector = fDigiPar->GetSectorRow(vrM, srow);
+  fDigiPar->GetPadPosition(sector, vcM, srow, local_pad, local_pad_err);
+  Double_t local[3] = {local_pad[0] + dx, local_pad[1] + dy, local_pad[2]}, global[3];
+  //globalErr[3] = {edx, edy, 0.};
+  LocalToMaster(local, global);
+  for (Int_t idx(1); idx <= n0; idx++) {
+    Double_t dtFEE =
+      fgDT[0] * (vs[idx] - fgDT[1]) * (vs[idx] - fgDT[1]) / CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kFASP);
+    if (vxe[idx] > 0) vx[idx] += dy / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(0);
+    fgT->SetPoint(idx - 1, vx[idx], vt[idx] - dtFEE);
+  }
+  Double_t xc = vx[n0 + 2];
+  for (Int_t ip(n0); ip < fgT->GetN(); ip++) {
+    fgT->SetPoint(ip, xc, 0);
+    xc += 0.5;
+  }
+  Double_t time(-21.), tdrift(100);  // should depend on Ua
+  if (n0 > 1 && (fgT->Fit("pol1", "QC", "goff") == 0)) {
+    TF1* f = fgT->GetFunction("pol1");
+    time   = f->GetParameter(0) - fgDT[2];
+    if (TMath::IsNaN(time)) time = -21;
+    //dtime += TMath::Abs(f->GetParameter(1)*(vx[n0+1] - vx[1]));
+  }
+  for (UInt_t idx(0); idx < vs.size(); idx++) {
+    if (vxe[idx] > 0) {
+      fgEdep->SetPoint(idx, vx[idx] + dy / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(0), vs[idx]);
+      fgEdep->SetPointError(idx, vxe[idx], vse[idx]);
+    }
+    else {
+      fgEdep->SetPoint(idx, vx[idx], vs[idx]);
+      fgEdep->SetPointError(idx, vxe[idx], vse[idx]);
+    }
+  }
+  xc = vx[n0 + 2];
+  for (Int_t ip(vs.size()); ip < fgEdep->GetN(); ip++) {
+    //fgEdep->RemovePoint(ip);
+    xc += 0.5;
+    fgEdep->SetPoint(ip, xc, 0);
+    fgEdep->SetPointError(ip, 0., 300);
+  }
+  //if(CWRITE()) fgEdep->Print();
+  Double_t e(0.), xlo(*vx.begin()), xhi(*vx.rbegin());
+  fgPRF->SetParameter(0, vs[viM]);
+  fgPRF->FixParameter(1, dx / fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(0));
+  fgPRF->SetParameter(2, 0.65);
+  fgPRF->SetParLimits(2, 0.45, 10.5);
+  fgEdep->Fit(fgPRF, "QBN", "goff", xlo - 0.5, xhi + 0.5);
+  if (!fgPRF->GetNDF()) return NULL;
+  //chi = fgPRF->GetChisquare()/fgPRF->GetNDF();
+  e = fgPRF->Integral(xlo - 0.5, xhi + 0.5);
+  // apply MC correction
+  Float_t gain0 = 210.21387;  //(XeCO2 @ 1900V)
+  //   Float_t grel[3] = {1., 0.98547803, 0.93164071},
+  //           goff[3][3] = {
+  //             {0.05714, -0.09, -0.09},
+  //             {0., -0.14742, -0.14742},
+  //             {0., -0.29, -0.393}
+  //           };
+  //   Int_t ian=0;
+  //   if(TMath::Abs(dy)<=0.3) ian=0;
+  //   else if(TMath::Abs(dy)<=0.6) ian=1;
+  //   else if(TMath::Abs(dy)<=0.9) ian=2;
+  //   Int_t isize=0;
+  //   if(n0<=3) isize=0;
+  //   else if(n0<=4) isize=1;
+  //   else isize=2;
+  Float_t gain = gain0;  //*grel[ian];
+  e /= gain;             // apply effective gain
+  //e+=goff[ian][isize];  // apply missing energy offset
+  h->SetX(global[0]);
+  h->SetY(global[1]);
+  h->SetZ(global[2]);
+  h->SetDx(edx);
+  h->SetDy(edy);
+  h->SetDz(0);
+  h->SetDxy(0.);
+  h->SetTime(CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kFASP) * (vt0 + time) - tdrift + 30.29, edt);
+  h->SetELoss(e);
+  // hit->SetClassType();
+  // hit->SetMaxType(tM);
+  // if(ovf) hit->SetOverFlow();
+  if (CWRITE()) {
+    printf("-> loc[%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f] err[%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f]\n", local_pad[0], local_pad[1], local_pad[2],
+           local_pad_err[0], local_pad_err[1], local_pad_err[2]);
+    printf("REC col[%2d] row[%2d] x[%7.2f] dx[%5.2f] y[%7.2f] dy[%5.2f] t0[%llu]\n", vcM, vrM, global[0], dx, global[1],
+           dy, vt0);
+  }
+  return kTRUE;
+#include <TCanvas.h>
+#include <TH1.h>
+CbmTrdHit* CbmTrdModuleRec2D::MakeHit(Int_t ic, const CbmTrdCluster* cl, std::vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>* digis)
+  if (!fgEdep) {  // first use initialization of PRF helppers
+    LOG(info) << GetName() << "::MakeHit: Init static helpers. ";
+    fgEdep = new TGraphErrors;
+    fgEdep->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+    fgEdep->SetLineWidth(2);
+    fgT = new TGraphErrors;
+    fgT->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+    fgT->SetLineWidth(2);
+    fgPRF = new TF1("prf", "[0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])**2)", -10, 10);
+    fgPRF->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    fgPRF->SetParNames("E", "x", "prf");
+  }
+  TH1* hf(NULL);
+  TCanvas* cvs(NULL);
+  if (CDRAW()) {
+    cvs = new TCanvas("c", "TRD Anode Hypothesis", 10, 600, 1000, 500);
+    cvs->Divide(2, 1, 1.e-5, 1.e-5);
+    TVirtualPad* vp = cvs->cd(1);
+    vp->SetLeftMargin(0.06904908);
+    vp->SetRightMargin(0.009969325);
+    vp->SetTopMargin(0.01402806);
+    vp = cvs->cd(2);
+    vp->SetLeftMargin(0.06904908);
+    vp->SetRightMargin(0.009969325);
+    vp->SetTopMargin(0.01402806);
+    hf = new TH1I("hf", ";x [pw];s [ADC chs]", 100, -3, 3);
+    hf->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-50, 4500);
+    hf->Draw("p");
+  }
+  if (CWRITE()) cout << cl->ToString();
+  if (!LoadDigis(digis, ic)) return NULL;
+  if (!ProjectDigis(ic)) return NULL;
+  Int_t nofHits  = fHits->GetEntriesFast();
+  CbmTrdHit* hit = new ((*fHits)[nofHits]) CbmTrdHit();
+  hit->SetAddress(fModAddress);
+  hit->SetRefId(ic);
+  //hit->SetMatch();
+  BuildHit(hit);
+  if (CWRITE()) cout << hit->ToString();
+  if (CDRAW()) DrawHit(hit);
+  return hit;
+Int_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::GetHitClass() const
+  /** Incapsulate hit classification criteria based on signal topology
+ * [0] : center hit type
+ * [1]  : side hit type
+ */
+  Int_t n0(vs.size() - 2);
+  if ((n0 == 5 && ((IsMaxTilt() && IsSymmHit()) || (!IsMaxTilt() && !IsSymmHit()))) ||  // TRTRT symm/asymm
+      n0 == 4 || (n0 == 3 && ((IsMaxTilt() && IsSymmHit()) || (!IsMaxTilt() && !IsSymmHit()))))
+    return 1;  // RTR symm/asymm
