diff --git a/macro/tof/fair/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_FullWall.C b/macro/tof/fair/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_FullWall.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..24b6b82c6d094ac802964c1073f4f948ed279002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/tof/fair/Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_FullWall.C
@@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2024 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: Ingo Deppner [commiter] */
+/// \file Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_FullWall.C
+/// \brief Generates TOF geometry in Root format.
+// Changelog
+// 2024-11-14 - ID - make a CFV by removing outer modules. Not completely realistic.
+// 2021-11-15 - ID - update design of  inner wall (current design, 300 counters, 2 MRPC types)
+// 2020-02-23 - ID - implementation of Bucharest wall (current design), possibility to choose between simple, single stack and double stack MRPCs
+// 2017-10-18 - PAL- Fix the overlaps in the support structure => v17c
+// 2016-07-18 - DE - patch double free or corruption with poleshort: same TGeoVolume name was used in pole
+// 2015-11-09 - PAL- Change naming convention to follow the more meaningfull one used in trd: YYv_ss
+//                   with YY = year, v = version (a, b, ...) and ss = setup (1h for SIS100 hadron, ...)
+//                   => Prepare tof_v16a_1h to tof_v16a_3m
+// 2015-11-09 - PAL- Modify to easily prepare tof_v14_0a to tof_v14_0e on model of 13_5a to 13_5e
+// 2014-06-30 - NH - prepare tof_v14_0  geometry - SIS 300 hadron  : TOF_Z_Front =  880 cm //Bucharest
+// 2014-06-27 - NH - prepare tof_v13_6b geometry - SIS 300 hadron  : TOF_Z_Front =  880 cm //external input
+// 2013-10-16 - DE - prepare tof_v13_5a geometry - SIS 100 hadron  : TOF_Z_Front =  450 cm
+// 2013-10-16 - DE - prepare tof_v13_5b geometry - SIS 100 electron: TOF_Z_Front =  600 cm
+// 2013-10-16 - DE - prepare tof_v13_5c geometry - SIS 100 muon    : TOF_Z_Front =  650 cm
+// 2013-10-16 - DE - prepare tof_v13_5d geometry - SIS 300 electron: TOF_Z_Front =  880 cm
+// 2013-10-16 - DE - prepare tof_v13_5e geometry - SIS 300 muon    : TOF_Z_Front = 1020 cm
+// 2013-10-16 - DE - patch pole_alu bug - skip 0 thickness air volume in pole
+// 2013-09-04 - DE - prepare tof_v13_4a geometry - SIS 100 hadron  : TOF_Z_Front =  450 cm
+// 2013-09-04 - DE - prepare tof_v13_4b geometry - SIS 100 electron: TOF_Z_Front =  600 cm
+// 2013-09-04 - DE - prepare tof_v13_4c geometry - SIS 100 muon    : TOF_Z_Front =  650 cm
+// 2013-09-04 - DE - prepare tof_v13_4d geometry - SIS 300 electron: TOF_Z_Front =  880 cm
+// 2013-09-04 - DE - prepare tof_v13_4e geometry - SIS 300 muon    : TOF_Z_Front = 1020 cm
+// 2013-09-04 - DE - dump z-positions to .geo.info file
+// 2013-09-04 - DE - define front z-position of TOF wall (TOF_Z_Front)
+// 2013-09-04 - DE - fix arrangement of glass plates in RPC cells
+// in root all sizes are given in cm
+// read positions of modules from dat - file
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
+#include "TGeoManager.h"
+#include "TGeoMaterial.h"
+#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
+#include "TGeoMedium.h"
+#include "TGeoPgon.h"
+#include "TGeoVolume.h"
+#include "TList.h"
+#include "TROOT.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "TSystem.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+const Bool_t IncludeSupports = true;  // false;   // true, if support structure is included in geometry
+// Name of geometry version and output file
+//const TString geoVersion = "tof_v24at_1h";     // SIS 100 hadron, 4.5 m
+//const TString geoVersion = "tof_v24at_1e";     // SIS 100 electron, 6 m
+//const TString geoVersion = "tof_v24at_1m";     // SIS 100 muon, 6.8 m
+const TString geoVersion = "tof_v24a";  // SIS 300 electron, 8.8 m
+//const TString geoVersion = "tof_v24at_3m";     // SIS 300 muon, 10 m
+const TString FileNameSim  = geoVersion + ".geo.root?reproducible";
+const TString FileNameGeo  = geoVersion + "_geo.root?reproducible";
+const TString FileNameInfo = geoVersion + ".geo.info";
+// TOF_Z_Front corresponds to front cover of outer super module towers
+const Float_t TOF_Z_Front = ("tof_v24a_1h" == geoVersion ? 450 :               // SIS 100 hadron
+                               ("tof_v24a_1e" == geoVersion ? 600 :            // SIS 100 electron
+                                  ("tof_v24a_1m" == geoVersion ? 680 :         // SIS 100 muon
+                                     ("tof_v24a_3e" == geoVersion ? 880 :      // SIS 300 electron
+                                        ("tof_v24a_3m" == geoVersion ? 1020 :  // SIS 300 muon
+                                           600                                  // Set default to SIS 100 electron
+                                         )))));
+const TString GeometryType = "20b";
+const TString KeepingVolumeMedium = "air";
+const TString BoxVolumeMedium     = "aluminium";
+const TString PoleVolumeMedium    = "tof_pole_aluminium";
+const TString NoActivGasMedium    = "RPCgas_noact";
+const TString ActivGasMedium      = "RPCgas";
+const TString GlasMedium          = "RPCglass";
+const TString ElectronicsMedium   = "carbon";
+const Int_t NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes = 6;
+const Float_t PCB_X[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {32., 32., 32., 30., 30., 30.};
+const Float_t PCB_Y[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {
+  52., 26.9, 26.9, 20., 10., 6,
+const Float_t PCB_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1};
+const Float_t Glass_X[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {32., 32., 32., 30., 30., 30.};
+const Float_t Glass_Y[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {
+  52., 26.9, 26.9, 20., 10., 6,
+const Float_t Glass_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {0.028, 0.028, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07};
+const Float_t GasGap_X[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {32., 32., 32., 30., 30., 30.};
+const Float_t GasGap_Y[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {
+  52., 26.9, 26.9, 20., 10., 6,
+const Float_t GasGap_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {0.023, 0.023, 0.025, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02};
