diff --git a/macro/beamtime/mcbm2025/data/.gitignore b/macro/beamtime/mcbm2025/data/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ea40f8315d27f24d50e2c0f6ac12ea00b5542f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/beamtime/mcbm2025/data/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/macro/beamtime/mcbm2025/run_unpack_online_bmon_qfact.C b/macro/beamtime/mcbm2025/run_unpack_online_bmon_qfact.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2bd23cb247b6c5acca26b471d2fc998e7f1e6c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/beamtime/mcbm2025/run_unpack_online_bmon_qfact.C
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2022 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer]  */
+/** @file run_unpack_tsa.C
+ ** @author Volker Friese <v.friese@gsi.de>
+ ** @since May 2021
+ **/
+// --- Includes needed for IDE
+#include <FairSource.h>
+#include <RtypesCore.h>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#if !defined(__CLING__)
+#include <FairLogger.h>
+#include <FairRootFileSink.h>
+#include <FairRunOnline.h>
+#include <Logger.h>
+#include <TStopwatch.h>
+#include <TSystem.h>
+std::shared_ptr<CbmTofUnpackMonitor> GetTofMonitor(std::string treefilename, bool bBmonMode = false);
+std::string defaultSetupName = "mcbm_beam_2021_07_surveyed";
+void run_unpack_online_bmon(std::vector<std::string> publisher = {"tcp://localhost:5556"}, Int_t serverHttpPort = 8080,
+                            Int_t serverRefreshRate = 100, std::int32_t nevents = -1, UInt_t runid = 1905,
+                            std::string setupName = defaultSetupName, std::string outpath = "data/")
+  // ========================================================================
+  //          Adjust this part according to your requirements
+  // --- Logger settings ----------------------------------------------------
+  TString logLevel     = "INFO";
+  TString logVerbosity = "LOW";
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Environment   --------------------------------------------------
+  TString myName = "run_unpack_online";            // this macro's name for screen output
+  TString srcDir = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");  // top source directory
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Output filename   ----------------------------------------------
+  std::string filename    = Form("online_bmon_qfact_%05d.digi.root", runid);
+  std::string outfilename = outpath + filename;
+  std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Output file will be " << outfilename << std::endl;
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Performance profiling   ----------------------------------------
+  // Set to true if you want some minimal performance profiling output
+  bool doPerfProfiling = true;
+  // Define if you want a special path and name for the performance profiling output file
+  std::string perfProfFileName = outpath + filename;
+  perfProfFileName.replace(perfProfFileName.find(".digi.root"), 10, ".perf.root");
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   CbmSetup   -----------------------------------------------------
+  /// Do automatic mapping only if not overridden by user or empty
+  if (defaultSetupName == setupName || "" == setupName) {
+    cbm::mcbm::ToForceLibLoad dummy;  /// Needed to trigger loading of the library as no fct dict in ROOT6 and CLING
+    try {
+      setupName = cbm::mcbm::GetSetupFromRunId(runid);
+    }
+    catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
+      std::cout << "Error in mapping from runID to setup name: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    if (defaultSetupName != setupName) {
+      std::cout << "Automatic setup choice for run " << runid << ": " << setupName << std::endl;
+    }
+  }
+  auto cbmsetup = CbmSetup::Instance();
+  cbmsetup->LoadSetup(setupName.c_str());
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   UnpackerConfigs   ----------------------------------------------
+  // ---- BMON ----
+  std::shared_ptr<CbmBmonUnpackConfig> bmonconfig = nullptr;
+  bmonconfig = std::make_shared<CbmBmonUnpackConfig>("", runid);
+  if (bmonconfig) {
+    // bmonconfig->SetDebugState();
+    bmonconfig->SetDoWriteOutput();
+    // bmonconfig->SetDoWriteOptOutA("CbmBmonErrors");
+    std::string parfilesbasepathBmon = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/", srcDir.Data());
+    if (2610 < runid) {
+      parfilesbasepathBmon = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2023/", srcDir.Data());
+    }
+    if (2724 <= runid) {