+  else if (n0 > 5 && HasOvf())
+    return 2;
+  return 0;
+Int_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::GetHitRcClass(Int_t a0) const
+  Int_t a0m    = TMath::Abs(a0);
+  UChar_t xmap = vyM & 0xff;
+  if (a0m == 2 && IsBiasXleft() && IsBiasXright() && !IsBiasXmid()) return 0;
+  else if (a0m == 3 && ((IsBiasXleft() && IsBiasXright()) || xmap == 116 || xmap == 149 || xmap == 208))
+    return 1;
+  else if (!IsBiasXleft()
+           && (a0m == 2
+               || (a0m == 3 && ((!IsBiasXright() && IsBiasXmid()) || xmap == 209 || xmap == 212 || xmap == 145))))
+    return 2;
+  else if (!IsBiasXright()
+           && (a0m == 2 || (a0m == 3 && ((!IsBiasXleft() && IsBiasXmid()) || xmap == 112 || xmap == 117))))
+    return 3;
+  else
+    return -1;
+Double_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::GetXoffset(Int_t n0) const
+  Double_t dx(0.), R(0.);
+  Int_t n(n0 ? n0 : vs.size());
+  for (Int_t ir(0); ir < n; ir++) {
+    if (vxe[ir] > 0) continue;  // select rectangular coupling
+    R += vs[ir];
+    dx += vs[ir] * vx[ir];
+  }
+  if (TMath::Abs(R) > 0) return dx / R;
+  LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::GetXoffset : Unexpected null sum.";
+  return 0.;
+Double_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::GetYoffset(Int_t n0) const
+  Double_t dy(0.), T(0.);
+  Int_t n(n0 ? n0 : vs.size());
+  for (Int_t it(0); it < n; it++) {
+    if (vxe[it] > 0) {  // select tilted coupling
+      T += vs[it];
+      dy += vs[it] * vx[it];
+    }
+  }
+  if (TMath::Abs(T) > 0) return dy / T;
+  LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::GetYoffset : Unexpected null sum.";
+  return 0.;
+Double_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::GetXcorr(Double_t dxIn, Int_t typ, Int_t cls) const
+  /** Give the linear interpolation of SYS correction for current position offset "dx" based 
+ * on LUT calculated wrt MC EbyE data. The position offset is expresed in [pw] units 
+ * while the output is in [cm]
+ */
+  if (typ < 0 || typ > 2) {
+    //LOG(error)<< GetName() << "::GetXcorr : type in-param "<<typ<<" out of range.";
+    return 0;
+  }
+  Double_t dx = TMath::Abs(dxIn);
+  Int_t ii    = TMath::Max(0, TMath::Nint(dx / fgCorrXdx) - 1), i0;  //  i1;
+  if (ii < 0 || ii > NBINSCORRX) {
+    LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::GetXcorr : LUT idx " << ii << " out of range for dx=" << dxIn;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (dx < fgCorrXdx * ii) {
+    i0 = TMath::Max(0, ii - 1);
+    /*i1=ii;*/
+  }
+  else {
+    i0 = ii;
+    /*i1=TMath::Min(NBINSCORRX-1,ii+1);*/
+  }
+  Float_t* xval = &fgCorrXval[typ][i0];
+  if (cls == 1) xval = &fgCorrRcXval[typ][i0];
+  else if (cls == 2)
+    xval = &fgCorrRcXbiasXval[typ][i0];
+  Double_t DDx = (xval[1] - xval[0]), a = DDx / fgCorrXdx, b = xval[0] - DDx * (i0 + 0.5);
+  return (dxIn > 0 ? 1 : -1) * b + a * dxIn;
+Double_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::GetYcorr(Double_t dy, Int_t /* cls*/) const
+  /** Process y offset. Apply systematic correction for y (MC derived).
+ * The position offset is expresed in [pw] units while the output is in [cm]
+ */
+  Float_t fdy(1.), yoff(0.);
+  Int_t n0(vs.size() - 2);
+  switch (n0) {
+    case 3:
+      fdy  = fgCorrYval[0][0];
+      yoff = fgCorrYval[0][1];
+      if (IsMaxTilt() && IsSymmHit()) {
+        fdy  = 0.;
+        yoff = (dy > 0 ? -1 : 1) * 1.56;
+      }
+      else if (!IsMaxTilt() && !IsSymmHit()) {
+        fdy  = 0.;
+        yoff = (dy > 0 ? -1 : 1) * 1.06;
+      }
+      else if (!IsMaxTilt() && IsSymmHit()) {
+        fdy  = 2.114532;
+        yoff = -0.263;
+      }
+      else /*if(IsMaxTilt()&&!IsSymmHit())*/ {
+        fdy  = 2.8016010;
+        yoff = -1.38391;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      fdy  = fgCorrYval[1][0];
+      yoff = fgCorrYval[1][1];
+      if ((!IsMaxTilt() && IsLeftHit()) || (IsMaxTilt() && !IsLeftHit())) yoff *= -1;
+      break;
+    case 5:
+    case 7:
+    case 9:
+    case 11:
+      fdy  = fgCorrYval[2][0];
+      yoff = fgCorrYval[2][1];
+      break;
+    case 6:
+    case 8:
+    case 10:
+      fdy  = fgCorrYval[3][0];
+      yoff = fgCorrYval[3][1];
+      if ((!IsMaxTilt() && IsLeftHit()) || (IsMaxTilt() && !IsLeftHit())) yoff *= -1;
+      break;
+  }
+  return dy * fdy + yoff;
+void CbmTrdModuleRec2D::RecenterXoffset(Double_t& dx)
+  /** Shift graph representation to fit dx[pw] in [-0.5, 0.5]
+   */
+  if (dx >= -0.5 && dx < 0.5) return;
+  Int_t ishift = Int_t(dx - 0.5) + (dx > 0.5 ? 1 : 0);
+  if (vcM + ishift < 0) ishift = -vcM;
+  else if (vcM + ishift >= GetNcols())
+    ishift = GetNcols() - vcM - 1;
+  LOG(debug) << GetName() << "::RecenterXoffset : shift dx offset by " << ishift << " from dx=" << dx << " to "
+             << dx - ishift << " center col from " << (Int_t) vcM << " to " << Int_t(vcM + ishift);
+  dx -= ishift;
+  vcM += ishift;
+  for (UInt_t idx(0); idx < vx.size(); idx++)
+    vx[idx] -= ishift;
+void CbmTrdModuleRec2D::RecenterYoffset(Double_t& dy)
+  /** Shift graph representation to fit dy[ph] in [-0.5, 0.5]
+   */
+  if (dy >= -0.5 && dy < 0.5) return;
+  Int_t ishift = Int_t(dy - 0.5) + (dy > 0.5 ? 1 : 0);
+  //   if(vrM+ishift < 0) ishift = - vrM;
+  //   else if(vrM+ishift >= GetNrows()) ishift = GetNrows() - vrM -1;
+  LOG(debug) << GetName() << "::RecenterYoffset : shift dy offset by " << ishift << " from dy=" << dy << " to "
+             << dy - ishift;
+  dy -= ishift;
+  //vrM+= ishift;
+  //   if(vrM==0 && dy<-0.5) dy=-0.5;
+  //   if(vrM==GetNrows() -1 && dy>0.5) dy=0.5;
+Int_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::LoadDigis(vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>* din, Int_t cid)
+  /** Load RAW digis info in calibration aware strucuture CbmTrdDigiReco
+ * Do basic sanity checks; also incomplete adjacent digi and if found merge them.