+const Int_t NumberOfGaps[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes]          = {10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10};
+const Int_t NumberOfReadoutStrips[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32};
+const Float_t Electronics_X[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {34.0, 34.0, 34.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0};
+const Float_t Electronics_Y[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5};
+const Float_t Electronics_Z[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3};
+const Int_t NofModuleTypes = 15;
+const Int_t MaxNofCounters = 60;
+const Int_t MaxNofModules  = 128;
+const Int_t NCounterInModule[NofModuleTypes]     = {5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 30, 24, 27, 18, 24, 30, 24, 27, 18, 24};
+const Int_t NModulesOfModuleType[NofModuleTypes] = {62, 32, 8, 96, 16, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1};
+Int_t iMod[NofModuleTypes]                       = {0};
+//Int_t ActNofModuleTypes    = 2;
+//Int_t NModules[NofModuleTypes] = {0};
+Float_t xPosCou[NofModuleTypes][MaxNofCounters];
+Float_t yPosCou[NofModuleTypes][MaxNofCounters];
+Float_t zPosCou[NofModuleTypes][MaxNofCounters];
+Int_t CouType[NofModuleTypes][MaxNofCounters];
+Float_t xPosMod[MaxNofModules];
+Float_t yPosMod[MaxNofModules];
+Float_t zPosMod[MaxNofModules];
+Int_t ModType[MaxNofModules];
+//Float_t FlipMod[NofModuleTypes][MaxNofModules];
+const Float_t Module_Size_X[NofModuleTypes] = {180.2, 180.2, 180.2, 180.2, 180.2, 210.5, 124.4, 98.3,
+                                               69.3,  124.4, 210.5, 124.4, 98.3,  69.3,  124.4};
+const Float_t Module_Size_Y[NofModuleTypes] = {74.,   49.,   49.,  49.,   49.,   73.8,  130.0, 128.7,
+                                               128.7, 130.0, 73.8, 130.0, 128.7, 128.7, 130.0};
+const Float_t Module_Size_Z[NofModuleTypes] = {11.2, 11.2, 11.2, 11.2, 11.2, 19.6, 19.6, 19.6,
+                                               19.6, 19.6, 19.6, 19.6, 19.6, 19.6, 19.6};
+// Placement of the counter inside the module
+const Float_t CounterRotationAngle[NofModuleTypes] = {10., 10., 0., 10., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_X_left  = 1.;
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_X_right = 0.1;
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_Y       = 0.1;
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_Z_front = 0.1;
+const Float_t Module_Thick_Alu_Z_back  = 1.;
+const Float_t shift_gas_box_x = (Module_Thick_Alu_X_right - Module_Thick_Alu_X_left) / 2;
+const Float_t shift_gas_box_z = (Module_Thick_Alu_Z_back - Module_Thick_Alu_Z_front) / 2;
+const Float_t Wall_Z_Position =
+  TOF_Z_Front + 1000. - 884.;  // if you want to know where this numbers come from ask Ingo
+// Pole (support structure)
+const Int_t MaxNumberOfPoles = 200;
+Float_t Pole_ZPos[MaxNumberOfPoles];
+Float_t Pole_XPos[MaxNumberOfPoles];
+Float_t Pole_Col[MaxNumberOfPoles];
+Int_t NumberOfPoles = 0;
+const Float_t Pole_Size_X      = 8.;
+const Float_t Pole_Size_Y      = 1000.;
+const Float_t PoleShort_Size_Y = 370.;
+const Float_t Pole_Size_Z      = 2.;
+const Float_t Pole_Thick_X     = 0.4;
+const Float_t Pole_Thick_Y     = 0.4;
+const Float_t Pole_Thick_Z     = 0.4;
+const Float_t XLimInner        = 180.;
+// Bars & frame (support structure)
+const Float_t Frame_Size_X = 20.;
+const Float_t Frame_Size_Y = 20.;
+Float_t Bar_Size_Z         = 176.;
+const Float_t Frame_XLen   = 1400;
+const Float_t Frame_YLen   = Pole_Size_Y + 2. * Frame_Size_Y;
+Float_t Frame_Pos_Z        = TOF_Z_Front + 88.;
+const Float_t Bar_Size_X   = 30;
+const Float_t Bar_Size_Y   = 20.;
+Float_t Bar_Pos_Z;
+const Int_t MaxNumberOfBars = 200;
+Float_t Bar_ZPos[MaxNumberOfBars];
+Float_t Bar_XPos[MaxNumberOfBars];
+Int_t NumberOfBars = 0;
+const Float_t ChamberOverlap = 40;
+const Float_t DxColl         = 158.0;  //Module_Size_X-ChamberOverlap;
+//const Float_t Pole_Offset=Module_Size_X/2.+Pole_Size_X/2.;
+const Float_t Pole_Offset = 90.0 + Pole_Size_X / 2.;
+// some global variables
+TGeoManager* gGeoMan = NULL;           // Pointer to TGeoManager instance
+TGeoVolume* gModules[NofModuleTypes];  // Global storage for module types
+TGeoVolume* gCounter[NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes];
+TGeoVolume* gPole;
+TGeoVolume* gPoleShort;
+TGeoVolume* gBar[MaxNumberOfBars];
+Float_t Last_Size_Y = 0.;
+Float_t Last_Over_Y = 0.;
+// Forward declarations
+void create_materials_from_media_file();
+TGeoVolume* create_counter_simple(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_counter_doublestack(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_counter_singlestack(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_module(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_module_m(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_new_tof_module(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_new_tof_module_m(Int_t);
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_pole();
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_poleshort();
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_bar();
+void position_tof_poles(Int_t);
+void position_tof_bars(Int_t);
+void position_inner_tof_modules(Int_t);
+void position_side_tof_modules(Int_t);
+void position_outer_tof_modules(Int_t);
+void position_tof_modules();
+void position_tof_modules_m(Int_t, Int_t);
+void dump_info_file();
+void read_module_positions();
+void read_counter_positions();
+void Create_TOF_Geometry_v24a_FullWall()
+  // Load the necessary FairRoot libraries
+  //  gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C");
+  //  basiclibs();
+  //  gSystem->Load("libGeoBase");
+  //  gSystem->Load("libParBase");
+  //  gSystem->Load("libBase");
+  // Printout what we are generating
+  std::cout << "Generating geometry " << geoVersion << " at " << Wall_Z_Position << " cm from center of the magnet." << std::endl;
+  // read input Data
+  read_counter_positions();
+  read_module_positions();
+  // Load needed material definition from media.geo file
+  create_materials_from_media_file();
+  // Get the GeoManager for later usage
+  gGeoMan = (TGeoManager*) gROOT->FindObject("FAIRGeom");
+  gGeoMan->SetVisLevel(7);  // 2 = super modules
+  gGeoMan->SetVisOption(1);
+  // Create the top volume
+  /*
+  TGeoBBox* topbox= new TGeoBBox("", 1000., 1000., 1000.);
