diff --git a/core/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdSensor.cxx b/core/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdSensor.cxx
index ca9c480304c3ecd80ed62f009746522bb430581a..a851f9694154d982f5fac3f4aaf155ee790a7524 100644
--- a/core/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdSensor.cxx
+++ b/core/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdSensor.cxx
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ void CbmMvdSensor::TopToPixel(Double_t* lab, Int_t& pixelNumberX, Int_t& pixelNu
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Int_t CbmMvdSensor::GetFrameNumber(Int_t pixelNumberY, Double_t absoluteTime) const
+Int_t CbmMvdSensor::GetFrameNumber(Double_t absoluteTime, Int_t pixelNumberY) const
@@ -483,6 +483,33 @@ Int_t CbmMvdSensor::GetFrameNumber(Int_t pixelNumberY, Double_t absoluteTime) co
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Double_t CbmMvdSensor::ComputeIndecatedAnalogTime(Double_t hitMCTime, Float_t diodeCharge){
+  Double_t delay = fSensorData->ComputeHitDelay(diodeCharge);
+  Double_t jitter= fSensorData->ComputeHitJitter(diodeCharge);
+  return hitMCTime + delay+jitter;
+Double_t CbmMvdSensor::ComputeEndOfBusyTime(Double_t hitMCTime, Float_t diodeCharge, Int_t pixelNumberY) {
+  Double_t endOfAnalogChannelDeadTime= hitMCTime + fSensorData->ComputeHitDeadTime(diodeCharge);
+  Int_t frameNumberAtEndOfDeadTime= GetFrameNumber(endOfAnalogChannelDeadTime,pixelNumberY);
+  Double_t endOfDeadTime = GetFrameEndTime (frameNumberAtEndOfDeadTime);
+  /* Anticipated condition for end of deadtime:
+   * Analog electronics must be below threshold AND HEREAFTER a new frame must have started.
+   * Neglected: Tail of the falling edge of the analog pulse is artificially cut.
+   */
+ return endOfDeadTime;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Double_t CbmMvdSensor::GetFrameStartTime(Int_t frameNumber) {
+  return fSensorStartTime + frameNumber * fSensorData->GetIntegrationTime();
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Double_t CbmMvdSensor::GetReadoutTime(Double_t absoluteTime) const
diff --git a/core/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdSensor.h b/core/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdSensor.h
index ed75e54250e1da53a8217bace00e9706364574e5..2b5d137469365eb1cb319aeea39eae9937f454f7 100644
--- a/core/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdSensor.h
+++ b/core/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdSensor.h
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ public:
   void SendInputToPlugin(Int_t nPlugin, TObject* input);
   /** Coordinate transformations **/
   void LocalToTop(Double_t* local, Double_t* lab);
   void TopToLocal(Double_t* lab, Double_t* local);
@@ -92,12 +94,18 @@ public:
   void PixelToLocal(Int_t pixelNumberX, Int_t pixelNumberY, Double_t* local);
   void PixelToTop(Int_t pixelNumberX, Int_t pixelNumberY, Double_t* lab);
   void TopToPixel(Double_t* lab, Int_t& pixelNumberX, Int_t& pixelNumberY);
-  Int_t GetFrameNumber(Int_t pixelNumberY, Double_t absoluteTime) const;
+  Int_t GetFrameNumber(Double_t absoluteTime, Int_t pixelNumberY =0) const;
+  Double_t GetFrameStartTime(Int_t frameNumber);
+  Double_t GetFrameEndTime(Int_t frameNumber) {return GetFrameStartTime (frameNumber+1);}
   Int_t GetDigiPlugin() const { return fDigiPlugin; };
   Int_t GetHitPlugin() const { return fHitPlugin; };
   Int_t GetClusterPlugin() const { return fClusterPlugin; }
   TObjArray* GetPluginArray() { return fPluginArray; }
+  Double_t ComputeIndecatedAnalogTime(Double_t hitMCTime, Float_t diodeCharge);
+  Double_t ComputeEndOfBusyTime(Double_t hitMCTime, Float_t diodeCharge, Int_t pixelNumberY);
   void SetDigiPlugin(const Int_t& nPlugin) { fDigiPlugin = nPlugin; };
   void SetHitPlugin(const Int_t& nPlugin) { fHitPlugin = nPlugin; };
   void SetClusterPlugin(const Int_t& nPlugin) { fClusterPlugin = nPlugin; }
diff --git a/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdMimosis.cxx b/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdMimosis.cxx
index 5d8a3594ed361caa1ff4038557471dd628bc3945..4d184f5c63b35bb2dfba48a14151496bd79485db 100644
--- a/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdMimosis.cxx
+++ b/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdMimosis.cxx
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ CbmMvdMimosis::CbmMvdMimosis()
   fPixelSignY = 1;                       // Direction of the pixel count Y, if true, Pixel x=0 is at
                                          // the lower corner, else at upper corner
   fShutterSign     = 1;
-  fIntegrationTime = 30.0e3;  // Integration time of the pixels in ns
-  fEpiTh           = 18e-4;   // Thickness of the epitaxial layer
+  fIntegrationTime = 5.0e3;  // Integration time of the pixels in ns
+  fEpiTh           = 25e-4;   // Thickness of the epitaxial layer
   fChargeThreshold = 1.;
   fAnalogThreshold = 150;  //Threshold in electrons
@@ -55,12 +55,38 @@ CbmMvdMimosis::CbmMvdMimosis()
   fStatesPerFrame = 570;
   fPixelsPerBank  = 64;
+  fSignalRiseTime = 0.1; // to be updated.
