diff --git a/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParAsic.cxx b/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParAsic.cxx
index 67b0408493d9aaff89b1790d3e695297a33d27e3..99fb1d292ef8e017ac4b3bf52c7c4e963ac00a1d 100644
--- a/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParAsic.cxx
+++ b/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParAsic.cxx
@@ -16,11 +16,10 @@
 #include <assert.h>  // for assert
-  // -----   Constructor   ---------------------------------------------------
-  CbmStsParAsic::CbmStsParAsic(UShort_t nChannels, UShort_t nAdc, Double_t dynRange, Double_t threshold,
-                               Double_t timeResol, Double_t deadTime, Double_t noise, Double_t znr)
+// -----   Constructor   ---------------------------------------------------
+CbmStsParAsic::CbmStsParAsic(UShort_t nChannels, UShort_t nAdc, double dynRange, double threshold, double timeResol,
+                             double deadTime, double noise, double znr)
   Set(nChannels, nAdc, dynRange, threshold, timeResol, deadTime, noise, znr);
@@ -32,6 +31,8 @@ CbmStsParAsic::CbmStsParAsic(const CbmStsParAsic& other)
   Set(other.fNofChannels, other.fNofAdc, other.fDynRange, other.fThreshold, other.fTimeResolution, other.fDeadTime,
       other.fNoise, other.fZeroNoiseRate);
+  SetTimeOffset(other.fTimeOffset);
+  SetWalkCoef(other.fWalkCoef);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ CbmStsParAsic& CbmStsParAsic::operator=(const CbmStsParAsic& other)
   Set(other.fNofChannels, other.fNofAdc, other.fDynRange, other.fThreshold, other.fTimeResolution, other.fDeadTime,
       other.fNoise, other.fZeroNoiseRate);
+  SetTimeOffset(other.fTimeOffset);
+  SetWalkCoef(other.fWalkCoef);
   return *this;
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -55,23 +58,23 @@ CbmStsParAsic::~CbmStsParAsic()
 // -----  ADC channel from charge   ----------------------------------------
-Short_t CbmStsParAsic::ChargeToAdc(Double_t charge) const
+int16_t CbmStsParAsic::ChargeToAdc(double charge) const
   if (charge < fThreshold) return -1;                        // Underflow
   if (charge >= fThreshold + fDynRange) return fNofAdc - 1;  // Overflow
-  return Short_t((charge - fThreshold) / fDynRange * Double_t(fNofAdc));
+  return int16_t((charge - fThreshold) / fDynRange * double(fNofAdc));
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -----   Deactivate channels   -------------------------------------------
-UInt_t CbmStsParAsic::DeactivateRandomChannels(Double_t fraction)
+uint16_t CbmStsParAsic::DeactivateRandomChannels(double fraction)
   if (fraction < 0.) return 0;
   // --- Average number of dead channels
-  Double_t meanDead = fraction * Double_t(fNofChannels);
+  double meanDead = fraction * double(fNofChannels);
   if (meanDead > fNofChannels) meanDead = fNofChannels;
   // --- Sample actual number of dead channels from Poissonian
@@ -94,17 +97,17 @@ UInt_t CbmStsParAsic::DeactivateRandomChannels(Double_t fraction)
 // -----   Single-channel noise rate   -------------------------------------
-Double_t CbmStsParAsic::GetNoiseRate() const
+double CbmStsParAsic::GetNoiseRate() const
   if (fNoise == 0.) return 0.;
-  Double_t ratio = fThreshold / fNoise;
+  double ratio = fThreshold / fNoise;
   return 0.5 * fZeroNoiseRate * TMath::Exp(-0.5 * ratio * ratio);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -----   Random charge of a noise signal   -------------------------------
-Double_t CbmStsParAsic::GetRandomNoiseCharge() const
+double CbmStsParAsic::GetRandomNoiseCharge() const
   return fNoiseCharge->GetRandom();
@@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ Double_t CbmStsParAsic::GetRandomNoiseCharge() const
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----   Intialise the noise charge distribution   -----------------------
+// -----   Initialise the noise charge distribution   ----------------------
 void CbmStsParAsic::Init()
   if (fNoiseCharge) delete fNoiseCharge;