+  TGeoVolume* top = new TGeoVolume("top", topbox, gGeoMan->GetMedium("air"));
+  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
+  */
+  TGeoVolume* top = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("TOP");
+  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
+  TGeoVolume* tof = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(geoVersion);
+  top->AddNode(tof, 1);
+  for (Int_t counterType = 0; counterType < NumberOfDifferentCounterTypes; counterType++) {
+    //gCounter[counterType] = create_counter_simple(counterType);
+    gCounter[counterType] = create_counter_doublestack(counterType);
+    //gCounter[counterType] = create_counter_singlestack(counterType);
+  }
+  for (Int_t moduleType = 0; moduleType < NofModuleTypes; moduleType++) {
+    gModules[moduleType] = create_new_tof_module(moduleType);
+    gModules[moduleType]->SetVisContainers(1);
+  }
+  gPole      = create_tof_pole();
+  gPoleShort = create_tof_poleshort();
+  position_tof_modules();
+  if (IncludeSupports) position_tof_poles(0);
+  if (IncludeSupports) position_tof_bars(0);
+  gGeoMan->CloseGeometry();
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.00001);
+  gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.00001, "s");
+  gGeoMan->PrintOverlaps();
+  gGeoMan->GetListOfOverlaps()->Print();
+  gGeoMan->Test();
+  tof->Export(FileNameSim);  // an alternative way of writing the tof volume
+  TFile* outfile                 = new TFile(FileNameSim, "UPDATE");
+  TGeoTranslation* tof_placement = new TGeoTranslation("tof_trans", 0., 0., 0.);
+  tof_placement->Write();
+  outfile->Close();
+  outfile = new TFile(FileNameGeo, "RECREATE");
+  gGeoMan->Write();
+  outfile->Close();
+  dump_info_file();
+  top->SetVisContainers(1);
+  gGeoMan->SetVisLevel(5);
+  top->Draw("ogl");
+  //top->Draw();
+  //gModules[0]->Draw("ogl");
+  //  gModules[0]->Draw("");
+  gModules[0]->SetVisContainers(1);
+  //  gModules[1]->Draw("");
+  gModules[1]->SetVisContainers(1);
+  //gModules[5]->Draw("");
+  //  top->Raytrace();
+  // Printout what we are generating
+  std::cout << "Done generating geometry " << geoVersion << " at " << Wall_Z_Position << " cm from center of the magnet." << std::endl;
+void read_counter_positions()
+  //TFile * fPosInput = new TFile( "TOF_10M.dat", "READ");
+  for (Int_t modtype = 0; modtype < NofModuleTypes; modtype++) {
+    TString moduleTypeName = Form("ModuleType%d_v21a.dat", modtype);
+    cout << "load parameters from file " << moduleTypeName << endl;
+    ifstream inFile;
+    inFile.open(moduleTypeName);
+    if (!inFile.is_open()) {
+      cout << "<E> cannot open input file " << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
+    cout << "Reading content of " << moduleTypeName << endl;
+    std::string strdummy;
+    std::getline(inFile, strdummy);
+    //cout<<strdummy<<endl;
+    Int_t iNum;
+    Int_t ictype;
+    Float_t iX;
+    Float_t iY;
+    Float_t iZ;
+    Int_t iCou = 0;
+    while (std::getline(inFile, strdummy)) {
+      //  std::getline(inFile,strdummy);
+      //cout<<strdummy<<endl;
+      stringstream ss;
+      ss << strdummy;
+      ss >> iNum >> ictype >> iX >> iY >> iZ;
+      ss << strdummy;
+      //cout<<iCou<< "    "<<iNum<<"    "<<ictype<<"   "<<iX<<"    "<<iY<<"    "<<iZ<<endl;
+      CouType[modtype][iCou] = ictype;
+      xPosCou[modtype][iCou] = iX;
+      yPosCou[modtype][iCou] = iY;
+      zPosCou[modtype][iCou] = iZ;
+      iCou++;
+    }
+  }
+void read_module_positions()
+  //TFile * fPosInput = new TFile( "TOF_10M.dat", "READ");
+  ifstream inFile;
+  inFile.open("ModulePosition_10m_v24a.dat");
+  if (!inFile.is_open()) {
+    cout << "<E> cannot open input file " << endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
+  cout << "Reading content of ModulePosition_10m_v24a.dat" << endl;
+  std::string strdummy;
+  std::getline(inFile, strdummy);
+  //cout<<strdummy<<endl;
+  Int_t iNum;
+  Int_t iModT;
+  Float_t iX;
+  Float_t iY;
+  Float_t iZ;
+  //Int_t iModType=0;
+  Int_t iMod = 0;
+  //while( !inFile.eof()  )
+  //for(Int_t iL=0; iL<2; iL++)
+  while (std::getline(inFile, strdummy)) {
+    //  std::getline(inFile,strdummy);
+    //cout<<strdummy<<endl;
+    stringstream ss;
+    ss << strdummy;
+    ss >> iNum >> iModT >> iX >> iY >> iZ;
+    ss << strdummy;
+    //  ss>>iNum>>iX>>iY>>iZ>>cType[0]>>cType[1];
+    cout << iNum << "   " << iModT << "   " << iX << "   " << iY << "   " << iZ << endl;
+    //cout<<" ModType "<<iModType<<endl;
+    //cout<<" ModType "<<iModType<<", # "<<iMod<<endl;
+    ModType[iMod] = iModT;
+    xPosMod[iMod] = iX;
+    yPosMod[iMod] = iY;
+    zPosMod[iMod] = iZ;
+    iMod++;
+    /*
+  if(cPos=='l'){
+    FlipMod[iModType][iMod]=1.;
+  }else{
+    FlipMod[iModType][iMod]=0.;
+  }
+  //  if (iModType==1 && iMod==1) return;
+    cout<<" ModType "<<iModType<<", Mod "<<iMod<<", x "<<xPosMod[iModType][iMod]<<", y "
+      <<yPosMod[iModType][iMod]<<", z "<<zPosMod[iModType][iMod]<<endl;
+  */
+  }
+  cout << "Data reading finished for " << endl;
+void create_materials_from_media_file()
+  // Use the FairRoot geometry interface to load the media which are already defined
+  FairGeoLoader* geoLoad    = new FairGeoLoader("TGeo", "FairGeoLoader");
+  FairGeoInterface* geoFace = geoLoad->getGeoInterface();
+  TString geoPath           = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
+  TString geoFile           = geoPath + "/geometry/media.geo";
+  geoFace->setMediaFile(geoFile);
+  geoFace->readMedia();
+  // Read the required media and create them in the GeoManager
+  FairGeoMedia* geoMedia   = geoFace->getMedia();
+  FairGeoBuilder* geoBuild = geoLoad->getGeoBuilder();
+  FairGeoMedium* air                = geoMedia->getMedium("air");
+  FairGeoMedium* aluminium          = geoMedia->getMedium("aluminium");
+  FairGeoMedium* tof_pole_aluminium = geoMedia->getMedium("tof_pole_aluminium");
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCgas             = geoMedia->getMedium("RPCgas");
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCgas_noact       = geoMedia->getMedium("RPCgas_noact");
+  FairGeoMedium* RPCglass           = geoMedia->getMedium("RPCglass");
+  FairGeoMedium* carbon             = geoMedia->getMedium("carbon");
+  // include check if all media are found