+  fSignalFallTime = 10;  // to be updated.
+  fShaperNormalisationFactor=1.; // to be updated
   /** Self-organizsation **/
   fValidData = kTRUE;
+Double_t CbmMvdMimosis::ComputeHitDeadTime(Float_t charge) {return 2519.5443 * std::pow(charge,0.035720252);} //Fast settings, AC -1V
+Double_t CbmMvdMimosis::ComputeHitDelay(Float_t charge){
+    Double_t delay=47591.8471 * std::pow(charge,-0.9990384691);
+    Double_t delaySigma=11909.5799315438 * std::pow(charge,-1.0784955428);
+    return delay + fRandom.Gaus(delay,delaySigma); //models the pixel-to-pixel variation in terms of delay
+Double_t CbmMvdMimosis::ComputeHitJitter  (Float_t charge){
+    Double_t jitter = 194945.6385 * std::pow(charge,-1.6138338012); // Full width of jitter as function of charge
+    return fRandom.Uniform(-(jitter / 2.), jitter / 2.);
 // -----   Destructor   ----------------------------------------------------
 CbmMvdMimosis::~CbmMvdMimosis() {}
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdMimosis.h b/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdMimosis.h
index 6b04ba5c83404326f246199a3b11b02499e1f526..77048209b1fc205fbf67229714d7dcc99b7ea103 100644
--- a/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdMimosis.h
+++ b/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdMimosis.h
@@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ public:
   /** Default constructor **/
+  Double_t ComputeExpireTime(Double_t hitMCTime, Double_t deadTime, Double_t endOfFrameTime);
+  Double_t ComputeHitDeadTime(Float_t charge);
+  Double_t ComputeHitDelay(Float_t charge);
+  Double_t ComputeHitJitter  (Float_t charge);
+  TRandom fRandom;
   /** Destructor **/
diff --git a/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdSensorDataSheet.cxx b/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdSensorDataSheet.cxx
index 02bf56678d9afb7c78ca0b1bf8da08534586e02b..f154b16e4594af12e0d011da112b2b9d2acf9174 100644
--- a/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdSensorDataSheet.cxx
+++ b/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdSensorDataSheet.cxx
@@ -16,6 +16,59 @@
 #include <ostream>  // for operator<<, stringstream, basic_ostream
 using std::endl;
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+// -----   Default constructor   -------------------------------------------
+  : TNamed()
+  , fMimosaName("DefaulSensor")
+  , fPixelPitchX(18.4e-4)
+  , fPixelPitchY(18.4e-4)
+  , fNPixelsX(0)
+  , fNPixelsY(0)
+  , fNPixels(0)
+  , fPixelSignX(1)
+  , fPixelSignY(1)
+  , fShutterSign(1)
+  , fIntegrationTime(50e3)
+  , fEpiTh(14e-4)
+  , fChargeThreshold(1)
+  , fSignalRiseTime(nan("NotSet"))
+  , fSignalFallTime(nan("NotSet"))
+  , fShaperNormalisationFactor(1)
+  , fNoise(0)
+  , fLandauMPV(8.62131e+02)
+  , fLandauSigma(2.e+02)
+  , fLandauGain(1.56)
+  , fLorentzPar0(4.12073e+02)
+  , fLorentzPar1(0.8e+00)
+  , fLorentzPar2(0.)