+ */
+  Int_t col(-1), /*row, */ colT(-1), colR(-1);
+  const CbmTrdDigi *dgT(NULL), *dgR(NULL);
+  for (vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>::iterator i = din->begin(), j = i + 1; i != din->end(); i++) {
+    dgT = (*i);
+    //row =
+    GetPadRowCol(dgT->GetAddressChannel(), colT);
+    // check column order for cluster
+    if (col >= 0 && colT != col + 1) {
+      LOG(error) << GetName() << "::LoadDigis : digis in cluster " << cid << " not in increasing order !";
+      return 0;
+    }
+    col  = colT;
+    colR = -1;
+    dgR  = NULL;
+    if (j != din->end()) {
+      dgR = (*j);
+      //row =
+      GetPadRowCol(dgR->GetAddressChannel(), colR);
+    }
+    if (colR == colT) {
+      fDigis[cid].push_back(new CbmTrdDigiRec(*dgT, *dgR));
+      j = din->erase(j);
+    }
+    else
+      fDigis[cid].push_back(new CbmTrdDigiRec(*dgT));
+    if (j != din->end()) j++;
+  }
+  return fDigis[cid].size();
+Int_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::ProjectDigis(Int_t cid, Int_t cjd)
+  /** Load digis information in working vectors Digis are represented in the normal coordinate system of
+   * (pad width [pw], DAQ time [clk], signal [ADC chs]) with rectangular signals at integer 
+   * positions.  
+   */
+  if (fDigis.find(cid) == fDigis.end()) {
+    LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::ProjectDigis : Request cl id " << cid << " not found.";
+    return 0;
+  }
+  vs.clear();
+  vse.clear();
+  vx.clear();
+  vxe.clear();
+  vt.clear();
+  vt0 = 0;
+  vrM = 0;
+  vcM = 0;
+  vyM = 0;
+  viM = 0;
+  Bool_t on(0);         // flag signal transmition
+  Int_t n0(0), nsr(0),  // no of signals in the cluster (all/rect)
+    NR(0), nr(0),       // no of rect signals/channel in case of RC
+    NT(0), nt(0),       // no of tilt signals/channel in case of RC
+    ovf(1);             // over-flow flag for at least one of the digis
+  //dt;
+  Char_t ddt,            // signal time offset wrt prompt
+    dt0(0);              // cluster time offset wrt arbitrary t0
+  Double_t r, re(100.),  // rect signal
+    t, te(100.),         // tilt signal
+    err,                 // final error parametrization for signal
+    xc(-0.5),            // running signal-pad position
+    max(0.);             // max signal
+  Int_t j(0), col(-1), col0(0), col1(0), step(0), row1;
+  // link second row if needed
+  vector<CbmTrdDigiRec*>::iterator i1;
+  if (cjd >= 0) {
+    if (fDigis.find(cjd) == fDigis.end()) {
+      LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::ProjectDigis : Request cl id " << cjd << " not found. Skip second row.";
+      cjd = -1;
+    }
+    else
+      i1 = fDigis[cjd].begin();
+  }
+  const CbmTrdDigiRec *dg(NULL), *dg0(NULL), *dg1(NULL);
+  for (vector<CbmTrdDigiRec*>::iterator i = fDigis[cid].begin(); i != fDigis[cid].end(); i++, j++) {
+    dg  = (*i);
+    dg0 = NULL;
+    dg1 = NULL;
+    if (CWRITE()) cout << "dg0 :" << dg->ToString();
+    //  initialize
+    if (col < 0) {
+      vrM = GetPadRowCol(dg->GetAddressChannel(), col);
+      vt0 = dg->GetTimeDAQ();  // set arbitrary t0 to avoid double digis loop
+    }
+    GetPadRowCol(dg->GetAddressChannel(), col0);
+    nr = nt = 0;
+    // read calibrated signals
+    t = dg->GetTiltCharge(on);
+    if (on) nt = 1;
+    r = dg->GetRectCharge(on);
+    if (on) nr = 1;
+    // look for matching neighbor digis in case of pad row cross
+    if (cjd >= 0) {
+      if ((dg0 = (i1 != fDigis[cjd].end()) ? (*i1) : NULL)) {
+        row1 = GetPadRowCol(dg0->GetAddressChannel(), col1);
+        if (!step) step = vrM - row1;
+        if (col1 == col0) {
+          r += dg0->GetRectCharge(on);
+          if (on) nr++;
+        }
+        else
+          dg0 = NULL;
+      }
+      if (step == 1 && i1 != fDigis[cjd].begin()) {
+        dg1 = (*(i1 - 1));
+        GetPadRowCol(dg1->GetAddressChannel(), col1);
+        if (col1 == col0 - 1) {
+          t += dg1->GetTiltCharge(on);
+          if (on) nt++;
+        }
+        else
+          dg1 = NULL;
+      }
+      if (step == -1 && i1 != fDigis[cjd].end() && i1 + 1 != fDigis[cjd].end()) {
+        dg1 = (*(i1 + 1));
+        GetPadRowCol(dg1->GetAddressChannel(), col1);
+        if (col1 == col0 + 1) {
+          t += dg1->GetTiltCharge(on);
+          if (on) nt++;
+        }
+        else
+          dg1 = NULL;
+      }
+      if (dg0) i1++;
+    }
+    if (CWRITE()) {
+      if (dg0) cout << "dgR :" << dg0->ToString();
+      if (dg1) cout << "dgT :" << dg1->ToString();
+      cout << "-------------------------------------" << endl;
+    }
+    // process tilt signal/time
+    ddt = dg->GetTiltTime() - vt0;
+    if (ddt < dt0) dt0 = ddt;
+    if (abs(t) > 0) {
+      if (nt > 1) t *= 0.5;
+      err = te * (nt > 1 ? 0.707 : 1);
+      if (dg->HasTiltOvf()) {
+        ovf = -1;
+        err = 150.;
+      }
+      if (t > max) {
+        max = t;
+        vcM = j;
+        SetMaxTilt(1);
+        viM = vs.size();
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      err = 300.;
+    vt.push_back(ddt);
+    vs.push_back(t);
+    vse.push_back(err);
+    vx.push_back(xc);
+    vxe.push_back(0.035);
+    xc += 0.5;
+    // process rect signal/time
+    ddt = dg->GetRectTime() - vt0;
+    if (ddt < dt0) dt0 = ddt;
+    if (abs(r) > 0) {
+      nsr++;
+      if (nr > 1) r *= 0.5;
+      err = re * (nr > 1 ? 0.707 : 1);
+      if (dg->HasRectOvf()) {
+        ovf = -1;
+        err = 150.;
+      }
+      if (r > max) {
+        max = r;
+        vcM = j;
+        SetMaxTilt(0);
+        viM = vs.size();
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      err = 300.;
+    vt.push_back(ddt);
+    vs.push_back(r);
+    vse.push_back(err);
+    vx.push_back(xc);
+    vxe.push_back(0.);
+    xc += 0.5;
+    NR += nr;
+    NT += nt;
+  }
+  // add front and back anchor points if needed
+  if (TMath::Abs(vs[0]) > 1.e-3) {
+    xc  = vx[0];
+    ddt = vt[0];
+    vs.insert(vs.begin(), 0);
+    vse.insert(vse.begin(), 300);
+    vt.insert(vt.begin(), ddt);
+    vx.insert(vx.begin(), xc - 0.5);
+    vxe.insert(vxe.begin(), 0);
+    viM++;
+  }
+  Int_t n(vs.size() - 1);
+  if (TMath::Abs(vs[n]) > 1.e-3) {
+    xc  = vx[n] + 0.5;
+    ddt = vt[n];
+    vs.push_back(0);
+    vse.push_back(300);
+    vt.push_back(ddt);
+    vx.push_back(xc);
+    vxe.push_back(0.035);
+  }
+  n0 = vs.size() - 2;
+  // compute cluster asymmetry
+  Int_t nR = n0 + 1 - viM;
+  if (nR == viM) {
+    SetSymmHit(1);
+    if (vs.size() % 2) {
+      Double_t LS(0.), RS(0.);
+      for (UChar_t idx(0); idx < viM; idx++)
+        LS += vs[idx];
+      for (UInt_t idx(viM + 1); idx < vx.size(); idx++)
+        RS += vs[idx];
+      SetLeftSgn(LS < RS ? 0 : 1);