+  geoBuild->createMedium(air);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(aluminium);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(tof_pole_aluminium);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCgas);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCgas_noact);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(RPCglass);
+  geoBuild->createMedium(carbon);
+TGeoVolume* create_counter_simple(Int_t countType)
+  TGeoMedium* activeGasVolMed   = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  //TGeoMedium* glassPlateVolMed   = gGeoMan->GetMedium(GlasMedium);
+  //gas gap
+  Int_t nstrips = NumberOfReadoutStrips[countType];
+  Float_t ggdx = GasGap_X[countType];
+  Float_t ggdy = GasGap_Y[countType];
+  //Float_t ggdz=GasGap_Z[countType];
+  Float_t ggdz = 1.;
+  Float_t gsdx = ggdx / float(nstrips);
+  TGeoBBox* counter_box = new TGeoBBox("", (ggdx + 0.2) / 2., (ggdy + 0.2) / 2., (ggdz + 0.2) / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* counter   = new TGeoVolume("counter", counter_box, noActiveGasVolMed);
+  counter->SetLineColor(kCyan);  // set line color for the counter
+  counter->SetTransparency(70);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  // Single gas gap
+  TGeoBBox* gas_gap       = new TGeoBBox("", ggdx / 2., ggdy / 2., ggdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_gap_vol = new TGeoVolume("Gap", gas_gap, activeGasVolMed);
+  gas_gap_vol->Divide("Cell", 1, nstrips, -ggdx / 2., 0);
+  gas_gap_vol->SetLineColor(kRed);   // set line color for the gas gap
+  gas_gap_vol->SetTransparency(70);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* gas_gap_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  counter->AddNode(gas_gap_vol, 0, gas_gap_trans);
+  return counter;
+TGeoVolume* create_counter_doublestack(Int_t countType)
+  //glass
+  Float_t pdx = PCB_X[countType];
+  Float_t pdy = PCB_Y[countType];
+  Float_t pdz = PCB_Z[countType];
+  //glass
+  Float_t gdx = Glass_X[countType];
+  Float_t gdy = Glass_Y[countType];
+  Float_t gdz = Glass_Z[countType];
+  //gas gap
+  Int_t nstrips = NumberOfReadoutStrips[countType];
+  Int_t ngaps   = NumberOfGaps[countType];
+  Float_t ggdx = GasGap_X[countType];
+  Float_t ggdy = GasGap_Y[countType];
+  Float_t ggdz = GasGap_Z[countType];
+  Float_t gsdx = ggdx / float(nstrips);
+  //single stack
+  //Float_t dzpos=gdz+ggdz;
+  // Float_t startzpos=SingleStackStartPosition_Z[modType];
+  // electronics
+  //pcb dimensions
+  Float_t dxe  = Electronics_X[countType];
+  Float_t dye  = Electronics_Y[countType];
+  Float_t dze  = Electronics_Z[countType];
+  Float_t yele = (gdy + 0.1) / 2. + dye / 2.;
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* glassPlateVolMed  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(GlasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* activeGasVolMed   = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* electronicsVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ElectronicsMedium);
+  // Single PCB
+  TGeoBBox* pcb       = new TGeoBBox("", pdx / 2., pdy / 2., pdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* pcb_vol = new TGeoVolume("tof_pcb", pcb, electronicsVolMed);
+  pcb_vol->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the pcb
+  pcb_vol->SetTransparency(20);   // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* pcb_trans0 = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  // Single glass plate
+  TGeoBBox* glass_plate       = new TGeoBBox("", gdx / 2., gdy / 2., gdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* glass_plate_vol = new TGeoVolume("tof_glass", glass_plate, glassPlateVolMed);
+  glass_plate_vol->SetLineColor(kMagenta);  // set line color for the glass plate
+  glass_plate_vol->SetTransparency(20);     // set transparency for the TOF
+  //TGeoTranslation* glass_plate_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  // Single gas gap
+  TGeoBBox* gas_gap       = new TGeoBBox("", ggdx / 2., ggdy / 2., ggdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_gap_vol = new TGeoVolume("Gap", gas_gap, activeGasVolMed);
+  gas_gap_vol->Divide("Cell", 1, nstrips, -ggdx / 2., 0);
+  gas_gap_vol->SetLineColor(kRed);   // set line color for the gas gap
+  gas_gap_vol->SetTransparency(70);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  //TGeoTranslation* gas_gap_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., (gdz+ggdz)/2.);
+  TGeoVolume* counter = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("counter");
+  counter->AddNode(pcb_vol, 0, pcb_trans0);
+  Int_t l = 0;
+  for (l = 0; l < ngaps + 1; l++) {
+    if (l % 2 == 0) {
+      if (l == 0) {
+        TGeoTranslation* glass_plate_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.5 * (pdz + gdz));
+        counter->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, l, glass_plate_trans);
+        TGeoTranslation* glass_plate_trans1 = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., -0.5 * (pdz + gdz));
+        counter->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, l + ngaps + 1, glass_plate_trans1);
+      }
+      else {
+        TGeoTranslation* glass_plate_trans =
+          new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.5 * (pdz + gdz) + l * (0.5 * (ggdz + gdz)));
+        counter->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, l, glass_plate_trans);
+        TGeoTranslation* glass_plate_trans1 =
+          new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., -0.5 * (pdz + gdz) - l * (0.5 * (ggdz + gdz)));
+        counter->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, l + ngaps + 1, glass_plate_trans1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      TGeoTranslation* gas_gap_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.5 * (pdz + gdz) + l * (0.5 * (ggdz + gdz)));
+      counter->AddNode(gas_gap_vol, l, gas_gap_trans);
+      TGeoTranslation* gas_gap_trans1 = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., -0.5 * (pdz + gdz) - l * (0.5 * (ggdz + gdz)));
+      counter->AddNode(gas_gap_vol, l + ngaps + 1, gas_gap_trans1);
+    }
+  }
+  TGeoTranslation* pcb_trans1 = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., (pdz + gdz) + (l - 1) * (0.5 * (ggdz + gdz)));
+  counter->AddNode(pcb_vol, l + ngaps + 1, pcb_trans1);
+  TGeoTranslation* pcb_trans2 = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., -(pdz + gdz) - (l - 1) * (0.5 * (ggdz + gdz)));