+  , fAdcDynamic(150)
+  , fAdcOffset(0)
+  , fAdcBits(1)
+  , fAdcSteps(TMath::Power(2, fAdcBits))
+  , fAdcStepSize(fAdcDynamic / fAdcSteps)
+  , fStatesPerBank(0)
+  , fStatesPerLine(0)
+  , fStatesPerFrame(0)
+  , fPixelsPerBank(0)
+  , fAnalogThreshold(-1)
+  , fValidData(kFALSE)
+// -----   Destructor   ----------------------------------------------------
+CbmMvdSensorDataSheet::~CbmMvdSensorDataSheet() {}
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//>>>>>>> ddd5fbbb (Time response added)
 // -----   Public method Print   -------------------------------------------
 void CbmMvdSensorDataSheet::Print(Option_t* /*opt*/) const { LOG(info) << ToString(); }
diff --git a/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdSensorDataSheet.h b/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdSensorDataSheet.h
index b92e80d64b83888d7b53e0952dc5043d8777ee15..bbf9610a6be3e959989a8a3663bffbd478462c3a 100644
--- a/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdSensorDataSheet.h
+++ b/core/detectors/mvd/SensorDataSheets/CbmMvdSensorDataSheet.h
@@ -53,10 +53,24 @@ protected:
     // Defined according to pixelNumberX=fPixelSign * const * x
   Int_t fPixelSignY = 1;  // Direction of the pixel count Y.
     // Defined according to pixelNumberY=fPixelSign * const * y
+<<<<<<< HEAD
   Int_t fShutterSign = 0;             // Direction of the rolling shutter.
                                       // 1 => parallel to y-axis, -1 => anti-parallel
   Double_t fIntegrationTime = 50e3;   // Integration time of the pixels
   Double_t fEpiTh           = 14e-4;  // Thickness of the epitaxial layer
+  Int_t fShutterSign;         // Direction of the rolling shutter.
+                              // 1 => parallel to y-axis, -1 => anti-parallel
+  Double_t fIntegrationTime;  // Integration time of the pixels
+  Double_t fEpiTh;            // Thickness of the epitaxial layer
+  Double_t fChargeThreshold;
+  Double_t fSignalRiseTime;
+  Double_t fSignalFallTime;
+  Double_t fShaperNormalisationFactor;
+//>>>>>>> ddd5fbbb (Time response added)
   Double_t fChargeThreshold = 0.;
   Double_t fSignalRiseTime  = nan("NotSet");
@@ -108,8 +122,17 @@ public:
   virtual Double_t GetIntegrationTime() { return fIntegrationTime; };
   virtual Double_t GetEpiThickness() { return fEpiTh; }
   virtual Double_t GetNoise() { return fNoise; };
+<<<<<<< HEAD
   virtual Double_t GetSignalRiseTime() { return fSignalRiseTime; };
   virtual Double_t GetSignalFallTime() { return fSignalFallTime; };
+  virtual Double_t GetSignalRiseTime (){ return fSignalRiseTime;};
+  virtual Double_t GetSignalFallTime (){ return fSignalFallTime;};
+  virtual Float_t  GetShaperNormalisationFactor(){return fShaperNormalisationFactor;}
+//>>>>>>> ddd5fbbb (Time response added)
   /** Description of the sensor for the digitizer **/
@@ -122,8 +145,18 @@ public:
   virtual Double_t GetChargeThreshold() { return fChargeThreshold; };
+<<<<<<< HEAD
   virtual Int_t GetAnalogThreshold() { return fAnalogThreshold; };
+  virtual Int_t GetAnalogThreshold () {return fAnalogThreshold;};
+  virtual Double_t ComputeHitDeadTime(Float_t charge){return charge * 0.;}; // Multiplication only to suppress "variable not used" warning.