@@ -124,8 +127,8 @@ void CbmStsParAsic::Init()
 // -----   Set the parameters   ---------------------------------------------
-void CbmStsParAsic::Set(UShort_t nChannels, UShort_t nAdc, Double_t dynRange, Double_t threshold, Double_t timeResol,
-                        Double_t deadTime, Double_t noise, Double_t zeroNoiseRate, std::set<UShort_t> deadChannels)
+void CbmStsParAsic::Set(UShort_t nChannels, UShort_t nAdc, double dynRange, double threshold, double timeResol,
+                        double deadTime, double noise, double zeroNoiseRate, std::set<UShort_t> deadChannels)
   // Assert validity of parameters
@@ -161,3 +164,6 @@ std::string CbmStsParAsic::ToString() const
   return ss.str();
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParAsic.h b/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParAsic.h
index 9b06d9d93a18f6295752abf75cad02bc590475d7..7721d226aef202597cf8d9f1b593c7b7a4ec19b4 100644
--- a/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParAsic.h
+++ b/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParAsic.h
@@ -2,17 +2,12 @@
    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
    Authors: Volker Friese [committer] */
-/** @file CbmStsParAsic.h
- ** @author Volker Friese <v.friese@gsi.de>
- ** @date 23.03.2020
- **/
-#include <Rtypes.h>      // for THashConsistencyHolder, ClassDefNV
-#include <RtypesCore.h>  // for Double_t, UShort_t, Bool_t, Short_t, kFALSE
+#include <Rtypes.h>  // for THashConsistencyHolder, ClassDefNV
+#include <array>
 #include <set>
 #include <string>  // for string
@@ -23,8 +18,7 @@ class TF1;
  ** @author Volker Friese <v.friese@gsi.de>
  ** @since 23.03.2020
- ** This class represents the configuration parameters of a
- ** readout ASIC of the STS (STSXYTER).
+ ** This class represents the configuration parameters of a readout ASIC of the STS (STSXYTER).
 class CbmStsParAsic {
@@ -35,16 +29,16 @@ public:
   /** @brief Constructor with parameters
    ** @param nChannels   Number of readout channels
-     ** @param nAdc  Number of ADC channels
-     ** @param dynRange  Dynamic range of ADC [e]
-     ** @param threshold  ADC threshold [e]
-     ** @param timeResol   Time resolution [ns]
-     ** @param deadTime  Single-channel dead time [ns]
-     ** @param noise   Noise RMS [e]
-     ** @param znr   Zero-crossing noise rate [1/ns]
-     **/
-  CbmStsParAsic(UShort_t nChannels, UShort_t nAdc, Double_t dynRange, Double_t threshold, Double_t timeResol,
-                Double_t deadTime, Double_t noise, Double_t znr);
+   ** @param nAdc  Number of ADC channels
+   ** @param dynRange  Dynamic range of ADC [e]
+   ** @param threshold  ADC threshold [e]
+   ** @param timeResol   Time resolution [ns]
+   ** @param deadTime  Single-channel dead time [ns]
+   ** @param noise   Noise RMS [e]
+   ** @param znr   Zero-crossing noise rate [1/ns]
+   **/
+  CbmStsParAsic(uint16_t nChannels, uint16_t nAdc, double dynRange, double threshold, double timeResol, double deadTime,
+                double noise, double znr);
   /** @brief Copy constructor (disabled) **/
@@ -68,146 +62,158 @@ public:
   /** @brief Charge from ADC channel (mean)
-     ** @param adc ADC channel
-     ** @return Mean charge in ADC channel [e]
-     */
-  Double_t AdcToCharge(UShort_t adc) const
-  {
-    return fThreshold + fDynRange / Double_t(fNofAdc) * (Double_t(adc) + 0.5);
-  }
+   ** @param adc ADC channel
+   ** @return Mean charge in ADC channel [e]
+   */
+  double AdcToCharge(uint16_t adc) const { return fThreshold + fDynRange / double(fNofAdc) * (double(adc) + 0.5); }
   /** @brief Randomly deactivate a fraction of the channels
    ** @param fraction  Fraction of channels to deactivate
    ** @return Number of deactivated channels
-  UInt_t DeactivateRandomChannels(Double_t fraction);
+  uint16_t DeactivateRandomChannels(double fraction);
   /** @brief ADC channel for a given charge
-     ** @param charge  Charge [e]
-     ** @return ADC channel number
-     **
-     ** Returns -1 for charge below threshold.