+  counter->AddNode(pcb_vol, l + ngaps + 1, pcb_trans2);
+  TGeoBBox* epcb       = new TGeoBBox("", dxe / 2., dye / 2., dze / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* epcb_vol = new TGeoVolume("epcb", epcb, electronicsVolMed);
+  epcb_vol->SetLineColor(kCyan);  // set line color for the electronic
+  epcb_vol->SetTransparency(10);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++) {
+    yele *= -1.;
+    TGeoTranslation* epcb_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., yele, 0.);
+    counter->AddNode(epcb_vol, l, epcb_trans);
+  }
+  return counter;
+TGeoVolume* create_counter_singlestack(Int_t modType)
+  //glass
+  Float_t gdx = Glass_X[modType];
+  Float_t gdy = Glass_Y[modType];
+  Float_t gdz = Glass_Z[modType];
+  //gas gap
+  Int_t nstrips = NumberOfReadoutStrips[modType];
+  Int_t ngaps   = NumberOfGaps[modType];
+  Float_t ggdx = GasGap_X[modType];
+  Float_t ggdy = GasGap_Y[modType];
+  Float_t ggdz = GasGap_Z[modType];
+  Float_t gsdx = ggdx / (Float_t)(nstrips);
+  // electronics
+  //pcb dimensions
+  Float_t dxe  = Electronics_X[modType];
+  Float_t dye  = Electronics_Y[modType];
+  Float_t dze  = Electronics_Z[modType];
+  Float_t yele = gdy / 2. + dye / 2.;
+  // counter size (calculate from glas, gap and electronics sizes)
+  Float_t cdx = TMath::Max(gdx, ggdx);
+  cdx         = TMath::Max(cdx, dxe) + 0.2;
+  Float_t cdy = TMath::Max(gdy, ggdy) + 2 * dye + 0.2;
+  Float_t cdz = ngaps * ggdz + (ngaps + 1) * gdz + 0.2;  // ngaps * (gdz+ggdz) + gdz + 0.2; // ok
+  //calculate thickness and first position in counter of single stack
+  Float_t dzpos         = gdz + ggdz;
+  Float_t startzposglas = -ngaps * (gdz + ggdz) / 2.;  // -cdz/2.+0.1+gdz/2.; // ok  // (-cdz+gdz)/2.; // not ok
+  Float_t startzposgas  = startzposglas + gdz / 2. + ggdz / 2.;  // -cdz/2.+0.1+gdz   +ggdz/2.;  // ok
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* glassPlateVolMed  = gGeoMan->GetMedium(GlasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* activeGasVolMed   = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ActivGasMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* electronicsVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(ElectronicsMedium);
+  // define counter volume
+  TGeoBBox* counter_box = new TGeoBBox("", cdx / 2., cdy / 2., cdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* counter   = new TGeoVolume("counter", counter_box, noActiveGasVolMed);
+  counter->SetLineColor(kCyan);  // set line color for the counter
+  counter->SetTransparency(70);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  // define single glass plate volume
+  TGeoBBox* glass_plate       = new TGeoBBox("", gdx / 2., gdy / 2., gdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* glass_plate_vol = new TGeoVolume("tof_glass", glass_plate, glassPlateVolMed);
+  glass_plate_vol->SetLineColor(kMagenta);  // set line color for the glass plate
+  glass_plate_vol->SetTransparency(20);     // set transparency for the TOF
+  // define single gas gap volume
+  TGeoBBox* gas_gap       = new TGeoBBox("", ggdx / 2., ggdy / 2., ggdz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* gas_gap_vol = new TGeoVolume("Gap", gas_gap, activeGasVolMed);
+  gas_gap_vol->Divide("Cell", 1, nstrips, -ggdx / 2., 0);
+  gas_gap_vol->SetLineColor(kRed);   // set line color for the gas gap
+  gas_gap_vol->SetTransparency(99);  // set transparency for the TOF
+  // place 8 gas gaps and 9 glas plates in the counter
+  for (Int_t igap = 0; igap <= ngaps; igap++) {
+    // place (ngaps+1) glass plates
+    Float_t zpos_glas                  = startzposglas + igap * dzpos;
+    TGeoTranslation* glass_plate_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., zpos_glas);
+    counter->AddNode(glass_plate_vol, igap, glass_plate_trans);
+    // place ngaps gas gaps
+    if (igap < ngaps) {
+      Float_t zpos_gas               = startzposgas + igap * dzpos;
+      TGeoTranslation* gas_gap_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., zpos_gas);
+      counter->AddNode(gas_gap_vol, igap, gas_gap_trans);
+    }
+    //    cout <<"Zpos(Glas): "<< zpos_glas << endl;
+    //    cout <<"Zpos(Gas): "<< zpos_gas << endl;
+  }
+  // create and place the electronics above and below the glas stack
+  TGeoBBox* pcb       = new TGeoBBox("", dxe / 2., dye / 2., dze / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* pcb_vol = new TGeoVolume("pcb", pcb, electronicsVolMed);
+  pcb_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // kCyan); // set line color for electronics
+  pcb_vol->SetTransparency(10);    // set transparency for the TOF
+  for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++) {
+    yele *= -1.;
+    TGeoTranslation* pcb_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., yele, 0.);
+    counter->AddNode(pcb_vol, l, pcb_trans);
+  }
+  return counter;
+TGeoVolume* create_new_tof_module(Int_t modType)
+  Float_t dx          = Module_Size_X[modType];
+  Float_t dy          = Module_Size_Y[modType];
+  Float_t dz          = Module_Size_Z[modType];
+  Float_t width_aluxl = Module_Thick_Alu_X_left;
+  Float_t width_aluxr = Module_Thick_Alu_X_right;
+  Float_t width_aluy  = Module_Thick_Alu_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluzf = Module_Thick_Alu_Z_front;
+  Float_t width_aluzb = Module_Thick_Alu_Z_back;
+  Float_t rotangle    = CounterRotationAngle[modType];
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed         = gGeoMan->GetMedium(BoxVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* noActiveGasVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(NoActivGasMedium);
+  TString moduleName = Form("module_%d", modType);
+  TGeoBBox* module_box = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* module   = new TGeoVolume(moduleName, module_box, boxVolMed);
+  module->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  module->SetTransparency(20);   // set transparency for the TOF
+  if (modType < 5) {
+    TGeoBBox* gas_box       = new TGeoBBox("", (dx - (width_aluxl + width_aluxr)) / 2., (dy - 2 * width_aluy) / 2.,
+                                     (dz - 2 * width_aluzf) / 2.);
+    TGeoVolume* gas_box_vol = new TGeoVolume("gas_box", gas_box, noActiveGasVolMed);
+    gas_box_vol->SetLineColor(kBlue);  // set line color for the alu box