+  virtual Double_t ComputeHitDelay(Float_t charge){return charge * 0.;};
+  virtual Double_t ComputeHitJitter  (Float_t charge){return charge * 0.;};
+//>>>>>>> ddd5fbbb (Time response added)
   /** ADC description **/
diff --git a/macro/mvd/qa/mvd_qa3_digitize.C b/macro/mvd/qa/mvd_qa3_digitize.C
index d2d8816c9cdaa6d1b2948bc058f908bf89f729ec..918cf234c44c4c6934bf7755db5f5acaa5ed2111 100644
--- a/macro/mvd/qa/mvd_qa3_digitize.C
+++ b/macro/mvd/qa/mvd_qa3_digitize.C
@@ -40,11 +40,14 @@ void mvd_qa3_digitize(const char* setup = "sis100_electron")
   Int_t nEvents = 5;
   // Verbosity level (0=quiet, 1=event level, 2=track level, 3=debug)
-  Int_t iVerbose = 0;
+  Int_t iVerbose = 3;
   FairLogger* logger = FairLogger::GetLogger();
-  logger->SetLogScreenLevel("INFO");
-  logger->SetLogVerbosityLevel("LOW");
+  //logger->SetLogScreenLevel("INFO");
+  //logger->SetLogVerbosityLevel("LOW");
+  logger->SetLogScreenLevel("DEBUG4");
+  logger->SetLogVerbosityLevel("DEBUG4");
   TString setupFile  = inDir + "/geometry/setup/setup_" + setup + ".C";
diff --git a/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdDigitizer.cxx b/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdDigitizer.cxx
index 97761f33460a6d8d3a5d15aaa3be7cd0f4bc8984..1fc16f3dccbe9faf737008fe8073d512ebec36b1 100644
--- a/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdDigitizer.cxx
+++ b/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdDigitizer.cxx
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ void CbmMvdDigitizer::Exec(Option_t* /*opt*/)
   GetEventInfo();  // event number and time
+  cout << "- I - CbmMvdDigitizer:: Exec : Event time = " << fCurrentEventTime << endl;
   // Add points from BG and Delta files to the array if needed
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ void CbmMvdDigitizer::Exec(Option_t* /*opt*/)
   CbmMvdPoint* point = 0;
+  cout << fName <<"Debug: 1" << endl;
   if (fInputPoints->GetEntriesFast() > 0) {
     LOG(debug) << "//----------------------------------------//";
@@ -146,12 +147,14 @@ void CbmMvdDigitizer::Exec(Option_t* /*opt*/)
       fDetector->SendInputToSensorPlugin(point->GetDetectorID(), nTargetPlugin, static_cast<TObject*>(point));
+    cout << fName <<"Debug: 2" << endl;
     // Execute the plugged digitizer plugin for all sensors
     LOG(debug) << fName << ": Execute DigitizerPlugin Nr. " << fDigiPluginNr;
     LOG(debug) << fName << ": End Chain";
+ cout << fName <<"Debug: 3" << endl;
     // --- Send produced digis to DAQ
     //fTmpDigi  = fDetector->GetOutputDigis();
     //fTmpMatch = fDetector->GetOutputDigiMatchs();
@@ -186,6 +189,8 @@ void CbmMvdDigitizer::Exec(Option_t* /*opt*/)
       SendData(digi1->GetTime(), digi1, match1);
+       cout << fName <<"Debug: 7" << endl;
diff --git a/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdPixelCharge.cxx b/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdPixelCharge.cxx
index 611a8466c205ba130d76be395b0d9812f2c1fe49..4622f9c3d4e6e1d8cc251b3ee590e199565b0728 100644
--- a/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdPixelCharge.cxx
+++ b/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdPixelCharge.cxx
@@ -18,16 +18,19 @@ Bool_t CbmMvdPixelCharge::TestXY(Int_t channelNrX, Int_t channelNrY)
 // -----   Constructor with parameters   -----------------------------------
 CbmMvdPixelCharge::CbmMvdPixelCharge(Float_t charge, Int_t channelNrX, Int_t channelNrY, Int_t pointId, Int_t trackId,
-                                     Float_t pointPosX, Float_t pointPosY, Float_t time, Int_t frame)
+                                     Float_t pointPosX, Float_t pointPosY, Float_t time, Int_t frame, Float_t endOfBusyTime)
   : TObject()
   , fFrame(frame)
-  , fCharge(charge)
+  //, fCharge(charge)
   , fMaxChargeContribution(charge)
   , fChannelNrX(channelNrX)
   , fChannelNrY(channelNrY)
   , fTrackCharge(charge)
   , fPixelTime(time)
+  , fEndOfBusyTime(endOfBusyTime)
+  fCharge.push_back(charge);
+  fDominatorIndex        =  fPointWeight.size();
 // ------- DigestCharge ----------------------------------------------------#
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ void CbmMvdPixelCharge::DigestCharge(Float_t pointX, Float_t pointY, Double_t ti
   if (chargeContr > 0.) {
-    fCharge = fTrackCharge;
+    fCharge.push_back(fTrackCharge);