+      parfilesbasepathBmon = Form("%s/macro/beamtime/mcbm2024/", srcDir.Data());
+    }
+    bmonconfig->SetParFilesBasePath(parfilesbasepathBmon);
+    bmonconfig->SetParFileName("mBmonCriPar.par");
+    bmonconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-1220);  // [ns] value to be updated
+    if (2160 <= runid) {
+      bmonconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-80);  // [ns] value to be updated
+    }
+    if (2350 <= runid) {
+      bmonconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(0);  // [ns] value to be updated
+    }
+    /// Enable Monitor plots
+    bmonconfig->SetMonitor(GetTofMonitor(outfilename, true));
+    if (2337 <= runid) {
+      bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetSpillThreshold(250);
+      bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetSpillThresholdNonPulser(100);
+    }
+    if (2981 <= runid) {
+      bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetSpillThreshold(900);
+      bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetSpillThresholdNonPulser(750);
+      if (runid <= 3350 || 3555 <= runid) {
+        bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetBmonScvdMode(true);
+      }
+      bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetBmonQFactorMode(true);
+    }
+  }
+  // -------------
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // In general, the following parts need not be touched
+  // ========================================================================
+  // -----   Timer   --------------------------------------------------------
+  TStopwatch timer;
+  timer.Start();
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   CbmSourceTsArchive   -------------------------------------------
+  std::unique_ptr<CbmSourceTsArchive> source = std::unique_ptr<CbmSourceTsArchive>(new CbmSourceTsArchive(publisher));
+  auto unpack                                = source->GetRecoUnpack();
+  //unpack->SetDoPerfProfiling(doPerfProfiling);
+  unpack->SetOutputFilename(perfProfFileName);
+  // Enable full time sorting instead sorting per FLIM link
+  unpack->SetTimeSorting(true);
+  //unpack->SetMonitoringOnly(true);
+  if (bmonconfig) unpack->SetUnpackConfig(bmonconfig);
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   FairRunAna   ---------------------------------------------------
+  auto run  = new FairRunOnline(source.release());
+  auto sink = new FairRootFileSink(outfilename.data());
+  run->SetSink(sink);
+  auto eventheader = new CbmTsEventHeader();
+  run->SetRunId(runid);
+  run->SetEventHeader(eventheader);
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   HttpServer for online monitoring   -----------------------------
+  run->ActivateHttpServer(serverRefreshRate, serverHttpPort);
+  run->GetHttpServer()->GetSniffer()->SetScanGlobalDir(kFALSE);
+  // run->SetAutoFinish(kFALSE);
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Logger settings   ----------------------------------------------
+  FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogScreenLevel(logLevel.Data());
+  FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogVerbosityLevel(logVerbosity.Data());
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Run initialisation   -------------------------------------------
+  std::cout << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Initialise run" << std::endl;
+  run->Init();
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Start run   ----------------------------------------------------
+  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Starting run" << std::endl;
+  if (nevents < 0)
+    run->Run(-1, 0);
+  else
+    run->Run(0, nevents);
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -----   Finish   -------------------------------------------------------
+  timer.Stop();
+  std::cout << "Macro finished successfully." << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "After CpuTime = " << timer.CpuTime() << " s RealTime = " << timer.RealTime() << " s." << std::endl;
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // --   Release all shared pointers to config before ROOT destroys things -
+  // => We need to destroy things by hand because run->Finish calls (through the FairRootManager) Source->Close which
+  //    does call the Source destructor, so due to share pointer things stay alive until out of macro scope...
+  run->SetSource(nullptr);
+  delete run;
+  bmonconfig.reset();
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+}  // End of main macro function
+ * @brief Get the Tof Monitor. Extra function to keep default macro part more silent.