-     **/
-  Short_t ChargeToAdc(Double_t charge) const;
+   ** @param charge  Charge [e]
+   ** @return ADC channel number
+   **
+   ** Returns -1 for charge below threshold.
+   **/
+  int16_t ChargeToAdc(double charge) const;
   /** @brief Single-channel dead time
-     ** @return Dead time [ns]
-     **/
-  Double_t GetDeadTime() const { return fDeadTime; }
+   ** @return Dead time [ns]
+   **/
+  double GetDeadTime() const { return fDeadTime; }
   /** @brief Dynamic range of ADC
-     ** @return Dynamic range [e]
-     **/
-  Double_t GetDynRange() const { return fDynRange; }
+   ** @return Dynamic range [e]
+   **/
+  double GetDynRange() const { return fDynRange; }
   /** @brief Number of ADC channels
-     ** @return Number of ADC channels
-     **/
-  UShort_t GetNofAdc() const { return fNofAdc; }
+   ** @return Number of ADC channels
+   **/
+  uint16_t GetNofAdc() const { return fNofAdc; }
   /** @brief Number of readout channels
-     ** @return Number of readout channels
-     **/
-  UShort_t GetNofChannels() const { return fNofChannels; }
+   ** @return Number of readout channels
+   **/
+  uint16_t GetNofChannels() const { return fNofChannels; }
   /** @brief Electronic noise RMS
-     ** @return Noise RMS [e]
-     **/
-  Double_t GetNoise() const { return fNoise; }
+   ** @return Noise RMS [e]
+   **/
+  double GetNoise() const { return fNoise; }
   /** @brief Single-channel noise rate
-     ** @return Noise rate [1/s]
-     **/
-  Double_t GetNoiseRate() const;
+   ** @return Noise rate [1/s]
+   **/
+  double GetNoiseRate() const;
   /** @brief Random noise charge
-     ** @return Charge of a random noise signal [e]
-     **
-     ** The noise charge is samples from a Gaussian with zero mean
-     ** and width equal to the noise RMS, starting from threshold
-     ** and up to 10 times the noise RMS.
-     **/
-  Double_t GetRandomNoiseCharge() const;
+   ** @return Charge of a random noise signal [e]
+   **
+   ** The noise charge is samples from a Gaussian with zero mean
+   ** and width equal to the noise RMS, starting from threshold
+   ** and up to 10 times the noise RMS.
+   **/
+  double GetRandomNoiseCharge() const;
   /** @brief ADC Threshold
-     ** @return Threshold [e]
-     **/
-  Double_t GetThreshold() const { return fThreshold; }
+   ** @return Threshold [e]
+   **/
+  double GetThreshold() const { return fThreshold; }
   /** @brief Time resolution
-     ** @return Time resolution [ns]
-     **/
-  Double_t GetTimeResol() const { return fTimeResolution; }
+   ** @return Time resolution [ns]
+   **/
+  double GetTimeResol() const { return fTimeResolution; }
   /** @brief Zero-crossing noise rate
-     ** @return Zero-crossing noise rate [1/ns]
-     **/
-  Double_t GetZeroNoiseRate() const { return fZeroNoiseRate; }
+   ** @return Zero-crossing noise rate [1/ns]
+   **/
+  double GetZeroNoiseRate() const { return fZeroNoiseRate; }
   /** @brief Initialisation
-     **
-     ** Calculates the noise charge distribution.
-     **/
+   **
+   ** Calculates the noise charge distribution.