+    gas_box_vol->SetTransparency(50);  // set transparency for the TOF
+    TGeoTranslation* gas_box_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", shift_gas_box_x, 0., 0.);
+    module->AddNode(gas_box_vol, 0, gas_box_trans);
+    for (Int_t j = 0; j < NCounterInModule[modType]; j++) {  //loop over counters (modules)
+      cout << j << "  " << modType << "  xPos " << xPosCou[modType][j] << "  yPos " << yPosCou[modType][j] << "  zPos "
+           << zPosCou[modType][j] << endl;
+      TGeoTranslation* counter_trans =
+        new TGeoTranslation("", xPosCou[modType][j], yPosCou[modType][j], zPosCou[modType][j]);
+      TGeoRotation* counter_rot = new TGeoRotation();
+      counter_rot->RotateY(rotangle);
+      TGeoCombiTrans* counter_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*counter_trans, *counter_rot);
+      gas_box_vol->AddNode(gCounter[CouType[modType][j]], j, counter_combi_trans);
+    }
+    cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
+  }
+  else {
+    TGeoBBox* gas_box       = new TGeoBBox("", (dx - 2 * width_aluxr) / 2., (dy - 2 * width_aluy) / 2.,
+                                     (dz + (width_aluzf - width_aluzb)) / 2.);
+    TGeoVolume* gas_box_vol = new TGeoVolume("gas_box", gas_box, noActiveGasVolMed);
+    gas_box_vol->SetLineColor(kBlue);  // set line color for the alu box
+    gas_box_vol->SetTransparency(50);  // set transparency for the TOF
+    TGeoTranslation* gas_box_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., -shift_gas_box_z);
+    module->AddNode(gas_box_vol, 0, gas_box_trans);
+    for (Int_t j = 0; j < NCounterInModule[modType]; j++) {  //loop over counters (modules)
+      cout << j << "  " << modType << "  xPos " << xPosCou[modType][j] << "  yPos " << yPosCou[modType][j] << "  zPos "
+           << zPosCou[modType][j] << endl;
+      TGeoTranslation* counter_trans =
+        new TGeoTranslation("", xPosCou[modType][j], yPosCou[modType][j], zPosCou[modType][j]);
+      TGeoRotation* counter_rot = new TGeoRotation();
+      counter_rot->RotateY(rotangle);
+      TGeoCombiTrans* counter_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*counter_trans, *counter_rot);
+      gas_box_vol->AddNode(gCounter[CouType[modType][j]], j, counter_combi_trans);
+    }
+    cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
+  }
+  return module;
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_pole()
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(PoleVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* airVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(KeepingVolumeMedium);
+  Float_t dx         = Pole_Size_X;
+  Float_t dy         = Pole_Size_Y;
+  Float_t dz         = Pole_Size_Z;
+  Float_t width_alux = Pole_Thick_X;
+  Float_t width_aluy = Pole_Thick_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz = Pole_Thick_Z;
+  TGeoVolume* pole         = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Pole");
+  TGeoBBox* pole_alu_box   = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* pole_alu_vol = new TGeoVolume("pole_alu", pole_alu_box, boxVolMed);
+  pole_alu_vol->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  //  pole_alu_vol->SetTransparency(20); // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* pole_alu_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  pole->AddNode(pole_alu_vol, 0, pole_alu_trans);
+  Float_t air_dx = dx / 2. - width_alux;
+  Float_t air_dy = dy / 2. - width_aluy;
+  Float_t air_dz = dz / 2. - width_aluz;
+  //  cout << "My pole." << endl;
+  if (air_dx <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole X, size: " << air_dx << endl;
+  if (air_dy <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole Y, size: " << air_dy << endl;
+  if (air_dz <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole Z, size: " << air_dz << endl;
+  if ((air_dx > 0.) && (air_dy > 0.) && (air_dz > 0.))  // crate air volume only, if larger than zero
+  {
+    TGeoBBox* pole_air_box = new TGeoBBox("", air_dx, air_dy, air_dz);
+    //  TGeoBBox* pole_air_box = new TGeoBBox("", dx/2.-width_alux, dy/2.-width_aluy, dz/2.-width_aluz);
+    TGeoVolume* pole_air_vol = new TGeoVolume("pole_air", pole_air_box, airVolMed);
+    pole_air_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // set line color for the alu box
+    pole_air_vol->SetTransparency(70);    // set transparency for the TOF
+    TGeoTranslation* pole_air_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+    pole_alu_vol->AddNode(pole_air_vol, 0, pole_air_trans);
+  }
+  else
+    cout << "Skipping pole_air_vol, no thickness: " << air_dx << " " << air_dy << " " << air_dz << endl;
+  return pole;
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_poleshort()
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(PoleVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* airVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(KeepingVolumeMedium);
+  Float_t dx         = Pole_Size_X;
+  Float_t dy         = PoleShort_Size_Y;
+  Float_t dz         = Pole_Size_Z;
+  Float_t width_alux = Pole_Thick_X;
+  Float_t width_aluy = Pole_Thick_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz = Pole_Thick_Z;
+  TGeoVolume* pole         = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("PoleShort");
+  TGeoBBox* pole_alu_box   = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* pole_alu_vol = new TGeoVolume("poleshort_alu", pole_alu_box, boxVolMed);
+  pole_alu_vol->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  //  pole_alu_vol->SetTransparency(20); // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* pole_alu_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  pole->AddNode(pole_alu_vol, 0, pole_alu_trans);
+  Float_t air_dx = dx / 2. - width_alux;
+  Float_t air_dy = dy / 2. - width_aluy;
+  Float_t air_dz = dz / 2. - width_aluz;
+  //  cout << "My pole." << endl;
+  if (air_dx <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole X, size: " << air_dx << endl;
+  if (air_dy <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole Y, size: " << air_dy << endl;
+  if (air_dz <= 0.) cout << "ERROR - No air volume in pole Z, size: " << air_dz << endl;
+  if ((air_dx > 0.) && (air_dy > 0.) && (air_dz > 0.))  // crate air volume only, if larger than zero
+  {
+    TGeoBBox* pole_air_box = new TGeoBBox("", air_dx, air_dy, air_dz);