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    SetSymmHit(0);
+    if (viM < nR) SetLeftHit(0);
+    else if (viM > nR)
+      SetLeftHit(1);
+  }
+  // recenter time and space profile
+  vt0 += dt0;
+  for (UInt_t idx(0); idx < vx.size(); idx++) {
+    vt[idx] -= dt0;
+    vx[idx] -= vcM;
+  }
+  vcM += col;
+  // check if all signals have same significance
+  Int_t nmiss = 2 * nsr - NR;  //printf("R : nsr[%d] NR[%d] nmiss[%d]\n", nsr, NR, nmiss);
+  if (cjd >= 0 && nmiss) {
+    SetBiasX(1);
+    for (UChar_t idx(1); idx < viM; idx++) {
+      if (vxe[idx] > 0.) continue;  //  select rect signals
+      if (vse[idx] > re * 0.8) SetBiasXleft(1);
+    }
+    if (vxe[viM] <= 0. && vse[viM] > re * 0.8) SetBiasXmid(1);
+    for (UChar_t idx(viM + 1); idx < vs.size() - 1; idx++) {
+      if (vxe[idx] > 0.) continue;  //  select rect signals
+      if (vse[idx] > re * 0.8) SetBiasXright(1);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+    SetBiasX(0);
+  nmiss = 2 * n0 - 2 * nsr - NT;  //printf("T : n0[%d] nsr[%d] NT[%d] nmiss[%d]\n", n0, nsr, NT, nmiss);
+  if (cjd >= 0 && nmiss) {
+    SetBiasY();
+    for (UChar_t idx(1); idx < viM; idx++) {
+      if (vxe[idx] > 0. && vse[idx] > te * 0.8) SetBiasYleft(1);  //  select tilt signals
+    }
+    if (vxe[viM] > 0. && vse[viM] > te * 0.8) SetBiasYmid(1);
+    for (UChar_t idx(viM + 1); idx < vs.size() - 1; idx++) {
+      if (vxe[idx] > 0. && vse[idx] > te * 0.8) SetBiasYright(1);  //  select tilt signals
+    }
+  }
+  else
+    SetBiasY(0);
+  if (CWRITE()) {
+    printf("t0[clk]=%llu col[%2d] row[%2d] sz[%d] OVF[%c] %c", vt0, vcM, vrM, Int_t(vs.size() - 2),
+           (ovf < 0 ? 'y' : 'n'), IsOpenLeft() ? '(' : '[');
+    if (IsSymmHit()) {
+      if (HasLeftSgn()) printf("<|");
+      else
+        printf("|>");
+    }
+    else
+      printf("%s", IsLeftHit() ? "<<" : ">>");
+    printf("%c bias[%c %c]\n", IsOpenRight() ? ')' : ']', IsBiasX() ? (IsBiasXleft() ? '<' : '>') : 'o',
+           IsBiasY() ? (IsBiasYleft() ? '<' : '>') : 'o');
+    for (UInt_t idx(0); idx < vs.size(); idx++) {
+      printf("%2d dt[%2d] s[ADC]=%6.1f+-%6.1f x[pw]=%5.2f+-%5.2f ", idx, vt[idx], vs[idx], vse[idx], vx[idx], vxe[idx]);
+      if (idx == viM) printf("[%s]", (IsMaxTilt() ? "//" : "||"));
+      printf("\n");
+    }
+  }
+  if (ovf < 0) SetOvf();  //printf("SetOvf %d\n", vyM); }
+  return ovf * (vs.size() - 2);
+Int_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::LoadDigis(vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>* digis, vector<CbmTrdDigi*>* vdgM, vector<Bool_t>* vmask,
+                                  ULong64_t& t0, Int_t& cM)
+  /** Load digis information in working vectors. 
+ * The digis as provided by the digitizer are replaced by the merged one 
+ * according to the vmask map. Digis are represented in the normal coordinate system of
+ * (pad width [pw], DAQ time [clk], signal [ADC chs]) with rectangular signals at integer 
+ * positions.  
+ */
+  vs.clear();
+  vse.clear();
+  vx.clear();
+  vxe.clear();
+  vt.clear();
+  cM = 0;       // relative position of maximum signal
+  Int_t n0(0),  // number of measured signals
+    ovf(1),     // over-flow flag for at least one of the digis
+    dt;
+  Char_t ddt,            // signal time offset wrt prompt
+    dt0(0);              // cluster time offset wrt arbitrary t0
+  Double_t r, re(100.),  // rect signal
+    t, te(100.),         // tilt signal
+    err,                 // final error parametrization for signal
+    xc(-0.5),            // running signal-pad position
+    max(0.);             // max signal
+  Int_t j(0), col0(-1), col1(0);
+  const CbmTrdDigi* dg(NULL);
+  vector<CbmTrdDigi*>::iterator idgM = vdgM->begin();
+  for (vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>::iterator i = digis->begin(); i != digis->end(); i++, j++) {
+    dg = (*i);
+    if ((*vmask)[j]) {
+      dg = (*idgM);
+      idgM++;
+    }
+    if (CWRITE()) cout << dg->ToString();
+    r = dg->GetCharge(t, dt);
+    if (t0 == 0) t0 = dg->GetTimeDAQ();                         // set arbitrary t0 to avoid double digis loop
+    if (col0 < 0) GetPadRowCol(dg->GetAddressChannel(), col0);  //  initialilze
+    ddt = dg->GetTimeDAQ() - t0;
+    if (ddt < dt0) dt0 = ddt;
+    // check column wise organization
+    GetPadRowCol(dg->GetAddressChannel(), col1);
+    if (col0 + j != col1) {
+      LOG(error) << GetName() << "::LoadDigis : digis in cluster not in increasing order !";
+      return 0;
+    }
+    // process tilt signal
+    if (t > 0) {
+      err = te;
+      if (t > 4094) {
+        ovf = -1;
+        err = 150.;
+      }
+      t -= CbmTrdFASP::GetBaselineCorr();
+      n0++;
+      if (t > max) {
+        max = t;
+        cM  = j;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      err = 300.;
+    vt.push_back(ddt);
+    vs.push_back(t);
+    vse.push_back(err);
+    vx.push_back(xc);
+    vxe.push_back(0.035);
+    xc += 0.5;
+    // process rect signal
+    ddt += dt;
+    if (ddt < dt0) dt0 = ddt;
+    if (r > 0) {
+      err = re;
+      if (r > 4094) {
+        ovf = -1;
+        err = 150.;
+      }
+      r -= CbmTrdFASP::GetBaselineCorr();
+      n0++;
+      if (r > max) {
+        max = r;
+        cM  = j;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      err = 300.;
+    vt.push_back(ddt);
+    vs.push_back(r);
+    vse.push_back(err);
+    vx.push_back(xc);
+    vxe.push_back(0.);
+    xc += 0.5;
+  }
+  // remove merged digis if they were created
+  if (idgM != vdgM->end()) LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::LoadDigis : not all merged digis have been consumed !";
+  for (idgM = vdgM->begin(); idgM != vdgM->end(); idgM++)
+    delete (*idgM);
+  // add front and back anchor points if needed
+  if (TMath::Abs(vs[0]) > 1.e-3) {
+    xc  = vx[0];
+    ddt = vt[0];
+    vs.insert(vs.begin(), 0);
+    vse.insert(vse.begin(), 300);
+    vt.insert(vt.begin(), ddt);
+    vx.insert(vx.begin(), xc - 0.5);
+    vxe.insert(vxe.begin(), 0);
+  }
+  Int_t n(vs.size() - 1);
+  if (TMath::Abs(vs[n]) > 1.e-3) {
+    xc  = vx[n] + 0.5;
+    ddt = vt[n];
+    vs.push_back(0);
+    vse.push_back(300);
+    vt.push_back(ddt);
+    vx.push_back(xc);
+    vxe.push_back(0.035);
+  }
+  // recenter time and space profile
+  t0 += dt0;
+  for (UInt_t idx(0); idx < vx.size(); idx++) {
+    vt[idx] -= dt0;
+    vx[idx] -= cM;
+  }
+  return ovf * n0;
+Int_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::LoadDigisRC(vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>* digis, const Int_t r0, const Int_t a0,
+                                    /*vector<CbmTrdDigi*> *vdgM, */ ULong64_t& t0, Int_t& cM)
+  /** Load digis information for row-cross hits in working vectors. 