+   **/
   void Init();
   /** @brief Check for a channel being active
-     ** @param channel  Channel number within ASIC
-     ** @return True if the channel is active
-     **/
-  Bool_t IsChannelActive(UShort_t channel) const { return fDeadChannels.find(channel) == fDeadChannels.end(); }
+   ** @param channel  Channel number within ASIC
+   ** @return True if the channel is active
+   **/
+  Bool_t IsChannelActive(uint16_t channel) const { return fDeadChannels.find(channel) == fDeadChannels.end(); }
   /** @brief Set parameters
    ** @param nChannels          Number of readout channels
-     ** @param nAdc             Number of ADC channels
-     ** @param dynRange         Dynamic range [e]
-     ** @param threshold        Threshold [e]
-     ** @param timeResol        Time resolution [ns]
-     ** @param deadTime         Channel dead time [ns]
-     ** @param noise            Noise RMS
-     ** @param zeroNoiseRate    Zero-crossing noise rate
-     ** @param deadChannels     Set of dead channels
-     **/
-  void Set(UShort_t nChannels, UShort_t nAdc, Double_t dynRange, Double_t threshold, Double_t timeResol,
-           Double_t deadTime, Double_t noise, Double_t zeroNoiseRate, std::set<UShort_t> deadChannels = {});
+   ** @param nAdc             Number of ADC channels
+   ** @param dynRange         Dynamic range [e]
+   ** @param threshold        Threshold [e]
+   ** @param timeResol        Time resolution [ns]
+   ** @param deadTime         Channel dead time [ns]
+   ** @param noise            Noise RMS
+   ** @param zeroNoiseRate    Zero-crossing noise rate
+   ** @param deadChannels     Set of dead channels
+   **/
+  void Set(uint16_t nChannels, uint16_t nAdc, double dynRange, double threshold, double timeResol, double deadTime,
+           double noise, double zeroNoiseRate, std::set<uint16_t> deadChannels = {});
+  /** @brief Set time offset
+   ** @param offset  Time offset for this ASIC [ns]
+   **
+   ** The time offset will be subtracted from the message at the unpacking stage.
+   */
+  void SetTimeOffset(double offset) { fTimeOffset = offset; }
+  /** @brief Set coefficients for walk correction
+   ** @param par Array of correction parameters
+   **/
+  void SetWalkCoef(std::array<double, 4> par) { fWalkCoef = par; }
   /** @brief Info to string **/
   std::string ToString() const;
-  UShort_t fNofChannels    = 0;         ///< Number of readout channels
-  UShort_t fNofAdc         = 0;         ///< Number of ADC channels
-  Double_t fDynRange       = 0.;        ///< Dynamic range [e]
-  Double_t fThreshold      = 0.;        ///< Threshold [e]
-  Double_t fTimeResolution = 0.;        ///< Time resolution [ns]
-  Double_t fDeadTime       = 0.;        ///< Channel dead time [ns]
-  Double_t fNoise          = 0.;        ///< RMS of noise [e]
-  Double_t fZeroNoiseRate  = 0.;        ///< Zero-crossing noise rate [1/ns]
-  std::set<UShort_t> fDeadChannels {};  ///< Map of dead channels
-  Bool_t fIsInit = kFALSE;  //! Flag for being initialised
+  uint16_t fNofChannels           = 0;                   ///< Number of readout channels
+  uint16_t fNofAdc                = 0;                   ///< Number of ADC channels
+  double fDynRange                = 0.;                  ///< Dynamic range [e]
+  double fThreshold               = 0.;                  ///< Threshold [e]
+  double fTimeResolution          = 0.;                  ///< Time resolution [ns]
+  double fDeadTime                = 0.;                  ///< Channel dead time [ns]
+  double fNoise                   = 0.;                  ///< RMS of noise [e]
+  double fZeroNoiseRate           = 0.;                  ///< Zero-crossing noise rate [1/ns]
+  double fTimeOffset              = 0.;                  ///< Time offset [ns]
+  std::array<double, 4> fWalkCoef = {{0., 0., 0., 0.}};  ///< Parameters for correction of walk effect
+  std::set<uint16_t> fDeadChannels {};                   ///< Map of dead channels
+  bool fIsInit = kFALSE;  //! Flag for being initialised
   /** @brief Noise charge distribution. Is instantiated by the Init
-     ** method in order to avoid frequent re-calculation. **/
+   ** method in order to avoid frequent re-calculation. **/
   TF1* fNoiseCharge = nullptr;  //!