+    //  TGeoBBox* pole_air_box = new TGeoBBox("", dx/2.-width_alux, dy/2.-width_aluy, dz/2.-width_aluz);
+    TGeoVolume* pole_air_vol = new TGeoVolume("poleshort_air", pole_air_box, airVolMed);
+    pole_air_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // set line color for the alu box
+    pole_air_vol->SetTransparency(70);    // set transparency for the TOF
+    TGeoTranslation* pole_air_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+    pole_alu_vol->AddNode(pole_air_vol, 0, pole_air_trans);
+  }
+  else
+    cout << "Skipping pole_air_vol, no thickness: " << air_dx << " " << air_dy << " " << air_dz << endl;
+  return pole;
+TGeoVolume* create_tof_bar(Float_t dx, Float_t dy, Float_t dz)
+  // needed materials
+  TGeoMedium* boxVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(PoleVolumeMedium);
+  TGeoMedium* airVolMed = gGeoMan->GetMedium(KeepingVolumeMedium);
+  Float_t width_alux = Pole_Thick_X;
+  Float_t width_aluy = Pole_Thick_Y;
+  Float_t width_aluz = Pole_Thick_Z;
+  TGeoVolume* bar         = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Bar");
+  TGeoBBox* bar_alu_box   = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2., dy / 2., dz / 2.);
+  TGeoVolume* bar_alu_vol = new TGeoVolume("bar_alu", bar_alu_box, boxVolMed);
+  bar_alu_vol->SetLineColor(kGreen);  // set line color for the alu box
+  //  bar_alu_vol->SetTransparency(20); // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* bar_alu_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  bar->AddNode(bar_alu_vol, 0, bar_alu_trans);
+  TGeoBBox* bar_air_box   = new TGeoBBox("", dx / 2. - width_alux, dy / 2. - width_aluy, dz / 2. - width_aluz);
+  TGeoVolume* bar_air_vol = new TGeoVolume("bar_air", bar_air_box, airVolMed);
+  bar_air_vol->SetLineColor(kYellow);  // set line color for the alu box
+  bar_air_vol->SetTransparency(70);    // set transparency for the TOF
+  TGeoTranslation* bar_air_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., 0., 0.);
+  bar_alu_vol->AddNode(bar_air_vol, 0, bar_air_trans);
+  return bar;
+void position_tof_poles(Int_t modType)
+  TGeoTranslation* pole_trans = NULL;
+  Int_t numPoles      = 0;
+  Int_t numPolesShort = 0;
+  for (Int_t i = 0; i < NumberOfPoles; i++) {
+    Float_t xPos = Pole_XPos[i];
+    Float_t zPos = Pole_ZPos[i];
+    if (TMath::Abs(xPos) > XLimInner) {
+      pole_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 0., zPos);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gPole, numPoles, pole_trans);
+      numPoles++;
+    }
+    else {  // position 2 short poles
+      // upper short poles
+      pole_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, Pole_Size_Y / 2. - PoleShort_Size_Y / 2., zPos);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gPoleShort, numPolesShort, pole_trans);
+      numPolesShort++;
+      // lower short poles
+      pole_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, PoleShort_Size_Y / 2. - Pole_Size_Y / 2., zPos);
+      gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gPoleShort, numPolesShort, pole_trans);
+      numPolesShort++;
+    }
+    //     cout << " Position Pole "<< numPoles<<" at z="<< Pole_ZPos[i] <<", x "<<Pole_XPos[i]<< endl;
+  }
+void position_tof_bars(Int_t modType)
+  TGeoTranslation* bar_trans = NULL;
+  Int_t numBars = 0;
+  Int_t i, j;
+  for (i = 0; i < NumberOfBars; i++) {
+    Float_t xPos = Bar_XPos[i];
+    Float_t zPos = Bar_ZPos[i];
+    Float_t yPos = Pole_Size_Y / 2. + Bar_Size_Y / 2.;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, -yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+  }
+  cout << " Position Bar " << numBars << " at z=" << Bar_ZPos[i] << endl;
+  // outer horizontal and vertical frame bars
+  NumberOfBars++;
+  i               = NumberOfBars;
+  gBar[i]         = create_tof_bar(Frame_XLen, Frame_Size_Y, Frame_Size_Y);  // Outer frame big bar along X
+  j               = i + 1;
+  gBar[j]         = create_tof_bar(Frame_Size_X, Frame_YLen, Frame_Size_Y);  // Outer frame big bar along Y
+  Float_t numBarY = 0;
+  numBars         = 0;
+  for (Float_t dZ = -1.; dZ < 2.; dZ += 2.) {
+    Float_t zPos = Frame_Pos_Z - dZ * (Bar_Size_Z / 2. - 10.);
+    Float_t yPos = Frame_YLen / 2. + Frame_Size_Y / 2;  // Make outer frame independent of the inner poles!!!!
+    // Outer Frame Top bar
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    // Outer Frame Bottom bar
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", 0., -yPos, zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gBar[i], numBars, bar_trans);
+    numBars++;
+    // Outer Frame Right bar
+    Float_t xPos = Frame_XLen / 2 - Frame_Size_Y / 2.;
+    bar_trans    = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, 0., zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gBar[j], numBarY, bar_trans);
+    numBarY++;
+    // Outer Frame Left bar
+    bar_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", -xPos, 0., zPos);
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gBar[j], numBarY, bar_trans);
+    numBarY++;
+  }
+void position_tof_modules()
+  TGeoTranslation* module_trans = NULL;
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot0     = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot0->RotateZ(0.);
+  TGeoRotation* module_rot1 = new TGeoRotation();
+  module_rot1->RotateZ(180.);
+  TGeoCombiTrans* module_combi_trans = NULL;
+  //  if(modType != 0) continue; // debugging
+  for (Int_t i = 0; i < MaxNofModules; i++) {
+    // for(Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) {
+    //if(i != 0) continue; // debugging
+    Float_t xPos = xPosMod[i];
+    Float_t yPos = yPosMod[i];
+    Float_t zPos = zPosMod[i] - 884.0 + TOF_Z_Front;
+    //cout<<"Place Mod Type "<<j<<" at x "<<xPos<<", y "<<yPos<<", z "<<zPos<<", Flip "<<FlipMod[j][i]<<endl;
+    module_trans = new TGeoTranslation("", xPos, yPos, zPos);
+    if (ModType[i] < 5 && xPosMod[i] < 0.0) { module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot1); }
+    else {
+      module_combi_trans = new TGeoCombiTrans(*module_trans, *module_rot0);
+    }
+    cout << i << "   ModType  " << ModType[i] << "  iMod:  " << iMod[ModType[i]] << endl;
+    gGeoMan->GetVolume(geoVersion)->AddNode(gModules[ModType[i]], iMod[ModType[i]], module_combi_trans);
+    iMod[ModType[i]]++;
+  }
+void dump_info_file()
+  TDatime datetime;  // used to get timestamp