+  * The digis as provided by the digitizer are replaced by the merged one (TODO) 
+  * according to the vmask map. Digis are represented in the normal coordinate system of
+  * (pad width [pw], DAQ time [clk], signal [ADC chs]) with rectangular signals at integer 
+  * positions.  
+  * TODO 
+  * 1. Time information in the secondary row not used. 
+  * 2. Time walk (dependence on charge) not recovered by calibration. 
+  * 
+  */
+  vs.clear();
+  vse.clear();
+  vx.clear();
+  vxe.clear();
+  vt.clear();
+  cM = 0;  // relative position of maximum signal
+  Int_t step,
+    n0(0),   // number of measured signals
+    ovf(1),  // over-flow flag for at least one of the digis
+    dt, dT;
+  Char_t ddt,               // signal time offset wrt prompt
+    dt0(0);                 // cluster time offset wrt arbitrary t0
+  Double_t r, R, re(100.),  // rect signal
+    t, T, te(100.),         // tilt signal
+    err,                    // final error parametrization for signal
+    xc(0.),                 // running signal-pad position
+    max(0.);                // max signal
+  Int_t j(0), row, col, col0(-1), col1(0);
+  //vector<CbmTrdDigi*>::iterator idgM=vdgM->begin();
+  vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>::iterator i0, i1, ix0, ix1;
+  i0 = digis->begin();
+  i1 = i0;
+  do {
+    row = GetPadRowCol((*i1)->GetAddressChannel(), col1);
+    if (col0 < 0) col0 = col1;
+    if (row == r0) i1++;
+    else
+      break;
+  } while (i1 != digis->end());
+  ix0  = i1;
+  ix1  = digis->end();
+  col  = col0;
+  step = -1;
+  if (a0 > 0) {
+    i0   = i1;
+    ix0  = digis->end();
+    ix1  = i1;
+    i1   = digis->begin();
+    col  = col0;
+    col0 = col1;
+    col1 = col;
+    col  = col0;
+    step = 1;
+  }
+  if (CWRITE()) printf("col0[%d] col1[%d] step[%2d]\n", col0, col1, step);
+  const CbmTrdDigi *dg0(NULL), *dg1(NULL), *dg10(NULL);
+  // always loop on the largest cluster
+  for (; i0 != ix0; i0++, j++) {
+    dg0  = (*i0);
+    dg1  = NULL;
+    dg10 = NULL;
+    if (CWRITE()) cout << "dg0 :" << dg0->ToString();
+    r = dg0->GetCharge(t, dt);
+    if (t > 0) t -= CbmTrdFASP::GetBaselineCorr();
+    if (r > 0) r -= CbmTrdFASP::GetBaselineCorr();
+    if (t0 == 0) t0 = dg0->GetTimeDAQ();  // set arbitrary t0 to avoid double digis loop
+    ddt = dg0->GetTimeDAQ() - t0;
+    if (ddt < dt0) dt0 = ddt;
+    // check column wise organization
+    row = GetPadRowCol(dg0->GetAddressChannel(), col0);
+    if (col + j != col0) {
+      LOG(error) << GetName() << "::LoadDigisRC : digis in cluster not in increasing order " << col0 << " !";
+      return 0;
+    }
+    // look for matching neighbor digis
+    if ((dg1 = (i1 != ix1) ? (*i1) : NULL)) {
+      GetPadRowCol(dg1->GetAddressChannel(), col1);
+      if (col1 == col0) {
+        R = dg1->GetCharge(T, dT);
+        if (R > 0.) r += R - CbmTrdFASP::GetBaselineCorr();
+      }
+      else
+        dg1 = NULL;
+    }
+    if (step == 1 && i1 != digis->begin()) {
+      dg10 = (*(i1 - 1));
+      GetPadRowCol(dg10->GetAddressChannel(), col1);
+      if (col1 == col0 - 1) {
+        dg10->GetCharge(T, dT);
+        if (T > 0.) t += T - CbmTrdFASP::GetBaselineCorr();
+      }
+      else
+        dg10 = NULL;
+    }
+    if (step == -1 && i1 != ix1 && i1 + 1 != ix1) {
+      dg10 = (*(i1 + 1));
+      GetPadRowCol(dg10->GetAddressChannel(), col1);
+      if (col1 == col0 + 1) {
+        dg10->GetCharge(T, dT);
+        if (T > 0.) t += T - CbmTrdFASP::GetBaselineCorr();
+      }
+      else
+        dg10 = NULL;
+    }
+    if (dg1) i1++;
+    if (CWRITE()) {
+      if (dg1) cout << "dgR :" << dg1->ToString();
+      if (dg10) cout << "dgT :" << dg10->ToString();
+      cout << "-------------------------------------" << endl;
+    }
+    // process tilt signal
+    if (t > 0) {
+      err = te;
+      n0++;
+      if (t > max) {
+        max = t;
+        cM  = j;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      err = 300.;
+    vt.push_back(ddt);
+    vs.push_back(t);
+    vse.push_back(err);
+    vx.push_back(xc);
+    vxe.push_back(0.035);
+    // process rect signal
+    ddt += dt;
+    if (ddt < dt0) dt0 = ddt;
+    if (r > 0) {
+      err = re;
+      n0++;
+      if (r > max) {
+        max = r;
+        cM  = j;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      err = 300.;
+    vt.push_back(ddt);
+    vs.push_back(r);
+    vse.push_back(err);
+    vx.push_back(xc);
+    vxe.push_back(0.);
+    xc += 1;
+  }
+  //   // remove merged digis if they were created
+  //   if(idgM != vdgM->end()) LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::LoadDigis : not all merged digis have been consumed !";
+  //   for(idgM=vdgM->begin(); idgM!=vdgM->end(); idgM++) delete (*idgM);
+  //
+  // add front and back anchor points if needed
+  if (TMath::Abs(vs[0]) > 1.e-3) {
+    xc  = vx[0];
+    ddt = vt[0];
+    vs.insert(vs.begin(), 0);
+    vse.insert(vse.begin(), 300);
+    vt.insert(vt.begin(), ddt);
+    vx.insert(vx.begin(), xc - 1);
+    vxe.insert(vxe.begin(), 0);
+  }
+  Int_t n(vs.size() - 1);
+  if (TMath::Abs(vs[n]) > 1.e-3) {
+    xc  = vx[n] + 1;
+    ddt = vt[n];
+    vs.push_back(0);
+    vse.push_back(300);
+    vt.push_back(ddt);
+    vx.push_back(xc);
+    vxe.push_back(0.035);
+  }
+  // recenter time and space profile
+  if (cM + col >= fDigiPar->GetNofColumns()) cM = fDigiPar->GetNofColumns() - col - 1;
+  else if (cM + col < 0)
+    cM = -col;
+  t0 += dt0;
+  for (UInt_t idx(0); idx < vx.size(); idx++) {
+    vt[idx] -= dt0;
+    vx[idx] -= cM;
+  }
+  cM += col;
+  return ovf * n0;
+Bool_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::MergeDigis(vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>* digis, vector<CbmTrdDigi*>* vdgM, vector<Bool_t>* vmask)
+  /* Merge digis in the cluster if their topology within it allows it although cuts in the 
+ * digi merger procedure (CbmTrdFASP::WriteDigi()) were not fulfilled. 