-  ClassDefNV(CbmStsParAsic, 3);
+  ClassDefNV(CbmStsParAsic, 4);
 #endif /* CBMSTSPARASIC_H */
diff --git a/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParModule.cxx b/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParModule.cxx
index 6c703cb992b3b7d16048fe968f0b8256fd884b89..7221c976bc131d09cbe408877fffc25368eb0196 100644
--- a/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParModule.cxx
+++ b/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParModule.cxx
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2014-2020 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
+/* Copyright (C) 2014-2021 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
    Authors: Volker Friese [committer] */
-/** @file CbmStsParModule.cxx
- ** @author Volker Friese <v.friese@gsi.de>
- ** @date 28.06.2014
- **/
 #include "CbmStsParModule.h"
 #include <cassert>   // for assert
@@ -16,25 +13,23 @@
 using std::string;
 using std::stringstream;
-  // -----   Constructor   ---------------------------------------------------
-  CbmStsParModule::CbmStsParModule(UInt_t nChannels, UInt_t nAsicChannels)
+// -----   Constructor   ---------------------------------------------------
+CbmStsParModule::CbmStsParModule(uint32_t nChannels, uint32_t nAsicChannels)
   : fNofChannels(nChannels)
   , fNofAsicChannels(nAsicChannels)
-  UInt_t nAsics = (nChannels % nAsicChannels ? nChannels / nAsicChannels + 1 : nChannels / nAsicChannels);
+  uint32_t nAsics = (nChannels % nAsicChannels ? nChannels / nAsicChannels + 1 : nChannels / nAsicChannels);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -----   Randomly deactivate channels   ----------------------------------
-UInt_t CbmStsParModule::DeactivateRandomChannels(Double_t fraction)
+uint32_t CbmStsParModule::DeactivateRandomChannels(Double_t fraction)
   if (fraction <= 0.) return 0;
-  UInt_t nDeactivated = 0;
+  uint32_t nDeactivated = 0;
   for (auto& asic : fAsicPars) {
     nDeactivated += asic.DeactivateRandomChannels(fraction);
@@ -44,11 +39,11 @@ UInt_t CbmStsParModule::DeactivateRandomChannels(Double_t fraction)
 // -----   Get ASIC parameters   -------------------------------------------
-const CbmStsParAsic& CbmStsParModule::GetParAsic(UInt_t channel) const
+const CbmStsParAsic& CbmStsParModule::GetParAsic(uint32_t channel) const
   assert(channel < fNofChannels);
-  UInt_t nAsic = channel / fNofAsicChannels;
+  uint32_t nAsic = channel / fNofAsicChannels;
   assert(nAsic < GetNofAsics());
   return fAsicPars[nAsic];
@@ -56,10 +51,10 @@ const CbmStsParAsic& CbmStsParModule::GetParAsic(UInt_t channel) const
 // -----   Check for a channel being active   ------------------------------
-Bool_t CbmStsParModule::IsChannelActive(UInt_t channel) const
+Bool_t CbmStsParModule::IsChannelActive(uint32_t channel) const
   const CbmStsParAsic& parAsic = GetParAsic(channel);
-  UShort_t asicChannel         = channel % fNofAsicChannels;
+  uint32_t asicChannel         = channel % fNofAsicChannels;
   return parAsic.IsChannelActive(asicChannel);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -77,6 +72,15 @@ void CbmStsParModule::SetAllAsics(const CbmStsParAsic& asicPar)
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----   Set parameters for one ASIC   -----------------------------------
+void CbmStsParModule::SetAsic(uint32_t asicNr, const CbmStsParAsic& asicPar)
+  assert(asicNr < fAsicPars.size());
+  fAsicPars[asicNr] = asicPar;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -----   String output   -------------------------------------------------
 string CbmStsParModule::ToString() const
@@ -85,3 +89,6 @@ string CbmStsParModule::ToString() const
   return ss.str();
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParModule.h b/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParModule.h
index b13c4cd9a5ab88d536817534765236580caa3a72..c50da9fd293400b940a580f083a9e1b9fec1900b 100644