+ * @return std::shared_ptr<CbmTofUnpackMonitor>
+std::shared_ptr<CbmTofUnpackMonitor> GetTofMonitor(std::string treefilename, bool bBmonMode = false)
+  // -----   Output filename and path   -------------------------------------
+  std::string outpath  = "";
+  std::string filename = "";
+  auto filenamepos     = treefilename.find_last_of("/");
+  if (filenamepos != treefilename.npos) {
+    outpath  = treefilename.substr(0, filenamepos);
+    filename = treefilename.substr(filenamepos++);
+  }
+  if (outpath.empty()) outpath = gSystem->GetWorkingDirectory();
+  //std::string mydir = "/qa";
+  //outpath += mydir;
+  auto currentdir = gSystem->GetWorkingDirectory();
+  if (!gSystem->cd(outpath.data()))
+    gSystem->MakeDirectory(outpath.data());
+  else
+    gSystem->cd(currentdir.data());
+  std::string sSystemType = ".mon.tof.root";
+  if (bBmonMode) {
+    //
+    sSystemType = ".mon.bmon.root";
+  }
+  std::string outfilename = outpath + filename;
+  auto filetypepos        = outfilename.find(".digi.root");
+  if (filetypepos != outfilename.npos)
+    outfilename.replace(filetypepos, 10, sSystemType);
+  else
+    outfilename += sSystemType;
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  auto monitor = std::make_shared<CbmTofUnpackMonitor>();
+  monitor->SetHistoFileName(outfilename);
+  monitor->SetBmonMode(bBmonMode);
+  return monitor;
+void run_unpack_online_bmon_qfact(std::string publisher = "tcp://localhost:5556", UInt_t runid = 1905,
+                                  Int_t serverHttpPort = 8080, Int_t serverRefreshRate = 10, std::int32_t nevents = -1,
+                                  std::string setupName = defaultSetupName, std::string outpath = "data/")
+  std::vector<std::string> vPublisher = {publisher};
+  return run_unpack_online_bmon(vPublisher, serverHttpPort, serverRefreshRate, nevents, runid, setupName, outpath);
diff --git a/macro/run/run_unpack_online.C b/macro/run/run_unpack_online.C
index 44a536d61348c6f3312aa58bc14aee34e8fe6494..315b28c63e950c0e75b98ec836de08ae8755a477 100644
--- a/macro/run/run_unpack_online.C
+++ b/macro/run/run_unpack_online.C
@@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ void run_unpack_online(std::vector<std::string> publisher = {"tcp://localhost:55
       if (2981 <= runid) {
-        bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetBmonScvdMode(true);
+        if (runid <= 3350 || 3555 <= runid) {
+          bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetBmonScvdMode(true);
+        }
diff --git a/macro/run/run_unpack_online_bmon.C b/macro/run/run_unpack_online_bmon.C
index 0927909ac09583799c6920c72e7191374ca94bbc..1801f5505669e3c5f1caf3ed0598f2d6d5e0364a 100644
--- a/macro/run/run_unpack_online_bmon.C
+++ b/macro/run/run_unpack_online_bmon.C
@@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ void run_unpack_online_bmon(std::vector<std::string> publisher = {"tcp://localho
     if (2981 <= runid) {
-      bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetBmonScvdMode(true);
+      if (runid <= 3350 || 3555 <= runid) {
+        bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetBmonScvdMode(true);
+      }
   // -------------
diff --git a/macro/run/run_unpack_tsa_bmon.C b/macro/run/run_unpack_tsa_bmon.C
index 4a79311e5d3722913f07ae53678f7e3d6f67d682..a8e6c0f8ed5efbbccc42ee4d5eb8a0120b52fda3 100644
--- a/macro/run/run_unpack_tsa_bmon.C
+++ b/macro/run/run_unpack_tsa_bmon.C
@@ -131,7 +131,9 @@ void run_unpack_tsa_bmon(std::vector<std::string> infile = {"test.tsa"}, UInt_t
     if (2981 <= runid) {
-      bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetBmonScvdMode(true);
+      if (runid <= 3350 || 3555 <= runid) {
+        bmonconfig->GetMonitor()->SetBmonScvdMode(true);
+      }
   // -------------