+ * Normally this are boundary signals with large time delays wrt neighbors
+ */
+  CbmTrdDigi* dgM(NULL);
+  if (digis->size() < 2) {  // sanity check ... just in case
+    LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::MergeDigis : Bad digi config for cluster :";
+    return kFALSE;
+  }
+  Double_t r, t;
+  Int_t colR, colT, dt, contor(0);
+  Bool_t kFOUND(0);
+  for (vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>::iterator idig = digis->begin(), jdig = idig + 1; jdig != digis->end();
+       idig++, jdig++, contor++) {
+    const CbmTrdDigi* dgT((*idig));  // tilt signal digi
+    const CbmTrdDigi* dgR((*jdig));  // rect signal digi
+    GetPadRowCol(dgR->GetAddressChannel(), colR);
+    GetPadRowCol(dgT->GetAddressChannel(), colT);
+    if (colR != colT) continue;
+    dgM = new CbmTrdDigi(*dgT);
+    r   = dgR->GetCharge(t, dt);
+    dgT->GetCharge(t, dt);
+    dt = dgR->GetTimeDAQ() - dgT->GetTimeDAQ();
+    dgM->SetCharge(t, r, dt);
+    Int_t rtrg(dgR->GetTriggerType() & 2), ttrg(dgT->GetTriggerType() & 1);
+    dgM->SetTriggerType(rtrg | ttrg);  //merge the triggers
+    if (CWRITE()) {
+      cout << "MERGE" << endl;
+      cout << dgT->ToString();
+      cout << dgR->ToString();
+      cout << "TO" << endl;
+      cout << dgM->ToString();
+      cout << "..." << endl;
+    }
+    kFOUND = 1;
+    vdgM->push_back(dgM);
+    (*vmask)[contor] = 1;
+    jdig             = digis->erase(jdig);
+    if (jdig == digis->end()) break;
+  }
+  if (!kFOUND) {
+    LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::MergeDigis : Digi to pads matching failed for cluster :";
+    return kFALSE;
+  }
+  return kTRUE;
+Float_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::fgCorrXdx                 = 0.01;
+Float_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::fgCorrXval[3][NBINSCORRX] = {
+  {-0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.007,
+   -0.007, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.009, -0.009, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012,
+   -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016,
+   -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, 0.000,  0.000,  0.000},
+  {0.467, 0.430, 0.396, 0.364, 0.335, 0.312, 0.291, 0.256, 0.234, 0.219, 0.207, 0.191, 0.172,
+   0.154, 0.147, 0.134, 0.123, 0.119, 0.109, 0.122, 0.113, 0.104, 0.093, 0.087, 0.079, 0.073,
+   0.067, 0.063, 0.058, 0.053, 0.049, 0.046, 0.042, 0.038, 0.036, 0.032, 0.029, 0.027, 0.024,
+   0.022, 0.019, 0.017, 0.014, 0.013, 0.011, 0.009, 0.007, 0.004, 0.003, 0.001},
+  {0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.002,  0.002,  0.001,  0.002,  0.004,  0.003,  0.002,  0.002,  0.002,
+   0.002,  0.002,  0.002,  0.003,  0.004,  0.003,  0.004,  0.004,  0.007,  0.003,  0.004,  0.002,  0.002,
+   -0.011, -0.011, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.016, -0.016,
+   -0.016, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.019, 0.029,  0.018,  0.001}};
+Float_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::fgCorrYval[NBINSCORRY][2]   = {{2.421729, 0.},
+                                                       {0.629389, -0.215285},
+                                                       {0.23958, 0.},
+                                                       {0.151913, 0.054404}};
+Float_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::fgCorrRcXval[2][NBINSCORRX] = {
+  {-0.00050, -0.00050, -0.00150, -0.00250, -0.00250, -0.00350, -0.00450, -0.00450, -0.00550, -0.00650,
+   -0.00650, -0.00750, -0.00850, -0.00850, -0.00850, -0.00950, -0.00950, -0.00950, -0.01050, -0.01150,
+   -0.01150, -0.01150, -0.01250, -0.01250, -0.01250, -0.01250, -0.01350, -0.01350, -0.01350, -0.01350,
+   -0.01450, -0.01450, -0.01450, -0.01550, -0.01550, -0.01550, -0.01550, -0.01650, -0.01650, -0.01550,
+   -0.01650, -0.01614, -0.01620, -0.01624, -0.01626, -0.01627, -0.01626, -0.01624, -0.01620, -0.01615},
+  {0.36412, 0.34567, 0.32815, 0.31152, 0.29574, 0.28075, 0.26652, 0.25302, 0.24020, 0.22803, 0.21647, 0.21400, 0.19400,
+   0.18520, 0.17582, 0.16600, 0.14600, 0.13800, 0.14280, 0.14200, 0.13400, 0.12600, 0.12200, 0.11000, 0.10200, 0.09400,
+   0.09000, 0.08600, 0.08200, 0.07400, 0.07000, 0.06600, 0.06600, 0.06200, 0.05800, 0.05400, 0.05400, 0.05000, 0.04600,
+   0.04600, 0.04200, 0.03800, 0.03800, 0.03400, 0.03400, 0.03000, 0.03000, 0.02600, 0.02200, 0.02200}};
+Float_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::fgCorrRcXbiasXval[3][NBINSCORRX] = {
+  {0.00100, 0.00260, 0.00540, 0.00740, 0.00900, 0.01060, 0.01300, 0.01460, 0.01660, 0.01900, 0.02060, 0.02260, 0.02420,
+   0.02700, 0.02860, 0.02980, 0.03220, 0.03340, 0.03540, 0.03620, 0.03820, 0.04020, 0.04180, 0.04340, 0.04460, 0.04620,
+   0.04740, 0.04941, 0.05088, 0.05233, 0.05375, 0.05515, 0.05653, 0.05788, 0.05921, 0.06052, 0.06180, 0.06306, 0.06430,
+   0.06551, 0.06670, 0.06786, 0.06901, 0.07012, 0.07122, 0.07229, 0.07334, 0.07436, 0.07536, 0.07634},
+  {0.00100, 0.00380, 0.00780, 0.00900, 0.01220, 0.01460, 0.01860, 0.01940, 0.02260, 0.02540, 0.02820, 0.03060, 0.03220,
+   0.03660, 0.03980, 0.04094, 0.04420, 0.04620, 0.04824, 0.04980, 0.05298, 0.05532, 0.05740, 0.05991, 0.06217, 0.06500,
+   0.06540, 0.06900, 0.07096, 0.07310, 0.07380, 0.07729, 0.07935, 0.08139, 0.08340, 0.08538, 0.08734, 0.08928, 0.08900,
+   0.09307, 0.09493, 0.09340, 0.09858, 0.09620, 0.09740, 0.10386, 0.09980, 0.10726, 0.10892, 0.11056},
+  {0.00011, 0.00140, 0.00340, 0.00420, 0.00500, 0.00620, 0.00820, 0.00860, 0.01060, 0.01100, 0.01220, 0.01340, 0.01500,