--- a/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParModule.h
+++ b/core/detectors/sts/CbmStsParModule.h
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2020 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
+/* Copyright (C) 2014-2021 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
    Authors: Volker Friese [committer] */
-/** @file CbmStsParModule.h
- ** @author Volker Friese <v.friese@gsi.de>
- ** @date 31.03.2020
- **/
 #include "CbmStsParAsic.h"  // for CbmStsParAsic
-#include <Rtypes.h>      // for THashConsistencyHolder, ClassDefNV
-#include <RtypesCore.h>  // for UInt_t
+#include <Rtypes.h>  // for THashConsistencyHolder, ClassDefNV
 #include <string>  // for string
 #include <vector>  // for vector
@@ -37,10 +32,10 @@ public:
   /** @brief Standard constructor
-     ** @param nChannels     Number of readout channels
-     ** @param nAsics        Number of readout channels per ASIC
-     **/
-  CbmStsParModule(UInt_t nChannels, UInt_t nAsicChannels);
+   ** @param nChannels     Number of readout channels
+   ** @param nAsics        Number of readout channels per ASIC
+   **/
+  CbmStsParModule(uint32_t nChannels, uint32_t nAsicChannels);
   /** @brief Destructor **/
@@ -51,64 +46,70 @@ public:
    ** @param fraction  Fraction of channels to deactivate
    ** @return Number of deactivated channels
-  UInt_t DeactivateRandomChannels(Double_t fraction);
+  uint32_t DeactivateRandomChannels(double fraction);
   /** @brief ASIC parameters for a given channel
-     ** @param channel  Channel number
-     ** @return ASIC parameters
-     **/
-  const CbmStsParAsic& GetParAsic(UInt_t channel) const;
+   ** @param channel  Channel number
+   ** @return ASIC parameters
+   **/
+  const CbmStsParAsic& GetParAsic(uint32_t channel) const;
   /** @brief All ASIC parameters
-     ** @return Vector of ASIC parameters
-     **/
+   ** @return Vector of ASIC parameters
+   **/
   const std::vector<CbmStsParAsic>& GetAsicParams() const { return fAsicPars; }
   /** @brief Number of channels per ASIC
-     ** @return Number of channels per ASIC
-     **/
-  UInt_t GetNofAsicChannels() const { return fNofAsicChannels; }
+   ** @return Number of channels per ASIC
+   **/
+  uint32_t GetNofAsicChannels() const { return fNofAsicChannels; }
   /** @brief Number of ASICs
-     ** @return Number of ASICs
-     **/
-  UInt_t GetNofAsics() const { return fAsicPars.size(); }
+   ** @return Number of ASICs
+   **/
+  uint32_t GetNofAsics() const { return fAsicPars.size(); }
   /** @brief Number of channels
-     ** @return Number of channels
-     **/
-  UInt_t GetNofChannels() const { return fNofChannels; }
+   ** @return Number of channels
+   **/
+  uint32_t GetNofChannels() const { return fNofChannels; }
   /** @brief Check for a channel being active
-     ** @param channel  Channel number
-     ** @return True if the channel is active
-     **/
-  Bool_t IsChannelActive(UInt_t channel) const;
+   ** @param channel  Channel number
+   ** @return True if the channel is active
+   **/
+  bool IsChannelActive(uint32_t channel) const;
   /** @brief Set all ASICs with the same parameter set
-     ** @param asicPar  Parameters for all ASICs
-     **/
+   ** @param asicPar  Parameters for all ASICs
+   **/
   void SetAllAsics(const CbmStsParAsic& asicPar);
+  /** @brief Set parameters for a single ASIC
+   ** @param asicPar  ASIC parameter set
+   **/
+  void SetAsic(uint32_t asicNr, const CbmStsParAsic& asicPar);
   /** @brief String output **/
   std::string ToString() const;
-  UInt_t fNofChannels     = 0;              ///< Number of readout channels
-  UInt_t fNofAsicChannels = 0.;             ///< Number of channels per ASIC
+  uint32_t fNofChannels     = 0;            ///< Number of readout channels
+  uint32_t fNofAsicChannels = 0.;           ///< Number of channels per ASIC
   std::vector<CbmStsParAsic> fAsicPars {};  ///< ASIC parameters
-  ClassDefNV(CbmStsParModule, 1);
+  ClassDefNV(CbmStsParModule, 2);