diff --git a/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdPixelCharge.h b/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdPixelCharge.h
index 72b92da7cbb7cffcff07fa7ef623ac4f4cf05a53..fa556264e74e567cbe7846710e88a2efd00bb13f 100644
--- a/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdPixelCharge.h
+++ b/sim/detectors/mvd/CbmMvdPixelCharge.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public:
   /** Constructor with all variables **/
   CbmMvdPixelCharge(Float_t charge, Int_t channelNrX, Int_t channelNrY, Int_t hitId, Int_t trackId, Float_t pointX,
-                    Float_t pointY, Float_t time = 0.0, Int_t frame = 0);
+                    Float_t pointY, Float_t time = 0.0, Int_t frame = 0,Float_t endOfBusyTime=-1);
   virtual ~CbmMvdPixelCharge() = default;
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public:
   void AddCharge(Float_t charge) { fTrackCharge = fTrackCharge + charge; };
-  Float_t GetCharge() { return fCharge; };
   Int_t GetX() { return fChannelNrX; };
   Int_t GetY() { return fChannelNrY; };
   Float_t GetMaxChargeContribution() { return fMaxChargeContribution; };
@@ -47,9 +47,26 @@ public:
   std::vector<Float_t>& GetPointX() { return fPointX; }
   std::vector<Float_t>& GetPointY() { return fPointY; }
   std::vector<Float_t>& GetPointWeight() { return fPointWeight; }
+/*<<<<<<< HEAD
   std::vector<Double_t>& GetTime() { return fTime; }
   Float_t GetPixelTime() { return fPixelTime; }
+  std::vector<Double_t>& GetTime() {return fTime;}
+  std::vector<Float_t>& GetCharge() { return fCharge; };
+  Float_t GetPixelTime() { if (GetNContributors()!=0) {return fTime.front();} else {return -1.;};} //kept for backward compatibility
+  Float_t GetEarliestHitTime(){if (GetNContributors()!=0) {return fTime.front();} else {return -1.;}};
+  Float_t GetLatestHitTime(){if (GetNContributors()!=0) {return fTime.back();} else {return -1.;}};
+  Float_t GetEarliestHitCharge(){if (GetNContributors()!=0) {return fCharge.front();}else {return -1.;}};
+  Float_t GetLatestHitCharge() {if (GetNContributors()!=0) {return fCharge.back();}else {return -1.;}};
+  Float_t GetEndOfBusyTime() {return fEndOfBusyTime;}
+//>>>>>>> ddd5fbbb (Time response added)
   Int_t GetFrame() { return fFrame; }
+  void SetEndOfBusyTime(Double_t endOfBusyTime) {fEndOfBusyTime=endOfBusyTime;}
   virtual void Clear(Option_t* = "") {};
@@ -57,6 +74,8 @@ public:
   Int_t fFrame = {-1};
+<<<<<<< HEAD
   Float_t fCharge                   = {-1.};
   Float_t fMaxChargeContribution    = {0.};
   Float_t fDominatingPointX         = {-1.};
@@ -76,6 +95,31 @@ private:
   std::vector<Float_t> fPointY      = {};
   std::vector<Double_t> fTime       = {};
   std::vector<CbmLink> fLink        = {};
+  //Float_t fCharge = {-1.};
+  Float_t fMaxChargeContribution = {0.};
+  Float_t fDominatingPointX = {-1.};
+  Float_t fDominatingPointY = {-1.};
+  Short_t fContributors = {0};
+  Int_t fChannelNrX = {0};
+  Int_t fChannelNrY = {0};
+  Float_t fTrackCharge = {0.};
+  Int_t fDominatorTrackId = {-1};
+  Int_t fDominatorPointId = {-1};
+  Short_t fDominatorIndex = {0};
+  Float_t fPixelTime = {-1.};
+  Double_t fEndOfBusyTime;
+  std::vector<Int_t>    fTrackId = {};
+  std::vector<Int_t>    fPointId = {};
+  std::vector<Float_t>  fPointWeight = {};
+  std::vector<Float_t>  fPointX = {};
+  std::vector<Float_t>  fPointY = {};
+  std::vector<Double_t> fTime = {};
+  std::vector<Float_t>    fCharge = {};
+  std::vector<CbmLink>  fLink = {};
+//>>>>>>> ddd5fbbb (Time response added)
   ClassDef(CbmMvdPixelCharge, 1);
diff --git a/sim/detectors/mvd/plugins/tasks/CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask.cxx b/sim/detectors/mvd/plugins/tasks/CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask.cxx
index ab8e62a8c7b429c8d92dcc60d7207eb857ca31b9..df930f6ce9f8171af11584cb9be05b526c97adb0 100644
--- a/sim/detectors/mvd/plugins/tasks/CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask.cxx
+++ b/sim/detectors/mvd/plugins/tasks/CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask.cxx
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask()
   , fPixelScanAccelerator(nullptr)
   , fChargeMap()
   , fChargeMapIt()
-  , fsensorDataSheet(nullptr)
+  , fSensorDataSheet(nullptr)
   , fMode(0)
   , fSigmaX(0.0005)
   , fSigmaY(0.0005)
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask(Int_t iMode)
   , fPixelScanAccelerator(nullptr)
   , fChargeMap()
   , fChargeMapIt()
-  , fsensorDataSheet(nullptr)