+   0.01540, 0.01700, 0.01820, 0.01900, 0.02060, 0.02180, 0.02260, 0.02340, 0.02420, 0.02500, 0.02500, 0.02660, 0.02740,
+   0.02820, 0.02900, 0.03020, 0.03180, 0.03300, 0.03260, 0.03380, 0.03460, 0.03500, 0.03580, 0.03780, 0.03820, 0.03860,
+   0.03900, 0.04100, 0.04180, 0.04060, 0.04300, 0.04340, 0.04340, 0.04380, 0.04460, 0.04580, 0.04540}};
diff --git a/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdModuleRec2D.h b/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdModuleRec2D.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa27610823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdModuleRec2D.h
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: Alexandru Bercuci[committer] */
+#include "CbmTrdModuleRec.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#define NBINSCORRX 50   //! no of bins in the discretized correction LUT
+#define NBINSCORRY 4    //! no of bins in the parametrization correction
+#define NANODE 9
+using std::list;
+using std::map;
+using std::vector;
+class TGraphErrors;
+class CbmTrdDigiRec;
+class TF1;
+/** @class CbmTrdModuleRec2D
+ ** @brief Cluster finding and hit reconstruction algorithms for the TRD(2D) module. 
+ ** @author Alexandru Bercucic <>
+ ** @since 01.02.2019
+ ** @date 01.10.2021
+ **
+ ** Extend the TRD module reconstructor for the particular case of inner TRD-2D modules.
+ ** The class is a collection of algorithms to :
+ ** - identify time and spatially correlated digis and build clusters
+ ** - identify the type of clusters and apply further merging/deconvolution
+ ** - apply FEE (channel gain, baseline) and detector (energy gain, maps, etc) calibration
+ ** - steer the calculation of hit 4D parameters (x, y, t, E)
+ **/
+class CbmTrdModuleRec2D : public CbmTrdModuleRec {
+  enum CbmTrdModuleRec2Dconfig
+  {
+    kVerbose = 0  // steer verbosity on/off
+      ,
+    kDraw  // steer graphic representation on/off
+  };
+  /** \brief Default constructor.*/
+  CbmTrdModuleRec2D();
+  /** \brief Constructor with placement */
+  CbmTrdModuleRec2D(Int_t mod, Int_t ly = -1, Int_t rot = 0);
+  virtual ~CbmTrdModuleRec2D();
+  /** \brief Add digi to local module **/
+  virtual Bool_t AddDigi(const CbmTrdDigi* d, Int_t id);
+  /** \brief Config task with the following settings
+   * \param[in] v verbosity toggle
+   * \param[in] d drawing toggle
+   */
+  virtual inline void Config(Bool_t v, Bool_t d);
+  virtual void DrawHit(CbmTrdHit*) const { ; }
+  /** \brief Count RO channels (R or T) with data**/
+  virtual Int_t GetOverThreshold() const;
+  /** \brief Check hit quality (deconvolute pile-ups, etc)**/
+  virtual Bool_t PreProcessHits();
+  /** \brief Finalize hits (merge RC hits, etc)**/
+  virtual Bool_t PostProcessHits();
+  /** \brief Finalize clusters **/
+  virtual Int_t FindClusters();
+  /** \brief Steering routine for building hits **/
+  virtual Bool_t MakeHits();
+  /** \brief Steering routine for converting cluster to hit **/
+  virtual CbmTrdHit* MakeHit(Int_t cId, const CbmTrdCluster* c, std::vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>* digis);
+  /** \brief Load RAW digis into working array of RECO digis
+   * \param[in] din list of RAW digis in increasing order of column no
+   * \param[in] cid cluster index in the cluster array 
+   * \return no of digis loaded
+   */
+  Int_t LoadDigis(vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>* din, Int_t cid);
+  Int_t ProjectDigis(Int_t cid, Int_t cjd = -1);
+  /** \brief Implement topologic cuts for hit merging
+   * \return index of anode wire wrt to boundary or 0 if check fails 
+   */
+  Int_t CheckMerge(Int_t cid, Int_t cjd);
+  /** \brief Algorithm for hit merging
+   * \param[in] h hit to be modified by addition of hp.
+   * \param[in] a0 anode hypothesis around boundary (see CheckMerge function).
+   * \return TRUE if succesful.
+   */
+  Bool_t MergeHits(CbmTrdHit* h, Int_t a0);
+  Bool_t BuildHit(CbmTrdHit* h);
+  UShort_t GetHitMap() const { return vyM; }
+  /** \brief x position correction based on LUT
+   * \param[in] dx offset computed on charge sharing expressed in [pw]
+   * \param[in] typ hit type central pad [0] or edge [1]
+   * \param[in] cls correction class x wrt center [0] row-cross [1] row-cross biassed x [2]
+   * \return correction expresed in [cm]
+   */
+  Double_t GetXcorr(Double_t dx, Int_t typ, Int_t cls = 0) const;
+  /** \brief y position correction based on LUT
+   * \param[in] dy offset computed on charge sharing expressed in [ph]
+   * \param[in] cls correction class 
+   * \return correction expresed in [cm]
+   */
+  Double_t GetYcorr(Double_t dy, Int_t cls = 0) const;
+  /** \brief Shift graph representation to [-0.5, 0.5]
+   * \param[in] dx offset wrt center pad [pw]
+   */
+  void RecenterXoffset(Double_t& dx);
+  /** \brief Shift graph representation to [-0.5, 0.5]
+   * \param[in] dy offset wrt center pad [ph]
+   */
+  void RecenterYoffset(Double_t& dy);
+  /** \brief Hit classification wrt center pad
+   * \return hit type : center hit [0]; side hit [1]
+   */
+  Int_t GetHitClass() const;
+  /** \brief Hit classification wrt signal bias
+   * \return hit type : center hit [0]; side hit [1]
+   */
+  Int_t GetHitRcClass(Int_t a0) const;
+  CbmTrdModuleRec2D(const CbmTrdModuleRec2D& ref);
+  const CbmTrdModuleRec2D& operator=(const CbmTrdModuleRec2D& ref);
+  Bool_t CDRAW() const { return TESTBIT(fConfigMap, kDraw); }
+  Bool_t CWRITE() const { return TESTBIT(fConfigMap, kVerbose); }
+  /** \brief Implement cuts for hit convolution definition
+   * \param[in] h hit to be analysed.