+  printf("writing info file: %s\n", FileNameInfo.Data());
+  FILE* ifile;
+  ifile = fopen(FileNameInfo.Data(), "w");
+  if (ifile == NULL) {
+    printf("error opening %s\n", FileNameInfo.Data());
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  fprintf(ifile, "#\n##   %s information file\n#\n\n", geoVersion.Data());
+  fprintf(ifile, "# created %d\n\n", datetime.GetDate());
+  fprintf(ifile, "# TOF setup\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 450) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 100 hadron setup\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 600) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 100 electron\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 650) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 100 muon\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 880) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 300 electron\n");
+  if (TOF_Z_Front == 1020) fprintf(ifile, "SIS 300 muon\n");
+  fprintf(ifile, "\n");
+  const Float_t TOF_Z_Back = Wall_Z_Position + 176.5;  // back of TOF wall
+  fprintf(ifile, "# envelope\n");
+  // Show extension of TRD
+  fprintf(ifile, "%7.2f cm   start of TOF (z)\n", Wall_Z_Position - 10.);
+  fprintf(ifile, "%7.2f cm   end   of TOF (z)\n", TOF_Z_Back + 10.);
+  fprintf(ifile, "\n");
+  // Layer thickness
+  fprintf(ifile, "# central tower position\n");
+  fprintf(ifile, "%7.2f cm   center of staggered, front RPC cell at x=0\n", Wall_Z_Position);
+  fprintf(ifile, "\n");
+  fclose(ifile);
diff --git a/macro/tof/fair/ModulePosition_10m_v24a.dat b/macro/tof/fair/ModulePosition_10m_v24a.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a40727f55d411658c321a598413c24d9f6cd2402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/tof/fair/ModulePosition_10m_v24a.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#	ModType	X	Y	Z
+1	3	-408.2	75.0	944.7
+2	3	-423.2	51.0	957.7
+3	3	-408.2	25.0	944.7
+4	3	-423.2	0.0	957.7
+5	3	-408.2	-25.0	944.7
+6	3	-423.2	-51.0	957.7
+7	3	-408.2	-75.0	944.7
+8	3	-276.7	319.5	944.7
+9	3	-286.7	298.2	957.7
+10	3	-276.7	269.5	944.7
+11	3	-286.7	247.7	957.7
+12	3	-276.7	219.5	944.7
+13	3	-286.7	197.2	957.7
+14	3	-276.7	165.9	944.7
+15	3	-286.7	146.7	957.7
+16	3	-276.7	125.0	971.2
+17	3	-286.7	102.0	984.2
+18	3	-276.7	75.0	971.2
+19	3	-286.7	51.0	984.2
+20	3	-276.7	25.0	971.2
+21	3	-286.7	0.0	984.2
+22	3	-276.7	-25.0	971.2
+23	3	-286.7	-51.0	984.2
+24	3	-276.7	-75.0	971.2
+25	3	-286.7	-102.0	984.2
+26	3	-276.7	-125.0	971.2
+27	3	-286.7	-146.7	957.7
+28	3	-276.7	-165.9	944.7
+29	3	-286.7	-197.2	957.7
+30	3	-276.7	-219.5	944.7
+31	3	-286.7	-247.7	957.7
+32	3	-276.7	-269.5	944.7
+33	3	-286.7	-298.2	957.7
+34	3	-276.7	-319.5	944.7
+35	3	-141.7	325.0	971.2
+36	3	-146.7	303.8	984.2
+37	3	-141.7	275.0	971.2
+38	3	-146.7	253.3	984.2
+39	3	-141.7	225.0	971.2
+40	3	-146.7	202.8	984.2
+41	3	-141.7	175.0	971.2
+42	3	-146.7	152.3	984.2
+43	3	-146.7	-152.3	984.2
+44	3	-141.7	-175.0	971.2
+45	3	-146.7	-202.8	984.2
+46	3	-141.7	-225.0	971.2
+47	3	-146.7	-253.3	984.2
+48	3	-141.7	-275.0	971.2
+49	3	-146.7	-303.8	984.2
+50	3	-141.7	-325.0	971.2
+51	4	0	325.5	1000.0
+52	4	0	304.1	1013.0
+53	4	0	275.5	1000.0
+54	4	0	253.5	1013.0
+55	4	0	225.5	1000.0
+56	4	0	202.9	1013.0
+57	4	0	175.5	1000.0
+58	4	0	152.3	1013.0
+59	4	0	-152.3	1013.0
+60	4	0	-175.5	1000.0
+61	4	0	-202.9	1013.0
+62	4	0	-225.5	1000.0
+63	4	0	-253.5	1013.0
+64	4	0	-275.5	1000.0
+65	4	0	-304.1	1013.0
+66	4	0	-325.5	1000.0
+67	3	141.7	325.0	971.2
+68	3	146.7	303.8	984.2
+69	3	141.7	275.0	971.2
+70	3	146.7	253.3	984.2
+71	3	141.7	225.0	971.2
+72	3	146.7	202.8	984.2
+73	3	141.7	175.0	971.2
+74	3	146.7	152.3	984.2
+75	3	146.7	-152.3	984.2
+76	3	141.7	-175.0	971.2
+77	3	146.7	-202.8	984.2
+78	3	141.7	-225.0	971.2
+79	3	146.7	-253.3	984.2
+80	3	141.7	-275.0	971.2
+81	3	146.7	-303.8	984.2
+82	3	141.7	-325.0	971.2
+83	3	276.7	319.5	944.7
+84	3	286.7	298.2	957.7
+85	3	276.7	269.5	944.7
+86	3	286.7	247.7	957.7
+87	3	276.7	219.5	944.7
+88	3	286.7	197.2	957.7
+89	3	276.7	165.9	944.7
+90	3	286.7	146.7	957.7
+91	3	276.7	125.0	971.2
+92	3	286.7	102.0	984.2
+93	3	276.7	75.0	971.2
+94	3	286.7	51.0	984.2
+95	3	276.7	25.0	971.2
+96	3	286.7	0.0	984.2
+97	3	276.7	-25.0	971.2
+98	3	286.7	-51.0	984.2
+99	3	276.7	-75.0	971.2
+100	3	286.7	-102.0	984.2
+101	3	276.7	-125.0	971.2
+102	3	286.7	-146.7	957.7
+103	3	276.7	-165.9	944.7
+104	3	286.7	-197.2	957.7
+105	3	276.7	-219.5	944.7
+106	3	286.7	-247.7	957.7
+107	3	276.7	-269.5	944.7
+108	3	286.7	-298.2	957.7
+109	3	276.7	-319.5	944.7
+110	3	408.2	75.0	944.7
+111	3	423.2	51.0	957.7
+112	3	408.2	25.0	944.7
+113	3	423.2	0.0	957.7
+114	3	408.2	-25.0	944.7
+115	3	423.2	-51.0	957.7
+116	3	408.2	-75.0	944.7
+117	5	-109.05	0.0	1011
+118	6	-172.15	89.6	1050.4
+119	7	-71.7	89.4	1030.7
+120	8	0.0	89.4	1050.4
+121	7	71.7	89.4	1030.7
+122	9	172.15	89.6	1050.4
+123	10	149.05	0.0	1011
+124	11	172.15	-89.6	1050.4
+125	12	71.7	-89.6	1030.7
+126	13	0.0	-89.4	1050.4
+127	12	-71.15	-87.85	1030.7
+128	14	-172.15	-89.6	1050.4
diff --git a/setup/setup_sis100_cfv.C b/setup/setup_sis100_cfv.C
index bb0b4be5a30ed3ea219bd859a7c978dc96aaad38..d58af2db4231d01ef89572f983f02147d68603ce 100644
--- a/setup/setup_sis100_cfv.C
+++ b/setup/setup_sis100_cfv.C
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ void setup_sis100_cfv()
   TString stsGeoTag       = "v22d";
   TString richGeoTag      = "v23a";
   TString trdGeoTag       = "v23a_1e"; // CFV TRD 1D (reduced acceptance)
-  TString tofGeoTag       = "v21a_1e";
+  TString tofGeoTag       = "v24a";
   TString fsdGeoTag       = "v25i"; 
   TString psdGeoTag       = "v23a";  
   TString platGeoTag      = "v22b";
diff --git a/tof/tof_v24a.geo.info b/tof/tof_v24a.geo.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb0259ba39b4596cda87cb781c459c45dcb051a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tof/tof_v24a.geo.info
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+##   tof_v24a information file
+# created 20241216
+# TOF setup
+SIS 100 electron
+# envelope
+ 706.00 cm   start of TOF (z)
+ 902.50 cm   end   of TOF (z)
+# central tower position
+ 716.00 cm   center of staggered, front RPC cell at x=0
diff --git a/tof/tof_v24a.geo.root b/tof/tof_v24a.geo.root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc4080675322d9c83689ab9eefdee1eb51e3cbac
Binary files /dev/null and b/tof/tof_v24a.geo.root differ