+  , fSensorDataSheet(nullptr)
   , fMode(iMode)
   , fSigmaX(0.0005)
   , fSigmaY(0.0005)
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ InitStatus CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::ReadSensorInformation()
   CbmMvdSensorDataSheet* sensorData;
   sensorData = fSensor->GetDataSheet();
   if (!sensorData) { return kERROR; }
+  fSensorDataSheet=sensorData;
   fPixelSizeX = sensorData->GetPixelPitchX();
   fPixelSizeY = sensorData->GetPixelPitchY();
@@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ InitStatus CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::ReadSensorInformation()
   return kSUCCESS;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::SetInputArray(TClonesArray* inputStream)
@@ -413,6 +414,9 @@ void CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::Exec()
   if (fInputPoints->GetEntriesFast() > 0) {
     for (Int_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < fInputPoints->GetEntriesFast(); iPoint++) {
@@ -475,9 +479,23 @@ void CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::Exec()
       else {
         //LOG(debug) << "charge under threshold, digi rejected";
+    /* Clean pixel charges, which do not reach threshold.
+     * This avoids that the first entries in the pixelCharge objects contain information about hits, which are insufficient
+     * for creating a hit. Having first entries below threshold complicates defining the hit time.
+     * Draw back: The charge of tracks from different events does not add.
+     */
+    ProduceDigis();
+    CleanPixelChargeList();
+    if (fproduceNoise) ProduceNoise();
-    //LOG(debug) << nDigis <<" new Digis at on Sensor " << fSensor->GetSensorNr() << " from " << fInputPoints->GetEntriesFast()<< " McPoints";
-  }
   else {
     //LOG(debug)<< "No input found on Sensor " << fSensor->GetSensorNr() << " from " << fInputPoints->GetEntriesFast()<< " McPoints";
@@ -491,6 +509,11 @@ void CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::Exec()
 }  // end of exec
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::ProduceDigis(){
+    Int_t nDigis       = 0;
+    CbmMvdPixelCharge* pixel;
+    GetEventInfo(fInputNr, fEventNr, fEventTime);
 Int_t CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::GetPixelCharge(CbmMvdPixelCharge* /*myPixel*/, Double_t readoutTime)
@@ -519,6 +542,142 @@ Int_t CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::GetPixelCharge(CbmMvdPixelCharge* /*myPixel*/,
                       * (1
                          - TMath::Exp(-(readoutTime - hitTime)
                                       / pixelSignalFallTime));  //exponential signal fall of the analog charge
+/* =======
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < fPixelCharge->GetEntriesFast(); i++) {
+      pixel = (CbmMvdPixelCharge*) fPixelCharge->At(i);
+      if (pixel->GetEndOfBusyTime()>fEventTime){continue;}
+      /* The digi is only generated once the busy-time has passed. This is an easy way to avoid double counting of hits.
+       * If no digi is formed, the initial hit information remains stored in the CbmMvdPixelCharge
+       */
+      Int_t numberOfContributorCausingHit=CheckForHit(pixel);
+      if (numberOfContributorCausingHit==-1){
+        fPixelCharge->RemoveAt(i); // pixel did not fire and busy time has expired. Forget about it.
+        continue;
+      }
+      Int_t diodeCharge= GetPixelCharge(pixel, pixel->GetTime()[numberOfContributorCausingHit]);
+      // Compute charge causing the hitCharge
+      Double_t analogHitTime= fSensor->ComputeIndecatedAnalogTime(pixel->GetTime()[numberOfContributorCausingHit], diodeCharge);
+      // Write Digis
+      nDigis = fDigis->GetEntriesFast();
+      new ((*fDigis)[nDigis]) CbmMvdDigi(fSensor->GetSensorNr(), pixel->GetX(), pixel->GetY(), diodeCharge,
+                                           fPixelSizeX, fPixelSizeY, fEventTime+analogHitTime, fSensor->GetFrameNumber(fEventTime+analogHitTime, pixel->GetY()));
+        new ((*fOutputBuffer)[nDigis])
+          CbmMvdDigi(fSensor->GetSensorNr(), pixel->GetX(), pixel->GetY(), diodeCharge,
+                                           fPixelSizeX, fPixelSizeY, fEventTime+analogHitTime, fSensor->GetFrameNumber(fEventTime+analogHitTime, pixel->GetY()));
+        // To Do: Time and pixel charge are now in an array. Write function testing if the pixel is busy at a given time.