+   * \return TRUE if double cluster
+   */
+  Bool_t CheckConvolution(CbmTrdHit* h) const;
+  /** \brief Algorithm for cluster spliting
+   * \param[in] h hit to be analysed.
+   * \return TRUE if succesful. The extra cluster is added to the end of the hits array 
+   */
+  Bool_t Deconvolute(CbmTrdHit* h);
+  Double_t GetXoffset(Int_t n0 = 0) const;
+  Double_t GetYoffset(Int_t n0 = 0) const;
+  /** \brief Load digis info into local data structures
+   * \param[in] digis initial digis list shrinked for incomplete digis.
+   * \param[in] vdgM list of merged digis
+   * \param[in] vmask position of merged digis in the digis list
+   * \param[in] t0 prompt time of cluster 
+   * \param[out] cM relative position of maximum
+   * \return no of signals loaded. if detected overflow negative number
+   */
+  Int_t LoadDigis(std::vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>* digis, std::vector<CbmTrdDigi*>* vdgM, std::vector<Bool_t>* vmask,
+                  ULong64_t& t0, Int_t& cM);
+  Int_t LoadDigisRC(vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>* digis, const Int_t r0, const Int_t a0,
+                    /*vector<CbmTrdDigi*> *vdgM, */ ULong64_t& t0, Int_t& cM);
+  /** \brief Merge R/T signals to digis if topological conditions in cluster are fulfilled
+   * \param[in] digis initial digis list.
+   * \param[out] vdgM list of merged digis
+   * \param[out] vmask position of merged digis in the output digis list
+   * \return If successful the digis are resized by removing the references to incomplete clusters
+   */
+  Bool_t MergeDigis(std::vector<const CbmTrdDigi*>* digis, std::vector<CbmTrdDigi*>* vdgM, std::vector<Bool_t>* vmask);
+  Bool_t HasLeftSgn() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 3); }
+  Bool_t HasOvf() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 12); }
+  Bool_t IsBiasX() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 4); }
+  Bool_t IsBiasXleft() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 5); }
+  Bool_t IsBiasXmid() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 6); }
+  Bool_t IsBiasXright() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 7); }
+  Bool_t IsBiasY() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 8); }
+  Bool_t IsBiasYleft() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 9); }
+  Bool_t IsLeftHit() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 2); }
+  Bool_t IsMaxTilt() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 0); }
+  Bool_t IsOpenLeft() const { return (viM % 2 && !IsMaxTilt()) || (!(viM % 2) && IsMaxTilt()); }
+  inline Bool_t IsOpenRight() const;
+  Bool_t IsSymmHit() const { return TESTBIT(vyM, 1); }
+  void SetBiasX(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 4) : CLRBIT(vyM, 4); }
+  void SetBiasXleft(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 5) : CLRBIT(vyM, 5); }
+  void SetBiasXmid(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 6) : CLRBIT(vyM, 6); }
+  void SetBiasXright(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 7) : CLRBIT(vyM, 7); }
+  void SetBiasY(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 8) : CLRBIT(vyM, 8); }
+  void SetBiasYleft(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 9) : CLRBIT(vyM, 9); }
+  void SetBiasYmid(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 10) : CLRBIT(vyM, 10); }
+  void SetBiasYright(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 11) : CLRBIT(vyM, 11); }
+  void SetLeftSgn(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 3) : CLRBIT(vyM, 3); }
+  void SetLeftHit(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 2) : CLRBIT(vyM, 2); }
+  void SetSymmHit(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 1) : CLRBIT(vyM, 1); }
+  void SetMaxTilt(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 0) : CLRBIT(vyM, 0); }
+  void SetOvf(Bool_t set = 1) { set ? SETBIT(vyM, 12) : CLRBIT(vyM, 12); }
+  UChar_t fConfigMap;                                  // task configuration settings
+  ULong64_t fT0;                                       //! start time of event/time slice [clk]
+  std::map<Int_t, std::list<CbmTrdCluster*>> fBuffer;  //row-wise organized clusters
+  std::map<Int_t, vector<CbmTrdDigiRec*>> fDigis;      //!cluster-wise organized calibrated digi
+  // working representation of a hit on which the reconstruction is performed
+  ULong64_t vt0;              //! start time of current hit [clk]
+  UChar_t vcM;                //! maximum col
+  UChar_t vrM;                //! maximum row
+  UChar_t viM;                //! index of maximum signal in the projection
+  UShort_t vyM;               //! bit map for cluster topology classification
+  std::vector<Double_t> vs;   //! working copy of signals from cluster
+  std::vector<Double_t> vse;  //! working copy of signal errors from cluster
+  std::vector<Char_t> vt;     //! working copy of signal relative timing
+  std::vector<Double_t> vx;   //! working copy of signal relative positions
+  std::vector<Double_t> vxe;  //! working copy of signal relative position errors
+  static Float_t fgCorrXdx;                  //! step of the discretized correction LUT
+  static Float_t fgCorrXval[3][NBINSCORRX];  //! discretized correction LUT
+  static Float_t fgCorrYval[NBINSCORRY][2];  //! discretized correction params
+  static Float_t fgCorrRcXval[2][NBINSCORRX];       //! discretized correction LUT
+  static Float_t fgCorrRcXbiasXval[3][NBINSCORRX];  //! discretized correction LUT
+  static Double_t fgDT[3];                   //! FASP delay wrt signal
+  static TGraphErrors* fgEdep;               //! data handler for cluster PRF
+  static TF1* fgPRF;                         //! fitter for cluster PRF
+  static TGraphErrors* fgT;                  //! data handler for cluster TRF
+  ClassDef(CbmTrdModuleRec2D,
+           2)  // Triangular pad module; Cluster finding and hit reconstruction algorithms
+void CbmTrdModuleRec2D::Config(Bool_t v, Bool_t d)
+  if (v) SETBIT(fConfigMap, kVerbose);
+  else
+    CLRBIT(fConfigMap, kVerbose);
+  printf("CbmTrdModuleRec2D::Verbose[%c]\n", CWRITE() ? 'y' : 'n');
+  if (d) SETBIT(fConfigMap, kDraw);
+  else
+    CLRBIT(fConfigMap, kDraw);
+  printf("CbmTrdModuleRec2D::Draw[%c]\n", CDRAW() ? 'y' : 'n');
+Bool_t CbmTrdModuleRec2D::IsOpenRight() const
+  Int_t nR = vs.size() - 1 - viM;
+  return (nR % 2 && IsMaxTilt()) || (!(nR % 2) && !IsMaxTilt());
diff --git a/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdRecoLinkDef.h b/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdRecoLinkDef.h
index 92169034ae..31652af862 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdRecoLinkDef.h
+++ b/reco/detectors/trd/CbmTrdRecoLinkDef.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #pragma link C++ class CbmTrdHitProducer + ;
 #pragma link C++ class CbmTrdModuleRec + ;
 #pragma link C++ class CbmTrdModuleRecR + ;
-#pragma link C++ class CbmTrdModuleRecT + ;
+#pragma link C++ class CbmTrdModuleRec2D + ;
 #pragma link C++ class CbmTrdDigiRec + ;
 #pragma link C++ class CbmTrdClusterizerFastQa + ;