+        //        Write function which computes the status of the pixel at the time of readout and which cell one has to readout.
+        new ((*fDigiMatch)[nDigis]) CbmMatch();
+        CbmMatch* match = (CbmMatch*) fDigiMatch->At(nDigis);
+        for (Int_t iLink = 0; iLink < pixel->GetNContributors(); iLink++) {
+          if (pixel->GetTrackID()[iLink] > -1)
+            match->AddLink((Double_t) pixel->GetPointWeight()[iLink], pixel->GetPointID()[iLink], fEventNr, fInputNr);
+          else
+            match->AddLink((Double_t) pixel->GetPointWeight()[iLink], pixel->GetPointID()[iLink]);
+        }
+      }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::CleanPixelChargeList(){
+  // So far a code fragment
+  /*
+  Float_t sensorAnalogThreshold=fSensorDataSheet->GetAnalogThreshold ();
+    for (Int_t i=0; i<fPixelCharge->GetEntriesFast();i++){
+      CbmMvdPixelCharge* pixel= (CbmMvdPixelCharge*) fPixelCharge->At(i);
+      if(pixel->GetEarliestHitCharge()> sensorAnalogThreshold) {continue;} //pixel has fired, nothing to be done
+      else if (pixel->GetNContributors()>1) {// pixel was hit multiple times within the event, check if charge sums up within an event.
+        Float_t summedCharge=0.;
+        for(Int_t iContributor; iContributor<pixel->GetNContributors(); iContributor++){
+          if(pixel->GetTime[iContributor] < (pixel->GetEarliestHitTime() + fSensorDataSheet->GetSignalRiseTime ()) {summedCharge = summedCharge + pixel->fCharge[iContributor]}
+          else{break;} //Sum up charges impinging within the integration time. If going beyond the integration time, skip.
+        }
+        if (summedCharge<sensorAnalogThreshold) {continue;} //pixel fired due to combined charge of hits. Nothing to be done.
+        // to be done -> Think about events and signal rise time.
+      if (pixel->GetNContributors()==1 && pixel->GetEarliestHitCharge()<sensorAnalogThreshold) { //pixel was hit by one particle and did not fire.
+        fPixelCharge->RemoveAt(i); // pixel is considered as cleared after the event
+      }
+  */
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Int_t CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::CheckForHit(CbmMvdPixelCharge* pixel){
+  /* Intended to spot the number of contributors to the pixel charge, which fired the pixel.
+   * The number of the contributor is returned
+   */
+  if (!fSensorDataSheet) {cout << " - E - CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::CheckForHit : Missing Datasheet." << endl;}
+  if (pixel->GetEarliestHitCharge() > fSensorDataSheet->GetAnalogThreshold()) {return 0;}
+  /* The pixel fired immedeately, easiest case.else ...
+   * Else: Check if a later impact fired the pixel
+   */
+  Int_t nContributors=pixel->GetNContributors();
+  Int_t charge=0;
+  // Get charge and time arrays from pixel (both stl::vector)
+  for(Int_t i=1; i<nContributors; i++){
+    // compute charge at the time of the impinging of particle i accounting for pixel history.
+    // pixel->GetCharge[i] stands for the charge of the particle under study, GetPixelCharge wraps up the history.
+    charge=pixel->GetCharge()[i]+GetPixelCharge(pixel, pixel->GetTime()[i]);
+    if(charge>fSensorDataSheet->GetAnalogThreshold()){return i;}
+  }
+  return -1;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Int_t CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::GetPixelCharge(CbmMvdPixelCharge* myPixel, Double_t readoutTime) {
+/* Adds the accumulated charge of the pixel until readout time.
+ * Accounts for a signal rise and signal fall time (clearance) of the analog amplifier.
+ */
+ Int_t pixelCharge=0;
+ Double_t pixelSignalRiseTime=fSensorDataSheet->GetSignalRiseTime();
+ Double_t pixelSignalFallTime=fSensorDataSheet->GetSignalFallTime();
+ Int_t nHits=myPixel->GetNContributors();
+  for(Int_t hitNr=0; hitNr<nHits; hitNr++){
+    Int_t hitTime=myPixel->GetTime()[hitNr];
+    if (hitTime>readoutTime){break;}
+    Int_t hitCharge=myPixel->GetCharge()[hitNr];
+    pixelCharge=pixelCharge + hitCharge * (1- TMath::Exp(-(readoutTime-hitTime)/pixelSignalRiseTime)); //exponential signal rise of the analog charge
+    pixelCharge=pixelCharge - hitCharge * (1- TMath::Exp(-(readoutTime-hitTime)/pixelSignalFallTime)); //exponential signal fall of the analog charge
+    pixelCharge=pixelCharge * fSensorDataSheet->GetShaperNormalisationFactor();
   return pixelCharge;
@@ -538,6 +697,17 @@ Bool_t CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::GetSignalAboveThreshold(CbmMvdPixelCharge* myP
   return (GetPixelCharge(myPixel, readoutTime) > fsensorDataSheet->GetAnalogThreshold());
+Bool_t CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::GetPixelIsBusy(CbmMvdPixelCharge* myPixel, Double_t readoutTime) {}
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -954,6 +1124,26 @@ void CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask::ProducePixelCharge(CbmMvdPoint* point)
       pixelCharge->DigestCharge(((float) (point->GetX() + point->GetXOut()) / 2),
                                 ((float) (point->GetY() + point->GetYOut()) / 2), fEventTime + point->GetTime(),
                                 point->GetPointId(), point->GetTrackID());
+/* =======
+                                ((float) (point->GetY() + point->GetYOut()) / 2), fEventTime + point->GetTime(),point->GetPointId(),
+                                point->GetTrackID());
+      // So far, the charge created by this MC-hit in a given pixel was added up in the Pixel charge objects.
+      // Digest charge closes the summing and adds the MC information related to the hit. The MC information will be forwarded to the digi links later.
+      // Digest charge also stores the history of the pixel to process possible dead times of the sensor.
+      Float_t   latestHitCharge=pixelCharge->GetLatestHitCharge();
+      Double_t  endOfBusyTime= fSensor->ComputeEndOfBusyTime(fEventTime + point->GetTime(), latestHitCharge, pixelCharge->GetY());
+      if (endOfBusyTime > pixelCharge->GetEndOfBusyTime()) {pixel->SetEndOfBusyTime(endOfBusyTime);}
+      /* Next, the pixelChargeObject is combined with a time information on the endOfBusyTime of the pixelChargeObject.
+       * This end of busy is reached once the related channel is ready for receiving new hit information.
+       * In case a hit arrives until then, the information is recorded and the end-of-busy is postponed in accordance with the new hit.
+       * Note: This endOfBusyTime is not equal to the analog dead time of the channel but accounts also for the frame readout.
+       */
     else {
       LOG(warning) << "Warning working on broken pixel ";
diff --git a/sim/detectors/mvd/plugins/tasks/CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask.h b/sim/detectors/mvd/plugins/tasks/CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask.h
index 27c4f6d5e12297b531c283cc21b1793fd36779b4..3c0396a90875f9962022e3b64056fe35e84fbc2a 100644
--- a/sim/detectors/mvd/plugins/tasks/CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask.h
+++ b/sim/detectors/mvd/plugins/tasks/CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask.h
@@ -77,6 +77,13 @@ public:
   void ProduceNoise();
   Bool_t GetSignalAboveThreshold(CbmMvdPixelCharge* myPixel, Double_t readoutTime);
   Int_t GetPixelCharge(CbmMvdPixelCharge* myPixel, Double_t readoutTime);
+  void ProduceDigis();
+  void CleanPixelChargeList();
+  // Bool_t  GetSignalAboveThreshold (CbmMvdPixelCharge* myPixel, Double_t readoutTime);
+  Int_t GetPixelCharge(CbmMvdPixelCharge* myPixel, Double_t readoutTime);
+  Int_t CheckForHit(CbmMvdPixelCharge* pixel);
   void SetProduceNoise() { fproduceNoise = kTRUE; };
@@ -177,7 +184,7 @@ public:
-  CbmMvdSensorDataSheet* fsensorDataSheet;
+  CbmMvdSensorDataSheet* fSensorDataSheet;
   /** Hit producer mode (0 = MAPS, 1 = Ideal) **/
   Int_t fMode;